HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-10, Page 7" t+
111111,1111 Is I
4 r. I1ktr1kes1QI'.a#" . ,�l �► h)t34 3.,!13' imam 4CKRe this Vltik
ti Villa' as R$Ca. 131t1411a1 d I�'ialteptal . i{outil~ .
Not ttlll trx;s �Pcact 'Id tkt"Aat?tx(t�Il. I�"0'ICATl1
_ .. .. !E,e>~etlou�lanti.alQ :tl'' t;ottriteic o>a
S14ttlt�jaY- °Tuo-k0t. `tobacco Uuln»►hy bbd > rq� +�
00 l ao OVA. 14 1 .. $343AM •compared vita
0wiAg to ri,, 4 t. he T,oTrotlttl ItttRlf. , ' 4"�w�wt w Er
Qwkig to Toa, the T+9routo later- Sit . 111 tl�o > x�vious ye x.
Ml1s"Il`f4t�kL '. , Plailil? t Roy and 0. J. Desll tlwrte '
+It lkd1)t litlb l'.
l TQ4Q?1'fQ Uprr tai.11lazk p�gple altet.tlfd the 'fill rel4lfeeetlQ.>a ?it
xzso trntet+
W ,gliltl tW 9t11 ItR#i "tt F il#a #Moll+
■ tliWonal`, Wr tt`outi'.ieace. Oenot. )
#3 iQlll ,
IN T tRllr .. ea ibex Van
ctua tfi diraI"4ftelt. Drlt" wan,1hipt opened aro oltt 1° i �T+i tc lur'aa r
and GA 1T ellatlt NAt[qu;AXI It VQsltlo;r4, near Touxt�.A.
Skinner, au American trxp;ihtlgter. on tale oval of .Xtlk4t)r+ge ate rt�tov tom' rTu ]tl!or� >,ti
�tl�c�► e , . , MAY OR, SERIOUS won the iansillf{ for Ili* 1- �a dillol Mr .
Unexcelled dining Cid' •vrvtCq. 41ght. , ls�
y*k shotit at St, Ifttowas Wcditesdt>4Y'. Tlla llllie�s half.,( qui the Turk- for tgratltM .... "a ,.
Catbar'iA.C& City Gounqu ltas off" arl'tr is,�a t+
T W f Goxernmefit'# ill ly- of fifteen !
S1peAint3'ears on night 31 t-i1Rs 1►1P 1Ppkr- ttgttned a spectAt col suttee to deal days in vehtekt ;,f0 t?l rl i t' their Or F ' #1"E tatay' stulfsd 114141:4
with cite subject .of goldlt rs' minor• bo#, % of Orea11NtErrors
for caps on princtpal. 4iay Lr+i>0. Mild► M Ittttr terf►Tl4ITi#tsi,�'tlMtly acrttrflatts an floil,phstel»°#ottns. t �eA
^ InttlwRjtl # $I ifltsps Cap>tts ltiaft. AllleeW The Taranto Uterluxtlonul' League Wit' # ►. ;lktPt 11► `flfiFiip of #�1t
. infornnatiPu.: i,Ir011R . imy orf.T4ll >S?1.: llpld lUoaiTd 9L EdmtL� • teatrt detests1�-> nieatti tit r!~t)17111tq on Anti�I ,w" I14• P=,mss
Full has l4q%*ttsed the salaries of the Cal t i0 V014% S Tw gvor a air eTEe OIMt/t>tlt
Sun -
Trunk Ticket li(r11, f 'C•r ;liatultlg, '^-- lt<giatta Institute teacDers by?00 Saturday, but'ibst sit Rtt#ia1+o an Surn*t'-a° lE• ' �sa1 + iMlrru�l4Wrr+ir
District Pas&el>I ttr C1► cut. 'L'orgnti . Mies M Prouye R R. No. I. each• day and are rtgt9 iA tltt7d pltte . ( a* *411�r 1004 04� nsu"o wisabraa% 0 �•
**+*r•t -._ , + At n meeting 19, lite Outarlo Font- taraate thtwa Selig. *MY
iF, F. I,AWIfEh1C t 15011$• Crdardalet t)ttt., writes* -'•I bad the Results of the first. Aeco>ld lad M wilt a �tr nwalves; gears)* elssRia
ball Aesaciattou C011110tl at Ha1n111pn, �
isu{ttast feel ,
Tovvq d'assen' pr a° 1�c1S'tt p8anti' bAuems, to NToxemher last, and it left third year medigal eas;amInations were thel Ontario eup tl;'tes were tarranged. � wo t tel0vi wt Asekt eteet nut{.
h�h9 s 2 the with a terrible cough. 1' d'o'nut mads known by the University of tAtthtsii tt+ bMMM It'11 Ipert 4 stat tttf: tEeutlie stitched at
attend to it until it got tau eevcgc pecplP. Tornrnto. The final will per plot"d on ditty 3, 111 �d sit yoiat%
ter.;, r + - • ; w
warned me it was.time to ace about. it The report of the Milner Commis- Tht3 German t lit on& vrhte4: were ...=� -- ,.._ _'._. w�_ ._ _...m..- LA= B,IXsa PC TAAIvL 1NRNt
felly,'There Asst► ttMstts Fells stiNa
TM _ medicine. He told me it was a "tine ian The oretain Ot�ae ltwaitm Ciabl- were
�4p Adi u trait a �[dttte lAnizl� were � AT IttA, *1EAf.R#Mb
I Rent to the doctor and got +leant Starz ion K ypt is ready for presenia-� QUI.
nfilr1 attack of bronclutut. I could not eleeFg�, , �ttathorttY. hsa Y. pl;Ut c •• ly In d and, South V s MMa Mt gtasM Ml
and would ,Have :to cit up nearly slf • A Toronto ju " i Gorma'Yty. stilt K Np atliReNQBR
January 6th alien in' each of ni ht, it wet► eg dtifictllt for me to et ra n the Kettlewell Nittctoen putataea sold on the mar- ?yorpnto. tBusineils, & inquest brought in a verdict alleging [From
aw's Schools, my btreath..� The doctor's medicine d ketin Kin.Bsion Saturday for X1,60. He Was Formers Premier ofand Wrr@• groes criminal negligence on the part y orthand► TelegrOpity ; rcpt seem to be het ing me the least hit, hitt they were monsters, weighing 18 British Columbia
seal• Write for lb 10 tet• F P of Harry Miller: p I
' tk0ne of our net bars etme in one da , Former' Kine Constantine of atinds, They were of the "Lost is- i
W. n. SRA , Yspt, she Gerrard �. 9 land" variety.
told me about Dr. Wood's Norway Greece, in an Interview, declared his•••,„,�-+--�••i^+'••�r"�'�"^""Y^�� "”" '�'w'�""�"'r"'�"^' �"'�".•.�.•- •i••".-�--'•"ate
The people of Alsace-Lorraine on Preralnent Pacific Coast Citizen Was q . -- -w- ---
r 1 PinePiyry I tried it and took two belief that he will again be called to Saturday at the Sorbonne presented Reputed to Be litany Times it A111-
1=�+,•*... �.. �..-:. bottles. o
person could believe bow the Grecian throne. Marshal Foeh with astatue s ruboliz- . M
*. 1 + t =' With L and wid to ftratitttttotul Electric
.e..r. it hall me. I have recommended it Montreal TramwOs Commission ing victory, The mayors y folia -
to di rent ole since for I believe I has accepted it is understood, the With Lavish Hand -He Had Rrl$f
a ^� people
ontarid's IS t ,� B,U�Itte��i have reasons for doing so. principle of arbitration in its recent (ion. and ltlati toads the preaenta-
s , dlfferenpe with its employee, flan. Career IID Politica and AttcrNatbs
i 1 Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup bas Became Lientennut.Gioveraor.
B j been on the market for 'the past 30 Several thousand persons celebrat- • •
n earn agqdetandnoutbyitsetr asaremedy ed the centenary of Lobo township at BUSINESS GIRLS VICTORIA. June 9. --Hon. James
'9.t for alt colrghs and colds. Popular Hill, near London, Out., a AND TEACHERS Dunamnlr, former Premier, one time WiringCENO , memorial park' being dedicated.
Be sure and et the real "Dr. Wood's" , Lieutenant -Governor of British Col -
Be directors of the U.F.O. ap-
F when ou esk for it. Put up in a yellow Staffer Frot Overtaxed Nerves and Of- umbia, oho of the wealthiest and a ;
prp ed the action of the ezeputlye in
Evrapli�er; 3 pine frets the trade mark; tan a Complete Breakdown best-known residents of the province',
circularizing the clubs with regard to
m?wA•rFQRD. ON'lr'• price 2bc.and 60c. the Civil Servants' Superannuation Thousands of earnest, intelligent died at Cowlehan Lake Sunday. He C(►ring will be heTe shortly and
young women who earn their liveli• had been in falling health for some --•-
We give thorough courses. We give Manufactured only by The T. 1MMUM Bill. hood away from home., in the 8011001 time and Buffeted a•seizure Saturday flow is the tithe,'to get your house
ndividoaI instruction. We have no Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. John T. Vick, the Toronto street room, In public oillees and in large evenlus.
anomer vacation. Studeut�. may - railwaymens representative on the business establishments, are silent, Hon. James Dunsmuir was born at
enter at any time,/ Commeu4o'your i Conciliation Board, is anxious that a suffering viettnts of over -Laxed nerves Fort Vancouver, Wash., in 1851, and
wired, before the fg5h 15 411,
course now. We place graduates in NEWS TOPICS Q� WEE citizen be appointed chairman of that and detieieney (yr strength. Weak. was educated at NAnainlo, B.C.. vied
positions. body' breathless and nervous, they work Dundas, Ont. Later he tool: a course ' ` \''e piteializ. in wiritii; of all
Write for our free catalogues. FRIDAY. against time, with never a rest when at a military school in Blaekbuig,
D. A. lteLAGN1.AN, Important Events Which HaVr The Leafs were defeated by Akron 11,•adaehes and backaches make evert Va., and, returning to the Pacific kinds,
P rhuraday. 8 to S. hour seeur like a day. Little wonder const, Ftarted work in connection
Principal' Occurred Dur in; the Week. Two fishing protection tugs clave their cheeks lose the glu+v of health with his father's mining develop -
reached Lake Erie. and grow pule and thin; their eyes are meats in 1868. Ile was reputed to be Private Telephones
The Busy World's Happenings• fayre• Three persons were Injured in a year in and year out, with tine worries nippy times a rr,tllionaire and was
motor accident in Toronto. dull and shriinken and beuul), slotriy prasident and 61 It t stockholder In the
lull) Lametre and put tutu .
1 Miss Alphoncto Asseltn of Welland but surely fad,•s. Busint•.s women Wellington Colliery Company, whirh Motors
School of Commerce Handy and Artrnclive Shape tau has mysteriously disappeared. and girls because of their ++vrk and cpsrates tremendous coal rreus in the
the Readers of Our Paper -A Canadian exchanges were closed on worry, look older than their years. State of Washington and on Vancou-
Solid Uour•s t:nloyment. Thursday in honor of the Kitties. What the+v, need it+ the frequent help ver Island, chief among which are
Clinton and Goderioh, Ont. birthday. of a true, strengthening remedy remedy to those at Wellington, Ladysmith, Co- Dynamos
TUESDAY. The University of Toronto lacrosse carry them through V11' da}. 0r. Wil- mox ar.d Alexandria. These interests
Offers the t.11lowing courses: Owen gound to -day enters the sta- team def •aced Swarthmore Thursday Knots pink Pili, are like actual food ho sold out to Mucltrnzie & Mann �`
Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil tns of it city. by 6 to 1. n the stat•+ed m•rves and time brain In 1910. He was the vu-ner of Electric Bells and
$cruets Mock orange won the feature race The Canadian Weekly Newspapers' orf 11110 Uushi-s ;;iri. By makings rich 120,000 acres in British Columbia,
and arranges special Courses loT at Thoraclitfe. A large crowd at- Association opened its annual meet- red blood tlw'' r;upl,1:' Jrst the kind uf' and a director of the Canadian Paci-
stodent•s •t t,tr led, Ing in Toronto. help girls need to pres,'rve their $c Railway Company, to which he Burglar Alarm Systems
The foilowinv advantages: T,+-ahx Is, the 5tua "birthday of the Thome.s Watson of Catharines ac- 11,,r,ith ani •'n'vvy, and their gond sold the Esquimnit & Nanair.to Rall-
qualified teaching staff Gota:•nor-Gieneral, the Duke of De. cidentally killed himself while clean- i rolls, in•. ��'illiams pint: Pilin bring way, with 1,600,000 acres of land.
g vonahire. Ing a revolver. bright ryes, rosy cheeks, Itigh spirits He was always u generous giver.
Actual business system ofboohlreeping The Earl f,Reading.Fwasyesterday The second annual Industrial Con- and thus mal:u the day's duties'light- and endowed lavishly many lnstitu- Ai.L �`ORIi G1 ?,RANTEF.D
Credential typewriting tests elected'preaf4ent of the lutermatioifal gress is in session at Calgary, sev- '=r'• tions in British Columbia, as well as
Positions guaranteed eraI hundred attending. Nlls \lacy It. Hunt say's: "*Ninny' In other portions of the Dominion.
Law Assoolgtlan, e u Ne think of the life of a sehuol
VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL W H-.Jones,,.4,.proraluent citizen Phyllis Francis, six years old, P' 1 Among those benefiting largely are 1?IeCtri� Fixtures and Supplies of all
t, S teacher as one of comparative Pose
for this district, by Government of M�ouri#, oy49 �o> rents • 46 years, was fatally hurt when run down by Sanitarium
ium for
and the Vanct>Ftrver
with short hours and iurlidays plpntb
appointment, and underinspeet• died in his 90th pears a in
car in Brockville. Sanitarium for Tuberculosis. lands Rept On ban
Capt. Albert Smythe, Labor mem- fUi. But the reverse is the case, He was elected to the Legislature
ipp by Soldier's Civil Re-establish- Tlgt•" hearing of W. J. Hevey'e libel When rare has to stand ,lay after day.
meat Department. suit against James Simpson was com- ber for Colne (Laneaehire constitu- v,,ar in ami year ant, .vith the wurrieF of British iveColof bin as aleConservativeIn,
l Fox terms, ate., write wenced Monday in encu), has resigned his seat. representative of East Yale In 1898,
The Toronto team were beaten by great and small, from handling child_ ROBT TAIT
Judge C. es Masten was . elected and was called upon in 1900 to form
B. F. WARD, B;A.,M. Aute., Principal. sen. it hegeins to telt upon OVPn Uus
p Poeliester in both games Monday. The president of the Alumni Association Pr administration. until 19. He acted t;s •
M. A. STONE, Com. S Walist, Vice•Prio. trungest, and especially upon the
P _ acorea were 4 to � and 4 to 2. of the University of Toronto. Premier until 1902, and beenr;te
nervi 1 had heen teaching ,about
-Phoael9s, Clinton,, The conference on commercial re- Heavy rains in New Brunswick live lyears ami +vas then located lit Lieutenant -Governor of the province ELECTRICIAN' WEST STREET e� e
rations bet een the West Indies and aided tit wfir extinguishing r the forest � ria tlp p sent He was on several occasions 'Phone 82 Or 193
STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME � p • g ld, ritft., when 1 inure t +vas ^
Canada began yesterday at Ottawa. fires. No new fires are reported. Par from having the vitality I stat'tc,l presented to the King and Queen and
nut I Dueress of theta when sDuke and
Danish Socialists will endeavor to Honorary degrees were conferred out with. Aefore my terra vvas
SPRING TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, change l had a eontpiete nervous br
the constitution with the oh- on maty'eminent 'men at a speciaeakdovm. 1 Duchess of York they visited_Canada
APRIL 8311 ject of making Denmark a republic. convocation by the University of tried doctor's medicos and it helps,., in 1901. He was also present as it
The University of Toronto lacrosse Toronto, but only fur, a while. I then tried guest t the Coronation' of Icing Ed -
IA team defeated the Crescent A.,.C. F. Meadows, a newcomer to trap- osterrpathfe treatment hilt ++ith wi wart.,nil Queen Alexandra in 1902
twelve at Brooklyn Monday by 6 to 4, shooting, won the 16 -yard Interna- hptter resulls. I surr(wPd m
froloss of and was presented at Windsor Castle
Jack Britton, welterweight hoxing tional handicap championship at St. litppj•tite, shpt poorly, was uer+ous in 1908.
champion of the world, autpointed Thomas Thursday. and troubled with severe headaches In p6lities Hun, lir. Dunsmuir
SALESMEN WASTED Johnny Griffiths of Akron in it 1S- 13r. Manuel Gondra, Paraguayan ll,rlidays minrp and I tried a change of wf:s a Starner, Conservan Iva and
Minister to the United States, will ;ehnuls, trill gut Into a hurtirr plat,' altvays took an acfhe interest In
round bout.
To represent the The George Washington' Univers- succeed Jose Bontero as President of where I hart over fifty pupils under public affairs. He was a ntentbcr of + 1t •, r„ •�'` r
as a result of the recent .m+. care. 'I'hpre +v Pre days vvhpn if the Presbyterian Church.
ity, at its commencement exercises, Paraguay, r
OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES conferred the honorary degree of Doc elections. seemed impossible to carry on my- � =�j Yle IreSJ
for of Laws on Sir Auckland Geddes. Airship R-80, built at Barrow for work. At this stage my sister, +rho Pont -teen KI!led In Rxplmsion.
The ureatest demand for Nursery Stock In finding that Ramousch Hassan the Adinlralty, will be launched hart also been it teacher, strongly ad- LONDON, June I. --Fourteen per -
was foully murdered, a Toronto jury shortly. It embodies the latest im �• d me to try Dr. NViliiams Pink sons were killed, several others were
in years.criticized the laxity of the efforts provemento in aircraft designs, and pills. i funk the advice, and by the injured and many buiidtngs destroy -
British and European 3iarhels again made by the authorities in connec- will be able to fly across the Atlantic time i Irad llnisired my second box, I ed by the explosion of eighty cr.L'►�• TORONTO ({inion Station)
open for Canadian-.k'ruit tion wRh the case. with ease. felt that flip pills were helping me. 1 losda of explosives in a suburban ata- 9. 16 P.M.
Responding to the appeal of Presi- SATURDAY. +vas on my ninth box when I decider) tion of Turin Saturday night, accord -
Lamest list or Trutt & Ornamental,
dent R. B. Maxwell of rtfte G.W.V.A.; London, Ont., is threatened with thprp +ray no necessity for continuing: ing to a Rouse despatch to the Ex- WINNIPEG CALGARY
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., (frown members df the Toronto organization another street railway strike. the treatment, as I had never felt bet- change Telegraph Company.
in Canada are to meet to consider a demand for Pupils of the Normal School, To- ter, and had grain•,! twelve pounds ih BRANDON 1 1 EDMONTON
an early Federal election. ronto, held their annual games. weight. Dr. Williams Pink Pills, with A that the to the Certcu :era REGINA VANCOUVER
VfRiTE FOR PART{CtiLARS nays that the explosion occurred in
WEDNESDAY. Harry Miller was committed for Plrnly of fresh air, +vurked wonder` Fort Yampalu at Aiount Canis, nor rl SASKATOON VICTORIA
n my rase, and i should advise the
The Toronto baseball team beat trial h Toronto on a charge of,an- west of Turin.he
-/ use of tlrpm In any other run dmvnSTANDARD TRANS•CONTIN[MTAt TRAIN EQUIPMENT TNROUo1l•
slaughter. Besides the 14 persons killed, 100 Q
STONE & WELLINGTON Akron on Tuesday, 4 to 3. Martial law, proclaimed at Athens tPaeher." were injured, the despatch adds. OUT, INCLUDING NEW ALL -STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING OARS.
(Established 1891 Dominion Steel Corporation annual on Tuesday, has been applied so far You ran get Pr. Williams pink Pill -
statement shows lower profits for the only to that city. from any dealer In rnedicinp. or 1)), ins. Men. Wed. Fri. -Canadian National all the way.
TORONTO. ONT. Year. A defective soldier undergoing snail• post paid, at 50 eenis a box, or Tues. Thurs. Sat. -via G.T., T. A M.O., Ooohrone thence 0. R. Rys.
The University of Toronto an- medical treatment at London, Ont., six boxes for $2.50 from The Irr, Wil• Heart ���� � 2,26 Tickets and furl Information from nearest Canadian National
nounced results of the third year Ilams 'Medleine CA, Broekviilp, finisRailways' Agent, JOIN Ct1tIG1{., Gudericb.
- was killed by a train.
examinations in Arts.
Verschoyle Cronyn, London's old-
HaMilton Methodist Conference
was warned against the danger of
r•ruit nelt Crop Saved,
s� Nt,�
(►�1T �p MAY
� ur ••neral Passenger Department, Toronto,
Ind••trnal went rar•nle •era Y�tnrlo rnf tau
eat native son, died at+his home in
Sunday movie shows.
Eighteen hours' continuous rain
a�rlifg [i� fYUORTS•
that city, aged 88 years.
J. J. Hurley addressed the annual
40longs and a mile and nn eighth,
respectively, on Friday.
f i,r 11 r r qui 0ul•ra
roaarttnt lane f• wee:tarn Canna s:ou•et. for larminR or other qurq•aaa.
land is
Ontario has selected the Executive
meeting of the Canadian Weekly
broke the drought from which the
the r
Committee to administer its interests
Newspapbrs' Association.
eastern section of the fruit belt has
A large rnsjornty of lx•rplk n
i,ss, with atn+e inns,
Farmers' insUtutps rad th,
in the Canadian Air Force.
Toronto's Board of Education gave
been suffering. The rain has saved
troublyd rump or
heart troulAr, and that ditt.es„tl
Joseph D. Maher of Hamilton, an
of Sparks' circus, was
Its approval to the Plenum ventila-
the strawberry erop, and proved a
treat benefit for egetable plants. Sun-
feeling that. comes to•1Lnae uhtv+t kww:1=0
drowned while bathing at Guelph.
tion system for the schools of that
'lay farmwork' teas engaged in by
is in a weakened cond,tion caus,s rmt.'
Premier Venizelos has aske•I per-
The committee of the Legislature
nary farmers, ploughing being the
anxirty and ulnrm.
- T—, -j a -b
1 +voman r,en hu , r h., r Irr each
mission of the Chamber of Deputies
to restore martial law in Athens,
dealing with the Chippawa labor els-
t h ads its re -ort to the Govern-
papular practice.
(?n for, first sign of any weaknrtu, of
tbP h•:rt. Milburn's Ilerat ere Ntrr.
1 arm ed•/iPr than ,stw ran holt iter
C.F.U. Irr RriURh a'ohtmbin.
I tontrup.
A jury awarded W. J. Hevey
ment to -day. p
big dirigibles are left,
Easter Lily broke
Pills ehotild be token, and thrre aeru:t
KELOWNA. R.0 , June Formn-
$4,000 damages and costs against
James Simpson, the Labor editor of
Complaints of the G.W.V.A. against
Land Settlenleci Board were re-
Glass of Hot Water
prompt and permanent relief. ,
Mrit, Thomas Hopkins, Cron -101, NS-
lion of a United Farmers'_ body In t
British Columbia IP apNurpd as the '
plied to by Dr. Black In the House
40longs and a mile and nn eighth,
respectively, on Friday.
writes: -"I had beart trouble for rt v,ral
result of the adoption of a repolution
Six hundred veterans in Queen's
of Commons.
Before Breakfast
Yrnrs, aomctimes better and sometimes
but ago last ;sll I spore
at the joint convention l,pte of fire
Park, Toronto, passed a resolution
Dr. Tony told the Industrial Con-
net profita for the year of $961,984,
worse, ayenr
Farmers' insUtutps rad th,
calling for a Dominion election in six
ferenee that Canada's colonizing
as compared with a deficit of E221r
not Ge down in bed for that d.rtrrFsed
Farmers, adoptirng the con0lititiuu as
months. I
Easton Merrlck-
prospects were brighter than those of
n {� }
a Splendid Habil
feeling, end had to get up and sit up
eat manv nights, and whro I did lie
revised by the joint eoruuritf.r, and
each ntptnber to utak,- 'tie
Mrs. Win. H. of
the United States,
assn it wee with my bend rrr� high.
ville died In a physician's office at
Forest fires, started by sparks from
Association concluded its convention.
I two boxre of
amalgamation a FurreArt,
Is Initial It:
Smith's Falls while waiting to con-
locomotives, have destroyed several
Two seriona hold-up cases
were reported to the Toronto pollee.
Heart Nerve Pile and feral a lot
This action the prtp
stilt him.
inventor of the War-
sett.lemeats on the Avalon Peninsula
t)Rsn sluices of the system each
better• I can note lie down quite
the formation of what IF ar uritr.d
to be a Vnited Frrtncts' o+ K r,zatlon.
Geo. Wardle,
In Newfoundland.
morning and wash awn the
0 y
comfortably and the pains have glc,nc
for the b.•,:f Infer
die barn and silo, dropped dead while
Rain caused the pos'ponement o[
poisonous, stagnant matttr.'
_ 11
plt+flged to work -
at work in a shop on his rally: near the International Loagn., game card -eats of lire r"11114114aft r uhu)r•, and vaaran.R•
Tillsonburg. ed for Friday between rhe Toronto A111burn'a Heart and Nerve Pi)Ls are• it netensary, to enter it," J'ollflral
Snider of Hamilton was high man 600. a bo: at all deadrre or mn led direct field and gain the rn+rl,Kr s and S. Ward & Son
and Akron teams. Those of vee who are accustomed to i
in the opening day events of the on rete., t of price b The T. Milburn I _
(P51�efj The German staffs of the'Zeppelin Leel dull and heavy when we ariNe; P p y protection dpngred.
yA T SWA�tTSr Grand International Trapshooting works refuse to prepare airships for tpiltting headache, stuffy from a add Co. Limited. Tarnow. Out•
T. Tournament, surrender tit the Allies nnlpss two foul tongue, nasty breath,
t ad - - -
f a
8{'17[119 r„i•[•rl9t"
revtoua our
King Albert and Queen Elizabeth
of Belgium will sail for Brazil on
big dirigibles are left,
Easter Lily broke
stomach, lame back, can, nsw ,
both look and feel as fresbraa a daiay
+ir+1t11� .+�w++aii Y>W<iiJ6 J and
September 1 on the Brazilian dread-
Louise V. and
the Thorneliffe Park records for six
always by washing the poisons and
eek Stab 1 E: s
nought Sao Paulo,
The U. S. Supreme Court has fall-
40longs and a mile and nn eighth,
respectively, on Friday.
toxins from the bowith phosphated
hot water each morning.
V o ase for a 1
ed again to decide the validity of the
Dome Mines Company, Ltd., had
Wefsbould drink, before breakfast.
Monts+rlal itttratst
prohibition amendment and portions
net profita for the year of $961,984,
ti ooof real Dot water with a t ea-
onfil In
of limestone phosphate n
Just off the Square
of the Enforcement Act.
as compared with a deficit of E221r
It to Raab from the stomach, liver,
Prompt 5ervilice and
082 in the previous year.
Irldneys and ten, vardd of 4oWels go
Vsare d Attendancq.
da g lniiq tthle m to
` '1<oi'�tCs 1Y "t ill Tratels sed
r PasaeR'*er Bloats
Four men are believed drowned,
p Y s 13ea as , s
bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans -
near Prince Albert; Sask.
Ing, sweetening and purifying the
Arthur Farmer, brakeman, Engle-
entire alimentary tract before putting
V o ase for a 1
bart, was killed at Cobalt,
more food the stomach.
t6des At G. T. i oor C. P. R.
Eastview Mayor gets jail sentence
The action of limestone phosphate
for violation of the election law.
and hot water on an empty stomach
Prompt 5ervilice and
A meeting of postal employes In
is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans
out all the sour fermentations, gases,
Vsare d Attendancq.
Toronto postponed a strike vote,
The ,Canadian Weekly Newspapers'
paste and acidity and gives one a
Association concluded its convention.
tst d
1t 1e said plendid a be offor s little kWhile` an
hliill1ivery► riind Pilaf hiei-060
► r
Two seriona hold-up cases
were reported to the Toronto pollee.
the roses begin to appear !n the
*111 8e toand up—t0-dat�
Woodmen of the World unveiled a
cheeks to quartet and limestone
phospbate-cull cost very little at the
is tttviflil'Y' 1i Lit
monument in Toronto to forty fallen
drug gtore, but is sufficient to make
'tM► fb.
Y1lftr I t Glc►' iltitogi
Trinity Methodist Churrh, Toronto,
anyone who. Is bothered with biilotra.
nem, conetipatfan. stnmteh trouble or
held a service in memory of Dr.
rhtumatlsm a real enthusiast on the
T1. lL7WAO 8 a
Labor and the G.A L1. V. will jointly
subject of internal sanitation Try
it and you are assured that you will
r? Volirlr 1YfdNtty+eaf straot
w�zt a
5 �7 ill •
neloct a candidate for Northeast
16ok bettet° and feel bettor in every
wav shortty.
_.vee—. : . .:. ,.-.sari �... _.:...............�...:.....�..:nW.,x,e:..._.,... .,�....e.ai,.3.,.m.c.�rL.y .. a.• ...... e.w.e.,rS ., ., .,.�...� .,i.r.ua..ti�.�..,,e...v.�we.. A..�...v._._.v.,.,...._�_u�._..-...v...iu....�........t..•._..._-.f.._u.....1.._.a_r_..,..,__.._._.u.,..w,.�u.i.. r[
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