HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-10, Page 2,r.�y:v....w.
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Alverrt t at, l;xater'Au(t caro er 21, #14: 4 .. EAST U �' "��.
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uisa. �-.r;t�el 1w►laet, ferapel $ at � �r3 � .. _. _ . , . .._ ., .... ° .1
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r'D 110 ,. a .� : If his t Tim ars. ,q The Commission, reported waltilag uta • 3� n'; s
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Wellto �, ar 11tf ilel�u .3 4
o>C'' b f' `,., . 1011 trig: >> . t satlllr rearlain roads d+' fgn tied as ,, * # .* 'u:'t ,
Q l a off ` P° txtit- t' k>�itcjai County Ulslkways,, .anis at, , ifn7•oiflt,, > lir!. �. �0� #0
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149 411111* ibrow olA.'ff�a I#ty The { X1414 4111ur.w 4atrat! !t, , _ � �
t Tito eormnis0flu apolrted on x14,00 la. , alt,
., COUNTY JAIL SY�"�` OBSO TE AN'D EXTRAVAtGANT � 1 1*4W ba�aw" ..
�- na::Ino ww nett. I * +1eaM; � '�� i
rands£. islkl(t it.G'"` ..' u11
001 J lNgattta ii utl' ltnd l RaetxttPmeiadet that, •awing to In* i my b
!A'ita JAkne arta atom of fire + Qllitty trade targrr. Bilbgiuwi iltarFertb tt*!l Ll►eat Preaso of inslcter r arlt for the engineer. logarratalaat for to dO:.fi
e afternoon, dome i l or'$eaforth Messrs. Stowart, Su[h+
e e4i Tuea- !gvq H964 0", ICleiney acid Rtadder he tae altthprizad to eget aurin nisaistugre' ,lttlt�tltfarl� �Attit+ais�i� 1►a>r
ffit4p t1 ` `
e in attendance , eriand, Rev, Brown and Dr. Ross Tpoukfa . l"Alpaatien, AppaPirilgltia, _ s t4 nito+ty hltn more `^ �•°#'"Wg�4f � "
"MVith 41;1 the mcalb f+tf Reeve James spoke. `Chet' hard no ilpsriltat yet .but • as lie ner-04, .(t 0 tit jut�lalK �taa4llill: Wates. ay � � Accessori,ea• Q� A'�I kinds
#!► teueplionb AV4 fatorftr evall 1te+tlden. time fo.r outside inspection.fMyth. who Ia undergotn$ trod a rood bullding In slglit. Thar 'that a Levy pi 2 mills be ratised for ISnW 1,— -1, I � 1 � Oils r4n,4 (�'ieAlle at the right prices.were In a batter ppsitf0u In this re+in Toronto. old be- i sprat than a year ago, ata they is st asoldl ig's good roads Purposes far 1929, and a , liar aad:lltt,AzllM vot vir;7' t"�t :.flee contnlunicatfons I specla, levy of ! inlii additipnal an 4ra(t y tt*01lot''t110 "iso ' Aw'• . ,. - �� r
- ltatlAng $.�O Anti TA*� m eat. MUT titbw 00 k"s Gel . �
atto Council \veru t14r following : better ltfeic int a TRc n d tttef eo !Q pif "� AaitQeld oil account of lis 'lorse�itrtdga _ Sloe of Qolumklip y
$Q..it from fife ly�partmint of tai as # keenly. ,fin people p 1.i� cis t
- Rlrgtilit itfr x1�� , h � ,,�
!► M•�ltar Le tsintive Sealtorttt would put up dollar for dot- Itre l4JS 1tY11718i1fX Ql' expenditure. * ip eglsally lC for
I c tion stating that the g ins wftli th county rant, 4a .conclusion. the report read, ave —r " ib outer eheliand a gold s and
s. u r
t,dtt a n nd S
o public schools In the county D lilt n for •tioderieh again Ci�IIBtiptit�It aro prt3pitrr!d to say^ that fife vera+ OM- '. !ltlxa,itt;lttrt Ai#, Arks " alt tt
a=nent t 1 Judge i dp gonatnon+iph a d a a i.
rt clout manner In lvhfell Mr. Patterson `
vans;d28..iJ anal to tepar~ate sahoola BiLd it8 S0Splt "; M Tires and Tubes.
$lOQti3, and asking lite cuumty to pro- Glove n summary of what hitd already Is discharging his. duties as englneat t: � w ��
been presented to the ,committee, HU rY�
vile ,a similar anwunt• v 1 vjay Architect Somerville of Toronto had T ' ane urely vegetable, dA 'not of the Huron County Roads is a credit � �' � , slf.,
The llPpartmcnt of Public liig t+ ,. All kinds o Repair Work t'
' iP a0unty"a Px- estimated the expense at LhP changes .p+talgq Ot°Irrltate, atrHCiA:
to title ac►uncl.I..
w'*to approving of 11 p - >ieitiet by pt�pductnrF 8 hetaitby Qotacii• ro n s .— r . �i
glllEuri°t, nn the good roads system at the Maples at KDAW, and the board The report NN40 a4optt d, Ir . . � :
ryas asking for 815,000 front the coon rout fly attendoa'ta and a• tis-
rnp giving the gowerncncnt grout for ty, the some num from the town, and 4iots of the Sbomatel?s, Liver, Ktdnttytt On Thursday ttltirning the u ty 1.actton gn&ralateed. '
engineer's report ^VU�as' preSant�d , •.•
the year 1919 as $57,168.1,3. ° had the hospital properties and equip- Ind• y ;, - _.. _ - ' '
s 'Tire report of rho inspector of iho meat na at present, Titus for an ex- No Nbrtt m' ;aQ in t ��o ktlf problem sQf snow point -
The Qiiabie C7.C3.1V1. Biot'- s +.,
ltouso of Refuge showed the week!) penditure of 815,000 the county would takfkip, fora Islra:ttve It'Might lite a 1nd18t,rlilMnate atnQw !flowing only the King, the day being his birthday, '
1. ro ft per inmate for mafntenanco to be be gotEtng a hoapltal worth about tR50,- n we 60 ctlatnge pit to Hackinp's: matin a re5tln, 1t�e for !pose drifting the rnembors rose and saftg the Nu �' rtes are sold here, ttnd we Darty S ,.�
80.55. The Inspector recommended the 000• The opadbityation of Canrcasa. rep $ .p tionai Anthem, led by Air. Aierner. • ,, a fail--linb of
snow and the most successful mesulta = �, 0. `
ereCprtng of a icw cllemtaal >7re ex Warden Petty assured tl►e delegallon parxnlntt. Aiwyamvle af4it the other were obtained by rolling and discing The county property committer; re- - ' l 14
7ingulshers and some other smait mat- ire was in favor of grants to hospitals VetgetaWaf ;Anita 0"ta,9ned in Wtefab the, snow from the time of lite first Porter! some of th+3 avark ordered at $1CyCie Parts and Genuine Ford Porta � +
tern. The condition of the Home was himself and that the council would plllla �ttil prodikce reeuit� bo lie ua snow Lett January session for the Court House J
reported as quite satisfactory and the glove due' consideration to the rtiquesls. equal by any others. They Rork The roads suffered. little from the as done satisfactorily, the rest la its
Infi�ncl4tes happy, contented and comfort- Ex -Warden Oovenlock, M. P., who ttearrttfni In pipaallva Disorders, !or" effects pf the avinter. but two weeks completed noon, and `^ reeommsendod Give us rat trial and you will CotRte itgPn-
able. was present, was called on for a few, Ges on the ptomach,'fbr Spasmodic of wet weather in April, before the that the outside of the Court House /� �( ]�j ; IIw
0 A letter from Andrew (licks, Gov- remarks and expressed himself In favor pains In the Stomach and 8owala, roads became firm, caused til m to be the
painted, clerk's
n desk phone secured for �'� F. HOLLAND
eroment whip, announced that lion. F. of the hospital Idea. He agreed with OW tb1' Dyspepsia and Indigestion. out to pieces and rendered a great deal the clerk'staioffice, and that shelves and E � if ,( '
Q Biggs would be in Clinton June 15th Judge Dickson that the time was soon Huy R fent bpxt)a [roan your dealer of maintenance work necessary to get rooks be obtained for the county en- �t u
io give an address on the highavay coming when hospltats would bo put I
gineer's office for Papers etc., also a = 'Phone 243 goat $treat,. God 11 '
to give
co the county tato, As High Schools tp/iaJR btrt be abaotutaty sure you then! In good condition. again. phone for his o�lc`e; also that .the 0
A letter from Chatham chamber of should be. as iho present system wnPr pet H'acklnp.a. The proposed construction program chimney be built higher as recon- n . ;l,
commerce assts co-operation In urgfn6 hardly talc to Wo towtls whlah had outlined in the engineer's December ( mended by the boiler inspector, if it""'�''*I"�"'�I��'��II��"II��'I���"��III"�I��'�'��'�"�'���'��������"I�I�'�"� �p .t 1
4 1
report had been cut down somewhat la found necessary. I �1
II upon Hon. Biggs the surfacing o1 a large burden put on them In main- r•oq account of so ring construction r•
I the mato Provincial hfgltwaya with a lenance of High l3ehools. As to the with less than 50 prisoners for wary- , At the Children's Shelters A- mad to one hospital In the county Clinton June i5th at i o'clock P.'m. ,i
costs. The Present program was aa, ,
k i,ard surface Ut order to snake them Provinolal 'rtyettem of ctllghways ALF. Ing vterms per year, the work ordered at the January see- ; :providing that the town where this !9. The following bylaws were passed:
proof against disintegration by heavy Govenloek believed the Department Ataitfng a grOUF of the Ane counties
and $miles no Road
�Tp. 6, Usborrte, rf34 slon was done; the shelter was clean located give an equivalent, was. with -:No. 5, equalizing the assessment of the
miles north from Kirkton; Road No. 8, +
traffic, 'vas not prepared to take' over those of Huron, Wellington, Grey, Perth and. and tidy, and there were four children drawn. ;various munialpAlities In the county
Usborne, 1 mile; Road No. !4, McKtlloP `
A dotter from iho Department of from the counties ns yet. Possibly Bruce, for example, we have 258 prix- inmates, apparently happy, contented � On the Warden resuming- the chair as last year. t
Education i\'as as to the and Log 2% miles; Road No. !9. At the registry olllee the work at- �f
proposed Mr. Biggs would state his policy on oners, or an average for each county I the yeas atiil pays were demanded by No. 6, amending the Good Roads Ey- x !
- new inspeetorato, stating that the this at the meeting, in Clinton June of 52, and the cost $15,803.54, or an av- Rray, i'fa ilea north from McNaught, ,tared at the January session \vas to � 'i
15th. °raga Dost of $111.25 per prisoner for !toad No. !2, Grey and Morris, 231 ,mile8 r progress. viz. Young on iho llowsty Deport, and law and amendments, to provide a�
complete reorganization of the inspee- north Brom Brusltels; Road No. 29, the vote was as follows: ';oliowll: Por the Further carrying
torates of Huron was not only dealt- A resolution to pinao a tablet to the long and short terms.rom I At the jail the seven prisoners made Yeas Messrs. Beavers, Clark. Cur- out of the said system of highway
able but necessary, and pointing out. lonstru, 2 mites east ,,,Ea present
y, t g memory of the Ince a to engineer, The total Host of maintenance of all no Complaints and the building and rip, Elston, Griove, \titehell, Tiplittg imprgven,ent, grants may, by bylµw r ;
In answer to the letter from the opus- 0 construction; Road No. J,,,East Wawa- surroundings were In Pair condition'
D nald Patterson, recelved the unani- rthed ,prlaoners of the Province was n"h and Morris, ! mile south from I , and Young. of this council, be given to the leve: nl
ty aleck of Huron Lhat It would be moue approval of the council. $216739. 9, or an average cost of $16.37. except that there were a few cracks inI Nays—Aiessrs. Armstrong, Uoig, Ei- toNvits and villages within the cour:f
some years yet before the adoptlon of Wingham; Read No. t, Huron and i
ou Wailo al o morning, under the Tnk�ng. for instance, 365 days as a Bruce Counties, 2N miles west from the yard walla, which the committee liott, Hackett, LaPorte, McNabb, Me by the county council to be applies
consolidated schools would be a factor head of `'enquiries," many matters per- year, Huron jail had in 1918 a total of Whitechurch; Road No. 25, Colborne. fpcomrt 252 should be fixed: also Quaid, Merner, Miller, Alogatt, Neeb, under the above act and amendmer.`.�
to deciding an extra Inspectorate was tat te' county work were brought 1,11511 ys for alt the prtaonors, which that the 25 feet of rubber hose. ashes plum„ Pardon, Richardson. SPotton, thereto, in improving tfie streets
B p 4 1% miles east from Dunlop; Road No.
.not needed. up and discussed. would be a total of 4% prisoners on for by Air. Knox and the lock for i Trewartha, Douglas, Wallis and Webb which arp extensions or Corm eonnec-
On account of the absence t Reeve Mr. Doig wished the matter of con- the average for the \whole year. The 3, Stanley, frAa miles. Resirrfacing of door to the fall be granted: also that —f9
q considerable 'portions of roads with tions between portions of county '
Cott, who eras a member of iho cam Erol• and ownership of crushers della• Coat was $3,126.94, making an average all future supplies for repairs and up- air. Crteh, who was absent when the roads assumed by this bylaw" The
Italy settled. It was •suggested that the cost per Prisoner of $735.75 for a year's gravel or crushed stone also was keep for jail and house be ordered on-
mittee appointed to look Into the mut- planned.,lyyeas and nays were taken, voted for old provision limited these ):rants to
ter of increased hospital grants, Dr. Good Roads Commission make inquir- /atyintenanoe. -Taking the County of through the committee or the clerk: the ,majority rt:librt in committee.- U6 per cent_of the levy In thy^ town or
Grieve, of *,Vingham, was appointed to Plans had been prepared lo' rebuildThe finance committee's report •.;:lane; the %aj-nt- ,
los and report. Dr. Clark spoke of thQ Bruce as an example, with an expenili- and that the request of fir. GrlHln for ? ,. nt pea :c- no tun'
Ute committee, and the report of the repairing of lite floor or reflooring the ture of $2,575 for an average of 2 4-5 t number of county bridges, one con- flve cords of wood be granted, -
pp tract already under way; nail to re- dealt with a large number of acoounts;l
rpommittee avas deferred until ,after $aitford bridge, and this will be con- prisoners for the whole y0ar, we have, The report was adopted. approved the estimated expenses oP 1,3ylaw• �' . ,r,, rof.rt: tin; ir•,� !i'
build a considerable number of cul- for Good Roads construction and $'',-
deputation& from '1Vingham, Clinton sldored by the Good Roads Commis- a cost per prisoner for a a\^hole year The special committee recommended �,i, .license commission and •rerom-
and Seaforth would be heard the fol- Bion, ; of $920, while In the larger centres the \'°rte. action favoring legislation, in accord-
Uuring the winter arrangements had mended the deposit of the amounts 000 for matnhmanrP for 1920.
lowing, day. it was suggested by Mr. Doig that average cost, calculated on the same anee with the memorial from Renfrew required, *795,58 in the Dominion Bank, Bylaw No. 8 to rals9 $,35,002.80 by n
been made to deliver bridge plank fol'I comate, for the protection of sheep,
On Wednesday afternoon these de- t)` 'tovvnshtps which had paid for basis, Is about $243 per prisoner. reflooring county bridges. Most of , " p Wingham, and 81000 in the Aiolsonai special rate of 2 mills an the, dollar
nutations were heard. crushers be re-hnbursed by the noun- These two examples could no doubt be lambs and deer; recommended no ac- Bank. Clinton; recommended payment I for Good Roads expenditure, and an
Dr. Redmond, for Wingham, stated ty, less the township's share of the duplicated In most of the counties oP the steel bridges in the county have
the tion on the memorial from Oxford
they had alreadysent 820683 on he cost, and that lite crushers,becorne the Ontario. So that from a monetary Paint, and It was hoped to have the county favoring Increased width of of membership feria the Good Roads additional ! mill on the Township of
sleighs; re resolution from the County Association; and recommended that a Ashfield to raise $2;x96.80 to Pro\;tie
ilutiding *nil eqipment of the Vin Property of the county and their' use point of view the maintenance of small worst repainted.,. rate of 3 8-10 mills on the dollar be for extra expenditure made In th<.1-
Wing- The following estimates were sub-
,; pain hospital, and had about reached paid for by each township using them, jail centres is, to say the least, extra- of Victoria regat`ding flues imposed b;r levied on, the rateable property in the township in building bridges.
the limit. A maternity vying was mlEted to the Highways Department of t,ounty of Huron this year to raise the Bylaw N 9 to authorize the boc-
Mr, Young brought up Ute manor a•agant and unwarranted. palace magistrates, that same he hand- • � ',
needed, wlfleh was estimated to Cost of the maintenance of large county 3, The committee is strongly' of the expenditures for 1920: ed to the county Instead of the Pro- sum of $161,505.32 -for general purpos- rowing of $!00,000 to meet current ex -
$8.500; an elevator was necessary for Pro/ 5,000 (County Road Construe-
. bridges, which should not be Charged opinion theft"the day of so many !so- wince', that a copy of the resolution be es penises till the taxes come in.
a three-story building earl this would tion, $f 5,000: County Road construe-
to local municipalities. fated jails or places of eojtllnement is sent to flip. Government. The report was adopted. Bylaw No. 10 appointing Rev. S. F.
The special jail committee appointed tion, ucti00; Provincial county bridge,
cost $2500; tin X-ray machine would past, and that many of them have The report was adopted.
coat about $4,606: and more room for at the January meeting of the oounell outlined their usefulness, both from a construction, $0,000; county bridge The executive 'committee recon- The road and bridge committee re- 5icltegney chaplain OP the Counts-
nurses, fire escapes• etc.• and a debt construction, grants
machinery„ municipalities
ported o follows : Home.
to take up the matter of maintenance monetary consideration and a humane$16I mended that no action be taken on the >^
of about t would 1 etc.• of jails, reported as follows: point of view. U is not economy tq epactal grants to 00;eal applications for increase In salaries to Webb
motion of Masers. Neeb and Bylaw No, f1 confirming the
' $200, cul bring the total Prov. County Roads!, $55,000; special Webb in regard to the bridge kgow•n rangement with the County of BPCrP
`{I - requirements up to about $20,000. I. We re -affirm the position tftis keep men In idleneds, nor is it elevat- rants to municipalities (county Joseph C. Grifiln. jailer; Jac. Knox. as Delahaye bridge on the south i for the maintenance of the 'bounder.
'fiat' wronied that a1'ltigham should council took regarding this matter in Ing or tending to Improve character. roads), b$13.000; superintendence, x13,-. turnkey; and Richard De Long, care- boundary, also the- Mud Creek bridgtc line.
;) leave its proportionulo share of what- 1018• -which should lick the object of impris-. falter, as the above salaries were
000: Provinctnl County Road mainten- on the same boundary \a'e recommend , BpLnv So. 12, making the follo\vir._
ever grant might be. made for hospital 2• In addition to the above \ve .onrr int as well as punishment, that dealt with and established at the Jan -
c anee, $!5,000; County Road mainten- that the attention of the engineer be grants Yar improvement of connect,n
,• Purposes, would call attention to the following menr when act free, could be returned nary session of the council, Re. mo- drawn to these matters. links in. the Good Roads system: A
11 Mr. McLean also spoke ,on behalf of facts as contained in fire report of the to society better anti more useful men, anee, $30,000: total $232,000. I tion of Messrs. Wm. J. Currie and Won.
Provincial grants on this expenditure R motion ,of Messrs. Ne&rb and grant of $!200 to file Town of Goderich
a grant for the Wingham hospital. inspector of Prisons for 1918: There •I, Tho high cost of heating, and the Elson for refund of peddler's license ��ebb in regard to the bridge south! for the improvement of the Bayfield
Per Clinton Dr. Candler spoke, ask- were in that year 50 Jails and lookups w•asil! of fuel In the present method a1 if the program were completed would fee paid -for 1919 by R. W. Monroe, of I
!ng for i grant for that town. They for solitary confinement of prisoners anlarint to •$'!13,400; munieipalitieg of Grand Bend, we recommend that i road from the south boundary to Bri-
keeping old fashioned stone piles heat- Gorrie, as he was unable to take ad- -this also be left in the hand of the en- lannia road: a 'grant of $850 to Sw;-
y already had their building free . debt, in the Province of Ontario; the num- ed during the ions Canadian winters would provid®$26,000; a total of $139,-Ivantage of the license on account of Porth, for the improvement of Godr-
400: which would leave $92.bb0 to be engineer.
but needed a maternity wing and rv- ber of prisoners (3,242, or an average for. In many cases, one or two Iris- ijfnest: In his Prone, that same be, The report was adopted. rich street, and a grant of $900 to Cl:n-
raised by the county by direct levy. ton for the improvement of the ey-
pairs. Dr. Candler thought the basis of 265 each jail. Of this number 9,5lR Duets, is absurd and extravagant. granted.
These estimates are 'quite liberal and Moved' by Messrs. Armstrong and La tension of (aunty court No. !from t.hW
on which any grant should be mad were were confined to 7 of the larger sen- 5. We would recommend that , a The report was adopted.
to the hospitals of the county should" fres, of an average of 1,360 each, while cop) of this report ho Por\warded to it is expected that, as it is so difficult The edupation pommittec again re. forte that County Treasurer W. Lane, ,northerly limit of the corporation.
to secure the men and teams t0 get and County CIeSk G. W. Holman, be Bylaw No. f3 to raise $S6f.505.32 for
be In proportion to the service ren- I the remaining 3,732 prisoners were lm- the Government, and each of our local commended no action in the matter of
dered to county patients. lie also!prisoned in 43 jails, or an average of members, also the different county the work done and as Prices are so creating a new inspectorate, and re- each granted a vacation this year, and general purposes, this requiring a r;:te
high, a great deal will be left -over for that, during the absence of Mr. Lane, of 3 8 00 mills.
thought the annual grant should be 87 each. There were In all 21- jail# councils of Ontario, with a view o1 commended . the payment of $4!7.36 to
.;„..,....,.,......�,.�,,.,,�.■, �.,�., awakening more interest in this im- the future, so that If a levy of 2 mills the ilarriston H1gh,School for Huron Air. Holman be appointed acting The general rate last year was 3 1-10
portant nlntter afid effecting a speedy or $85,902.80 is raised, it will be sus$- County pupils attending there, treasurer' and during the absence of miUs and the Good• Roads levy 1%
and much needed remedy for what has cient to cower the whole expenditure. The report was adopted. air. Holman Air. Lane be appointed ll
F become aft obsolete, extravagant, and it would' seem advisable for various The County Home committee report- acting clerk and that the Warden is- mills, so that this year's rate are . 1
.�yy mills .higher than last.
('j,ap�a ' R1011ab in many cases, wasteful method op municipalities to allow the axpendi- ed that twelve acres of land had been sue his warrants at the proper time The council adjourned on Friday.
► tures to which they are entitled to,ac- to carry out; fife resolution.—Carried.
Prise � � __
�E P�OAe raring for prisoners, tho should be canted for two years .by the inspector
S3 336 employed not only far their own sok cumulate a'3 n sort of sinking fund to and keeper for the num of $!00 a year, Mowed by Messrs. Young and Pur- - t 5aat�.
be used when conditions become more don that the amount of $3150 be paid 1M11.ldfi>tMl.
but to help maintain themselves and �'he house on the property had been
-Wiled to the carrying out of heavy the Treasurer of Grey Ta\vnshlp, iiaala—A_�otu• hyes
• their families. rented for $5 poi month, and the Dam being the amo nt due, that township ' �g std Healt!►� Tf
.1 I- South Street Goderich walk. ypl
The report was adopted. mittee recommended that more land from the estate of John Lamont, au the�TYtG$mart,Itdyor
� The Good Ronda Commission report- 'Fie reportwas adopted. be purchased for the county home nnrl
Ad having met the Caod Roads Com- The treasurer presented the follow- that the council empower the com- inmate of the House of Refuge. --Car- . &ten, if. Sore, $titati�.
,- --•--•••-•• •• mission of Bruce county at Wingham Ing statement, called 'for by the mo- mittee to make a purchase when the rtedoved by Messrs, alcQuaid and �ae.. -,, efbett. S�f lorluW orAML
1 and made an agreement duly signed tion of Mr. Young, of the expenditure opportunity presents itself. The coin -
sealed by which this county on the county Good Roads 'system .mittee recommended payment of , c- Grieve that a special meeting of the AtW l0Gnatia. Write forFrts
E 1 . agreed to maintain the boundary Past In the different. municipalities this count of Mr. Morton Elliott, $!5; and county council of Huron be held at Lj+ei3ool�t adMCM}OJ,C1kigbU.3.4
4.I 7I' Aknr�v, and Bruce %agreed to year up to June 1st: Ashfield, $597; that a bylaw appointing Rev. Mr. Me-
`' w' maintain that portion lying w6st of Colborne, $598.78; Goderich . township. Kegney as chaplain of the home bra ,
the East boundary of said village of $`1,740.04; Grey, $036.26; Hay, $513.4'3; passed. .
�,• Lueknow, the rust of construction and Howlck, $560.87; Itullett, $301.0!; Ate- Che report was amended in commit -
1Y°'*” 14 ' maintenance to lboth sections being KillopL. $8MM; Morris, $4113,67; Stan- tee by a provision that the Inspector
1.', borne by the two counties equally. ley, $f ; Stephen, $358.30; Tucker- acF in conjunction. with the Reeves Reeves in
�, r �_ We decided to build the north end srnith, $165.27; Turaberry, $273.20; Us- investigating the circumstances of ap- P! .MacEWEN'
. ";. `* ; . ;., the main street in the Village.. of borne, $572.29 E. Wawanosh, $497.7! ; plicants for admission, and a clause
Exec r from Mill street north to the W. At'aayanos $266,93; Wroxeter, $89: empowering the inspector to sign ���
3 Lalr load, to be built in the sante O5; Blyth, $37; General account, $!0,- cheques ays:x not eoncurared in. iJf#Ca'es�haCil (DhtCeet
'i manner as tilt rest of the said street 1124.77; total $20,d6Y.08. , Two reports were submitted by •the
:�.. I ►i "�`t'61et 4 under Ponslruetion, 20 feet wide, pro-, On motion of Mr. Doig, seconded by special hospital ,committee.
�, L. ��✓✓ q vided the said portion is accepted as' Air. Neeb, a vote of thanks wag passed The majority report' was as follows: ■•
a Provincial County Highway. We al- to the treasurer and clerk for finan- In view of the need for more efficient ^�� Special Sale
Wo. •atrte" e alts for the Cbevltoltt Autos. Call or as let the contract for the same to W. rNng a Boal in bonds, by which a con• hospital accommodation Por Huron
a Hollingsworth, of Hamilton who has siderable. sawing to the county was ef- county, we recommend that a. grant
seine; w►+rd' stlli we demonstrate to you.
the contract for the remainSder of sato fected. not exceeding $8000 be made to each ��. j o o �')y � OF
if bay here r�"tjli Will SaVt; '17IOHe Ol] all aC- street. The Warden's committee recon- public hospital. (not to exceed five In 4f ,�f/;J/s
y The Grand .Bend bridge was under mended that the following members hunybor) for construction and equip -ii I-
cessorli�S. ('`,xitsti11.ne, Oils, Grease, Dry. Cells sand construction. of the Warden's committee attend the meat. Before this grant be made each ,.l
meeting at London called by the hospital board shall be required to *
everythin Dreg xred for an auto. _ _`._ Beards of Trade for Western Ontario, raise by bylaw or private subscription,
» , for June lith, v12., Messrs. Mitchell, or both, an amount equal to. the gratlt . � T'I'R E�s
Cpl '11M , I ," MoNabb, Bearers,' and the Gaunty to be given; no grant to be made un -
t$ Clerk; that the following momb8rs Of 'til the year 1921, and the amount hien ;�
tho Warden's Commtttee makes the to bo Out in the Pstintates.
,�r . MIR''
10 necesttary arrangements for the reoep- GORDON, YOUNG, Chairman. dl'" y' f
all make§ thllil+� $11tea, and prigs rip''l'1t• MR9J tion ,of lion. Air. Biggs, Mintsttetti of The minority report'vas as follows: -` have a s o
Public Walton, at Clinton, Juno 1bth,Vale h large. apply f
' ` "�"`""' 1020, vlx„ Works,
at Petty,and Aiesst`s• We recorrttttend a material increase In I'Motor Car .
' the annual grants to .our hospitals:
n„�p►rtroeat'� YM iD t.a Porte and G1aFle, and t>tht tiff mat- fat each hospital give title council ag1Ce; fires on 11 and, all melte.
I Ifni, Repter of the council atte.fidink the Mee full report of receipts and expenses
q, fug as a whole be lett with the coon- each year, and that such annual grant t+' it'a.a apart( plur_.
Is up to dat '*cit il�ta ,Mlics, quick sCrvlee latll�t, ell. . to each ho'911itol be in aeCdrdando ,with 1, tubi--•o11—re of ' I Goodyear '
stud satisf action, g�t`tl 'tutted 04 all lttpkes of Cars. t The report i�as adorited, the sorvifet "rendered :to the adtnriiunity any kind-- ;f it a_aaerr
Ilithl+ltiae tilxture bt6aga'i& aiti Mored!, by Messrs, Neeb and Webb In ar9lirh the hospital is situated. ,"r,camotoua. 1 <1.
• ,v 001#kur for 4AtkWA germ, streaitcd that •a tbridgery known as pel;abaye, N. W, TRMAR'CHA, ! We vire equipped to ' Dunlop
. a" tittles lWtit• !a thWe r+xi bridge on the #outlt boundary of the
i 11 ,• 1ie, Tho council avant into eptrimittee of su ply 11 yroixr needs at
tlttd 'ionto ait`if ! a ta*I* itl t0 its tie#x COultly, And Afud Crock bridge on the the whole on these reports, with Dr. fA;r paces: , r
, oa bAlr'+a i',.awrat toter, wlsie}i t. eIalte same boundary between Stephen find tiark !n the chair. T,& reports were . "Onb of Elie most im• Dominion
` r,. *"I'd ; t4** yt�+a 11r' !a aft aft alto .AtciltlitvrAy, being In a had state of
fir 7
' ,, - � ,^ � : thoroughly and ably discussed by tanv- • pflrttint faCtora is the
@ Two Fords, in g ,.'tond't'tioot .'1yt'►1i' tjrt $_41Z� ltl�Si 11t1i�" a "pttb1 1,p� is of the 0660A ,repair and perhaps "quiri:ng recon- oral members and the addresses Were
:, ,1. .. atruoiPoll, ree�nito the-,linmedti4to at- of a high order and showed that the efiic�eut"tperittionpf your
lrstve been o\erhau.. 1, 11lrttllt
awl, tfl+boi, weot3! hurt► the tendon tSt tin etll,tnlr. and' that the spaakrs heti givCrr Much serious Cat
d ittr rt�ubtk►ti� , Royal,Oak
, tra+tlblta i titalt at . l►ih rias fife englueer„be Justrurte to arrange with three
sem► 11Vtrf Ila t wl
laac'� '1Jit1. 'tit, .. . Y111k1 4tl hotxtta A tits en l&er tit \liddlcrset to 'lld've this; #ltbl➢ght to thri ll anon. 'Cho eMiott �
- g trAa adjdurned till an ewPliing so«isioitt aftd the • Imps /fit
' We kat in she et x 'off. +d1Nt iltk�►rbii 't%xl�ta*ntle,'pt''640k, falter Alkali, U11th at an +curly dattt',�•-• )yid t 'U' Rtoft exceoent aldress flti of it intrad ": lloodl`1C�
k , ( it �. tar T tlw�pd i los lei ill ltadt Rcferrc % 1hb road and rirld cotta• crit .fttr trtN& r lftett� Rt tl
i1rA�t�ttt , t'v, Et r S* i I► rnitteo.. �1 On gIiC+Tf,
ill `o�Ct earth ,, ' ! t " fi%ott4 ctl►tft a tfettll! 11ove1i br ltlessrs• :Verb ,alttd 4�rbli On a "fbtt5 bclttg I ikon the maJ 'y gyade fat, +eev>a�
f evert :~ na rejected by cote or 7 to w� MAt'Se Cross
.. o tis ,�ltrrr boali�, ti tan, thttt a.Istid" situated ori hake Sitt1'ft bw dOfdt ,icCttlrrsho
„ , " ... It t `` i' ,�„a . xpplkd�iu 1 , !g, and jtle�tiyInarity report eal•rled , ; t'%4 etie tr itncl okok lo- ,'•. .
Agents for litb'fttIia' tottery. w k load south nt GtaA➢d !!arid, betnit in a tl>bcittt >>ofrett�,
both state ,of caput. wove, the a . a void of !u to .9. tit( i�dooflto Stan�a>�d
,. a fltkrl>etwtr.►t �► r�itl bYttak rr+ t Atli sttYeilti'rt➢eut to the repryrts, iitf)v
i , q • . iti.attll clti►i► air iii , r .Uir, tik, tnntlo►A .rff (fur engineer ari(1 that he
e"' ill: eomrftitteo lay r#i+:;st^s. McNabb �,� may- o
ttertes clialr ed stud lx r~ 1raa+Rl 't `yrtet b 04 t• a �k t; ktif a recotrstiuctetl It ItEc: w _. •
11 Irx , ;iwi tita0 vlrttait �t lie"+ t to iho liaaitl oftti '#'4ltllls, that li grant of g111y80ii be ++
if ..., . C `il1Pk I atftyt8 1 Y tl W�..,,,...,,,,� �««rirrr t�w+t+irti, Yu+,r' ir!: 8 r: , iiii4F
d 1f4pllitl ttitkl� ritlttPt .
rf ,
railtl tlrldoxo tom :,r ,
" iltati f3tti ,Ciowytpor. ie tstfr<ldtalovl*li by tlt+ftfirs. Irt?Ir and talslott ORIA y
i , L�l►1 t0>l ' ,,6 .. . 'ice -U al4dil, o, 2Y11 LYtc( n «',e •7r` oil l �
ltl �d�i .. 4 lltat this tourio11 aft,ltd t ti ltl �r t1
~w � t 4 x�« it, adoWb at t`uhtoll air. tilfro ,M11 be . � � � .,; r� G4�r steed r 3500 toy
i���,u,+,t;+�w .
40 � s0 • ' �a rt
. � . ' � � tt �. +1� ,ta,, �, il➢ dttendanr�� ,ori �u11t i,)th :Mg a eorirn� � >4� �+� CItI U<1t� � r, � � w ;
+alis r F>k i its tit, In avioldaY1Le with .,% rnrrtla#k. " ,� ' �.� � bides...,
° e e i ta� trla6* $6 r lrieii khii wNal t Arlt a't10 1le'd ut tilb ,l ira➢fa�r n�tetl ayf th0 � � ir%W i:` :I 11
' b
9 `%%I*$.
x0 "Itis a it '640` 41 w1 , tl l arrlei h . .. `
U� �f+ I► r1Mlt)a Mt ldt# aY Ifrtr ''4�honr tho� toiluClr- rtasaetrw'G1rd :otlr
Joitiol,ttltilt�Pftietltf+triit%r+It d1MSMri
�t1Ail°i+lit+" Qilfrixotalyc iter trlbtrii t(# «;%ittitlirz"a=40 i�'�i�.,
, ,
, o � `
I 11
n ° .11 L tet' .e .. \ . ., ' -. ', • `