The Goderich Star, 1920-07-01, Page 8..........
imar, Owr
I g&Ujbon, and suPP"r
be to-rVed In like t,,..utiful olim Of the re
when food conservation Was 'All' THt 8190F." STORE
day I
the IIjgll oust or:.Ilvlao S
ti,card of, and n
of twEs OF 411 dbor t0:
Admission 90
Don -t forget the date T,
warl" ,d Expenses Children s,
in 'various tints and different I It its interesting to note front time to Now Frillings in Point. Hosiery largo ignite of Children's Wetises froul 2 YO sus size to 16
Shaped U OvelOPOS, With an& the allIounts certain trades arid A at I uev this 50%.
borders. 500- time onsider adequate to Pro We Awye st the present time all. 20 per"Cent.. off. T--�hese garments are
without colored profest,1011"' their megibers. effects years at in Qiagb is .and Prints in the season's latest
600. 75o and 900 per box- per maintenance. JOI itles. No, e%cep#0118,11Y largo r*0go 01 Hosiery in son and come %M
and. lilresunt"12- - ly e be- for qhuareu
apparent] ek agia colors. creations sucl the beat iatterns.
Goal 20c. 250 distinctill" I I sk family Mau- wbitie. ble, ay
III expensive bachelor an� Am P as OW triminifIgs Oil '
intagine that what stock of White fund women. All sizes are represented and the apLay in our
(Lad 850. though it Is ell, in comforl, not to say A SU all assorted, as wo, specialize will be on d the second
would 6 hardly suffice for U14 is W are very attractive. These garmentl
111", 11111� department 00
. 111.1Ild NVO Wev windows Mild ill our ready to wear
lux"ry, Lt ran across WO ilk this 1100.►
tithrr. He- tit), W,
items in ,or daily paper hearing On black floor.
dated Montreal' Lislo 9"08-OW-Wh"to
of tilt, subjrct One f,ljowu: Orgaa? 543, 950 and $1.25
fresh shipment ads as Ouse- or colqrs, at 600.
june 17tti. r, Dust cap for h seDresses
were increased from 148 a Pair, Hou
Ladies I
$t,A) pe,f* i;%erk. and their travelling ses in all sizes
Meriden 81118f Polish W $(; to $s per dqY-"� $1.50, $1-75. In House Dres
-frijill LOX01' Bilk Fibre HOSO jil� A very large r�ngekof Ladies .11 be on sale
connecti-I) with this. es Wt
The Ind 00161v, These Dress
Federation of Labor. white. black a d on
Pouf vQiy the best Silver Polish .%oks dated Windsor, June pure Silk Hosiery at $2.00, $2-25, $2.50, $3.00, from 34 to 44 at $2.50 UP
Enough 250 and 0015
Enough other it, LAdieIEV Saturday. July 3rd in our now ready to we 6r department an
114th, and reads: "RPv- R block and colors. display in our windows.
sented the: report $3.00 a pair. fil white
ly for one year. lack and colors, in a"
st •Fund Committee, Lisle Hose, in white, b
the suotentatiou At C10dr g in price from We to $1.00 a Pair-
thr)ugh the increase
runtributluns to tiffs fund, to secure I
wjllcjI %%aA able sizes. rarij, e or.tan Ladiesq White Skillts
5o including 8016 in Alain; white or with oink, blu White Skirts
4 the saiary of
11,3rse keel)• for eery married milill In tops, also plain tan, at 35c, 386, U in black. From assortment of Ladies' mal gi"e�' conte ill
the 0111ft'I'Poce. lie projected a schern" MISS SUSIE NOBLE A very large assortin
i to aid in
� Boys' lleavv Cotton Stockings, in all sizes, w&ist measure. Those Skirts
tor tilt a illinolents It on fun 1 4 1 1 ,it ordained 50C to 85c a pair. in E611 sizes from 22 to 36 with but-
mising it,#, stipend ufat'- I 000MM6000"acmMa"W" Pique, Gabardine and Repp and are prettily trimmed W
minister to $,15M
and . hors -keep. A Special in Ladies' White and Black Stockings tons. Ask to see these attractive and
useful garrnoOW
I,. \%,114•adolpted by the con-
Thh4 sellefl .4., \%t.ul for the ki When w - fl ack. and
ernes ;,oti 9, from 81 to 10, hy bl
supplied by the public.
therefore, on visiting the pavilion that 'pure Silk Stockings, ill all size
eommercial-�th w good taste and cum- white 0111y. Regular $2.50. For $1.98. suits
NN'. Ila- salaries of their like dancers sho' d demean- Bathing
NILE laborer orijering Ilk" in their dress an essays to Pad lY Green,
say $3.5m per non sells(
Remember he Date. --on Thursdayi labor jea�l*,r% hoostf-d it) in the vine- or. an'(XLhat when It man e8lk Suits in Navy -
the . Ito
assembly Underwear I Ladies' one piers Bathing
oclai and year, %%I'll-' tit(- laborers tone reon, it' pure 1001 at
noting, July III, - lest than halt ,Is much. One going on the floor with his shirt well known and Brown, trimmed with Orange and G
Qrry festival will be j1pid (in tilt, yard get I fie poorly paid, leeves rolled up to Ahe elbow, and Underwear is
ot cjIj1&s (if %%ork tit onc tin Watson's $7.60 each.
14,111,1oj grounds. Nile ,% program by 'nien rebellIng again§t in- s he is politely but
' )ro%ided. %to- anti donvo ' fellow laborers, hall wearing DO coal, confirm to the
slocial merit it; being I their irequeeted to Watson's Underwear gives satisfaction because it is Made
-,Ocal. by thQ Justice I
istuntitrument-I and 11 Paid Job don,or firmly ng, we have a Our stock is comprised ottons
Pat desire is to jraj standard or cease dauOl Anagement an
orchestra, Reck deteriorated Into a we to fit,. out of the best yarns procurable. a G
'v ,'Pena Hamilton and by flit,n whose Pr better regard for the mi OR-
-ill or their class upon the
tations by v, its Idea of the fitness of things nothing but Wat'1011" ""es
to the detri- (lying it A 8 COTTONS On sale. A% you know
los by Miss Hazel Augustine, Of I)u"_ pose the
tat of countries, was & democratic crowd enjoying it of We
P-10 giovi-mmi, from 45c to $1.25 a garment. HORROCKSE
---------- nient of if%(, Vvelfare of the common selldemocratic Way the night -I! Ladies' fine Uils Vests,. :tOCKSES is the recognized standard for White 00ttOns.
other class of work has pavilion. There Is a 90011 om $1.25 to $2.75 a garment. 1 afor one week every Piece Of
poorly visited the the younger genera fl sleeves, at 30c and have a large stock at present an is no dressing
anti always, be PO ined opening here for I
always Paid to sPecit', bill it has remained to get acquainted -4 Vd4tk. ill either short or no 9 HORRO0XSBS Cotton will be on sale.LATEST There fiffind.
STYLES IN the tiOn in oaderich are free from
steadfast to its original Ideal, and all become intimae -alet"D in HORROCKSFIS Cottons' They a
to it will at- t do not Say to uainted with 35c a gILL
men who glvp rhinal ghest, estee. friends, but to get acq pen's Drawers. in all sizes, at 55c a garment.
ways be held in the lit alis! each other—in a way that the present Child Regular 65c Cotton for 490.
It is a good thing for Canada that,whift
present, men can atilt be generation never had, and from a Wei
1Vlllllner I like theare. willing to carry the the town has suffered as far a set- Curtains Itegular 55c Cotton for 43o-
inund who e land and can find out ever since it was first a to choose from•
gospel message through-th learned
cliques and sets. Much can be C�rtiiin Also Other, line
maintain the atmosphere of Christian learned about a man's character by the Aj we have not the room to display Curtains and
a stipend of Si.500 a year -ay he acts, and a good place to see
a 'Very large or charity for are those whol%% have dociied to discontinue this line and to clear
and horse keep. There generation in action is at
Now Hats are decadent, that Its,the younger 9( music is sometimes Materials, we ha voue Dresses
say the church 18 de we live InIthe pavilion. The Oh is a pity, there them quickly they are on sale at exactly 25 per cent. Off - he
small usefulness has passed, thatI rather Jazzy, sic well and marquisette. 21 yards
V07 which requires new I
an advanced agO v be- plenty of really good mu A large of Curtains in lace An exceptionally large tangs of L-j4ieks' Voile Dresses in t
possibly we do, but It Is any of the dances Put on- from $3.00 to $8.50, and newest patterns that
old Protrait, Hat 9 C1011110116111 ideals. ood noC,adapted to roam and white, ranging in price f season's latest creations and the best 91 from FN(jlISH VoilO
cause we have never underst we jazz music is all very well once in a long, in c ss than those- prtces.' need. They are made We want you to gee
with feathers. or t0110, broad ppreciatel the Christian ideal as are now 25 per cent. le a reduction, have been prod,
It that is so. and J great while as a curiosity, but It is to color.
Via ought to have done, only as such that it deserves a Place Curtain Materials will also be cleared at the iiiam which means they are fast as display in our ready to wear
and drooping of brim. we ovve it to ourselves to investigate, y pro rant. Caviare may be all Curtain MatorialB. Those scrims. rots this wonderful range which is on
hl ,that that Ideal before we con a. a steady 25. per cent, Off on all
on an appetizer, but
with Vida spreading tricorns, thorough right .1 would and laces come in white ecru and crown and range in price from department.
demn It. of it or of limburger cheese to
cap like toques and British The pavilion diet disagree with a man's diges- ------- ___"
,oderich has always been conse.rva- n 25c I TI
0 about tion, but WO imagine it would impair -------- —,—
Aim"I effects, with busby it,., In habit, to say nothing his taste for good, wholesome, simple,
ties. it does not like rushing into food which he needs to invigorate his
feathers darting Out from 006 poll too hastily, and
any sort of expansion accepting either' body. The orchestra deserves some -
side. or flowers trimming the I,,; very cautious about in the way Of music to
k,4 or steel Plants at what thing better
gold brides value. play, In order to show up their un
crown or brim. qlwbt be termed their face - doubted talent, and we believe also RNE CO
ell go into a ve,n ical Pieces • -COLBO
vvilen a few local m on that tile more really mug•
torr, tile success of which depends kc less vital energy to pro- Je H
the public taste entirely it j.q a sign of would ta
es,; pvt.0 if thelenture Is but an duce. I THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY
progr , l That.orchestra needs vital energy it W .. L, I I
P let attractiow 0 , , V
ere dincing, ep up the pace which
.dusT�ient pavilion J%%Oh they are to ke
kqlc are the ell In lbe evenings following \,i, 4,
I � they are chief attrac- has been set The sue -
Miss M. U. Ma0lear That it 0 88) f the pro- the OPening of the pavilion. 12MOEM12tw
tions is far as the managers , the cess of the venture depends equally ndav at Mr. Thomas E. Harr
lett can supply attractions, but lie. and the management 10 McClure, and Mrs. ForY spent So
tell Ion tile pub, - and 4150� some coney,
Township, 011,13 in 13kilyfleld.
KINGSTON STREET iy great attraction without wit, d they require, and main wind cClure, all Of
real , storm last fall, Goderich
auspiciously, now the tiling is to kep the standard high.1 Improvements which should M Mr. Robert Hillock, o(Pickford,Micil:
Imp Wilson, of Goderich, an
either dancing or music would Dot bO I the standar s started ausPi
wows i drawing cards, JS the human clementi taln. it ha and look out for �bll�mces to raise uta other improve thelf property. and Miss Vera
I eircum- 1 help to imPT A little SO
notch if possible, bu under at I Mr and Mrs. A. Gantelon and Mrs. J. NICKIE SAYS Mrs Ernest JOkluston all
........... �i never ,slips hack and Mr. Girabam,Ot Goderich Township- ape Er
stances A great need is a proper I Gray' and Mr. Robert Handley Thomas 1111111111111111111'���""'111"111111'�'11111IIII'II'111"'II"' "' a notch. los. Elwood dropped It a short time Monday in Bayfield at Mt. Thomas
place to park cars; and this we under- Tb CoopJ, who has not Harrison's.
stand the, mane I is 9,rranging to see Mr. (;. A. � the past week. Mr. Sbmavum
for. The public aT_smeesnsentlaIIY selfish been very well for talk with old 9.EWT —
ft the roadway surrounding the pa- Cooper enjoys a short., 11#`=k A*4 C -P000 M_
eltMeTed up with cars friends. WAD CDV&s mm VS -9-
Y our all 0 villon will be Leonard Westbrook, of
Tht. is Is Irrespective of thO rights, or conven- Mr. and Mrs. Westbrook, 01 Avi 9&*W 4%WT VAskmw T -S% Pr
neighbor-, Goderich, and Mr. Gen. Wes Sundav VRWIM %W New issue
lence of householders in the neighbor _4%v�kl%cklolk W104 PAXV�
hood If the practice is not handled Alberta, near Edmonton, were
with a jirrit and Unrelenting hand by visitors at'the home of Jesse Gray. Wig 9W 0,1.4 0%J% AJ^Q0Vk.T1s.0
authorities, and the time to Mr. Westbrook says it was a very V%9.Skk&.vA 9MG INIMACC Mkilk"t %V-4 'VW
the proper auLh 0. force is at the be- 11 %4r.JhM% %ee4,VC*%k%
put regulations L hard winter a - dl�d
I through the West thif; Province of Ontario
much stock
It will add to last winter, and
ginning. T)f -11 as to , it,- want of Leede
V.. the prestige Of the town WS or
_101— success or thepaviliOn if the rights
and conveniences of all are yons Idered. �(,
and proper arranKentents enforced for
MURRAY—The fun
their observance. MU11RA oral of the late
Ft Dann died on Sun-
DVELMOT McEVOY- Mr. Joseph Murray, who
day. -Juno 20th, took place On Wedn08-
Gold Bonds
DUNGANNON day .afternoon of last week. The ser.
at y Rev. Mr.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Steadman left It vices were cOuQuo "T
"It Toronto, of the -Brethren de
Tuisadely for their new appointment at James, of Toro
Due 15til June,
Watfor nomination, and the pall -bearers were
i of Toronto, Is , Louis
er Jack Stotberi the deceased's three nephews
17 parents, Mr* Aitkens. of Toronto; Enslow hitifens, Of nd
5 a holidaying with ht grand
it win, and Crack Murray, of town; andt. Price $100 a t
d Mrs. Thos. Stothers. to .09
All am Walston, the new pastor, will his ODIV brother, Mr. Geo. Murray, of cruedinte r Ji
Rev. Mr. We]Murray was born in Ac
Mi Mil
be here this week to take his Place 5m Goderich �Sbtp but was brought to
Colborne Tow
Dungannon and Crowe &R an infant and had made Gode-
r.Mr. F. Ross and Miss Rae Stothers It ever since, though away
U When 0 N have been re-enoged in the public rich 8 0 a good deal at One time and T. R. HARRISOR
Sept. from w to
school for next V66r, beginning attoth V. la ther to the sole Bur 'Phone 316 West Street
f a family of seven brothers and
Ito let, each getting i Igibstautial raise•
et areMurrayhad peon ailing
The following *011601 teachers one sister. r. it was only
of To. for probably a t General lnsurat_�
Watch for the date of holidaying at their homes here: Mines Sick. is widow,
Ethel Case and Janie Mothers, last Febi nary It ter Sum. have
ronto ; D&ISY Ryan, Of Port •Credit; Louis, and d neasTransacted
it1 ;r:A $ Saved- is I son
Laura Pentland, of Amberstbur9t dint the sympathy of W f end&
our Grand Opening Mr. Bart iWiliginks, ai Auburn. _W
service was h�bld for the Orange - M& rt Tichbourne,
men, in Erskine thumb, Sunday even -
Mr. A
Earned Sale Mitis Alice Falconer and
"** Ing last
a $ The Pastor, Rev. Dr. C&M1P1 MrKeith Ross, t
bed an,., excellent sermon, Miss ray Tichbourn
0, motored down to
bell UteRc Acta 15 , 26, The
tgking'bis text CrOM BaYneld to see the ball game.
As soon as our present loci
service. Mr. Alf. Fuller and bliss Irene Harrisin, White Shoes
Mr. Mick Arbuckle, Miss Nora, Conner.
With the wonderful buying choir rendered special Music for the
tion which -we have in Gale-
rvtcea will be hold the 10161t all of London, motored up and spent
power. central organization and rich opposite the Court Hall", Union Sol I kinechureb, -end in Bayfleld at Mr. Thomas
two Sunday eVenin in Era clan GerviQ0 the week
waltiplisi Outlet, as orgailliZa- on the East side of the Square, t Sunday the geabyft D Douglas E. flardwals• various
will be used and D W.,&rt.TiohbOUT1Ie, Miss Alice Fal
Were never in grouter demand than this year. There are thetr liejag remodelled otor of ft3w;U1,; wal ptwb.
f this kind has at B. re
ties 0 "yWhich is now On the following unasy evening thb reasons for this
and decorated at the present ces A] be used and Rev.
.4 fiater tips, we will be ails to :R &qWIc&nk servi
aIle to take I)j. Campbell will preach. Everybody 1st. Because of their Comfort, in that they are light, per -
•time. you will welcome. Pf fictly pliable, and easy.
offer for your approval- at psrt3iti which -as held On SMA's #d Store
aivantago of the W"im(W The garden was a good
5C to C. C. Brown's lawn -June 123, wide range of Styles and shapes we are
prices ranging from I
kqaius which willU Wend 66 e 2nd. Because of the v
Intiocess. although ` ithe
alatuse at 1110 Mew" showing this sesson. With 9, distinct design or model to suit
., ' all &SM of awk tar old ili, $11111, •UP-.t*4&:te 14. r&thorchillY toy, ;449 Hand Printed individual taste, consequently
and t every i
less Vhe odeicirtt
f ro* 10 to 25 W
teat. pa Eve Every "gal did, a thriving bustillb".
an licit the Hand Colored
co* patiton, by the ()rebeattilt an agh taw *A lilyflies Wr .1 3rd. We can Vit YOUR wh4ther your feet are long and narrow,
*as of a verynd•
wid 6134116M "COWty t"t tki "y it UreS or short and wide, we have the correct last for you, tVaD.
a edbvs
rho illliddla calk be retailed from 5C to two solos, Za bijar""s were photograV woman, or child, and
itla elilillitatiss Of the lo", * The tktd
offorod, tit rkft tjftouni��Ut WA
kaVifit OU'r 9"h 1100c M Because of their EdOMMY-
loan is 64111 out All & boo a il 401
slllpw$1 .00 *4 -1 %pr"Alkv rf4a.klj�W*' '. ' I .
direct to Oar om tilt will mo; .4 v%,srd Gr*# *nd wife, Of Go" I So one goos, -tat our prises, and you will buy hyjr*, to
Isitors at tho
of kith ew Mr. ka, vairylouti-
borne, %vere S(IndkY 1166" &bm out tdu�plote *Mtlsfso#on. Ask Your friends, they know,
7 tU 1111111ludactsw3� home of his brother, Reuben Grigg sites y
here. ISM
A young lady alAvo 10 the RE
L Steel C00,P N1r. Fftd Middl6taii, white Hall' W"' I N G
belle*0 1111110 has to4e to SW M AND SUR -
tired ' I _111._ . A%& #111111
13 toudaed 'Whft Store
`''lire ilum1.
her *1 ft,
alt 0 elli the, 'Miss th MON
01) Star 07
to Nib kt
16 tig" U#W tollom in tA* t1lipte r .460 W
-Is all the soriftotipwil Nery. le 0111 ft- %JW*
will bd
00,011460. of 0004 rph�, Oita Aha "b I ph 01t'd flier