HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-20, Page 3. 1, +y -1 v
x,, +tit H
1M1F..FCY'r.+'+'�+s.PQwF-r.�>.w,nry• . c-•�gw.;f.K,.;i..Rq .. .... .
'I'm l.sDii, '2► , se+th ttis�t1. '"� ►' H' 4'sTmt
W . swr.aa. 1177- T11t
a • `' Ti , �`*I,�,NWNW hattallow
R�.RhR11111 1XZ Q ]��..._ 4
.R� t Tho Clintonf+lode! Scheel ila,rd has �lr, as lats,erley passed a\tity at dll>fi n ,
' thoM6 .in k2x0ter on Thursday. Mit± 11
W� decldetl to grout am tulzrea a df,,, fbp ill 13th, after some �*varti of failing belklttr.
. the harries of all the tc chers. F E'er many year's he carried on a fural r n
te a. W.&IM4WIS' MARKED. "' Capt. Thomas Waller. of London. tune anti un(lertaking business and `• ��+. ii.o. ,
*"Sho� Of Br ttlt'anr ' '17IigNTO. &lay 17•-- The later►t Eng., uncle of Mr. Wm. Walker, of vK&a a oighly, respected •cltizen. tic a
.�„�, quotations on the Farmers' Mark0t Clinton, passed away suddenly rec,,ontr .lt+aves a w'ldow and two daughters to i a W,
. ar„g, as follows: 11/ modrn his loss, I
`, of (000 tae4ta, thtrile dla�y k1 anti !traw-- • Mrs. D. Schaffer, of Dash\vtwd, pas- Rices Leila Mounteastle, of idne On'
1 ajn riaY. foo. 1. per ton ,.isY 00 to 434 tt0, y. t'
Hay. No. 2, per ton .. 28 oo 29.00 Red away on Wednesday of Inst week Australia, a relative oT tho blitw,es '
wh4Ch conite ort from titge to tilltle" in. ' Straw, rye, per ton .. 25 0o 28 ort after a few weeks' illness from heart 'Moumteastle, Clinton, has beyii on It }
I `ltilGfte a weakeuett too p(i -, of the heart trouble. \ lsit to them. the is private secret rry
1 di*tirdered state of Hitt neTSFO. Straw. loose, per ton.. 13 UO 14 int I �� '
Milblira's Heart and NtYv(s Pills have straw, oat bundled. per Mrs. Joseph Allison, art old resident i to .Jr. l/eurb-e Wright. matulging dir-
troequal its siren h ton .. ..... is o0 so 4-i ' of Clinton, passed away at the Huron etvtor of F anter & Co.. `Sldney, \vlly, It
gt piling the boort soft Farm Produce, Rstail- 1 �� [th his \Ifs a Sit
*"gorating the nerves. Eggs, new, per doz....so 5o to to ISO
County Home on Wednesday. Nlay 5th , )' foul strretury are nthk-
ritt�: �I have tlpetl �n pwat4�s thy.'-' 'Acer tityiiii, lb.. 0 46 0 Tuegiayemvrning Of last week James hrre t►1t.s1�it �+; ,,litrough h elf and ttt�eand
ttrftira try.. 0 63 0 going to E tont] :-
Sc�lra o
*cond box of Mt �lt.-1je4 tit tltpti, 1 :8a1Upt fpwt'-tb„ ... 0 45 0 Emitlle, a pioneer settler at \\'alttlu lu-' P u4- luunth 1
fuve fill* and Slat, i►r ', ' j (''a'uriteys 1►er t t ..... 0 Go 0 ss raHt \u Jtultunubllt' rulhaiou art erred ' ,'D i � a ti O lib
jkeyr � y, passed away after a brief iltnesn
tt'Pr0' "b. ri,k...... 0 45 .,,t. from pneumonia In his 137th year. Just outside Wi hain on Sunda af- ' mid
7I 9 . . I had thalle'faintiug;-tlitsy - I=t Farm Produce, w oteaats.y
=I Mpella ones in a whilt„Andsltlf>Lt46�IIkazClts nuttaF Ar*amerx. fresh Mr. D. W. Collitlf of Windsor. farm- Iternoon. lku+ of flit cars \\aa drt\en t.
shortness of breath, and would be- made Ib. squares ....$0 a6 td. 0 t by William Adair. of 'Purnberry, and � the
i 6t cry of Trivltt Memorial clhurch, Fxe- the ecru t
•come so choked up at times- I could do. do. ailtda, rhe.-.... 0 63 0 •4' p: nts of the other tvrte• Wig. -
ter, has been presented ls'lUt a h'ortt i
do.e do. cut, solids . 0 64 0 6S 1st•; . hlddle and twill. tit Willghanl , Merits 01
hardly sleets without sitting u in bed + .roan by a member of tris conl;tega- i
p Butter, choles dairy. 1D . 0 5A 0 GQ I Huth cars \Sere hadl\ dailla,vd, one
�Viren waiktng too fast I would have to Oleomatgarine, Ib. ...... 0 37 tion. I losing IN -lo \vtwel•. Ail tilt, lip'n et,- (�t
(Ittop and try to catch my breath, I Eggs. dew -laid, Ib. ...... 0 Fi3 0 51 \l4-. Ja>. \t. Har reaves, DrOtQer of 4-a i ,I in urs. l't,r \\'tnaham ear hr.,{yard V
feel a lot better afore I have used ur ohgese, old, !b. ......... 0 34 g i J
pille, and know that they have help�ly�nye Cheese, new. Ib. ......... 0 32 Mr. John Hargreaves. a former busi- lunlrrd lu I:xra 51rrldvr , gtti•age mall.
wonderful) as I have improv v Honey, comb. dozen .. 5 On 7 op new man ;rt Brussels, died at \i'iuni- »
Y > c'1' Honey, strained. per lb.. 0 25 d 244 \flrr ;m tllnrsw 1•\t, utlittK o\'rt' some �In ����
Much." Pura Lard- peg May :dh after un Illne R of about a 1 oaths, \Ir. Amteu It. Nviltse, a \\,•II t
Price 504-. a box at all dealers or Tierces, Ib. .......,.$0 28 to I.... \\Pek. f(Ilowing a ltaralvtie stroke. 1 kni\\n and respeGled viti2terl of Clhtt in
mailed direct on receipt of rite by The ; 60 -Ib. tubs. 'b. ......... 0 28!1/ passed a\\av about a year after their passed a\\ay rail) �nmGiy wurntnc
T. Milburn Co.. Limited, orolatio, Out. Prints .......... o st , - .
SNortsningr marriat;r ,clod tri+ nrrilbl \\116,, dir,l 1 \la)' 81h, at til.' ripe asrt• of ll8 yt'aI•y AOrrPLArJ'. After tilt grand t11UCC11. he
Tiercils, Ib. ..........$o 26% $.... emir )rar, agn at Clinton. 'Air. Wiltse and If munthc. Mr. Wilhr was horn aumplailled of feeling tired, tlrt.pped
OSTEOPATH 60-1b. tubs, Ib. ........ 0 27 ... is sumilved by two sons (Harrison tit LPed, Count) and rrsid,vl at Athens out of the dune,, and seated himnt,Ir
Pound prints, ib .ea , 0 80 and l.e\i and one daughter. Mr. Han- tintil lit' rrntu\rt] to Turk.•rmidth in After talking
i 1N. uliOluiE tL1sILEMA,ti Oateupatn, Fresh Mesta, Who'eaala Ilg with friends for ti few
1) spec
salist In nomou's sod chltdrett'b Beef, hlpdquirters, cwt.$21 00to$2900 P!• +sf Clintim. Ylr. Wille mu\e,i to 1841 and n lira rtuR life at .lthen+ helot,luruls, he aro.,• to hl., frrl and tit-
q,;aasea. ,wrote, clu•oulc slid ueevou+s Ills- gasp, choice sides. owe. 2U o0 2a 00 taint,+n in the fall of l9il. I \\-as a I„i gis(•ate of thy• Ur,n\'n. tlr l must im,nedlalvt) fell lu the [lour, and
orders, partial deulness, eye, ear, erose Beef, forequarters. cwt.. 14 00 ]T 00 was t\vlcr ❑Isrried. Itis firs \\IP, neer re'
and lhruut. Adenoids removed without gest, medium, cwt...... 1R 00 ,7 u0 ' m S-itur•lay, May 8th, another of l.ahted r„u,cduitsness.
Me III le Culls11It"'011 tree. Ou1ce and Beef. common, cwt. .... 1t] no 18 00 the l,i,,lwvi� of Turnherr\ pns-+',i \ ,prrrtl uurlinF ,.f the \\'1uAiutut
backre-ldlrce, Nelson and ce ,3t. Andrew's Streets Lamp , spring, each..... 14 00 17 00 ..\\a) 411 tl�,e ,rrnui ur Nip. Itnherl I,r\\i rnunrll \\a+, h•'ht .ti, \louday 4-\ - �•---
garL of Trngterauce nall, north 'bt.roet. l.dmlt, per 1b. ...... U 30 0 &1 1
Orrice Ituurc u to 12 a. th., I to 6 p, tit. I ,(kin., ;I:.II 80 yrars, lie had brill illus ..f I,,,l \\...I, l„ di-ru,s Ih4- huil,l•
Aluiidoy'+. I'huradaya and Saturdays. Mutton. cwt. .. 14 00 18 JO
L. eul,lgs b4- appou,Unent. Veal. No. 1. cwt. .... 23 00 2G On ,,� i,tiv� h,, >„i in faro, \,im-It tin' inu of ,, rl•'\\ •Lull, t„ ropl,,c,.• tilt, our
_.^_-- _ ___ Hogs, 120 to 150 lbs.. cwt 23 00 27 00 \\.•,•6 pr4-\iuns. lie had rl•9it]t• I u1 ;.laiutKed tlr+' I.4-,•\ l�u, T�at,lrtla). Hoy.
LEGAL GARDE -- Hogs, heavy, owt. ... 19 00 22 00 'riirnherl') stmt, sixty year: I I'att,v'S"ll, ruurll> Ivluim, r \\a: en-, i
Poultry Price$ Being Paid to Producers.
,I, ,ill• �"
i ,Lin, a r , 4-
1 e• The fun, , 1, 1 I ;illif ,
(�HAHLka +{ARRO\V, UarrL-tor, tiuUt:,tur � Lv 1,.elpht Prices- .• r I f thy• Iatr Thntupsuni p t,llca-, T
lJ Etc. ,:,,rst, trurt.. street nod Syunre,) Chickens, lh. ..$U 30 to $.. 111,111'. \\I,,, ,il d in T„r„ut„ „n \runt,' , ti,nl• n- Ihr' hui,I , of a n4-\\ dtuu '
Under tic. ()tit.' Ducklings, Ib. .. 0 40 .... .,f 0%t \\,.I,, fnrn,t•1.1\ a ,,,',idem ,,r i'ud hri,ic,• ;,not ,, ,p.•rial runuuilL•, I
Hens. under 4 lbs. 'b.. O a2 ,aull„n, lu.,l Iter it, �rafurth Thul,-I\\'I` `tl,l'1'ilile'l lu luuk nftel• the bufld-
f'tl(.\S. $L.\GEII _T.-.— Hens, 4 to 5 lbs. 411 i � t
lJ ens, Duel 6 i. . .. O 32 day nn, It
:, \lat, 13th \It• 1:1118' was an,l III, IstNu1F of \\atrr mttius.
Roosters. Ib. 0 2:5 T. it, avoll)
Barrister. Eoltrnur, Nuuu•y Public ••-••••• •••• :, b4 -"tint, "f th•• L, t.` \L•�• Thr •uunt,tl cuuuty cuu\,•nlluu of Iln• -
anu Conveyw,cer Turkeys, lb. ........... 0 40 .... and \Irr. 11 S. 1:11iff, ,.f 1:Ilutul,. �,,,tth Iluruu �un,1a) ,chuul \,vnri;,- 8®®�
OIL\• : G.ul1 H.,usr, (aldet•tcn. Guinea hens, pair ...... 1 25
Dressed-- S,.&,rtli- has In',.ii,pect, of ;I n, \\ in- 11"n \\a, h4 -hl in flu• \lain Rltrrt �lrlh..
C. IIA\. Thune 88.
Chickens, lb. EO 35 to $..,. tht,tr)" nlb4ptnf;utul'iu� nIa1'i11• uul �,,,Il,l et"I'Th. F\4 -ter, tin l villa) l,u,t
It. Chickens, milk -fed, ib.. 0 40 ••. „ll:•t' Ka -„line 4-n I"\ Thr \Ir,'
oti-rister. solicitor. Notary Public Etc. Hens, under 4 lbs,, lb. 0 32 K I r„,,(l,'11l, 1:. \l. Ilatlrlt, of
Office Ituniltuu SI., Sterling Bank Black Hens, 4 to 5 'b ..... 0 A7 t -kid t” 4-i\,• a l";UI nr wails,, ..r II Itr11r,•11•'Id, pr4-,ided, stud those Ki\ing �j��
utAlrr,rll Hens, over 5 !bs, .... 0 38 .... ritir.. n, ur SC.,f„rti; t” lel„' ,1, 'Il, I,, •,t]111” -.,•- iurlud•�d \Ir. Henry �tratl,r ilii
neat 6vtate, I.oaus, In+urance Turkc .a. Ib. .......... 0 45 .... th.,t ,:utu,unt. .1 r,nnni,ll•' I, t,vAiu;: „1' flnr„mt.Ilr; .\tis, Taggart, of Ihr
Roosters. lb. .......... 0 25 tit, ,,,,Litt.•,, Lit) \\tit. Ito , n, I ,', ntral ,flit.... '1'„ruin,,: Ell•\. I1. ill
\Ct\\'El"A.N(J.N J A'.Sb \01'AR1 .. T- Guinea hens, pair ...... 1 501,•lil?'
c WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. Tit— tuarvjaig,• t„ d, i,I n, ,1<,inlrlun 1•,t1'"ll, tit' Fau,\It14-. :tilt] tit•'\. S. M. MeogT t p 0 vane
bEUR(Ik. F, c19 slid
LADE, fl1100d, Con a\,•i,l.' M, fl,•. Il:uirll. ,.1' IaVdllnn
Vet;h".1119 and lultu•y f`u L!•r• Winnipeg, bfaY 16. -May testa closed ,l Il�f rLi�r,'I,. Toronto, or+
_ _ tic higher; July Sec higher, and October Thilt',.Lt):d'41a> ,',tL, fh'\. \1'. F:. Ilak,•t \Ir. Jelin Craig. fnrllwrl) til' taint„n
1Tlt,ll,Ul001, IfILLUiIA?i h CuuI:E, 'tic higher. Barrel'. lc hli;hl•r for May „!Nrl,tink. .,i NII- M;u'Lt I.u„Iuy. vi i- ,lwd \i r' .uddrul) \\l•dueti,hy 4-\4-11- 6
3 and July c u Flax c ow f
Y /a P d or
u- 'h n
I •+ , • i• N torr,,* 4-u ,
Harr . t _til t tw s
t ,
. 141,1 t \ 1' til_ .\ 1•'
•,l ;.I ..I .I1. .u,l \1t,. til ,ill \\hit,
May an l4- lower i n u. F: l I attending • ..,
d o 4-r for Jul R e,
ha., Etc. Y Y Y un- , Cl bast"can get -
1!nlce-On •hP Square, :hut ono,, ,1•,1,11, changed for May. Quotations: (""Il • r', „` t:�ult"!1, !•� \I!•. Prrr)� Hit- ,In,•ra,b• hall izi\'rn by the 'I'hi,tlr taut
Ita;'lllton ,tr„•'t, Umlel ,(I. ! Oats: May -Oven. $1.18%; close, $1.18. , !,,.,,, , f„•'n1, 1' Ilp 1111,.1' of L,gIK Ilruri,. ,.a! , ,.1' \\ 01.11 h,' \\ate
Pr,vntP I :,.ds to loan o4- LN\Pit rates. July -Open, $1 087/{1; close, $1.09y4a. Oc- „I' Iln• 1111-I
W. PIMIJ)roo'r, K. t.., toher-Open 871/2c; close, 87Y4c.� - -•
1. L. KIL1,011AN. 11. ,I U (onlf K. I Barley: May -Open, $1.71;'4; close, * is _
i _ _ _ _-_- - - _ _ A1.71%h, July -Open, $1.601/4; close, ,CLIMBING
i ■ �(.QI�i�'' '�'t„]>rt �ANADI N ''A LPS
lit'CTIONEERI\4: ' $1.69%b, d.+la` B 1 V THE
„�, Flax: -May-Open. $5.17; erose, $5.16;5,
riailu.41A1 G('\UltY. July--On-n. $5 04; clove. $5.05b.
, 1 _+ Rye: May -Open. $2.40: close, $2.40b.
Live Rusk ono t;rnel=til Auciune,r, Cash Prices: \\ > �� : _ o \ Y
Oats -N o. 2 (1. W.. $1.18; No. 3 C,W, c,. z 0 ,i Y
IlanulU,n street, Guderlrn. %. ,ti > ,5'
58 nw,Pn ,,very'\\bore suA all efforts $1.151/,; extra No. 1 feed, $1.15; No. I a Y 0 N i
feed. $1.13144; No. 2 feed. $1.101/.; track, o
made W g1Ye .You saUsfuctlun. t� >?. p
t°*rmers' stile notos discolmVrti. $1.18. �m r > x n \.�:..
Barley -No. 3 C.W., $1.82\5; No. 4 \ 4 •z< g„ ..\ \ t• � ^ `
. 0
" PMK I ,
. h
osat s.ea.. Amb. , 1 • I ,!
��: it" mother.
r N t�talrf t Itovs,�
and girlsI I-
e, tit"t I
the sweet toir ail
ages --at Work or
It P11W.
fl. -
When vou're
nervous or tired.
see how it
The Flavor
AA.. 'IIt
t !
Lastsi I
/�. -.P
�fk!�11. NI 11 1l1,1650011101&t?_ S •N ' s r
/. HE VOR,.
l f
I r -
I n
r5 •
0 I -
"/N 7-,g icLAV0.4
C.W.. $1.8616; feed. $1.62; track, $1.71,,44. y ¢1i,� -.Zc# _ \\ i\ ; ;: a, ----'--
IntiUlt It\I'L k' s ,t
4 , Flax -No. 1 N.W.C'.. $5.16%: No. !
.. - C W. $5.12+¢ 5¢
No, 3 C. $4,,46 ;track, \ y r \S� t ac
A[[tL1Ll.t)P Alh'1'UAL F'iH[i Iti l F5.1\ 4. $S.lfitS, : 3 r til $1!\\\
1 Cll. RyP-Nn. 2 (.W.. 32.40. : �I Z \�\ <
.'artn end latdslyd '!'own Properly lnnuru;, a 4F: t 0. r
Value or property Insured up to Januar:'. CHICAGO GRAIN_ MARKET. r , t ` fit t •� t t\ <". 1.
nidi, l3,08.117t,01- A, L. Hudson & Go.. Standard Bank I -i �> \ � a`<., ,<\; � t_.
OFFICLIlIS-Jaules Cnnolly, P,e9ldent. Building, report the following prices on ` x
•iudeOrh Jn,. I,vau:s, \ Ice•Pres,dwit, the Chicago Board of Trade; , ,{; �; + `' 'K .:..� 1 ,.w.. .. '
ast,echauod ; 'r. E. llays, sec. -'Ileac., sts>`- kr+ F
I e rth. Prey. ,.i x . .
DIRECTORS -D. F. NrGreg•„r. searurti• Oben. High. Low. Close,Cloae,
4 G. (i, ie%e, Winthrip : \\'u,. Wl in, Con' May . 221% 222% 221% 222 ... N Ir y ”
stance : (leorge llfccartn% 'I uctter,rn,t" : July . •. 2143` Z1s55 214 y. 21435
rt lin Ferris, Hgrtock ; uhn tieunowise.. Corn- }
r S
6roadhalrau : 5fa cubit»1cG\\all Bruccl,eht, May 197 197% 196 19614 196 � � ° e
A,:ENI'S-J, W. roe, ttodectch , Sandy July . 1.78% 170%' 177% 1781/. 177%' \ • :'. [ � t I i�v
nein 11, lahrion : \1'ul, enosncy, senitaib . Z �”
E. 411nchlry', �,,��t'aturth Sept. ... 164ya 16535 164 1641/[, 164'k s`6 fix' j. x a
Policy Ilnitfet's can pac then• asgessmanta Oats- .,:.'
n( ft, H. Cbtt'a Store., hodertch. A. J. Ater- May . 306% 107% 105% 106% 106'5 £' 0' '' ~� < kI.,
rlsns 41'rthlu Stile, t lntun, u4- ,, t4- Jttly ,,. 931/ 94 92% 93 92% ,� „ � ° \, y
_rr ; tK \,
g Sept ... 76•ya 77% 761/4 T6% 78% • ',�,r+'• .
_ pork- g
. _ May • • • .•�- . n3c.00 36.30 1/
INOTAIII 1•k BLIC, VIC. July .. 37. E5 37.25 37.'l5 37.00 37.00 n f ;
.. -_..1111._ 1
It "r:1l. ItAILIL. Lard- 9 ^t fw`: '
9 ` May ... ..... ..... ..... ,120.37 .....
F t\OTAlt1' Pt BLII' July ... •• .•- `Mt.... b21.20 21.35
r,,olleral Com,•)aucing uune Sept. . 23.15 22.32 22.07 22.02 22.20
Go s1 Cun,�,anw• Itepre,enl,•,l Rlbs- �. ` 1
4uderictt fturRl 'hu:le :1 r 1t.
\t•iy . n18.35 z`:'
f Ruure \•. 't \^,,,,•,1 July ... IS.'I� 18 ,15 19,75 18.75 18.95 .. i• y. 04? J
-,� - S ,t. ...'19."" 11.72 19.47 19.55 19.67 i f Milti
- r r 1 \
114-. DeY1ItI><'s French. Pills ��� ," ;"`
A reliable Regulating Pill for Women, i , - 1/sifYh�yk Flo rye
a $6 a box. Sold at all Drug Stores, or CATTLE riCr` ARHET8 Where 'vile Aiineti,e la Alwayz n A S"I t�'y
P malted to any address on receloi of Ni Tll, lv� . - `a " ,, ��""
pr FG; The f3cobell Drag Co., St. Cath- 11IUN STUCK YARDS. s ;;x4- 'ro > r . `°
art ' vrpnliasao. I 'TORONTO, May 17, -Receipts of Srct.ions of ''t, .\';,:•I C1 "i n•� 4-r '��yy._ �, t�- 1 .:!�f� _".aar Nati''
P OSPHONOL FOR MSN live stock at the UniOA,YaTds at ten Canada in n'' .,I,,: i "I''"!r•,a,.'I- f .. ..^s,l4, t"� ,��•�” r
M,L • l ha\ e , ; h 1 r ;'s,; r ; �} �,i49 a A, bit,4"♦s`
;. Retitorea.Vi and'VltalltY; for Nerve o'clock last night and ori sale at to- I /' % g •t
I attri.8raih; Increases 'gray matter;' a dty's warket consisi of ,.2$4 cars, i.4-+�nqv 0! 1:1, rt orcin'. \,••I,lr !1. , �t, r j/4- . Ylrk /
4-r a . 4`N
S r
3abox o
r r
tId , ort u i /: '
T riit�••W 4-1 • bu D t r • , .y
i Y made u of 4,202.cattIei;756 calves, \'\heeler, ?nt';!,ru..0 til u,,l, .g
t e Yor $5, at ot•at3 stores, or by mall p ,, OF, . _ , �✓i
on recelpt of Price. The Scobell Drug -,500 hogs, and 251 sheep and lambs, survey eolntntw li til ]n4- 11 t . '1'h.•r,: , . ��% 7� / a 1/a wA P^ t -• s4'' t,
.Co., St. Catharines* Ontario. t< III[:(.!I I,” [7t.: i , .. ,.•:1t of et ZI , // � /r 9f ori ; x r
\\'1NNIl I:G LIQ'! !;'riri K. 'f r . :y. 't �, t y fy%r:,11
- intcrext 11 4-i• n ,. ,, of ' <'I i:',, b' t r 4-V J ., , 4-y j - r` r .
Winnipeg Mus ]S. -Receipts, 117 cat- 1 ^, r 4-T ' 3 t r
s tin and 30 hos Trading as t , re ie, al. , .{ ,r Ia' al whl .r a; y , f Nl/
g ttg w extremely ' „ //jf r I t,{1 `n'iY
yule[ with bidding generally steady wJth f^eta '1• q i "'.t :• ;',:'i'. 5inrp It / �inr' ,y n r
y.wterdaY's closing. Butcher steers lnr,!;s forvil ,I .n a ,4-'a ly ,n ••-ra'•'d ru..v;"'.�,+- Y' ':w r,y!Sr ?•r
n r
McEwen's Specials
� __
CIII: 1: , 1: rnl,or- . . . . -, __
1,atlie, 11,t„C, Ajlr•,II, I' \ . .. �' 'IU ' . t; I _ .
Cu:tu n NlLcurnl frow ',:,,! , . tr.l . .
I,.t,llc ",,ti li -a, -I et, t' . . $I o.l i +l .1 i i
(iul. 11l!r 1{,I.I..,,.. I.' \ , . .... _ ' 1..
1tt \t'.l l',�.'1'. 1 .. .. l .t -r
,Ivy - {'•I 1- - ,,.,
I ,,,••
Jis - JWcE .
'Phone 46 South side Square
r�hP �R■ C wrrr quoted a[ $13 to E16; heifers, choice t.,l= u` 1m,r •- 1 ', : i'ltu the fa,t- r 1N7-111' yy / 4" h.� r`\ �s
4 'ply V V �O 1 uallty.' $12 to 14: cows, choice, $11 t0 .%x o- �i �i -`
s sl3 Hog quotations held steady with :, 4-u•. f `Itr ,r a' ',i'z , c'•..;, fir`,- . -71", xpi'z
yesterday's 50c advance, being quoted ., , , olio v ''I r �k 1........��/.3' //tFsyr a j % y/iR< � �� /"i.•
GODERICH at $22. - j ' n / h
i I r, , II. . - 1,, ',n..nrc .,Ia' .t. G,' 'b4- l Iii^'. ./% ,r,'�� ,_ -t' r 4";
I•f .1„ ' 1!1 a:1 I• :,, . love y ,f,11" t" t 1/f �y%µ ms
TNe Leading French Retire Before Turk Rebels. r ...I t tit ; , 11#P1 s " ' ..
CON T NTIN \' �' 't " Is ;1 4-. i y ^,r
S A OPLE May 17.-A a;'• a , ! 1 ,,, :n: a K� k, i ,i -.
Mineral Directors y\ -�° � �x
y French column of 3,000 soldiers h t„ mlp,d to w:tk, , ,I n i'I, - Yl, l _�
Md. �mbaimers w lch lett KilliO, Atha Minor, May 9 ;^, \icor ,m IP 4-I av, ,1 t t' .1. '
c tor'' relleve the garrison at Aintab, v r _I.1. I
g 1,`h7 1,:'1 f,hlr a•'tiv't .•. i 4-h' ill9'1 :1- i''
Orders easefully attended to about thirty miles north of Killis, to;nw and of Ihr ia, t tial thy I;LaI- �.
at a11
was met by a strong Nationalist force 1 'a, • ,•Itp for comp.. iI inn by amaI' lir „ , ,
r}lOurB-nlgi]t Or day ,,when tep tulles from lea deatillatton r:uti;atain paurorra;ihPrR way won '' ,•
' • .• '- •and was compelled •to return. The 11.1; stltnm,r by Ur. H. 19. Buly,ta of I r , ,
Nationalists were-- equipped with L,inlonion., r' . s > t�"
,t 1,000 eannon,..outrangt9f; the Freaeh With h4te-POftee •o [be erection of a `' 1/ � �° c 1.
I* l.
,� !' 76's, and keDC up a co tiaual attitck s t'+able m,tnortal to the soldier 1 `~% #'1. i '
upon the French. •A(}trees received rn�mberq of the t,,1 tiue club, the d,- ' /' �j.// r' t30
r l , * ,y, o /'it/,F;`
O f here describe the sltutlition at KIHis feetor sa q "it is decided to do th s \. p� ,9 ,' \ o4q 4G y? F� . `
L as critical and that tit Aintab as on two separate li.t••s, first, to place f ' rrr, ;sfYyva.Yo `4-H L
AGENT PU14 THE desperate. a record of all onr m,mbars on mill- ' ;d rt _ , _ . : t 4- 9111,,*%
Intarnational.Har�ester tiro holy- : and he 5:: ti's: n1/ tache >a t �;�
White Plague Conquered. who helm otned flip l.rp elle honor ft, jX/ Y< 0 x
PARIS, May 17. -The discovery roll on the rhib bonie grounds at
Rtuff. and 9-coud, the erection of a
*0 by Dr. Charles Cepede, the famous ,•
Company 1.11
yaj French biologist, of what is claimed hill above Italllter l±ue at 4orne qer1.-
Y viceabte plat•- b ,he Canad an Rock- ,; i <' ,
to be a cure for tuberculosis of the Ina rnr the use of our w -tubers and t' }
"_► 611 Hamilton Street O lunge, eve,( in advanced stages, is �K r° —'
p0991 My the public who are Inter- 11.
Just announced. The treatment um. est„d to making mountain eltm',q”
CALL AND FiI;E Lt5 .lata of Injection of a new serum. With reforonee to indt•pria,lent
1Z209ft====0=01—_�_0 Medical authorities have gone so tar Ortntaint•I•rin dvrtn the est .'at, �r.,!,s•
as to any: "We at% not afraid to say i; , D y r /r. 'r /
tn,"ntion Is mane or Ili • 11rrt ascents ✓ sSr rt < x��
sow ,,, b, that the white plague is conquered." ?'., q1/ , a yr
. ► The French Academy of Medicine of- a1 Mt. King George, and 9Pv,rat orbs,, / / e1/ U /,. g
w pr•aka of the Royal Group, tying in 11 , / t, t,,4- �1/; % � �,. r J ti
[eyed old !a the research work, `� r� k'
t ,. . hitherto unexplored dlvrr'ct fifty i / (i� ' os a ti' s 'v !ice q t1/,
^7 `meq �fl miles shoutbwest of RaulT. \It ti,r s , yl ;` b \/ /j % / 1/�t i ii.
r1•yZ, +�r' Onttxda-West Indies Reciprocity. �iri� ''" �y s / % s",
,1 "'' Jsf/
r , t=}�i:+:,,;Y Dmigiaa and Mt. JORT, were also ,z3 r�„/i , y�� y
=' t.,� `”. LO.NDON. Ma 17.-A bi scheme c!Irnbed for the flydr tinie last a list- r. / �''/ rr� �1 �� t � /� /.
4-,ta.-V-I.�. b g % r s/ f "% a 4
�, s!4-+•: •... for reciprocity between Canada and last, s>
s::"°"' the West Indies is eventuating. Col. After Rome comm.nt on 1hP Bang ' �/ �3t
1. ". ..- L. S. Amery, Under-Secretary of the winter carnival. In which Ilio Alpin, .„/11 1. y”
I _ British Colonial OI111ce, is sailing for club takes a- active interest. bavioG
Canada. A settlement of the quer been donors of a chalfroge cup forI'll .
'-' tion on the spot is considered neees- hockey, the director take* up tho '%1/''I - 1,9
nary owing to the present somewhat matter of the forthcoming "Wplcomo
Involved position existing regarding Nome" camp to ba held at %ft. A*alni-
the regulations with the West boine from,tuly 21+.n to.Tlq', rg2,t..lr 'tiuunt A,t.girtiboine, Canadian Pacific Roekietlf. it
1 Indies. thin camp more than 300 people will
I be placed under ranvaq and the apt, Ilia two w•ck. when they Wal be or- Ipoetea,•, \Jlaa \tartan L. Moodle:
- -',-^ -- tial feature will be tho fart that ail `11) "t,1 by me•nhor9 of Ilse Alptn, IOh wind that roates out of the West.
\COTwa..,•r rpturaftd memttern will att,nd as club. \r anv time dttrlhg the nummer j the land of Ibe sunset nkles,
MANY GOOD SHOES � H S KEMP � guests of the club The camp will be walking to Ira may he tak,n to %fount I whore for o' •r von mountain's ores4
He militated tbr,p tit^1/9' Jonrn,y frmn thy. AsslnD,o:n- and ]h>ae ramps will by' tbnse alorioun colors rise,
• lure spoiled by being badly cobhlod. You railroad and transportatinn of,baa- npt!n to furnlah gond mealn and a ; Yott tir,urt m,• the fragrance of pine,
'1'tecidenotibeal"Idtohave yourl4 repair EXPERT WATCHMAKER Sage will be by a speclally orgar'zed bed to the tramp,•r at, the end M hix t,), ,•twln,'to of mountain snow,
ed here. day's Jnurnwv. Tharp IR only One ThP music of falling streama b the
Thore3st4e mpeb difference to pack train known a* the "\1pinP club Y g y
REPAIRING W&ttilS CkAS 1% = f f pack train." Of special interest to way to ,,pally see the muontafn and hItla where the lilies grow.
,,,t tib t�/r the general pu'•,iic 's the fart that lhat Is on foot. lin' An fat thio i
a9 In isho41f, Convinced: try one hPAINd "tts1 this pack train v-01 be in operation Dlrarun• ha.- h^,cn rt•nllned to the ort wind That t•otnr9 out or the Went.
sboatepairing department. throughout the summer and anyone very f. w, on acco•rr,f of th,• dtfll- � 1,)u ,Sigh ()ifyour way to the
Bkilled mechanics, good stook, work 36 fear /raat" rasp rlalst wishing to make' a really Intereminc r Illy of ,a-ry'oa hon,) rind b-4dlnit Plan
'comlditted when promised and reason, ; New=�ior sash test slant to Alam with me tjip Into the hpart of the monntainn These difUi utUrA aro now in 1t,• 4-o" ,Tho ,noorif t n ,sad in lh, best. tit ,!I
able,ebatStlfl, (tlwrfas 0 �-a4 eaal do so at a minimum ,tpenge moved and ,t 4A planned 'n rrimind ' you tin' rome hack attain'
• The exmp at Mf. ARninlbol'±e and yeor% to arrange many avrtt ward- Clow .k!p. w:tb your tfold�n littht,
Selm,fie '•Overnight Camps•' on tfie way ' ion end riding lours for th, heneet flow a.>flly wind from the bill
SMITH mus es ddtbor 6%ln Dao? will he open to of the pobiir f M- t my h•tart hes a lof(ging tonight.
QOD>riuciL OUT. in m•tclttaion the director uofea that only the esouatalats Dan Iii.
Ip•gpp l �: tie �aYltq from {tie Ilret of Jniy 17,1141 I a
s asi of t9eveisab*r. ezeept, Alinas , In
. sit. __CI!
Urfart' ...A.08'4. ANN
-9i Piles can be cured
MEDZOL Sappoeltarleo.icily give 1111det to those who
*offer from !•ileo or ki eateerbeida. They aro preosriltad
by laadle'S Physicians AH a dr the world.
Soo containing one des*., 11111.1,11
u year Drogglat cosset .apply yea, watt* Arew se -
41.I IF.D DRI 4. 4 4►.
- - Port (tope, (►"tart.,
_ '~ - -
`i1 a
A-0 11'!M D iv we
five. T011011TO (Union Station)
9.15 P.M.
Sen, ren, Wed. Irl.-Conadfon Ratleaal all the way.
Tues, Thurs. Sat. -Via g. T.. T. A R.0 , Osobrese those* R, R. Rya,
Tlekets and full fnfersestlon f•om nearest Canadian Ratloleall
Railways' Agent, JOHN f NU(.IF., Goderte4.
Or R*s*ral Passenger Devartmank TerelloW
ledestrlal Ilevertneas roreele sed sriaetbea will fere,.k Null sartlaulwo
reasrd4sa lard fa Wasters 0*sesa aeafl.ale rar hrtmea w ether ow'eaee.
41 •
M. • e