The Goderich Star, 1920-07-08, Page 2EAST STREET GARAGE • • you want a iuce, wity Car One that you will be Froud to drive, ,het a � GravaoiDort of Accessories of all kinds Oils and greaso at the right prices. Fresh' stock of,. Columbia Ivry Delis. '. We have on band a good stock of . Dominion. Nlicboltn and E. and S. Tires and Tubes. All kinds of Repair Ctiork�� p •omptly attended to and sat is - f fiction guaranteed. The' reliable C.C.M. $icy- ciea are sold here, and we eatery a fedi line of 1 Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts Give us a axial and you will come again T • ,Ft, HOLLAND 'Phone 243 East Street, Goderich M �illNA!!!N!!1!lIIIl111111lI111111�IIIiIINIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillgll� �-•head and shoulders above their fel- �i be..0o'beric!) %tar• IM'.. What is it we lack? Is it that Telep6eNs esti?t. we are so occupied with our own af- fairs That we haven't time to study lilt THlilt5l)AY. JtiLYt lith, 11x10. ureds of huttltanity, and to 'bring our- selves in touch with the natures of SPINDRIFT others around us? Is it than we can- not help otl*rs because we don't tnl- dersland because we don't l,7vsan: Sanitation for Coderieh. .them or rightly un#lerstand ourselves? Are Under this heading it might be well we afraid to look at life as it is fare to state that tine slogan Is by no means to face and instead look at It from an dead, even though, in the rush of get4 employer's standpoint or an cat, Ung out the paper, It may be omitted ployee's standpoint or through society from Its usual place. Mr. Johnston! goggles, or through a religious fele- the engineer for the toxon, has the mat- ?;cope or to scientific nricroslc'ope? ter in hand and the \I, n. 11, expects leach one of these methods. SIis►oris !mother visit from lite tiovernment en- humane nature, and happy Is the man gineer in this connection some time in who lookg at life unafraid and also can Aguust. look over the shoulder of all sut'lay Is ll? livilat Iand cunditlons ofrnf sd see life ar When you Nil duan some time to do they t see it. TI non comes nearest• a little day dreaming. ,just think uvea to itnowtng in what direction to train the men you know iq Goderich, and his nhhid and all ills facilities In order pick out Ulu (tile "ho kould be niosk to become a giant. it is a giant's Joh d� missed It, by sonar force of circum and that is why there tire: so few who ehtaneres, he was reruuved front our can carry it trough to a glorious ilit- comhuunity. What man Is there ish. But there Is the areal satisftu•- aimong us v\ho hies those dualities tie- lion of knowing that it we cannot all pessary to compel the attention and be saints we can be bigger men than the affection of his fellow men? xxe are, and we can each one aspire to [irons this we miry ask ourselves, the d1'vvlopment of those qualities What are tie qualites? What is It nvhlch Will make its beloved, and re - that ,)likes til e, g u i itoil s x x•l r tie actions yered by our fellow men. r . are watched with pride and whose LIERNIOT McEvt+v, words are quoted in the family circlet as well as on the street? it titan may leave strength and know hots to use it. 1fY•n Bad ii l'4>r tike Charpentier, but tie only interests Kidney: After The { a small percentage tit mankind. lir' may have intellect, like the late Bold- Sat Up to Turn In Bed. win Smith, or he skilled In financial That awful epidemic, the Spanish nnatters, like Sir Edmund Walker, tie influents, that swept Canada from one may have the stalesntanllke qualitiAs end to the other a abort time ago, left in of I -Ir Robert Burden or lite milliary Its ,wake a great many bad after effectci. } process of Sir Arthur +:urrie, but in In some eases it *as a weakened heart, ' one Generation after he has left life's in others shattered nerves, but in a great sttig-. he xvit not he remembered as a men Catlett weak kidneys have twen left glant. Ills influence will not be felt av a legacy. in the Ines of nien yet unborn. Be- Where the kidneys have been left w'cak tote a man can be a i,-reat artist he has u an after effect of the "Flu," Doan's tit develop his ahlllly along that line $idlney Pills will prove to be lust the -with pencil, brw.4h, color, and canvas. remedyyou require to stran then them. ilreat singers hate years tit strenuous Mrs. Betsey D. Wile, Lake Pleasant, I work exe•relsing their Noires, which in N.s., writes:—"'Last winter I was taken j the first place mu_9l be of special mer- sib with the "Mu," and *ben I did got IL Latvl'er'i, doctors, merchants. aril$ better I found that my kidneys were very vans, all have year,, of training In Weir bad, and at ni t I had to sit np to turn chosen professions or railings, and but arOUIId in • 1 used Doan's Kidney few of�hem reach any pinnacle of iland found that they did me a 4. the he, g it approaching fame. So we woudeAul amount of ood. I also enay eonclude that training Is neces- reeofmitend them to my -husband and l Bary to become it slant among men. to started in to hese them. I will always and Ave may also assume that man.,j them to anyone who u ' men unconsciously or conseiouslY MCum ld tflih kidney trouble, for they train theni>re Ives, anti arrive at the av-e an wondi", -- y✓" erage height of solid citizens, men Doom's Sidney Pills are 500. a box at whose word Is sit good as their bond, all dealers or mailed dufeet on treceitrL of vvhc are generally held in the affee• prise by %; T. Milburn Co., Limited,' tion of their associates, and who at$ Tot'onto Out. rrniwed when they die. There are few elee tiaf►t our trade mark, a "Maple %Vito Stand out like .Abraham Lincoln. Last,"' appem on the brat . ,tet rrr•r.�ht•t.�tnrr r��� it P. J. MacEWEN fi ` _, w,li:,etzy 4,1141!401011111 *1— Al H • Whip ll r04 "It tt up in cap. t rules, caslly a'srallowed. Sold by j "liable druggbts for a dollar. x ' Ask aur agents tw send card for free rumple to Templeton's, 142 _ King St! W., Toronto. Agents, all Toronto and UtuniltoA drug- ' gisalk to , Lural Agent. Uuu'oo '; Urn:t r+•ure Riding, Comfort,, PUBLICATIONS FOR F. U31ERS The nen list of Agriculture at cif the ^ �� �� 'Canada s' Ue*purlment uY Ag•i•iculture at tiltawa ♦♦♦ '4,�.;, .,. .r i contains Utes of• nearly three hund^ed and fifty bulletins, circulars. and utirer, pamphlets that deal with tt roc whole' ��'7�HY let rough roads inter- This rare combination of rid- f�•tsrt•l7extss. These cover he whole VY range of agricultural and horticultural ! fere with your motoring ing luxury.with driving economy pusulcrops, sl including dairying, reed comfort? accounts for the tremendous en- rrvps, live stock, orchard and I,^arden crops, poultry, Insee.R anti plant dis i In this Overland you need not Overland which is greeting the 4 CtIAR:HI�G Bli!<tIIER GIRL.—Aima ease, farm building cun.,trovttun. farm narbinery and r,,:ury u!:,pr tapir's Overland all over Canada. vran'ts Its lilt, rrca. at"w¢, nt-r,.mer ort i ! let bad roads spoil good +-rides. shown In the pbulu. The wrdle an -4 The subjerts are 'trr,+nge•l alullnbetl-, sash of tier, hi;ht airy truck are of sat,, rally under geaetat titles Not only Triplex Springs male ever Its equipment is of the most In-de-tte�e +•thi,.•o. N- r flat a,+.I para- o,i the lists theont.a-h-- axallable 'n,ni modern type. Its stamina 1S a sill are lrluu,nu theta lit, shut, ,u,.,•r_ V'e Publications '1!anrit`of the Inep.ut- mile yOti ride a rtlOre enjoy abC tai n+e•nt but any o' the putIhcations i mile, credit to t e Canadian lnstltu- _ therein contained j , tion which created this car. Al IBl R.N V SAVE THE CHILDREN Light weight makes every mile �Wrntrrt im- last tt• r;, i a more economical mile. Let us show you tl>ie Overland. l \lied .1tia xledd, of Detroit, as >i,ilaim Mothers whotkeep a box of Baby's retitlitc•r, uh the xtliit:, it pre„'ut• Own 'tablets in the bouse may fetll xt,.. poll'b.' ,tf Mout este. rs hs,Uuµ hat the lives of their little ones arei her -istvr, Ntrs. islet!:, lie• t:tiaa;r• iesvonahly safe cluring the hot weather. i this \\,.,k. Stonmch tronhles, cholera infantum and The lit".. Mr. 1—hig, d P„r,hvich dtarrhooa carry off thousands of litte furan+ r p:+oto .f lit. Yet nb;,el•lan ones every summer, in. wost cases be. I � rhurrh I+ere, cat, Ne the mother does not have a safer tnediclue at hancl to give rowotl baud islet I�rida:. p S'•, The I'rrsbyl,rvrn rhurrh lit Turn• liabv's Own Tablets relieve these, mt•rnorate the •axtieth .mui\,rijry , I troubles. or it given occapionall,y to the; 7 u ornwaU,tn ,j) t t „ni r, K.'tliun `veil child will prevent their coming on. the f the 25th t Juts. 'the tech'. Irl'. .11n oil The Tahlete are guaranteed by al tan, of Toronto, is to ho the preacher. eovernllse analyst to be ahsolnte'y one of the 1' erns r uhinish'rs leer• harmless even to the newborq baba. i They are especially good in summer Last Wofilw�dr, flo\. It. .1. (its; tt••,i becausethey regulate the bowels and lilt, nuptial I,nnt f,w X11" \lairs, of Hol- keep the stomach sweet std pure. telt, and 51,x: /.t I;a It„ale, or the xit- They arc sold by medicine dealdrs or lags. A t, kwl• o! ni,ut.. h, Torr til•' by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. I - y'oung frit ods of tine 111'14,1vulet arttl Williams Medicine, Co., Brockville, Ont. i Iirc„^nte,l her kith heti,.,; ;srticles George ,johnston, Dealer necessary fur li,•r nett ,talion in tire . FIRS -r OF JULY VOTES Tier farriers' Itirnk” Whiel+ xx:,s lith! We didn't cou6t the children lit the Goderich, Ontario last Salurday, tta; ,iaiL• a ;acres. A pruresslot to Agricultural rark, but large number x.t'ry pre-ent crow the ••thev say” there were 1200 of them. Head OQice and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada strro+ntdinrr' nei> hhnrhnud .and Ihv aft lernoon txar -p, lit in serine;, ball play- The morning parade bad utility good I Brancjies: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina int:' and rart s. jnnal ing, rte. Ail -cent features. Miss Marion Lee anti her a wl to enjoy llerns,•Ites. S,ont u1' itis gi]•I chums had a eleven• thing Its their age,! matnins sate t-tid•vc, of lheir representation of **School Days.- The Nuuthrte, nartit% 1410 t,nleiId lisartWl take-utY on tine Ooderich Amusement — into till, rnilnitw r,,nt. sl. t'orporation was funny. Tile Goderieh choana was seen by most people 'tor It was a great day for the kiddies. gre t line-up of little cherubs tLis The public ,rho.,ls hay.. 11—ed for Jdercatlfile Co•, "eloderivh's Baby ill- the first yfrne as it appeared in the We doubt if any town in Canada gives mo1ning, the tnnruer h„ilde>.+. �ixt> \--ars ;inti Hushes,” had >tn artistic boat, showing par'Atle, drawn Icy the handsoine teams the youngsters a hetter time on Do- The people heartily enjoyed the nidtohec- t • simmer %eun tasted , illy Ittr Its vartons litres of manufacture; it of grl•ys, the readers ridden by L'eter- miulon Day than Uoderieh does every Ing in barrels and other special eveat; weeks: III., impils Ira,! , x, ry u1her Sal- was got tip very hlil•niedly, but won the ens J. \turr:ay and \Iax Claremont. year, - in the afternoon. This is it good urday, ti(,ntl I'ri,l.+ an,t hash •• Noon- first prize without question. The Gel'- "•idle veterans d. B. ]IjI:ay and Hoy The hairy show appeal's to he more feature that should not be neglected day, a xterk at .lrw l'":ti•'s un,l 'th,• mail gun received this week from Iflac•k were on the gun, popular year by year. There was a in future years. Qlleeh's hirihdtiy. Trews cunsilutet: >t the sel/•al h li,l.r>r. ;md ;he stir, ill Io- er•aged hriwrert s;xly ami se•Nenly pill) - its in lhosc ,;ctys• Another of the ptom'rr, \vin br!prt' v it, make iter r,r Hnli,rtt \viii it is and who had tneir share in bii lkl- ing tip Canada ha, juin-d tor• sil'ni maj,trity In tilt- prrsou of Vr: .\.Lin: Y �entt. 'flee deet-ased %vas hnru m•ar halt sixty' ev,'n V••ar•s nen, rtrhit11W is trete llu Irl; parenf'o ,- tchi•hh Iltix pati 1It Dangerous to Use Counterfeit Parts for the was all unbroken forest thronih tchirh lilt, Reif \Ian roamed in ,lues ni game e While it fs right to lw• alt li,rrlur t,r those xtho 1`1 Ill in tl•'f.:x" ..f oa'r , land, txe ought lot 1,. ford 1111).e who wade It xx„rth rlghlinz fur. T111 devea�ed had Ihed ,,it the -lit; takru uI _. by hi.; father, ever sines, he e,utte the the tovtin hip, and his retna'ns herr; laid etfry rest beside his riarent, in the .,:,,, a , eely to til13th r n n' Ifulletl. "]t IN interesting, as •himinr) " the value that volts put upon turn when this- part of the rmntiry xx'a? Y allowing your lira a man to use imitation arts in being opened tip to ! that the Gan ada Company revelled a lexx,a rip „n Brepairing your car you not only, invite repea . re air each side of • the Il iron road f r hullo -Ing the road• bills and ;more serious breakdowns, but you actually en an- t,t+irr Doesct•t Wear 011' Alone, )tt, ger you!" own life and the lives of others.. C4eap and inferior parts used in not make tilt, mistake of w'aitinc f}t,' asthma to wear sway by it -elf. �Wtiil connection with the steering control are liable to cause accidents of a very )-till are waiting the disease is -irrl I serous nature gathering a stronger foothold anti yore • tive in danger of stronger and "1 slromtor attacks tr. .f, 11. K,'thi Asthma Remelt' taken .ally t>i'I pre- You Risk Your Life When You Use Genuine Ford Springs versus . vent Incipient ce(tm`{it(tn from h, ruruinr: • ehrrrnie and say, s hour's , f alt' I .i ' Imitation Spindles Imitation Springs ferl>;i:. Children C r 9 In a recent test the tensile strength Genuine Ford front and rebs springs Fog FLETCHER''S of the genuine Ford Vanadium are made of Vanadium•spri3ig steel C Yeo. t , � .. -- • ` Steel spindle a'rm was found to be- having a tensile strength of 210,000 (larage-•Hamilton Street over 1000Z more than that of the pounds. per .square inch, and lit: Special Sale OFTIRES { 6 • , f i •.Y S t We have a large supply ofj Mehl,ar . ' Service Tf`res oo band, all rdakes. IF it"s a ltYs�lrle little-- Rl1Q4dye$i' tribe•. -tib --repairs of shpt Mad—or it We a rest "t, tbft* to fttt: %Ve are equippedi snppiY all yt ds 11 Un10 folk prices rl s" ons -1. Ott toast • f�a• Port of factors in tits eflicientoperation ofyout car is coh*u iabtriratt iot►r iQ; Oak We bar,* the three grgrasdes of rinpitiiai flim• line, and this Itpedall d ik Chlert of Recoamtodt, Hofer whkb specifidt the . t ortrect fired: for 6" ' tlluuofaw. tttuti agar► Miltese . Cross-WINCRAL tV4rtt.'NE {ti�POIN'TEO' vIlse chart andexrAllit VIOUNllti'�'U:t;�'i` .t1% allin6i,.2 :COUPr:,— itlr►(�r of tt �tajrtr frety�tal fdtfr A. I,%4,4ilip who #tf v of lift Standard hpw hent rtpoiated 1 -111ul .ne0.slt! .=f the 1$'e time. ;. 59srirss* Corp -4 bi sur<ciPfaE} At the i; Navy !lana t�. avuegal �rt•,lrwn• stre- ynil< Kiell �" tiiIo�ir�l d`' °y O&I Dtajtir rtPtBrit iiarur•tt who xx30 -gufor %i,, Netts. g tom u;• �{ e� t; ieeopral Lejeune Is Nhuvvtt. vvrarni A01110 • f tine 11r;,Uy di c ? Vrtiarskuteed for ' C11� to • tt atthlions h, wotl t tltdt,►x tsar trim tl r sett ilandeet the 4 •"• k .. % i>o 1 tltvPciott of lit` A. CS. 7'., teeing i� tits Teel ind Anty, �dt11 <le �ki:er r, t`aiC �INA' {ri111v 1rtRVi 9t11 petn"1`�o nO 1risrtmentei Dar ; �; ,.. 11':nl'i:tiefs xvr;�c*• itselttcl�+3 ity, Cl10 davIIvla,tt. ti ns o? , s counterfeit m9chine steel part. an elastic limit of 200,000 pounds. The arms were submitted to shock, Every genuine Ford spring is tested and, the counterfeit arm broke in the factory. Front springs are ' _ at a pulling force equivalent subjected to a pressure of 1,850 to 11,425 pounds applied to a cross section, pounds. IIn the fatigue test the average gen- The same pulling force applied tG a corres- ume spring will stand 60.000 sU4es before ponding cross section of a gouine Ford breaking. Rear springs are subjected to a' spindle arm did not evdn change its original pressure of 2000 pounds and the average size or shape;: In order to separate thegenuilie genuine spring will absorb 40,000 strokes spindle arm it Was meegW7 to ripply a'pulling bef ore brea�g._ force of 25,000 pounds. Imitation springs are generally made of car - The spindle'arm is one of the vitalparts en- try ' bon steel having a le strength of oniy 130,000 square inch tering into the control of a car, and using pounds per and an elastic spunpus parts in such places, Ford owners are limit of only 115,000 pounds. In ordinary riming lives 4nd property. service they soon flatten out. You are,imerely protecting yourself and avoiding repeated repair bills when you demand genuine Ford plats. -only, Gvnuine ' 9 Fanta Can be. ���ed mith. Safety } . 11001C for Gen'u` line Par I rx! the Sign FI", �. •, i „• qq WAN DEALEIR9,00'DEWCH 1- '17, r".-, �:l �4 a 91 a�P