The Goderich Star, 1920-06-24, Page 8IPA" Mmfft , w—looli'll"(1,11,11,11,1" - - - - - - - - - - i I - N , . At warde Pronialiltion Mains. 1111111119111k, main, wrft the public school here next valcuk. pap 4or Rially Allen hart returaP4 1100te I to, in, ell Wit wetI4. ro�laltjvp% In Gaideri IrAll V41189 in, tit bt, beld '10 THE, 5111GER WRE P aflergpeudjog a few h011114" U1 Scat- Noire ford., Now collars ,and ljoll. Dr. Campbarll VkIli preach to the orangemen In the Presbyterian church Ann EMr, Thos. Mcphee had the Ful"IfOr- tunte to fall off Mrs- Bpgjeylit. barn, auO IT Sunday evening, June 27. Now Frillings !,8 point- a Btu Exilisli Lines, per pound pack- broke lIjj4 leg. oloi,k, hope he will have ed 'effects ad Cal "i,,r Go nvelopos it speedy reetItolery- 7 hodjol age, "C. The I)UxlPnlj(JD Met 'Clearance Sal 'd holding Its 8knilual garden partbi on A grct► tri ood stock of White -our e of -� all,-;Xurtains ait. church lawn 4.11 June 30th. 112160. J. June 18thAs the 4091"Mug of Parisian Lawn Envelope*, pinli, fit London, a"taded by loe-atkal- linen finish, Special. locl -tit, %vill furnish the program. weat Til'- fariel-al of little Max) Campbell, We ara4iscoa.fl the present and the Curtains are p* package. Same rice infaut daughter of Nir. and Mrs. Will inuing all house, furnishing lines for as before the war. (tjIntlibell, took place to Dulogann"ll all t rMay, June 8th, -evildry pair of Curtains and every cemejer� Sunday, June 20th, tie%- If- I Dust Caps for house. hatiS ne. OtT I ljoodglus officialing. Niuch sympathy I- left"in this lilts* . so 'rjej. go oppoifunity to stock up to felt for the bereaved parents. a p 's ex of • Qtj , tice Mrs. swwyer, cleaning,, of0ur Wl' 25,­----pett of churchhIll, gave a paper 16 da e n4 in lace a House Note fAper &ad very Interesting and inspiring talk on as G�ousolidatpd I�t'1100111 last MOn y af- 1 25c and 35c DoRm !� of pairs of Cortai and' scrim 25 per �ceutaoa' oo, J41 tfie w*ujljen,R Institute. A a too. and ecru 4ce At. Augus­ 0' 'f Curtain matetials by the yard in white, create 3teadili jidvancio 4 ter" large 61lection 0 at number front St. Helens, A iery I!Itlne, Kintail and Lucknow Womell,L, 111141tute .%ery present. l I pi at 25 .cent. U. CREWE 0 N jilt .r good tiomes clianged handt. Every piece must be 'Id as we are discontinuing this line. so ir"killol herr last week. MISS SUSIE NOBLE I .Nlr. filial N1rt,. Herb Cut -run and f3ln- tjy %%.-a,,- crevoe %isitors Sunday. I -pnntotHosiery The ram here has been ft great hely silks • to the fall %Olcat 441141 Spring grain, John i.tarrall anti litjl)t.t-t Menary at- lkiri­i to a general hommittee made up Colored Raw Silks and Habutai Silks on sale. Radium Hosiery 'On Sale all,, ,f two front eat'll lalj�� boirfling it large Join house , N%rwilp adjoining the village of All- Every piece of colortd Raw aud'Habutai Silk jrj%ing shed fur sain Kllp�utrivli thi�ll t alar $z. for $1.98. h. blif1i and three from Al-lblu-n.'Chusq on sale. these Si1i-; come In navy blue, green, Regt i , were: East WaN% allaosh, Iddiv, of GreNve churell intelill uteammlier the [Acle. -rpt I " tppohil.ed and ps-ijing. jljl� till), 4 4tN%ll fit I iind Robt. MvCee and Win. Anderson; West black, light blue, grey, fawn, and green. �Ierfect in every respect gardt-n partN at the houll, of i­rry fe'u\'d wiv,%anosh, J. Nifidd and J. .1. Wash- Regular rice $2• on sale at $1 -49. 6chool grouwl-�, 'Nilt .lobo Mendry on 31""l ington: HuLlett. H. Mogridge and (). E. in all sizes from 8% to io, in kii r.,nie and ha%c a good time ii.rratt: uolborne, .1. J. Robertson and jilrajol merit o, be'lag pr -01-1-1 \\III fol.*, a Drat if you don't. A oeo. ll..wlitt: Auburn. R. 1). Munro, N. air. instrum,-tit-il HIIAI jt) th-- �11 for $1.98. .1mores last Hill Ittl(t C. E. Asquith, Unfortunately Red4lar llvstra. I - at Crewe church Unfortunately U black aud wbitle only Cations by \Iji,� lilrl'iltmil '41to �tjfvi.,) \%ery different from other Sun• no chairman was appointed and now tillos bVl­ llax,-I -4 dl%- t1wrt• being eight babies chrifit- over a year has passed without any 11tungannoll. Mid itis• supper em j,141 there \Na.,o a large turnout of eomening of this committee. Witt' the will he ser\,id III Ilic 1'...11111fol 41>i, i,, the. or Blake's ellurell and all result that public interest in this mat- Blouses the day N,%Ijfill fo-HI "I"I ter has droMd to near the zero mark. unheard of, -ind III" III,1r11 ""r'l ,r I,N \li. III.[ \Irs. Aubrey Higgins, Of I)V- During the War this community estab- Ing unknl)%\n I" .,ll I""' friends around Crewe last lished a record to be prized and hon - Scam ()nly 1),,n't fiorgel llit, hl - tune tip on the Air. ored. Surely the civilian members of Ares Imund. \I Vs. Higgins intends this same vollifflunity %N-111 not allow v V R. M,cLean's racer, Royal Dundee. . with Ith crev-e and ltoungannouI the sarrillees of he . r so Idier repr sell Olt won second money at TillEouburg on friends roto- Since. tatve, to pass without any lasting (.or commemoration. Wedwhdav of last ueek. The Sunday selloOl Ileld its armlial Public sign White Skirts picnit, Just Saturday at the river In Mr. WEST WAWA149NII I as A. MeQuoid's Imsh, and a grefital Unit' municipal council of West W111- A wonderful range of %'Vhite Skirts in many it was for tile little folk. all kinds of TI I F LATEST STYLES IN ad - different m reac'''t, fair young and old still last of all,ll WaOsIl met Of' the date as per difff st�les and all sizes fro24 to 36 waist r the supper, of \NljjcJj fail partook free- journment, Reeve J. C. Purdon pre- siding, members all present.' There measpre. I being no appeals against the assess- iques. gabardine and, reand 1= t1ell A AtIlit'llIN ment roll, and few changes illy as y - eon jjlly :1rd at 8 p, m. if meeting 'will tp w ownership, it as moved by Nay- range in price from $ $55o. Dozens of 2 98 to l�latinerli be livid at [fr. Weir's office, ' rbthe lor and Young that roll, as revised. be Skirts io cThecome in plhoose from. are pp.j purpose of reorganizing the Auurn accepted, and the Court of Revision tlitle utdo. All men from the age of closed. 0 is to 65 )ears are entitled to join the - General BuIllinless--N-Tiuutes Of last No. Nub 81,01,111 ljje� .visit to do so. A meeting were read and adopted. By- Voile Dresses New Hats are very large or law N and sealed. This 0 special in%itation to the men of the vi 3 was read very small I- I nity or Auburn. Auburnitp%, as volt fixes the prices to be paid for are no doubt a%%Hre, the Auburn Rifle gravel at t2% cents per cubic yard. A most wonderful range of Old Protrait Hats clouded Club holds tit(, county cup, having won The clerk read the engineer's report it at the I;Isl county shoot held Hit re Patterson drain. Interested parties With feathers or tulle, broad Poltil. Farm, so it is tip to every one of were given an oppoetunitW to Witt] c(lore('Voile Dresses in all sizes I(, join tile club, boost the (']fill. draw. If not satisfied with the report. .and drooping of brim, via litt' cost of mnstruction from 16 years to 44. These are ill practice for alt '%e are worth s1l "wing to tile high with wide sthat. \%e may bbringill(' cap lipme at some opposition developed. As there preading tricornes, 1111" DCXt annual "'hoot. If you have \%ere no withdrawals, it was moved llyi niade fr)m this' season's newest Smocks are the newest. We have them in cap like toques and British never used a r1fle join the club and young all(] Naylor that the engineer's Y, learn If(,,%\, alid 1I:I\V a good time with repurt be adopted, the clerk to servq Voiles. The colors are fast and Admiral effects, with busby the boys. ail interested parties with a copy ol, r plaid- white in voile, crepe de chide aneI;. F, )'01'%*GI4ixT, DR. H. C. WEIR, the bylaw, and the Court of Revision jj his colors o feathers darting out from one Capt. Secy. Treats. to) be held oil June 2-1. Carried. The ji, the designs are the newest. T SI E, or flowers trimming the A vent, ago last May an advertised matter (If a grant to all soldiers was silk, at a range of prices and all sizes. pubil . c meeting %Nus held In the Forest-§ "'gain considered and laid over till May beiug a new department every crown or brim. for the purpose of 28th. N% hen It was decided to pay each pl� ers* Hall. Auburn who went to and this war memorial. After man (or his dependents) garment is new a considering a wonderful range of voile Blouses in all went to considering several forms of a Ille. France $50 and those' who morial, including a memorial hall, a England V25. The following M a* list of season's creatiou.­ . paoljf�blje library, a monument and a all who went overseas, as compiled to sizes from 34 to 46, they range in price fro:a $.-,.Oo park, ty,.- notion,& were moved and date. If any omissions have oceurren orial be pro- kindly counnunicate 'with the under- They will be found in the tarried, first. that a Input possible: Miss M. sq. Mad %idpjl In memory of those who have signed as soon as to $io.00 each, cap r To Franco -ileo Hallam, Earl Wil - fallen and In 'honor of those who have n, Chas. Nivins, E. Craig, R. Moore, Read-to-Weardepartment on the served overseas; second, that the me so KINGSTON STREET niorial take the form or a park with 11 11. Sproul, Jas. Thompson, E. Thomp- s If it is a'Blouse we have it. 1,111111111j,111 el -14 -ted therein. Different son, J. Jefferson, G. Jefferson, R.'Buch- econd floor. 1n. E. Cranston, C. Camero, VOM t1litteps were app0juted its auxi, M ana lllaw000aaa-�._ urray, R. McCouire, Jas. Baker.nA.Ros[,a- s vis, J. Patterson, A. Patterson. J. Ifut- chinson, J. Kennedy, N.. 'McDonald, R. La,idlaw, G. Rutledge, W. H. Wilstan, x n ,i R. xf-m it Lawson, Rev. �> laltison, R. Munro, W. lvers, B. Iasp, 11. Cast,. S. -Agar. G. Agar, J. Stuart, li. Kennedy, N. Hedley. C. McDonald, W. burnin, J. Donlyan, Bert Rivers. E. Lo' k1 d I Neal. (). Lawson, T. Adams. A. Rollin- L 15 kJK 11 n L21 o a THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY ton, R. King, A. Hunkins. F. Omer, S. Jones, C.'llroliard. J. Taylor, J. Berry, B. Hebb. A. Newman, G. Hlhhon, R. Robertson E Seasrur I VI I n con, to (;Ot)k--6i. W T%O YOU KNOW that you are going To England --41 Mills, J. Lavis, T. f the Huron* County Temperance As- sented to Miss L. Brophey, who played' attendant, Misses G. VidCRU and D, Felk: ejlt. Through ociation, will resent tile claim.- of the part of "Golden Hair." ler; Wi1l-o'-the-wl4v, bliss J. Glover; Armstrong, W. ;mile)-. J. S [a. by all press -rq 0 16the littlp Faithful and attendants. ilittis L. B;urdy, a some mrnilic, S Of than s P pt� If s Talker, as spent Agar, 0. Stuart, 1). Guinn, E. Foran, If. tilt. kindn At 10 a.m. The old childreff's story to have an opportunity in the near future, , tlto I,aidlavv,110. congregation the girls were conveYe,l` this splendid organization. and A,.4-4 E. Huafalvy Young that ill all(] from the,park in Automobiles. the N Band will hold its tInaf flower girl wandering through the wand- Miss R. Jane M&MMY, Mission I buy all classes of merchandise directly from Motion by Naylor and princess by the woodland Big Bruin, Mr. H. Watson, the above he levied and eolleeted as a "Filled with meeting for the summer mon hs, The land, made a prin "tel it%e manufacturer thr,6fi§h one of th; greatest chain morning series oil classes and Men's Club Will meet at queen, whoolater persuades her to go to Muff, Mr. E. Porter: Tiny Cub, Miss Special ratf, this year and he payable ries on wonder- Parsons ; Chorus of Forest Children 20. tlit,� Spirit" and an evening 'w Lite the same hour. The club topic, "Whax the home of Bruin to seek the after Dec. ].)ill, 1% Five Leading Mel? of tit , N, Testa- 11 h h" 11 be introduepall cul jewels; rescued by the bard, who is Pianist, Mrs. A. NI. Glover , 06nductor, stores in C&nilida? Located on the Square in GoO- Council adjourned to meet am I to v church" wi place of the MisR D. Cooper. Jime 21th bt! b6gun a tile Baptist m y crowned king in FIRST at 10 a. In. anent" Will ay, WhO -18 the by M r. Battle. Visitors will re- finally Unfortunately the Woodland Queen erich. Giving you an opportunity to buy at oNlirch next StAlad, ceive a cordial! welcome. queen who beguiled Golden Hair. is all 'let -13, too familiar to need reiteration; but tHe was suffering from a cold, which pre- NIV. A. NVII.SoN, 4. -k. Holy Spirit?— and tilt, athfindero' vi) Bible school at telling as given last Thursday and Fri- vented her tq6!cing part in the same fine - HAND and LESS COST, all the merchandise that \%Ill he the tilenleq. A FINE, OPERETTA AMONG TM CHURCHES at 8 p.m. day nights was very interesting and en- voice noticeable at many rehearsals. can be retailed in the following departnitents: fit. and Young People's Avery flue entertainment was the joyable. but even so she was very good. The members of Maitland Lodge, A I'll*- Ladies' Aid to f Knox church .vi4 The principal ones taking oka a result of the entertainment the 3111' and visiting breth- Operettill, "Golden HalF and the Three g part In the F. A. M.. No. I n hay ")an serve dinner and tea in tjte basement end divine worship In Bears. litiven by the 1211691on Band of ht. The were as followEi:* Gulden Miasio Band It ething near fifty rollet Articles Jewelry of the church oil Monday, Jill%- 112th. qfn #%Jill attend ng. Eve George's church. on the evenings of Hair, MjaR L.8 Brophey ; Woodland dollars to add to the fund for a new K morning. o- church on Runi visitors to town are welcome. -aft Weil n .1 ja� 1. subject of Thursday and Friday, June 10th and Queen. Miss E. Stancoulbe; Bard, Mr. parish hall. effing worglilp nit uqun Drugs Baked Goods as members of tile Orange Lodges. - Iltb. in the opera Nouse. The music C. Tweedy, Lightfoot, Miss I. Rulidock. p %gj"on I a: 11 q. Ill,, -plijam and Lily Tile annual garden pkty Ili eonnec- ('hutches' mem- of this operetta is far from Rimple and Alry, Miss A. Hunfaivy Frailty anti ADVERTISE IN THESTAR 7 p. in,, "rhe of. work fellowship.- Sunday the high state lot perfection l0tatuied Is a TOYS Candy tion with St. Georglo's church Is being hprs �Tp and arranged for Thursday, July 8th, 011 school and bible classes at 3 o'clock. tribute to the me&IOUs work of MM. A. Novelties Underwear the "alt0y grounds, and will afford M. Glover and her sister, bliss D. Coop- Music t4lower-Day services tilt, congregation an opportunity of Last er, who were responsible for the work Their work was fitting - Music Hosiery TIVITUDS. their new rector. in North At. Methodist church Were 11preparation: helpful. The '- C h the production on I it,.; % ly recogntged at 'of highly, Interesting and Nations Millinery Tile Young Ladles- Bible e very fine and Thursday evening by the vresoantation floral decorations were Knox church field a most succestatul a of a beautiful bouquet on behalf of the choir the Sunday q pletile at Menesetang Park on Gator' the singing of Stationery Lace " most (,n,loyQblp. The pastor's Mission ])and, 0 each of the ladies, the ������ V day last.. when a most enjoyable time wars presentation being made by Rev. A., L. Movies" proved to be a unique drill Hair Goods Ribblonsi. 'in reading the bible ;with the Imagina- G.Clarke. Another bouquet was pre - tion) and revealed in a striking, main- demand Towels Handkerchiefs Were never in greater d * nd than this year. There are various Awer and beauty Of ser the dramatic lie j g to be passed N Dry Goods Fancy Wook lble stories that are al Mr. reasons for this over as a otomM0 .;place and dry. New Issue I' IV S, aUprJ,,Indn1nre lat. Because of their 1,1*, ?if, 11.1totilgon. Comfort, in that they are light, per �f Tinware Enamelware was in charge of the services`. �j}'sr[MBtu, feebly pliable, atid easy. 4, 'ab- Aluminumware Wire Goods Province of Ontario hThe seryiep In Knox Ch"Rh last 1% Hath morning Was of a very Interelit- Because of the wide range of Styles and shapes we are 2nd. Pictures aIng and helpful chairloacter, it tieing the jal Flower Sun- Hand Printed showing this season, with a distinct design or model to suit occasion of tht, aont (laytLte. The q Hardware Woodware ahiyath qttlool oeeupjAd every individual taste, consequently I f the,cillArell le tl it Co oreq,. Crdlbokei.� voms boa Wj' ' � Fit you, Wfibftall yourledt llr6long'atid ewrfbix, ujijully tai'. *Ililk 116W; 011 lem. aind n choir of forty children led or short and wide, we have the correct last 'for you, ma -n, the setiv� v of �fiiins- and also readere(I China men*i Air"01h1`019s, Ito much enjoyed. Photogravwes woman' or ohila, and Ladies' Neckwear Gold' 106n;j 4 selection -.01611 yVas,,n up by the IThe offOrInK.Nvasi „taken All dw Ill tie JB60SUS9 of their Ewriomy. members of jh,� gt. Andr(AV's Club. Wait 201jiliets, Ub. 161ODprMid prooehed an so- b nisi Mr. the text "Con- well.*wx "St. -at prices 0*6 10 JOK it" proptitato) Bertntlin tOM 8" 6ur goods, got out Prices, and You Will 6Y hero, to V Motor the 1111p.q.- 1164er the lea(10141h][P PON" voosousp. vary beauti. Vo Illoste satidaCtion, Ask your friends, they know. '41 , . of Mr. Tom , salijuts Ait. rangimig from me. Lnvy*s, the SO- ur coni m 5cts,to $L00 to i�, flourhkIiing ftndl- ly tiat0j. $1010 and wAh gehoot Is -I-- to all. tiotk and It Is hooed tile attOndshte *060113, -41 ''1 Watch for the Acaruod 10*410meat 1,will keop tip during.tho Itolliday 90 1, R E, P A I R 1. N G C616C IN AND SEE THFA dt of our Grand 0stalethe 041i Xvit Sunday evo.ffidg thc 0111,00 jol Short sorlella of sermons On 110r1h Methodist church will begin T. R. ARRISON �'�� sublititulle't for Iteal Christ Store loftm* 3116 Ill- I alilip. first to bil tak(In Up will be S Sh e 'Lo Ron, Steel Coos, U+ ateawal linsatilifto stw. ove'ainp ho \011 dimill'ot ChristfAlt W. VA: SHARVAN 801O.W', S;pjrltlsm� mild T atlosooby fond bt. ig r�ttM�tit :t Notow. Thought. Noxt &A :qy tortklaKj __ thhrtana ocst *6 0 a,, at . I I