The Goderich Star, 1920-07-15, Page 2PA 7fwo Litt.&. :.. i$ :n ).rite (mwi.t'retat t av !!or 2 FIR � tmwR vl•,A" Otie.A which ttpecial streaas Swwmem (auto, CQlTRE !H LIVE STACK , y r; 171"eMUrID tire net%,PS is-). Auother taetho of presmlgg drying 3 MIMS a tt :9N•� :'I've. vc,getebles Is by til epcetAl ovens, ° This drying peorccn extracts rl:► Is t i4�'� ' ,.ta',rfri S l.atc«- .i 1 L"�*v r \S':t t. e Ism tti oL't L".- fir Litt.&. :.. i$ :n ).rite (mwi.t'retat t av !!or 2 FIR � tmwR vl•,A" Otie.A which ttpecial streaas Swwmem (auto, CQlTRE !H LIVE STACK claves) that can withtfulati >ternal P MIT.; - 171"eMUrID tire net%,PS is-). Auother taetho of presmlgg drying 3 MIMS a tt :9N•� :'I've. vc,getebles Is by til epcetAl ovens, ° This drying peorccn extracts rl:► Is t i4�'� ' ,.ta',rfri S l.atc«- suMetent wallituie from t)ho Vogt- L"�*v r \S':t t. tables to prevent the bacterta preof at Ism tti oL't L".- fir from having the power to iputtiply wt ia,,,t uk, ti t i • r, r v, unless tho materials shudId yet molest t;.• .,,u tr?• L.,, 1. - -w r. before befog used. if Outilcient mals- '1'1,. •. do ti( t . , ou: , .r isystent Lure is DOL extracted, or abuuld the or l'.• t,• ,,-a*e tiv C i t list r. dried Waterials get niolst ,luring' star- 'i' 1 tldt n kl.d c.fl' • ' 9t !' , ago, thou decay or rot will rapidly tv.th,lt a Lvnp-t 4,r I,a fi. develop, Irs the bacteria are not killed If you ant troubl. d r, tit c u Etiputien In the drying procesa and only re- or b"Uuuwt,ta�. it t art d r t r.v riot) .v ti; Quire moisture] to enable them to de- aich hr&dxrlr,v. if you: t Lit.,' ,y ": exi, velop. your Gnat)) b til, v Jur cumplraiou Such fruits as strawberries, rasp- berries, plums. peaches, tiurrants. naiddy, yn'ir (,v-.- XV, R r un your Dv, r tr th ► f( is ds ?- a IA '�l Ili a blueberries, etc-, which are soft, can- L;LtI 1� v<r Y'lls. not be kept any length of ante with- Airs. IlaJy Ala%kte, Or R*<;, tint, wr t:es! out fermenting or molding unless "1 dps re, to r spr.'sa wy thuaks for the they are eattned. rrl'rf I have h:ad 1JY t 4?t ll.il+urrr's L'ix+-I•ivcr I'ilx 1 hid beta s,r:fcr:ng The canning process In simply for for timf', frto„ the purpose of ktrling all mold spares some cursttn:ttiou an,"I bail ht hd4ches. 1 if ed I aorta and yeast cells that are on the fruit and preventing others getting on un- ,. of eu:`rs which d•d not tin ptutl Lntd I til the material is to be used. was udv stud to try your 1 Ila. I �a,t -tit n•1 cf after tali ng � 111 a lc* Canning It tilts lit not 00 LAt Lcult as canning vegotatle$ beCUUse ,t is eas- 3 i'r'.ce ?,,c, a vial at Ji dt..t,rs or Per to kill yeatsts and tt,t!,.s Which uhailod duvet oar tm,pt of prim, Ly The affect fruits than it is to knit G.cterla T Milburn C.., Lui:trd, Tsrtmice, Chit, that affect vegetables. Suggested --Summer Dalry Hints. pr A s) rule of sugar and water sweet-OITRE, or Bronchocele, is an illsft Preparatory to Ckaning tined to taste is then tilled into seal- enlarged condition of the ltleacrtbed---D !n Methods and ers so as to completely cover the g fruit. The tops, rubbers i:ad rinks thyroid gland, which consists the Cold Pack Also Described. are put on but not screwed down of two lobes situated one on (CautrlbuteA by Ontario Department of tightly. Thr sealers are teen placed each aide of the windpipe In the re- Agrlculture. Toronto.) to a ballet, cotitalnln,rycold water air(- gion of the throat, and connected by ticient to reach tbit-e-fourths up the �T is a universally known fact sealtra and this is brought to it ball an lattimus, Animals of the different that foods not properly preserved and kept boiling for h..if an hour" classes, of all ages, are liable to this will spoil. They will ferment, de- The sealers are then retuoved and the condition, but we apish to discuss the tops strewed down tightly at once, caY. putrefy or become moldy. whorl cooled, store away.—Prof• trouble when appearing at, or shortly These ebangeu are brought about by U. H! Jones, t). A. College, Guelph. after, birth. the development of bacteria, yeasts Each of the said lobes Its ovoid, anti molds on or in the food. If these Feed Plenty to Hens, and consists of minute vesicles sur- eticro-argantsms can be prevented Feed plenty of the feeds you have rounded by a pigxus of minute blood from growing on or 1n the food it on hand• liens prefer rolled Oats and g g vessels. The gland has no duct, but will not spoil. Therefore, the quer- barley to .whole gralu. A ration of Is plentifully supplied with blood tn tio„ot food preservation resolves it- one-third each tit oats, barley and crack, -uck:d corn gives first-clttfis results. vessels, and secretes an albuminous oelt into the problem .of preventing supply plenty of tender green feed, flgid, which becomes absorbed. The these bacteria, yeasts and molds from sande and clean drink. Nater should function of this gland Is not well or multiplying on or In the bu given in abundance and roust growing p ilviays be clean and frt•sh. Hurnyard understood. The lobes can be felt in foods, This is done In various ways a•at:r to extremely bad, sour skint-, an animal of any age by careful according to the nature of the food iuilk is excellent, manipulation, and, as stated, are Zi- to be preserved, his to become enlarged (either one In the preservation of such vege- A Pouprrw Iledivior•.- 'no hc,tlinp propertitl, in six 4- wllti:.l t11 1 s ,arc or both lobes) at any age. In some tables An green peas, beans, asparagus eonrentraled In , t,'r>' hnitit• elf lar• cases, especially in 14mbs and calves, and green corn, cooking and sealing Thonrav' Fel,rtrw ,tit, c,-mirm out tit It is of abnormal site at birth, This are necessary. These are green and th„ n"t ra n, title) 111011 •nts curt of. is more frequently noticed in samba juicy, and if stored In the fresh can fared to the it*,, or umn. 'I,ij ndr dltlon they will either wilt or far oan testify iks to its Deft, r in I ilyinv than in any other class of stock, and meat and rot. This fermentation and Imin, and many tllut>»wtnds more can sometimes the enlargement is so ra•r•ilr) thal th "s ,m, their Iwillth I„ ft rotting is due to the development of great that respiration id interfered the bacteria which are present on the IIsi vt'undcrfui p, tt,•r is net ,•t{n t' .,d - ' iia. its vhc{rt•nosv with, the young animal la weak and vegetables. There will be sufficient unthrifty and not Infrequently dies. moisture present !n the mass to en- able the bacteria to multiply and feed �- It is worthy of note that in foetal �a9 the matertal and thus induce thelife the gland Is quite large, but nor - rot t v, 5u � .•; mally becomes reduced betore birth., 80 In order to preserve such vege- % +` i ,atA��. The cause of enlargement is not G+, � well understood. Some claim that the tables in the fresh condition the bac- condition in the young animal is the terla present have to be all :;filed and all other bacteria prevented front got- result of insufficient nourishment for the dam uduring the period of gesta- se on the material untild, In order to accomplish l[sh this Is to be tion. Others claim that it is caused use the process of canning In -•esorted to, biv the pregnant animal consuming Tv get satisfactory results from can- water too highly impregnated with auto? riegetables it is necessary to lime, halve! gymptoms--The symptoms cannot +► 4sit. Good sound healthy vegetables, steadily be mistaken. Either or both fad. Good clean sealers with tight- lobes are enlarged, sometimes at tatting tops and good rubbers, birth and sometimes not until a var- Srd. Wasb the vegetables and fill table time atter birth. It both lobes into the sealers, are enlarged a well -marked. movable with water e&ited to lump will be noticed at each side of t�V!over ;w , ,eyt"-00or,t.• the throat, there not appearing to be $th. Put on the tops and leave any conneption between the two, but slightly loose, appearing,- both to sight and manipu- dth. Platte sealers in a steamer or lation, as two separate amps. It but bolter half filled with cold water and one lobe be enlarged, o course one ,fit to the boiling point for halt hn side appears normal. These enlarge - hour, agents are not sore to the touch, and 7th. Remove sealers from boiler or . In most cases do not apparently inter- ateal ier and tighten down the tope. fere with the health of the animal, ith. After 24 hours loosen the tops but in some cases, especially to and return to the boiler or steamer 14bo tbW Interfere with respiration wad Rlve another halt hour's nailing. 9611 strength'. 9th. Regent this process atter an- T"jitmenl---In many cases treat- otber 24 hours. Then tighten down ment is not necessary, as the glandp elite tops and place away, gradually become reduced without it. This treatment should destroy all but treatment lei wise to other cases. -store-organisms present, and It the and in all cases hastens reduction. it top is h4rine ��t) y iler)tled qQ others consists in rubbing well once daily sesta gei 3i `un�l!i is opened. t with an ointment made of 2 drams Another method of atflrliftu It to each at Iodide of potassium and iodine 4*" one boiling to the filled sealers FOR THE TENNIS GIRL —A flavor. mixed with 2 oz. vaseline, or other far three to tour hours. This, how- stick tennly Costume. C,en.;J. r tit Ointment or liquid containing, a large st"r, •cannot be depended on to give : phhlled skirl of oran>;,• psi-sy w0low percintage of iodine or aria of its as tatisfactory results as the above ' erep.. meteor ace nupattled b.a Tux- compounds.—Dr, J. 9. Reed, O. A. Atiothermethad i9 to heat in steam ado Boat of rieluxknit. \tarjiurlr tlate- College, Guelph. tsllttier` i6jbll�Dreywtrra •h* ttalrty �- roil Is the eturrming n u+lel. ry'I,n use n( SIiI1Cr'y Worm Powders -- Insures imallhy children so far ars the 11i littt�IWill fltaltll(j"i�tt11t1�11�1�111111{, aiinwnts attributable to is are „+1 11llIR RHl MIIti Ilt[llllhu i illiO {i 1 [lltt� dnnceriled. htgti mortality t3• -among - children la trReeable to worms, There OrtoAS �' S 6 ET GARAGE � the the strength to of intents rho that 3 they am untrble to maintain the battle for life and succumb to weaknesA. /� �r�}} j�e�s�j nifty •�- This preparation give ,prontlse of If v6u w L a nklu, nifty Cililxr = health and kappa it. l as t 'One `that You will be •gaud to drive, get A MICKIE SAYS -,. Gra , w 0r Wt Ws»at ss is 4pOa, t t710Nrt Nt'srib 'Tq ttt)V6Rt\4+f wt�u., +)+low rttitt,}�; wwttt�t Accessories of all kinds Oils and grease nt the right l.tieei� °tittirl3 sa:tttat A rt lelr�bt Fresh stock of Coiun bis Dry: --- - tJollrz• "•" y F NaQO'N\! W411f113C(►ylK'M\t'iRv �,. We nitre roil lint•,) n t ..1 ti!;at:.k of tW�tMt1'Nillt! h� 4 ,o Dotniniou, ijivitt...t i.. A J.. (trd 8 ���►� � � - Tires and TuWs- , t All kinds of Nt, Mr W. tit prat\1ptly otteaded to atad Geniis' 9 taletion guaraote". T116, re114ble %,"CAL Mey Cies ata) sold Item, anti +rte a a full tine of �l D +c alms and 0 Ford Pam , 0I1r0 UA a,, trial ma stntat'1' tlo to **sin` . F. HOLLAX6� " 4A*". U + t t t t ' ttltt'i rt;rl{ : ret k , e w. -.•-:-K-wm....«w..wQ-...e.w.xs.---.d.r..w ...,Ny nm .r<,..---•- -'.., ...r. Cultivation of t so U Crops. � The Hod Crm;,s Its Oiat .rlo n>ee made up pri ietDally of corn, ilsAni , j� RA Oes, turnip,&, Mngela, nand cos- M --a 9rots. T)rtse t•ropts occupy fully one� " sztillion acres annually. During the MUTED�� • °E Mist h9s yecasxs, ilio hat firers for l !) Olt #r corn has lgerepsCtl, that tl�tj for, !!rr!! i� • l 111191 �+� �� , roots ti:3s tIeerea lup' and ctie- for pa- i Grand Opu ty1 1tutoFs has renitiltArd ptactica;(ly t11efj same with eicaption of sonrtl vMria,- ! ��Jr e tions tit inreatcral yQerre p,p� tar aMe All the root creep Vera referred to; � #.�i1W �,✓ do well after sod, 4spect4ily after ° clover. 1. in generan8,814, y well to have %- 4 , OF the IaAd ploughed In the early aut- umn. If manure is avallable, the laird JULY Mt. 1020, $ could be worked, befpro winter, aft. nured And placed In narrow rldg4IT - about thirty tnchetr apart. This enrl - ii,bles tine frost to work qtr the sob- 'you Will Aeeti a felts Items in ° JK -., soil between the ridges, and preserves t o 1 -- the fertility to the ridges themselves. Tillwareand Titre Goode. ( ' .Rud Prepared In titre way works Get bete on tiftteon-pur OPEN - splendidly ter She spring erten brought t u' into cultivation. in. the case of po- I'NG DAY and share JA rite won' + M 'Vile )hive, is large supply of tatoes, it Is touch bbuer to manure itiertthl bat'llalnaf} we Shall offer to + '•~��� � ", 1 In the autumn a1lan In the spring. our j �+� J: Tres on b au(, all makes. and Its ter fregV, fitly recommended I Cl lca" to manure, even for the ed a previoelopm u9• i F it's a spark plu Goodyear In order to prevent the develophtetzt TINWARE and W,iREGQdDS � tuh�e•=•oil--�re of eta large stctraunt of scab on the �s tubers. Farmyard •-manure for the DIPTS' aaY 1ijRd *the }t s a t4ett► Hood Crops can often be supplement -Pell lear• � ed to advantage by a limited use of We �)!re etiuitwed Nulop commercial t rtZ#4%ers, The t ferti- suppolY,> your needs at lize„�*4$.ve given DarticulwLv coed results to connection with co -opera- t at- jt�r txs. v one of the most int. Dominion .portant fsctots in the , k karjeffiients.c rrerallonof your Royal Oak )Car is.fx)rrect lubricatfan. aL We have the three ry Oradea of Imperial Polar. Goodrich dlricb s: * uta, and the JChact. 9 tions .yttf" 11 scon > e Maltese Cross make of car. I.et us s ow jj you the chart and explain t 1 the Importance of gettinggtandalyd the ri t gracje of Im eriai 1 e kwetti► tial° Buy in Kelf"y-Springfield 5-$Ilo� Guaranteed for x500 to Lots t 7000 miles. ertcrtmenta throughout Ontario tcithln reach of all. with potatoes, mangels, and turnips. IO>i�O01O0e The application of 160 pounds of ul- O A «; urate of sr%da per acre increased the p r ern mangel crop abort six tons per acre ACETYLENE WELDING per ar,nr,r.� in average of five years' '<. bast. A pt'lato fertillzar made lip in and ALL KINDS OF st. the proportion f weight of seven Repair l Machine Work partatof nitrate of soda, sixteen parts of superphosphate, And nine parts of mu.•iate of Potash. has _given econo- ' O DONE BY 0 mical results where It Is used df the it THE DOTY ENGINEERING WORKS 0 K'ELC.OltG 111031E WATER CARNi\'AL FOR 41\'IIF6IitiG CH+31P10.— rate of 320, 640, or 960 pounds per 'A AT THE DOCK, OODERICN O Bliss F.thelda BlObtrey and Nlias Charlotte Boyle, In whose honor' a seater acre.—Dr. C. A. Lavitz, O. A. College, carnkal was held at the Manhatten Belch Bath., X. 1'. Th- carnival was b;i Guelph. Farmers and others havilig brok- way of wteleorning hurne the svvimnilnk ehaneps tvhn have rf•cently returned en castings can have same re• trout If-maii. Fr(ak earn,•,, high divingan] s\\jimning contents were en- Corns cripple the. feet and make.! Paired good as new on short no- juyrd. Boyle anti Miss Blelbtrcy will I•r,dtahly compety in the Ulynipie walking a torture, yet sure reliefin Lice at moder•at� cost, the shape of Nolluway's Oorn Cure i9 r tri - _V ODOM Mu"TORIZING THE-FARM THE ho:Ee has been declared by Thomas Edison to be the most inefficient }} �,/� h�i, These fruits, may be cooked in a fruit hot dlr.t kettle, sugar added try, -tyle, an4 the ki-ttle into CQlTRE !H LIVE STACK eThe average teen;! of farm horses costs $4W, 'a with homes. If you have a heavy load and the good seceef double harress $100, a wagon withoLt � I►�I�nf making box $115, a total of $615. you,twelve hours, the cost at 17.4 cents an hour for A Ford Truck costs 1750 at Ford Ont. A Fordson 'Tractor costs $8b0 �t Dearborn 1V�ich. your team would be$2.09. The average cost of run- ning a Ford Truck, for gas and oil is 4 cents a mile � -But 'The initial cont of motorizing' a' fam is slightly rtl,a. Ltai.�• sterilized sealero ieut,oved dliect from _ The truck enables you to make three times as many cost of operation and upkeep of the tractor and truck trips and at a lower cost- per trip. the hor:ed the �o t�c,f t` ter enrunning. of work dune easily put Telephone Cali it scalding water Tho covers, rings and can get up an hour later in the morning. You have iioo horses to feed, groom or harness. You start work of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents ptr wotking hour. ---- rubbers sh(auid be put on at once df- All Classes More or begs liable in a ten-hour duy..„ At 8.7 cents per hour or 17.4 n THUWSDAY. XLN' 151h, 10:0, rata from scalding water and screwed and rest tiII it is time to go to work again. or 87 cents annerc, A Fordson Tractor Vows on an average of seven acres a day. The cost per acre In the afternoon your motor works just as well though down tigh'ly, - to This Trouble. * Atld at night when work is over you are through for RR !T !VN j/y� o� You,are always free to leave your farts for picnic or �/�/ �oVD vacation—no wo1;I'y about horses left behind to, be Another %uy to preserve such fruits is by Me eolti pack method. In The tXtgae of Goitre Not Yet Well sb RrSEstYtfl i means shorter hours on the f ;ern, more work done in less time and at less cost. it is tuetbod the fruits are not cooked before putting into the sealer. Sound Understood—Simple Treatment Is bull not ov -ripe should be used. Suggested --Summer Dalry Hints. Essentials in Saving Vegetables This is picker, over and filled directly s and Fruits. Into clean sealers. Slone frust should (Contributell b7 Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) to pitted. pr A s) rule of sugar and water sweet-OITRE, or Bronchocele, is an illsft Preparatory to Ckaning tined to taste is then tilled into seal- enlarged condition of the ltleacrtbed---D !n Methods and ers so as to completely cover the g fruit. The tops, rubbers i:ad rinks thyroid gland, which consists the Cold Pack Also Described. are put on but not screwed down of two lobes situated one on (CautrlbuteA by Ontario Department of tightly. Thr sealers are teen placed each aide of the windpipe In the re- Agrlculture. Toronto.) to a ballet, cotitalnln,rycold water air(- gion of the throat, and connected by ticient to reach tbit-e-fourths up the �T is a universally known fact sealtra and this is brought to it ball an lattimus, Animals of the different that foods not properly preserved and kept boiling for h..if an hour" classes, of all ages, are liable to this will spoil. They will ferment, de- The sealers are then retuoved and the condition, but we apish to discuss the tops strewed down tightly at once, caY. putrefy or become moldy. whorl cooled, store away.—Prof• trouble when appearing at, or shortly These ebangeu are brought about by U. H! Jones, t). A. College, Guelph. after, birth. the development of bacteria, yeasts Each of the said lobes Its ovoid, anti molds on or in the food. If these Feed Plenty to Hens, and consists of minute vesicles sur- eticro-argantsms can be prevented Feed plenty of the feeds you have rounded by a pigxus of minute blood from growing on or 1n the food it on hand• liens prefer rolled Oats and g g vessels. The gland has no duct, but will not spoil. Therefore, the quer- barley to .whole gralu. A ration of Is plentifully supplied with blood tn tio„ot food preservation resolves it- one-third each tit oats, barley and crack, -uck:d corn gives first-clttfis results. vessels, and secretes an albuminous oelt into the problem .of preventing supply plenty of tender green feed, flgid, which becomes absorbed. The these bacteria, yeasts and molds from sande and clean drink. Nater should function of this gland Is not well or multiplying on or In the bu given in abundance and roust growing p ilviays be clean and frt•sh. Hurnyard understood. The lobes can be felt in foods, This is done In various ways a•at:r to extremely bad, sour skint-, an animal of any age by careful according to the nature of the food iuilk is excellent, manipulation, and, as stated, are Zi- to be preserved, his to become enlarged (either one In the preservation of such vege- A Pouprrw Iledivior•.- 'no hc,tlinp propertitl, in six 4- wllti:.l t11 1 s ,arc or both lobes) at any age. In some tables An green peas, beans, asparagus eonrentraled In , t,'r>' hnitit• elf lar• cases, especially in 14mbs and calves, and green corn, cooking and sealing Thonrav' Fel,rtrw ,tit, c,-mirm out tit It is of abnormal site at birth, This are necessary. These are green and th„ n"t ra n, title) 111011 •nts curt of. is more frequently noticed in samba juicy, and if stored In the fresh can fared to the it*,, or umn. 'I,ij ndr dltlon they will either wilt or far oan testify iks to its Deft, r in I ilyinv than in any other class of stock, and meat and rot. This fermentation and Imin, and many tllut>»wtnds more can sometimes the enlargement is so ra•r•ilr) thal th "s ,m, their Iwillth I„ ft rotting is due to the development of great that respiration id interfered the bacteria which are present on the IIsi vt'undcrfui p, tt,•r is net ,•t{n t' .,d - ' iia. its vhc{rt•nosv with, the young animal la weak and vegetables. There will be sufficient unthrifty and not Infrequently dies. moisture present !n the mass to en- able the bacteria to multiply and feed �- It is worthy of note that in foetal �a9 the matertal and thus induce thelife the gland Is quite large, but nor - rot t v, 5u � .•; mally becomes reduced betore birth., 80 In order to preserve such vege- % +` i ,atA��. The cause of enlargement is not G+, � well understood. Some claim that the tables in the fresh condition the bac- condition in the young animal is the terla present have to be all :;filed and all other bacteria prevented front got- result of insufficient nourishment for the dam uduring the period of gesta- se on the material untild, In order to accomplish l[sh this Is to be tion. Others claim that it is caused use the process of canning In -•esorted to, biv the pregnant animal consuming Tv get satisfactory results from can- water too highly impregnated with auto? riegetables it is necessary to lime, halve! gymptoms--The symptoms cannot +► 4sit. Good sound healthy vegetables, steadily be mistaken. Either or both fad. Good clean sealers with tight- lobes are enlarged, sometimes at tatting tops and good rubbers, birth and sometimes not until a var- Srd. Wasb the vegetables and fill table time atter birth. It both lobes into the sealers, are enlarged a well -marked. movable with water e&ited to lump will be noticed at each side of t�V!over ;w , ,eyt"-00or,t.• the throat, there not appearing to be $th. Put on the tops and leave any conneption between the two, but slightly loose, appearing,- both to sight and manipu- dth. Platte sealers in a steamer or lation, as two separate amps. It but bolter half filled with cold water and one lobe be enlarged, o course one ,fit to the boiling point for halt hn side appears normal. These enlarge - hour, agents are not sore to the touch, and 7th. Remove sealers from boiler or . In most cases do not apparently inter- ateal ier and tighten down the tope. fere with the health of the animal, ith. After 24 hours loosen the tops but in some cases, especially to and return to the boiler or steamer 14bo tbW Interfere with respiration wad Rlve another halt hour's nailing. 9611 strength'. 9th. Regent this process atter an- T"jitmenl---In many cases treat- otber 24 hours. Then tighten down ment is not necessary, as the glandp elite tops and place away, gradually become reduced without it. This treatment should destroy all but treatment lei wise to other cases. -store-organisms present, and It the and in all cases hastens reduction. it top is h4rine ��t) y iler)tled qQ others consists in rubbing well once daily sesta gei 3i `un�l!i is opened. t with an ointment made of 2 drams Another method of atflrliftu It to each at Iodide of potassium and iodine 4*" one boiling to the filled sealers FOR THE TENNIS GIRL —A flavor. mixed with 2 oz. vaseline, or other far three to tour hours. This, how- stick tennly Costume. C,en.;J. r tit Ointment or liquid containing, a large st"r, •cannot be depended on to give : phhlled skirl of oran>;,• psi-sy w0low percintage of iodine or aria of its as tatisfactory results as the above ' erep.. meteor ace nupattled b.a Tux- compounds.—Dr, J. 9. Reed, O. A. Atiothermethad i9 to heat in steam ado Boat of rieluxknit. \tarjiurlr tlate- College, Guelph. tsllttier` i6jbll�Dreywtrra •h* ttalrty �- roil Is the eturrming n u+lel. ry'I,n use n( SIiI1Cr'y Worm Powders -- Insures imallhy children so far ars the 11i littt�IWill fltaltll(j"i�tt11t1�11�1�111111{, aiinwnts attributable to is are „+1 11llIR RHl MIIti Ilt[llllhu i illiO {i 1 [lltt� dnnceriled. htgti mortality t3• -among - children la trReeable to worms, There OrtoAS �' S 6 ET GARAGE � the the strength to of intents rho that 3 they am untrble to maintain the battle for life and succumb to weaknesA. /� �r�}} j�e�s�j nifty •�- This preparation give ,prontlse of If v6u w L a nklu, nifty Cililxr = health and kappa it. l as t 'One `that You will be •gaud to drive, get A MICKIE SAYS -,. Gra , w 0r Wt Ws»at ss is 4pOa, t t710Nrt Nt'srib 'Tq ttt)V6Rt\4+f wt�u., +)+low rttitt,}�; wwttt�t Accessories of all kinds Oils and grease nt the right l.tieei� °tittirl3 sa:tttat A rt lelr�bt Fresh stock of Coiun bis Dry: --- - tJollrz• "•" y F NaQO'N\! W411f113C(►ylK'M\t'iRv �,. We nitre roil lint•,) n t ..1 ti!;at:.k of tW�tMt1'Nillt! h� 4 ,o Dotniniou, ijivitt...t i.. A J.. (trd 8 ���►� � � - Tires and TuWs- , t All kinds of Nt, Mr W. tit prat\1ptly otteaded to atad Geniis' 9 taletion guaraote". T116, re114ble %,"CAL Mey Cies ata) sold Item, anti +rte a a full tine of �l D +c alms and 0 Ford Pam , 0I1r0 UA a,, trial ma stntat'1' tlo to **sin` . F. HOLLAX6� " 4A*". U + t t t t ' ttltt'i rt;rl{ : ret k , e w. -.•-:-K-wm....«w..wQ-...e.w.xs.---.d.r..w ...,Ny nm .r<,..---•- -'.., ...r. Cultivation of t so U Crops. � The Hod Crm;,s Its Oiat .rlo n>ee made up pri ietDally of corn, ilsAni , j� RA Oes, turnip,&, Mngela, nand cos- M --a 9rots. T)rtse t•ropts occupy fully one� " sztillion acres annually. During the MUTED�� • °E Mist h9s yecasxs, ilio hat firers for l !) Olt #r corn has lgerepsCtl, that tl�tj for, !!rr!! i� • l 111191 �+� �� , roots ti:3s tIeerea lup' and ctie- for pa- i Grand Opu ty1 1tutoFs has renitiltArd ptactica;(ly t11efj same with eicaption of sonrtl vMria,- ! ��Jr e tions tit inreatcral yQerre p,p� tar aMe All the root creep Vera referred to; � #.�i1W �,✓ do well after sod, 4spect4ily after ° clover. 1. in generan8,814, y well to have %- 4 , OF the IaAd ploughed In the early aut- umn. If manure is avallable, the laird JULY Mt. 1020, $ could be worked, befpro winter, aft. nured And placed In narrow rldg4IT - about thirty tnchetr apart. This enrl - ii,bles tine frost to work qtr the sob- 'you Will Aeeti a felts Items in ° JK -., soil between the ridges, and preserves t o 1 -- the fertility to the ridges themselves. Tillwareand Titre Goode. ( ' .Rud Prepared In titre way works Get bete on tiftteon-pur OPEN - splendidly ter She spring erten brought t u' into cultivation. in. the case of po- I'NG DAY and share JA rite won' + M 'Vile )hive, is large supply of tatoes, it Is touch bbuer to manure itiertthl bat'llalnaf} we Shall offer to + '•~��� � ", 1 In the autumn a1lan In the spring. our j �+� J: Tres on b au(, all makes. and Its ter fregV, fitly recommended I Cl lca" to manure, even for the ed a previoelopm u9• i F it's a spark plu Goodyear In order to prevent the develophtetzt TINWARE and W,iREGQdDS � tuh�e•=•oil--�re of eta large stctraunt of scab on the �s tubers. Farmyard •-manure for the DIPTS' aaY 1ijRd *the }t s a t4ett► Hood Crops can often be supplement -Pell lear• � ed to advantage by a limited use of We �)!re etiuitwed Nulop commercial t rtZ#4%ers, The t ferti- suppolY,> your needs at lize„�*4$.ve given DarticulwLv coed results to connection with co -opera- t at- jt�r txs. v one of the most int. Dominion .portant fsctots in the , k karjeffiients.c rrerallonof your Royal Oak )Car is.fx)rrect lubricatfan. aL We have the three ry Oradea of Imperial Polar. Goodrich dlricb s: * uta, and the JChact. 9 tions .yttf" 11 scon > e Maltese Cross make of car. I.et us s ow jj you the chart and explain t 1 the Importance of gettinggtandalyd the ri t gracje of Im eriai 1 e kwetti► tial° Buy in Kelf"y-Springfield 5-$Ilo� Guaranteed for x500 to Lots t 7000 miles. ertcrtmenta throughout Ontario tcithln reach of all. with potatoes, mangels, and turnips. IO>i�O01O0e The application of 160 pounds of ul- O A «; urate of sr%da per acre increased the p r ern mangel crop abort six tons per acre ACETYLENE WELDING per ar,nr,r.� in average of five years' '<. bast. A pt'lato fertillzar made lip in and ALL KINDS OF st. the proportion f weight of seven Repair l Machine Work partatof nitrate of soda, sixteen parts of superphosphate, And nine parts of mu.•iate of Potash. has _given econo- ' O DONE BY 0 mical results where It Is used df the it THE DOTY ENGINEERING WORKS 0 K'ELC.OltG 111031E WATER CARNi\'AL FOR 41\'IIF6IitiG CH+31P10.— rate of 320, 640, or 960 pounds per 'A AT THE DOCK, OODERICN O Bliss F.thelda BlObtrey and Nlias Charlotte Boyle, In whose honor' a seater acre.—Dr. C. A. Lavitz, O. A. College, carnkal was held at the Manhatten Belch Bath., X. 1'. Th- carnival was b;i Guelph. Farmers and others havilig brok- way of wteleorning hurne the svvimnilnk ehaneps tvhn have rf•cently returned en castings can have same re• trout If-maii. Fr(ak earn,•,, high divingan] s\\jimning contents were en- Corns cripple the. feet and make.! Paired good as new on short no- juyrd. Boyle anti Miss Blelbtrcy will I•r,dtahly compety in the Ulynipie walking a torture, yet sure reliefin Lice at moder•at� cost, the shape of Nolluway's Oorn Cure i9 r tri - _V ODOM Mu"TORIZING THE-FARM THE ho:Ee has been declared by Thomas Edison to be the most inefficient rhachine in the world. In return for the amount of food and care needed, the horse returns less in work than any other machine. eThe average teen;! of farm horses costs $4W, 'a with homes. If you have a heavy load and the good seceef double harress $100, a wagon withoLt weather is hot it will take you two days. If it took making box $115, a total of $615. you,twelve hours, the cost at 17.4 cents an hour for A Ford Truck costs 1750 at Ford Ont. A Fordson 'Tractor costs $8b0 �t Dearborn 1V�ich. your team would be$2.09. The average cost of run- ning a Ford Truck, for gas and oil is 4 cents a mile � -But 'The initial cont of motorizing' a' fam is slightly or $1.80 for ,the forty miles, with the Ford 'Druck you can make the return trip in four hours. greater than the cost of a horse outfit, but the lower _ The truck enables you to make three times as many cost of operation and upkeep of the tractor and truck trips and at a lower cost- per trip. the hor:ed the �o t�c,f t` ter enrunning. of work dune easily put But this is not all. If -you motorize your farm you Goverrnlent e: :erimenia %eve proved that the cast F P can get up an hour later in the morning. You have iioo horses to feed, groom or harness. You start work of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents ptr wotking hour. after breakfast, - A team of horses catlnot plovy more than',wo acres When dinner is ready you step at the end of the field, in a ten-hour duy..„ At 8.7 cents per hour or 17.4 drive your tractordirect to the house, eat your dinner, cents per hour for a tedni, the cost would be $1.74, and rest tiII it is time to go to work again. or 87 cents annerc, A Fordson Tractor Vows on an average of seven acres a day. The cost per acre In the afternoon your motor works just as well though averages not more than 75 cents per acre for ps and the- sun is hot and the flies are bad. oil. The Fordson does tl-ree and a half times as Atld at night when work is over you are through for much plowing in a dad; at a smaller cost per acre. the day,—no horses to rub down, feed or water, Suppose you w -e hauling a to market, or bring- You,are always free to leave your farts for picnic or i out supplies If the t�Jwn i wc•Ity mftes away 1t vacation—no wo1;I'y about horses left behind to, be I take you a whale d..y to LIke the return trip . cared for. Every may you loots at itt the motor has, the advantage over the horse. It means shorter hours on the f ;ern, more work done in less time and at less cost. , J a P. J. MacEW-AN, Dvctl Godench, a4' •q ' e t a . , ... , . ..: .._ .. . -... ....... .... ..M .. � _.-. - - W,4<.'.•'i,r.7"�w.,,.,a,r,,VYYIMMnrW� �u.