HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-24, Page 34a . N , i' -�.. _„R�,._-"e17"'�R'}°1°"�+�'"P`, - �-, . ■ _ , ..,��, _. _- ,.,,-. �- - - :--�--�r.....,r -- . -rip•.'-••--�- _ -' - -- """"�--- - - .. �. � ,�-.r r ! llat:sostn MWs,t« t..,d'1a17*,fit a =+,g7s,;m,,1,r,--f>w•.c*-�,-Iv*-,n�1P""nxrne,--., Ill .. 'When' year uVer y 4 - i \ jib rt >A vIMI'p'1P01AlE�S�1 TORONTO. .azuls 33.--Quotatlous on the Board oLFr)do Sitturdsy sspt �.�•- _ 'w: as follows: r; rstP ?off+ If o �iAttti#��12i @ a MNolt I noYiRnertti. (inn Store Ft, w(iltam)�, --�- I No. 2 noFthe03 .12. northxn,No. Il $3.03. 0 Constipation is, without a doubt, the Amarll*iy Corn (Track Toronto,a, Prompt ithe-ills rtxamonest of all thw ills that" mankind Shipment). " Affiictet, with and Otte if*ne¢lected Marto Patuorni,toL +' tarso Pat* (Aci3oedlnt) to Froiplhta I tlflll cause no end' of trouble and sickuetle. outatd°). `' Tile way to L-eep yjlt if in gOOli No, 3 R hies. ,n tttt:naL + health ' toj eep the 1tvet' active and Ontario wheat (l .o. e. �t:laPrnp Points `tet r Accoading to 'FrotghSA)• '�+\ t "4w`� worldn prDply b the use of Mil- Na 1 winter, per ear lot, $2 to $2.01.. , t ,,-- 1 Y�^e 4C, burn's +ver Pi No, 8 winter, per car lot, $L08 w 02.01. '� 7 � �a Mee. L. Waitunsrt Oriilia Ont.., ,¢ 3 Winter, per ter lot, $]•9:! w )LI?3. 4 J + + ■ o. 1 spring, per car lot. $3-V, to $2.03. wttte9:-'r1'rOIIt 1, eiiild I v' ae always Na 2 spring. per car lot, 51.93 to $2allt .,k• / 1 , '" "'1 : ' �•,1 •* ,x E�,' e very badly constipated, and I can well No. 3 sprang, per car lot. $L9.i to $2.01. }Y remember, when quite young, my mother Peart -(According to Freights Outsid-e). .giving me senna tea n4rl evelry morn- No. $3. , r' Y Barley (According to Freights Out 4cia). Dot > ing, and I got to dread it. Malang• $1.87 to $1.89. a hea "After taking ' Milb4trn's Laxa-l.1ver Bpckwheat (According to Freights Out. !/ - J� rly Pills'for a while I am not troublAd with No nominal _ lr� sib°s You'll -constipation %ay more. YslI ( Rye (According to Fre4hts outside). I �-� '� Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills fire 2§c. No. 3, $3.29 to $2,$5. that a vial at all druggists or dealers, pr Manitoba Flour (in Cotton Bags). l / ( �� -avoid calami• mailed direct on receipt of rice b The (lovernnwnt Standard. $14.85, Turonttt, % hA p y e Ontario Flour (In Jute Bags, Prompt ti �, $6��� t/ylelitYti T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.: shipment). * ' a f _ ! Government standard, $13,00, nominal I i +r�� 9-0 chew - ! Montreal; nominal Toronto. SfEOPATH Millfe9d (Car Lots, yyDellvereo Montreal t Ffeights, Baflq tncludttd)< I at 1 K. GEORGE HElLE54ANrt, ()3tegPaW, r Bran, Pm ton, $51; shorty. per 'tots, a stiC� �t LJ spec lalist in woliten's and Gblldrea7b d $61; gopti. fegd flour, per bag, $3.15 to St + - , , i oueasese Acute, chronic 841d nelVgO (its HaY (TrachN Toronto), r lig E ftN �ATII�NAL CONVi XTION U[ t•1-0 IN SESSION. -.i gr[irlatt vitt\v' uP the opening tirxalun uP lhP orders, partial dparness, eye, ear, nose No. 1, per ton, $31.; mLre per tot, Hepublirau National C.un\eutiun in the U4,lixruut, Chiral, u, ,lnn,> atop i1130. and throat. Adenoids removed W011091 1 rbc knife. elson tnd 6 tree, Olives grid $27,. ' �ffi �� rtsaldencti, �tvvCons and et. Andrew's 'Streets Straw (Track Toronto). back or Towperance Hall, North Street. Car Iota, per ton,- aid to $16. DIFTHII 1' /:LEANINGS i Tried Tht'hrl 1i3d Farmers' Market. STOP CATARRHi OPEN ORIS a bourn 9 to 1R a, ms f to 6 p.. a - �'s'1] wheah-�•-•Die. 2. nominal. tiondays. Thursdays and 'Saturdifys. I:iur:u•dnlr r,tca•,e \\111 be hrid July tap 1�g Iteak-•No. 3. nt)mlrAA eltautnga by apDolntment o 1 lath. 1 1 Now is Sa tisf ied NOSTRILS AND HEAD Ciaioae w eat -No. 3, nominal. iBarlsy biting and feted, nominal Arran sun ill. are beu4g au4dr for a , �� LEGAL. CARDS Oats-Noml.tal. Huckwh'eat-Nominal, race im ill 13t•usaelr-\\'r,liu',iILI), Jul> 111DAII L%XDfiY TELLS WIl\7 :gays Crealn�Applied In iilostril/ Other benefits: to teeth, CHARLES GARROW• Barrister, Solicitor, Rye-Nomdrial. 7th. DODD'F 'A-IDNE1 iNLL� Hill) ftllsves atria -Collis at once• �+�y lJ Etc. Corner NortY Street p1>,A Square, Pena -Nominal, t'lH( HER. breath. ��,�etit+O rr, ne� • Goderlch, Ont. Hay - Timothy. tntxed and vloveG \!r. '1'h,ly. StP\t;tet, .I3J)tli, and \li,y %1 I nominal I. E. Hrut\n, )f Hcµiu;,. tier.' tlutetl>• • - -- If your nostrils are clogged and your HA5. SEAGER • "lJ CHICAQ0 GRAN MARKET mattirri iu 'I'urllntu I;t,t tterk. N4\ Brttnsttit•I, Laid% Nbu Hud Triei bead is stuffed and you -can't breathe That s a good deal to t Barrister Sollcttor, NotaryPublic A. L. Hudson & Co.. Standard Bank Nil. '1'hn,. .1. .\enc: a furul, r resllirnt I 011rer \U•diciur- l'lafm� Nhr F'uuttd fr4lely bcaaueo of n cold or catarrh, u �t and donveyaneer building, '.report the following prices on of Stcpheu, ,lied :at his Inunu 111 Halml_ (lie re•nted) -hr \\u. loohintl For In pet a small bottle of Ely's Cream Bag.1 get for 5 ceptsi OHicb: Court House, Goderlch. the Chicago Board of Trade: tbn Jun" arta, aft"r au 1111),-"s of u\er Dodd' Kidney 1+ill., at aqv drug store. A ly a tittle of - a Pray. Sl. Leulin, tt.. ,lune •Ll,t. •Lee. (>t C. HAYS 'Phone 8A. Open, H[gh. Low. Close. Close. six tuynth'. this ''Tragrant, antlsept o cream into 11 Rye- Nir. \1-na. .I. Glutt,, ..f Llmrfun cull.-.\nwnt: II1.• luall\ \%m..•••• N your' nostrils and let it penetrate earrtster, Soltctlor, Nota y Public Etc. July ... 215% 216% 214 215% 214 - claim thev u\\l, their health to Dodd's through every,atr passage of your bead. i Office Hamilton $t., sterling Bank Block Sept. ... 188% 1.9% 187 189 189yy \\hnsr aped uaothe1,, ,iter and N41th Kiduet t,ltla, nun, 1, nlulr .•u l,,,,- 11- Goddarlclt soothing and healing the IndamL•d. swot. SealedTight—Kept Right Corn- de.lyl ""side in \\'nlch;un, dud sed' lir1.311110, u - Real 'Estate. Loans, Insurance July ... 17951 181 17931 181 179i,� drnly IusL [+eek. lea mucous membrane and you get 1n - Sept. ... 170 171*/s 169% 171% :69 Ilighl)' erlPeund r, ,i, l.nl Iw11 scant relief. CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY Nips. WIII!, W. -Il, Clintl,n, \\hn Ira, "it to with F i -A I a are th.it I re 4. Oats- 1' I"'• � Ahl how good it t4aeb. Yoltl• now pj (11iOR(E E aREENSLADE, Ba1'fteltl, Com July ••• 10441 10541 104'/, 104% 104',1 been spt•udtug I111-i%\u111•r it' •1(Wkfllh. cunlnu•od h"dll*s K1:lur> Ihll,,i' \la-lnrn trill,are open, your head Is clear, nO I� e 871, . „euro and Notary Fub!IC I• � Pt. 86 3<i , 86 86'0, 8651 land \lunlr•',1I, �u•ri\,vl Inum• i•erentl>' Land") ,a), "1 \\-, iii I'. u• .a Ilntr, more hawking, enu®Ing, blowing; n0 vev H Pork- G, spend the ,1n11uu1,r. time, 'and n„Illinc I I .... k rel , t, d nn,. ItOL'Uh'OOT, KILLOR.4\ & COOKE, July ... 34.85 34.85 34,60 34.60 34.70 more headache, dryness Or ateugglingl aLlrL)FO T, Sulic.ORA NntnrleC Pub• ept. 36.40 36.40 36.35 36.35 36.36 At till, Imill'' of Mr. lice. Q4rloI4x 1 read •ufteu of the rrnnd I)nd.l', Ki.l- for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is juat • Lard- searnl'th. .Ills ctrl) daughter, lsahl+G, 11e> Pili., dill tnr .1I!l-T,, Inc; I I,.ot ant what sufferers from head colds and car tic, Ell July ... 20.90 20.90 20.75 20.80 20.55 nnu•ll raids an I11, •1, Vous-On line Square, 2nO door from Sept.,... 21.85 21.85 21.72 21.72 21.85 t%as 111,11,111.41 In \It•. WIll. H. Nluure, ,,ll tarrh need. Its a deliIIh� k Hamilton stretti, Wilerlca. pt. .. ,11111'. 11(11, hl HP\. Mr, NlrLratt, " \t Ia,l .ail, r !1 ,•, u1 Irl d a 1 t of Private Funds to loan at lowest rates. July , 18.45 18.17 Nll'. .la,. 'I'uumiu,. \thn for nl:u1> I'"111''" nnllludn.,. .I G I,I•,1 In cn, - -- Gr W. L. KILF00T, K. C„ Sept. ... 19.42 19.45 19.42 a19.45 19.45 1)udll's htdnl fill, a trial. Thr rr- i, L. KILLORAN, H. J. D. COO ME. >e:u•s rnnduc11,1 ;N gPnrrtd stare in ► +LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Hlnetb uuitl•d a fete ylialrs :a}tu 1\Ile:, cull Il a, hrnnarht n1. 1„ 11 1,L 11,•.11111. SR6E TEA DARKENS*4AUC'Cl0 EERING Liverpool, June 19. -Beef, extra -India hr muted h1 l'uroutulased a\\a> al If tlin,r \\lu, ,,It1,r frog I khlu>Ma mesa, nominal, I Idta1,aa, t�ilh n,. Ii.:,l.l', hilln•> 1+111, ""NOMAS GUNDRY. his hnulr there un sidurday, .lune 12th ° 1 his mesa, western nominal. llw:i v .1i 1 1l-! 11^ 11 1 ,u.f - ,,,u hlc Live Stock and General Auctioneer• hams, abort cu[, 14 to 16 lbs., ]dos; \u_nld au411 1,vapeeted furnu'r riaidl'nl,,.,,n\,, "n ili,t > HAIR TO ANY SHAOEbacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 :bs.. I"a { p ;4 r• ;!1 l,,'.,1 f ;J,I1, ,I'-. e Hamilton street Goderlch, „f Ile I, lu\\nshi 1, to the eIy of Nip 641; abort ribs, l6 to 24 His., 187x; clear Flavor Lasts Bales made everywhere and all sl"o"ts -Ilea. nrlltlliK, I,,+�>++'+1 a\\np �'nulav• • lh d.. - h' t'1 • •' n• 1 .11'1 , ` made to five you satlsfactlon. bellies, 19 h 1fi lbs., 2lbs. long clear Farmers sale notes glscounied, middies, light, 2A to 31 lbs„ 202x; long •Inn> lith, at the borne nY Ilia s,nt, I)1, 't u1,^ Yw[ ii , ' , 1 1,.•' \. clear mldd!es, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., e02s; 4i•o. I. Sclu'llig, Ill,lruit. I„•a„ („ rl!i I in II n, 'I.,• n It, f \.„a ,ir•• Don't stay Grayl Here's an INSU ANCE silo” clear baa•ks, 16 to 20 lbs., 191st Nlr. \\1u. \IrLaughlin, of \\'Iu�ll;aul IunkiuL fnl. Itut if 1.•11 -- -� shot era square, li to 13 lbs„ 150x; New „t, t” 1' Old-time Redpe that UTUAL FIRE I�SCRANCE York shoulders. 134s 6d. di,•d sunda>, Jnne 13th, in his Iih1 neighh-w, I,1 .% \tell t,II \.,u �nt .41 lalinln Itrini)s Nlisery, bill Dr, .1: D. t\,luhl 1� 111 )nu a, du Ihuu-.4ueix of McKILLOP NI bodyOan Apply. Kg'n Asthma Itrtnr,l> ttrll repl,trrlarahful a„•r,. tht•re \%mild t t \ Irl CO. Lard -$rime wA6tern in tierces. :oda >'ezu', ill, is ant'tiye.l he 1118 \\tin\t h•'ir t\'e \;,.',•u1,•, nl' Ihr \\n!•h' PP Y• Kalli pllck- rarm and isolated T,,Ltwn Property Insured. 641. American, refined, palls, 1566 6d, I\\1a dau(rhters and ane sun. Thr int Irudd', Kidll.•\ 1'111, ha\e dial”, a tit., miser) trill, \\e•Irnlne rrluf lu aw, 1n >mi iomw to -night '1'l,) at. value or property lnhured u to Jauuar.r. Turpentine -Spirits, 16'08, P, ho•nu'nt t\as made in \\'ingh,am cl•n1''' The haled us xtuukP u1, \,1por It t•rsrht s Ihr $3;114$ property Resin -Common. 50s, use of Bags and Sulphur for 1,a �y OFFICERS-Inmas Conolly, President. • Petroleum -Refined, 2s 13; d. tery. a e .'4i too, atoring faded, gray hair to its natural \"1,y Inn"'�( r1,r1•,-ea Lf Fla,• 1'l,unriu,d CJ h i 1 d r e n Cry aoderich Ja,. Evans, \ ice-PreildAnl. War kerwene-No. 2. 2s 231d. The. nuir•riace to„1, L,lWt, A tlr4 Vii; , t \ Fx color dates back to grandmother's time. I p•+-s:agr, and ,nnlhl , Ihena fir,irlr- , ` seA••hw'oo41 T. E. Clays, SSC. -'Fleas., aa-.•• MONTREAL PRODUCE 1CLARKTTS. In1Mr uY Nlr. and Nlr,. A. 13. ate ,invt- >'•`” She used it to keep her hair beautiful) tlnn pu-w•, alai .;4,\ hr,•.dhiu,l return,. I FOR FLETCHER S 1 a <4s z� fav y� : P y c 'n0IItErTOR3-D, F. McGregor, Searurti' Montreal, Juno 19. -There was a firm ,on, Clinton, oil 1,:,l ria). June 1,11,11 " "'^' '`"0„,,;z�Y: dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever If )on Ln••\\ ,+, \tell hu\\ till, r.•n1r11> 0 A S -r O R i A • G. Grleae. \Ytnthrnp : \\'m. \\'1,m. Cnn h•^ihtg in the cash grain market on Jut- of lhl•ir• dnnarhUy, Ii •IPS .\fire, to NIC her hair took on that dull, faded of otanr,e ; George McCannel, Tuc•kernnl,tl` ; urday, and the flour situation w9s also I;nPdnn Li\rl'nlul r, I.nnln11 > nn11 , ..t ” 9 '3* � streaked appearance, this simple mixture loon Ferris, Harlock ; ohn Bellilewho, strong, The rolled oats markef 1s strong. PP l eroadbagan ; Malcolm ttcEw•an. Brucefleld, ,u❑ .1f Nle. II, my I,i\. r,11.,te, .1I' Glin � : r was hpplied with wonderful effect. t Sandy The market for eggs was steady, and , I But brewingat home is muse and AGENTS -J. W. leo, tloderlch , prices are firm and the feeling strong 11111• S y ".Stich, Clinton ; \vm, elle oey, SeaColtil , ? ry' { oft -of -date, Nowade e, b asking at E. Hinchley, Searorth. m butter. Nir. un,l M"s. \\ n,. I)It au 11, tir,tf wth F y fl I Oats western, �;o. 2, $1.50;* • Policy Holders can pay thele assessments H an drug store for u 50 cent bottle o[ � ��� st R. H. Cntt's Store, Goderlch, A. ]. Mer- do,. No. 3, 51.49, Uuu,un,• I'I,• n laeu!• n( of their as �. yO a�M r Flour -Standard led rade, $14,55 to $15.05, 'laur'hh t, Marti, hnthlo.-I1, to Mr. Her- ( a4 ii "B'ycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." Ash's Clothing' Store, li unton, or J. t_, g ' 1 you will get this famous old preparation, I Reids, Beyfteld• Rolled oats -Bag, 90 Its., $5.85 to $5.95, hurt .1. Lrnd••r, >,ruuge,l -n ,r .Mr ';p, I improved by the addition of other in- _ -_- Bran -$54.25. lnrl Nir,, 1;1,nrue Ittndlr. „1' Hunu\1,f park n''; p - - NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC,. Shirts-$fi1.25, prat., til,• n1:,rrtu_1 t 1 f.1ke lure tall t x t i gredients, which can be depended upon to !' € restore natural color and beauty to the �a Cheese-Ftneat easta•rns, 27rfic to 23+/ac. `x cK •' i�ti7M. CA1LfE. Butter --Choicest creamery, 58%c t0 ill .111 n,' 1,r ,i. hair. a1Y 591,,'e. eit1BLIC ,• ys ruiVt saysaiv\nru 1gNOTARY gsFreh, 571,, h\1Ir(I r�+T1N 1^a1L It darkens the hair so naturally General CunceyanrinK done Lard-I"'u re, wood palls, 20 lbs, net, and M& Good -at Colnlee Represented - 301, 111n1' 111, \\11, n ti, \. \ \ 'I'runlpel 4 ;x. x+5, : evenly that nobody can tell it has been I gOrlt Goderlch Rural Phune 21 r 14. united to nlavriazt. \11•. (1ir1.11c" Hoy '.; applied. 1`ou simply d,ti11Flen a sponge f. Route No. 3, Auburn \cnnd, uF h:,,e\ gent",-, ,awl \lis, Mira or soft brush will, it an, i draw this Piles can be cured CJATTLF MARKETS (in 0 1• of .Mr, and N11". h:tau Ile\\. through your hair, laking one strand at , r r— of 1'shnrn1, Tuttnahlp. a tittle. B -v morning til,• grav hair dia. ]Dr. DeVan s French Pills UNION STOCK YARDS. F,DEOL Suppositories quickly ivo relief to thesis wta A reliable Regulating Pill for Women ,. The rnc;a_1•+nent i, .uun,unr,',I of 1.11- two, ie, and after another application oil : 111 $5 a box. Sold at all Drug Stores, of TORONTO, June 21. -Receipts of vinic .I. ?hnnhhr. , nt\rn "nand, s• 1,- - two, it becumes beautifully dark and suffer from Piles or Hemorrhoids. They are preacri►ad by leading Physicians all over the world mailed to any address on receipt of live stock of all kinds at the Union and danaht,>r of Ihr I til• \i1, .slid Nlrs glossy, ' price. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catk- Yards, at 10 o'clock last night, in \\-. .1. �hnul,lire, �h,uddi,•1,. I lnt., It s4+ A vVieth's Sage and Sulphur Compound ! Box containing one- dozen, $1.74 arioea, Ontario. readiness for to -day's market, con- H,•\, i•;rir I.. .\.uub•r-,n, It A, Mo- to a delightful toilet requisite! for those, u year Druggist cannot supply you, write direct tot-••• PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN sista of 169 cars -2598 cattle, 920 Heid, tin• \trdd!ll,; t„ later ph"', yul1,l- who desire it more }uuthful appearance. ALLIir.D DRUG CO. restores Vim and Vitality; for Nerve calves, 2205 hogs and 809 sheep and i; ;In' la,l \\,•1,l, u1 .tun•'. It is not intended fur the cure, mitigitt I fort Hope, Oalario. and Brain; Increases "gray matte.:" a lain Its. 1,1'1,,, I )t= 1.4"Ilwi!t J• :I till. ilill1,+'d nj or prvveution of dideadt. - _ -- _ _ _. - - Trnle-will build you up. $3 a box, or and \I,, w 1 iw'o for $5. at drug stores, or by mall M; Ellid. d,auchtrr f lir. _ Canadian at spa Conference. -----'------ -- ---- - - -- - _ ' b Sl D i r 'i 'II t Ile 4'I•an•,> ---- on receipt of price. The fico a rt+r - Co., St. Catharine., Ontario. LONDON, June 21.-I'n connection 1 1,, h 11111. 11 n v111,1t, , n .Inrc \\'0„11, „r itl>Ih, ,,,n , f yr. ,I,,i ' - --- _ with the Spa Conference, Premier Nir,. h'rnnk \\ •'.1.1, of h:v 11,x, 111,• 11, 11•- The trouble started when a white man Lloyd George and other members of ria c,' Laking t11.1,'• III,-i:elter palI)of ± , the Cabinet had a meeting Saturday thi,'” nnlnth o Bru night, when there also attended Sir George Perley for Canada, and 'Sir 4;apl. i, Islate Mr.:andMr,.r,.Bropn�� corner of street and James Allen, representing New of 111,, v t,f r,linhnl, t\.t, nl.lrri1,.l 1 .e.•.•1itl\ 11 111,IOH GENERAL 11'00111,- Ilij, GODERICH Zealand. Trinity \letlulli,t rinnrh, III.... T, -IV, L I4'1,n'rvl L.',.n,:'t 1,,.1 I,.1, t;,, Itr!ur'11u.u1 i It was officially stated that Ratur- y ,I �; Tur„irl,,, ,.n +lur.la>, .Inn,' ftll�. 1 t � 6 day night's nie ing was in view of Rnl!, 1, d.ans!Ita•r of 11 1 {'n - d ill Ill- 11111, uvl : 111,1 The Leading the forthcoming tpeettnl; at Spa, 1, , 1 _ r „-It.• , t • I 1,1 111, lh•• lair Nir I. S. II .\\.ud. Funral DirertoVs when questions closely affecting the when \i1, � NlcKinnnn, \\ 11n \\ - • I ” n 1t, , ,! `` \ '' I t and embalmers and India as well as the ,11,1111 \! 1!,1+ \\3.,,I i,. 1 \\1,11,.,,.. r, pr1,' t'nt of 111• a.fit Iii• the police appeared. British Government will be discussed. fw,ll ',Ito .nu,.1, a. 1, 141 111, n11W .\„11AIN Cann, of Kingston. has received the Il has, therefore, been decided to re- ;11 r, :a „ o. Inn it me,•lin,t, is a n,fi\r n1, til)lisp h inc I le.-oliv. i . '' I' Orders carefully attended to vive the British Empire delegation. still „f til,, I;al,, II I; Nlrl:nnlnn. ,,, I„Ir• at all hours -night or day. Mone'. L:ni,nenL 1ranrrrnmme•rl a pr„min'ni bu.int”, wml •,f 11-1 '1 11 +ilia 111,• har had ri,wl d flit, e\tr+nr•-, loon 10 the ave of One Slain In Race Riot. h11t n,nv i,h•r1t ,.f til• \\ \\'•n•. , \\.,.1,,.u, I..i r l CHICAGO, June 21.-A sailor was \i''\inl,ntµd,\ hliunI �Fa yyears 1 have never �aBred my ha,set,old st•>rk tomvletk -shout a killed and three persons, including dill Ill., ularrl at,' I a city patrolman were injured late Sundav in a riot between whiles and 1) 11'' 1 , f \ti„ t hn i„ .I Inc 041.., I,nl\ denll,! -_ - - negroes,' on Chicago's Sduth fide. er of Mr. an,l \Ir-. P,•t+•r 1,:.,l" I;.,.n>, Dancing � The trouble started when a white man rich tnt\nshlp. ;Ind \Ir .In111 NL+i,. „,I-, r \it :m,i 'th, 'I'I1n- and made a slurring remark as a parade, K \1.+ii•, of 1:1110-1 \\ 1, -nl, :nrnu 11 n1 re0nery to retailer to two cents, the composed of negroes, was passing the Thirty-fifth rinir•rl,, I, � il•"t I { corner of street and "m ,r Nir and tih, ,\d:t11I ',;a„•, 1, 11 to Rome damn hall to satlisfy a Prairie avenue.Music The parade dis- 4 ''I'+,"t but p1,' tt> I•h11_ „ ; handed and the negroes started in Pla,'. \\1,11u1,•,f.+lnape., +t I pursuit of the white man. Hy fled. Nlr, \I r,. rico. i1,,. NI,-_ The emotiotai side of the major. Other whites went to his rescue and itu• home of and I,h•,tl ay of pe41•piA t- nnot be Ratisfied by several polivemPn attempted to stop Cnli. HPtls-el-, \\hen Ihrir 41raargidrr,\'1,l'.+ It , \\,a- uultrd I Free Lhbrariea, Gymnasium ItPlay- he trouble. Shooting started when t,. Luui- It h'r:+m. ,+,n „f grounds, etr. Thi, love of moving the the police appeared. earplug" \It- old Mr, L,w, nz•. Frans, and 1,"n- heahby body to i.he rhytthm Df music Cann, of Kingston. has received the ''1'-,1"'a ..r lire%. I in soine forul 4,l,, dancingcdancingis an in I tinsrtr .ltirtrpe In B.C. \ f,1,, tt\ .Ilan \\„Idn1r \\.+. ,.,I, uI 1 hose peruliar,'y of the average man i bottle of Mfimrd't. For b,aos, brm.es. !pram+• f matbites, .x •hibla•as it rite elt• !Wit. know at w bettor "needy Fix e severe cold. `"16” 1 am safe in "yin j chat amara all the patent mediemrs there et one that covers a+ large a field of-futm•u as does Minard's Liniment. A rent bulwa -cow for Man and Beast•- .�a4 ,waaP� M Yat�ertouth,'Ni�:�1.t ,. noun, .Lune 141,111, It the h„tile of \fr I and lir,+. Nl,tu rt I,urrw. \\ fnxtuoil . when Inielr niere. \I.lraar,t I;t\en41ol}n Jrgck-un. \\a- nni11•d In tilt• hong, of wedbwh to \\1•Ilinettun alar, \/lanln of Lii,imitun, Pld,•-t sun ,r Mr. anal' \Ir- it. N” Adam-, of Wingham. After :in ilinrx- of ahunf nine' \Nooks, \Ir. .iuhn T Miners. of ExPler, passed I a\\,t\ nn Nednegdat, ,Inn” 9th. it 114, 1 hums of her danttht••r. \Ir- 41 It. Hun- Ier, of I ch,trne, 1n her CAM y,•ir. in the cIt> of \\kinifiew nn \I,rnrla)' .Inn, 7th. Mr 11 H \Idintthanl. mann-' err -f f file-;Nn,IArd Hank, Tra\rrn, .\I- herti. f-o-hierll „f Rro-,iel-, find Mjq•• \1 \„Ona,• -i ,.,whirr of \is +nl Mr- \ I' r;, er%. •tf Hr -i. I., \\• re nulled in and nervousne„s that comes from lowered vitsltty and brings bark the amlthy rich. red e4dolr to the cheekii. it will make your bmuty ale” more lltattafylltg so that you wM a'w'ake In the mornings full of life and hop" and more able to e+arry on with the day'a work. T'h- "habits that hurt" sen more easily be overcome If you will use Hackings Heart and Nerve Retwedy to strengthen the Nerves, to add powaer to tho Heart and to re- vive find otimulate, the r1rimlatten of thg Blood. Buy then from yrtnr dealer. f,Oc a bot. 8 for $2 50. )tuz'-ir)^0'- Rrnn•diii. nr- -nld m + .-dr HL b by H e . Qunler•. .R M Rim i Vancouver, J:tne 21. - i•ollowing close on the issu.tnre of the order of Lha hoard of tlonintereA limiting nir.•,I ,m 'I'n.-.I,) of 14,1 \\,•,'k .11 Ihr and woman; utth liquor and lndajr• resnb•nrc of \t1, eu.l \Ips. E. I;. )i>(•k ent mnsic, however, dances may do n1:m. H•ulv:all, \\hrn t1wir >'wiflw, r more narm than bacteria. It Is path- How the Udder Of a the spread in Ihr` price of sugar frons dan+:llter, h:llrah,lh KInit, lwenne 111x; vtir to see In our large, towns awl valuable COW Was re0nery to retailer to two cents, the hrn), of Mr 11, "platin rlt•.rtitra 1,a-, 1 eftie-,1 yrnmg own and women rush I British Columbia Refining Co. has announced a j•Inlp In the price of "m ,r Nir and tih, ,\d:t11I ',;a„•, 1, 11 to Rome damn hall to satlisfy a saved sugar from $19 to $21 a hundred* hrn It„ad nnrll' desire for ainuAt'Ment. weight. i'1::' old, ,t hn11nt1, \\hn , \, r .n1,- People who have used III) their � eianil..-d In Ihr Brit— ILu1r,e ,If ii. ftaarl•. ertren�gth in Planing. I at,• Hours. Cin, K. Robb;n+,'of Ch Boyne Point% Yan w,tli, NS_ -it-.- Receives Yale Denser. N- \\, II ,4s II,. nl,l, .t 1,r -nit nl 1,n till• 1 Ifdch' irootta or have, perhapw looked r "A "Kent enmrie m f la.mNS KINGSTON, June 21 --Sidney Mr- 1'Illlnt\, pa-- d '1\\.a\ „n •rne.,d.a)• n1, , tao•iong upon the Wine when Lt was Ire }Ir-. \1 1 whet wa,.0 .d en be a lou .nt,nn °a' Cann, of Kingston. has received the la -t \\eek the pPrwin fit r. �1 and have IM Old John BI rloq- tt et a valuable sow'+ uddn las demon- stnted again the great earth 1,1 degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Lea r,•t hl\in,•. \\hn A the turtle nf rrna- I torn lisp tbelr vitaality wail find a Mone'. L:ni,nenL 1ranrrrnmme•rl Yale University.He is now with th3 +ilia 111,• har had ri,wl d flit, e\tr+nr•-, loon 10 the ave of •it in the hl at tom+ to all who have &1e a lard of saws. Geological Surve of Canada and will y dinar) aar1, „f 1R1 >vorx. I Hocking'a Heart and Nerve Remedy. �Fa yyears 1 have never �aBred my ha,set,old st•>rk tomvletk -shout a do work in Manitoba and British Columbia. +til'• 11f tin xraxun's prettir,4t \\1,.i- 1 IL will ti!lfi�pel "that tired feeling” din+”, \\ 44 rtuirnlnlvrt I -n Wedne-di l ,take euwa�y that feeling of depresabn bottle of Mfimrd't. For b,aos, brm.es. !pram+• f matbites, .x •hibla•as it rite elt• !Wit. know at w bettor "needy Fix e severe cold. `"16” 1 am safe in "yin j chat amara all the patent mediemrs there et one that covers a+ large a field of-futm•u as does Minard's Liniment. A rent bulwa -cow for Man and Beast•- .�a4 ,waaP� M Yat�ertouth,'Ni�:�1.t ,. noun, .Lune 141,111, It the h„tile of \fr I and lir,+. Nl,tu rt I,urrw. \\ fnxtuoil . when Inielr niere. \I.lraar,t I;t\en41ol}n Jrgck-un. \\a- nni11•d In tilt• hong, of wedbwh to \\1•Ilinettun alar, \/lanln of Lii,imitun, Pld,•-t sun ,r Mr. anal' \Ir- it. N” Adam-, of Wingham. After :in ilinrx- of ahunf nine' \Nooks, \Ir. .iuhn T Miners. of ExPler, passed I a\\,t\ nn Nednegdat, ,Inn” 9th. it 114, 1 hums of her danttht••r. \Ir- 41 It. Hun- Ier, of I ch,trne, 1n her CAM y,•ir. in the cIt> of \\kinifiew nn \I,rnrla)' .Inn, 7th. Mr 11 H \Idintthanl. mann-' err -f f file-;Nn,IArd Hank, Tra\rrn, .\I- herti. f-o-hierll „f Rro-,iel-, find Mjq•• \1 \„Ona,• -i ,.,whirr of \is +nl Mr- \ I' r;, er%. •tf Hr -i. I., \\• re nulled in and nervousne„s that comes from lowered vitsltty and brings bark the amlthy rich. red e4dolr to the cheekii. it will make your bmuty ale” more lltattafylltg so that you wM a'w'ake In the mornings full of life and hop" and more able to e+arry on with the day'a work. T'h- "habits that hurt" sen more easily be overcome If you will use Hackings Heart and Nerve Retwedy to strengthen the Nerves, to add powaer to tho Heart and to re- vive find otimulate, the r1rimlatten of thg Blood. Buy then from yrtnr dealer. f,Oc a bot. 8 for $2 50. )tuz'-ir)^0'- Rrnn•diii. nr- -nld m + .-dr HL b by H e . Qunler•. .R M Rim i