HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-03, Page 4• Y
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IUC ' �AR, . 'riic,,,t�t JAY. JU.Nf; ardR 194. e ,
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rp} as ctat PIP sy >e g, ##1!641; fcvcltw. > lq lett cro.9lii .ptiPhiil4 tele ,leiter
„ .11 .. _ I
y a+tetstmit . sews thisaflpg , oi4, Waykx• i* wag,
itstslt+i!tlfGp �wlilx thtr,catttt attslit,loie. 29�>wa,terlrtam�abr}�gta
_ Yl1.
v.F nl M�betto' aezlttppj�his ftp p5� it 3clt'#, r
" �.
� I � T V 10, A -WNW", SEZON -a *5 -N *41
4 ; 6 taAdblg . tbs.# � g .., »
lam >,ok l rbitl tt wlAh the era 4� at tk�tr tree 'tag* W44 ltlaat ' VeVe �� i n
fotlgd4itt 1!"#r:t>tt9r,poet• r 1t1M act>M loo 'OpM these " ►crept
!. _. -
" - . ,. Dir } �* t#gaVd toe T tht plaid for the lite,, ole 1' o
_ l t ay.
footme4tr4 *41dro" om .groWtb 10, thot'4 '.
rr iia ail be, Mr b IP tar lis ; and
Cha lctla life, irsimt tits s lo#4lr 'pt' tit®, tbn areal" daead, bwt 'the retal wofrkt
100,11;* Qr pbya#val. Aft, tits rsftn4 wOzlf, ' . , oz
Two sate Fhoughkltsq gtsRt�aB w.orsthtt cant ki tl 'xe it ev 1vu J Qlte
bop.0.04 h2l 04 of halt o" Oyft?�►, 'to ' %ail mal: tray, The .C�lumb mpWber-
81 -
f ° 89, K- •^
; now
.<,. 81L
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p- . Stgrx is atwks vrltdooRf« ilii,, .0.46pfF the aWlt, like awlilfexs ir6 ¢a # krz�y mt1eF cath f Printing
iStirtstisu V)ho. atilt# taps' Xr9aring Ili The anniversary
�i I .
� $Wet. The+P�oa� ,19, the torow lallglrt ,,pore +amlQyaltle b i Wo" were made
rotiditfoia Qt th1A p ie dp itis yr iter
1 LL ��++��jtj� j,, /� �rce
natural �AaQtUA� 17t1� ��a�� Matin Li(]chm b+aoa�n�radt0 t fruit y'the triaging by' ]Kr„
pa r lt�wi 044" qr #1, �vv1g}tleivW4, Of atratfvrd, tubo Brizlg your filen' to us for developing and ,
�' ,t4 emakit to wttlltitrsg istick gro7q by plt�, c4mtrihp sed tt number of swied splos at ,
F 34 -inches wide, finest and best qutality, _ very heavy and equisito duality. Far Imo and wlk-0000,4t. Tbowo atnid be each• rvlp0, printing 1llogroat xJthot}t''Xtfe, ••Ilgth 111. "
i a l,ei'ieLtly even thread, firm weave and cor3.ts, suits or dresses. Spaces, h #t. baths . " At the►t„loae of the Aionday e�entn-�
: will !sunder beautifully. ftegru- ,per yar.................... ~...., ........,,. o o the &t>} )meth lite *oil he �V4 Ball, 40tt8017vtOO-11ev, Cdr, XQyer ttud. Reg. 14tr,: '
hir!$ 35 value. For................ ��•�0 4tz0IBQn hath mot lite. lie Wks tap*. XcDermt CotlVeyeci iraternaf greetiuga 1
r • delle for srowtb to become arreeted.. and eongratlilatio, ftOm #heir respect, one
Day Service _11
Si#k Voulards 001401moe, to 111-0040 was, the ,cause of tive congregattgns. »
` 1� and OOI POp�It1S arrested ' phypical gro*ttb In a Child. ;
Vit' in a score of'oeat patterns aird (autres, ilea l(ental growtd� srlso could. be arrested, lavers of tnlisio +vill enjoy the
DavyS, greys, greens, etc. Sir- and prof. 1''armer expressed the oen, operetta holden Hatt snot Ike Tl the
1°t►rd wide best quality, in navy, green, 'o , vl0011ldrltt 90 *r00 a great Many mor,q lileara. A tall Choral of forty voices., * Z o o Fit all Cameras
purple, resida Regular $2 25. ��•�v inches wide. dt per yard...... ip . 050 meow tiwstrfa than pbyetcal dwarfs ,
v 4110there Were tb Vast number of people liotlaers l,tlue This Oil. -Mothers
For ................... ..................... W408e 11100 , growth stopped m tipe who know how suddenly croup may
Brcl3selette Seamless seize their ctiJldren and how ri cessar \`
` D. �'aga of 90 or Vii. The higher up c4
i`eSSeS Rever3ible Rugs in the scale of use the greater pxtfrtrpt action Is In applying relief,
, the numijer of tlwerfs, s0 it was to be always keep at hand a Supply of Ar.
liagtaiftcent sele.ttion of women's anti 2 x � the
that the spiritual life would Thomas' Eelectrie 011, because exper- i
yards, $10.00 ienee has taught them that there is no
' I
I "' show the gret4teat nusaber OL cases OfC,,, 0 Phm. B.
tF misses' $ummor (sotvna, in silks, voiles, 3 x 3 yards, $19.00 arrested growth, Tho spiritual- life better preparation to be had for the HoO
rY t;iughatns, georgettes. in Query desirable 3 x 4 yards, $2000 was like an exotic plant, transplanted treatment of this ailment. And they l
If, color. Prices have been fixed at very at- from') aaothor chute and required are wise, for its various uses tender Th%e ReXaltOre i
LraetiVe lggurgs, and styles are very new. LIIlO�eUl113 specially favorable condition for de- It a valuable medicine,
9 velopment, lienee the injunction of • e
Silk range p :. g Poets are born Just the same as
�or ���� the apostle. Giving all diligence, ads -- -
other unfortunates. e
4 yards wide, British make, in Splendid vvur faith virtue, and co virtue ..yr.�.��.., e
> > knowledge. and to knowledge tom• g
patterns and Colorings, with heavy canvas perance, and to temperance patience, X111 C1 T @ Yl (� T3J"
back. At per square �Y4rd....., ��, 5o and to patience ygodllness, and to FQR FlETCFIER S - f "
'i00r Rng3 e
4 ............. • godliness brotherly kindness and to - B
brotherlykindness charity.^ t� • � �•
Tapestry Bugs, heavy pile, British make. �10ineQ 3 CiUatS On thother hand there some �'°�'A i A y, , J ; s
I.tlllartrn Clothes i
very encouraging thoughts arising out �"'� '"" d y 9
, '
I Good choice 0f patterns and colorings. lof the tont. Growth was the law of e
Reduction prices in all Sumpter and Spring t life and growth was accomplished not ! due to their, remarkable dependability are considbred t' ijr ».
3 x 3 yards, S 1n.00 Cogt13, tweeds, coverts, etc. Now each.
t by worrying about it and trying to ,;
3 x 3t yards, $25.00 grow, but slmpty by following the fm- � the. best 1 M1 H I
µ` 3 8 4 $16.00 to $25.00 enlace of ills. The infant by throwing Raincoats for Men y t; '� a �
yards, X2800 r out its rittle limbs, by resting when r Out of fifty suits there are exactly fifty that fit, "ry+ Fjb ff
the impulse name, by crying for for ata R
tuod, etc., grew. In the same way the
keen their shape and hold their color. as ' t„ R
\ "' r, if
T a -ritual life Remarkable Price
, M A r 1mpDlses Of ceche spiritual ifelow��d far i`
1h�1�sooNLPhone. ,.ry R
OnrenCouraaement we should remem• Martin, the Tailor ' ° �`
��' her that the longer_a Iiia was to last 318 ?'v:` ae "'
, - thtt slower would be the growth. This , - - `, yl 9
I.Itifen s Tweed Rainco4ts. t ,t t ' ;
i .> was true In the realm of physical lite , ,
and'the spiriG.ltfe, being an eternal life, The boat 1S Cttt in the It, i i
I its growth would, according to the
analogy of . physicall life, be a slow \, �, � �
t ., GODERICH BAPTIST sin Ie breasted style, a ' , R.It
�• [[.�« 0 ,r� �{ . vie\vs. There are those who belleve growth All growth was slow by com• g y t t or
RIS a C� ocrich $tare mt«•y achutlly converse with lo\eQ narisoD. It WtLB Unobserved but the P. K `, r R'19
t CHURCH (ANNIVERSARY loose belt with buckle, t• � , 4
r ^ Tr1eA6ops t:pl ?t. apes \\lar have passed away, and who mighty Igrcga at life were at work, It 3 +
-� find so much happinesA In their •b0- was the destructive hurricane which "'"*,
I IWI� ?�
T1113 S1lAY, .111NO 3rd, 1920. liefs that they ,i`otid have every roan Bev. Dr, rarmer Gives Addresses Sun_ was suddep in its operation.
Sizes 34 to 42', at dh i '. Y t ' `
and %votrtan who sighs ••r'or the loltel, da and Ifondu Dr. Farmer expressed himself .as i it,� � ; M
6 y y-11or10a{Ie Burned �•4
"'` of a vluirsh.ed hand, and the sound of The burning of tit disliking the view of 'Christian life that G 5 aQd r `+; t IP
SPINDRIFT i I g e mortgage on the would make it a series of aegatations, $ $16.45 t `�4 ` -, fm
a vatar That to grill" t0 fo110ty them ohncoh was a teaynre of the anniversary aon't do this, don't do that, etc. He 1,;'`},11 4
Slopan: tatlrtitallon for Goderich 11,1,1 enjoy Consolation. I services of the Goderich Baptist church preferred the positive, do the right, s;
�. ` t! i i. to
r', It is not tclvru to ever} man to be a which were baht last Sunday anti Mon- and let the wrong things die of neglect. a G; . ' ai
�pirilis°r ! sinner like Caruso nor a scientist Ilke' day and this happy evens took place at The dual natDte of man's lite, the
"r sluee early rhtl�utouJ \\,° ha\e, uo , Melt'S Fawn Rainebats, r W
(. it t diver lodge, In the same man- the Mondav evening servitte, when flesh lusting against the spirit and the +,r , ri
doubt. all speculated mute or less on r g g p ,-,!
per rev, lations which have to do with Deacons Challen and glutton officiated spirit against the flesh, Dr. Farmer made In single breasted iR4_,
the unkntrh\'n i+�>yr+nd. Frnm tett, t(me Kl,;,.itua thinAg devPlnp I diverge aG•tho holocaust. Treasurer Campbell com ared to the old ams of teeter, but i;: ',: t 1 ' i
y •' rwheu We itrtnt; to Sunday sellout aboral � \ways. in different individual. One' road a Statement ahq\vin that the manes will was' likegthe 'Kin °,�10
'x' r 10
g of the style, ruble stitched rRe' ptica'I Company of .Stratford ;Hi+,;
�, •'Jerusalem the !)olden with milk and Ihing Is absolutely necessary before a effort to wipe out the debt had its in. Castle," holding the balance, and in a n )"c . , { IN
honey bloat," and the saints "casting revelation is possible man man or ^^ g - S�a111S. Sizes e�4 t0 46. tt t
y� down their gohien crowns around the \woman to whom it !s rttade must be • pens all Office in Goderich }�51 l E;! [y:1
, ER
glassy yea; • when our minds had ab- !n a recti tivt± state of mind. W `. s At J ,
sorbeif lite Idea that heaven \oar•« a should say that a keen desire to have � �I .+r, !, �1. This is an opportunity for all those needing the services of at; expert ,� i'r� „ .;
place gcOrSeuuK lit its cuhrrinF and in p e : t+, t., N ° t �i s ai i :tt 'a ^J
converse , with a departed friend wait � '"r1. � ° 36 } ' $ .45 Eyesight Specialist tb have their eyes examined and proper glasses fitted. f'4 �$ g10
3 its material weaim , \ve thou}Ghi Ot it uo part of the* rPreptR'a stats Of mind ,ht ' r„ ` t �; d F +`Z Irl* E • i ER
c:`; , , �s , v , , r s t we employ only the mos accurate methods and ^narantee satisfaction. ;` ; FIN
1 as tin Immense spotlessly clean city but rather lhdt lite mind should fie \ o wi
€ , , r , r >: }.,ye sti�rf yF No drugs or '' drops " used. �,' t
with streets of Sold and Italia of pre-�rle\0ttt and atG•ntivn to all spiritual a,"'a r '' t' ` ` . �t I ,, - �",'. { , . -
Otous st,gnPg a sit, forPv r liShted xa 5 , a e« r .,, ��d t t i4� , If you are having headaches, dizziness or env symptoms of 1 F. '
1 N S
tnAu0nP0g, momentarily \vatehFnir for �• •M ' :° t- ,'' °`u , t 1r« v, g ,��t,„= _eye trouble, i a
ItlalttfeEtaltatlg 0f ,lad's regen e, a , s1' • ,,, '. cgnsult our S Specialist. ' 7 '
try a radiative enutnatin8 fr LIP ll!- i p r i a t #� �y �..J ! �t>* • P
vine Prttanec, and thronged with mal- rid care. A nteililtr P a*d;id,` # t {fit, `
°!.� Q sly V,u , f .r �,` :.p'. ,X'., ,��; ,,,. 1 ,,, t�1 ki. 'N
u tdttedes tirBgsNd in hmnutrnlrtto \\bite• of Pnjovin8 ,lulet Iff the iniddt of `'d , X4,`1 .' "' �r '.1„�,"�ti .,F.° t R
r' REIED OPTICAL ` "' i �` 16t
[(owing. draperies. There \tag always I p K N t, COI�+'IPAItiY t
crowded thorouFrhfat•e, a ntind alert to „ `i� tar Me
nlsu, in�qur lmaginittloma the sound of tlio hig•ber and noblpr call W1111r+ bus'v '*�,'t,'I' t '�t, , {•.,, '.�, Optometists Eyesight Specialists M flri +"'
the most eattanci►ut ultlsie, g\vet[nS f dt`ifh the roots ,ordid thin ° t ' Opticians rY A„
al LImP,t into volumes of viclortouy, FI prrtafn- I .fid i : , � + r ' ,� , . .I".
121 Ontario Street, Stratford , is - ,
i I1Mr 1.0 the exlstenre ui the body, iK tit, °�?':,� s fi , ..$ • • � : eh
tePglnKy, Thig was lin heaven iii our I receptive mind \which Is likely to re• i;r i:{ Open in the Evenings Goderich Office in �. R. iiarrisun's Insurance Rooms, across the hull '" olY
early fmaginaliuns, nail lu fits shite' eeh'c unextPcted revelations. Very ''Yrs;i 1�,
from Dr. MacDonell's Rental Parlors, on west Street, gust off the Square. ,a�i 11,;�l, , r'�f , b),
clad throng \\ere aJ•Jrd year by, year seldom if ever are rPcelatlung of !m• ti^'"A r Every Friday, commencing May 28 4 t' ; wr
tite friends \ohms, \\e had loved. sari t. fl �� g y tit
x PortagcP made ,merely to 5amsiy destrs tx 3 • ,. nu
wfi0 had dbill 11 was a beautiful lm- Or aulEtagity. It may he said that the " Q)CIOL ��r�OaOL�o1C Hours 9 a.m. to b p.m. Y,A, sal
ttgitatiun, bol .t� tttr years passed by young titan Saul \\h0 jnurneyPd tq
w0 wondered that some valiant soul= Itamngctts had not a receptive mind ,4, *, +. O A. L. COLE, Specialist in charge. ;ti' rn i F N
whom ten had marchown un earth should when unexpected (blindness overtook .W q The New is Note the day each week. 1 ", as
be content to nwrctl in errdinSs pro- him, and be ,heard -"the voice, „Saul. O O t+, �, � • -+
oesgions, stnd ant: in tile lteavenlY wul:_ why persecutest mtou nteY" J q ssel
f", ,t 1
ehorgh day after rlay, \with never a think his maid rola in a Decorating O ''``.� 1 -
pNtfeet state a`, _K sal
thought for 11141" whtrm they had krv- for such a rPveittliun. 1tP believed in -
i7 cd and lett hrhlnd. Gradually our the Je•alsh ialtlt; he tvus a Pharisee of ' + �., ! ' 1 rP,
•r t:, (den of anmeny in changed. s began lc mre Phartst zi and he looked on this - Store �WH ITE ,STAR LINE E \ }, F fEI' ~u r e
know many In the 1JtrnngK who dwelt man Chrtat and all Ills ftrllorwers as O her
q to
In Its georgilou. palnees, and we. wou- Interlopers \.Eta r\erc attacking Elle �, , ,t. lay
dared if !t \vete poKsilale titnl they re- very foundations of Its rellgl0nr }io O West Street O i
,,tined theft kll„\\'IedSr of aur daily \vas sincere and devout, and !t was his q • Mr. r�� "« - l rnij
lives, whither indeed If was not pog- desire t0 upheld \Vital he had thoughtr Wit
sible for them to know its much more to be the highest things in life ,that In additidn to our lines of Wall O pre
intimately than they had ewer known sent him on Ills mis13tan to Damascus, �' '*':`' 1 Paper, Paints, etc., we handle Annual Excursion �`+`
us before, \Ce be"n to ask ourselves Fle \vas, according to Ills views, about ill'
- - wit
whether, by- passing the barrier rwhich 10 render service to his God.
'`"` all kinds o£ i ';1 `
eve Intel draft, they lied not entered Titere are those who are curious 1 O • • y .
Int" .t► gtatc of being !n which they about the life hey for aper wttosC im, BAPTIST l.iiU'tCH, GODEitiClt Maass Goderichto Detroit $ �,,�,«h, ' `
were not only consOlous 0f ,tett aero agluatlons Prente for mtem n throng t O O r} '`.ji It 1':� ,r
, • burroundings, bat as conditions of of spirits dating from the E eeption in D•O. 1918, when an effort Lo "1 , ,f, t M
Egypt, era position t4 throw its weight from itne Window Glass, Plate Glass, q AN `'
, ours• \Ve approach th0 beyond alta- to Anno Ilomint t1180, all of whom are raise 1100 a month for the first tour side to the other: A poen most exon RETURN IZI� '
gather througit lite imagination for, candidates for, earthly converge, and months Of the year 1919 was decided s his rvUl to follow.the impulses of the Bevelled Glass, Mirrors, etc.
th0ug9i rv0 may all take the Bible a publicity via the taulju board. Tables and afterwards contlnned for the spirit and let the Impulses of the lower 1 'r' f ,
our text book in maters of tite sph•ltl have been known among these spirit remainder of the year, and the balance (nature die ofnegieot. Another cooper- , ,;; , !,
yet (�ta interproatlon of the assag-seg a'Ise people to rock attd Jump in atfrm- of the mo wx A �w w�r «,' t
t p rima Of i18a0 was Wiped oat icon of the dual nature of -Man's lite was p' If you are thinking o£ doing ,a �` '�•• ;tip � G, ! Y :4C, 1 it
•►vltictt r4trh 1wnPKt enquiring nand mt9-) at1vP answers to cluegtlonv asked. io the present year. The church war that of a waii driving double, one horse , : , :. r ? r �, r • r'
quires by rev, -1311,10M NtatlOtt \x111 diftar a5 ' ! here may be same n•\ 0rent soul! erected in�itler' of the McMaster �' as nttudg thrmStiveg differ, teeing a splbntitdiq, ppitectly, physlcat any. t^5t {^ y
w . much who believe I:hOy receive being, and the, other the opposite. O O w s, ,-a .c' `• i 11
'(Nista .are those who honestly 2tP. front departed loved ones through es nt iverdt' , was the special speaker for Poshesaing all the ills that horse flesh ,. Decorat> n' "f {;�e, "` 11 i A 1
n ileus that all the dead are asirep, and ntedham of p1Wa boards. but wo are Anniversary ocaasloYa and Ills ad- could be heir .to. The only way to �e ' 4' t
they can show chapter and tPrgC to pat all const (ut0d altkr,. and to my make progr6ss toss t0 dtstrat$ the bad this year, call on u5 And ]et us ;;ITw:., ; L," , + r
Converse with n departed friend rias mind there can be nothing reverential horse and drive single, so the man +'
a , a Z. verify their belief, There arc those 8 attan in hugtan ,toes, aro ever con- attempting itve a Chrtatlan lite give you An estimate. `�
�P�' �• .� � 't
about a OutJil board or a table, and it veyed by so called medlum@. It has t .: r
wito 3►Uttere that spirits of tho de, 'ants to sae a 0hea a she dts0ard the desire of Etta flesh -' zt ;,,1 t,:
Varied associate together, and know P ping of the spin. always seemed to me that oil and follow the desires of the spirit. ,,. 1 i. • ti l •
gr ltual il0nge to use such moans, t can» messages are by direct aontaot. �Ve
What 15 Eating 0p on this earth among riot, either be convineed that really Oa 8nnflay everting 1)r. Farmer necks � ��',w�
'" r.
t1►e living, and they too can ,bOto spiritual pisses lava the' 048013 of Samuel, babel, Saul. on "The Fonr•p'old CotgmisIlion" !o the i y� O { ,r:
inl�apiQi• laud v0rse t0 .kale's lies, the kind of meg• and John on the Isle of PatmOsr only diseiples reading froth thelour Gospels alp• Cuthhel[,son p The Big } J qtl���,�`4 , �
rah , dotarmine Important to mention a few of tho many cases of ss tp sin ung its rcrtredy, salvation; Steel STEAN�ER (1rREYHOUND 1 '; I? "J 0 Epi
"IliIlkIli -- ;.
�l�N �yl,l�q�y this kind recorded In the Bible, all of cOnfesalOrti and serlce: O ,
f 11Mt111ttiFtNit���'p told their \vh
whish mss if>t3OOCO>t F
�� � sagas were by direct con- On litonda sorbin nt. harmer ,spoke Staunch, afe, Speedy and Coinfol it- We »* .'. i c c
1' if " 1
toot, miCxpeated, and IIP recipients .on ••sante Vital F�,ewra in the >,t,r,ra �V'ILL LEAVE GODER`ICH
\Vere !n the reverential state of mind, Movement-, 11 and laid stress on the
( j5e }i
" v ' which placed th0m in harmony with spiritual aldA of the moremims. ' ( ? I �„,1'
e ,. the inflnit.e. The great Europtaan 'GI!'lrtt, Dr. Farmer
t _ ,. • In dile time we shall know more of said teas, a sad .+condem suou of: HYDROVORE � � t ••
11 the life beyond, but until rrP are aa-CCbrtstendbm,:ilgdthelritisoV]sctthewar ��pe 7� VaVV i " A» counted worthy of a 01rent' revelation seemed a�pe�dlly %Jog lost Anil we were r s r.11 r 1l � � 'I ; Vit.
� rt W41Y 'Should, yve worry about what drifting bt►0k to ttlWflaltam. What
t a 'form spirits take, when they depart was 600i0g 10 Rddsta or any. of the THE SQUARE Arrivin Part Huron 2 •m. f''4 iy< + ; d
+ this life, and how they spend their otter countries Dr. Vartm said he was g p Detroit 6 pan., E.T.. � }, i . :z
« time, and wbato they think of heaven unable to �augt�, lrut he trembled to RetUrifin ]litpen ] trOit Thurfidet .%iunC 1! %tti
think of Civil War, taking the place of g Y+ w 1 t � j '�' "
r std opus lf0rne at us "may have had t'nternational Witr. g , c 't'' 'i '! i 3
` ?` an- bn- Ont the greatest pin. D►etrnit Time «t �.1
marc Providential assistance titan A real fgrwillyd movement meat be a
tier -Same alight Catt it luck ut MOveanen@ farwatrd in the stay of a Of r '+ t t�,
%y fern unexpcoted, and has
It not
toss aditiTe to liaanvde math h• Ir wati alts • 4" T • n j 1y f '
`� Meat fef the reok household labor say- `E" 6 o � a ; i"'! � A P
passible to dettrm.ino ruby rvo did, , , i brie
Vis! horadt varlet } ,hitt i�tOrvhere but
Or did not do rho things tubiclewasTthli,llt include err Tam • y
�� us 0atrgtt fir thanks afterirards, Tho ttilgha platiteeandt6tat gre,hembd was an m a $
'Poet in devises is an ®TLe tett flail, of eric6 tb Xltsfexit t6iil ' k"
it Ynvs p °\oyer \vroR+a, great cTOart?r Jnr elm an e- Y p >Htatitlri.� PAS
t ;dAt y t�ls'od a in fi tl.
„ ` b ,... ..'" cndeitao' a in Vtalt >t>fi� 6iR wstt+feirftil Uetrriit !i iltir-• >
�r ;
err lgtiYpt alltanila of Etat CrlatTltts, ysnr '`y + keit t� :N
r y form,' and nobody has "
ash SI�It an oar il�l►re titan mtlizswt irllll]t`oW`tlrg stf '(lett,, i'r�ls tiiiatisn ' '`'
l+et suaeceriert butt rreledtrtpt nut of Olrnrcta member»„`%1� �[ ii
,, , oats to contt`adlatlnpl that statenVent, i ar� tttltip, rlre ellnilnlitticlt Of, tltasta +V►1iat hired _ E Y� >�Y ' +. it k,,;,�i • e
I I-eootetit to I1'a\e the life beyolid, 42 ,tor maeld. the complete atilftbAd4r..A. ` tUM� rltsltitst(tlittt i>1 Ill ir�illtttt)� sttisr.to 11+pesllllb fhb W1MF]�:,11
tits ltrels of ,boas \vhatrr l itiltve laved 1 e number of clrarch ,',1' , t L
g tanda»Yd n>f t�ct;ew nem Marr. ; ` ate.. Rlretltleit+t a etaat "
`t tlyitatliic mit. ` The H'e li t 'of
seized as the S *W Who hate 0*Wd an to a ,mate of 1larmlit• Ootrtfidt"4 taeikV40 01irit6tturelb : ����� ��}} yy .. •�-
V• &sly,, , ,i,* r" 1,
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Y Ia r1 sumdent r�MsaVt f r the yell br- Thta�t ,*#A to ,beta '-ihfitt' , 0 isz'ox� �
.• ;bled the b9ndsomest a .. >ii"AtntCt". kV4i21in •ilial life linii atifYt, i tette,, kin seat#. ... ...
cannot , : :,. - r it t
rota, tPwtttrt1101011ciotr a W76 ,� C t i L` t�1!iitt1'tilt .�._i...�,,,1 , , ,
y, j1 y� yyy y, �y oil+� g,� y�.� �y yy,��y,� 1W.�►a,,a/�,■1.y'.(y .
Y 'r1}iritli; +l iii' �trt e. is #/tai to fn'1� aAS at":��i it'ii4M' O twee i��i�':4tt�•� VM4i ,.. ht o f o�Goderich'
J: odg�
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fl»tartrr�fit. 'i�hl±f4t gra clxnu h t'eytye>- . at�imnitwln ,wttltt wser ' , tsl�iitle� at the �i` ra ,
rvhtrar< week uhartr+ to rld0 oli r h '�1 jfer�tailt � at #A �id�t; ** ., .
.111: : L I
'' J -,,'Jw,� � I tlitti toil iidin i ,illi, rtr.ttatl't da iia i 'itirltO _.Prayllrt. tr4tii►�rbr. lam,' `1*VA
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s 11 tlot to' 0 thorn, that f! AN��t I%tk tare of �e visile " +r3c0" �� : _ x'6130,,p tri
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