The Goderich Star, 1920-07-08, Page 5I .
w%Pw*o% I No. 16, autlilorizi'pg the caiis-truCtWe I
of a winclit -snyvr on Kigin aven"" 1111- " - I 1 1. �� � .. � '_ I . 1 11 -;iil
11rom Welliesiv�F to Ks,.,Vz ftnd N(lrf0t� SAW-
Vocable Your PL No. 17, autl;orizing the evinsICUOU011
a 11casure of a to-Litch 'evivr en Rebeut street D.M_ I LLAR u SON
froin lWord st. to BrMulnla road. Hot .1 oloviro
lithe council then adjourned. UtoYes
Talic a Kodak With You Then drop into C01.11oliMi'S
GODERICH'S DAY aria order some of Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p..0 Sstariv, 10 VU - 114!1118 Shap Early if poss'hle
Now that the title weather has arrived to stay, many The Dominion Da.� Celebration Pro- =
little pit nifire Outings are being planned. You wi y gra", jilis a Good one and Hivilight Colborne's
be seeing many things you would like to frill Big Crovitts to Toast remember. lay in ke Cream 110TCH STORE
The oelebr-ation of Dumiukon U
Why Not Take a Camera With. Goderich last Thursday was a great THE S(M
day for Young and old, especially the
young, and those in cliqrge of the prtiL In everybody's mouth, and
You and Photograph Them? cession of children to the agricultural no wouder. It is a frozen
grounds in the afternoon report thert delicacy, highly flavored, and
They will be a continual remembrance ti,at .vill were 1200 in the line-up.
afford you great pleasure. The fun started early and there wtoo made from fresh, pure in -
a large crowd on the Square to witness
We procetision. This vias headed by gredients in one of Canada's
I I TR0F;; _=11" 11
The photographic section of our store carries a full -JULY A MONTH OF SPECIALS
line of Kodaks and Supplies. the band, and the town council and most modern dairiee. Get
We also attend to the Developingand }rioting of officials in cabs. The Clernian gun fit- favorite dish made
lotted to Goderich ar, a war souvenir your
your negatives. by the authorities at Ottawa, came with COL11,0UNVS ICE Clearance of InfantsBonnets Clearance of Women's SUMMOP
next, drawn by tN%u teams of greys, J
Below we list our prices: Murray and !tax Claremont riding 01) C11EA'm to -day, and take a
the leading team, and J. B. McKay and treat home to the folks. 50 Only Infants' Bonneti, smartest Coats
All 6 or 8 exposure films up to and including 2V,,Sg .... Roy Black on the gun, These veterans style.., some slightly soiled, value tip to
Larger sizes .. ..................... .......... ...... 10 were In their uniforms. The host, Only a few Women's Bliatk, Sum -
Film Packs 23JXBX .................................................. 11540 wagon. tire engin- and book and, iaddej A. E. COLB $t oo out they go at 25c each.
...................................................20c ORNE
Film Packs, large size ............................. .. ....... 25e truck in charge or the tire brig=ade fol- mer Coats left. every Me this SlCaS,Cin's,
lowed. Ben Shephard had a float re- Successor to J. E. ROBBINS in Taffeta, Moire and Silk Repp, Coats
PRINTING preseuting the Veterans' barber hilop.
lflx2%, 2jx2j.2��xilli ............................... ......... 3c each %%IIh all the usual ton�orial parapher-- ft*n 64 Blitiltiri Block Clearance of Long Silk and that were previously priced from $25 to
26X,I��, 314x4!j ........................................ .......... 4c each nalla. A Massey -Harris waFon and $45 now $17.50 to $27-50-
six:ij ............................................ ........ . . ......... Sc each hay loader foliowed. Then camp Fred Lisle Gloves
hunt's float, phinihing and heating, In-
cluding one of his hot air furnaces set Vaulting with pole, 16 years and
We Guarantee Satisfacti-en up on the Wilgill), "GodeFich's Baby under-Ist Austin Hurris, 2nd King- Here is a snap, 103 pair; of long Women's House Dresses $3.50
Industry;' the Goderich Mercantile Co. tiley Harris, 3rd Harold Murray. in stack, Tan
e juare ) Each
had a fine display of kid cabs, sleighs Weyele race, round the Sill{ and Lisle Gloves
float. .0 Ffisi to X2.25
reed furniture, etc., etc., oil their sears and under t .19, and Grey, (no white) $1.25
CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE The Goderich Alnusellient Corporation '2nd Norwill Precious.
s a funny gel up, the follO%%- a pair. Exceptionally targe range of
Ltd., Nva. IZI
Next to MiHar's Scotch Store The Square, Goderich Ing boys being dressed and p=unted Up Sports at Agricultural Path.
as the Nionkey Town Jazz anti: .1 In the afternoon a program of horse
Randall. R, Currie, t.. Murney, It ramts amitil other ,ports was carried Women'Women's House Dresses in extra
s Silk Poplin OPOSS08 quality Percales, light and dart: shades,
floey. F. Price, B. Mountain, M: %14,- out at Agricultural Park, and the extra well made, sizes 36 to 46, special
Donald, S. Wils,m, R. Young, fr. X -Ohl- spectators had a hurry time keeping 6 only Women's S 11( Il.,plin at $3.,so each.
THE TOWN COUNCIL li-mifl,rin �Iiit alld Cap -,sas r,,ier- �Ing and G. Murphy. Harry Barker'- track of the races, the Witt-whall tuatch,
I'O'd U, the sp"I'lial tank" was It good representation the platforna events, foot races, etc. Dresses in Brown, Navy, Bp �ck and
p4irinjes of Regular Meeting Held iii, The young ppoille in Highland e I The horse raves resulted Its follows: Taupe, newest Styles, regular $20.00 White Wash Goods are Most
tell by Master Nlartin %%ith the pille,
Friday Eliciting Last, July 2nd \t,'. I I it 2 50trot or pace- The regular meeting tit tho to\\n ''leek or litet-t),111ty if made a brave Owvving and 6\(Pn )oI, I I for $ i-3.c;o.
applause. Bealifirlilly IlorttII\_,jnd- Nellie Patchen(S.Hodgerip, Clandeboye) I
eouneil was held on Friday night. ]III%- t -"I* $5A0Zl.K8 for vounty pu
rposes Smit kiall Oirn Brown, tily (h) 3
2nd. prpsent:S-,We Remo, tit,, Depoj�. and *281.5,20 l"JI, g"J'A road, : from 1, otherv, hie decorated' autos, I Mriggie McKinney IN1. McDougall. Bay. 2 3 J Popular
Reeve and Councillors Diink,j), \h,, 'r I.. Kn,).\, P.vreldr� if the Pjjt)jj4 himi ill character elfstlillif., etc-, f4,Il1l\\44I field) Handsome Tinsel Voiles
The \\inners of third and fourth prizv� Deirter,(J Muglord,Godrrich). . . 4 4 4
and Knight. 'Bt,ard, fill- *17,aoo in,.11,,11119 8 in the decoratOd atilt, e(ailPetilbl" had T rrie .2 sit ) 4 its, h ticat. Plain White Voiles, 75c, S1.03 $1.25
Campbell reported having p.ji,j iiebentur,•s and In It I I P. Mr.,. ear a ';Tilall shipment of and $1.5o per yard
Mr. treasurer during June IiMO, and 111111", "er0lir� ,f 111, 1 1; ; :. , , 2.30 trot or pace- just received
the - �\a.; labviled "Canada's 'irvat--st Asset,"
King George 4G. Norris. St Ma White Vuilcs, 75c, S">O,
that day i3tily 'Ind; MO, ill all for $7,qm, 2. 5 1 2 lovely Tinsel Voileg, the latest noveltV Novelty
I He Al "41"T"ll t,� the N 'Intl vontained a h y of Piling child- Lndy Ideal (W, I'. McLean, (x efichi S 4 1 rd.
$500 collections during June. had It- r,-ri iklintily chill. _\Ijss M. L��e and hpr Elise Carriptiell (Dr IvIeCrest. Bru-� Is i -' 3 in colors of Navy, White, Pink and $1.25 to $2-50 Per Ya
paid the treastirer on 170110CUOD., -SIM-0 '1.1111t, ehilins Kill 111i a var Ili ri-presefir Barney Wilkes (T. McG". Goderichj 3 4 niches wide, $2 9,S a yard. White Gabardines, S1.2,s and $1- 50
Jan. 1,;t to bills elate s ,I50, and 11,0 1'.,r 1"III61nir 11, . \%ith tvach.1", P0, 11101Yat SliY, 40
notillp(i everyone in arrear; for taxi's firi-Ill 'Vh,)- , LOgg per yard.
previ'llis to 1919 to PUN iIIIIli('diRt(.j\ c.wj I.' r,.rleq
tit the 'hini. lid all 1 2, IS trot or pace
, "f". Sft,,t- till- para,b- c -mw the b"ItY D, For, -•t 0 Hartnell, Winghtirrit I I I White Pique, 75c, sixxi and $1.25
and -was now sending uut notices to -till\\ 'r k,,Peat"T(%1 Bayfield), , _, -1 , Women s White Skirts $2.50
115 -r H %\ -stern till helhlillg C", \\rotv s more tolpillar It'a" V\4 'All" Nile 130Y ( 1. NlC,-;8IL Nile), I I a J 3 1 per yard,
that effect A further payment of -$ , 1,�Ii the
the rhildrOn's lirain. e - 2 1 1 4. _, 2.1 1.4
rprifirted Since Mr. '1� it vwlb, nut a� jil't \\I
or ifliq UiSPS Was th.. 'Aly�ztOrimis Nh
Clarlipbe)) wrote out lw.; first. rf.fl,)rt, Vat' \\i-ii11 be hipp,-d " it as- Highland 'hilli'llig by Nlrs. Mlirtyll*s Each White Repps, 6oc, 75C, $i.,)o and
Grpen )I,ld bpf.11 41).)IIA'd 11 DIIIIIIIIIII by
A request from the chip[ of pullet, V.0111: if tht, w'-Itchllwrl s s trili.o. store, \Ii,, lit-yriolds d the Bell pupils, al -4 ollipli Illed tit) the haigpipp, $I.2,cI per yard.
Tkk� wet,; referred I (Irtig tlethwaitt. 11[141 \iaster Mar -
o till, puhlic I,ejOpjj4)ne Oxi-liangp Ila-ving iro admit "'i" Pos White Nearlineu, special $1.00
work, cianridlti,e in,) the elprk. to cab- 'lie wal the lails'. Torn Pritehard tyll- It Ilia cries tit alliletiv voy)t419 10 0131Y WOITIeD's White Wash
I,jin jwwv d,,flnite infurniation as to " IIIII spl:(v ilkvelits, some of tile latter material, trimmed per yard.
it %\as jIIQ .\Iysterj(iwj, Mr. Brr,,,\%n. k Skirts, good quality nia
date OT i;hipn)ent. heing very 1111111sing, \\vre pill (lit IK--,-r fr.,in Mr.,. J. on be had some ch"e sha,les during III(- ddy. w e raic". The
pocliets and pearl buttons, clearing White Handkerchief Linen, $i,00
but stteceedpd in di-,--rting flit, att,n- tweell hedt"' of ill(' Ill -
I@ hAr .r Ill e the ohnir if tion if hi: "otil-l-he and VHze-will"el" Ill th"s` `N'c"tA N"Or" as S2.5o each to 52-50 Per yard.
tori- r,aiow.� :
ffl, tit-, at 1,11" .�f W,
IN tamim r,,ad kill() \Vab•rkm street, 11:11,neit -tinvapWrOd" Al 111o'. I(H) yards foot I-11ce-1. Y1111), F.
Til IN
®Baptist Church IE l":;atv and irrawl -tand in the M W.dorepll to 1,,J} S-23 tU\N;4j"ji itif. i'\Pt'lj '0 ' afti,rnoon I.. , aoi,,I tigtirt, Price. ---
Montreal Street (III rn,dinn r,f the R, ovt� and the Lt"-
F)0 the 114,111. IIIIIIIIIng broati jilrilp S. G. McKuy. 'Mouarch� Floss and MMIRTch Down, I*nInlense stock of these well known
1,111N. K":.\,. it \\,I, dill'ided t" I'll thi S Intl there v%Or,- ' ou Nitton, J. twill.
til ]ll a.m. , I rf and rte don't km,"% tit.\\ Illany that di.; 1-4 ' ft.: A. -,Is -mited color.
11 1 Brit,1111. ;Ad. not g,l ill, bill thi, llnarit-Lal r0lirn, -121) yards foot "MV •1. oill, P. Yarns uol,% in stock, every v\
lin It (if ill" ill till' dr, rt d Prive, Wtilla(4- .34b'D411192411. Monarch Floss, �;,Sc, i oz. ball. A!onarch Down, 60C, 2 oz. ball.
%\Orp flat hu
rjj(-c ((jvcr :t:,j -8. G. McKay,
;rilblb. A. KItt-I.
their tit,,
is 1'. hllv n)"I". 1!-.- 'In.1 \\,it, 1, tit., ,tree) The Parade. itack\N:ird race -1. Yuill, S. G. 11-
® til. nicel\esi-r arin ind heir th dll�,t Trades prori--slojj -i-t (;..dvrh-h Mer- KHY. ('. Griffith. McCall Patterns are the Sure Way to Cut the H. C. L.
Pi 1- 1-1 front Ih,- Raihcay Board 'o. ShO1111211.11 1 Iltilf-Inili. relay foot rave lt. train
('a 1101 1, Co.. 211(1 Bell 2nd,
lll� harbor linpi, 3rd 11r"d f1iiiii. fr.1111 4.
ge-'t'"fgl lit" \\tt'�h,won fit of int ON tibiles- 1st Mrs. froll, tetful
A sermon to Oran I, . \'l, 1"ift \\Itll t1w vb,rk to I "Am fron) Znrivh basil-WIl t -111h.
" I , I . 11, Harry Mint, :.1ijd Mrs. J. I;, Reinhart,
1"tt..r '1111- Itoxing hi harrvb4 -Wallaive 11r•Mail and Telephone Departments always at your service
Tho4. 4th hiss men I I i,,n 3rd Mrs. -4 I)4kjIg:jlj. .14-hil Yllill.
11,j, ji-, I 1 1. 1 o, th-, T,-n-rit, 3larl,a) Li 1-01in Hill- I,ijj4,\v light (Ili polt, K. Itarris, El-
Ifj,l .11,. lw(-Owateil bivyvlv�: 1,-1
,r*l \villiliti-j-11 %voml Thilinlismi. Illplights Nifir",
2nd Wiwvlla JI'lit'.
7 p.m. 'Phone 56 Phone 56
ill-. Petit' hv�, Claretivi,
The Rich Man Who Had ii ..r ilo- 121h .,r liii� a,kl thO Corporation.- 2n,
Ill ic 4411d Clarenve Welsh )the I-OV"I's). Baliti.011 race- Margaret i
lZU'll. , ti 'ill.1 ... .... ;, n:
Un G 11 Z4, %%,is kj\vsjr(IO.,I ill NJ,*. Annio PimzOr, G. Matb(,11, Fillet \I'll
tit. ,\p,rj, ,f tntin prize gl Neither. Health nor Ewnr %
that dil%_ 11w L:Iiarlllt,r,, th" 1:. P. It "tack." The Baseball Gaines.
94 f.,!, fr,on Kaley Show, TN%-,, baseball gliftli's were played. 11 1... 1 I.r. 111 .-f 1`�, -,I
0 f;1j, 11,11, and ft,., G. T. Ij. lik,,Iy I.jibie,4, one year and undo' to _Iq 4;1.0. jauje�:, 2tj,l Mr�. Cha,. both i3Ot\%-*-eij Zurich and (;oderit-li, the l%l -f 11r, Ind I, No doubt you ].ave heard
esk th., rhe Ill
9:55 a.m. Sunday School A Nf,,%od tly the Roo\", �, oond,,,] by lit ralingloll. first. all exhibition ganie. In the niorn- --r 111,111\ childr-ii \%I,,. Of
that, \NhilO in �yni- Nur "Ver ix open t4) nil- int;, anti the 44-concl, at Huron ('aunty
ftcrn4A)lj. Zt, '.
8 p.m. Young People's Meetial 0 - t Nir,,, Win, Xii-Arilmr, 2ind MI -s- Leagile rilatch. Ill tit#, it r• Th-,
Willi the Lake no it,- Is h -h %%(Ili b(ith of flivill. anti th'. h, t I. ,,,I r,
authority in the I)IIi-k-worth. ( Tile jlldgf-�: revoln-
el I•Ln
The ll),)I,ljj)lg gaint, was I
.0, 8 P.M.. Wedneiday - Praya 10 i fairly trill Ill- 1�11A'11.1 I') Ili" 0110r. -ti,
Is I iii,itt,tr -4,drro d. ln(.Ij(Ittj H spi.,-jail prizi, for Mrv- CullY. h' 14M, it it kirurtawaid 111-1% .,It Iliv 1.1-1 Ia� ,f Ill- I.r,.
and Praise N f,j 10 fil�jIllce v..niinittvo 101. wlw arriVed Ilith 11"I. baby after the lift011dod. The 1111111agers If t lodul, "hilro-JI: 7 It"
-811 1", RINSO
I taut
"Itillyed possum." saving their best
D. It Thl� 1-1.1\ \\Ill t". h d .It
0 ed l tit- local jIlil"Ing 111111 leen c"Illploti-41.1 - -I pf"'r V Si
to o all Pff"I't" fill' the 1"911" 91AII)e ill the It it t'.
611 1 ho printed by flit, Fr,iijklin .1-Iix nionth, t,, iint, yf-air. open t - were bwr 1'.01'U'' Ill tint
I a 4- r Itio) 11. sevell 11111111g., (ft fill'til-l", . I
0 ilreii,;, T,wontu, at a Pri(',' of *31.50: re- 1�t \I,, Nit-,. 11,olr zill-it-11 pitrtliig a(�r-i-s rill
run- I% . Ili),- it, �i I
III :.0nFijl-nj,fj till, pa)nient if it numb r NJ, Kil y � 1011 -h -,t chilrell I for Washing
YOU ;("Ierivh �4-fwvsl four. Laois awl 1,1141. \wt -,ria rt \ 1� Ih,- �f , 111 11
it 11r, It
of accounts: and reported that appl, children's Gain". %vere tbv Goderich I-sittory and dat itiorning � O\ t,, 1, rii ripidl\ wid' rang -hot I, ',I-
ffl cation %r a f-rollit of IN5.006 f -)r hWil! Iat,,h rettirriOd fr,mi fri.hi. %%h ,rt, hr.f.l.,4 \\ ill hill t\%- .r thr- - r -,h- ar-.11A
Aire invited to attend tlest 14� impro%prypnt -N-r [mrpo- h -id leen glid gowl viork. most (if tit#- run- -1,- '4 tiridr% ji,j 1,arto-r lilt W It saves work, time, and
t --tired by Zurich I,eing title tit error, in ha, h"" ft" %I
Services Inadp but t1j,, nvop-;,;ary 1-11'+ and under -1st ill(, fivi(i The gromids vottimittv,r, had der Ill— PrOsb� terian th 1, Irl \NN I lit
IN had not lll�pjj 31al-g-Arl-t Elliott'. _IiA In,ne Fry, 3rd 11, prOarli, �iin-WN O\1111111W Makes clothes whiter
Thg_Aoe.jfipttiF_rand parks ei,rnmitt \*jolet Carriek. -git-ted tel have the gra cut In tit#, -,f
;iiK6rted that tho rlf it the Itoot race, --01 yard-,- e, YeArl'; fill- I (#It I Weld 111141 till.- hindered ill,- BRIEF TOWN TOPICS
at flip Ilarb.,r Park N\a< In tory bld under 1-t Margaret Elliott. 2nd Irene "d cost the hortiv team t%V,I or Ill,'_ Iii -t \\. - k - nd -It,- than Soap or anything
Condition, lOd that th. tit runs. The vinipirt,,% were Jack \Vigghis Th,, F,,r ,fi I% r, uid ir
n, lAnd rOt-nintow y, 3rd violet Carril-h-, the iiipli�t clitirch it, ill, r 1 11
TH FI of 1..,An an(] Cantf-lotl lit Clillt'w. .;� - . 11, f r else.
avilion lip rv�hinglptt at once, at an d it ,*v1,,vk, Th,,
rust if abollt iIE'lfl th'. ro't #ft yards race. Ill eiii., and tinder , The aftermti ganii- %%it- at het ter Ing dt
MODEL MW It �f pOwl sterlilix, ';till (;rave Sterling. el hildtlig"i. The teitin- tA ery I,,', t I v "Ill b" fila 10191 )iIan M
of this \%ork to be Paid I, I ;f acertwo P. k- Ill -it I-,!
Oiarlf Blake fund. ?,rd 4'%'Otlljr inatcheil and the gone, %%,I'- th n,,r Mon,-[ r,,r I!- t.hmlol Do Not Work when
OGRAM interest of t1, Thread -the 114 -Odle imv, 14 yesin; at), "ted 1-3 bulli -10-, loth S01111.1
The nnarive wid - rit"tPO' parks ritrit under -Ilrt .lean Chal-all. Frellit k r"Ir "In' ,:, .4 11, 1"ilou R I NSO will Do It f.)r
Vol- Week July 12 to 17 rpport,,.i in 11710te� had ant, had Infling. f-11.11 � ,lit Ill"Iting 1, ill ;411,1 .[1 'P, lick, I. , fril, Old
rnitter. ilij-1-11114119 J -01Y, terling. 3rd Lwy -),-r Ind prii-O "W'. t., i"
,tbe muttrr A nettling \\ith th,- \%'in S Wff yards rw-l% l_,l year- [Atli) Illidel. s14jp of titin It wa. 11 pitcher ,it s p tit pr 77 --1 1 oft, ril-al's l'tia
iildolls E?4tatf� Cur MaNO it h,. ri,firip- ).�t ,;rare Sierlivir. -'lid F;the)
hOI StOrlilig. Zurleh rollwill!] tip four i-fitinti-r- hi ill-- K\allw, 11"A I ChIll'i'll. 1,r ilvi YOU.
Monday and Tuesday tf\ry, r ninien-d-tag that till- , h" :it-,] Pearl Traylor' 4p,,_,rul and 1"ItA jiIj,)jII#.r ill of 41,.% \\ , it ", r% tr.'� 1,1-1 lit It.. pari Ili— ,jjljj of g3W ,I,~ -, tti, foen, iri flit, fifth sixth Infifirig- (.4-lerk-h f,,r Qliri,h. .11ill, 1111i lit -11-M` yards ra---% 1'-' and lmdOr rj tut ;' 0 1111 1 I*\ IV— 31 111 1 Ill .1,111hall; \It* To,, iii
GOLDWYN PICTURE rwi. lir;jil or I�t Ethelsrnrcrl a In tlw fir -t rind pill thr-, t, r, I' � ... it bN it. .1-t fr-oll
The pOt-jal r-l-ri, d ), I\ Sn-Hing. 2nd Gr;t S*l-rng. 3rd 4;ln(l%s r hi it)#- ai-xlh- the fiiial --t- at If it Ill \1 /1''n "U'll A I ft,
inn purl I, I ne% 11 ix f,-" ll," t-,\\ 11 lucre
(,114'. Yiwu)6- Wiggin- al Ke, 1111 7.341 1, 11, �Nlllql it,,. 11,1.1'Ir %%ill Ili ,k
APARULINE FREDERICK jill III - TrOi,ie. base and t'ijlljr at obortmt,q) strength. j�P44-1,11l'i Ill tit,. tor.,ow-non. k.',, -r
hall it ;4 c,,�l •-f 4
terNi-w, - d Ow lwit,,r %\ itl� r,,f, t, ni-, Milloiai rave. i,_, an,l iiodf,r eoe4l tit(- blimp team 4 -# I it g lit Pro 1, 1 % M Will, A. HOEY
IN othy 1 . Milit"ll, . Ij 'i't I \1,,rc, 1.i,ib f N,, rt t..r t. 11
d jndiv�trt,il i-� 1 1%, blil ]'I 1)"r SAIAPirgon pitchom) At bidi atilt %lit
qj Ili,, IfultlIT, Ili% `,' 3rd Evelyn I 'llrr) alder bricked tip by IM) 111gsel. Kalea" �l tt,ll ue -hi- -d I, Dean
'f it s old stand
'"The Palister Case" list yards rare. 14 r- .11 .11 Miller tIll, qt ,I -
ft"' " 1 "' ' " t` I.' '"'I I d Marlan Nil- ill lip ),4- a Flifti,ip of lilt- )ijIVk"j ill) -�,jndj\ it Ill d tit '11,, f,,r dK nod 'Phone 110 Tote Square
r-(,,' t Violet 11114)111 1, 1-,
ThO t1r. I.MprId. d t! I I-iand� I %%as Ili the Imix for flAv % rlijh �\iil I,- -41ould \1,, rl.�A. 1. 1 it a 1, red V,
ori,il,rlw if ji, riTijt 1,, T R D-11191111. 3rd %*]'"hi Sterling all't hefi)ry the gaino nartpii X gOr oir ehwrl, Ili- Ill"T",
-EW,CENTURY COMEDY Ijt ra(,-, Jim# yaid, 12 yi-lir-4 tind flays tit flit- club w-til"ll" lit '11
ly, .1jor tpoj� t.. li,jil4insr tit rnet imilOr 1-t hit- I lul,fah 3, ti -I the Alto r
14140ee Monday, Fit&rting I �1,%, ,anti Efiz-A),,th atr14 2 1 umpires that tit-- garm, wdPlild t- 1.11ii-I V,ihliv vrmhiv .-1
.30 F, r -•,oil liVinnifr-I Sh--ph.ard, lit -h-11 . I'll •%%Ili
114ler pr(iti-t. wi tht- ground ft, and it,
iv, n, 1, Zurich had wit *Iarwd Kergo or)
"' 'A it,"
report: ift.-r -xaniinina tit,, 'I'liread-the nee -E, r.--',. lit year- Anel
I the time allowed for doing wi, all,] also \jod.-rn -th-titio-4 1,.r Evwwvlaral
Wdnesday and Thursday r--I,,,rt .f \fr. M John n %%,tit r,•- Under -1st Oli% V I I I +ter. t 04-ange Ile vvu,, a ref4tiletilt If 1,ollitijo I.hrigharsil,, 11 it,., %,nirijr STYLE QUALITY PRICE!
!f -^•fir-` I-, \\r'r ,n Warron 13airivv Fienry, 3 -, it III 1111ton flo-wever, III#- gitnip wag a good one, \%Ill") ll� "Ill t"' f''r ft 1% et
APARAMOUNT PICTURE •.1. r-wonitTwild'd 111.0 01- s,\Nr ,ri The girk' hic),k- ra %it- -allod off nil thongh %%v till would have been ,tirj.tiijn ne-, " - I
,,It oio r,,rn, r .f \Vat --r- bpcjju-e of tit#' noir* :"ITI-MONIPS I'll " It is our endeavor to make each of these
,,I lji.• •.\%,r -n Nilaorj flip Ir4juarp. making it -!.irtiiiermist to worp pl(nilu,if if the home team ban hoinlor ( hatilaijIllisa
;con. file boys rritist lie given credit for features consll;tent with the other in all
WALLACE REID t-,,, r..t,n,r .r iwt--ria Rtrpet atto,nipt a rave. their gwivi work, \0- 1,.#1 %%W, III-- pr -b twear and to lve N'01' entire satis-
I ..I t., I- r,,coni 1114 )1 9� in it efollbchai with one of Zurivii'm 11 -ll,. ,f 0iii-Ir,ii iw,r, dud ijwr-, .,r- Foo 9'
in r- p, -rt : and rrOmmend yard- rave. 6 Yeal- al.d miller playpr-4 coming Imirrip from third hase. -rit., wr,mto thp fact that 011ij faction.
IN r wo, Nj,%knI.-3. 2nd Stai.1--y W;ir Will IIIR,et lost a t(ro)th, bill thim little it, �_jjt, rjltj�t tit, aecturnpml-
truc� Itilly
i4baring Road" 1 i'j;jIna, tip ordprl for rl)ns tier. W Jack Sterling. filing (lid listrit make him 411111, all lit. vilih 'I,, till% •rill ilystm, e
, 14"11 %,.,rh
I Thoqp rep,,rt,, wpr,� all adopted KI yards race., 8 years anti tinder - finifthed ont flit. contest In prod style. f.#iIji_r) t op he -•n cti,inired from tr% Try Hern's Boot Shop for Service
Thr tri;ilt,�r th,, qt,,11,10 a, 1,,t lan MrKay. 2nd llotiglaa Graham. lack Wligalm, of town and a in -in rtin, ,f the thrpf, H
CUL h, 3rd Alfieri Rooth. from Petrolt were the umpires. •+ jw-, trill pr, nt.iti,-it if knl-�', - We are prepared for the Holiday Season
r, i r -f 01P t 1n h3it 'Intl Ir- and iinder - The line -tip for flip afternoon gains, lotig, 't. I
art, \%,I-
lh,i Irwatir,111 of the 75 yards, rill-. Ill yenr+a foal line of Travelling Goods,
CHARLIE CHAPLIN ' I -t Frafter Ptierlinfe. '_Itid Alfretl Itturdy. wa. : ! I"
3rd Dowild McKay, (;oderit-h R, Ifi-cet, 3 b; Carriek, 1.111 1 %% arit to, for in I runks, Club Bags, Stilt Cases, etc.
.1,4, 111 lit ft "% j1r.rj lit thi- haws 474k
it 100 yarrip rrive. U year- and under r f Prid lilt in. v f . %Vigginq. 2 to; Webb. realit,
"it ist Roy Walret-4. 2nd King4ley Har- I f Cully a lit : Ila rl,,% . I It . W. 14hifull, i -iimar I?,afeo
"The Fireman" iria, 3rd Yraipr Slerlinir r. Handerwsn p "'.th'Aq 'hich
. le-Aprich t ft, �r-- play hail- Ill-
ni it n n 100 cards rave. 14 yl,-rini anti under Znrlirlb--it' A. 11,41'rulan. I b: A lit.
�Matitiee WedrieAday, 3 p (if plana I(% Cbriii. Hari -11--n. 2FA G44). ,FII- , P: L.,jittiffma n. w F. Brown. r t, --Air^ -lin-I th, 11 11-hifIR of Repair Department
- 192
r rt'singer. Irif 0migicto NnIrn V. 1. 'kir-tirm. 2 1. 1, Vallfall, 3 1, tir,klo, 1,,r\ t--llitia It. -or- in %ch. -I
Illoot rate, 12 yf-;ire :Intl under-lat Ker);,, p: .1i SlOb,.rt I f. It Wi-Iter, r f gi%-
vrol it It,- M" time In,
and Saturday r 'I-, naI'll it Kingraloy Ilarri-, 2nd Sts -wart Ryan. Iftsind Concert and FIrewarkst. -tr,j, ;.,it it, irui?i- -r moral- I In order to give better service in Shoe
.P1.'Inl Jack Purvis in the eionifta the hand of flip X)r,I I bait wit forimttiPri tho Repairing, we have a Finishing
j. SEUNICK, presents oft, 110 Th rs� Iegired rn. 14 1 r- It nd tm- Aterriment, "hWh ht,,I gj%pll p%epIIe).t , ill jyjapplirtu ut IN fl%P,U�
it der -lot FriA and Ern'"I 114-hins-on, -er%lelp throtial-ort fit-- day.
aart, a em, I, ro &I , i rn Tbronuh it,,, Pritirp %%Ppk if achine. The best guaranteed in Repairing.
%er, 2nd Tom Gundry anti G-) Fil-Inger, (-i-t Ott flip vkhtii) I Watt heard rim- 1 --4 -f ii tir-4 for ejuldron
'airn jinil tippret-til-I 1,1 a hirlop ant herfing ft, w°tent Ipi%dorAhIK,, "f ko
)WISION DAVIES .,Ill,v�lZjnIr flit, h -I, o -it., 11 Rrd Harold Murray and Tontitirla- %. I
ft)-- I .1111V tntor,1 in if finnning brood j"rnp, 14 rparn tind if people. .% ft r off -play of �,'(pjjnff kN -Mon who hat- bPPn 0 to n
tinder I -t Harold Mtrrmlir, 12 ft jj"r : VWttyria Il.r1i , Pit, hided the (lay a lin, from if, ,rw itt" r4nka , f tCaehPr;I Ift-I
t % at% N W ,( 'Ind Anatin )Inrr5-. ReqIsraiclau N"Alm gram. pdlleal,.V- in the best Fly0lit4m. nHERN'S BOOT SHOP
ia 8f New York
iellv, 0,
I "I , I , •., lo.' 4 !,. TI, ;,I(;Pal Running high pimp. 14 yearn and lit, jr."r, I '11na %% .,,I, n
clerk, by striking out 'the .clary fW "n'19III--llitt An -tin t1wr4-, 4 (1 2 in : in abaprit-mindpd mar) Wd= f0r. 41 il"I't
MORE COMEDY An•t "ind linrold Mnrray, 3rd 1) Nain. gillit hic, troijbif-,
_/ I