HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-24, Page 2�- ,,.-�:.tr�r+n., �+^�-ase... :: - . ��-•-•
T&USI)?iY, Ji'�aif .#tBi, 19X:[
.. .. ---------
Lao of Work
Western Uiiiversity Gaindcats for mei
7�e ��7Chy 'body produces more ,_ ` = ,
' enter�,y t�tatl ft resale to keep the —. .
If ■/� ..r
1 ii(fiJr3► i•unps aril 13owels ws(arldtig• ata � a s want �o�� nifty Car �.
London, Ontario T,pl!s *urplus lenerpy must be spQut =
1x1 to ental ar p7rg pia al worn. On the ( '
attl It..:. :. ptb900 who wplrk too Remapkable Price . � Ong that \rot, will be !)rood t® calve, gat a
�� �er
41 rlr!"tl>Me �elr Xe3erv0 Btiongtilt and 1 ^
4 Scien
ces irt�s-an sY I Ot W ,.u:are lnclt-rtkd Ser rl�� � ; lifers 'i'\deed Raincoats.,,Grays-Dortvopignovk %4notl aticti, or hove �
� ..... a p ,. ac's '_ �"'*' ' The Coat i� cut in the
3 of the Troub►es of the Heart, l,Eve , ' _
Nerv4>rr iitldbsys••Rtoniaeb or Rowels single breasted style, a ! a
Summer Schoo1 greaxty lthprtrv0 illy aglfttft[on of r>, i
L 13th 1 their health if they loo desire. Wbsl belt ' with buckle. Accessories of all kinds
+~��+ •+�v July 5th to August It you Work tiro hard. %ke mote N�
(test, At you work too little, tike t � iSi7,eP 34 tp 42,• at � Oils and grease at the right prices.
more ezerclee. YOU will -DOW med- _
FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR. WRITE k4netotorrectthe troubles caused $12.45 and $16.45 Fresh stock of Columbia Dry
1 by your Indiscretions and to sadist I = t Galls.
K. P. R NEVILLE, Regiumr nature to, re��re WItti-, Tihefs take j We have on band a good stock,01
a Hackie; 'O i - 1 - _ Dominion,
Michelin and K. and S.
-- Hsut and N@lav@ remedy iMen's Fawo Raincoats. Tires and Tubes.
-� I cannot worm to an aci5 116;1. flop e9n and if you requires Wative take t — --
t AYE POTATO SPRAYING 4 Hockaing's � � made to sip�le breasted
some other turns of organlsws whose Imo- � .�Il kinds of Repair Work
[unction it In to gather nitrogen. Kidney G,l1u Liver Pills
�5 ill, ? style, 'finable stitebed
1 1-1Consequently It is evideut that a sols Ki = promptly attended to and anis
destitute of lime ur even very low These two prepari}tione will work seailas. Sizes 34 tO 46. faction guaranteed.
Btst Fu'lgicides and Insecticides in lime cannot produce maximum •woudere and we ,will guarantee I At � s
For This Work. crops. Coupled with thvi;c facts, we beneficial results because we know I The reliable C.C.hi. Bicy
have the IrupPY condition that lime is they will do SA. Y.
one of the cheapest fortil-al's, It we Mr- Wilsbnr'E, Eagleson, of Hay $7.45 cies are sold here, and we' carry
lbordeaux Mixture for tate Blight may call It such, that can be pur- geld, writes an follows: "I have_ i•/ a full line of ,
wird . not — How and Vilien to chased. mgch pleasure in addressing you in NOTIFIED OF PiIESIDE.Yr1AL X0!11,
Lime or Quick Litue is mhde by regards to Hacking's wonderful r� Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts:
Spray Effectively —How heAting limestone rock or carbonate IVA'rtON,—Eugene \. In•hs, socialist
Increase (lop Yields. of lime, to u sufllciently high tomppr- Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have candidate for President, photmtraphtd
¢lure e, break up the compound into used ftgRe a flow boxes and I must in the F••deral Prison at Atlanti int- I Give us a trial and you will come again
(Contributed by Ontario Department or say they hove done me a world of utc,ltatrly after recei\'ing the cu,ywitSE
Agriculture, Toronto.) the oxide of lime and carbon-djaxide. o0d, Please send me 6 ngMe bones tee \which tU►U[ted hint of his ilondnu-
The former substance is what we g tion, The flowers \\ere pr�,ented toM..r. T F. HOLLAND
4RLY spraying with Bar- know in common terms an "fresh of Band 2 Rear and Nerve Rem- \Ir. fwhs is p •
hint by an adn,ir,°r.
EIdeaux mixture and Paris t!d and 2 boxet�of Nanking s YJ(!-
burned lime" or "quick lime." 1f y stn,\\u \\eu:•iug sin prl�;on �.ub of bin++ East Street, Coder f.`Et
green or arsenate of lead the Itmeatone rock is ground to a fine ney and Liver P!fils. In your lost den —0 en in file Evenings 'Phone 243 t r t
protect potato plants from Powder we have "ground Itmre tuirea It yo then too goto yount tor Drug
or 'agricultural lime. q health, Bo
Early Blight and Potato Beetles. about two tons of this latter sub- atom and ask for Hacking's. � and nailed up windows. ,1 ecording to r
Later sprayings are required as an stance to be equal to one ton of quick J all a:counti souvenir bunte4•e were /'•
Insurance against Late Blight and lime, and the prices charged for them ''-- awoug the house•biepking visitors, but -- __
are In about the same proportion. PASSING OF THE POINT even so, the great utas:+ of furnishings — paid a short visit to the home tB Mr. floras cause mush suffering, s but
Sot of Potatoes, which is the most and tnrniture remained for the auction. TIPPERARY Jesse .Gray last Wyy,,R,ay UrP Blair taught Holloway's Corn Cure oilers a speedy,
Furthermore two tons of the foruter I school on the 'Bayfield Line about I cure, and satisfartury relief.
serious disease of potatoes In Ontario. to one ton of the latter are about the eer's flue .fork Will. John Finlay has rwturned hon:•' twenty-five years ago, and was renew- -- — -'
'1'hU disease usually appears about right quantities to apply. The Point Farm Summer Hotel a Thing On att;uda s there ate a lame front Jarvis, tint., \,,here he .attendcA
of the Past—Some Early History 1 numbeP o! v niters to the Point to'the wedding of his sister's sun. Ing aogvaintances in this vicinity. Ih•. n/fII� Qasis.lstfeshes.SsNllElr
the middle of July if the weather Is The ground limestone rock is sate witness the ruins and enjoy a few 'Blair Is now serving in the ifental •1 Blab --Keep our Eger
at W damp. Therefore, 1t in necea- on any land in almost any quantity, \hsses Hudie and Sterling have re- Corps of the American Army. Stronngg sad iealthy. If
and may be applied at any time of the The closing days of the week be: hours at the Iwke, the natural beauty I fawned from Stratford Normal Puli- � theyTire.SmsrteItch,or
wtury to begin spraying for it about fore last witnessed the disposal and charming location being something ile+iged teachers. Success, girls. The death occurred in Exeter un Bora, if Sore, IrrftatCd.
year. On heavy clay soils quick lime, of the [nr4lture from the historic Point which cannot he ,iestroyed with the I
the 10th of July. Bordeaux mixture slaked before applying, may give \Ir. Fred Middtetun Iia, invested in a June 3rd of an old and r(sPected pian- UR inflamedor(:raauiatxd•
ff the only eattafactorY fungicide for quicker results; but It should not be Farm summer resort, and the work of I destruction of the old, bullcli.e.
demolishing the building is under way, , 1 traction Pngine, so we vNpoet far,uin� ser of the Township Ir or eeryushorne in useMurineolttea. Safe for Infant orAdulG
o ed to light sandy soils. Few g the person ut \Ir. \Fm. Henry massa.'
the control of Late Blight and Rot appN by the Mercantile lialvage Co, The ��'•ttS., •1 � ,\till move hi our neighborhood ui the IgtallDrugpdsttiinGaasdaWritetorFisa ,
I materials or fertilizers can have so V u l A d r e i it O ry Eye Book. idolizeUnpany,
o! Potatoes. A poison should be add- auction sale of furniture Friday and � ,c future. Bucetess to 3,1x. \liddleton in more, in his ills year. I Clka�o.U.S.4-
many good things said about them as Saturday June 11 and 13, drew FOR FLETCHER S � his neve undertaking. . 1 �-
ed when necessary for Potato Bee- lime and none of them cost so little a large crowd to the farm and I }� Q —t- I A \Irs, WNW Boyle, of Regina, and lit," ! '
q�, arsenate of lend paste, 354 lbs. I money. Try out a little yourself this Mr. Gundry had a busy time d _ _ brother, IV. Blair, of El Paso, tatl.,1111
ear.—Prof. R. Harcourt, O. A. Col -
to each 40 gallons of the llquid Y of It. several hundreds dollars I \h•. \\'m. East, a native Sud alnust c
or Paris green 2 lbs. to !0 lege, Guelph. were r�lized.
spray, The wing of the hotel containing the 't lit" -long resident of rlintun, paused EWEN
gallons, or a mixture of 2 lbs. of As a rule the earlier maturing pul- dining room and kitchen was the first '+cth. of his home ig is !I day, June b D ! J • Mac
p siraenate of lead paste and 1 Ib, of lets are the earlier ant most profit- 11th. after a fortntt,r at
litres. Niel Rl�
to be down, and the demolition East was ��, igl,mastet• at the stali,ul �
Paris green to 40 gallons. The num- able Iay&s. By marking these the of the main vrtion of the building' is \
beat breeders may be selected, proceeding. Thus ends the famed and "n`t mail -carrier *clad n ler llll t e -
Iter of sprayings required will depend _ P g• ice acid a.frum. lb' had rum fully re- Garage=Hamilton Street
upon the season, the wetter the wea-
ther the larger the number. In wet PALE AND WEAK understand it is Mr. Goidthorpe's In \\,hile acting' as engni••er at the pn\\er
weather spraying should be done at WIVES AND MOTHERS tention to erect a number of summer ' hlmsw rcix years ago and one arm \\aa I
least once every ten days or two I cotta es at the Point, so that the i love ■ Speeil dale
g uy,•Iess, :\ Purtntlftht ac, he suffered 1 is the best remedy
resort will not pass out of history with '
weeks. Do not put off spraying be- Call lie0ain Heallh and Strrntitil 't stroke, Ill \vidu\v, fuur brutl+erv�'
cause It looks like rata. if the spray ThroeOh Dr. \t'illiani Pink PE11rt the passing of the huge hotel puilding and three sisfers snrvi\ o. known fOr sunburn, a
Is os+ it l plants half an hour before which has been an object of interest heat rashes, 'eczema, ��,,.w �
lbo rale plants
it will be dry and \finny \\omen \\im had a good color to many a visitor to these parts since I lieu 1•. W. Neil, \vho \\as elected sore feet, Stings and ;tC�t►\�J� ` 4 of
the rain co It will stick td prevent in thrix girlhood grr,\\ pale and cul- the days of its best history. president of the Toronto \lMliadist vim" _ "�
ideas \\hen They become \\hes and An old resident recollects that the Conference, is a brother of kir. Albert :blisters. Askinfood1
infection which takes place during neither, \\'hen it,,. failing color in farm \\as ban ht in the earl '50 by Alt`DrerttrfsendStorra. 50a
or soon atter rain. Most of the fall- R Y Neil, uP t:udrrlch hnlaviis , tori :+t on- ,
ares to bet results from spraying are t►u• r Io f 1"s and lips is accompanied one, Rev. :Horgan Davis, of England, thne worked as :+ blacksmith in Lon -
due to the fesult fr the spraying Is it) it loss of hrial+tness in the eyes and who tient out his barnm-scarum son, deshuro. I 1C11It`1n
done atter rather than before rain. an int'r''asi,tg heaviness in the step known by the descriptive nAekname of
1110 riuts.• \\Ill hr found in till, state u! "Crazy Davis." to Canada. The
Thorough spraying -only Is eftec- the blood, son used to indulge in virions es-
Uve, and this requires suMclegt Bor- \tally causes coutrihule to the con capades when"'he got under the in• I
deaux mixture. For the late spray- litho of Ihc' bl(tod tit,,,\vn as anaenuii fluence, according to our informant, I i"
lugs from 76 to 100 gallons or even , /'s
more should be applied per acre at Overwork In the hou,e, a lack of nut• such as smashing windows around the I i •�f @ f We haVe'a lame supply of
Thorod h praying �dnor euttratiyr, tntiullhicnt'rrsi and Square. etc. Atter be sobered up ha, c 'wen S Specials Motor Cr
each spraying.g i sieep, improper diet thf•se are a fe\\ would go and settle for the damage,.
means the covering of every portion If them. 'Fite huportmit thing is to the money to keep him going coming , Servicer Tires OI) band, all makes.
of the potato plants with Bordeaux restore the blood to normal, to build through from England.
mixture in the form of u fine mist, it up s(t that the c,.lor \\ill return to Later on he married a tall handsome I I IF it's a spark plug—
This can only be done when the solu- 111 Goodyear
the eyes and ilghttwss to the step. lir woman by t ie name of Hawkins, from I Ch,.r.ren s Rona er..................................... 7•�c tube—oil—repairs w
Lion is applied with a good pressure Williams Rink Pills are the great blood Port Albert, and they came and lived 1` any kind—or if it's a new
so its to insure covering ivory pot- btdldcr and ner\r sireugthener. 'They in the, stone house on East street, I ;,;, R' .�Ca\'er .lptons, from............ 11.00 to t °J W, come to us.
tion of the plant. The best results begin \w1111 the very first dose. and known as the Dancey house. I , We are equipped to Dunlop c
are obtained when a potato sprayer thruc,gh a fair ase make new blood It was subsequent to this that his Cuitain Material from 25c a yard to . ........ 75c l supply all your needs at
strength In used fitted with a T-jgqlnt attach- that carries and heap), illev- father bought 100 acres at the Point j fair prices
went so as to insure coffering both er\ Part of the body. The appetite Farm, and settled his son on it. In I L;idies' bilk Hoye, special...............1.00 and $1 25 One of the most im- Dominion
surfaces of the leaves at each spray- Increases, digestion ho emoes more those days Dir. Grace used to supply - ,portant factors in the d
jag. whin til€ 1 to are large it has perfect and energy and :unbltion re- the son with goods from his store (i iris' Hair Ribbons, per yard ................ 25c to 50c efficient operation of your
been found tha'i i1 page to o over turn. The case of \try. \\'m. \le\Iasi where the MaKonie building novo stands car is correct lubrication. Royal Oak
? each row twice at each a ragl'ut, rAbadl! Sired, Brockville, proves the and Davis would come down from the \Ie,'a Merino t odervvear. medium weight, at last ° We have the three
t Spraying fUiet 11e continued through- \,Thu. of 1\r. 11'illhims Pink Pills in Point in a boat to take his supplies up. grades of Imperial Polar -
ad l•'s
out August and part of September. cast's of this kind. Vrs, McNish says: On at least one such occaedon these tear's prices. ,. in p • h
j '$'fin though the plant clone in and 1 wife quite young NNIon 1 married, supplies included a barrel of whisky Ina, and the Imperial Goodrich
f�T the ground between the rows. and In ralyhig my family I became all (nothing u400mmon in those daysl; brit �den'a I3alhriigan >3nde:'wear, fine quality, at old tions which specifies the
v T,%f sit ;nUGh harm a� milt bgg ex. run down and a nervous wreck. I bey Davis and his hired nign had bad luck - 1 , iees. correct grade for every (�
# I nested wT7 be done by the w diets etine so weak that i could hardly walk on the return trip, the Boal DavisTeing i 1 make of car, Let us show Maltese Cross
f s,nd the Increase 1n yield and sound- across the dour without sitting down opposite ALtrlll'y and is being you the chart and explain
ness of the crop will more than com- 1 P dY
to gel illy bt•ea'th, 1 slept nor`` and drowned. i'ho other occupant of the the imppoomance of getting
:. penute for whatever loss there may at liu+ew my uu'i'es \],..,:111 t\Yi.Sl1 >;� G411ti hung on pad was rescued. Davis' — -- then ht grade of Imperial St$na�>rd
t Ibe. FQjt Cothveaie ee I spraying. that 1 Could Slit' keep iRlll, AHA I -a& widow OOntinued to reside at the PoWJneeverytime.
%"%a bt potatoes sioulcl be tit t, to constant misery. i tried rnany medE- "Point" and later Mr. Joseph Wright y I Ke11�-Springf field
thirty inches apart. Spmyln; for cines but they did not help I e In- married her, thea acquiring ectAi tLe , Bu 1n
i•. property on which he 8rectP� the
blight and Rot As an lnsuraltce "186 deed my condition was growing worse p Y
low opo afford to neglect.—Prot, until (tile day a friend tulct rnP that lemons "Point Farm Hotel. " McE
�� 5 -gallon
et D ` just what taloa the wens that are W, Guaranteed for 3.500 to
r 1p. S wilt, O. A College, (3u01ph, she had boon In a sono°wt at y9mlla 1 now bola to down could tell it gifted
condition and bail been eured by Ur. g Je LOIS
J Ame to Increase (drop Yields. with BPO
ecb we aro not prepared to
Williams Pink Pills,
so 1 decided to try say Ndohbt the story would Ie an � 7000 miles.
'Chis Medlc•'c'lnr; %rter the use of a y Phone 46 South side Square
The soils in 'many parts of the pro- couple of boxes I felt they were help- interesting bne. Anyway the hotel rte r r r r r
♦lace are so depleted of their lime jug nii, \ty appetite vets better and 1 along with varying suncegs notil tinally
that they are becoming sour or acid. slept bt\ttc r. I)y the limp I std used it was bought by Dir., Goldthorpe when
2%bs is an important tact as few, if electtfa railways were first projected --•
of our farm crops can make their half a doxy° Luxes I telt like t new throd h this district and power from
r � sUtiye v+•nmtn, m?' health laid fully returned g ,
Meat growth oil n soil carrying iia the Maitland was another live project.
and I could do roy housework with or some - (+eats Mr, Goidtlwrpe '
1nsufllcient supply of lime. This Is case, In view\. of \\hat hr. \\'iltiams operated it during the summer season,
eslpecialli true of leguminous plants Pink Pills have done for me i cannuntil about rive yearn ago, since .which
ot I
° d entad it is probable that the frequent recommend them too highly."
ex -
"killing out" of clover during the The best time to begin taking i)r this hotel sae lain idle, with the large
} lrat winter to due to lack of SUM -front
tion of rbc+ opening un o[ the large
1,. Williams\Williams Pink a tis t the 'm sornl trantrooma tar a dance at s lodge picnic MoresathanislAverage Mileage
f tient -lime. you feel the least bit out of sorts or the like or the opening tip of some
iclaiff elle to several walra. It The sooner you du so tile sootier you window or door by visitors whose
f 1 gleut u en the acids formed In the hvill %',gain youir old time energy • ouriosl,y got the bbtter of there regard
sill fkrough the decry of orgaaio mat- \
' fou Pan get t.hesr pili' through girl for the property of other a and \who were
k -t , it overcomes the tenacity of clay medicine dealer by mail at :,0 Gantt+ I bent on seeing the iiiadde of the h4stordc
" 5 r sills. bind" sands togettt+lr and thus a box or six boxes for 84,50 fri�m Tdte building, regardless of barred doors HE average tyre would run a thousand or many more miles farther i glt►CTI proper
d improves the physical oontllu'0tl QQt q)r. N"Illams Med, twin., Broekvllle, Ont.
tooth types of soil, IACAO.14 tlht onlyI Tattention.
t an cell coastttaeat of the food
of Tants, but It also tend* to llber� Lbng service and accidents often cause ' hidden injuries, that develop into premature
ate plant food, especially potash from R - the insoluble fortes In the *oil, arias- a blowouts if neglected.
Ing them .Into an available state: The
raise-organiim* that live on the Many such injuries are inevitable; but not necessarily permanent. A Goodyear Reliner,.
l r'c-ta of the niUvrten-tatherin&Aaui*
applied before the breakiar injury spreads, will strengthen the tire• for 25 per cent. to
50 per cent. extra mileage.
y �NO WOM414r.. t
ii • � �j� n� �,t,�ty� ��� �,t,��� ' � �'ry this plan and set how effectively it lowers tiro bills
j �"' ' i
Gdodyear Reliners can be easily and quid}y applied by anyone. Any Goodyear Service
MYS WITH V'Zft"t MCIStation duller can sup 1'y you Or, if you prefer, go to your repairman, who will apply
y �� l ' ,he e'�.'1 !}ttiir�t±i1+, the Reliner'•for a small service charge.
i (t. Won to f
A a;: I►t the hgumhold i A :r ro
ilk iltOtlpita4, bending n• ver erd T g strain
'' f7h t back, eaoncr cr late-, may end in
k.. twtt►eform Of ladury trouble.
Who til¢ b.VL With," or tx came* ,
^4imak tt i" a tbd►ttlitil;"titin 'be1EdnP a L'
f lire aG ,tw*�I=d Gil lye
• � �ttfitSEE
.. �, 'd Kidney °
:. � ! �, frit W "tfcng' thrti � ��a :'a11tl�b
t *oma future
w 1 G \ ! f
a �llfts JoseL�b vie 152 t~,ev ; MADE IN ` CAN�I�JA
MTi I "r er #1 d 5� ^* 'Wi" +►"n"
IIf i liYltitd
y�y� 1'a •�
;eti list►
rthat I & in ilia h0ifsi�i'. ff
. t ,
.1" lti+if teir whir thAmn I serf+ tut
i MW All
I.. � �ft6 Irf�lt, sS dt:
l �w
.ver .... 1•i•
W ft -
so I1"enT-
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�- ,,.-�:.tr�r+n., �+^�-ase... :: - . ��-•-•
T&USI)?iY, Ji'�aif .#tBi, 19X:[
.. .. ---------
Lao of Work
Western Uiiiversity Gaindcats for mei
7�e ��7Chy 'body produces more ,_ ` = ,
' enter�,y t�tatl ft resale to keep the —. .
If ■/� ..r
1 ii(fiJr3► i•unps aril 13owels ws(arldtig• ata � a s want �o�� nifty Car �.
London, Ontario T,pl!s *urplus lenerpy must be spQut =
1x1 to ental ar p7rg pia al worn. On the ( '
attl It..:. :. ptb900 who wplrk too Remapkable Price . � Ong that \rot, will be !)rood t® calve, gat a
�� �er
41 rlr!"tl>Me �elr Xe3erv0 Btiongtilt and 1 ^
4 Scien
ces irt�s-an sY I Ot W ,.u:are lnclt-rtkd Ser rl�� � ; lifers 'i'\deed Raincoats.,,Grays-Dortvopignovk %4notl aticti, or hove �
� ..... a p ,. ac's '_ �"'*' ' The Coat i� cut in the
3 of the Troub►es of the Heart, l,Eve , ' _
Nerv4>rr iitldbsys••Rtoniaeb or Rowels single breasted style, a ! a
Summer Schoo1 greaxty lthprtrv0 illy aglfttft[on of r>, i
L 13th 1 their health if they loo desire. Wbsl belt ' with buckle. Accessories of all kinds
+~��+ •+�v July 5th to August It you Work tiro hard. %ke mote N�
(test, At you work too little, tike t � iSi7,eP 34 tp 42,• at � Oils and grease at the right prices.
more ezerclee. YOU will -DOW med- _
FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR. WRITE k4netotorrectthe troubles caused $12.45 and $16.45 Fresh stock of Columbia Dry
1 by your Indiscretions and to sadist I = t Galls.
K. P. R NEVILLE, Regiumr nature to, re��re WItti-, Tihefs take j We have on band a good stock,01
a Hackie; 'O i - 1 - _ Dominion,
Michelin and K. and S.
-- Hsut and N@lav@ remedy iMen's Fawo Raincoats. Tires and Tubes.
-� I cannot worm to an aci5 116;1. flop e9n and if you requires Wative take t — --
t AYE POTATO SPRAYING 4 Hockaing's � � made to sip�le breasted
some other turns of organlsws whose Imo- � .�Il kinds of Repair Work
[unction it In to gather nitrogen. Kidney G,l1u Liver Pills
�5 ill, ? style, 'finable stitebed
1 1-1Consequently It is evideut that a sols Ki = promptly attended to and anis
destitute of lime ur even very low These two prepari}tione will work seailas. Sizes 34 tO 46. faction guaranteed.
Btst Fu'lgicides and Insecticides in lime cannot produce maximum •woudere and we ,will guarantee I At � s
For This Work. crops. Coupled with thvi;c facts, we beneficial results because we know I The reliable C.C.hi. Bicy
have the IrupPY condition that lime is they will do SA. Y.
one of the cheapest fortil-al's, It we Mr- Wilsbnr'E, Eagleson, of Hay $7.45 cies are sold here, and we' carry
lbordeaux Mixture for tate Blight may call It such, that can be pur- geld, writes an follows: "I have_ i•/ a full line of ,
wird . not — How and Vilien to chased. mgch pleasure in addressing you in NOTIFIED OF PiIESIDE.Yr1AL X0!11,
Lime or Quick Litue is mhde by regards to Hacking's wonderful r� Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts:
Spray Effectively —How heAting limestone rock or carbonate IVA'rtON,—Eugene \. In•hs, socialist
Increase (lop Yields. of lime, to u sufllciently high tomppr- Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have candidate for President, photmtraphtd
¢lure e, break up the compound into used ftgRe a flow boxes and I must in the F••deral Prison at Atlanti int- I Give us a trial and you will come again
(Contributed by Ontario Department or say they hove done me a world of utc,ltatrly after recei\'ing the cu,ywitSE
Agriculture, Toronto.) the oxide of lime and carbon-djaxide. o0d, Please send me 6 ngMe bones tee \which tU►U[ted hint of his ilondnu-
The former substance is what we g tion, The flowers \\ere pr�,ented toM..r. T F. HOLLAND
4RLY spraying with Bar- know in common terms an "fresh of Band 2 Rear and Nerve Rem- \Ir. fwhs is p •
hint by an adn,ir,°r.
EIdeaux mixture and Paris t!d and 2 boxet�of Nanking s YJ(!-
burned lime" or "quick lime." 1f y stn,\\u \\eu:•iug sin prl�;on �.ub of bin++ East Street, Coder f.`Et
green or arsenate of lead the Itmeatone rock is ground to a fine ney and Liver P!fils. In your lost den —0 en in file Evenings 'Phone 243 t r t
protect potato plants from Powder we have "ground Itmre tuirea It yo then too goto yount tor Drug
or 'agricultural lime. q health, Bo
Early Blight and Potato Beetles. about two tons of this latter sub- atom and ask for Hacking's. � and nailed up windows. ,1 ecording to r
Later sprayings are required as an stance to be equal to one ton of quick J all a:counti souvenir bunte4•e were /'•
Insurance against Late Blight and lime, and the prices charged for them ''-- awoug the house•biepking visitors, but -- __
are In about the same proportion. PASSING OF THE POINT even so, the great utas:+ of furnishings — paid a short visit to the home tB Mr. floras cause mush suffering, s but
Sot of Potatoes, which is the most and tnrniture remained for the auction. TIPPERARY Jesse .Gray last Wyy,,R,ay UrP Blair taught Holloway's Corn Cure oilers a speedy,
Furthermore two tons of the foruter I school on the 'Bayfield Line about I cure, and satisfartury relief.
serious disease of potatoes In Ontario. to one ton of the latter are about the eer's flue .fork Will. John Finlay has rwturned hon:•' twenty-five years ago, and was renew- -- — -'
'1'hU disease usually appears about right quantities to apply. The Point Farm Summer Hotel a Thing On att;uda s there ate a lame front Jarvis, tint., \,,here he .attendcA
of the Past—Some Early History 1 numbeP o! v niters to the Point to'the wedding of his sister's sun. Ing aogvaintances in this vicinity. Ih•. n/fII� Qasis.lstfeshes.SsNllElr
the middle of July if the weather Is The ground limestone rock is sate witness the ruins and enjoy a few 'Blair Is now serving in the ifental •1 Blab --Keep our Eger
at W damp. Therefore, 1t in necea- on any land in almost any quantity, \hsses Hudie and Sterling have re- Corps of the American Army. Stronngg sad iealthy. If
and may be applied at any time of the The closing days of the week be: hours at the Iwke, the natural beauty I fawned from Stratford Normal Puli- � theyTire.SmsrteItch,or
wtury to begin spraying for it about fore last witnessed the disposal and charming location being something ile+iged teachers. Success, girls. The death occurred in Exeter un Bora, if Sore, IrrftatCd.
year. On heavy clay soils quick lime, of the [nr4lture from the historic Point which cannot he ,iestroyed with the I
the 10th of July. Bordeaux mixture slaked before applying, may give \Ir. Fred Middtetun Iia, invested in a June 3rd of an old and r(sPected pian- UR inflamedor(:raauiatxd•
ff the only eattafactorY fungicide for quicker results; but It should not be Farm summer resort, and the work of I destruction of the old, bullcli.e.
demolishing the building is under way, , 1 traction Pngine, so we vNpoet far,uin� ser of the Township Ir or eeryushorne in useMurineolttea. Safe for Infant orAdulG
o ed to light sandy soils. Few g the person ut \Ir. \Fm. Henry massa.'
the control of Late Blight and Rot appN by the Mercantile lialvage Co, The ��'•ttS., •1 � ,\till move hi our neighborhood ui the IgtallDrugpdsttiinGaasdaWritetorFisa ,
I materials or fertilizers can have so V u l A d r e i it O ry Eye Book. idolizeUnpany,
o! Potatoes. A poison should be add- auction sale of furniture Friday and � ,c future. Bucetess to 3,1x. \liddleton in more, in his ills year. I Clka�o.U.S.4-
many good things said about them as Saturday June 11 and 13, drew FOR FLETCHER S � his neve undertaking. . 1 �-
ed when necessary for Potato Bee- lime and none of them cost so little a large crowd to the farm and I }� Q —t- I A \Irs, WNW Boyle, of Regina, and lit," ! '
q�, arsenate of lend paste, 354 lbs. I money. Try out a little yourself this Mr. Gundry had a busy time d _ _ brother, IV. Blair, of El Paso, tatl.,1111
ear.—Prof. R. Harcourt, O. A. Col -
to each 40 gallons of the llquid Y of It. several hundreds dollars I \h•. \\'m. East, a native Sud alnust c
or Paris green 2 lbs. to !0 lege, Guelph. were r�lized.
spray, The wing of the hotel containing the 't lit" -long resident of rlintun, paused EWEN
gallons, or a mixture of 2 lbs. of As a rule the earlier maturing pul- dining room and kitchen was the first '+cth. of his home ig is !I day, June b D ! J • Mac
p siraenate of lead paste and 1 Ib, of lets are the earlier ant most profit- 11th. after a fortntt,r at
litres. Niel Rl�
to be down, and the demolition East was ��, igl,mastet• at the stali,ul �
Paris green to 40 gallons. The num- able Iay&s. By marking these the of the main vrtion of the building' is \
beat breeders may be selected, proceeding. Thus ends the famed and "n`t mail -carrier *clad n ler llll t e -
Iter of sprayings required will depend _ P g• ice acid a.frum. lb' had rum fully re- Garage=Hamilton Street
upon the season, the wetter the wea-
ther the larger the number. In wet PALE AND WEAK understand it is Mr. Goidthorpe's In \\,hile acting' as engni••er at the pn\\er
weather spraying should be done at WIVES AND MOTHERS tention to erect a number of summer ' hlmsw rcix years ago and one arm \\aa I
least once every ten days or two I cotta es at the Point, so that the i love ■ Speeil dale
g uy,•Iess, :\ Purtntlftht ac, he suffered 1 is the best remedy
resort will not pass out of history with '
weeks. Do not put off spraying be- Call lie0ain Heallh and Strrntitil 't stroke, Ill \vidu\v, fuur brutl+erv�'
cause It looks like rata. if the spray ThroeOh Dr. \t'illiani Pink PE11rt the passing of the huge hotel puilding and three sisfers snrvi\ o. known fOr sunburn, a
Is os+ it l plants half an hour before which has been an object of interest heat rashes, 'eczema, ��,,.w �
lbo rale plants
it will be dry and \finny \\omen \\im had a good color to many a visitor to these parts since I lieu 1•. W. Neil, \vho \\as elected sore feet, Stings and ;tC�t►\�J� ` 4 of
the rain co It will stick td prevent in thrix girlhood grr,\\ pale and cul- the days of its best history. president of the Toronto \lMliadist vim" _ "�
ideas \\hen They become \\hes and An old resident recollects that the Conference, is a brother of kir. Albert :blisters. Askinfood1
infection which takes place during neither, \\'hen it,,. failing color in farm \\as ban ht in the earl '50 by Alt`DrerttrfsendStorra. 50a
or soon atter rain. Most of the fall- R Y Neil, uP t:udrrlch hnlaviis , tori :+t on- ,
ares to bet results from spraying are t►u• r Io f 1"s and lips is accompanied one, Rev. :Horgan Davis, of England, thne worked as :+ blacksmith in Lon -
due to the fesult fr the spraying Is it) it loss of hrial+tness in the eyes and who tient out his barnm-scarum son, deshuro. I 1C11It`1n
done atter rather than before rain. an int'r''asi,tg heaviness in the step known by the descriptive nAekname of
1110 riuts.• \\Ill hr found in till, state u! "Crazy Davis." to Canada. The
Thorough spraying -only Is eftec- the blood, son used to indulge in virions es-
Uve, and this requires suMclegt Bor- \tally causes coutrihule to the con capades when"'he got under the in• I
deaux mixture. For the late spray- litho of Ihc' bl(tod tit,,,\vn as anaenuii fluence, according to our informant, I i"
lugs from 76 to 100 gallons or even , /'s
more should be applied per acre at Overwork In the hou,e, a lack of nut• such as smashing windows around the I i •�f @ f We haVe'a lame supply of
Thorod h praying �dnor euttratiyr, tntiullhicnt'rrsi and Square. etc. Atter be sobered up ha, c 'wen S Specials Motor Cr
each spraying.g i sieep, improper diet thf•se are a fe\\ would go and settle for the damage,.
means the covering of every portion If them. 'Fite huportmit thing is to the money to keep him going coming , Servicer Tires OI) band, all makes.
of the potato plants with Bordeaux restore the blood to normal, to build through from England.
mixture in the form of u fine mist, it up s(t that the c,.lor \\ill return to Later on he married a tall handsome I I IF it's a spark plug—
This can only be done when the solu- 111 Goodyear
the eyes and ilghttwss to the step. lir woman by t ie name of Hawkins, from I Ch,.r.ren s Rona er..................................... 7•�c tube—oil—repairs w
Lion is applied with a good pressure Williams Rink Pills are the great blood Port Albert, and they came and lived 1` any kind—or if it's a new
so its to insure covering ivory pot- btdldcr and ner\r sireugthener. 'They in the, stone house on East street, I ;,;, R' .�Ca\'er .lptons, from............ 11.00 to t °J W, come to us.
tion of the plant. The best results begin \w1111 the very first dose. and known as the Dancey house. I , We are equipped to Dunlop c
are obtained when a potato sprayer thruc,gh a fair ase make new blood It was subsequent to this that his Cuitain Material from 25c a yard to . ........ 75c l supply all your needs at
strength In used fitted with a T-jgqlnt attach- that carries and heap), illev- father bought 100 acres at the Point j fair prices
went so as to insure coffering both er\ Part of the body. The appetite Farm, and settled his son on it. In I L;idies' bilk Hoye, special...............1.00 and $1 25 One of the most im- Dominion
surfaces of the leaves at each spray- Increases, digestion ho emoes more those days Dir. Grace used to supply - ,portant factors in the d
jag. whin til€ 1 to are large it has perfect and energy and :unbltion re- the son with goods from his store (i iris' Hair Ribbons, per yard ................ 25c to 50c efficient operation of your
been found tha'i i1 page to o over turn. The case of \try. \\'m. \le\Iasi where the MaKonie building novo stands car is correct lubrication. Royal Oak
? each row twice at each a ragl'ut, rAbadl! Sired, Brockville, proves the and Davis would come down from the \Ie,'a Merino t odervvear. medium weight, at last ° We have the three
t Spraying fUiet 11e continued through- \,Thu. of 1\r. 11'illhims Pink Pills in Point in a boat to take his supplies up. grades of Imperial Polar -
ad l•'s
out August and part of September. cast's of this kind. Vrs, McNish says: On at least one such occaedon these tear's prices. ,. in p • h
j '$'fin though the plant clone in and 1 wife quite young NNIon 1 married, supplies included a barrel of whisky Ina, and the Imperial Goodrich
f�T the ground between the rows. and In ralyhig my family I became all (nothing u400mmon in those daysl; brit �den'a I3alhriigan >3nde:'wear, fine quality, at old tions which specifies the
v T,%f sit ;nUGh harm a� milt bgg ex. run down and a nervous wreck. I bey Davis and his hired nign had bad luck - 1 , iees. correct grade for every (�
# I nested wT7 be done by the w diets etine so weak that i could hardly walk on the return trip, the Boal DavisTeing i 1 make of car, Let us show Maltese Cross
f s,nd the Increase 1n yield and sound- across the dour without sitting down opposite ALtrlll'y and is being you the chart and explain
ness of the crop will more than com- 1 P dY
to gel illy bt•ea'th, 1 slept nor`` and drowned. i'ho other occupant of the the imppoomance of getting
:. penute for whatever loss there may at liu+ew my uu'i'es \],..,:111 t\Yi.Sl1 >;� G411ti hung on pad was rescued. Davis' — -- then ht grade of Imperial St$na�>rd
t Ibe. FQjt Cothveaie ee I spraying. that 1 Could Slit' keep iRlll, AHA I -a& widow OOntinued to reside at the PoWJneeverytime.
%"%a bt potatoes sioulcl be tit t, to constant misery. i tried rnany medE- "Point" and later Mr. Joseph Wright y I Ke11�-Springf field
thirty inches apart. Spmyln; for cines but they did not help I e In- married her, thea acquiring ectAi tLe , Bu 1n
i•. property on which he 8rectP� the
blight and Rot As an lnsuraltce "186 deed my condition was growing worse p Y
low opo afford to neglect.—Prot, until (tile day a friend tulct rnP that lemons "Point Farm Hotel. " McE
�� 5 -gallon
et D ` just what taloa the wens that are W, Guaranteed for 3.500 to
r 1p. S wilt, O. A College, (3u01ph, she had boon In a sono°wt at y9mlla 1 now bola to down could tell it gifted
condition and bail been eured by Ur. g Je LOIS
J Ame to Increase (drop Yields. with BPO
ecb we aro not prepared to
Williams Pink Pills,
so 1 decided to try say Ndohbt the story would Ie an � 7000 miles.
'Chis Medlc•'c'lnr; %rter the use of a y Phone 46 South side Square
The soils in 'many parts of the pro- couple of boxes I felt they were help- interesting bne. Anyway the hotel rte r r r r r
♦lace are so depleted of their lime jug nii, \ty appetite vets better and 1 along with varying suncegs notil tinally
that they are becoming sour or acid. slept bt\ttc r. I)y the limp I std used it was bought by Dir., Goldthorpe when
2%bs is an important tact as few, if electtfa railways were first projected --•
of our farm crops can make their half a doxy° Luxes I telt like t new throd h this district and power from
r � sUtiye v+•nmtn, m?' health laid fully returned g ,
Meat growth oil n soil carrying iia the Maitland was another live project.
and I could do roy housework with or some - (+eats Mr, Goidtlwrpe '
1nsufllcient supply of lime. This Is case, In view\. of \\hat hr. \\'iltiams operated it during the summer season,
eslpecialli true of leguminous plants Pink Pills have done for me i cannuntil about rive yearn ago, since .which
ot I
° d entad it is probable that the frequent recommend them too highly."
ex -
"killing out" of clover during the The best time to begin taking i)r this hotel sae lain idle, with the large
} lrat winter to due to lack of SUM -front
tion of rbc+ opening un o[ the large
1,. Williams\Williams Pink a tis t the 'm sornl trantrooma tar a dance at s lodge picnic MoresathanislAverage Mileage
f tient -lime. you feel the least bit out of sorts or the like or the opening tip of some
iclaiff elle to several walra. It The sooner you du so tile sootier you window or door by visitors whose
f 1 gleut u en the acids formed In the hvill %',gain youir old time energy • ouriosl,y got the bbtter of there regard
sill fkrough the decry of orgaaio mat- \
' fou Pan get t.hesr pili' through girl for the property of other a and \who were
k -t , it overcomes the tenacity of clay medicine dealer by mail at :,0 Gantt+ I bent on seeing the iiiadde of the h4stordc
" 5 r sills. bind" sands togettt+lr and thus a box or six boxes for 84,50 fri�m Tdte building, regardless of barred doors HE average tyre would run a thousand or many more miles farther i glt►CTI proper
d improves the physical oontllu'0tl QQt q)r. N"Illams Med, twin., Broekvllle, Ont.
tooth types of soil, IACAO.14 tlht onlyI Tattention.
t an cell coastttaeat of the food
of Tants, but It also tend* to llber� Lbng service and accidents often cause ' hidden injuries, that develop into premature
ate plant food, especially potash from R - the insoluble fortes In the *oil, arias- a blowouts if neglected.
Ing them .Into an available state: The
raise-organiim* that live on the Many such injuries are inevitable; but not necessarily permanent. A Goodyear Reliner,.
l r'c-ta of the niUvrten-tatherin&Aaui*
applied before the breakiar injury spreads, will strengthen the tire• for 25 per cent. to
50 per cent. extra mileage.
y �NO WOM414r.. t
ii • � �j� n� �,t,�ty� ��� �,t,��� ' � �'ry this plan and set how effectively it lowers tiro bills
j �"' ' i
Gdodyear Reliners can be easily and quid}y applied by anyone. Any Goodyear Service
MYS WITH V'Zft"t MCIStation duller can sup 1'y you Or, if you prefer, go to your repairman, who will apply
y �� l ' ,he e'�.'1 !}ttiir�t±i1+, the Reliner'•for a small service charge.
i (t. Won to f
A a;: I►t the hgumhold i A :r ro
ilk iltOtlpita4, bending n• ver erd T g strain
'' f7h t back, eaoncr cr late-, may end in
k.. twtt►eform Of ladury trouble.
Who til¢ b.VL With," or tx came* ,
^4imak tt i" a tbd►ttlitil;"titin 'be1EdnP a L'
f lire aG ,tw*�I=d Gil lye
• � �ttfitSEE
.. �, 'd Kidney °
:. � ! �, frit W "tfcng' thrti � ��a :'a11tl�b
t *oma future
w 1 G \ ! f
a �llfts JoseL�b vie 152 t~,ev ; MADE IN ` CAN�I�JA
MTi I "r er #1 d 5� ^* 'Wi" +►"n"
IIf i liYltitd
y�y� 1'a •�
;eti list►
rthat I & in ilia h0ifsi�i'. ff
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.1" lti+if teir whir thAmn I serf+ tut
i MW All
I.. � �ft6 Irf�lt, sS dt:
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