The Goderich Star, 1920-07-08, Page 4p • THE GOD ERIC`.H STAR m Tffump.V f. JULTi titil. t M. Wk. of traiued a:hrtehan +•a 6•Is i fit -I. W. H Burtlr,s, 8 I, ..f w,tlh Ti erton, %%dm th,r prr,iding +•flit', r l.,r Ito e ACHESO e 1 SO r (if s sports un 7'u,•,di l'I un \Vednr,da) a(trsn•+.ni a Pr•g•.,ul of rly vvas carried tt out at erhr , &�N Park. The weather turn -•-1 ,.,id .+nd dauap, but in spite of thr,r• unfa%,-r- able clunatle conditions the • ti•uta 01*1cloths were entered tutu witb zest. \11,Met- 1 kle took charge of the progI.am 'I'll-, Mfolio winners of the vurtuus event, w•rp a, follory eu js: fRelay race lest, Nilss ,\let►oneht• Mika Du1g, Miss Gain and Ur. lnr+.tnnu,ud. 2nd, !Mss \iclatosh, Miss Allison, Nils, Morgan and Prof. Scott; third, Miss • Slovell, Miss MzGeary, Miss Hacking New Patterns in Lmoleums Rugs and Mr. J. F. Thomson. WMbeelbarrow race—Miss gnoig and Tapestry Rugs id patterns euit. ble for any Mr. Thomson; .hiss Wylie and Hrv. 3 yards and 4 yards wide, splendid quality room. 2J x 3 ya,rds............ $20,00 Mr. Aiken. Miss .Allison and Pruf. Scott. English make. At per square $1e5U Sack race—Mr. Barr, bliss ylcGeary, a 3 s 3 garde............ ' .Mr. Thomson. ytrrd.............. S2S� Three-legged rare—ist, Misses Mc -1 .............. .....�iZg.00 I Kg °. 3 x 4 'yards....... j (� 1 Donald and filrkpatrfek • Pad, Miss,e s �' OOr Oilcloths McCrary and Stovell; 3rd, Messrs. Ai'k- BrusSelette Rugs Reduced. �en and Ratcliffe. 1 Needle race—Miss Allison, Miss \lor- Board pattern, for halls and borders, in 2 x 3 yards ............$10,00 gun, Sass McGeary. li0••yard dash—Prof. Scott, Rev. \ir. I.2, 3-4, 1, I 1-2 and 2 yard widths. Also 3 z 3f yards.. .......... $19.00 Aiken, Rev. ,Mr. Burgess. Tile and Floral patterns. Good QC 3 x 4 yards .........., $20.00 Hop, step and Sump—Rev. Mr. At - choice. All at per square yard... 85e kin. Mr. Carr. Dress MusllnS After these events a challenge ball j, game was played, A number of boys Blankets had been playing at the park and they Spot MUSUos, Voiles, Organdies, Dimities, challenged the school to a game. The Mulls. A very large choice received in score w -as 6 to 1 In favor of the boyll 50 pairs California fancy Blankets, largest stook this week. In a tvvo-Inning game, and extra heavy, in double bed size, in After the distribution of prizes and colorings, fanev checks or border plaids,Dress Silks a singsong the crowd returned up pink$, fawns blue. Quality is best and 1 WVgdnesday evening's address was price of two seasons ago. Worth � 50 34 -inch Shantung Silks, best and purest by Rev. Dr. Young on "Work Among $12.00. At per pair .............. 1�v quality, heavy, in white, rose, Alice, nat- the nun -Anglo ,,axons." Dr, Young ie ural and b) k B 1 in char o f till p Q and � O prl.,ntlnv Bring your filmtoI CR p us for developing and I �>riiuta�lg One Day Servs O i+r:e qa Films to Fit all Cameras. p Y O He CeUNLOPyPhm.B. The Rexall Store ° L0=0======0=0lC....,.. p>apo�o ac . egu ar $2.50 �� Grp g o s work in the West and At per yard......., t 0 is seized of the tremendous import- Ther LuXur """"" ante of the work. The Ukranians, Detroit, Mich., lire spending • a few Flannelette Blankeis p y Tax (No Tea) I [►oul:hobors and Mlennonites, vvho weeks with her parent., Mir, and MIrs1 came over to Canada to the number R. J. llrLung, prior to uu,vulg to Tw The Government says, `Tailored to measure clothes Large double size, white with pink, in Silk Poplins of 400,000 art, a splendid physical type unto, blue border. Special, per75 of manhood. They were willing to do Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry and fans- are exempt up to "$60, but a suit built of the ma. pair ................................ . 36 -inches wide, best quality, in navys, the hard work in reclaiming unprom- ily, of Windsor, are here .pending the ]sing land for agriculture and now summer in their cottage. Mrs. He.,, we can Show YOU about that price is sail greys, greens. Regular $2.50 and 2.75. portions of the ry's father, Dr. Heville, also is here fuq economy—more s0• at $90. Stacks of them at +$ had the must fertile .lune sage only,. at per yard...... West. They are very quick to learn a visit of a fortnight. Gossard Corsets .................•.. $1050 and apply themselves to study withMr. John Sharman, of The titan staPf,l $60, and good Ones. earnestness, and have a wonderful giq was in Woodstock the past week, vis- Tlte original front lacing. Our stock is very Of song, On account of the neglect by Iting his daughter, Miss \Iarjorie, \%11,1 The Silk Dresses the people of Canada who were here is ill at the present time. Martin, the Tailor complete. The Corset that retains its before them, the people of Anglo -Sax shape till worn out. Prices range G'eorgettes, Taffetas, Foulards, A very on descent they had been led to plan- Mrs. Jas. McPhee, Caui'bria Road, i, phone $18 e c M select showing of New York single gown, ning their own schools and even their borne after spending two weeks with $2,56, $2,75, $3.00, e$4.00. 5.00 men ,national church, and .put the Iter brother, Mr. Will M� Millan, Ani) very exclusive and one of a style. Every Arbor, and her sister, Noes. H. Vaa Aly ' and upward. school home idea into operation in in- garment at reduction price. mun, Detroit. I+�� ,_ credibly shunt time after deriding oq - - --- - ----_ It. Here was the opportunity for miss Mrs. A. Hendersun and her daughter, apple crops, which are achieved by slonary work among them, in starting Annie, ;Cambria Road, arril'pl hnnir means of irrigation from the nlouna ^l.. school hornes. front Detmlt last Wednesday, after a �� 1 where file children tains. The Hand Hives strawberries, would be taught religion and have An- two vvoeks' visit with her, daughter, Mfr. .litkpn states, are of remarkable` W• 910—Saxon ideals instilled loth them. \Ins, L. N"an Hoteit• 0c"' n -s .allowing, of this being' ship- Tt THE SUMMER SCHOOL The afternoons are devoted to and recreation. A Vis(ou of the Churelf's Work and On Monday afternoon a reception Oppprtunitirs for iServlce Glven in the delegates was held at the ch Inaspirhlg Addresses at the Prrshy- lawn In charge of the ladles of 9ftlad 6uminer school. congregation and, fbllow•liig this, A light organ recital was given in Very suece•ssful meetings of the• church by the organist. F. T. E Goderich Sunnier school under the au- Mull, Bac.. assisted by %flss H. spioea,of. the Sulunler School Cunlmlti cher, enntralto soloist; and lira. t(w of the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- mond Miller, vfoliniste. The after don are to progress at Knox church E'v'ents proved delightful and the r (this week. Between stuff and dile•- cal entertainment was very highly Rules there are About A0 persons regisL •Predate'. Mies Bplcher's selec cMd, and the public luepting's ill tiler veto", "My Ain Folk," and Mrs. A evinings are being well attended. p Sed !\7,ssenevs "\kecjitation Y In addition fit those registering T1111184" Mr. Ege>ner's numbers+ v numbers motor in from the nearby the l overture to "Tannhauser;" country from day to day. (tel's Clavotte In H. flat, Lemare's The morning sessions open al 0 v'uttp \IodernP; a reverie, ".hong o'clock, with Bible studies In "'lYi0 Pines," one of the perforrnrr's (Jiarter of the Kingdom." conducted ba 011111poslWons; "AHdslilttnrer Oapri Rev. A. McFarlane, 13. it., of Day peld. Johnston; Lampe•...I fine Swept H and these devotional bourn are Pr ving the World Enver:'• and selections f very helptul. Widur's Symphony \n. .1. This is rulluwed by a sE rl, s of talks Those reglirtered as merubprs of on religious eduuaition, '-Practical plans school are as follows: (If religious work for Children, uldelf, William McKenzie. Paisley, boys and girls told ).lung people.,, b,y M9.+s Mphel E. Hacking and Rev. C. A. .Myers. M. A., of Toronto. Glary McIntosh, Mothervi-ell. Mr. Myer., is a speclalisf in this ours. Misses Margaret E. Habkirk, Mar and his addresses are proving very Hatgarlh, Jean Allison, Myra Mor Practical and suggestive for leaders oll Hensall. Fc(igions work among the young. l Miss Edith Mogr,'dge, Auburn. Rev. Prof, A. V Scutt, B. It,, of In- Rev. and Mrs. eipo. Aitken, It. R. dore, India, a professor In the college t. Parkhill. there, who is home on furlough, lvtu' MIR% Flora Mellonald and 'Diss K not here for the Tnrsday s-ssions. buff Patrick, Parkhill. 1118 addresses the following days artoj Miss Pearl Caldwell, Dungannon Proving very instruelive ami inspiring, I Miss Nellie MacKenzie and ;Mr. and cannot Mil lu arouse a deeper in- Mr,. J. T. Dyson, Toronto. terest in forelgn missions. His taikA ! Miss Winnie Brown, R. R. No. 3, for the morning s>'r,lons of the school wood. are based on the text book, "Canada's ,hiss Freida Wiley, R. R. No. R. \ Share in World 'racks." ford. Miss Agrees 1, Dlekcun. Lauth t:hina• Mlss Edna Melnroy', R. R. No 3, was to .peak on "The \topic Lear in wood. Many Lands," for leaders of Juniors, Miss Atlep M. Trott, R. 11. No. bot, on account of family bereavemeN, Al�unt Brydges, could not come. Her series of talks Miss RAIth V. Beattie, R, R. No. Nvere put dowel for the same hour -at Mount Brydges. those by Prof. Scott, go that the whole Miss Esther McDonald, Woodham school Is protltling by the addresses Mies Margaret Moodie, Exeter. by Prof, ";soak instead of being divide Mirs Harriet McGeary, St. Thom ed, Miss Nellie D019, R. R. No. P, \II On Tuesday anti Wednesday morn. may. tngs Miss .Beatriep Thomson, repre- - Miss Barbara e:. ing a. it. R. No. Renting fhp'W. 0, S.. spoke on "Wom- Clifford. en's Work;" and for the same hold Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Prumniond, Ai from Thursday to Saturday, Rev. Colin Drummond and Miss Stovell, Hamil Young, D. D., speaks on "Horne \its• David H. Carr, R. R. No, 3, St. Tho aloes. , as. .u....... ......... •--------- 0 -+ Make Be,e Ll n Pit, ' for B 'CK 98 LA- &Pictiv Tailfind, flifithlo- lot)d THE BEST THAT 1S a ize same In Plen's Smart Wear .,,,t t J 1 �, BLACK ,r ��!' 211 �e eA Store 1e great need was for Christian Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, Water- ped rens'+tl•rabie dlAollcos. All the school teachers, Christian farmers anu too street, and Mr. and Mrs. John fruit i, staled and radrd kind roll -1 Christian missionaries to 90 out and Johnston, Sheppardtun, were visitors disrarvled before shipments. Many old I've among these people. fir. Young With relatives at Kinluugh, Brur,! t'r'ends ,are glad to meet Mr. .Nitkeu emphasized especially the nerd „) county, over the week end. and 10 see him looking su wrll. teachers, as the easiest avpnne of ap- Mr. Theron Hallock, of Fargo, N. llama real Mlei., Jean J. Easton and her mother, proaeh was through the Christian kola, is the guest cif his, old friend, .Ate Still a man never seems anxious to blantford• teacher's work among the children. M.'Polley. Mr. Hal luck arrived just iq It a woman who isn't afraid of a for Miss Beatrice Thompson, W. M. S. Dr. Fletcher presided at Wednesday time to assist mr. Pulley in eelobrat- mouse. arch representative. Pvening's meeting and the children's ing his Mth birthday on July 8th, I A girl thinks a man impertinent if the Rev. C. A. Myers, M. A., Toronto. choir again led the singing. tae tries to flirt with her and indif• tw1. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indere, India, For Thursday afternoon an auto rida Miss Mi►ud Million has again taken ferent if Ile doesn't. the Rev. W', A. me'raggart, Toronto, for those attending the school wits ar- tip her utiesas tal nPtur ppurse in traninPeerI lit It is always the man who earl get Ego Rev. W'. H. Burgess, Miss Staiker, ranged. credit for the asking who doesn't want $el- Atlas Gain, W'alkerlon. Thursday evening Rev, Prof. Scott vacation with,. her parent;, Mh. and it Bay- Edward Surridge, Tiverton. delivers his address on "The (,harms (,f Mrs. Thos. Million, Maelkinald St. noon Rev. Jas. McCrea, Turnerville. India," and on F`rlday Peening the ad- Jtr. and Mirs. Ileo. Byers, silo spent I Many a man hugs delusions ,N -ho In Rev. G. Telford and dglegale� from dress will be by Rev, W, A. 'IcTa a week , Aith )the latter's daughter, /`vcntil.d prefer to embrace the real ap- Blyth. Kart, B. A., on "The 0hallenge of Life Mfrs. 'Will. McBrayne, cur. Kingston st. ,thing. lion Miss Horton. Lepburn. Service•" and Square, returned by, auto to thein It isn't always the coat that makes i111er Miss Dunbar, Kamsaok, .;ask. home in Port Huron, Mich., last Fri- the man; sometimes it's the padding. rom Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne tp. PEOPLE WE KNOW day. filler, vera \liss A'. Nairn and Miss Wiggins, 1 Rev. J. E. 1'"rd. of Guderi<1i, will oc Hovv du you like the n,,w' 8iagrr, lian- Knox church Sunday school. I Jnnr,°" On- Mrs, mcl)onaid, W. M. S, of Knox IIII llr• ('has. Lane was up Prom Detroit r tupY the pulpit of the Wingham Meth - last week, udisl church during July while the pas-, "Oh, very well, except when :he's 1 the church, ( ter is on his vacation, Mr. Ford com- singing." enwn WSS Inglis, Arthur Circle, Knox I \it'. ,lack Prnudfoot. of Detroit, is on nleneed his duties as supply last sun-' Are your portraits gaud [igenr,- o(>," church, a visit to town. day. regi" nnle Mrs• Tape and Miss Gordon, Gode- Hev.A, L. G. Clarke w,1s up from + Mr. and Mrs. EKener left this after- I • "Well, Y04, of course—if fire ,slater, 1 rom rich. ,London lilt, week, ❑nun for W'aterlou urn a visit. IharinK insists•' W. N. Meikle. (,`odericfl• Muss (bare Strang i; home from Or- Mr. Egener's absence on his vacation I ," said 014- man who was proud the Ur, Fletcher, Thames Road. anxev'ille for the holiday,, \I r. Miller, who hart charge of the nni� of his library, "whenever i tlnd one of Alex. Young, Carlow. Mr, lis C. Dunlop made a business I sic ut Knux church last ,uinuter, will toy hooks with a turn leaf, I put it Atlas H. S. :1llin, Goderiett. again be in charge. through a legal process." \liss On 'Monday evening the public mpel_ trip Gt Toronto this week• I I ,Wtlat, legal proepf.W" his visitor ting Was devoted to pile work of the tilt. Roy McLean, ,.f Kilrhrner, spent I Miss Pearl McNally, of Porter's book gsked,' W. M. S. Nina Rev p top holiday at his home here, store, left this week for Toronto full "I have it bound over to keep the y i. (Rev.) ial, was rest Miss Lilian Farr has returned front i take a haat trip up the St. Lawrence piece." Mort deal of the Presbyterial, was in . theriver, Her sister, Miss Verna McNally! chair: the sent lure 1 a Is varaliarn spent in Ir t • ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d ' • THE GOD ERIC`.H STAR m Tffump.V f. JULTi titil. t M. Wk. of traiued a:hrtehan +•a 6•Is i fit -I. W. H Burtlr,s, 8 I, ..f w,tlh Ti erton, %%dm th,r prr,iding +•flit', r l.,r Ito e ACHESO e 1 SO r (if s sports un 7'u,•,di l'I un \Vednr,da) a(trsn•+.ni a Pr•g•.,ul of rly vvas carried tt out at erhr , &�N Park. The weather turn -•-1 ,.,id .+nd dauap, but in spite of thr,r• unfa%,-r- able clunatle conditions the • ti•uta 01*1cloths were entered tutu witb zest. \11,Met- 1 kle took charge of the progI.am 'I'll-, Mfolio winners of the vurtuus event, w•rp a, follory eu js: fRelay race lest, Nilss ,\let►oneht• Mika Du1g, Miss Gain and Ur. lnr+.tnnu,ud. 2nd, !Mss \iclatosh, Miss Allison, Nils, Morgan and Prof. Scott; third, Miss • Slovell, Miss MzGeary, Miss Hacking New Patterns in Lmoleums Rugs and Mr. J. F. Thomson. WMbeelbarrow race—Miss gnoig and Tapestry Rugs id patterns euit. ble for any Mr. Thomson; .hiss Wylie and Hrv. 3 yards and 4 yards wide, splendid quality room. 2J x 3 ya,rds............ $20,00 Mr. Aiken. Miss .Allison and Pruf. Scott. English make. At per square $1e5U Sack race—Mr. Barr, bliss ylcGeary, a 3 s 3 garde............ ' .Mr. Thomson. ytrrd.............. S2S� Three-legged rare—ist, Misses Mc -1 .............. .....�iZg.00 I Kg °. 3 x 4 'yards....... j (� 1 Donald and filrkpatrfek • Pad, Miss,e s �' OOr Oilcloths McCrary and Stovell; 3rd, Messrs. Ai'k- BrusSelette Rugs Reduced. �en and Ratcliffe. 1 Needle race—Miss Allison, Miss \lor- Board pattern, for halls and borders, in 2 x 3 yards ............$10,00 gun, Sass McGeary. li0••yard dash—Prof. Scott, Rev. \ir. I.2, 3-4, 1, I 1-2 and 2 yard widths. Also 3 z 3f yards.. .......... $19.00 Aiken, Rev. ,Mr. Burgess. Tile and Floral patterns. Good QC 3 x 4 yards .........., $20.00 Hop, step and Sump—Rev. Mr. At - choice. All at per square yard... 85e kin. Mr. Carr. Dress MusllnS After these events a challenge ball j, game was played, A number of boys Blankets had been playing at the park and they Spot MUSUos, Voiles, Organdies, Dimities, challenged the school to a game. The Mulls. A very large choice received in score w -as 6 to 1 In favor of the boyll 50 pairs California fancy Blankets, largest stook this week. In a tvvo-Inning game, and extra heavy, in double bed size, in After the distribution of prizes and colorings, fanev checks or border plaids,Dress Silks a singsong the crowd returned up pink$, fawns blue. Quality is best and 1 WVgdnesday evening's address was price of two seasons ago. Worth � 50 34 -inch Shantung Silks, best and purest by Rev. Dr. Young on "Work Among $12.00. At per pair .............. 1�v quality, heavy, in white, rose, Alice, nat- the nun -Anglo ,,axons." Dr, Young ie ural and b) k B 1 in char o f till p Q and � O prl.,ntlnv Bring your filmtoI CR p us for developing and I �>riiuta�lg One Day Servs O i+r:e qa Films to Fit all Cameras. p Y O He CeUNLOPyPhm.B. The Rexall Store ° L0=0======0=0lC....,.. p>apo�o ac . egu ar $2.50 �� Grp g o s work in the West and At per yard......., t 0 is seized of the tremendous import- Ther LuXur """"" ante of the work. The Ukranians, Detroit, Mich., lire spending • a few Flannelette Blankeis p y Tax (No Tea) I [►oul:hobors and Mlennonites, vvho weeks with her parent., Mir, and MIrs1 came over to Canada to the number R. J. llrLung, prior to uu,vulg to Tw The Government says, `Tailored to measure clothes Large double size, white with pink, in Silk Poplins of 400,000 art, a splendid physical type unto, blue border. Special, per75 of manhood. They were willing to do Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry and fans- are exempt up to "$60, but a suit built of the ma. pair ................................ . 36 -inches wide, best quality, in navys, the hard work in reclaiming unprom- ily, of Windsor, are here .pending the ]sing land for agriculture and now summer in their cottage. Mrs. He.,, we can Show YOU about that price is sail greys, greens. Regular $2.50 and 2.75. portions of the ry's father, Dr. Heville, also is here fuq economy—more s0• at $90. Stacks of them at +$ had the must fertile .lune sage only,. at per yard...... West. They are very quick to learn a visit of a fortnight. Gossard Corsets .................•.. $1050 and apply themselves to study withMr. John Sharman, of The titan staPf,l $60, and good Ones. earnestness, and have a wonderful giq was in Woodstock the past week, vis- Tlte original front lacing. Our stock is very Of song, On account of the neglect by Iting his daughter, Miss \Iarjorie, \%11,1 The Silk Dresses the people of Canada who were here is ill at the present time. Martin, the Tailor complete. The Corset that retains its before them, the people of Anglo -Sax shape till worn out. Prices range G'eorgettes, Taffetas, Foulards, A very on descent they had been led to plan- Mrs. Jas. McPhee, Caui'bria Road, i, phone $18 e c M select showing of New York single gown, ning their own schools and even their borne after spending two weeks with $2,56, $2,75, $3.00, e$4.00. 5.00 men ,national church, and .put the Iter brother, Mr. Will M� Millan, Ani) very exclusive and one of a style. Every Arbor, and her sister, Noes. H. Vaa Aly ' and upward. school home idea into operation in in- garment at reduction price. mun, Detroit. I+�� ,_ credibly shunt time after deriding oq - - --- - ----_ It. Here was the opportunity for miss Mrs. A. Hendersun and her daughter, apple crops, which are achieved by slonary work among them, in starting Annie, ;Cambria Road, arril'pl hnnir means of irrigation from the nlouna ^l.. school hornes. front Detmlt last Wednesday, after a �� 1 where file children tains. The Hand Hives strawberries, would be taught religion and have An- two vvoeks' visit with her, daughter, Mfr. .litkpn states, are of remarkable` W• 910—Saxon ideals instilled loth them. \Ins, L. N"an Hoteit• 0c"' n -s .allowing, of this being' ship- Tt THE SUMMER SCHOOL The afternoons are devoted to and recreation. A Vis(ou of the Churelf's Work and On Monday afternoon a reception Oppprtunitirs for iServlce Glven in the delegates was held at the ch Inaspirhlg Addresses at the Prrshy- lawn In charge of the ladles of 9ftlad 6uminer school. congregation and, fbllow•liig this, A light organ recital was given in Very suece•ssful meetings of the• church by the organist. F. T. E Goderich Sunnier school under the au- Mull, Bac.. assisted by %flss H. spioea,of. the Sulunler School Cunlmlti cher, enntralto soloist; and lira. t(w of the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- mond Miller, vfoliniste. The after don are to progress at Knox church E'v'ents proved delightful and the r (this week. Between stuff and dile•- cal entertainment was very highly Rules there are About A0 persons regisL •Predate'. Mies Bplcher's selec cMd, and the public luepting's ill tiler veto", "My Ain Folk," and Mrs. A evinings are being well attended. p Sed !\7,ssenevs "\kecjitation Y In addition fit those registering T1111184" Mr. Ege>ner's numbers+ v numbers motor in from the nearby the l overture to "Tannhauser;" country from day to day. (tel's Clavotte In H. flat, Lemare's The morning sessions open al 0 v'uttp \IodernP; a reverie, ".hong o'clock, with Bible studies In "'lYi0 Pines," one of the perforrnrr's (Jiarter of the Kingdom." conducted ba 011111poslWons; "AHdslilttnrer Oapri Rev. A. McFarlane, 13. it., of Day peld. Johnston; Lampe•...I fine Swept H and these devotional bourn are Pr ving the World Enver:'• and selections f very helptul. Widur's Symphony \n. .1. This is rulluwed by a sE rl, s of talks Those reglirtered as merubprs of on religious eduuaition, '-Practical plans school are as follows: (If religious work for Children, uldelf, William McKenzie. Paisley, boys and girls told ).lung people.,, b,y M9.+s Mphel E. Hacking and Rev. C. A. .Myers. M. A., of Toronto. Glary McIntosh, Mothervi-ell. Mr. Myer., is a speclalisf in this ours. Misses Margaret E. Habkirk, Mar and his addresses are proving very Hatgarlh, Jean Allison, Myra Mor Practical and suggestive for leaders oll Hensall. Fc(igions work among the young. l Miss Edith Mogr,'dge, Auburn. Rev. Prof, A. V Scutt, B. It,, of In- Rev. and Mrs. eipo. Aitken, It. R. dore, India, a professor In the college t. Parkhill. there, who is home on furlough, lvtu' MIR% Flora Mellonald and 'Diss K not here for the Tnrsday s-ssions. buff Patrick, Parkhill. 1118 addresses the following days artoj Miss Pearl Caldwell, Dungannon Proving very instruelive ami inspiring, I Miss Nellie MacKenzie and ;Mr. and cannot Mil lu arouse a deeper in- Mr,. J. T. Dyson, Toronto. terest in forelgn missions. His taikA ! Miss Winnie Brown, R. R. No. 3, for the morning s>'r,lons of the school wood. are based on the text book, "Canada's ,hiss Freida Wiley, R. R. No. R. \ Share in World 'racks." ford. Miss Agrees 1, Dlekcun. Lauth t:hina• Mlss Edna Melnroy', R. R. No 3, was to .peak on "The \topic Lear in wood. Many Lands," for leaders of Juniors, Miss Atlep M. Trott, R. 11. No. bot, on account of family bereavemeN, Al�unt Brydges, could not come. Her series of talks Miss RAIth V. Beattie, R, R. No. Nvere put dowel for the same hour -at Mount Brydges. those by Prof. Scott, go that the whole Miss Esther McDonald, Woodham school Is protltling by the addresses Mies Margaret Moodie, Exeter. by Prof, ";soak instead of being divide Mirs Harriet McGeary, St. Thom ed, Miss Nellie D019, R. R. No. P, \II On Tuesday anti Wednesday morn. may. tngs Miss .Beatriep Thomson, repre- - Miss Barbara e:. ing a. it. R. No. Renting fhp'W. 0, S.. spoke on "Wom- Clifford. en's Work;" and for the same hold Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Prumniond, Ai from Thursday to Saturday, Rev. Colin Drummond and Miss Stovell, Hamil Young, D. D., speaks on "Horne \its• David H. Carr, R. R. No, 3, St. Tho aloes. , as. .u....... ......... •--------- 0 -+ Make Be,e Ll n Pit, ' for B 'CK 98 LA- &Pictiv Tailfind, flifithlo- lot)d THE BEST THAT 1S a ize same In Plen's Smart Wear .,,,t t J 1 �, BLACK ,r ��!' 211 �e eA Store 1e great need was for Christian Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, Water- ped rens'+tl•rabie dlAollcos. All the school teachers, Christian farmers anu too street, and Mr. and Mrs. John fruit i, staled and radrd kind roll -1 Christian missionaries to 90 out and Johnston, Sheppardtun, were visitors disrarvled before shipments. Many old I've among these people. fir. Young With relatives at Kinluugh, Brur,! t'r'ends ,are glad to meet Mr. .Nitkeu emphasized especially the nerd „) county, over the week end. and 10 see him looking su wrll. teachers, as the easiest avpnne of ap- Mr. Theron Hallock, of Fargo, N. llama real Mlei., Jean J. Easton and her mother, proaeh was through the Christian kola, is the guest cif his, old friend, .Ate Still a man never seems anxious to blantford• teacher's work among the children. M.'Polley. Mr. Hal luck arrived just iq It a woman who isn't afraid of a for Miss Beatrice Thompson, W. M. S. Dr. Fletcher presided at Wednesday time to assist mr. Pulley in eelobrat- mouse. arch representative. Pvening's meeting and the children's ing his Mth birthday on July 8th, I A girl thinks a man impertinent if the Rev. C. A. Myers, M. A., Toronto. choir again led the singing. tae tries to flirt with her and indif• tw1. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indere, India, For Thursday afternoon an auto rida Miss Mi►ud Million has again taken ferent if Ile doesn't. the Rev. W', A. me'raggart, Toronto, for those attending the school wits ar- tip her utiesas tal nPtur ppurse in traninPeerI lit It is always the man who earl get Ego Rev. W'. H. Burgess, Miss Staiker, ranged. credit for the asking who doesn't want $el- Atlas Gain, W'alkerlon. Thursday evening Rev, Prof. Scott vacation with,. her parent;, Mh. and it Bay- Edward Surridge, Tiverton. delivers his address on "The (,harms (,f Mrs. Thos. Million, Maelkinald St. noon Rev. Jas. McCrea, Turnerville. India," and on F`rlday Peening the ad- Jtr. and Mirs. Ileo. Byers, silo spent I Many a man hugs delusions ,N -ho In Rev. G. Telford and dglegale� from dress will be by Rev, W, A. 'IcTa a week , Aith )the latter's daughter, /`vcntil.d prefer to embrace the real ap- Blyth. Kart, B. A., on "The 0hallenge of Life Mfrs. 'Will. McBrayne, cur. Kingston st. ,thing. lion Miss Horton. Lepburn. Service•" and Square, returned by, auto to thein It isn't always the coat that makes i111er Miss Dunbar, Kamsaok, .;ask. home in Port Huron, Mich., last Fri- the man; sometimes it's the padding. rom Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne tp. PEOPLE WE KNOW day. filler, vera \liss A'. Nairn and Miss Wiggins, 1 Rev. J. E. 1'"rd. of Guderi<1i, will oc Hovv du you like the n,,w' 8iagrr, lian- Knox church Sunday school. I Jnnr,°" On- Mrs, mcl)onaid, W. M. S, of Knox IIII llr• ('has. Lane was up Prom Detroit r tupY the pulpit of the Wingham Meth - last week, udisl church during July while the pas-, "Oh, very well, except when :he's 1 the church, ( ter is on his vacation, Mr. Ford com- singing." enwn WSS Inglis, Arthur Circle, Knox I \it'. ,lack Prnudfoot. of Detroit, is on nleneed his duties as supply last sun-' Are your portraits gaud [igenr,- o(>," church, a visit to town. day. regi" nnle Mrs• Tape and Miss Gordon, Gode- Hev.A, L. G. Clarke w,1s up from + Mr. and Mrs. EKener left this after- I • "Well, Y04, of course—if fire ,slater, 1 rom rich. ,London lilt, week, ❑nun for W'aterlou urn a visit. IharinK insists•' W. N. Meikle. (,`odericfl• Muss (bare Strang i; home from Or- Mr. Egener's absence on his vacation I ," said 014- man who was proud the Ur, Fletcher, Thames Road. anxev'ille for the holiday,, \I r. Miller, who hart charge of the nni� of his library, "whenever i tlnd one of Alex. Young, Carlow. Mr, lis C. Dunlop made a business I sic ut Knux church last ,uinuter, will toy hooks with a turn leaf, I put it Atlas H. S. :1llin, Goderiett. again be in charge. through a legal process." \liss On 'Monday evening the public mpel_ trip Gt Toronto this week• I I ,Wtlat, legal proepf.W" his visitor ting Was devoted to pile work of the tilt. Roy McLean, ,.f Kilrhrner, spent I Miss Pearl McNally, of Porter's book gsked,' W. M. S. Nina Rev p top holiday at his home here, store, left this week for Toronto full "I have it bound over to keep the y i. (Rev.) ial, was rest Miss Lilian Farr has returned front i take a haat trip up the St. Lawrence piece." Mort deal of the Presbyterial, was in . theriver, Her sister, Miss Verna McNally! chair: the sent lure 1 a Is varaliarn spent in Ir t • ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d ' It. Here was the opportunity for miss Mrs. A. Hendersun and her daughter, apple crops, which are achieved by slonary work among them, in starting Annie, ;Cambria Road, arril'pl hnnir means of irrigation from the nlouna ^l.. school hornes. front Detmlt last Wednesday, after a �� 1 where file children tains. The Hand Hives strawberries, would be taught religion and have An- two vvoeks' visit with her, daughter, Mfr. .litkpn states, are of remarkable` W• 910—Saxon ideals instilled loth them. \Ins, L. N"an Hoteit• 0c"' n -s .allowing, of this being' ship- Tt THE SUMMER SCHOOL The afternoons are devoted to and recreation. A Vis(ou of the Churelf's Work and On Monday afternoon a reception Oppprtunitirs for iServlce Glven in the delegates was held at the ch Inaspirhlg Addresses at the Prrshy- lawn In charge of the ladles of 9ftlad 6uminer school. congregation and, fbllow•liig this, A light organ recital was given in Very suece•ssful meetings of the• church by the organist. F. T. E Goderich Sunnier school under the au- Mull, Bac.. assisted by %flss H. spioea,of. the Sulunler School Cunlmlti cher, enntralto soloist; and lira. t(w of the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- mond Miller, vfoliniste. The after don are to progress at Knox church E'v'ents proved delightful and the r (this week. Between stuff and dile•- cal entertainment was very highly Rules there are About A0 persons regisL •Predate'. Mies Bplcher's selec cMd, and the public luepting's ill tiler veto", "My Ain Folk," and Mrs. A evinings are being well attended. p Sed !\7,ssenevs "\kecjitation Y In addition fit those registering T1111184" Mr. Ege>ner's numbers+ v numbers motor in from the nearby the l overture to "Tannhauser;" country from day to day. (tel's Clavotte In H. flat, Lemare's The morning sessions open al 0 v'uttp \IodernP; a reverie, ".hong o'clock, with Bible studies In "'lYi0 Pines," one of the perforrnrr's (Jiarter of the Kingdom." conducted ba 011111poslWons; "AHdslilttnrer Oapri Rev. A. McFarlane, 13. it., of Day peld. Johnston; Lampe•...I fine Swept H and these devotional bourn are Pr ving the World Enver:'• and selections f very helptul. Widur's Symphony \n. .1. This is rulluwed by a sE rl, s of talks Those reglirtered as merubprs of on religious eduuaition, '-Practical plans school are as follows: (If religious work for Children, uldelf, William McKenzie. Paisley, boys and girls told ).lung people.,, b,y M9.+s Mphel E. Hacking and Rev. C. A. .Myers. M. A., of Toronto. Glary McIntosh, Mothervi-ell. Mr. Myer., is a speclalisf in this ours. Misses Margaret E. Habkirk, Mar and his addresses are proving very Hatgarlh, Jean Allison, Myra Mor Practical and suggestive for leaders oll Hensall. Fc(igions work among the young. l Miss Edith Mogr,'dge, Auburn. Rev. Prof, A. V Scutt, B. It,, of In- Rev. and Mrs. eipo. Aitken, It. R. dore, India, a professor In the college t. Parkhill. there, who is home on furlough, lvtu' MIR% Flora Mellonald and 'Diss K not here for the Tnrsday s-ssions. buff Patrick, Parkhill. 1118 addresses the following days artoj Miss Pearl Caldwell, Dungannon Proving very instruelive ami inspiring, I Miss Nellie MacKenzie and ;Mr. and cannot Mil lu arouse a deeper in- Mr,. J. T. Dyson, Toronto. terest in forelgn missions. His taikA ! Miss Winnie Brown, R. R. No. 3, for the morning s>'r,lons of the school wood. are based on the text book, "Canada's ,hiss Freida Wiley, R. R. No. R. \ Share in World 'racks." ford. Miss Agrees 1, Dlekcun. Lauth t:hina• Mlss Edna Melnroy', R. R. No 3, was to .peak on "The \topic Lear in wood. Many Lands," for leaders of Juniors, Miss Atlep M. Trott, R. 11. No. bot, on account of family bereavemeN, Al�unt Brydges, could not come. Her series of talks Miss RAIth V. Beattie, R, R. No. Nvere put dowel for the same hour -at Mount Brydges. those by Prof. Scott, go that the whole Miss Esther McDonald, Woodham school Is protltling by the addresses Mies Margaret Moodie, Exeter. by Prof, ";soak instead of being divide Mirs Harriet McGeary, St. Thom ed, Miss Nellie D019, R. R. No. P, \II On Tuesday anti Wednesday morn. may. tngs Miss .Beatriep Thomson, repre- - Miss Barbara e:. ing a. it. R. No. Renting fhp'W. 0, S.. spoke on "Wom- Clifford. en's Work;" and for the same hold Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Prumniond, Ai from Thursday to Saturday, Rev. Colin Drummond and Miss Stovell, Hamil Young, D. D., speaks on "Horne \its• David H. Carr, R. R. No, 3, St. Tho aloes. , as. .u....... ......... •--------- 0 -+ Make Be,e Ll n Pit, ' for B 'CK 98 LA- &Pictiv Tailfind, flifithlo- lot)d THE BEST THAT 1S a ize same In Plen's Smart Wear .,,,t t J 1 �, BLACK ,r ��!' 211 �e eA Store 1e great need was for Christian Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, Water- ped rens'+tl•rabie dlAollcos. All the school teachers, Christian farmers anu too street, and Mr. and Mrs. John fruit i, staled and radrd kind roll -1 Christian missionaries to 90 out and Johnston, Sheppardtun, were visitors disrarvled before shipments. Many old I've among these people. fir. Young With relatives at Kinluugh, Brur,! t'r'ends ,are glad to meet Mr. .Nitkeu emphasized especially the nerd „) county, over the week end. and 10 see him looking su wrll. teachers, as the easiest avpnne of ap- Mr. Theron Hallock, of Fargo, N. llama real Mlei., Jean J. Easton and her mother, proaeh was through the Christian kola, is the guest cif his, old friend, .Ate Still a man never seems anxious to blantford• teacher's work among the children. M.'Polley. Mr. Hal luck arrived just iq It a woman who isn't afraid of a for Miss Beatrice Thompson, W. M. S. Dr. Fletcher presided at Wednesday time to assist mr. Pulley in eelobrat- mouse. arch representative. Pvening's meeting and the children's ing his Mth birthday on July 8th, I A girl thinks a man impertinent if the Rev. C. A. Myers, M. A., Toronto. choir again led the singing. tae tries to flirt with her and indif• tw1. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indere, India, For Thursday afternoon an auto rida Miss Mi►ud Million has again taken ferent if Ile doesn't. the Rev. W', A. me'raggart, Toronto, for those attending the school wits ar- tip her utiesas tal nPtur ppurse in traninPeerI lit It is always the man who earl get Ego Rev. W'. H. Burgess, Miss Staiker, ranged. credit for the asking who doesn't want $el- Atlas Gain, W'alkerlon. Thursday evening Rev, Prof. Scott vacation with,. her parent;, Mh. and it Bay- Edward Surridge, Tiverton. delivers his address on "The (,harms (,f Mrs. Thos. Million, Maelkinald St. noon Rev. Jas. McCrea, Turnerville. India," and on F`rlday Peening the ad- Jtr. and Mirs. Ileo. Byers, silo spent I Many a man hugs delusions ,N -ho In Rev. G. Telford and dglegale� from dress will be by Rev, W, A. 'IcTa a week , Aith )the latter's daughter, /`vcntil.d prefer to embrace the real ap- Blyth. Kart, B. A., on "The 0hallenge of Life Mfrs. 'Will. McBrayne, cur. Kingston st. ,thing. lion Miss Horton. Lepburn. Service•" and Square, returned by, auto to thein It isn't always the coat that makes i111er Miss Dunbar, Kamsaok, .;ask. home in Port Huron, Mich., last Fri- the man; sometimes it's the padding. rom Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne tp. PEOPLE WE KNOW day. filler, vera \liss A'. Nairn and Miss Wiggins, 1 Rev. J. E. 1'"rd. of Guderi<1i, will oc Hovv du you like the n,,w' 8iagrr, lian- Knox church Sunday school. I Jnnr,°" On- Mrs, mcl)onaid, W. M. S, of Knox IIII llr• ('has. Lane was up Prom Detroit r tupY the pulpit of the Wingham Meth - last week, udisl church during July while the pas-, "Oh, very well, except when :he's 1 the church, ( ter is on his vacation, Mr. Ford com- singing." enwn WSS Inglis, Arthur Circle, Knox I \it'. ,lack Prnudfoot. of Detroit, is on nleneed his duties as supply last sun-' Are your portraits gaud [igenr,- o(>," church, a visit to town. day. regi" nnle Mrs• Tape and Miss Gordon, Gode- Hev.A, L. G. Clarke w,1s up from + Mr. and Mrs. EKener left this after- I • "Well, Y04, of course—if fire ,slater, 1 rom rich. ,London lilt, week, ❑nun for W'aterlou urn a visit. IharinK insists•' W. N. Meikle. (,`odericfl• Muss (bare Strang i; home from Or- Mr. Egener's absence on his vacation I ," said 014- man who was proud the Ur, Fletcher, Thames Road. anxev'ille for the holiday,, \I r. Miller, who hart charge of the nni� of his library, "whenever i tlnd one of Alex. Young, Carlow. Mr, lis C. Dunlop made a business I sic ut Knux church last ,uinuter, will toy hooks with a turn leaf, I put it Atlas H. S. :1llin, Goderiett. again be in charge. through a legal process." \liss On 'Monday evening the public mpel_ trip Gt Toronto this week• I I ,Wtlat, legal proepf.W" his visitor ting Was devoted to pile work of the tilt. Roy McLean, ,.f Kilrhrner, spent I Miss Pearl McNally, of Porter's book gsked,' W. M. S. Nina Rev p top holiday at his home here, store, left this week for Toronto full "I have it bound over to keep the y i. (Rev.) ial, was rest Miss Lilian Farr has returned front i take a haat trip up the St. Lawrence piece." Mort deal of the Presbyterial, was in . theriver, Her sister, Miss Verna McNally! chair: the sent lure 1 a Is varaliarn spent in Ir t • ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d ' THE SUMMER SCHOOL The afternoons are devoted to and recreation. A Vis(ou of the Churelf's Work and On Monday afternoon a reception Oppprtunitirs for iServlce Glven in the delegates was held at the ch Inaspirhlg Addresses at the Prrshy- lawn In charge of the ladles of 9ftlad 6uminer school. congregation and, fbllow•liig this, A light organ recital was given in Very suece•ssful meetings of the• church by the organist. F. T. E Goderich Sunnier school under the au- Mull, Bac.. assisted by %flss H. spioea,of. the Sulunler School Cunlmlti cher, enntralto soloist; and lira. t(w of the Synod of Hamilton and Lon- mond Miller, vfoliniste. The after don are to progress at Knox church E'v'ents proved delightful and the r (this week. Between stuff and dile•- cal entertainment was very highly Rules there are About A0 persons regisL •Predate'. Mies Bplcher's selec cMd, and the public luepting's ill tiler veto", "My Ain Folk," and Mrs. A evinings are being well attended. p Sed !\7,ssenevs "\kecjitation Y In addition fit those registering T1111184" Mr. Ege>ner's numbers+ v numbers motor in from the nearby the l overture to "Tannhauser;" country from day to day. (tel's Clavotte In H. flat, Lemare's The morning sessions open al 0 v'uttp \IodernP; a reverie, ".hong o'clock, with Bible studies In "'lYi0 Pines," one of the perforrnrr's (Jiarter of the Kingdom." conducted ba 011111poslWons; "AHdslilttnrer Oapri Rev. A. McFarlane, 13. it., of Day peld. Johnston; Lampe•...I fine Swept H and these devotional bourn are Pr ving the World Enver:'• and selections f very helptul. Widur's Symphony \n. .1. This is rulluwed by a sE rl, s of talks Those reglirtered as merubprs of on religious eduuaition, '-Practical plans school are as follows: (If religious work for Children, uldelf, William McKenzie. Paisley, boys and girls told ).lung people.,, b,y M9.+s Mphel E. Hacking and Rev. C. A. .Myers. M. A., of Toronto. Glary McIntosh, Mothervi-ell. Mr. Myer., is a speclalisf in this ours. Misses Margaret E. Habkirk, Mar and his addresses are proving very Hatgarlh, Jean Allison, Myra Mor Practical and suggestive for leaders oll Hensall. Fc(igions work among the young. l Miss Edith Mogr,'dge, Auburn. Rev. Prof, A. V Scutt, B. It,, of In- Rev. and Mrs. eipo. Aitken, It. R. dore, India, a professor In the college t. Parkhill. there, who is home on furlough, lvtu' MIR% Flora Mellonald and 'Diss K not here for the Tnrsday s-ssions. buff Patrick, Parkhill. 1118 addresses the following days artoj Miss Pearl Caldwell, Dungannon Proving very instruelive ami inspiring, I Miss Nellie MacKenzie and ;Mr. and cannot Mil lu arouse a deeper in- Mr,. J. T. Dyson, Toronto. terest in forelgn missions. His taikA ! Miss Winnie Brown, R. R. No. 3, for the morning s>'r,lons of the school wood. are based on the text book, "Canada's ,hiss Freida Wiley, R. R. No. R. \ Share in World 'racks." ford. Miss Agrees 1, Dlekcun. Lauth t:hina• Mlss Edna Melnroy', R. R. No 3, was to .peak on "The \topic Lear in wood. Many Lands," for leaders of Juniors, Miss Atlep M. Trott, R. 11. No. bot, on account of family bereavemeN, Al�unt Brydges, could not come. Her series of talks Miss RAIth V. Beattie, R, R. No. Nvere put dowel for the same hour -at Mount Brydges. those by Prof. Scott, go that the whole Miss Esther McDonald, Woodham school Is protltling by the addresses Mies Margaret Moodie, Exeter. by Prof, ";soak instead of being divide Mirs Harriet McGeary, St. Thom ed, Miss Nellie D019, R. R. No. P, \II On Tuesday anti Wednesday morn. may. tngs Miss .Beatriep Thomson, repre- - Miss Barbara e:. ing a. it. R. No. Renting fhp'W. 0, S.. spoke on "Wom- Clifford. en's Work;" and for the same hold Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Prumniond, Ai from Thursday to Saturday, Rev. Colin Drummond and Miss Stovell, Hamil Young, D. D., speaks on "Horne \its• David H. Carr, R. R. No, 3, St. Tho aloes. , as. .u....... ......... •--------- 0 -+ Make Be,e Ll n Pit, ' for B 'CK 98 LA- &Pictiv Tailfind, flifithlo- lot)d THE BEST THAT 1S a ize same In Plen's Smart Wear .,,,t t J 1 �, BLACK ,r ��!' 211 �e eA Store 1e great need was for Christian Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, Water- ped rens'+tl•rabie dlAollcos. All the school teachers, Christian farmers anu too street, and Mr. and Mrs. John fruit i, staled and radrd kind roll -1 Christian missionaries to 90 out and Johnston, Sheppardtun, were visitors disrarvled before shipments. Many old I've among these people. fir. Young With relatives at Kinluugh, Brur,! t'r'ends ,are glad to meet Mr. .Nitkeu emphasized especially the nerd „) county, over the week end. and 10 see him looking su wrll. teachers, as the easiest avpnne of ap- Mr. Theron Hallock, of Fargo, N. llama real Mlei., Jean J. Easton and her mother, proaeh was through the Christian kola, is the guest cif his, old friend, .Ate Still a man never seems anxious to blantford• teacher's work among the children. M.'Polley. Mr. Hal luck arrived just iq It a woman who isn't afraid of a for Miss Beatrice Thompson, W. M. S. Dr. Fletcher presided at Wednesday time to assist mr. Pulley in eelobrat- mouse. arch representative. Pvening's meeting and the children's ing his Mth birthday on July 8th, I A girl thinks a man impertinent if the Rev. C. A. Myers, M. A., Toronto. choir again led the singing. tae tries to flirt with her and indif• tw1. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indere, India, For Thursday afternoon an auto rida Miss Mi►ud Million has again taken ferent if Ile doesn't. the Rev. W', A. me'raggart, Toronto, for those attending the school wits ar- tip her utiesas tal nPtur ppurse in traninPeerI lit It is always the man who earl get Ego Rev. W'. H. Burgess, Miss Staiker, ranged. credit for the asking who doesn't want $el- Atlas Gain, W'alkerlon. Thursday evening Rev, Prof. Scott vacation with,. her parent;, Mh. and it Bay- Edward Surridge, Tiverton. delivers his address on "The (,harms (,f Mrs. Thos. Million, Maelkinald St. noon Rev. Jas. McCrea, Turnerville. India," and on F`rlday Peening the ad- Jtr. and Mirs. Ileo. Byers, silo spent I Many a man hugs delusions ,N -ho In Rev. G. Telford and dglegale� from dress will be by Rev, W, A. 'IcTa a week , Aith )the latter's daughter, /`vcntil.d prefer to embrace the real ap- Blyth. Kart, B. A., on "The 0hallenge of Life Mfrs. 'Will. McBrayne, cur. Kingston st. ,thing. lion Miss Horton. Lepburn. Service•" and Square, returned by, auto to thein It isn't always the coat that makes i111er Miss Dunbar, Kamsaok, .;ask. home in Port Huron, Mich., last Fri- the man; sometimes it's the padding. rom Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne tp. PEOPLE WE KNOW day. filler, vera \liss A'. Nairn and Miss Wiggins, 1 Rev. J. E. 1'"rd. of Guderi<1i, will oc Hovv du you like the n,,w' 8iagrr, lian- Knox church Sunday school. I Jnnr,°" On- Mrs, mcl)onaid, W. M. S, of Knox IIII llr• ('has. Lane was up Prom Detroit r tupY the pulpit of the Wingham Meth - last week, udisl church during July while the pas-, "Oh, very well, except when :he's 1 the church, ( ter is on his vacation, Mr. Ford com- singing." enwn WSS Inglis, Arthur Circle, Knox I \it'. ,lack Prnudfoot. of Detroit, is on nleneed his duties as supply last sun-' Are your portraits gaud [igenr,- o(>," church, a visit to town. day. regi" nnle Mrs• Tape and Miss Gordon, Gode- Hev.A, L. G. Clarke w,1s up from + Mr. and Mrs. EKener left this after- I • "Well, Y04, of course—if fire ,slater, 1 rom rich. ,London lilt, week, ❑nun for W'aterlou urn a visit. IharinK insists•' W. N. Meikle. (,`odericfl• Muss (bare Strang i; home from Or- Mr. Egener's absence on his vacation I ," said 014- man who was proud the Ur, Fletcher, Thames Road. anxev'ille for the holiday,, \I r. Miller, who hart charge of the nni� of his library, "whenever i tlnd one of Alex. Young, Carlow. Mr, lis C. Dunlop made a business I sic ut Knux church last ,uinuter, will toy hooks with a turn leaf, I put it Atlas H. S. :1llin, Goderiett. again be in charge. through a legal process." \liss On 'Monday evening the public mpel_ trip Gt Toronto this week• I I ,Wtlat, legal proepf.W" his visitor ting Was devoted to pile work of the tilt. Roy McLean, ,.f Kilrhrner, spent I Miss Pearl McNally, of Porter's book gsked,' W. M. S. Nina Rev p top holiday at his home here, store, left this week for Toronto full "I have it bound over to keep the y i. (Rev.) ial, was rest Miss Lilian Farr has returned front i take a haat trip up the St. Lawrence piece." Mort deal of the Presbyterial, was in . theriver, Her sister, Miss Verna McNally! chair: the sent lure 1 a Is varaliarn spent in Ir t • ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d ' .u....... ......... •--------- 0 -+ Make Be,e Ll n Pit, ' for B 'CK 98 LA- &Pictiv Tailfind, flifithlo- lot)d THE BEST THAT 1S a ize same In Plen's Smart Wear .,,,t t J 1 �, BLACK ,r ��!' 211 �e eA Store 1e great need was for Christian Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston, Water- ped rens'+tl•rabie dlAollcos. All the school teachers, Christian farmers anu too street, and Mr. and Mrs. John fruit i, staled and radrd kind roll -1 Christian missionaries to 90 out and Johnston, Sheppardtun, were visitors disrarvled before shipments. Many old I've among these people. fir. Young With relatives at Kinluugh, Brur,! t'r'ends ,are glad to meet Mr. .Nitkeu emphasized especially the nerd „) county, over the week end. and 10 see him looking su wrll. teachers, as the easiest avpnne of ap- Mr. Theron Hallock, of Fargo, N. llama real Mlei., Jean J. Easton and her mother, proaeh was through the Christian kola, is the guest cif his, old friend, .Ate Still a man never seems anxious to blantford• teacher's work among the children. M.'Polley. Mr. Hal luck arrived just iq It a woman who isn't afraid of a for Miss Beatrice Thompson, W. M. S. Dr. Fletcher presided at Wednesday time to assist mr. Pulley in eelobrat- mouse. arch representative. Pvening's meeting and the children's ing his Mth birthday on July 8th, I A girl thinks a man impertinent if the Rev. C. A. Myers, M. A., Toronto. choir again led the singing. tae tries to flirt with her and indif• tw1. Rev. Prof. A. A. Scott, Indere, India, For Thursday afternoon an auto rida Miss Mi►ud Million has again taken ferent if Ile doesn't. the Rev. W', A. me'raggart, Toronto, for those attending the school wits ar- tip her utiesas tal nPtur ppurse in traninPeerI lit It is always the man who earl get Ego Rev. W'. H. Burgess, Miss Staiker, ranged. credit for the asking who doesn't want $el- Atlas Gain, W'alkerlon. Thursday evening Rev, Prof. Scott vacation with,. her parent;, Mh. and it Bay- Edward Surridge, Tiverton. delivers his address on "The (,harms (,f Mrs. Thos. Million, Maelkinald St. noon Rev. Jas. McCrea, Turnerville. India," and on F`rlday Peening the ad- Jtr. and Mirs. Ileo. Byers, silo spent I Many a man hugs delusions ,N -ho In Rev. G. Telford and dglegale� from dress will be by Rev, W, A. 'IcTa a week , Aith )the latter's daughter, /`vcntil.d prefer to embrace the real ap- Blyth. Kart, B. A., on "The 0hallenge of Life Mfrs. 'Will. McBrayne, cur. Kingston st. ,thing. lion Miss Horton. Lepburn. Service•" and Square, returned by, auto to thein It isn't always the coat that makes i111er Miss Dunbar, Kamsaok, .;ask. home in Port Huron, Mich., last Fri- the man; sometimes it's the padding. rom Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Colborne tp. PEOPLE WE KNOW day. filler, vera \liss A'. Nairn and Miss Wiggins, 1 Rev. J. E. 1'"rd. of Guderi<1i, will oc Hovv du you like the n,,w' 8iagrr, lian- Knox church Sunday school. I Jnnr,°" On- Mrs, mcl)onaid, W. M. S, of Knox IIII llr• ('has. Lane was up Prom Detroit r tupY the pulpit of the Wingham Meth - last week, udisl church during July while the pas-, "Oh, very well, except when :he's 1 the church, ( ter is on his vacation, Mr. Ford com- singing." enwn WSS Inglis, Arthur Circle, Knox I \it'. ,lack Prnudfoot. of Detroit, is on nleneed his duties as supply last sun-' Are your portraits gaud [igenr,- o(>," church, a visit to town. day. regi" nnle Mrs• Tape and Miss Gordon, Gode- Hev.A, L. G. Clarke w,1s up from + Mr. and Mrs. EKener left this after- I • "Well, Y04, of course—if fire ,slater, 1 rom rich. ,London lilt, week, ❑nun for W'aterlou urn a visit. IharinK insists•' W. N. Meikle. (,`odericfl• Muss (bare Strang i; home from Or- Mr. Egener's absence on his vacation I ," said 014- man who was proud the Ur, Fletcher, Thames Road. anxev'ille for the holiday,, \I r. Miller, who hart charge of the nni� of his library, "whenever i tlnd one of Alex. Young, Carlow. Mr, lis C. Dunlop made a business I sic ut Knux church last ,uinuter, will toy hooks with a turn leaf, I put it Atlas H. S. :1llin, Goderiett. again be in charge. through a legal process." \liss On 'Monday evening the public mpel_ trip Gt Toronto this week• I I ,Wtlat, legal proepf.W" his visitor ting Was devoted to pile work of the tilt. Roy McLean, ,.f Kilrhrner, spent I Miss Pearl McNally, of Porter's book gsked,' W. M. S. Nina Rev p top holiday at his home here, store, left this week for Toronto full "I have it bound over to keep the y i. (Rev.) ial, was rest Miss Lilian Farr has returned front i take a haat trip up the St. Lawrence piece." Mort deal of the Presbyterial, was in . theriver, Her sister, Miss Verna McNally! chair: the sent lure 1 a Is varaliarn spent in Ir t • ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d ' p es.on.was read b,y eaoit. Will ,juin her at Brockville, and return Miss WIgglns; and ,\ars. Arough led in Miss Lizzie Campbell Irft un Will with her for holidays at her home No, prayer. The speaker for the evening on a visit In Stratford and Hamilton. There, was Miss Thomson, secretary for the \Ills Ethel Nairn is home from her, Ilr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady, of Lon - voting , KI Toronto Presbyterial of work among , pedagogic duties at E,alt for the vara• �Ily,nusan;e young women. Miss Thomson made a Ilnn, don, EnK., are visiting Mrs. Newton- ""°•. very able presentation of the work of I Rrady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mae-' the M. M. S., the wonderful Mh•. Gordon Down euf Torontn. Is donald. Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald also and from small beginnings, growta spending his vacation at his home. have as their guest their son, Mr. Wal; i eg gs, and the vast Huron Road. Ker, task before it. So much of the rills. Iter Macdonald, of the Dominion Bank. sion work among the women and child- Miss Isobel Doolittle, of Tornntn. IS Toronto. I fiat- ren of foreign lands could only he done a ,guest at the 101110 of Mrs. Sinclair, ( Mrs. Carrie, sr., has returned from by women. The pitiable condition of Britannia road. a seven weeks' visit with friends at ( 1 Ker- file women of many lands was graphi. Exeter Thnes: Mrs. W'nl. Rawden is Vancouver, Seattle, and other points catty dwelt upon. The status of \v'om-(visiting for two weeks, with Mrs. I In the West. While in Calgary she at - an, Allss Thomann claimed, vasa the Salkeld, of ooderich. itended the 1. t►. D. E. Convention ,o; 4' (barometer of the progress of right Misses Ethel and Elsie Elder over,, dpleghte from Ahnleek, Chapter, I. a) ^UR BUSINESS Is opening uv very nicely—I am here to stay f principles in a land, and, g ll. h., lloderich,—at{sinet 021 comers—and aru determined to give sati8- Jud judging by vislWrs with tripods at Kina'urdinE faction. this test, lmill Is a vast work to do during the past lend-, I Clinton News -Record: Mr. and Mrs.CALL AND SKIC 'MEr . among tilt, millions of China and lndig Mfr. 111pn Sinclair, of Hamilton and other countries. ' ,fisc Thomson Thos Shipley announce the engage nicht spent the week -end at file home of his or their daughter, ML E. YrMuria Our equipment is up-to-date and prices are the lowest consis- as made an appeal for the consecnatio of Id- life and talent to this noble work. A mother, Britannia road, Pear!), to Mfr. Lloyd W'.• Connells of tent with good "dERVICE." feature of the evening vvas the sing-, Miss Minnie Campbell left on Mon- I Usha de son of Mr. and Mrs. F;. e place A. L. COLE )ng by the children's choir, which Clay to take a summer course at or (ioderich, the marriage to lake lace 1' bout the middle of .luny. wall splendid, the avert voices ut irr Queen's College, Kingston. OptoMetrltt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optician iss Lung singrra being In \1 r. It. Crich, of the Board of Crio'rt- ( Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and Bd. of Tra9e Headquarters, Masonic Temple ° perfect time.. Mian. Little Miss A. Nivens gave a well -ren- al Audit, was in town this week in family, of Marysville, %Iifh.. and Mrs dered solo. obanection \111111 his duties. Bessie Nicholson, of Port Huron, mot - m iored here and spent the week -end with Tuesday evening's address was by Mr, and Mrs. John Muir spent the Mrs, R. J. Delong. Air. and Airs W, J C Rev. C, A. Myers, Mt. A., of Toronto, oil vveek-rand at the former".,, home in town(.. Duckworth and family returned JIHIIINiIIIIittlttttllttllltUIIIIIittlillliltttlllltlltllltllllltlltllAllllllllllllll pllltL "Next Steps In the Forward Move-, and left Monday for St. Thomas, with them to spend a month's vasa- 110 menl." The shcce$s of the financial Mr, Edward Blood, of Ph'ladelphl tion. I e11 iva In this movement, It Myers has been visiting his relatives, Mfr. and it, and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of DP- � School o� Commerce said, \vas only a beginning. It constl- Mrs. Thos, Wootton, Huron Road, trait, accompanied by Mr. Gsenr \Val- TSS toted A mandate to the church to go lir, and Mrs. H. C. Elder and child. ling, also of that city, and Mr. Wm. '•=� nf after the asmReconstructionht ke goclety ren, of Tillsonburg, spent the weeks � Kennedy, of North Ba Ont., motto-rer} after file ser vv'us much trtlkpat/of but �• .� CLINTON AND GODERICH, ONTARIO the only sueeesstul reennstruellon end with the former's mother, Mrs. R to town and were guests of Mr. would he based Cnthe reconstructed Eider' Moorp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm) Offers the following courses man, A mare equal chance for all and Mr. and Airs. Fred White and little � Moore, Victoria street, and Mr. and �+- j a more even share In the world's good son, Billy, and Air. ano Mrs. Lyman, of Afrs, Alex. Powell, during the week. , aft -- 1 filings aimed at to Industrial recon- Port Huron, motored here for over Dr. James M. Smythe, of Camden, Business, Stenographic,Secretarial Civil 1! etraelion, wlrllP pprle•( fly rfgrrt and Sunday. Tenn., Is spending a fortnight In town. f Proper: and even tine improv# mpnt of Airs. H, I)unldp' and her daughter, Dr. Smythe is a grandson of the late I � edl atonal facilities, s0 much needed \lis" Dunlop, have left on a trip to the Air. Cooke; formerly of Colborne . Service, Teacher Training Course f so tat the child of the farmer and the coast. They wilt„ be away for some township. who lived for many • years arti�rn should have equal chances with months, on the Huron road, just south of the and arranges Special Coarses for students. the child of the rich; fell short of the Noes"r". Jaq, and Ernest Vidpan, vvho Murney Borne. We understand the Dr. mark, as It was gentle possible to have visHed Detroit on the last trip of the is a Canadian by birth, being born 'n , �. The following advantages Intellectual drvNopment wlth(tu! the Str. Greyhound, havo taken positions Hamilton. Ont., but he studied and Is, �f light i f of a character; and the now practising the medical profession Highly Qualified Teac6ilg Staff ' I nuglrt of file foreigners eomilw to in That city, In Uncle Sam's country. /+ r a ourltry, without getting the prin- Mr. and Mrs. ChIIs, Heaie, of Nevv Actual Business System of Bookkeeping f York, and A1r, and ltrs, ..los• Heale, of The St4r was released to have a � j► elfiles al 1119 morality and (1lristianity. call this week from Mr. Clarence Pen -1 Credential Typewriting Tests eras appal)Ing, For our own Anglia- Toronto, visited "friends and relativPa 6 Saxon g in town loaf u eek. nintrton, who has been in the Old Land -- Positions Guaranteed ppovOr luck fief need was great- (during the past ten years. He is over or than ever. as the children of the !lir. and ill"Cs Unsvvorttl Jones, Atlsy to Canada for a vacation and has t pts"pot repto spend n had more money 's iJonnt end a trlelld, motored brought Mrs. Pennington and famttyr Vocational Training School � and ipfsuro to spend in self indulttence from Tornritn last NvAclf, and spent til with, him, they remaining in Toronto l Ithan the children of previous times few' days In town. while lite, Ppnningtan name on to and benne needed more than ever the AI s. E, I))Ovvniug. aticenVanled by i'foderich to renew old acquaintances, Ilxtxnrnding of moral and religious train- his dau,ghfer, Nick W. Il. COX, of Learn• During the year Mr, Pennington was, for this district, by GOVernment appointment, t►nd ander Mille• The Sunday school stye the only initton, ate gtlt!sts Of Mt%. Elleb Sia. superintendent of production of the inspection by Soldiers' Civil lie-estabiisbment Department. school for religious teaohldg afrtong Blair, llritennfR I;tl d. largest munition ftlants in England, ! Pratnatants, and ;fir. Myers appealed Mr. F Imelh (tdl'vrft and Miss Laurat spending from two to three hours enell for n more serious ennstderatlon of the Richardson, tilt, Strait rd, lire jIJ1lel►ti3 ttf day In each est tiles' plants, fio states For terms, etc., write work of the fiunday arhools, There that !t was strenuous work, but very %%Vre thousands of children at resent tie home of li�fil. attid Mrs. Jots. "W. Vann P atter, W8104dts street. necessary at such a\ time. '%he firm B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Aects., Principal. not served by Sunday' schools and v with which he is connected has made p thprp host be a doubled eXpansion In ;irk and firs. Pt.t'ey Nleholson, Mr. It worth while tnr flim to renew hila M. A. STONE. Cosi. Specialist, tfte openlnK np of new Gunllay schools and Airs. co ke and miss �•f�nnnlaletr � � t, vice Principal. In W(1 nAxt fieri Soars. 77te home vva$ of Watford. Ont.. ntotered llrre an 4 contract with them. for u Couple of the unit of tsorial life land religlous In- sppnt the creek -end. 'yt -n ttl(►rt+( fed many friends in 'Pliole 19$, Cliltttk r flueneta Itnust be lnereased in the home Mr. and Mrs, ,1. G. \ ling of Belle• totNir \veno plAitke to see Bim Riven. bir the rtl-estRbllsllntc+Yrt of family wol•, vibe, have returned its •$lietr dome at- A Cott Aitken, of itrrnd River. Oregon. Is spending a month with r(R- ship, The +�ttarr'h must take its place. ter a Pleasant visit A\,lh the iaafy'a j STUDENTS MAY ENTER AW TIME Siff the 11fo of the Child, 'fifth the old mother, itis. Jay. Mel.r;$n, lativOQ In town. Mr. Aitken wgs un- der the doeinfli care a while ago ank,1 habit of the' flt[1i11y oth attd children Mfr, and Mpg. Jack Given and son. is '•vaetat1OnI1W' for the benefit nt his p /► f 1►ittttgl!! to cht111+th \vlth the PAMIRS, Alfl'ede Arad Mss Cora Given, of Port health. iib IR engt llted in fruit growl SCHOOL OPENS WEDNESDAY S(PRi tr+� 1 With the httfntl irillueneos nia'dm p right lio». motored bern and spent the Ing In the flood River Vallell lead has ! liar.'dyers telt no fear tot la& of Cain• week -end with Air. Robert Given. lltdifea for the tufnlsfry Or any ntlter Nies, W. E. T\r(=e�tty rand family, of Rome veep fi3tprt�Rtintk vlp\vs rc�ith trim , laJlnwiitg t;!re tvandertutly abundant It 111 Nii i ON OMNI a, ' d '