HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-10, Page 5Tn zver • �►Ftl� ' ��' : r�wtxt� �o a t,� iteral cltir �t tire• _ 4 o4 ,very chi4—,ZR11er tt 'be :Isaor iur' ,c cterrl ti rl'ittira ttf . tqa gvatiatt tient, li.,friSlat ttl, celt^s ctt9leer . Ktylt3er \nett to emitted to lw9 slid raw `i!crc. %vtll be t4t'a%velilag �villtitt tBta S " , a To t0 ieatlf tl is the lall`tltflllw t �>� Ill,exxe there is abrseltlteay na, 400t to 'ills . r it.,M iblover saw,day `veil baa observed at, ' QIRYKti: healttlty 9aaby 1s sl italtia Allo, alr�'� tiilturt3 ttl Ao htl• .p icor alae AttptW chulreb, hest idorli's tt�tY•y e a The well .child Is 'A for to the home— !, x h $prinatime and '" cr i .o t t��clV� 1 qr8 u40 a c40pstt appvclro� Qt a t,lower." Ri�B le seeboul t'3t V-54 Store 11lt Rs : & i.1Mll. to � pxN . satitr1� ya 10 11.Mtt, �d! 1u11 Circ tb,cm � %vitt be phf ' Victorious, D tin piece o hlunaltfitl woo drts!�s dull a. tui Af# mala r'sltploa at 8 p, pl. 6kre front We iwuttt,ettutti `i7to sielslY nitvine worship nest :*vndiv alt+rningl .:• .... , tuce of ,caa4 ant %k a lA the' a : ttt., Ing Is the optlVsjar"be is gross and and avenin:, at Unox ehurrh \%ill be, peellslt: crlss 4 ale?t 4nd lit t1 cal4ducted by thea p+ltor. Stl)klbt£et• tt f T H s, pi• IT4e, Foolishness of Preach t p "The Ministry of the spirit ,1. rnother, taut tnatiters there seta raced I. . m,, ' of your little, o►kr, betas' sickly', AQ,CttS. Sunday stttool and bible etas- ' t t tit b tt''s bowgils apil'sneetett alta p m a tl, 1811 a � e t u ltly stomach with A ,gentle bol thou " t,al Sunday Rev, 1t. D. ' Moyes i Ough laxative and bal�Y wilt itnon be reached to liitehener, being there ov' 1r #, SMART 8 NNE OR SES well alld tiaPPY again• T11otts8ipds of preached the Neck end, and In his absence �' mothers tray$ proved this \through, the pulpit of North Street Methodist +: .; their use of Rally a owm TAblet* church was oacuoled by Rev, W. 41 there is a smile in every dose of the pori In rite morning, and in the even - Tablets. Give them to your baby .and !ng .the Melt's Club took charge Mr make him. happy. 'rile Tablgts are A, At. Robertson preAlding and aJdres- ' U ES said by mediclltry dealers or by mall at sus being given b" Jiessrs. Andrew Handsome French Voile Dresses, of the newest designs, E cents a box from The br. �'41111lants llltlii°n and sties nkWs. e 1iecInts b Brockville, ant. ,,� ', a good assortment. Prices ranting from $16.50 to $25.00. On Tuesday afternoon \Mrs, A, L. a. , t C,Jark'e was made the recipient of a were referred to a special committee lieautiful dinner wagon (the. product Silk and Georgette Dresses, a gond Variety, in colors The autographic feature tells when and of the whole council to meet with the of 'the Goderich Mereantlle Co.) and a navy, taupe, black, nigger and copeubagen. Prices ranging' industrial committee of the Board of Rower basket filled with blue forget - where each picture was taken. Trade at. the town Rall Monday even- me -nota and lily of the valley, at the ' K from $20.00 t0 $45.00. lug, June 7th. meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of I DEVELOPING AND PRINTING committees fallowing report$ of standing St. George's church. A bible was air were adopted. so presented to Dlr, Clarke. There Children's Dresses, a splendid assortment, in gingham, The special committee recommended were lad a goodly number of the les of voile, that _ the Women's Auxiliary Of. the the church to attendance and live o'- ` Silk and muslin. All Sizes In SLOCk. Prices from aI,25. " Prompt Service G. w. V. A. be granted the privilege clock tea was served. 1 of placing one refreshment booth on Services in North St. Methodist the, street, and meal tent avlth seating church next Sunday will be as follows: "'�`�•�a�'��� A f accommodation, also one refreshment Public worship, it itis m. 7 P. m. Court CAMPBELL S DRUG STORE booth within one plot on. the square Goderich No, 3.2 will Attend the morn- alany are expecting t'\ entertain friends coming on the on July 12th, the tent and booths„Lp.,be Ing service. The pastor's morning excursion, and during the holiday season. Probably extra located and erected under the super- theme will be: "The Religion of Ser - Next to Millar's Scotch Store The Square, Goderich vision and direction of the chairman of via and statitleesness.” Evening Bedding will be required, so we take this opportunity of remind- parkcommittee and the street ..he the s Tbteesage of the Prophet lsalab the park for Our Tinges^ ing you of our well assorted stock of Sheets, Blankets, Bedspreads, Pillows, Pillow ' That the 33rd Regimental Band As- Tile Classes, Mission Band and Men's Cases, Towels, Table Linen, etc.., etc. All of which are marked at very keen treat®a®EIB®®®®®a®®®�96fe®®ae®� soeiation be req,lested to have the Club will meet at f0, 'Phe Club topic ® THE TOWN COUNCIL band mPet the steamer Greyhound on will be, "Wherein do we lack in Rev- prices, and are first rate values. to its arrival from Detroit on 1londay erence In • our Ghurch Service?" Mr. .\ 7i Ntllimrtcr Gun Allotted to Gode- June lith, and, if It can be arranged, C \i Robertson will open the discus- fil® Store Closes Wednesday 1 p.m., Please Shop Early Flower Sunda ® rich by Director of \Ver 'rrophles to have band concerts on the evenings ylon ® ® of June 13th and 10th. The North St- Epworth League are ® ® The finance committee feeommend- ® ® i`tie regular u,eeting of the town t0 be congratulated on pro\idi[U; the McCall's Patterns, MCCan's Magazine for June Now on Sale, 15C. ® ed that a mm�ber oP 6ccounts he paid Is Al Council was held on Friday night la_4' town of Goderich Its first opportunity ® at the ® with all the members present. and reported as folluw� ® ® \n application from •h. John fell In the matter of the account Prom vi hearing ill Jack Miner, of chugs- HURON COUNTY'S LEADING MAIL AND 'PHONE ORDER STORE 19 • pP h•. Thos. Boyce, amounting to tS65, vine, who will lecture ill rheic church ® Baptist Church ® for permit to raise his tiousP uu tui for work done un the sewer on auuth next Monday evening. His mac nK ® ® 110, corner Trafalgar and Cambria roarl street, we find that this work \\•a,. Pictures are nnr, ted; Iii, humor ® Montreal Street and put u concrete foundation und0il and pathos, h•r,-,islible and every one t ® ® it was referred to fire committee. Caused w the house, connection to Lire a1 ® town sewer becoming detached. 7`he leaves his lecture reeling as a prum- Ji 1NTi 13th 31r. o G. ll it r applied for on tit- 'Phone 56 MI'L.LAR'S SCOTCH STORE ® vi was ® town employees completed the job of inent oitizen of Buffalo expresser111111- JUNE r m - shun to install „ gasoline tank on the „laking a neve connection to the W%vn self as. taking him by the hand, he 'Phone 56 t \Ir said: "Mr. \liner L Ite\er \Till sov the OR " -treet opposite his gurarge on %Ietarla ,Pet. Bef ,rred to the public warns RP\vel• :(,,,I \\(,recommend Lha Boyce he paid the amunnl, of $5.30 '"s _ �---- _ _ Now is the time 10 Secure ' 9.55 a.m. , nuu llc, to pet the usual bond. ut a inti of any \Turk he di sr ~Trish t,lr,• BEST TREATMENT FOR-- - es ® tial committee. ®� for the ounatruebion of paid $200 on its grant. ®�1 ® petition truer resrdesatar o❑ Water- I scot Britannia road fur etre fayint3 or h;ul dune in cunucrtioa ha(l n,attpr. HIaH BLOOD PRESSIIRE — withuul vision Is being made that all who de- walhinu a torture, yet sure relief in ® Ilible SC11001. of I,.r..a on Britannia road \\as refer_ That the sewer debenture byla\\s —0 cash „f a bird's \\hrg a>nin 111, lemur"', are it sire may attend. the nha, of Ilulluwa s l,nn Cure is y ® --- ircil t,, the public works committee. are being prepared by the tOW11 ,oil, the debenture When the Blood does not circulate thinking of i -L" fine educational feature fur the etrBd- re Corns cripple the feet and nurkr, \\rlhut reach of all. I1 a m ® Au application for renewal of lioens r1 ® TI t 'a referred to citur, and a� suns as hedules are prepared the committee freely through the Veins you have ren as \v,•il a, adults :cud special pro- �. Nor Hm Model tea re w. s ® +t , , ® Lhe special committee. ® The Victorious SpPing- ® .'\n aivicahun from alessrs. Craigie 10 ® Bros, for renewal of bJlliard and pool 10 ,c recommends that the treasurer place an advertisement in the local papers asking for subscriptions for the de.- a to yield fi per cent High Blend paeemm and this is but a Symptom of eaten other disease or trouble. There rill-�Uy KidOgy Now is the time 10 Secure ' f+ ® room license was referred lu the, spe- � time benlures at price That the Public Library Board be Disease, Heart Disease, Nervaus Troubles, Hardening es ® tial committee. ®� for the ounatruebion of paid $200 on its grant. of the Arteries or Brain Trouble. your ® Petitions ® - severs on Bridge street between Tor- 7he cemetery and arks �oomrrlittee ' orted as follows: There is abmye the danVw of a Garden Plants ® % p.m. M unto and Park streets and Rn Cambria Tra- re P : Your cn,nrnrittrc regrets to report 'rupture of a Blood Vessel and as tate 10 9s road between wolfe. street and ® life of falgar street were referred .to the pub- ® "The the death of nut• late sexton., Mr. Ai-' duus, Your committee is advertising Heart. the Blood Vessels and the Kidneys are all associated with High also .Beautiful rd Ip lie \\ark, mininittee, as was also a ® for applications to 1111 lice position Blood Presslitre the best and M i 10 a lower„ 19 petition from restdepts on the east ® for a cement and i❑ the meantime bah made ar- eatJBfSadGohy fa+elakment i9 Flower Plants IN side of Cameron street ® ® sidp\Talk from Britannia road south Gt rangements will' Mr. W. Henderson of the work at the HaCking's Hurt a Nerve Remedy i ®® the residential terminus un the east to take charge time We have a fine lot of Toma- Am ei ® side of the road. 8 p' m• ® front flip ••Fund for the cemetery until such as a german Pnt appointment is made. Hackings Kidney and Liver PlllPills.t® t0, Cabbage, Cauliflower request 'Tire public works committee recum- This treatmetnt will reduce, ,the ®Young people's Meeting ® Blind, and Blinded Soldier," for the ® lu\\n to bPCnrue :r rnemher of the or_ mended as follow, : from ` residents in Blood Penance iby rHmovtng the driving out the Poisons Mixed and separate colors of ® ®Fani'ration, v, referred to the finance That the petition to cause and ® '(111111i tee. You are Invited ® of the St. Andrew's ward with refer,mce the overtlo,0ing of sewers be referred from the system. We are flrmty eon- winced than this treatment will re- Asters. .1 Irth>r from the sucre•iary ® —r Fire chiefs to the town engineer to report upon. duce the blood pressure below the ® ® lfuminiu❑ Association of Y�aalamris�®®®®®®®®99®te9®�9t®®@9Hs anuuunced the 12th a>ilnual convention That the engineer prepare .,n -,U- of the amount of money required danger mark end thus free your _ in lite eity hall St. Thomhs Aug. 3, 4. mate for sever construction purposes for mind from the oone6aat vrorey of Special price this week on and r. atol asked the council to at- LI -it, year 1920. death, tPnd and have the Chief enrolled as a tl bclaws bP prepar- People who have been allina for THEATRE r'IIIr\her at a roll f3, Referred to That consrueo on Toilet Paper �ODE� lire committer• pd for sewers on Regent street And on curare shcmld not expect a complete .\ letter from the srcret:u•y of the Elgin Avenue from Wellesley street to cure in a,few days, one should take 1',thlil Library Board called attention Essex street. at least six boxee of Backing's Heart PROGRAM to the change in the calledPublic Libraries that the chairman of this commit- and Nerve Remedy and three boxes ;,rt providing that 'libraries ib the ter be, empowered to secure rock and art the Kidney and Inver P111a. Be FREE DELIVERY For Next Week N(It poo shall receive 50 rents h j make all arrangements ror power, etc. sure to pet Hackings. 1i �r dealer head of Lhl papulation, Which wopej to have it crushed• does watt have them, he Will be glad That an order be sent in to have the get them for u• a;ice the f;oderieh lihnary $2350, in' road oil now on orders ipped as soon to As possible. Mri, vJ''Mia, tePlIm W. A. HOEY --,"o day and Tuesday sti.ad of s 1,000, the sum previously al- b tnttedJ 'Bhr Board required �t;00 at Aioved by Councillors Humber and )digin, naw 1.lvdng in F11nd, Mfahtigaa, A GOLD PICTURE tine. --Referred to the tlnance commit- Moser that the proprietors of the Bri- aaye: '"Me neighbozm are perfectly PAULINE FREDERICKlee fishrem a the v Hotel be instructed lu socwell. Ia n sec a brood along Dean's old stand 'rhe c�hairnn>n ui the pirb3ie >vurks remove the verandah to front of the so well. I ooatribute my Good health and parks ronunittees were vtaip,rwer- hotel at once.—CA•rried. to the pensietent use of Hmeking'e 'Phone 110 The Square _ ed to deal \\ith a request from F. C The printing of 1920 voters' list war Heart and Nerve Remedy clad gladly \Fright fur removal of two trees apt referred to the finance committee. t•econhmend It #o all my friends." 66 pusite bis ltousp on Stanley street, a5MOced by Councillors and Mitchell Loves of Letty the trees were too close. that Chas. RUHiP be appointed to tako also The resolution of the Board of Trade charge of the fire engine at the same favoring the allowing ee automobiles rate as s Elitotl.- Carried. ������Episode 12 nto the crrnpng h s efP S and 9 p.The possibility of (ire menace fromHE DIDN'T "'Adventures of Ruth" '"• each canning way referred to the the National afire committee Co. was re- rvntptery and parks rommittep• furred to the tine rOntmlttee and Ileo � ,\n application from the town clert; eh,ef to make an investigation and re - for an increase in salary was referred port.—Carried. Wednesday and Thursday to the finance committee. It was dpeided on motion of Coun- BUT ON A letter front the Director of War cillors Humbpr and story, to p8y Geo. A GOLDWYN SPECIAL PICTURE Trophte,, announced that one 77 mil- Beacom at the' rate of 80o an hour limeter Run had been allotted to the from June 5th, it being stated he \Tas Friday and Saturday LOUIS BENNISON town of Godprielt, which would b, about to resien owing to dissatisfae- shipped to Godprich station. The tion, havin+r asked for Roe and heing • rlerk was instructed to acknowledge paint only 70c. June 11 and 12 V, IN S the letter. The Deputy Hvr\e- suggestPd the Is - Tho request of IhP Dominion Road suing of debentures to provide for the ttrOL' Johnny" Maehinery Co., Ltd.. for the relea9p of huilding of a ,:rand stanri, offices, eIe. J y some of the insurance held by the at the narirullnrrl urounds and put- HE WILL! • AND town assveurity for bond lrunrantee tin, the \vhole thins in goon condition The Old Wog as this \\as lar'gvr than the halanre 'bill no aetiun \\a, lahr n. CHARLIECHAPLIN oulstandinfi, was referred to the (In- \I(,NPd by the Iiptuit\ Reeve and er- Women who d0 washing tie Old way are invited to 1N alive rommittep \\ifh pm\F•r to infer- voYOM by t;, inetllor \loser that the, \;p\ the soheitor, come in and learn how to do it the "Time Saver'' Way - Art An invlhition from the Inland Wal_ town engin • r hr• i- lnestvrl to corn•. The Floorwalker r\\ays Cornmfttpe to the council t-11" 1) at onep and Ki\e an ••stirnale the On these days only we will sell the aftpnd the ('seat Lakes -St. Law•rener amount required for sewer• purposes 'I',le\\;,ler Cunfrrva Io be held In De- for 1920.-,;arrhvd. "Time Saver" for the [friday and Saturday l fruit .luly 22. 23 and 2i -,vas referred to TOPICS the BRIEF TOWN,TOPICS eonnniltee. .\s the purposo Regular Cash Price A SELECT PICTURE of Ow rnnKres- \\ac to PxpreRs na- lional public opinion anti eon\py it Io 'rhe r,•,rnlar inonthly meeting of the OWEN MOORE the U. S, Cnngre,s, delegatps could on. i1hildren's Aid Society \\ill he held on easy terms of ly he repreaentative of the States, bill next Tuesday in the Court House at IN it \\as consirivrod hundreds of Cana, 4:15 P. M. "Piccadilly JIIn" lien+ would he interested in listening Court Goderieh, No. 152, Canadian tir- 5s0� down and$1 O.0 a month lu the addrvssps and riplibPrations. der of Forestpry. will attend the morn- 7 r ALSO Sectral industrial propositions were Ing service at North street Methodist NO INTEREST ADDED "SUPREME" COMEDY pre,;enled by the industrial committee church on Sunday. .lune 11th. The of the. Goderich Board of Trade, which brethren will meet at the hall, over , Hern's shoe store. at 1020 a. m, Visit- Think of the hard work you i Ing brothpra will be welcome. will save yourself. How much R. F. fa has commenced vo- cational course oif training In n.4ur- easier house Work Will be. All p • since with T. A. Harrison, transacting our friends who have them simply ' Willard's Ice Cream Bricks dergeneral writingInsurance the business fo ualQ Liffe As- your part with them. This The Creahi of all Cream. surance Co, . of Canada, easy payment plan really lets the Mr. Clark McAdams, editor of Wild L,'fe;,fit, Lenim, lio, 3av3: "3 �enslder washer pay fat•.itself as it works 35 -cents a Brick Jack Miner's entertainment to be tite Just like you would pay your ter - (beat of its kind I have. ever known. Vent. or laundress. We have .24 different flavors to choose from 1 This Is the general opinion here gong friends of wild lite. His mo- ordered, and have in stock, a good n pictures render credible what uantit of Machines, and so can save you money if yon buy or hone for one uld otherwiap by incredible of this quantity p remarkable man. No child who has it this time. You will positively have to pay more if you heard Jack ironer can over be anything dela $ 00 puts the Machine in our home and then it Ilttitt on Willards Sold only by but a friend of wild life." W. S. ate- Y p y Crea of the Chicago rlengraphleal So- pays for' itself by the labor it saves. ciety says: "Mr. Miner bag more j, H. LAUDED, Phm.Ba than knowledge of the Wild North r than any .can in the world." n y North CHAS. C. LEL v St. �tethodiNt church Monday nfRht- ' Nyilxl Quality Drag Store June 14. ylstisrt �� Goderich East Side of Square; Goderich it a man Is both bad and worthlesv ramthere isn't mach hope for film. Why Not Have a Good Drink ? Try our aa. Bulk Coffee We also have on hand Rideau }-Tall and Chase and Sanborne's Coffee. J. H. Leach Phone 180 Cor.,Mentreal Bt. and •quare I Announcement The season has arrived for White Footwear We have a large assortment of Women's White Pumps, Colunials and Oxfords, with low and high heels. Also for Hisses and Qbildren,- we b eve White Canvas Oxfords, Slippers and High Shoes. White Canvas Oxfords and High Bouts, in Welts and ',McKay s, for men. Let us supply you with your White goods. ® HERN S BOOT SHOP r� .4'r +%r *4 .4.r1