The Goderich Star, 1920-06-10, Page 4G 5014
a - *i�1-iKtt:lreW '4Fitla, finch and ttAlit tlRitli .yr vay l "TY _ pgt►ttpite tltraltty. For
p �taIlly even thread, fire► R4a slid �eattrs, softs ctr drot<llts. $p lttl
<srill 4nudor' beautifully. - el t� per
%r ;t, V%lue. Fort-„,„--,-.., . * l�I�► tl'Wi ”. .
nd 'Wool Popfinsin s a -oro Of est p9terna and figulteNAtQ
a TO 4=1 4
.astalnbl tl
� �n�h� li al or .ltilil.
�ltt'>3l tfaA�. s=
�� turd. orer.
ne court was thea affiol
Uars4y. Jtnt#,t< Doth. at s
?'4lts 1J. �tfeleriti spit .plesartl
+Gralgle, 0, WIJir& ,ii
111w n to bo t' 0 Wt« ' 8,1064 to all
A ft"Ir r, `ctloef_alble_ -1
nitrate wIR find in these pills the t
effective medicine in cotrcentr
forth that has yet been offered to
of Sri WAft west price.
� r�s��c� �► tr'rttitti~
i >Itt�ad�, Bita<�•rb�erry
a>..tlnti Pito@- .
�ppk, Ptntn�s, eta;,, iia sauna:
Bv+'binie io �rticlt-+rix
�ar� � �►► �Olvl #IQBAtX, ataS,l thg gam.
Boma, pica!* 0am' . Lid and
Qci6ked Dun, T'eliied' Tongue
and meat Calm
P`itlofolive Soap. 104 a like
Fwh Bread daily, ;2e a loaf
Itellogg's Corn Flakes. Ilea
Hours for
Lawn Dater Service
are from
7 to 8 o'clock A.M.
and from
5 to 10 o'clock P. M.
Use water for lawn ser-
vice in the above hours
In case of a fire alarm,
kindly.shut off all taps.
�,;,,,., years
ago IA..t July. About eight y.�,-s ulil and was born In Strafford. o ave and mercy bold in peace ane • 1i00ERiCN
r-:�tearb ago she came to rioderu•h to :be attending the Separate school here and ver,` and dwells on the degree tq Raincoats for Men
"r tier daughter and near the later the Mitchell High :+chofrl. S which it "has berome honored and en-
s ii F"F C�tii2reb she loved so well. One had been connected with the %Iicfiig eared to the hearts of thA nations of ;`
t r yF, ply f, :lljr. .ydney Smythe, and Catholic for the past hventy-six years the world, • and his words express ad-
aK leo unmarried sisters rPafdr in Lon- upon the death of William H, Hughes mirably the sentiments of the whole �( j
14 tGipn and a sister, Mrs. Claris, In Hain- publisher of the Paper a few year. Hatton. We all recognize now that Remarkaba Price 8*TheNew
loon, A private 4e.rvice was held on ago. becoming Its editor. She.was at- The Army has won a distinctive place
I + , qty evening at the family homeso an officer in the (:athuItss :p ,mss Ax- in the British Empire, and that its ; .s O O
Ml*on street,. conduct --d py Rev, Can- sociation, an organizer of edit+4rs, and work should be maintained and en- ;„ Q
On hill, and the fotl(ming morning the upon tier twenty-fittjl A#b%V.ersary couf6aged. For what it slid before the Men's Tweed, Raincoats. Decorating,
rCtnatns were conveyed to Toronto, w•t ► the Michigan. Cotholie. was war, for what it has done since, and ' : f 4v g
K �tvhere the deceased was laid Wrest 1n accorded the distinguished honor of what it Rk Hovv capable of doing, not The Coat is ,cat to the
SL James' cemetery, beside her only being .decorated by Pope Benedict It'. only for Britain but for humanity as a
son,, the service at the graveside being ,;he was the author of several backs Whole. It deserves the most generous single breasttd style, a O Store
pn�ltR<stPrt by iEif'v. CIIiarlet+ Darting, and a inentber of S`t. Peter and Paul srrppnrt of all classes and deaomina- loose b81L vFiili Store q
rector of the church of St, Mary Mag- Cathedral parish in Detroit. . Large tions.
4liffewl and an old friend of Dr. Coes- numbers gathered to pay their last re- ` t Good Entertainment r O est Street O
•�$,. %pests to the deceased, who was wide-` Clinton .Sizes 34 to 42, at
Si'ilLVEr-Tile glial" of ?firs. Harry i)y known throughout the Stats o pail@►, speak highly of the
production of the Cantata Ru given { Q In addition to our lines of Wall p
$gnome on Friday. May 28th, come a9 Michigan. The body will leave De- by Knox church choir ,.in that town $14.45 and $16.45 -
lite tewminatlon of a long illness pay Trott, at 630 on Tuesday morning and Tuesday of last week. The News RA- Paper, Paints, etc., we handle
fkully-borne, and many friends extend will arrive la. the city shortly after cord report wa%as follows : _ ", all kinds of
tp ` r St9we and his daughter, Jessie, dinner accompanied by three prlests, I The members of Knox church choir+ O
pfetl SyMpathy in their bereavement, several laymen, two sisters, ?Hiss Cath- Goderich, under the direction of Air. F.
e Jtweral took place on Sunday of- arine Sullivan, of Chicago, and Airs. R. T. Egoner, or Men's Fawn Raincoats, 0 �+ $
ganl$t and chair master, O p
jl'# oofi Sr6m the residence of Mr. Ileo J. Phelan, of Gederich, and also the presented the sacred cantata "Ruth" ini
t ap,' . gest street, to Maitiaari deceased's husband. The funeral will Ontario street church on Tuesday ev- made III single breasted Window Glass, Plate Glass, q
r. tie#oty,, ive wrvices being conducted be held on Wednesday morning from
J. E. McCauley, pastor of the the residence of her mother, 52 Hiber-1 Auxiliary of Clinton. The full choir of ening under the Auspices of the Girlsl
Ajt isbv style,. double stitched Bevelled Glass, Mirrors, eta. O
r •Baptia. „ r iiurch. The pall -bearers nia St. On Sunday morning Bishop about forty-six members were present seams. Sizes 34 to 46.
vee1Clg ,.J,1 A. Aimpbell, Alex. Gallagher• of heti lt. pinned a medal and the performanN,was very much
'too # Aibett Wilkins And Ar- on. tier breast. Ste leaves to mourn i iagaayed. The program opened with At O If }*on are thinking of doing
thur I3t3avr rt, The deceased was their loss her mother and three sls- Ross ni's organ overture, • William n
forrnlerl� :Atlas Mabe! Wilson and she tars, Mlss Margaret Sullivan at home. Tell" by Prof. Egener and from the op- $7.4,5 O any : O
was;b4to In Brantford township. com- Miss Catharine Sullivan and Mrs. R. J ruing overture until the last number, DeCOra log
ing to rtfh about .thirteen years "heian. Two brothers and father thel •audjanfoe keel* pajoyed every
ago Frig tit Co'ttple of years she was died within the last two years. moment. Migg Kata Lyttle took the O
organtst -f!) the, Goderich Baptist Iparl..of Ruth, Miss Adelaide Nairn twat `this year, call on us and let us
church, she held until her tt'ORLD-ttnDE f,0313t1;1VT of Or ah, and Miss hazel Belcher that give you an estimate•
health ' ob tier to give it up. ON JLBILEE APPEAL of Naomi. Mr. Egener took the part
Among th46 pretreat at the funtiji 'Me Salvation Army's Appeal for a of Boaz. The solo parts were all well OO
were Mr. Job# Wilson, of Darts. fathe4 fund to celebrate its Jubilee Is 'one taken and the choruses also, and Prof. of the d�eoed George tVitsoa, o that deserves, land wttl assuredly 'ell- l Egener s organ music was much ap-M■RD-�B.INS�O
Itetroll, h,r bl`ptlYt!r, and Airs. Wilson; cit, a penerous'response.
There was a pwcelated Miss Nina tVoolcombe J. Guth ertson q
Samuel Carter•,.aad daughter Evelyn, time not many years ago when Its played i •
!played a piano solo eery. sweetly at
and lir. and 4#re�� W. J. Craeknesls of methods came to for a good deal of the beginning of the program and \Ii s O
• v . en la of rllfr,,i!kn Today. hnP never Open In the Evenln s ,�i�oal■Os�Olaoa
Tornnt,, li.rr ,Sadlb tell p 9 11 Gladys Bedford sang a pretty so n. 01^'
Point F.taard; Ito. find �lrs, John Dav- hears tiregie erltlf$yntst. Tht*y are Mrs, C. Doty presided at the
ldson and Mr. and lilr'sihoes from the past, and even those piano
7"hos. DicksonDicLAron, during the evening. The choir came ( ADVERTISE LST Tl� ST+tlt
} of Lorne: Mr. Ratlerlt;.k Ritsa, ut ;Am` vho may not altogether agree wittl �
and gave the entertainment for th .� .
r7 beriey; Mr. and Altai. Pft4 Carter* eM the methods of the army are ;forcecttbenefit of the Girls' Auxiliary.
yrin'am, , to recognize that it Is doing most ce tiag th only as-
p @ price of gasoline for the Jtr
f cars which brought them, a courtesy 1
�i fllii greatly appreelated by the young lad-
. 11t[�q�1�Fl�p1 rtutnu rrn.a= ler;, At the conclusion of the program ,
lite Girls' Awdilary entertained the
1.. visitors to refreshments in the lecture
BLACK - have
Itdoto below stairs. Atter necessary
r : '
expenses are paid the girls will have t
• about forty dollars, which will go to- �s•t= " { ///
t`{ watrd the hospital fund. wJ.w- 7I � T
f Court of Revision ' _ i
The Court of Revision of the asses- y PATH
sow's wall was held on Friday, ere@8th, when the following appeals wire
dealt with
The appeal of Mr. Juitn Hill against !
higessmes su lot ed. and as being too Of
high was sustained. and the assess_
_tt ment reduced to 86M.. on motion of
Atttciteil and story, Tho
t appeal of !lir, t`Vm. fJ. Johnston
onthagainst his ground
he for tacomP lax.
' on the ground that Ae is b housPhetd-
1'jQ [tt sure!• m -Vas sustainers. the income assess- /� �., Mill ff acccuU budnew
Went being reduced to IOQO, on motion f %� � andc =Vv
1 ♦ of Councillors Ittitchell and Knight. Do.
Thi+ appeal of Air. A. 9. Robert son
Stylish hartiO iM that against his Income tett. as he is s n~f oon bepn buJcks onsraall
householder, was sustained and Mr. i fotrrdatiom
` l trt4oWJ, t
" .1 . L t. lift► oyttn rrstkie�intr-nt• was �`"
--Tailoring that*d,p e0dUeed to' r on thotlon of Council- rte, oftl� W"t,dut Can isam Uve,
tors• J. G. and e'01 -story. bem C ofd* 86t�lt of Montt
,glom, J. Cl- hicrlce�l abp±Sal tt,�fnst •the &
a ALSO A COMPLETh"n i.� t►sgrssment of sot �10 Blt was Ile►staltt= luelrlutwet> dnloit►ttiltwugjiit3oartrtltattiaw"*r butt
ed and the asses4f ehl reddeed' lo, tti0is.' Itat bears due in part to the galls kwrr 6rkirtlt 3WVk4 d*t Irltftit ob►
. , a.. on Illation of tj0M)neillors. Story tyt►d ris b trots tit.
Up-to-date Mens pobio , lditatnell.
. N 'lite tlppra 1 of Atilr, J. 't'1t. �*t' gie v e ane atwi gra a" that lar %id cur Il<`�4s1•A twat btita iwa a dig ldlala sE ilia
ilixillots b6fng assessed as Owner, loge flira0nrra r
...�...�.�... 00 ltd was laid 6vt.r for tlirthryJ
t Z. Wr ria ieahata o0 swig tinea 1"ar It.i! .`+.4r
tlei'ict'i(otl, be. e. through
. �iiii06'r. Claim
tri t Alla, f% Mc• �aai•I girt DatAtiari •rrwt lr+itt 'tJ ri
!'.will Abotild be atsaexsed as o�v glair. #lliwf Uilfir rr ln! arw> !lr<icir•t
r «. ;s appeal of Alt S. %fcv. liJla'A'd Walrtw l�.r,.wr�rfr.l Yw tllM w+wrtSw
'i ttf± ta.+.itw
! tCHM-e � rr1A � hitt i . the tissessftlent WO iiia«-,
1001*4« And the atrsessment eonfitnthd
G «+ art ttietlotl of Cnotleillora hnlAht and MO
I 11Om�lsN�tore a o-
osti 0pea ~F re tatrittl r Grablin
% 1"d>f ' bilk i
l lielag tfiai 11ibin awls laidovrt, for fur. � 1�NMtMMlilt
C. t
t�rtt'r 1f411+sPt�I'atlClti �' �%`l`Ir~lr: �t''f11t.
a � "
T.l.R1N+fAT1!/m, M,.'lc,.ir , "W
'. o ,lq' in9
Bring your :61m to us for develop pg and
Ocie Day Service
Films to Fit all Cameras
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm.B.
The Rexall Store
A Afartin Garment
keeps your confidence in its design and mechanical
and retains your pride in its appearance, because-
-It is Good all the Way Through."
Martin, the Tailor
"Phone 318
Reid Optical Company of Stratford
Opens an Office in Goderich
This is an,,opportunity for all those needing the services of an expert
Eyesight Specialist to have their eyes examined and proper glasses fitted.
We employ only the most accurate methods and guarantee satisfaction.
No drugs or drops " used.
If you are having headaches, dizziness, or any symptoms of eye trouble,
consult our Specialist.
Optometists Eyesight Specialists Mfg. Opticians
121 Ontario Street, Stratford
Goderich Office in T. R. Harrison's Insurance Rooms, across the ball
from Dr. MacDonell's Dental Parlors, on Nest Street, just ort the Square.
Every Friday, commencing May 28th
Hours 9 a:m. to 5 p.m.
A. L. COLE, Specialist in charge.
Note the day each week.
_ � `. � J-+��,;-� Trrirnrrrrr-rr, -r-•
y� i sr r r, -r- T • �1 � .
.luj: �I '•r��:.s:-<:c.G�'ll-•I,�'ll7,r 1�77.r/T.�i�� ..r�
The Big
Stiknnch, Safe, Speedy and Comfortable
Tuesdul,June 15, 9:30, E.Ta
Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 pm., E.T.t
Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 17th,
1 p.m. Detroit Time
$3 Mound - Trip; $2 One Way
That. stat inoludre War Tax
The only last trip from Goderich to Detroit this season.
Visit your frfefrh, a" see itis, wonderful Detroit again. Now
lillOrlt this a IeiillJstipeople and growing so fast in population
NJ niches tint it is dabsed soots to herniae the world's ktrgest
ttlltd greatest city. " *aa■Iic Detroit." "Thu Heart of
tiNr AWS, A'
*Nnd N ' A* Out of Goderich
Monday Even gi June.14th
�Ii�faN �ifC tlat�iag ilii �tiiltltlkN'`t ' ��0lN. . � f ' Ilanrs r�
iii 'Laid Ifltrolt, Vic. Chiltiretl wit er 12 years, 25a
grays, greens, etc. 3O.
srd wide. hest quality. in Qavy, green, inches
inalies wise at per yard..... X1.88
reside... Regular $2.25. $1.�5
Far......” ...... Brasselette Seamless
< iy■.�yrt
r� Reversible Rags
lliagnifiaent selection of women'@ and 2 z 3 yards, $10.00 i
misses" Summer Gowns, in sings. voiles, 3 x 3J yards, $19.00
georgette,. in every desirable 3 x 4 yards, $20.00
Kinxsvffle, Out,
color. Prices have been fixed at very at-
new. Llnoleams
tractive Sgures, and styles are very
Bilk Dresses range
k�ACr 4ards wide. British make, in splendid
17' $ZO 2ihl $�S 28 heavy canvas
North St. -Methodist
s patterns and colorings, with
back. At per square yard...... �1.iVQ
Floor Rags •• ill
Tapestry Hags. heavy pile, British make. Wo>leD�S Coats
Good choice of vatterns and c�olotings. Seduction prices in all Summer and Spring
- rM
3 x 3 yards. $18.00 Coats, tweeds, coverts, etc. Now each.
3 x 31 yards, $25.00 to Z5•�
3 4 $28 W
Moving Pictures of the,,
Mgr ,
x yards,
thousands of Wild Geese
who stopfor weeks
every year in his door
The only Pilus of the
i U
f t;IfNi01,-IThe f4owing reference valuable work for the cause, of re-
0oberte r• to the death of Mrs. Josephine' Sullivan ligton and the social amelioration of .
{�IIti in the world
"Uptlws Can it. Gonion. sister of Mrs. R, J. Phelan, of the masses. it has ahvays worked for
town. is from a Stratford paper. All the bottom dogs. its greatest achieve-
Admission 25C and I5c
+S "
°t'i11IR3DAY, dGNE illi", Im— the funeral Solemn Requiem Mass was nients have been amongst the sub-
song by Rev. Father Major McCarthy. merged tenth, poorest of the poor .
Lecture at 8:30 p.m.
OBITUARY Rev. Fattier Tobin, of St. Thomas, was and there it has invaded n Held o�
and Rev. Father Egan sub labor which tar too many other re-
i _T
e,= and the pall -bearers were Hon. tigious movements rarely reach. in
K S'tR,-A lovety character, quiet peter Smith. Prov. treasurer Mr. Ilan. the Church militant The Army has a
Under the auspices of the
atul ti4tirinli in disposition and ardeni�'IAfoToman, P. pigeon, Mr. pat Ke- foremost place. in fact, it often seems,
-lilt fafld•'ot.ber family and her church hoe. Mr. Edward O'Flaherty and John the only militant Chri$tianity at pre -
Epworth Lea=se
--swell %vag the one whom Or. G. S. i Ctuppen : After a brief • illness the sent in evidence. In the sacriflces
4atesar and Mrs. K. J. chPson now death' occurred in iletrolt on Friday which it demands from Its iceaders, and
oniarn as wife anti mother, and with evening, at 7.30 of Mrs. Josephine Sul- the energy with which It pursues its
fg :4heirt In their grief many friends unite Ilvan Conlon, @diger of lite Mieiti>;akt atoms, it approaches the fiery zeal and
Silt *ympathy. The deseased was a Catholic and a former well-known re- oelt-surreoder of the warty martyrs,Million
�ittiulltter of the late Major A- G. tsioent of Stratford, at tier home Jt Ed- The King, in his greeting to The Army
Saitytlke; of London. and was Married rnund Place. The deceased was 30 on Ebia occasion, speaks of its vvork3
of Sri WAft west price.
� r�s��c� �► tr'rttitti~
i >Itt�ad�, Bita<�•rb�erry
a>..tlnti Pito@- .
�ppk, Ptntn�s, eta;,, iia sauna:
Bv+'binie io �rticlt-+rix
�ar� � �►► �Olvl #IQBAtX, ataS,l thg gam.
Boma, pica!* 0am' . Lid and
Qci6ked Dun, T'eliied' Tongue
and meat Calm
P`itlofolive Soap. 104 a like
Fwh Bread daily, ;2e a loaf
Itellogg's Corn Flakes. Ilea
Hours for
Lawn Dater Service
are from
7 to 8 o'clock A.M.
and from
5 to 10 o'clock P. M.
Use water for lawn ser-
vice in the above hours
In case of a fire alarm,
kindly.shut off all taps.
�,;,,,., years
ago IA..t July. About eight y.�,-s ulil and was born In Strafford. o ave and mercy bold in peace ane • 1i00ERiCN
r-:�tearb ago she came to rioderu•h to :be attending the Separate school here and ver,` and dwells on the degree tq Raincoats for Men
"r tier daughter and near the later the Mitchell High :+chofrl. S which it "has berome honored and en-
s ii F"F C�tii2reb she loved so well. One had been connected with the %Iicfiig eared to the hearts of thA nations of ;`
t r yF, ply f, :lljr. .ydney Smythe, and Catholic for the past hventy-six years the world, • and his words express ad-
aK leo unmarried sisters rPafdr in Lon- upon the death of William H, Hughes mirably the sentiments of the whole �( j
14 tGipn and a sister, Mrs. Claris, In Hain- publisher of the Paper a few year. Hatton. We all recognize now that Remarkaba Price 8*TheNew
loon, A private 4e.rvice was held on ago. becoming Its editor. She.was at- The Army has won a distinctive place
I + , qty evening at the family homeso an officer in the (:athuItss :p ,mss Ax- in the British Empire, and that its ; .s O O
Ml*on street,. conduct --d py Rev, Can- sociation, an organizer of edit+4rs, and work should be maintained and en- ;„ Q
On hill, and the fotl(ming morning the upon tier twenty-fittjl A#b%V.ersary couf6aged. For what it slid before the Men's Tweed, Raincoats. Decorating,
rCtnatns were conveyed to Toronto, w•t ► the Michigan. Cotholie. was war, for what it has done since, and ' : f 4v g
K �tvhere the deceased was laid Wrest 1n accorded the distinguished honor of what it Rk Hovv capable of doing, not The Coat is ,cat to the
SL James' cemetery, beside her only being .decorated by Pope Benedict It'. only for Britain but for humanity as a
son,, the service at the graveside being ,;he was the author of several backs Whole. It deserves the most generous single breasttd style, a O Store
pn�ltR<stPrt by iEif'v. CIIiarlet+ Darting, and a inentber of S`t. Peter and Paul srrppnrt of all classes and deaomina- loose b81L vFiili Store q
rector of the church of St, Mary Mag- Cathedral parish in Detroit. . Large tions.
4liffewl and an old friend of Dr. Coes- numbers gathered to pay their last re- ` t Good Entertainment r O est Street O
•�$,. %pests to the deceased, who was wide-` Clinton .Sizes 34 to 42, at
Si'ilLVEr-Tile glial" of ?firs. Harry i)y known throughout the Stats o pail@►, speak highly of the
production of the Cantata Ru given { Q In addition to our lines of Wall p
$gnome on Friday. May 28th, come a9 Michigan. The body will leave De- by Knox church choir ,.in that town $14.45 and $16.45 -
lite tewminatlon of a long illness pay Trott, at 630 on Tuesday morning and Tuesday of last week. The News RA- Paper, Paints, etc., we handle
fkully-borne, and many friends extend will arrive la. the city shortly after cord report wa%as follows : _ ", all kinds of
tp ` r St9we and his daughter, Jessie, dinner accompanied by three prlests, I The members of Knox church choir+ O
pfetl SyMpathy in their bereavement, several laymen, two sisters, ?Hiss Cath- Goderich, under the direction of Air. F.
e Jtweral took place on Sunday of- arine Sullivan, of Chicago, and Airs. R. T. Egoner, or Men's Fawn Raincoats, 0 �+ $
ganl$t and chair master, O p
jl'# oofi Sr6m the residence of Mr. Ileo J. Phelan, of Gederich, and also the presented the sacred cantata "Ruth" ini
t ap,' . gest street, to Maitiaari deceased's husband. The funeral will Ontario street church on Tuesday ev- made III single breasted Window Glass, Plate Glass, q
r. tie#oty,, ive wrvices being conducted be held on Wednesday morning from
J. E. McCauley, pastor of the the residence of her mother, 52 Hiber-1 Auxiliary of Clinton. The full choir of ening under the Auspices of the Girlsl
Ajt isbv style,. double stitched Bevelled Glass, Mirrors, eta. O
r •Baptia. „ r iiurch. The pall -bearers nia St. On Sunday morning Bishop about forty-six members were present seams. Sizes 34 to 46.
vee1Clg ,.J,1 A. Aimpbell, Alex. Gallagher• of heti lt. pinned a medal and the performanN,was very much
'too # Aibett Wilkins And Ar- on. tier breast. Ste leaves to mourn i iagaayed. The program opened with At O If }*on are thinking of doing
thur I3t3avr rt, The deceased was their loss her mother and three sls- Ross ni's organ overture, • William n
forrnlerl� :Atlas Mabe! Wilson and she tars, Mlss Margaret Sullivan at home. Tell" by Prof. Egener and from the op- $7.4,5 O any : O
was;b4to In Brantford township. com- Miss Catharine Sullivan and Mrs. R. J ruing overture until the last number, DeCOra log
ing to rtfh about .thirteen years "heian. Two brothers and father thel •audjanfoe keel* pajoyed every
ago Frig tit Co'ttple of years she was died within the last two years. moment. Migg Kata Lyttle took the O
organtst -f!) the, Goderich Baptist Iparl..of Ruth, Miss Adelaide Nairn twat `this year, call on us and let us
church, she held until her tt'ORLD-ttnDE f,0313t1;1VT of Or ah, and Miss hazel Belcher that give you an estimate•
health ' ob tier to give it up. ON JLBILEE APPEAL of Naomi. Mr. Egener took the part
Among th46 pretreat at the funtiji 'Me Salvation Army's Appeal for a of Boaz. The solo parts were all well OO
were Mr. Job# Wilson, of Darts. fathe4 fund to celebrate its Jubilee Is 'one taken and the choruses also, and Prof. of the d�eoed George tVitsoa, o that deserves, land wttl assuredly 'ell- l Egener s organ music was much ap-M■RD-�B.INS�O
Itetroll, h,r bl`ptlYt!r, and Airs. Wilson; cit, a penerous'response.
There was a pwcelated Miss Nina tVoolcombe J. Guth ertson q
Samuel Carter•,.aad daughter Evelyn, time not many years ago when Its played i •
!played a piano solo eery. sweetly at
and lir. and 4#re�� W. J. Craeknesls of methods came to for a good deal of the beginning of the program and \Ii s O
• v . en la of rllfr,,i!kn Today. hnP never Open In the Evenln s ,�i�oal■Os�Olaoa
Tornnt,, li.rr ,Sadlb tell p 9 11 Gladys Bedford sang a pretty so n. 01^'
Point F.taard; Ito. find �lrs, John Dav- hears tiregie erltlf$yntst. Tht*y are Mrs, C. Doty presided at the
ldson and Mr. and lilr'sihoes from the past, and even those piano
7"hos. DicksonDicLAron, during the evening. The choir came ( ADVERTISE LST Tl� ST+tlt
} of Lorne: Mr. Ratlerlt;.k Ritsa, ut ;Am` vho may not altogether agree wittl �
and gave the entertainment for th .� .
r7 beriey; Mr. and Altai. Pft4 Carter* eM the methods of the army are ;forcecttbenefit of the Girls' Auxiliary.
yrin'am, , to recognize that it Is doing most ce tiag th only as-
p @ price of gasoline for the Jtr
f cars which brought them, a courtesy 1
�i fllii greatly appreelated by the young lad-
. 11t[�q�1�Fl�p1 rtutnu rrn.a= ler;, At the conclusion of the program ,
lite Girls' Awdilary entertained the
1.. visitors to refreshments in the lecture
BLACK - have
Itdoto below stairs. Atter necessary
r : '
expenses are paid the girls will have t
• about forty dollars, which will go to- �s•t= " { ///
t`{ watrd the hospital fund. wJ.w- 7I � T
f Court of Revision ' _ i
The Court of Revision of the asses- y PATH
sow's wall was held on Friday, ere@8th, when the following appeals wire
dealt with
The appeal of Mr. Juitn Hill against !
higessmes su lot ed. and as being too Of
high was sustained. and the assess_
_tt ment reduced to 86M.. on motion of
Atttciteil and story, Tho
t appeal of !lir, t`Vm. fJ. Johnston
onthagainst his ground
he for tacomP lax.
' on the ground that Ae is b housPhetd-
1'jQ [tt sure!• m -Vas sustainers. the income assess- /� �., Mill ff acccuU budnew
Went being reduced to IOQO, on motion f %� � andc =Vv
1 ♦ of Councillors Ittitchell and Knight. Do.
Thi+ appeal of Air. A. 9. Robert son
Stylish hartiO iM that against his Income tett. as he is s n~f oon bepn buJcks onsraall
householder, was sustained and Mr. i fotrrdatiom
` l trt4oWJ, t
" .1 . L t. lift► oyttn rrstkie�intr-nt• was �`"
--Tailoring that*d,p e0dUeed to' r on thotlon of Council- rte, oftl� W"t,dut Can isam Uve,
tors• J. G. and e'01 -story. bem C ofd* 86t�lt of Montt
,glom, J. Cl- hicrlce�l abp±Sal tt,�fnst •the &
a ALSO A COMPLETh"n i.� t►sgrssment of sot �10 Blt was Ile►staltt= luelrlutwet> dnloit►ttiltwugjiit3oartrtltattiaw"*r butt
ed and the asses4f ehl reddeed' lo, tti0is.' Itat bears due in part to the galls kwrr 6rkirtlt 3WVk4 d*t Irltftit ob►
. , a.. on Illation of tj0M)neillors. Story tyt►d ris b trots tit.
Up-to-date Mens pobio , lditatnell.
. N 'lite tlppra 1 of Atilr, J. 't'1t. �*t' gie v e ane atwi gra a" that lar %id cur Il<`�4s1•A twat btita iwa a dig ldlala sE ilia
ilixillots b6fng assessed as Owner, loge flira0nrra r
...�...�.�... 00 ltd was laid 6vt.r for tlirthryJ
t Z. Wr ria ieahata o0 swig tinea 1"ar It.i! .`+.4r
tlei'ict'i(otl, be. e. through
. �iiii06'r. Claim
tri t Alla, f% Mc• �aai•I girt DatAtiari •rrwt lr+itt 'tJ ri
!'.will Abotild be atsaexsed as o�v glair. #lliwf Uilfir rr ln! arw> !lr<icir•t
r «. ;s appeal of Alt S. %fcv. liJla'A'd Walrtw l�.r,.wr�rfr.l Yw tllM w+wrtSw
'i ttf± ta.+.itw
! tCHM-e � rr1A � hitt i . the tissessftlent WO iiia«-,
1001*4« And the atrsessment eonfitnthd
G «+ art ttietlotl of Cnotleillora hnlAht and MO
I 11Om�lsN�tore a o-
osti 0pea ~F re tatrittl r Grablin
% 1"d>f ' bilk i
l lielag tfiai 11ibin awls laidovrt, for fur. � 1�NMtMMlilt
C. t
t�rtt'r 1f411+sPt�I'atlClti �' �%`l`Ir~lr: �t''f11t.
a � "
T.l.R1N+fAT1!/m, M,.'lc,.ir , "W
'. o ,lq' in9
Bring your :61m to us for develop pg and
Ocie Day Service
Films to Fit all Cameras
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm.B.
The Rexall Store
A Afartin Garment
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-It is Good all the Way Through."
Martin, the Tailor
"Phone 318
Reid Optical Company of Stratford
Opens an Office in Goderich
This is an,,opportunity for all those needing the services of an expert
Eyesight Specialist to have their eyes examined and proper glasses fitted.
We employ only the most accurate methods and guarantee satisfaction.
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from Dr. MacDonell's Dental Parlors, on Nest Street, just ort the Square.
Every Friday, commencing May 28th
Hours 9 a:m. to 5 p.m.
A. L. COLE, Specialist in charge.
Note the day each week.
_ � `. � J-+��,;-� Trrirnrrrrr-rr, -r-•
y� i sr r r, -r- T • �1 � .
.luj: �I '•r��:.s:-<:c.G�'ll-•I,�'ll7,r 1�77.r/T.�i�� ..r�
The Big
Stiknnch, Safe, Speedy and Comfortable
Tuesdul,June 15, 9:30, E.Ta
Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 pm., E.T.t
Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 17th,
1 p.m. Detroit Time
$3 Mound - Trip; $2 One Way
That. stat inoludre War Tax
The only last trip from Goderich to Detroit this season.
Visit your frfefrh, a" see itis, wonderful Detroit again. Now
lillOrlt this a IeiillJstipeople and growing so fast in population
NJ niches tint it is dabsed soots to herniae the world's ktrgest
ttlltd greatest city. " *aa■Iic Detroit." "Thu Heart of
tiNr AWS, A'
*Nnd N ' A* Out of Goderich
Monday Even gi June.14th
�Ii�faN �ifC tlat�iag ilii �tiiltltlkN'`t ' ��0lN. . � f ' Ilanrs r�
iii 'Laid Ifltrolt, Vic. Chiltiretl wit er 12 years, 25a