The Goderich Star, 1920-07-08, Page 6iii'llmil mom
G jests for req ?
dos Left Nary Weak dearts.,
Serve LanU
'Pinna terrible avourge W left in itA is British grown tea from Ceylon's hM
truin weal[ hearts, shattered' nerves, malting an
and a general run-down condition of the The choicest grades are blended,
I System. exquisite flavor, a tempting aroma, a coir- that
i Thousands of P.-ople, throughout Can. charms. The price is moderate.
CHAP -Mil XXXIII. handuff her its -ding t timely ase of
11, cue now am
oUrn's Heart anti I, to- for thi.3 package.
COU"Terapt the efl"t3 of th-s trouble
The palufto impression 11laile r)� WbL BRAID CO.
'n"t 'u'li late tit 4�uuuc to 1111, litiuldl ov- wILich a short time agoswept our country.
.4"Jil turn Mrs. C. C Phlineir Keppel, se.5k.,
eNening M-mitee that Ila, hero described I 41all lipt -1111, 39.1,0 InN.Wif". -.0. VancoAver. 9=ada
uct,A as a rade d1senchantment, and the thel, 1, A --"I wish to infwill, of the
'ii ;kmr �,)od Milburtit's He4rt T11 Nerve
Vi!ls d -d for me. After ,a bad attack of
hwl returottil evilr) K-ttilmn, ita,ruingi 'I,,, uvxt w.-roing she mr-it, ti -,L. -s tit♦
It, r( ; the '-punish Influenia.," ray heart and
INN" 't ill.. kadlfw o, of th, I tion If
.flit in, -ariltig pbahor.., A� I—
I nerves sure left in a very bad condition.
fii,INP a, it hall A»kmt,; thein t,, that e%rntnpl; and
got. wo boxes of dour p')Is and I must
-y are the bt-st I ever used, and I
W.Y tit
bloirill un)lhing ill-th, liature 'it a shilo
pvvoVarj) ff.oIIN, : 111.1 ur,
1frit"I" 'Iff" I bill dt-lInct i Ivivi vi,k, n a great m4ny difrcrent kinds.
lfors.-If. If,- iwu�-, kt-ep Heart and Nerve JPdls
I. 1.% 0- 1,( %% filch 11.1 .1 if, a'
UnOlristlihr than tit, wntry %%fit,-))
had been -(,it livid tit his omw 4 th'.111 1`11,� I %% fill 111, :r o,"wl K%art and Nerve Pill& are
I'V%t .411,1 11_
had been wol-o crethl f..r org.ifitz 50,.. a box. icor sale by all dealers, or
If 41 revt on receipt of by The
itoz Aii-I runimim" its-- om.t ra,iii,,iia. I ice
he'ltrtf nell fier that Sit.- %\ Ls I
Ile, I, that titer,- -.%ah to-o11mi.1 v -I,- ilid 1-florrh Ill I.o�ll An el- -1 urn Co.. Umited. o. Out.
it - III!". had )-,o timll and lo"I'l
Ing's ex1porb jw,- if),) she do,rihmij to flat
,rid -,wh a Vliaro a ver)' hisith r K(% en tilt- run-
obsem v its rt I if I, ati more - I I—,I � If, (,,re gr--wd t I,, if, t I i.i t It ,I ra iget-4 % is I torf or t I �.":2 1
talibla all\ jollon. sit.• fratilil, of!-.N,-ry '04-111 1.. late till their ah -141v Ill SHEPHERD 111AILED Vil NEW Lite rre,pe+ fell r,sid,flt of sealurth, passed Get Youp
tier f:itnz,i anti porl, It, 111,41(t.4nP 1111, 1.1h. ill.-% %%. I... 111.14,1V I, ft.. I that -rulptor .r Fi,.v t) is twins: I Ili, a., I if,.%\ if, , I, ) A\' ) ..If hine '23rd, at (;ttelplit
add 1:1 �o d"Ing I'vill-lited the ),)ling ill in if,. i.,w it III,., i-toir%-h ledI., I SWull If-, �tirtl CtAA.."i" \% Ill V after tills )'rat'. Ileronitl.4t bV\veai Ilinv. He \Nw,
Tit t; , late Alldr,\N 1;
-ver\ intich: for ill. \%at, thus hl4i t.:1(b`a%% 1 411 if „til Lite ojol aril-,crati t.''o .. 'h,I. I :,i III ill,- t": 14f ... ... ilotirs.p. lit, 1, bor\iNV,
a �harp line het\%veja chri-I Al tit,- %%,re Illailt, 111111'. \"I I to r! tw IIw if Ili, ,k•trfn, ,rut
il� one brother, %it,, J. it;
Christhi(e aso Iii,it phaV )f cllrl,tlallll) 1" ',ph' ."Ilictifil, , vt6o\%off their \\it" Ill I Ill 'lland In., 1. tit Ill tit- it -a- SOp "lies for the 1 2th at Lear
%%hleh is iargolk %%till a. t,r. kftt-r I, ., ;t - :, ij,_i, Ill., P
v, 1. 1, i 4 N, - I v Its,- %\.I, XI\ 1 11 filtil to JlIfII- Ilmlor if,, lyti-14,1411 I.VVA- S., I ft it I'l I. '.N 11, , I'\ 41 .'Ill all,] r -I'll! 'Vk, V1 L' t I I riJ I Is o Margaret
III,. t-- I. ami tilt. raw. t,.g.-thVi. 1,ili.rI.41I\ 1-14111 bill .4, .1 '. flit 1��. ill It,, Go%enlock all(] -Nit',. T. A. Laird, of Sea -
I. ...•
if fit\, I r , if -it \\Ill .htllst. *.,til, \Nioild r"llo. '1. 11) it I"bris- a 1,1,*I,. lilt 1 11 , 1 1 If. . and Nll-, J,,,Il 1'.0VnIock, tit Fine, Juicy Orande-3
...h. )lilt peopit. N011p \\vre 11,11,
litirvi- it• tit �;una,,) VIIIII
nt..[ aing and '.111,1g, find Rte inearting it tit,, ptirahl, The [teal Liter Pill—A t.,rphi li\.Iu
lake fine lit Ili,' N,;.i� llear Ili, had tcwtiv \%, 11 undt�rLstootf in Hitiatoll
talif ill hien *1 k%l,?j to firing this ol'iti.-I. %\,rr generally frozen oot b) gin at- I %% Vot. NN :- illped till it] Ill) Io%II IIfililloal ),rell th"t" hVII b. If,- system, mental de- 50, 60 and 75 cents a dozea
anti Ill the end'if
fit all Issue .114 S .... 11 .\"If joli.,Iillrre Illaile SIB 01111), t'%(.Ii lirl. and 'itftb, d Ili 1..) %\ft 1,0411, alld -1,1) on _I all care 'be not taken, a chronic staff. or
V--tilli 11111WIP" 11, 4-1111-T i little lit it'l- \\ort%, %Nntll, . -in Ill-Idt-lit 1,11w:1:. 71 I"ild"
tiAlle.. %A1.111.1 .1,1- Ill' glad. I W'i't, Ithal ill,-\ \\vre if I,, escape tit ,VVI Irr"d %\hll It if I . fill. \\ !,;I I, 1111"fel, V�1.� I , I . I .. . , It' 1,) I)",I Ill,dicill" to
„ale r 4 , ovl a t I .. 11 less Ile I I I I I I 11) 1111 V., 'r I I i I I .,
knot.\ hit\% Ghri,t ri-vel\V1 sinners Ind %\as u4m gVnerall) retrog I r.-ar I, ti -P mitiotis ,r .,fir oitircil no \I;t�. I. Ii if 11) Ill ill' till- liver tit lwalth.\ adlin I' Lemons
; I I Parnialve's Vegetable Pills. They are,
\\-nild like 1.) Kee h.o% %,lc who I .. nlzV,I tl,al only it ...... fixation. I Van f, t [,-it )Ilk, \Nli;0 I fileall ch!lf".11 V. I 11, 1 ;. I. , , ,I , "'.
(it flit- hi -A an't I - collipwinglelt of llulei� .-getil)lir
Vils, lit be relkrv,vn t I ng Ifint rc I,!, I \ 4, om,t oelai lbosiTion, \\ ere "I' li&:]" jfl) \.I. I). o.V 'I'lo that ,I 1h. -ill. raroful and nu of -
"I'll. isl
those %%11(1 conle ill HtIt fe\% others \I. 11 turetl I 40c a dozen
I % � t., )•: til ;I :tt'r lil".. t -I, It I \ s lj,o tI flier[' lillialitit-4.
11110dane ifili if, she roiltiested Jill I lilt ill,- gr;I1111'. still.% 'It, sought at I Ill it- % 6,� not gripe (,I- pain ail -I tll,\ a,",
quirt an4l p(-rft-(-tl) tinobtrusixe manner I taio ill flit, r.,w.-tt )r sacred,)erI_ ,\en a Chrislizin lite:" ,i,id ,he arta- it -;range' I
lie \\alkeil till the
granite steps Into I abdil). And )el lilt this ilattl bee 11 phical I portrayed ;I I I that 1, 1.; li'l
1 d %%all, ill a \,:11, .-I k. 'Agre, ab I IV "o ill(. -_ 'ensitive Aflillach Water Melons, Musk Melons, Tomatoes,
the Nestibille anti his roarse ArrV\ hilit- 111rulighl al -111 sit arwhially, and St. elf- I in 1-1, In , -11 .:1 - le tilt it her b, I, w, it'. . ... - 1. �
M:*. High! i, 0''I Ile%QN-appointeit
although si-ruptilousi), dean, v%aS ron- Ih.. atolph .1-1. sh.. 1, Ill 11 No ill' 't I III, Ili 1 V vri:o-iiiai of Wfnshant Iliari Sowul. lie
sidetwils Ili its eimtrait \\Hn the el- I tirel) %%ithill the lj\%s 41f good-broeding . I
all(I usage, and kilso un- Wwrl III- placed Iwl� It in it),- dtiilld :hail ttl,r a pf'i% HI, \NhON, I Vim, , fr.-Ill G)cllralle, Peas
!cant attire of flit- other worshippers. Ides. the intist orthodox p re it r I I I ng. l)1' 1 1, 11 (111 1 1 - , t I i I - Iz, .: . I %% I, s., vl,idf , N I fia I, Lilt (I,. -
lie himself \N"i, emispictiou. also : for that no 'kill' could lit, his llugvr oil an)- \1141 now ", III- ,.,i1 Ill sir, r... Stt,.t:t la inllo\jt.;i,. I impl 0
man) kill-" \\ho he wan, and Nvhistiervd filing 11pon %N1111.11 '[I, raisf. an i4sllo relfit I, (:',rest .1 111,, \\ , \\Wi h- unite \,. . fill a ('11 ure'll Fresh Vegetables of all kinds in season
the information' to ilthprs. A "Jail- The resvill %\as .1 %vital till I)\ ill,, fit:., lit, that t� tr\in. t,i onilit, I!w exanifil, COnStipation Cure I
.)it's St. onle- _d
laird" %%ar Indeed a rare aNI4 In that ers had been working fill-, allil It %\a- it" %\"m I a.''KII IyL- of the arld \0pol". dl. BY Christian Science
congregation, awl there \%as a Aight, %exatiollm Indeed that, after year, u ( .I, zo,o Ili, Ilwir izart, .r s it fllof'-
but tjrrrertf\ deet-ortitim. sensation. soeee% 1 ll I I, lliniih-r liml. I) It— itatio-d ut.) at character, art. (%,rltiali) 111%1611 anti
sful inanipulation.. a lit(ly-or Nlr� , SeV91alty JIV48 People out of one
fifa\%e\er greatly t6pse vie#rant iieoille iti-not,s potition , .,I z trotibiVil fave \,I'll lli, I'lill.t. suwer,-I)
shoilld flit Itell ill hundred can be cured by 0britsUan
rfalizht lack flit, spirit (if Him \\It., \Nas Inabi. trouble, rvjlrt,Seni flit \\ ...... I -id (1, 1 fir. Wfr�[,)\\ no%\ renol\,Il hi, hari.1 I H. Leach
"the friend of publientis anti %inner,.,," "My dear Mrs. Arnot." said one of e hor0l offit-VI. VilloliatiVAI, "I I, it\ I frorn Ili, fare. it \\a, p:il, jolit it, I.,,- SOJeuiCle laiedtodsiI wilkh proves the
they \%oold not for the "orld (ill tiny- these tio,liSht-d gentiolillen, \%.flit z, still- had I Inist-rabl" if \\III, )session rrs.,IotA ;,lilt nobl,., great power of the Mind over the p1hane 180 Cer.111101tiontreal St. and Square
thing that %*.raS merti) rude or ill-III-Vil. tilt)' tilt[ \%as dtisiKntia to conciliate, bill thfi, %%e \\fire I il, a 1. 134 t'lop ".Nlr,. Arnot peimit im. to ,,jy th!lt Digiestilve Apparatus and the fee -
Only fill- ollivial ,fixton firtim,neel visibly \%hich \\aN nevertheless' tinged with bill ever) thin'; jjo. roll, :;h ,I: ur you are both right trt,j lie (100"Y of Nervousness an & catilse of - - - - - - - -
as tilt• youth to0h 11 'eat near the door, i4illusophiral dogillatisial, 11,11pre art, dually and St. Pr(.1;,J\ a, it \%,:I, t I1.1 t ,,fill. "Your Nit -%%s of \01a, a 411111 -ch Coaadpathon. I -
Others looked astant-l' (11' frlidell (last certain things NvIlit'll will not mix. and I votild find no wit, thin`' Illi"ll \0II-h ,Jloklld he art' right; )-,Ii ;, I- %%!-,IIx in When these nitialthoda ftg
Ilk*, polished Irieles. llahlane'� telliUl tilt, attompt lit nororle then) Is \%aslfn�j 1 1.4'\ 1� linuor ati-I I\. 'Ihi4 1 \Nislting ti. \\Ithtirivi twror,- I.; fit&- Nacking's K,
tun and Liver Pills
almost chattered with coM, He ft -it hit')- thite on 11, re recommended.- - - - - - - -
,L 11"Pos%lble. It Is lit avvor- I lint'.P'l ag.kill'l it. lit ti:. llll� RI'li Pr:0eI'rI)Il\ 'Whi Ill jy)- & They am purely
twit oppri'ssod, anti 11111J."I plislo'd Rill &fnVe \%Ilh file I:i\N.s Lif nature Pavii '-'I fit.. ;..., z 4} , 1, '11. 1;" t I'll" .,n?(,nw vegetable and do not together aveor
house, b) tG
lit- ill' floral alittkoslyhere class should ,craw dint: rill or Ir
Of fkilliz ;" rt..- Illo-e Ili \% him, Ili and If I% I, pro- riliate; rataintly peolifle have Lound tbem
created by flit, repellant thotwIlts of to their atlinilliet; and Social 4tatfis, (lir tit" fil'll�V 'If G"41 \%A1 0:1i'Iloil tidollt), Nol, kit v�. 'flat excell"Mt for Hcajdache, Dizziness.
- felt tilt- lair oll�- "I", . I I I " ""' I)` '(I t1lP i"It"r Bad Breath, Coated: -Tongue, Lose of McEwen's Specials
sonar who apparentl� . it 1 1 111
',' d- chiti-ch lit no,\v entirel;i tioniogeni P �, itiwk, A �11,tll : I W.\v [w, ..Z\
filet] by his preseneV. Mrs. Arnot, with and everything mines for\\aril Withow, 1"I", Interior, \tl.l art fill. qllo,ti4q, .,r till, VIIIII-t-11. hill I I-i'l'o alread> flill, Appetite, indigestion, Gaston the
her keen intuition. felt this atmosphere any friction," I is one of ura! dlt1VulI.\. .all s-ich di- \\a, ;I111i_ I If." liven
also. and deteeled oil the part fit one or "It aPllfial' in me sa411y machine -lite.- Nor,iV iot w, ewilwwi and \\IN: a cotLain Stomach, and ur=y other evillit, that
two of the offleer, or the rhurrh an un- file fad)- remarked. lit.:)r ,'r" said N)rs. \TIVit tar- r if, f,ql, l,;jjIl,Vh are due blit Constipation.
ehirt4jlan spirit. Althongh the sermon "Indeed, madam," With It trarV or or. n"11-1.1. "I (I., mit 11i.rTI, m., ;,_ I Vhtirel, iir.., fit it,,, I Adrlfl: %\ ith Where there Is Extreme Nervous. Childven'--i Rompers ........................ 7,T
was tin exeellent one that morning, Still fended divinity . "is not the go�,Iwl ;,r,• r jill.-Ii (I[ ... ft to Ilw, ifi\ers'. that I lla\t. \%i', ;,, If'. tress and you are "an run down" and
did not hear It. prozielled ?" ch,;Ses and 1'. -,-ill .. t-li ti- -Adlalh lie„,Itinlz in. I :iin witurilt, ;1-1- ill "tire easily" k would be just as dell Lawlie6' Allover Aprons, from ............ $1.00 to $2 n.5
In flit- v%enlng a holy draped in a "Yes, bill It is It'll obeyed. \\-e hask, "I",, `I* -t;- on.. I'll,, iu all it ;jn-i \\Iwn -,Tive in my stat) I ill,, to take
blark veil Sat by Ilaldatw. Thu svi-vice btitq, n1affe linn),geniolls S(.I,,,) in IOnireh ,aid, AN:1--o-cr %\ ill, 1,-t 1111t,ill- . � prune' am pru. 1, -voull. Hilicking's Heart and Nerve Remedy CtiMaterial from 25
wc a yard to ............
as but a drti
i,ary runferparl of theI,\ orldly prinelpits, and 11,1t on thom. ronle,' \\e, prelef"Jilim to 'VI ill Ill, \I,holl . % 1%11)) file, atghl (it along with the" P11%. This Com. Curtain
one of the pre%lontit Sabbath, Tilt, sky illught it, the os pis.' nanit, and I) ' \ Hi, illlhorit), 1`10 tl'xt, and ill 1`111 -91 -it th,- flit' %Nhmii binatilOn goes well 'together land re -
had been owrelniit nnit, slightly threRt- They could not mirrev, as nilcht haNii sol"r Is stifflefenth re.,p,Vt.ih1- iind 1 :41 ft YVU Ladies' Silk Ifo,;o, spliciai ............... $ 10-) and .$ t
ening, and still fevvrr Nvorshippers Nen- 11 ""llar'llz Ill\ Storer e the good bee, oli r
been supposed. and Mrs. Arno I M H lilt hire I Oft"I) ttkink Illol't' I -f tlltI 1-T-1110111 tha 11 yocag r days. The Heart. action be-
turrd out, thought ft) he unreasonable and fill] pf I vannut an% long,•r I,-, :I itark to tll;l of tit" forg1It!inLf ttIV "till in ttill comes normiA the Nerves take on' Girls' Flair Ribbons, per yard ................ 2% to 500
Revond furtive find sirloin glanees Impracticable theories, ill -in ersion. nivnns. anti thus I fp:ir I was herondnit now Life, Power and Vigor and the
no one nolleed theill save the sexton "N'tiry \veil, KeRtletllen,"\ saill Mr%. "if \Nt, would pr --7-,- wir r1uhl Ili lett a \011"P. a I'Plillilill:. philo,)Ph)'
Who looked and acted 4114 It HaIdatte's I "liaman machine" becomes full Afen's Merino 1[:tiderwe;ir, met tont weigl)t, at 1,ii;t
Arnot %\lilt solne wfirflith, -'If there can l", allf"lig, V"'Ift. itlSt"31' fir :1 lixiiiiir per- " I of
Itiontinklell ('01111"A vvere a 11411st"I"ce. Ile no change in tlivski respects, no oft]- In" pop' and vItality.
whirlt, In soloo \%Ill. Ill. Ittlist inanage er course is left for nit, btlt ill 11 .41 say to all. 1" if],- pow, 1,1 flit' -IMI 111 -or. Ylm twm- be,In a,,v�kvned If you are tired of sickness U1,4 veitr's prices.
twith- tiltittt Sinful and dvba,ed, ;I,, \\,,;[ as it, to it',' Irlit-11, Mrs. and you I
to abate. draw:" and the rellgloit% poll iirlan.,f lost, \\fill are now v, iv-onied 'comr, me, I (I,, nor feel 'Ptloal to have lost the Power, AbIlKy and Men's Bidbriggan I oderwear. fine quA.Iity, at 01(i
The young man \Iialted for Mric Arnot bo"-ptl tht"VIS111-14 oid, nitieli re I lev"(1, and whell 1,11e) ar_• \0111111 our jw',411- the 1.4,k Wth-h I clearly forsee before 'terve Fbrce tio do your daily work
at her rart-NA", door, "'Ili said, 3% he feeling that tills ivat; the easiest soln- they should be undo to f-1 tlt,,4ti th-i ane: I wnv r oiisora);I) ,but I shall and your Nerves are all Shattered 1) 4.
tion of the question. house does not lwltitig it) :ill arl,turra. no I,ingl,r darken conn.. -!with ni'vo last give thew two Remedies a trilial
after \*,,role to tho Ur viltlue, bill rather if- It'll) \\If" \t, -%\,Jells, It".11 friNon file Inuch f1mil and we wfU positively gilaraliffee
HOW YOU CAN Dr, liamtovv, pastor or the church friend (if wilifleati, ;,,id c!,ri_4 Por thought: and \\Ilije I cannot rorloll bernefflcial reafalts. Go to your dealer
LIMN TELL R-'Irs' 'krnilt soon
ror it letter of dismission, The good "J"stell ft;IIIs`lf if- (11` • 1;1-- the end. I think present duty will If" to -tasty and task for Hackings, am do
rnfin I'll,; --,I, curprisod by the con- kre \\I, Ili, superior,."' made clear. In tirops fir pprplf.xity it riottake any otherkind fbr it "Lit
lentil (Of this 1111,148h#'. Iffilee4l It so e"nl- "Bill. my dear malli 11. are t!wri� to i. our part lit ill) what twiin)- right. (�k -40 You'willi Its, fooled right at the pif,hroke it chain fit deep theolowl- Ili. till Social ditmlinvtil�f'lli,^**-� Ing i;,,if for guidance �Irl,i then le -4\e J. J. M
110), cEWEN
cal viWetilation, that he deserted his "I ant riot Speaking alt .(,vIal (lislim;. HIP Collst"Itlener's t flin lit- :111tior Eftrt and ym,will not get the rfaeultq
Limit -
study for the Street lierl, he ,let an or- tion -A. Hirth, and \\,j , i \N sitivol, plain ill lilt, ll"\\t, I.. r oat il thwt we 9mrantee. Ha0king's Limit. 'Phone 46
f1cer of the church, a man sq)nIe%vhat always, anti '\(It,\ mah.j )mir present ,into remainMth used. 1.1stowell. South side Square
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" ail -need in )oars, villoin lie hal tion)" great ilinenfii-o%. In Imititur II,ipi, It :and gl\V N6oir p,a,f-t+ all.l til, \\11oil, Ilairl-hili'% Remedies are sold in Goder-
are Aspirin—No otherst to regard its rathel- resel-NP41 and tack11.,11 Leto I ron'till ort
lit VoIll. illillivyl('11 -n flit, sid", tell by K.C. Ithinlop.
torn In filiql0l"ItIlin. Hilt In hN perplex- and It"I it
Ily Ile exhlbittitl Nfr%. Arnot's letter, and t1wr Iro.i.1 sense nor 1.1 drif\ rV ItIr-lov.." -;,Ill %It,-. .\rn,it tier
asked an explanation. 'Illin.,i Ilial Ilwro fit. ilitil"Ill., r,41... fluAlit), "\,III Art- right.
"W(111," said tilt, Arentlelliall Inea"IlY. llvh\Vvfl thotle tiWitti-d rl.r It Ilk oduc;i- )on are r:ght. I ha\-, been (asty, and
"I fanderstand that Mr,,, Arnot 11 dissat- 16,11 31111. charnetor. ]lilt :I rhorch ii rill %\)ill, --t1hVI's'\\,as actinLr
failed, and perhaps Silt, haS somai I-plison ;fill. house, hill all'i \Nlllt \\ri-na ) h,wn the iro-
14) Ifir." !gilt hat," \,,o I, »head in it,-, door ;In.I I-!, i.;trf-1an -oirlt, I \%lit r,,rilain whjhP
rM"Upoll %\flat grounds"' asked till. he llo.-I -,,r- flwr, i, ant twt I -r ;I ch.inarp for the
handl), olialh- in\ilvS, 11;I'1 His holb.r."
we calf llporl.her." \%nit the diwit-le-I :111-1 , X- 1, "1 ... 1. : I. - •-\\O] \1J." \ro'.1 iwd Mr. BlHkl,-
ho vff and z0al fr:..f) I- I'll 1 1.1 man. tilt, i-Itlorl) ehorrh otll,l-r. I Iva\f,
TF rt-itt don't net, the "Ba 1,r Cross"" "1 -01114 rather yout sh.mild hear
it;*, tablets, refuse them—they fire hor rea--,ions front bpriAr1r: and, ill ritt"t• fill, 1,\\ f -T 11;111 -it ilarlk if) �rt,t �oiir %It,NNs
,,, I. ill 11"11I h, fir, c! Ill 11 •"-n'-rlL h\ 141)'k 14irliN 1,, g�t viiii.. %IeNNS
ii. A-pirin at all. I \nIll bol glad to hear them
here 64 only one Aspirin, that marked Half all h0til' later 1114-Y sat In \tr,. not iffit"re Ili- no, elf. 1, Im,. io \Nltll doctor, In
r It tit(, "Bayer Cross" --all other tab- %rinot's parlor. "Ilo N"o not Mink \\,. .,..fl h' -:II -r _I ill I n StrjlLr�rf,.: hilt I \1111 bath
I— fire only acid limitations. "Xly dear madam." Said Or, I'larshm. coulplkh (Ill, %\, I, ill III, that \\I. hall lla\, it hal thilp hofore
onk for the "Bayer Cross"I Then "art' )'"ll \vlllillg to tell lis frankly v%hat pet?" \ hn\\ [tit, ire ,ot lit --fit- chikreh."
h I. real Aspirin, for which there is has led to tit ' e request contained in thls "'i k "'fir i,-tlt '.' 111ris, *F'ir-t pur. and thvn lipieeahlo." stud
lit, substitute, leler? I hoped an) In lit) WA.V tit blarne." \\a -fled flit- feet Kl` fit orllr Ili— minister )io\iN and mitsing-1): and
.'.-pirin it not German but is madif "Perhaps livil hialle Ali heen somev%liat to al%e it. :111 .1\allljd.• 'it bvvillll\ ;1111,1 :hen the) oanitd. em -h (eling S"nif.-
in CansidaCitratillans, and is owned to blame," replied ars, Arnol In 'A tolfe to toarh • it- th.41 v%, 4hollid 1•• \% Will: "11:11 ,s,ottliofs Wo' at., .4holit Ill I'll-
�7 so gentle and tliffilet as to pro\ to Vr% e all, Ile in III - n - ,I, f I, "
by a Canadian Company. all rights being -e that site �t' Ili a --Ir,, Ind donhfni hattle,
orobasitill from the 1'. S. Government. vvaA imiler the inthienve (it no unkind) T., he continued
(,-nulne Bayer Tableta mf" Aspirin" feellilix or resentment: lva,t I fee) as in till -11-Ild
hr p,Jal» of hele been proved safe by mfillons for that I )Jay(' hewn talulh it) blame for not "'r III- fl)- 1. :111,1 !I1ljl\'
Pnin, Headache, Neurifilglit, Colds, Rhau- seeing %%-hill Iiii.nim litlit too plain. Bill • V .:l \%, ir!h \ 101dren r,mifition I.,
wil'iAna, Lumbago, Neuritis. 113111t and custom deaden our pereep- It Ow\ or, or!wl Ow"I if I Ill,- " I ' :fra("Vf A% lb"r 111111\ \% nrio EMortoinalor
lions. Trip aspect of our phlirch was of ...... r• will relie- thorn and re -lore Ilwok ft) 94ft
Mindy tin boxes of It tablets-Aliko,
IntI.rpr 'Bayer" packaps, can be had that 'It Wood titocletv nothing to Jarrshni W'.. healtil,
at fly drug store. tiptiII or offend till, most ri,itipal I_aStp.
It Your sermons .\ere deeply tholightfirl
.Plrin to the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Mikoufacturls of andprolotind. and I boll, enjoyed and . . . . . . . .
Monolateticacidester of SA110AIWAd. was benelitted by thorn. I came and
Jr 04%
"It's all Right
Lit wBuoy
'f Tennis -and, Outing Shoes
Fw We have spared no effort to make our range'of Life- Ve e Wrappers
Ltit)L�lt Buoy Tennis and Outing Shoes surpass anything we
have yet offered, and to 0Ut01*q8 any Similar line being
shown. These goods are well known for theirimperior
jig wearing qualities, anti are now in stock in White. We Al redeejr� a Comfort Soap
Black and Brown colors.
Wmppm with beiufiM new Preiijum&
The Brown Rover, for boys, with extra heavy soles. is This indudes wmppersinuked itif wit&
without 61000tion the best on the market. Tho prices
am Most Mmonable. out pren�w=". Write for handsome
Nernium Catdogue-litiliftnt free -
Lot us do Your Shoe Repairing, and have it done
6 4
right. 4, 41- 45
Com0flod, &Apt
041111146" 60 %%are iHwt l l.....................
80 Oft sioest w4se
OrwN SAINV14 OVWUL P1MTA43*1iVK_The -offloill,10 A*
Qucelil mary of Rnsland, made fiivonlil,y tov n court pholograpiter anti w1firt-
I by
Her \lajriftv.' Portrait of