The Goderich Star, 1920-06-17, Page 7T1•l[ti I)A X, JUNE 17tb. MO. 11 A �- Double Track Route MON" FAL TORON'To DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Bleeping cars on night trains and par- lor cars on priscipal •day trains. —r Full information ftiom any Grand 'prank Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. LAWRENCEF. F. LAWRENCE R SONS frown passenger and 'ticket Agents 'Phone 8 Wirt,ter Term' From January 5th open in each of Shaw's Schools, Toronto. ( Business, 13horthand, rite for booklet. W. hy and Wire. lessess).). W. R. SQAW. Yonge and Gerrard Summon Term Commences ,holy 5th "41,1"AL e a s,-vgl Tatcm0. ONT. This IS the school which has ex- perfenced instructors, gives thorough courses and assists graduates to high grade positions. The demand upon as for traimed help exceeds the nuru• bet graduating. Commence your course with us at opening of Snmwer t,WM,an Julv 5th. let •our tree eataloeue. D. A. McLACH] LA, Prinelr.-1 abool of Commerce Clinton and Goderleb, Ont. Offers the following courses : IBusieat, Stanograpbic, Secretarial, Civil ' Service alnd arranges Special Courses for students The following advantages Highly qualified teaching staff Actual business system of bookkeeping Credential typewriting testa Positions guaranteed VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL for tbla district, by Government appoinkmeht, and under lu5pect- ,fon by Soldier's Civil I:e•establish- ent Department. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A..M. Ants., Principal. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin. Phone 198, Clinton. STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME 'SPRING TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, APRIL 8th SALESMEN WANTED To represent the OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES The greatest demand for \ur.cry Stock in yearn. British and European Slarhels again open for Canadian Fruit Largest list or Nrtut & Ornamental, Stock, Seed, Potatoe-, etc., Prown in Canada WRITE Fqp PARTICULARS STONE & WELLINGTON (Established 1537 TORONTO. ONT. THE W, US COAL CO. Successors to McDonagh & Gledhill EXCLU'SI'VE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH VALLEY THE COAL THAT SATISFIRS We den -in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime Cement, Piro Brick. Fire Clay, also Hurd and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. fresh Cars of Lime and Cement just received OFSICH PHONat - . . 75 B. J. SAULTa' REsiDENCE 275 W. W. SAULTa' RE611DENC9 aoa That Ricking Persistent kcgh Siorid NEVer he Neglected. The constant hacking, racking, per, aisteut cough that sticks to you in spial of everything you have done to get ri( of it, Imeane danger. The longer the cough sticks, the mon serious menace it becomes to y our health It is a very envy matter to get rid o the cold at the outset by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Synip. In nearly every ease it will allay th inflammation, soothe the irritation, hes the diseased mucous lining of the lung and bronchial tubes, and tbus'rid th' system of all the bad effects of th lingering cough or cold. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ha been universally used for the pas 30 years, and so great bas been it sucrxss, it is only natural that A grea many imitations have bben placed of the market. Don't accept any of these, so-calle, Pine Syrups. Get the original "D1 Wood's." Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pin trees the trade mark; price 25c, and 5& Manufactured only by The T. Milbur Co., Limited, Toronto, [Jut. NEWS TOPICS Of WEEN Important Events Which Havt Occuifred Doring the Week. The Busy War4d+s Happenin¢a Care tally Compiled and flit Int Handy and Attractive Shape to the Readers of Our Paper - i Solid Bout's F,njoyineaL Federal 6ouding loans increased b $500. Fresh excesses arairsf the Jew an• reported from Kiev. An riti-Seniltic movrment ha beet. P•,trted in Vienna. A r;tarp decline in the net earning of the T. & N. 0, is reported. A large crowd attended the clot Ing day at Thornellffe race track. Details cif the Civil Service bonu was given in the House of Common! An international convention of Bi Brothers and Big Sisters opened k Toronto. Thomas Renten, G.T.R. employ, Hamilton, died while sitting down t dinner. Conrad and George Leinwebe: brothers,.of Calgary, drowned whil swimming. The U. S. railways are to be give immediately $125,000,000 for nen rolling stock. The liner Imperator has been over hauled at Southampton and saile for New York. The Council of the Ontario Colleg of Pharmacy opened its annual ntee ing in Toronto. Three thousand Szecho-Slova troops reach Vancouver on way hone fruit Vladivostok. The Toronto International Leagt team hit the ball hard Monday, an defeated Buffalo 7 to 1. Two women and a man drowne when limousine plunges into Rich, lieu Canal, near Montreal. Mrs. Mary Stevens was found t her husband in their home in Ti ronto, dead, and with her throat eu United States entrants fated bad] In the opening day of the Britle amateur golf championships, only on of six being victorious. In the second of the trial races i determine which shalt defend it America's Cup, the sloop Resolui was beaten by Vanitie on Monday. WEDNESDAY. The Toronto basebaki team is bac in second place again. Richard Marpole, a C.P.R, ofci; since 1881, died at Vancouver. The Methodist Conference publts] ed the first draft of stations. Gendarmes fired on a mob at Grat Austria, killing seven persons. A definite agreement on pea, terms between North and Sou! China. The special- conimittee's report c the Chippawa dispute was mac public. An appeal on behalf of retratnf soldiers will be made from Toren' pulpits. Sir John WiMson stated that 0 new budget would hurt Canadian i dusty. Geo. F. Skinner. St. John, is s lected as Rhodes F(liolar for Ne Brunswick. The Pules have won signal -0 tortes over the Heds on the norther battlefront. Turk Nationalist officers are c trial for artenipt on the life of Dam( Ferid Pasha. Gen. Pershing of the 11. S. r,rn says his retirement has no politic significance. Fr(sh disclosures wel-e made r gni-ding the defunct llominion PP manent Loan. Western crop ieporls indicate be T. SWARTS' ter conditions at this date than is at year since 1904. 'Bus Livery ane �! ('aunty Judge Ftne atinger of Fig me 17 tG U sui:epsts Federal rueasure guarani, Ing prices of farm prodoc'e. Hack Stables A ymtng son of John Piggott k Itrigden, near tit. Thornes, was kill[ Montreal Street when lightning struck the house. John Dick was killed and two of just oil the Square er einpipyes seriousIv injured by ; 'Busses Meet all Trains and Passenger Boats Passengers cafled for In any Dart of the town for all trains tit a. T. R. or C. P. R. Depots. Prompt Service and Careful AttenJance. Our Livery and Hack Service Will be found up -to -daft In every respect.. Your Patronsgeliolicited T. -SMARTS hh"s for Montreal Strae �N'S5" c`£la.t=rte` W��;rl+�x'I,he;,�1,r+t ►•I'll.► Irar4 -, eltplotrlbtl in MID7bronto Ts110I�;t�t,Tllt i►ulidlX .IR ard Chamber of Colamerge ACDKAT 1 Uft off Corns - , �- Stt1lttw �,IL agricultural. section opposes eight* I CLOGS hour day on (4r=, with Wednesday KM Do"n't Mitt it Wand FreeMail, afterlaoon off. Costa 4ttiy R few CRI►ts. �rntrllnalt. The Toronto Strctat Railway Board of Conciliation held its first sitting• 1v The Joint convention of Big We- sc MA44W boom= *Ow-•- r there and Big Sisters was concluded. Walter O. Patterson, five years old. of Relleville, was killed by a motor- bus. If loaf. 7 Aust bare your assail TV7 day, Laura Alberta Dahma of bliliver- bM it, 44t !!toll► your kidasys with mita ton, eight years old, died as result oft ewafomn , [lays a now authority Who A�+ burn,. I tells its thti.E peat fortes uric acid whfclk Edward Lacey was fatally hurt sh.tioat paralyass the kidneys in tWr et- 4fR(R at71(,`* R I when thrown out of his rig near torts to expel it from the blood. They , Tbeusaw4o et worklnrtasa are cheottadr Lindsay. become slu"Uh and weaken, than you gtleraa i we TFwr •wMmNrs Customs House employes in To- I suffer with 46 dull misery In the kidney t#rmtl°tsal °tllrt!rt ronto protested against the new wage region, +illarp pains in thit back or sick made from solid. itr,ay schedule. I headache, dininese, lour stomach souri. ; lostker s; he+ 7 dasue Katie Parcarro, 16 years of age, tongue is coated and when ties weather I t. G Vito; trelaieroed Dyck; 0 44 sup - has disappeared from her bolus near Is bad you bave rho u+aatfat twinges. The ptaat { og; aouDie stitched at Welland • I urine to clpudl,mull at sediment, the LAW Nita FOR TAL.t, M[Nl Galt Public Sc$ool Doard alas ap-1 ►get I14rs sad irritated. LAW twde m'oaa back style. pointed D. S. McPherson supervising obligibg you to is* relief two or tbrve With your fingQeerst You eon lift tt4 AT ALL Gid 1141 time duri an hard corn, Ault corn. or cora betwer principal. I t7g the night, 7 NaGs Is OssaM Be Many lives were lost at Kohl. Ja- I To neutralize these irritatin acids, t0 the toes, and the hard akin twillttaoe Eras[[ TNt Ill Q GUGPtNDtI{ pan, by an explosion on Tuesday In aleanss the kidneys lord Am off the bottom of feet N oflCtwtA CO. � the harbor. body's urinous wtiate get four ounew of A ti,•a bottle of "Freezoae" costs little IMi1M NTO The theory that Ambrose Small of Jad Salta from any ,pharmacy hers, at any drag store; sppIr a few drops >esM [take a 4ablea nful fn lass of upon the corn or calllus. Jsstaatl 1Nf Toronto was kidnapped is strength- P� • gum j ened by a letter. caster before breakfast for • few daps bothersome hurting, thea shortly u lift flat and your kidneys viill thea act Ate. This bo ,room, Coro or callus ret oft, root King George opened the Imperial famous salts is made from the acid of end all, without one bit o1 pain er sore. -- --`._•__ - �- ' War Museum In the London Crystal gmpea and lemon juice, combined with gem T�7t No httmbatgl Palace on Wednesday. 1 ions J. L. C. Jenkins, holder of the Brit- o la, and has been used for senerateM - r Eleictric Ish Amateur Golf championship since to Sash and stimulate sltrg�tl kidneys, 1914, was tested Wednesday, also n neutralise the said, in urine, C A S T O R' /� Wealthy British immigrants to Ito d no longer irritates, than ending /� Canada are going in considerable bladder altsweais nutubem"to British Columbia, j Jed Salts ks i delightful cannot int For Irfsnts ttnd Children The Gulf of Ismld, an arni of the ore, and makes a delightful effervescent Lithia -water drink, In Use For Over 30 Years ; Wiring Sect of Marmara, has been closed by the British owing to Nationalist Always Or activity, constabulary has been proclaimed Signature of a Ted Lewis won the welterweight throughout Leitrim. Spring will be Ilere Shortly Lind boxing championship of England by Parkdale Collegiate and Givens defeating Johnny Basham lit a 20- Street School led in the annual To- �+~�~ itc;,v is the thnei'to tet your bonne round bout. DXZ'[rt HOT =A The Toronto baseball team cut the tanto school games, lead of the Bisons to one and a half Metas May Farber h fell to her death �$ AB� Q01(sti ttiretl, before the rti511 t5 till. Sanies by beating Akron hero Wed- . from a window of her home, 315 Spa- negday while Buffalo wererto diva avenue, Toronto. \� e s' tClalize in tvirlu r of all losing A shortage of $3,300 having been Get a small package of Hamburg t I, Rochester. reported, the Council of Carleton has Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Tpke a FRIDAY. dismissed the County Treasurer. tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of kinds, / Ontario Historical Society to meet- G. B. Ryan, a leading merchant of boiling water upon it, pour through a Ing in Owen Sound. Guelph, with a Store also at Owen sieve and drink a teacup full at any Private Telephones Arthur T. Moore is appointed Chief Sound, [lied In a N"w York hospital. time daring the Quy or before retiring, of Police of Woodstock. I The Wcst End Y.M.C.A. (Toronto) It is the most effective way to break a London Council unable to agree, team won the relay m.ei- at the cold and cure grip, as it opens the Molars and car strike is still on. I Olympic trial% in 1-lamilion on Satin-- pores of the skin, relleving congestion. Prof. Peter Toews, formerly of the day. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a University of Toronto, died. I Fighting between a Chinese gun- cold frim the system. ,. Toronto retail merchants voiced boat and the Japanese garrison has Try it,the next time you suffer from Dynamos approval of the budget revision. I occurred at Nikolatersk, Ecstern a cold or the grip. it to inexpensive The mercury rose to 93 degrees in Siberia. nd enCrely veptiab:e, therefore safe R the shade in Toronto Thursday. I Negotiations L,lween the British na harmless, ells and Middlesex farmers have proclaimed ,Government an(' - Gregory Krassin, Bl Electric - pa weekly half -holiday on the fatm, ptridievik rrprtssnrative, are atill11U� BACKACHE ASD 7 Board of Commerce reviews its pEnding. X11 Q year's +cork, and makes recomnteud- . Ronald H roper. secretary of the i Burglar Alarm stems ati l'roportige: ; Representation SociPly LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Thehe British Labor delegation to I is to supervise the provincial elec- Russia •arges the removal of the em- tion In W indipeg. ALL \V O R K G U A R A N' T E. l) bargo. Capture of Melitopol, in the Cri- Toronto fetter carriers voted In I mea, by Gen. Wrangel, who succeed - favor of a strike if their demands ed to the command of the Denekine Rub Pein and Stiffness away with are not met. torces in Southern Russia, Is report- a small bottle of old honest Flectr:L Fixtures and Stipplies of all London is to be the permanent seat ed in it Reuter message from Con- St, Zaeobs T-iniment of the International Woman's Suf- bt;tntinopl,�. Five thousand prisoners, kinds kept on Mand. frage Alliance. 27 guns a.id ilve armored trains were When your back is nore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheuntatism has J. J. MCNevin nominated by U.F.O..taken. you stiffened u don't suffer! Get a rf Haliburton and Victoria to oppose - P. Sir Sam Hughes. I Dairy Hints. 30 ct-nt bottle of old, honest "St. ` ROBT TAIT Robert A. Gardner qualified to play Jacobs Liniment" at any drug store, • In the final for the British Amateur I Cooling urtlk and ,ream Is very Lour a little in your hand and rub it impurtunt during this u,outh ",I right into the pain or ache, and by tho ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET golf champlonship. next month. Have plenty or cold time youcountfifty, the soreness and 'Phone g2 Or 173 The allied Governments have ten- water so that the milk and cream lameness is crone. tatively set July 5 as the date for the may be rapidly cooled to L0 de- Don't stay crippled! This soothing, next -Spa meeting. grees F., at which temperainn, !here penetrating oil needs to be used only John H. Stuart, manager of the is very little clanger or none wilk. once. ]t tsite.% the ache and pain right Bank of Hamilton at several places Fly -time is here. "'Protect the utflls out of vour buck and ends the misery. until 1915, died suddenly. cows by using a house or cO.nulercial It is magical, yet absolutely harmless Opposition to the renewal of the mixture, ,.a a fly -repellent. 1Ty ons- and doesn't burn the skin. Anglo -Japanese Treaty is voiced by half r, Ilan fish oil, one-half Lint Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica British residents in China. kern:; iw agd about four tablespoon- and lame back misery tin promptly SATURDAY. full (it cat colic acid, or crtsol, ele. - ;,-°5� - f; 11, t;utfrrl going 1: not tit t:et Ill,", oft t:;,,ts' Toronto baseball club is now in tease, bl' herlhl5 be foie lull.:,. g .•a It third place, {•� O' , ; .t' �J,.•," Mrs. Jam,gs Gilmour died at Mont_ will taut- Get the Habit of _ real, aged 1$04. -_ -the milk, ant"',+WayTtn fie 1/l/es4 Sterling exchange is New York is r,Ul(;r'aclirrg Up u t'Ic,cic. DI Inking Hot Water stronger at $3.94%. In grug up it laying flock pure- � The Victoria Industrial School bred eggs should be purchased. [•iota DAILY SERVICE Board held its annual meeting. the c'lsieks goof Itu,ab breeun.g sio,•i; Before Breakfast A two years' pharmacy course was may be secured. '1'ha ni-le i .ay be 1 Lye. TORONTO (Union Station) approved by the College Council. secured in very many eases jo On- Al•va Grenzebach of Concession 15, tarso, from eggs secured by children 9. P.M. East Zorra, was drowned at Lakeside. taking part in ::c•-hool fairs; witch eaya we cant look or feel rlpht the school fair manners this yei.r, with the system full ` WINNIPEG CALGARY A reward of $6,000 hens case authorized I BRANDON f • EDMONTON for the apprehension of John - •---- of poisons. 1 Doughty. Watch for Noxfuur. grass. I REGIJl VANCOUVER Two cases of bubonic plague have In looking for quack grins It wotyld Millions of „folks bathe Intemally SASKATOON VICTORIA been discovered in the Re ublic of be well to watch also for oibei no% now instead of loading their system Salvador. loos weeds, waiting sure th-i i.,vi• with drugs. "What's an inside bath?"STANDARD TRANS-CONTINEiITAL TRAIN EQUIPMENT THROUGH. Five are named by the Board, of go io seed and that the root �.r iks you say. Well, It is guaranteed to per- OUT, INCLUDING NEW ALL -STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Commerce for prosecution for sugar of perennials are pre%ontcd I,..w form miracles if you could believe profiteering. surpading as mtic.li as possible, these hot water enthusiasts. fun. Men. Wed. rrl.-Canadian National all the way. First payment of mothers' pear . There are vast numbers of men and Tues. Thurs. bat. -via O.T., T. A N.O., Oochrone thence C. R. Rye. sions in British Columbia is to be;elleve-c Asthma W One,. -if coli women who, immediately upon arising Tickets and full Information from nearest Canadian National made in July. rnu1,1 rpn,l the thou,an,l, „f nu,oll.•il_ In the morning; drink a glass of real Railways' Agent, At►HV CI1%IGIV_ Godectt•h. German Chancellor Mueller has, ,,letdras rpe,•iv•d iI! the maker- rr,.r„ hot wpfer with a teaspoonful of ilme- been asked by President Ebert to Krrtefal user, you, tim. \+nnld r•,•nlic, stone phosphate In WapThia is a very or General Passenger Department, Toronto. form a Cabinet. the r,•rnarkahlp rano!:• L„++er- --r IIr excellent health measure. It is in - Stanley Edmondson, Moose Jaw, .I. It. {Cello►rs('s .��Rnui It, ne ,1> 111 tended to flush the stomach, lfver, kid- Industrial D*Pa.us•nt ferorto and wtnrip•s will furnish tun particular has been awarded $7,200 -damages eases, Inoipl,'nt ;,n,l rh rouir, r, h, n,.- nays and the thirty feet of intestines retarding land to Western Canada evatlabie for farming or ether P., Sol. for loss of sight. litter] by this Kral f.111,11> r, ni, d>. .nal of the previous day's waste, sour bile The Ontario Women's Liberal As- nntn> of then! ;u•,• cured. N 1,> ,tinvi and Indigestible material left over in sociation met in its fifth annual. con- or o\1wrimmnt ++ilh +cor•tl l,„ In•y,,Ira the body which If not eliminated every• vention at Hamilton, tion. +chru the c. mine h, Iloc '. r.,n day, become food for the millions of s s5. A bas-relief in memory of Edith be purchased e+, r•t+h, r . bacterin which latest the bowels, the Cavell will be unveiled in the Tull -quick result is poisons and toxins ,ries Gardens at Paris. - which are then absorbed Into the blood Hon. N. W. Rowell warns Toronto - - -- causing headache, bilious attacks, foul tilt l.Ifl'IKE I\ 1IIF: til tit postmen •hnt a strike will be taken d breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou- luxe. tiny Ite 4riwitaed. ble kidney misery sleeplessness im- to meun their resignations. "x pure blood and all sorts of aliment, OTTAWA. .inr.e iii-cr•p.irin of The strike of the agricultural x!c, *People who feel good one day and the hodgt, •, ohitivna In •ooanittee workers In the Province of Bart-,??itrx s° badly the next, but who simply can will eng:up the t'r,n'I nn- r', tins the Italy. has been declared off. not get (quarte right are urged to, week. 'rhe It-olr•rrol- rv,ll.nx far Five of the crew of the Eagle BOR[ l py€�a Obtain a quarter pound of limestone the I,uln-,iu•n , f the t, x of t,ne per 25 were drowned when she [arced ` a; a y s fes, phosphate at the drug store. This I cent on audit Lc %I-1 -nlr i- rind turtle In the Dflawi ire river. ` , u.<{ will cost very little but is sufficientrnannu m(vt. c, ,:• r,! r,f 0-P w rIPI• A strike has brok,•n oul In the to make anyone a real crank on the `duller, r a Ins ,Tits a ill I,e taken np smelting works at RhOnhansen. Ger a .` subject of internal saattation. They will hkelc ran,• rt-. it rr.r•.dir- many. increase in rag, s is demanded �' Just as soap and hot water act on able deh::rc Their ha%i t,. • n t,,nior- The Toronto Skating Club execu- a the skin, cleansing, sweetenitig and too that -w-,i ,hangr- n„•• I nl:,de tive announce that they will erect the freshening, so limestone phosphate and In the lux,,i y I.,x r I d, i• finest figin•c hkating rink In America ; hot water act on the stomach, liver, The � c,veroinent I,ns t ranted Vllh- ¢ more 7 kidneys and bowels. It la vastly moChildren i 1 U r e II ry ry the inside than V V Jalmur Stefonsson a gri.:•Ing permit Important to bathe on -for thirty years of tl,e southern part Another Irish policeman, Constable on the outside, because the skin pores FOR FLi;TCbfER'$ of Baffin Island. Hp Intends raising I d I other 1 , rbi+orous a -I- � '” do not absorb Impurities Into the j blood, while the bowel pores do. , CAST 0 R) I A re n eer ant r mals for the nte;:t o.,de. - .11110NDA1. "x f Bonar Presbyterian Chnreh, Toron. r, to, held its anniml service in Gaelic. Tier. CRIPni Bland will be asked to f represent Labor In Northeast To- ronto. An appeal for the re-establishment. r of veterans was made from many pufpifa. a .` The Leas defeated Akron on Satur- dRy, and broke even at Jersey City i on Sunday. Thomas Chiroine, a Montreal con- ; stable, was mortally shot by a party of burglars. Another Irish policeman, Constable Hing. was murdered at Glengariff, County Cork. i\ IItPa.\\11 Edward Haddock, of l ondon, a muni,•-- lo-rrrina llarkn+ez, Ih, trouble man of the Ontarin Hydro, notoriom. Iea,b•r „f the 14rnn I'„n-. .W was electrocuted. t dre--insr .i nw,•Iine ret, filly of t1w tile! Brockville Connril, by a vote of 6 Fein • rimina ' ki,ws•il 4.4.mmrim.1 I! to 4, reftiped to repeal the dayllvht ion [raving r,cnAnrP. C,nr•p Oft11w r wmi-to h.t+ h,•, n Stewart of Qneen'tf T'ntvPralty won Jailtil P,ur rim• -, -, r ma ,n ash ovw, the 135-1b. Canadian wrestling title Than I++,•nt> nine rnonllt •the Iamtht ,n on Raturday night. the Ilnhlin rehPlh,•n dr,aaril a- .i o,,to A 0sherman named Rowson was and d thedolachmenl of rphpl+i tl,.t killed by lightning at Whr-alley while c.iped Ilublin I nhrr-ill I'h• lorb.ing after nets. I • h (.onnlr,i- 1 the ilru +v.,m in 1,, 1,• -1 , • I. I I N, lilt'. r• - r til t P gen?ral boveoti agains( the r P I semi 1, f t' R:y I r, f �• I r semi