HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-20, Page 7■ . II • VTCB. .. - Jt�ltSl r►Y.: iii ' . MCI,itu � _ 7 ... a laa<lita3lt l•�tl�' `ae",�iaatAla l� Ilt�d�l'1MEIMt"' �'t hat• 5t . vigor o� 1 tart a lit VOW4 . , «: , ytaatf+la [Or flee rlq*' p �. "�y,�� 'is�>x�,ANtINGIE SE ANN CNE ■Tf►M$w7►r«tAFAft'iRll►lt0►k10AllQaxlr#- 1R! til:iiit #1tR!1)1tMtX Y .7K x•h *F •l1tCtllt 7t•1tR I9t�OTtOd IL 100al axon Oa Ding rattlfou 4S1 G K€1tulRrM Xtagl Pel teatto i '09 Preia#tleao!t Wil; QU to send �► ItdriitaA171a3. ltesist>+tttt tr /aF IIe1nIg seK* .E. i Willed in finery v!1]Rse and hatytild� Ajj%Mil`tty#t% waraA ft Utam to pais^ Iia NNEAGTi�RE� T� �� T41 1fQ #ect.11:1t iivell gIsil t i t°►y, of Atraet* Imtsvp sa lite i i►l • .. i . � New �4�: i+gi11A ciciaiet�: �. t e*r �iiLsi)iist!li�x— ., Ch�Nlat) �. IItRy 1 •� a F�' �1fT !it Hili PAP � tlY� ilk M f3)r.iytlilC 1 r . ,# , .t>ii bate toepttt twl dreeely fat X11 � , �, lir �`` `o1Y131t0 with oppORe, f� ,�aateapt tp trrk aqui►pnrYat o>?tba tex>uta of sh>t � ; � """""""'Iypkith peace'x'reaty vri'R#•tlreak wt•. With suitable Sieving a raani property°a ran gad C . ? Abe +tet lwio alc, 'Mking, t ni a oS ;. � air r�<iwg� '�+`^ .. r n Mmxcelied 0111116 car 'serviat: sktcnt cough that of tei4 to you in rpitt A GOustautinopte despatch >:tatea # yalke t �t t1w kl�*�• thuslaxcn when they 'Were pro"! an nearly any ordinary Fanning Uill, Meds and grains of any ., _ k turd by M*Wtev V"1001041n rs a despatleh in cars on ptgiit tralfpa sad pt►s� g you have dwae to t IrA Aruteajarbar a hstil d4tlared'rstc o*x kiss d»�a ebe .' thud can be t thoroughly ct4saad sa is possible to clean d e •thin ge Wier c a �n principal ±del 4, S` 144 U4 OL � da w►aUI. alt •wM 't0 the London tlmtw from Aon'01 9 of it, aaneaur den r• Five ttanararp degrees were con- 1 ntitltry in 00 dated May 11. After file session Of -,haul. �,.. 'l�ht longer the toutlt etiCic�s lrlt+re tetrad b�* jilciliBater Usiveralty at its kldrsl ?e ject cetera headsatitlrb rbow the ChamtAr all the peputies, hes�i!til When ordering Sieves or Screens be very careful to give inforfrwtiotn ;rota fats tlasnd attritttu menace it becomcg to scat health. annual cbuvocattO1L wat3,o turgid liver, acid ciax"U. . by the Prstridegt of tlsgi GhnatORt+ ink 'ricket Agent or G• E. Horning, W. Hpwal a bf Westmouatt, a1eePl�4" all sorts of Wadda AAW warted the Premier to his hove. asset aIxe Ilaecied and what flies are required to do. District,' Pa@sensorl. nt. Toronto. It is a very easy matter to get rid of the cold at the outset by wing 4lu le at beet Rp�lntQd CZfiBt of Ur�� Along Pr thio rout* that }>opulaco acctAltn* � Po]ice of Cor;Wwall. YellL sintliit woot keep Iota ldd C ed Premier VellfselW.. F. F. f,%WRE"NCE A."Ns The iltrot wont shipment for grad- aativt sad a, and the moaaeat �latr ,P1ieYifie A1k1I SCt00Rlae Sidi hy 4gMare ft. if t�eSitti. Tpwo Passtulet sad 'ticket Aleuts Dr. Wood's !ng reag'ottd GuvIA. consisting of as acl►e or psis in tb# Shoots Girls, Thep IHlusaieit. OW faaaia Rain ft1ll'es Cit-I1Yitefl. 'Phone 1i about 10,000 patiuda. ,get about four canoes of J OTTAWA., A[RY IT.+ --William Goll - Norway Pune 5yratp. Qµeon'a liniver-icy held tiff annual to trgslt sits dru# "to'* bei yer, aged t8. and Bawl 1�vapu, '1S convocation, at 'Which four honoi'ar)r trice a tablamaon ul is a , see of xa'4}t' years old, are in St. Luke's 110%PI . i'ie1Sllllete Sieves a0t� SCtfMwS 1flrA�• to later. In nearly every case it will allay the degrees were conferred. before 'breakfast for a few d"s sad both In a critical condition us the re - Winger 'i'elrrn inflammation, soothe thle irritation, heal The new •Ukrainian Cabinet just your kidnsys will Wen act Oam• suit of a shooting shortly after 11 MAil Orders Carefmtiy AtteRdeil to announced has one Polish member. tarxioue stilts is made from he acid of o'clock ,gunday nlglaG ., Tpe Youui, i gmtn danuary'aTttt open in each o! the diseased mucous lining of the ltmgs the Minister, of Agrieultnro. gsr�ape+- and lemon juice. corn �aed rrik6- couple, had been keeping cant- /� s { Co.,! { Shay'q$choola,TtxAnto. lBtts►nes', and broacltiAl tubes, and thus rid tits The beats on Wedae$day detpated Lithia, and L harmlesa'to flus clogged The �Slderlch Mercantile VVLimited 5h%w'f$ nd, _TeteRraphy an�7 Wire- system of ail the bed cilectr of the Syracuse in. both games• of a double. k3dnle7s'atkl stimulate thein to nnnnttl parry, and, it is said: that when site ON T. Write for P0010t• lingering cough or cold. header by 7 to 2 and 6 to 4. actii►itr. Xf: also treutraliftes 'the acids drew refusea revolver Rand shotther ithrough GODEAICH, ONT. W. n,'$HAW. Yoabi• ani Gemri Six m1mbers of the Russian delega- ti* tie Yining 00 it no longer irrltater, the neck. He then ran a short dis- Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has tion wltich has been in Copenhagen tlhtss •adiiyC bladder dieordere. been universally need for the gas-, for some time have left for London,}. ;ad Wta,i�tyi harmless-, ibexpeasivet lance and tired at himself, the* bullet C"ing to location and facilities for tnanufacturing, I have 80 years, and so great has been its Debate on the hill to Act theWas lister drink �tMake* a ihteh everybody ahouldul effervescent ttaita totrecover, butering his dhopes tire held expected out transferred my Fanning \fill Supply iivaiaoaa to Lha euaesB, it is only natural that a great Workmen's Compensation + adjourned at the request of Hon. flaps and lthcu dibig limp their kidneys ole +a, that Misshooting Evans will get better. '!'he above Company,.—J..W. ARMSTRONG. ontar'a s lest Business many imitations have been placed on George S. Henry. iiiva avaAdiitg serious oomplleationa. shooting u s elute in Iron-, ut d46 the market A (fell knows► fires .;,druggist says he ,� Btrotan 'tract, Ute resiueuce of Several men in Woodstock andof Jad iL /� sel)r wee -kDoW Salts L` folks who believe thA girl's gruridmuther. college Don't accept any of these, so-called Stratford were fined send l and cast- in A»ming kiduoy ruble while it is - Pine Syrups. Get the original "Dr. each for failing to send in their In- "Tay tele ppCC ♦ 1 Wood's �� come tax returns. _ 'Electric YGN 1 �AL rR.r R. Hall, Liberal member for n h Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine Parry Sound, asked the Drury Cion- Toronto,'w'sa crushCd under a it•elght Everyone Should • trees the trade mark; price 2:ic. and b0c, ernment to stop the letter -writing ac- train, and died in hospital. { StpAYPORD. ONT. tivities of J. J. Morrison. Walter Andrew's, well known To Drink Hot Water { Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Gen. Sir Wood Macready has tram- ronto cyclist, was injured when j • • We give thorough courses. We Rive I Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ed new plans by means of which he thrown from hIQ motor-cycle.A� r individual instruction. We have no believes better order will be estab- The sailing of the •Cunarder Kais- in thee Morning 1{ iring suiumgr vacation. Students may -- - fished in Ireland shortly. erin Augusta Victoria was postponed enter -at any titue. Commence your Miss Ada Mackenzie and Miss Fior- owing to labor disturbances at South - course nov#. We place graduates in NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK ence Harvey were but out of the run- auipton. Wash away all the stomach, liver, positions. ping for the British women's golf Williain Dunk was arrested in To- and bowel poisons before Write for our free c0alogues. chdinpionship Wednesday. Tonto, charged with stealing bonze of Spring will be bete shortly and Anthonyochofskey ,was taken to breakfast. U. A. A1cLAGtILAV. y the contents front a Duurution >✓x- i e 'Toronto General Sospital in a Wass wagon. I now is the timet;to get your House Principal. Important Events Which Hay. p ` Occurred Dut in,, the Week. critical condition as the result of The Department of Agriculture is To feel your boat day in and day out irnife wounds infiteted in a drunken drawing up further reguuttions to to feel clean insole; no sour bile to wired, before the rush is oil. affray. more effectively control the sale of coat your toIIstte and sicken your ' The Busy World's Hamm-ninata Gare- A free-for-all fight, in which platy- oleomargarine. breath or -dull your head; no eonstipa- ! We Specialize in wiring Of all fully tnrnptleu scut 1'at Intxr ers and spectators JoHred. marred The Yaic•on hockey team, which tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, / School of Commerce Mundy and Attractive +sire rue Wednesday's Michigan-Ontarto game, won the Uiympic gat,trb chau,pion- colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stow- / 1t1ndS, In which Flint beat the Tigers at Ship, arriveu in Mouta'eat Sunday, al,- ach, you must bathe on the Inside like the Readers of Our fatter —A Hamilton. riving in Toronto blonduy. you bathe outside. This is vastly more Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Solid Hour's Enjoyment. A remarkable recovery is reported The Salvation Army held a mass important, because the skin pores do Private Telephones Itil BDAY. at St. Joseph's Con"rit, at Fort Wil- rtteetiug in '1,01,011to in cotuirctibn not absorb impurities into the blood, ' i Offers the following courses : liars, of a nun who had been unable with its "Self -Denial Werk" catu- while the bowel pores do, says a well - t` Busi"si, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil Eight persons were killed and 38 for twelve months to walk owing to paigu, which opens to -day. known physician. Motors' Service injured near Portland when two elec- a tubercular knee. I'he Leafs won the first Dante on To keep these poieons and toxins i well flushed from the stomach, livor. , ecial Courses for tris trains collided head-on. kidneys and bowels, drink before break- �i and arranges Sp FRIDAY. Saturday trout the B:tltic.:u��e Orioles, students The Ontario Government voted An unknown man was found dying three to one, but lost CLQ second, fast each day, a glass of hot water n� The following advantages : $6,000 towards paying the expenses on a lawn o Cornwall-, 7 to 1. They are still in second place. with a teaspoonful of limestone phos- Dynamos yr. of the Canadian Olympic team.Resolutious to adopt a policy 'of 1. The new Canadian cent is to Do phare in !t. This will cleanse, purify t Highly qualified teaching staff "Joe" Beckett, heavyweight cham- non -co-operation with the Indian Electric Bells and Actual hu.iaeae system of bookkeapia$ pion of England, knocked out Bom issued w and after May 16. and freshen the entire alimentary o Into tract, + Credentidlypewriting tests Anew French morning paper will Government because of the terms of Moro gutting more food into the I i bardier Wells in the third round. . settleulent proposed to Turkey have stomach. Positions SuarsaWd A Dominion Conservative eonven- make its appearance in Montreal on been adopted by the All -India Cali - c! S VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL tion in Ottawa was decided on by a May 31. hate Colnntittee. Get a quarter your of pharmacist, ono conference of the patrty in Toronto. Engineers employed by the .Steel p The 'rraues Unionists of Melbourne to inexpensive from your pharmacist. It 1 Burglar Alarm Systems for this district, by Government The Poles have cleared the west Co. of Canada, Hamilton, voted fora a inexpensive and almost tasteless, y appofiitment, and under inspect- have expressed resentment over the except a Sourish twinge which is not ion byi3oldler'sCicil lie -establish- Nkh bank of the Dnieper from Kiev to the general strike. unction of the Sydney, N.S.W., Labor unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot ricer Brzesnica of the Bolshevik At a meeting Sn Toronto Thursday g water a cry morning to rid your eye- Al WORK GUARANTEED meneDepartment. enem the Canadian Racing Association Council in d onie not a participate yy S y�; For terms, etc., y' in the welcome to she Prince of tem of these vile poisons and toxins; h v write dates were revised. Charles O'Brien was fatally hurt Wales. Melbourne labor affirmed ltc also to prevent their tormatlon. a {, F, tVARO, B.A.,M. Aute., hi•cike ipal- and fl•ve other persons were badly The Knights Templar of Toronto p 0 Electric; Fixtures and Supplies of all A. STONE, Com. S(reeialist, Vice-Prin, shaken up in a motoring accident held their annual church parade to loyalty to the prince and the E:n fru. you felt before your blood,snerves land near Allanburg, Ont. St. Al ban's Cathedral. muscles became saturated with an tic - ;,i 'Phone 198, Clinton. ARE INDIGNANT kinds kept on hand. STUDENTS IiUtY ENTER ANY TIME A bill was Introduced in the Legis- The Legislature will hold morning TURKS cumulation of body poieons, begin this latnre by Hon. Walter Rollo provid- sittings neat week in order to expo- treatment and above all, keep It upl 'i�4a Ing for monetary allowances to date the conclusion of the session. As soap and hot water act on the skin, ¢: widows with children. Memorip,l services were held in – --r cleansing, eweetentrig and pur1fytng, so �jk�T• TA � a.--? SPRING BEGINS TUESDAY, The Caroaia which` sailed from Westminster Abbey Thursday for the Want Allies t0 Modify Tfleir limestone phosphate and hot water be - ERV ! 1 APRIL 8tfi Liverpool on Saturday for Halifax has late Crown Princess Gustave Adolph Peace Terms. fore breakfast, act on the stomach, 200 young British farmers and their of Sweden. ' liver, kidneys and bowels. ELECTRICIAN; WEST STREET wives for settlement in Canada. Work on the Welland $hip Canal 7a.NI A bill will be introduced in the was resumed on a small scale Thurs- Ottoman Crown Prince Declares That Spilled Prince F'r•orn SadPlfOne 82 Or l93 Legislature providing for the appoint- day, dredging on section No. 6 being He Will Refuse the Throne Un- CHRIST ClIU1,CH, N. l... SAESI�EN WANTED men of a commission to fix a nazi- recommenced. less the Changes Are Made— mum wage for women and girls. The belief exists among British t)y hi Prince ut ttaltg was hroti'•, _ The Leafs made a slight gain in diplomats that Nltti may return to (iovernrnent at Constantinople by his hvrae 3atwduy at the tact 1'0 represent the the International I,cague race by power. as a result of the ;11910 -Slav Has Ceased !Hostilities Against the course at Mccarcun, atter the Tac � � LE S ,p E V ! D E N C E OLD RELIABLE tONTHILL NURSERIES beating Syracuse in Toronto on Men- issue and the prevailing unrest in the Natjonaliats• events of the day bud been cunt luded, f day. Spencer and Riley made home ,country. rbc prtiur was not Injure<:. For Neatly Two Years. + runs. Dr. W. H.•Bill$, former Dean of CONSTANTINOPLE, May 17-- After taking scvrral jutrtl's the Qi $11CC888 Ot HBDCking 8 The pre-test demand for Nursery Stook The annual meeting of the Cana- the Faculty of Science at the tTaiver- Sultan Mohammed VI, threatens to horse re[usrd throe un, en 1u an at- men pimples and boils np¢rnr on the Heart and Nerve Remedy in yeas•'. dian Conference on Public Welfare sity of Toronto, was honored by the abdicate it he tails to secure modifi- tempt,"at a bush rente, and oil the Y and Hankln$�s Kidney BrEtlsh and European Markets again and of the Social Service Council of Toronto branch of the Engineering cations of the Turkish peace treaty. last occasion apilled file prince ftutu face and bad it stems M if the skin �P open for i:ansdian Fruil Ontario opened In HamVton yester- Institute of Canada. The Ottoman Crown Prince declaree his saddle. The prince, however, in the Beat of the trouble. but the real and Liver Pills day morning. It is stated in shipping circles in he will refuse the throne in that remounted, and atetueu none the diwaae ie in the blood. Largest %st of ' &+'putt it Ornamental, Annie Busch, aged 17, was fatally . London that an,attempt will be made event. worse for his tumble. Lotions and ointments stay allay the .p . Oro" The Turkish Government has trouble for a while, but seldom it ever stock,' Seed Polatoev, rte„ p hurt and two boy friends were in to rl;ise the Lusitaafa. A welTknown Wm. RuWir'toai, R. R. 1, Listowel: in Canada ed when they were knocked from salva$6,flrm is mentioned as likely given orders . to cease hostilities Week In sail or Walk sfz Mentha. 1,ou have to t under the akin dot "I dootxr>,od for efaM yeane for their bicycles by an unidentified •,to vndt r ake:the":jprojeGt- against the nat[onalfsts. HAMILTON, May l7.– Edward O. ic oa( the Stomach Trouble and Pains all motorist In Winnipeg. Extensive mids'of public barracks, This leaves the French troops In Smith, Saturday, before Magistrate tr the blood which is the cause qt• no relief until WRITE FOR PARTICULARS The body i Mrs- Anna Wilson many of them disused police stations Killis (30 miles north of Aleppo) in JelfB, pleaded guilty to drivi$g an troub'e through my brxty. 6 automobtlo while under the influence Burdock Blood Bitters We direct 1 used Hocking's Heart and Nerve Johnston, widow of Robert Johnston, and public offices in Ireland, took a precarious position as the town Is to the root of the disease and restores Remedy which fixer, toe up all right. STONE EI WELLINGTON was found in a foot of water in the place Wednesday -night and in the begs. by Mustapha Kemal's na- of liquor. He was given the option healthy, normal ertion to the d'fft-rcnt t used Hacking's Kidney and Liver horse trough in the barnyard on her early hours of Thursday morning. tionalist forces. of a week in jail and a E6U fine, or ontene and cleanest the blood of all its pills along w" the Remedy," (Established 1637 sons' farm in Guelph township. SATURDAY. Anatolia and Thrace have adopted a $50 One and the confiscation of his im rrities. Mrs H. Hinchdlffe, W Ingham: TORONTO. OXT. WEDNESDAY. Wheat is sprouting near Edmonton. a belligerent attitude toward the car for six months. He decided to pay ' r. F_ C. Goodwin, Cambridp, N.H. Rev. ah E. Phillipa of Emerson, Man; W. J. Bpwer has been appointed Turkish treaty, and are openly the $60 and walk for six months. writes:—"For nearly two ye11 %I was on the point of a complete wag drowned in the Maitland river Chief of Police of Deseronto,• threatening to refuse the terms, ir- from boi'.n and puapire on my taco and Nervous Breakdown, could not ele.rp at Mount Forest, Ont. I Montreal bakers will raise the price respective of the Constantinople 1 Huron Anglican Synod has fixed of bread^to 15% a ]oaf. Government.'s action. Mr. Pre d iG rr, of Crediton, the f t �, cock, and nearly m es say tri iy mora i or plan my homehold a du my curter 1 ofl stiff my Heart said my Nen•m the minimum stipend for clergy at The Canadian Society of Technical At the time Mustapha Kemal tele- shot of Nur,,n county, ranted uf7 th • covered with the pimple. tried sad Mors could do IRAle for me. TNS 3, LTS COAL DO• the m, with free rectory. AgriCultuMata has been organized at graphed to Paris that the Turkish utter prize in the up+n ruck +'�t'ttt everything, but Qct no ry Burdock ! After taking the first box Hack- cl)one h &Gledhill Hon. H. C. Nixon tory. introduced a bill Ottawa Nationalists wq old not be bound b) .it Balt fatef}, brealtktK IV of Blood1",U day a friend advianti me tot Burdock I ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy I Suecessore ko M g bottles the bons and pimples bad alt left 1 Improved so much in health that i in the LeLgislature to increase pro- Thef Salvation Army's h d ectal ed the cty, Mur?atttin Kemaof l roopslon tlfti x pterce4. p if trlvuft Rht*4th Mr. Kerrd i. ropa Ithtrrt! and anter using three BgCf jj, VE AG FOR vincial grants to hospitals. dr me and there r nn acre of them return - launched �n'Unaed with a 6 box treatment C�/ New steamer services are being in- dinner Friday night. the Symrna front, in the belief that m+c+ riield fit to t tf c qualifying "ft', run !can stronKty recommend B,B•$- and am able to rotvrn to my work VALLEY �fu� to anyone who ie troubled with akin wtth renewed vigor." LEH{GH augurated between Montreal and An earthquake Friday shook the his rejection of the treaty would h xh, held Brand antford ylRy NRt, 1.,.n disease.11 West Afpiea,,$outh Africa and Swe- plateau in the region of Udine. The be followed iGreek tvi by an ad- ild `for th,,ay 1tfnrt•f,,"yT"fwtxel vct ng "i" Manufactured only by The T. Mil- Mr. Richard Jones, Doon, Ont: THE COAL THAT 5AT1SPI125 den. people of the cities are camping on L vance o1?fCthe Greek divisions. Thorriiis Carey, a returned soldier, U. S. Socialists are urging the Gov- Mustapha has even withdrawn all un n wrth t\%,, 4parev to K+, to Hint ium Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. "1 have had Pains under my Heart c C 1 I in.e — r , -- for some Limo and tried all eq%te of fl owned• In the Assini. ernrnent at Washington to release levies from the ravRged territor} %t Br rltr,Krd r `•tint Sill qtr. for br•,+{, - ml bat•„ boon to four dlf- We der in Hard and . out oa , . Fire Brick, Pire Clsy, aI60 aged 20, wase r boia river when trying to get out a Eugene V. Debs and a11" other politi- west of Bronssa, which bP has re. taken froth the antt-hationallata. H - it birds ant ,,f ttkl. Cement, Turd And Soft Wood, Maple and Canoe. then We fined at Windt#or cal prisoners. The Baltimore team repeated its inflicted terrible Dtnlahmcnt on thr Hun er titrikern Leave infirmary. AemlocicSlabs. Six E600 each for falling for six days to success of the previous day by beat, ing the Leafs in Toronto yesterday. inhabitantsrillva gingroopaydEstruyea leaders, LUNllON, May 17. — 'thirty-four Fresh Cars of Lime and send income tax returns to the Authorities. The score was I to 0. whole villages . in ConatantlnoPir Sinn Fein hunger strikers, recently rrl front Wormwood icrubbg Cement jus t received � A bill was introduced In the Legis- 1$,tureby Hon. 1•ienry Mills providing Miss Leitch, the British women's golf champion, retained her title by The forces raised have nearly all cone uvt•r to Kett L Prison, who hate ar it tit th been - go(l, oin tInfiraary,ri,ttiue1London,elert Marylebone tor the conservation of Optario's nal- defeating Miss Gri@ltha in the final and the Governurert's comrn:in,;u• going the in - - 75 &at gas supplies. `' played in Ireland Friday. in honor of drmaiy �nndaY airrrnoon ax u pro - OFPICR PITONS .- 175 pin's doctrines at1.BQing widely A memorial service 111cMast.er was con- test agwnxt un alleg,•.1 shortage of B. J.SAuLTs' RRSIr{FNCrt W. W. SAIJLTs' RF,SIDENCB 101 W. act ut the C$"tic llufit, region, Georkid, it is saidsl Wme Bol- � '• the late J. Short ducted by Rev. T. T. Shields at Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto. SAGE AND SULPHUR Ac- i ttitif and h. .i a ill. Ow d. the U.,iu ,�l,,il, th,• Wantons c"Ile,l overnight: Keeshig, of the Ctipe failed owing to tui illneba of fire w r The smallg5r fMlatll!d,idf iS In New England are ,ij044r`jtj�•tr6Y*cancella- tion of contt`i£4*t1 QRai1iR tbncre2aes d"btld Laurence Croker Indian band, was acquitted of the charge of bigamy, and Atlas Engan has married his brother WIJlta. DARKENS GRAY Nall steward ani rho xdnticsion of aoverut now 1 rLto 1', ,nets refused to p.., t«ne ui rue iL,plUYiBeU re+medlos a ferent doctors and could got no ro- lief. I took one box of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and fel: very much butter I peak another box anrd have been 000 to work again it,dor+• I took your remedy I cuulri not work for weeks PA a tlme, the pain was so great." These ar'e m-d•y a few of the many tesattmoniole duff come to us volun tartly and 1 ern sure that you too will KM bmefirdal results if you �!',1 but give thorn a fair ?.tial. Buy th"m from your dealer. IWist on Hack In8'a " n cost of pYtiti XCc i Rev. Dr I,,0tftln 0,iheaching the bac- British Columbia Methodist Con- ratronx. + T. SWARTS' calnure�.'trilkasl•�Yait, 'for McMaster Uni• ference reports an increase of $1e30: It's Grandmother's Recipe t0 -- J versify; detjjOkcld the lack of oriKinal- 000 in collections over last year, and t us,Livery arld Ity in modern thought. nearly 1,000 new members admitted. Restore Color, aIOBS D ` LLa7 i + ,] VV Toronto's bill, providing for the International averages lust roieae- and Attractiveness. iJ operation of the street railway under ed'Ohowt Toronto leading In team bat- Hach Stables '-Transportation committee, was ap- tin by 22 points over `f3atimore. ` r o Mor proved by the Private Bills Com- rlt ovule of Jersey City is the lead- Almost everyone knave that Sage Tea l�Apn+s••atl ft re�t tr+it+t e „ - ,tt:!er With and Sulphuy, p"perly comp! tndt-d, Just off cite Square Miss A. C. Mackenzie and Miss the body of a beautiful young Rus brings bark the natural color anti Metre • ship woman has been found in Lake to the hair when failed, 4treaked or tt The National SinVit�„ .r♦i,r (10tieva. On the reverse side of one gray, years ago the only ws77 to get this �ipsaes Meet sit Trains and 'dt the bank notes found upon her was mixture watt to make it at hemi which Passenger f3oats til+titten: "Good-bye. Am another vie- is mosey and troubleecme: howatLtye, by if Pasrenxerltcalled for in sur time of the BolshevistA." ank�in at any drug store, for "Wyctill part of fife town for all A large deputation requested the Sa6�' and Sulphur Compound." You, will trains at A. T. R. or C. P. R. Drury Government that munietpall- get a large bottle of this famous old tiff- lacking high schools or col- recipe, improved by the addition of other ncFOte. ]@;latex should contribute more to- ingredients, for about 60 cents. Prompt Service and vrAiid the malntena►nce of those I11att- 1)o�n't efat AYo one aYi u dsTkpnr'd your Careful AttelrAance, ttltiana w which they send students. can esibl tela that y hair, is f� doss it so naturally and sr MONDAY. evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft A snowfall of six Inches is reported brueb with it and draw thio through Still the 1OOSt i {tint' fi.f'VeTy &ad Hack SetviCa from near Fredericton, N.B. your hairy taking one +'[nip atratW ata 10 • will be fttiltld mo -to -dace Sterling exchange In New York on time; by thbiting the ��IIrray hair die - la even respect., Saturday was quoted at x3.81%. tPpgcr;, sad after another apfilfestioe for the money i f1 (lassie Pbrtitir"1 t bas liet''otne alit !k- or J**, poor Lair � b"Utifully 1 . 'All►r'tlr•, ccri>,tve prdducer of eggs alld,titrai1M. ft4ki Woeay fthd *U041111ft- qN it.eta lttlltttrtitt]ie>ySoltCltM s A IlYaneh bf UIP ChtnusE9 NtttfGai►1- 4Vyettr'B at9d titllpMtWr pound TORONTO i � j� iet, League has been organized to St. y a delightful toilet requisite fel! those � �Nr,n �! Mnaeae� �y . �-`✓�e`�' Y IL's r 1 �7WA I� y Catharines. who dtsire dark hair and a yo111 irttitsl ap `�-e.» ' N►y 11Retilitrtia! gfrfrjlt r, henry Hudson, alne rears old, of pearsace. It is not intendtd tot the set% H faitisritios or prevention of dlseaAe. sq14111 Ali f ey •