HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-06-03, Page 2t' C! x � ' — — :3rd, 1020. D9R1 STAR, IPACIX - - -- — "rins Ay CZEchs 110 PARLIAMENT. � �� � ��� �l�i�lll�ff111Nlflfllfll11111f11111111n1111i111iulllffilfffufulluliffillflffllffllflilif�: AVE A o n 51�,,'T STREET GARAGE •'-•- F111,1111;c'�i$atitittialtstl Atf>:etttrirly In 300 po J. ions forest Fires Near At- xewa. �w -- - - _ -- WEN LONDON, May 31--- After an • in- lantic Coast, [v>yea vonatlpg. OR comes, wt at ..... tQFYAI of 300 years a Parliament of ,. ? The Colons get clogged ( if you want a nice nif ty Car �= Garage=-Halmilton Street Thousand Pe %t4 Similes+ In lite a 191ech $coats has been organized. trw material. which 1$ la- � � since x913, when the Austrian Yoko tl°eal>rely poisonous. the 'blood clrcula- St. Qpentfa, N.D., ;and Lomtlon- was thrown off, ezecho-Slovakia has � � k4mcleutly close con- One that you will be proud to drive, get a d 1— N [forst As em - • derry Village Wiped D*t'la ?`lova 1#een governs a a � tact ttrlth the wavis to take UP these E M M E S Snecial Sale 1Scatlx, the ilfltles Also I3el>a1L I'am- bly. from which has evolved,a Tree aroaorp�hon end to didtrlb• tUals Destroyed --- Other Towns and efir constitutional government. � �� � ���� o The first act Of the new Perlia- uie •thew thrb(tghoe:t the hotly. The y o q OF Are Threatened. i meat, according to a despatch to the VOWIt 1a --'file Lives becomes Slug- Dally Newt), was to 6 -elect Prof, glabv YOU (be('ame 'dull and heavy, ST. 1Olift„ N.B., May �1.--=r-The � ��-••--� �• Y Masaryk., the £amou Czech leader, to nlllousneaa rt0 itself, then yon little village of St. Quentin, In Resti- the presidency of the republic. Great have Headache, Kidney and Bladder gouche county, N.B., on the line of interest was taken in the appearance Trouble, Indipeatfon, Appendicitis, Accessories of all kinds the Canadian National Rallways, ' of more than sixty German deputies and more aqua besides. TIRES about forty miles from St. Leonard's, In the Chanitwr. They made several , Oils and grease at die right 1,1 e- w�s almost entirely wiped cut Friday heated protests during the voting. -» y having placed in nomination a candi- g Fresh stock of C- im',­1 an the result of forest ares, which date of their own against whom the Kidney and Liver Pills = Cells. — have been raging in the crown land$ Masaryk vote was five to one. Cleri- We have a large supply Of In Restigouche during the past ten are highly recommended for = i We have on hand a t,,..d "''1< r,f days. cal members, refrained from voting. Motor Car St. Quentin was a thriving village Announcement of the result led Constipation Dominion, Michelin and K ai rl Tires on band, all makes, of about 2,000 population, and was a to scenes of great enthusiasm in the and its Evil Results I ` Tires and Tarbes. of about for the lumber and pulp as a Chamber, to the accompaniment of ! centra. a counter demonstration by the Ger- I They are purely vegetable, do not IF i.'» a o -sari. i'sg— mans, who banged their desks and �� I all kinds of Repair W -k , [r,;,,. �,; __r, • re Of Goodyear The (ire, which resulted in a none shouted. When the President entered Gripe, Purge or Irritate, and bring any lain i r it u s a rew lacy lues variously estimated from relief by producing a healthy condi- , .� promptly attended tp and the hall the German deputies Quit en car,com: roc $750,000 to $1.000,OUO, slatted in bloc. Following the inauguration of I tion of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys faction guaranteed. a -e equipped to Dunlop the mtflyard of J. E. Michaud, catch- the President, members of the two and Bowels. -- -- { cu; f.!, ,.'.i )u r nc�d3 at ing front burning embers carried by Houses and crowds that thronged No matter what medicine you are _ the winds from the forest blaze. Be- visitors' galleries sang Czech and Ste- taking for a laxative it migbt The just The reliable C.C.M. 13ic) Dominion for It had 4epent Its cou,-se G5 dwell- `� Iles are sold here, and we carr} 0uc of the moat im. g vak national anthems; the clericals its well 2b change off to Hacking s. �_ Pep - portant factors in the Jogs. three mills, two hotels, the tried to protest and the Socialist The combination of Cascara, Pep i. a-/ u full line of portontot, rationrn -,-our Canadian National Railways Station, block chanted the -Internationale." permint, Mayapple and the othereffiWi,.� == car i8 cocreet lu! r.. aa,un. Royal oak the Provincial Bank and many bust- I Vegetable 1�,ttgs cotntained in thea i =_ Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts We hve th• three Hess places were wiped out, About Soviet Sends Mission to China. ` pills will produce results to be un' a .= grades of lmp:r -al l ular- 1,000 people, or half the population, I 4 Goodrich none were rendered homeless, and saved LONDON, May 31.—A Soviet oris- equalled by any ethers. They work I = Give us at trial and you will CRIne agAttt me, r,r.d ti,a Imtx•riai none of their personal property, ex- slon to China, consisting of members ! beautiful in Digestive Disorders, for L:hrrt of kccomn,eoda- %� tions which cherifies the sept what they hod sent their backs. fa the Cuthe Wariitt fur fotelgrt as I Gas on the Stomach, for Spasmodic T. F. HOLLAND OLLANL! -= correct grade fur every (� Helie[ trains were sent out front St. fairs and the. War Con(nrissariu[, has Pains in the Stomach apd Bowels, ` .l ` V make of car, Let us show Maltese Cross Leonard's and Campbellton Saturday ill at the town of Kuru, $sutra- and mr Dyspepsia and IndiyesNon• = � East Street; Goderich you the chart and t �,plaia to convey the homeless to large cen- ing to a Moscow wireless utessage. Buy a few boxes Pram your dealer .� Phone 243 •o the ;rthpoortaof asitia • Standard I Noli'ves werelos[ swhere they ulu be cared Tor. tl tits to c telauonsrgtht n today, but be absolutely sure YOU i fllilli1111111111fIIffllUlff1f11i11if111111111fI11111f11Ni1flilflfllilillillfllllli11i11Nfiiiii thcriRhtgrade oilmperiatradeani diplor..a get Hack{nb'^. Polarme every time. Besides the destruction to homes Kelly -Springfield and business places, much manufac- — - `- Buy in tured lumber, thousands of cords of Bu pulpwood and thousands of railroad 5-gallonties at nearby sidings awaiting ship - Guaranteed for 3500 to tnent were burned. Seven carloads of Lotslumber on the track were also con- Lot miles. sullied. I The forest fire situation in New More Mileage froanTires O. r . The is reported somewhat im- NNproved, according to Chief Forester !E ■ N O ■ ■ 0 0 Prince. The fire at. Glennle, Sun- bury country, has been extinguished, 7n fee present temper of the Sinn and those which had been sweeping M ANY tires which because of long, hard driving or accidents give only average' BRITISH TO BE FIRM. I Felners !e Is not unlikely they will Restigouche courtly are reported i Goodyear retake s last effort against the soccer under control. mileage, could be made to give unusual mileage simply by the use of, y of law and order." o new outbreak has occurred' Reliners. This Goodyear Reliner is a Tire Saver produced by Goodyear to help car - The I'reltaring to Meet l'rlsiw In •I'he usual Sunday reign of secret about ten miles front Salisbury, lreland.Westmoreland county. The Warden owners keep down tire costs. destruction caused great havoc in for that district, however, reported LONDON. May •31.—A Cabinet widely -separated parts of Ireland. to headquarters that it was not of a meeting of exceptional importance The customs house at Castletown, serious nature, and he hoped to They are complete new linings, of new fabric and rubber, shaped to fit the inside of the has been called, at which the situ, County Cork, was levelled by (assn- check it before it had made much tion In Ireland is expected to form diary (ire. tire.. Cemented in, they strengthen any fire weakened by road shocks or other The f.hiet topic of discussion. Lord In Lynch, County %Iayo, Michael I headway. French, the Vic(•roy; Chief Secretary Toole, a laborer, was clubbed to Fires reported near Plaster Rock injuries, often increasing the mileage 25% or more. Sir Hamar Greenwood, and Sir Nevil death because he (lid not heed a and Perth, In Victoria county, are Mae ready, the new British command- still burning, n far as known. warning by strikers that 1r he did I You can easily and quickly apply a Goodyear Reliner to your casing Or if you prefer- Mae in Ireland, have been summoned to not quit work he would die for it. Fires In Nova Bcttfa. attend the session. our repairman will apply It for you at little extra cost. He tr!as found by his wife in the HALIFAX, N.S., May 31.—Forest I y p The workmen's combine• known roadway, clubbed and mauled be- fires which are raging in various an the "Triple Alliance" — railway- yond recognition. parts of Nova Scotia assumed a. See any Goodyear Service Station Dealer or your tire repairman. men, transport workers and miners— serious aspect in some districts Sun- f acro arranging a meeting, according day. The situation in the vicinity of i to the Daily Express, to discuss the ASTHMA Maitland, Hants county, is alarming. handling of munitions destined for Residents of that place say that only Ireland to put down rebellious dis-It lou have Asthma, don't a sudden change of the wind saved orders, `The paper does not think Imagine that you must al- Maitland from whole or partial de- St likely that the organization will w+y!esuIIeruntold misery, struction Saturday. The timberlands support the IN transport workers afQulok. sure an(teata near Latter Brook, seven miles from34-4 iltgif tsed In even the fiIN "who are it strikep waestcaeea by natal; Maitland, are now ablaze, and the� RELINEFitt! plans tGovernment a cum- +. hH,-.tl�9 are maks g,1 rapid progfoga, ofpleting Pl,ns'to dt�pl with the trans- a l�MlE�'t�tthraul5h the woodtobvat•�! 9e12,ra, not` � � ; t � port Situation in f;Iteland nn a drastic, far away. 1 0fashion. � � M It Is believed in Maitland that un- MADECANADA The Labor organ, the Daily awe AH less the fire is placed under control Herald, learns 14 additional regi. very shortly Selma will be burned menta luive been warned to be ready CAPSULES out. There are about one hundred • to embilrk for Ireland, w• are so certain of re- families In this village, and all the � The National dew's says: salts we will send you a able-bodied melt, and even some of l li "'!he position in Ireland, we under- ea agile of these cap- the women and chlidren, are reportedlux that atand, is so grave that a nutuber of pndthem all we heft to be engaged In fighting back the &c• �� 1 ',i1;.4i:r;(` ytl ul' f �, warships sire now being fitted out in dalrned. rite to Tem- fire fiend. In fact the people tion, nbtons. 1!1 King tat. W., Sheerness for despatch to Irish ports. q`Gmnto• all the adjoining districts have s+nt The situntlo;, is more serious than Gia their quota of fire-fighters, and Iran- • bold =liable drutel would appear fiotu published tele- •nrswuareg[for$1.aia�ax. tic eRorts are being made to get the' grater, and startling developments Samples may be, had at Dunlop's Drug blaze under control. It was said that are expected in the next few days. Store the fire is not burning with the same . »+.....,...+••.+wa►+ewesa+rraeti rs>* rapidity and fury as on Friday, but that St 1was still beyond control and l that it is at present fanned by a fair- I _. ly strong wind. Carage Horse At East River, near Chester, the 'P63 a DAVIS'GARAGE 'P6 situation is not so nrlous. The (ire $3 3366 district is under control, and unless a high wind develops the men ex- p.ected to extinguish it by night. South Street Goderich Fires are also reported in the f wood around Montague Ha1SPtcit i county. These have begh burning for two days, but are not considered ci. ♦ dangerous, although they will cause considerable ry of ti her. from Suitt in Canada by Skilled Canadian Workers and Canadian Capital Truro, was partly destroyed by fire Saturday. Four churches, a school-� house, and haft, and about a doaen trtiY�lss r...r dwellings already have been burned. There was no loss of file. Saturday a fierce forest fire was ���burning fHardwood dHill,err a short CMf U SWVdistance from Londonderry bltnes, � O ` • and this was at first supposed to have been the origin of Sunday's destruc- Chp tive blaze, which began at about nine F you want to judge motor car values, examine the ew.rolet* I o'clock. it was found, however, that cars --compare them. You can see the value in j the fire Willa started by sparks from We are the agents for the Chevrolet Autos. Call or the chimney of a house owned by the Gray -Dort. You can see where we, have used g Archie Lewis, and tanned by the,higb more costly construction—made big improvements. • send word and we demonstrate to you. wind it spread rapidly. The fire swept a district three-4tiarters of a tulle in m And you know the price is only $1465 (plus war tax). If you buy here you will Save money on all ac- length and halt a mile wide. Cells and The flames swept the main street Our dealers tell us that Gray -Dort value is creat- cessortes. Gasoline, Oils, Grease, Dry Ceof ` the village, consuming In a abort ing a shortage of cars. We would advise you to everything required for an auto. time the Anglican Church, the Pres- see the Gray -Dort dealer now. 1 T byterian Church, the Roman Catholic Y Church, Glebe House, St. Bridget's �R n y TUBES Hall• a school building and $num- The .) Il 2- $seen w r touring car a same.$140 f o.b CmyZlio. (war ftx W-. a A extra.) -leis 2-passmt[et' roadster a the same. TM Gray-17art Special her of houses. It crossed the stream which runs through the village, and with tetra e�wpensnt and beautifully fuushed, is $150 extra on the stand - MY Make/and sues, and rices r1gbt. destroyed the Baptist Church there aid. 'rh• C+*sgrLaort Acq! the moat beautiful lirht oar of today, a P and several buildings. Forty-seven $255 extra on the stamdard. © rr�� buildings in all were destroyed, Some GRAY-Do&T Morons, LIM1Tr.D - Chatham. Omtaxi•. [ f Our Repair Department of thein were oldares unoccupied houses, R and several other barna and outbufjd- T. F. HOLLAND, Dealer In". Very little household property I5 ` S lip t0 date, with expert IjueC"1ll3uiCS, quick service was saved. The forty odd families rendered Tione 243 East trkt, COaEriCll and satisfaction guaranteed on all makes of liars. homeless are being sheltered by their 1 more fortunate neighbors. The loss r •� is estimated to be between two and For Sale Cheap three by raved nsurannd dollars, t 4 with onl nmall tsuraeo. � Two Fords, is good condition, new tires and tops, and vera Cvua urea nbonfc Ptaguc. "' •,.', " ,. have been overhauled. MEXICO CITY May V. -Several cases of wha believed to be bu- bonic plague ha a been discovered at ~~ �►--,_ , We keepin stock a cotnplete line of vera Crulsit, occur ter to a despatch to the Excelsior y terday. } a Chevrolet Parts also Genuine Ford Pants Y C[e-Kwl�rtn 111. a/• � LONDON, May 32. The Han - I J. Agents for the Willard Storage Battery. delsbad of Amsterdam ttlatea that � b the former German Empresa has � Batteries sharked and repaired. a heists ordel'ed by iter phyeletan to take i , its mutts rest ae oomlble. She is re- ported to be Indisposed as a result of aVe"xertlon through the recent re - Auto& for Hire moval to Doort. LU Married mets I[Mitina, that heaven Is Ta iDAVIS, W. CCLUa.KEY,a su Place where there Is no htnsei`lesn- � � e o f4f itta. los. + p�$3at. The more eve need ativloe tllr less . likely we are to appreeinte 111r hind e t ' tr _,..�_.- -.,.r=._ - _.. —•�—.�....:_.,C..•.Olw¢..-.k......,:...x....n.,..+r+.r+w,r..,,rw,aelL. .,.,..wru.. ,i,.,.0 w.n ..1uw..rm• ..erc.Mvr ruw...ra�..l �..•._.--. ..... 1A r t;?a i P r y .