HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-20, Page 271.
vow '1t11M'e
TliicllSllAY, .'tiny 2Uih. #g°(l
�Cic") lar- EXT . PAR PS, . t�► i eN•-SUNDAV, MAY 23114
� � ftp To CRAY
. , , r. J
, ..� ih
' Tt'laa►la+s. +< �t i ,¢ r, � �^"» .: ,. � hi t:14a► OAf>�7 fir: ;11�C w
e.(� 'i'ftr living._'WASTT GA
• 4
.if. ' MAY t•�SQ, .,� .. ill ... _.. ..
�,�,, ,...-.,,. ""` _. STP
llllih 3 jam,$lt%iIQ. fifty 17.SFturinRTUT_ nifty
7M ttrAW11-
r ,�,a ttt)w tf11w' ", Milk Won of tow" a ad eitfes, proclAtiting a +
V,jr�* ' •� R., ,..�, dkiattotip 'l1tR Datixio4ltttt, 141td Ttstf4 airs . a4 rMm trR meet-
MUCE KIND au w�►nt a ru�c ax'
''' Syftaptolws best rod afnil' Trio"01K thor mttMpt 4 , 4ulek l;'tif-ywil With Auer rritNctTw O+ilr tli►0 ilwatlifeat • y f
".'.,-�� �,•+'1k�itlelfes � !66664 lAOt i+1►eatplAiK ,ab tr Islariorllex+ra4t ilA9ardetn
1tAoilltipnderry a; Mercy of Riot. �� >r7 the ids►itth-� 44010it s Du st Ilvitts 9n Germany. as Hti Owe lf'4 m0 t #nd M, One that you will be proud to drive, lief a �
auk tVFQbs w Tt'ewtt tisus Utidef •Ili xw, atT 4 i flattaulatat.pptutl?v, early Mit yr, y ,►#sgltsee!!'ei..tUtu 1►:
Halle, a fatyt�rlott>a Iced centre. eatdy 4;vwtr RitEs. 't91}R wo Itt►aw. from the
' f14dtuatrls torr# Of kBt►i l nkM wMetr►. to pt,t+ .tiols+i Masi tk cissas
-.-.,- s�[�f�t`t. #Mr lam. ray
1 oom !Walsers plre l%c lnt Blank at the (Contributed try Ontarle DevNrttttreax of buy. arrlvtaag whiffs. its l l< 004 lw- filets � '�� t
O*Aee7t, Setae W of Whom Were Astionitar+. Tor�nta.) Seoki � k+AAw o= flag )station ikon �
t eMs�1►�mAMliA�iII 1iailt#uete 4fe>rr At111I t+Rt '>�'lae 1M - 4 ►' twat
1%rangltt Mown.-..4'lash betty ARTURIPJN'p PARX8113. gym- Hittla Coft"uslots Were" met at fife A�ow he t
1.0yatlists and Reirela thxuca cd moulyt but Improperly, caliet. t�i 4061% '1y tt s#ia•Il secelition comInii- ,ACCCssortes of all kinds
L�tttller itr fisc Day. w' "milk fever" Is a ditettse tee of loest welds, Armpit with rifles.
M- ravolveis Ilrtfl. IiMttd granaries, ttrem
liIICI.P'ACT. ltaY 1Z. -Londonderry 1. poouliar, to breeding cake, sant, nutipNerin ' sfat�, t<cciirled •�'�T tM eitbr ettaes• � Oils and grease at fife right price
"4xporlenced a night -of terror SRtur- and, as the name implies, appears Sangenhaucpti ac orfliuB to a caro- gertitkd, p 't4d: di AhtM or Fresh stoelt of Culucuhia 1)rX
nay, part of the city being for hours; Ask at 11, C• DiMlop'e Drug Store, at or neat the time at parturition. gully worked :taut plan. t^� �• them Dl' talon a bs ,
M the Warcy of riotous mobs. During doderich Otte of troop proceeded to the rresGore4 t4• c ndltlon y b° Ge11R.
iyls dtiturbancea Sergi. Dents iter-
Ilk' rare cases the symptom Jtave local branch of lhg Relchbanit, order- either Acuter or Cbronta or the i We have on band a good s5ouk of
been noticed shortly betere Me ed t 0 Dominion. 'ilichelin and
IjkW. tdlef of the $pedal Criminal lie janitor to even up, and bagged fltervss . 4pppyln tits ilttnfnaclt may 1 K. and `'•
papart>tuent of this city, was shot was to 'tura sate soileitor, United appearances of labor pains, in same 400,004 marks,' Other communist be deto*ve or them,=, ay be Gas on
*rough the right lung and died States, dtatrict attorney and state cases during the act of parturition, .committees broke into two other lo- the Stomach due to PeTwIttltatfou or Tires and Tubes.
'ljltkia 'half an hour. Londonderry
senator, and Woe elected Governor aIf but in In
cases not for a tow cal banks *Ad [Wade. handsome likuls. ion of lf?oods; ,no platter
Then all hands �twuUs Val be t11is tt'est- all kinds of Repair Work
lsttil s;ins the unenviable reputation i North Carolina in 190 pt'oeeeded to SanEsn-
fIK Plainer the scene of tlic first police I Prohibition had ower more hours or days after the Young has hausen's city hall, where Germany's m� will tol up the or cos of the a
staunch champions than Governor been torn. The exact cause and pa- Government was formerly deposed. promptly atcen(icd to auJ . [i°'
attit'der in Ulster since the opening eixlSne eyaQeani and bring lack the .._
of the campaign on January 1, 1919. Glenn, who, during tits four-year Lure of the trouble, and the manill and a dietatorirhip of the proletariat glorfous good bel that you 190 faction guarantee(). -,
The other casualties included term, put state-wide prohibition into in which treatment acts, are atilt ,1n proclaimed. Bauch deetrte.- --
awes McCafferty, aged 18, shot in effect. After ^leaving the governor's comparative obscurity. These modern bandits 6rousht pain after Eating, Vomiting, grad
e chest; District Inspector HcDon- chair in 1909 fie spoke in all parts printed proclamations "to the A The reliable C.C.\l. laic:IN"
VI b. wounded in the head with a of the United States on behalf of the We know that it appears only in ay Less of Flesh and Strength, f
people" with them and had them .� (las are sold here, and tt'u �•::I I )'
tone While leading a police charge, Anti -Saloon League. As governor he mileh cows, and at or about the per- Dyspepsia assn Anaemia are Some of / a full line of
vested up all over the town by the �•_
John McCnliton, u forme col- Improved the state, improved North led of parturition, that it has never time the natives started to work. The fife B tIdckq � � � Ildsau use _
d1sr, wounded- in the abdomen with Carolinu's charitable institutions and been noticed at or following the Communists turned their attention ah$x quiCkRq ddstappeer when you see Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts o:
M bayonet. After a few minor dfa ' made a repulr.Lfuc� tor�atriet enforce- birth of the first calf, and very rare toward the municipal treasury and Hacktnfl's. In mRdor to effect a Cure, 3i �.
tolrbantees ill -feeling between Sinn "lent of the law. Tao was a member fy the second; -that cows that are obtained !0,000 starts !n each. Thea' Tpp�evm• pn2fence ie 8s essential am
]ireiasrs and loyalists flamed up, the of the democratic party. heavy milkers or In gross copoltlon, they seized the poet oIDce, cleaned the right remeriy and anyone who Give us a trial and you 'will come again
alt was thick with bottles, atones and He was apfwinted a member of the or both, are particularly susceptible, out the • cash, and posted armed bon Jreen uif+Jng for any length of
+giber missiles, while revolvers were Inlernatfonaf Joint Commission by but it is occasionally met with In a guards to prevent the news of the tAme should not expect to be cured T. F. HOLLAND
freely displayed. When hostilities President Wilson in 1913. _ poor milker or an animal in low coup from being telephoned or tele- in a few days- Buy 6 box- of Hack.
were In full awltig, 460 policemen. In 1878 he marriyd Nina Deade- condtion. graphed to the outside world. Thea ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy and •phone 243 Eaat Street, Goderich
armed with carbines, arrived in con- `rSck, of Knoxville, Tenn. They had Symptoms. -Shortly before, at, or they shrewdly proceeded to requisi- 3 of Haoking's-Kidney and Liver TEr�
tataud of Inspector MtDonaugh, who two children, Chalmers L, Glenn, of In a variable time (say a few hours lion private automobiles, into which p1119 and give them.a good trial. Be.."'��"�����'������1''������''����'''i'���n����I�����lll�"Ii11�lI'll'III�'��„'��"�h���
persuaded the Loyalists to retire to Wigston Salem, N.C., and Afra. Dan- to three days) after parturition, the they piled nearly 1,000.000 marks of sure to get Hackings. Call _ 1 it !)1 1111 I 7i i i
tlfelr quarters wbirh was accomplish- tel L. Hoffman, of Mount Airy, N.C. cows becomes uneasy, neglects her stolen cash, as well as bales of cloth
ed, amid singing, cheering and other
clothing, shoes and merchandise pick-
unnlfestatlons on the part of the
vow '1t11M'e
TliicllSllAY, .'tiny 2Uih. #g°(l
�Cic") lar- EXT . PAR PS, . t�► i eN•-SUNDAV, MAY 23114
� � ftp To CRAY
. , , r. J
, ..� ih
' Tt'laa►la+s. +< �t i ,¢ r, � �^"» .: ,. � hi t:14a► OAf>�7 fir: ;11�C w
e.(� 'i'ftr living._'WASTT GA
• 4
.if. ' MAY t•�SQ, .,� .. ill ... _.. ..
�,�,, ,...-.,,. ""` _. STP
llllih 3 jam,$lt%iIQ. fifty 17.SFturinRTUT_ nifty
7M ttrAW11-
r ,�,a ttt)w tf11w' ", Milk Won of tow" a ad eitfes, proclAtiting a +
V,jr�* ' •� R., ,..�, dkiattotip 'l1tR Datixio4ltttt, 141td Ttstf4 airs . a4 rMm trR meet-
MUCE KIND au w�►nt a ru�c ax'
''' Syftaptolws best rod afnil' Trio"01K thor mttMpt 4 , 4ulek l;'tif-ywil With Auer rritNctTw O+ilr tli►0 ilwatlifeat • y f
".'.,-�� �,•+'1k�itlelfes � !66664 lAOt i+1►eatplAiK ,ab tr Islariorllex+ra4t ilA9ardetn
1tAoilltipnderry a; Mercy of Riot. �� >r7 the ids►itth-� 44010it s Du st Ilvitts 9n Germany. as Hti Owe lf'4 m0 t #nd M, One that you will be proud to drive, lief a �
auk tVFQbs w Tt'ewtt tisus Utidef •Ili xw, atT 4 i flattaulatat.pptutl?v, early Mit yr, y ,►#sgltsee!!'ei..tUtu 1►:
Halle, a fatyt�rlott>a Iced centre. eatdy 4;vwtr RitEs. 't91}R wo Itt►aw. from the
' f14dtuatrls torr# Of kBt►i l nkM wMetr►. to pt,t+ .tiols+i Masi tk cissas
-.-.,- s�[�f�t`t. #Mr lam. ray
1 oom !Walsers plre l%c lnt Blank at the (Contributed try Ontarle DevNrttttreax of buy. arrlvtaag whiffs. its l l< 004 lw- filets � '�� t
O*Aee7t, Setae W of Whom Were Astionitar+. Tor�nta.) Seoki � k+AAw o= flag )station ikon �
t eMs�1►�mAMliA�iII 1iailt#uete 4fe>rr At111I t+Rt '>�'lae 1M - 4 ►' twat
1%rangltt Mown.-..4'lash betty ARTURIPJN'p PARX8113. gym- Hittla Coft"uslots Were" met at fife A�ow he t
1.0yatlists and Reirela thxuca cd moulyt but Improperly, caliet. t�i 4061% '1y tt s#ia•Il secelition comInii- ,ACCCssortes of all kinds
L�tttller itr fisc Day. w' "milk fever" Is a ditettse tee of loest welds, Armpit with rifles.
M- ravolveis Ilrtfl. IiMttd granaries, ttrem
liIICI.P'ACT. ltaY 1Z. -Londonderry 1. poouliar, to breeding cake, sant, nutipNerin ' sfat�, t<cciirled •�'�T tM eitbr ettaes• � Oils and grease at fife right price
"4xporlenced a night -of terror SRtur- and, as the name implies, appears Sangenhaucpti ac orfliuB to a caro- gertitkd, p 't4d: di AhtM or Fresh stoelt of Culucuhia 1)rX
nay, part of the city being for hours; Ask at 11, C• DiMlop'e Drug Store, at or neat the time at parturition. gully worked :taut plan. t^� �• them Dl' talon a bs ,
M the Warcy of riotous mobs. During doderich Otte of troop proceeded to the rresGore4 t4• c ndltlon y b° Ge11R.
iyls dtiturbancea Sergi. Dents iter-
Ilk' rare cases the symptom Jtave local branch of lhg Relchbanit, order- either Acuter or Cbronta or the i We have on band a good s5ouk of
been noticed shortly betere Me ed t 0 Dominion. 'ilichelin and
IjkW. tdlef of the $pedal Criminal lie janitor to even up, and bagged fltervss . 4pppyln tits ilttnfnaclt may 1 K. and `'•
papart>tuent of this city, was shot was to 'tura sate soileitor, United appearances of labor pains, in same 400,004 marks,' Other communist be deto*ve or them,=, ay be Gas on
*rough the right lung and died States, dtatrict attorney and state cases during the act of parturition, .committees broke into two other lo- the Stomach due to PeTwIttltatfou or Tires and Tubes.
'ljltkia 'half an hour. Londonderry
senator, and Woe elected Governor aIf but in In
cases not for a tow cal banks *Ad [Wade. handsome likuls. ion of lf?oods; ,no platter
Then all hands �twuUs Val be t11is tt'est- all kinds of Repair Work
lsttil s;ins the unenviable reputation i North Carolina in 190 pt'oeeeded to SanEsn-
fIK Plainer the scene of tlic first police I Prohibition had ower more hours or days after the Young has hausen's city hall, where Germany's m� will tol up the or cos of the a
staunch champions than Governor been torn. The exact cause and pa- Government was formerly deposed. promptly atcen(icd to auJ . [i°'
attit'der in Ulster since the opening eixlSne eyaQeani and bring lack the .._
of the campaign on January 1, 1919. Glenn, who, during tits four-year Lure of the trouble, and the manill and a dietatorirhip of the proletariat glorfous good bel that you 190 faction guarantee(). -,
The other casualties included term, put state-wide prohibition into in which treatment acts, are atilt ,1n proclaimed. Bauch deetrte.- --
awes McCafferty, aged 18, shot in effect. After ^leaving the governor's comparative obscurity. These modern bandits 6rousht pain after Eating, Vomiting, grad
e chest; District Inspector HcDon- chair in 1909 fie spoke in all parts printed proclamations "to the A The reliable C.C.\l. laic:IN"
VI b. wounded in the head with a of the United States on behalf of the We know that it appears only in ay Less of Flesh and Strength, f
people" with them and had them .� (las are sold here, and tt'u �•::I I )'
tone While leading a police charge, Anti -Saloon League. As governor he mileh cows, and at or about the per- Dyspepsia assn Anaemia are Some of / a full line of
vested up all over the town by the �•_
John McCnliton, u forme col- Improved the state, improved North led of parturition, that it has never time the natives started to work. The fife B tIdckq � � � Ildsau use _
d1sr, wounded- in the abdomen with Carolinu's charitable institutions and been noticed at or following the Communists turned their attention ah$x quiCkRq ddstappeer when you see Bicycle Parts and Genuine Ford Parts o:
M bayonet. After a few minor dfa ' made a repulr.Lfuc� tor�atriet enforce- birth of the first calf, and very rare toward the municipal treasury and Hacktnfl's. In mRdor to effect a Cure, 3i �.
tolrbantees ill -feeling between Sinn "lent of the law. Tao was a member fy the second; -that cows that are obtained !0,000 starts !n each. Thea' Tpp�evm• pn2fence ie 8s essential am
]ireiasrs and loyalists flamed up, the of the democratic party. heavy milkers or In gross copoltlon, they seized the poet oIDce, cleaned the right remeriy and anyone who Give us a trial and you 'will come again
alt was thick with bottles, atones and He was apfwinted a member of the or both, are particularly susceptible, out the • cash, and posted armed bon Jreen uif+Jng for any length of
+giber missiles, while revolvers were Inlernatfonaf Joint Commission by but it is occasionally met with In a guards to prevent the news of the tAme should not expect to be cured T. F. HOLLAND
freely displayed. When hostilities President Wilson in 1913. _ poor milker or an animal in low coup from being telephoned or tele- in a few days- Buy 6 box- of Hack.
were In full awltig, 460 policemen. In 1878 he marriyd Nina Deade- condtion. graphed to the outside world. Thea ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy and •phone 243 Eaat Street, Goderich
armed with carbines, arrived in con- `rSck, of Knoxville, Tenn. They had Symptoms. -Shortly before, at, or they shrewdly proceeded to requisi- 3 of Haoking's-Kidney and Liver TEr�
tataud of Inspector MtDonaugh, who two children, Chalmers L, Glenn, of In a variable time (say a few hours lion private automobiles, into which p1119 and give them.a good trial. Be.."'��"�����'������1''������''����'''i'���n����I�����lll�"Ii11�lI'll'III�'��„'��"�h���
persuaded the Loyalists to retire to Wigston Salem, N.C., and Afra. Dan- to three days) after parturition, the they piled nearly 1,000.000 marks of sure to get Hackings. Call _ 1 it !)1 1111 I 7i i i
tlfelr quarters wbirh was accomplish- tel L. Hoffman, of Mount Airy, N.C. cows becomes uneasy, neglects her stolen cash, as well as bales of cloth
ed, amid singing, cheering and other
calf, stamps her feet, whisks her tali,
clothing, shoes and merchandise pick-
unnlfestatlons on the part of the
swiss Favor Joining League.
and the eyes have a glassy appear-
has con-
ed up as souvenirs in local stores.
Sees England Dry.
rebel taction.
BE RNE, May 17. - Switzerland
ance, She sways, not groper
falls down,
The local police, armed with an-
• The 8 nn b'elnera continued their
Sunday, in a referendum on the ques-
trol of her limbs, lies or
may not be able to rise, goes
(lent sabres but no guns, wise! of-
B y
fered After ten hours
XQRK, May 17 -Declaring
disorderly demonstrwlons and the
tion of accepting renewing tient-
may or
down again. This may occur a few
no resistance.
of dictatorship the twenty visiting
that he been able to see more
clearly into men's. minds since
optica charged and scattered them
Into the side streets. Many of them
berehlp In the League of Nations,
voted in Livor of the proposition.
times, until she becomes unable to
Communists from Halle left Sanger-
"rough housing” students in England
made for the quay near the (,teat
The vote was rt narrow one, 11y o[
rise. She usually assumes one of two
lies either on her side with
hausen with loot in the requisitioned
for destination.
had destfoyed one of his optics fore -
Northern station. It was here that
the Cantonal votes being in favor and
limbs head outstretched, or on
motor cars unknown
Ing him to wear a glass eye, Writ. E.
)prone [net his end. Rioters, con-
eealing themselves behind railway
10 % against. The popular vote in
favor the len ue was
her sternum, with the head thrown
("Pussyfoot") Johnson reiterated be-
fore a large audience In We sliest
wagons, directed voile a of revolver
of g approximate'.
ly 400,000 and against it 300,000.
backwards and the muzzle resting oil'
Side auditorium Sunday
sbots point blank at the police. This
The German-speaking cantons
the Bank. There are few cases
which one or the other of
Car Shortage Causes U. S. Railway
within t
that within ten years England will
� be dry.
led to a hot exchange of tire. Mor-
Oaey ws.; attzek, walked a few yards•
polled a majority of foreseen
the league. It was foreseen that a
these positions are not observed. The
I He made but one qualification in
an collapsed, vxclaltning:
temperature is subnormal to all un-
tits forecast of British action; Amer -
large majority of the -speak-
complicated cases, hence .the term
I ice utast stand firm
Boye, 1 in done. Ing cantons would favor the league, time regulations, governing the oper-
"milk fever" is not correct. Morel or g g "World prohibition will be fought
A few yards front this scene, Mc- while an a whole the German -speak- ation of all the railroads of the coup- I p-
Caffert was found I}Ing on a tram_ leas well marked coma 1a noted. In out in the United States," said Mr.
Y Ing cantons were uncertain, the city many cases she Is apparently dead, try, are to be put into effect before 0 GiTffi. Gunger ana 16 lth Clievler i Ntls Gfacies Tafin nn.t fi❑m. Burgess
way line. He said be was on his way of 'Zurich holding the balance, the end of the week. Johnson, "but if America Sopa, it of Blyth, were the witnesses.
Remo morn the theatre when shot.. except that breathing can be noticed, of Montreal, cut the United States 411- y `
In many cases a sonorous breathing. At a meeting to be held Wednes- will be delayed 100 years. rect cable to Ireland, where, it I �•�
Rioting was renewed in London- lee Bridge Formed In Gorge. da between the railway executives "The whole matter S prohibition
Barry Sunday afternoon, Igo rival She fa insensible to curroundinge y I rests upon the United States. If we I emerges from the ocean near Dere.
and the Interstate Commerce Com -
NIAGARA FALLS, May 17. -One and insensitive to pain. In some make good the will make The boys were placed under arrest.
faetiona exchanging fire frequently in Y good. You
'various arts of the city. The police of the latest lee bridges man years cases the development of the symp_ mission the best means of placing, HEAD STUFFED FROM
p g Y the transportation systems under r have heard of troubled times In Ir
patrols were withdrawn from 10.90 has formed in the Niagara Gorge toms is very quick, while in others p land, especial] i the south. But db Lord Fisher Ill• CATARRH OR A COLD
from the American Falls to the Maid slow, and in some cases the extreme temporary Government control are y u
until after midnight, and Unionist to be discussed. Immediately there- not worry about Ireland. I know LONDON, May 17. -Lord Fisher,
rep[-aeldieys, wearing masks, took pos- of the Mist landing on the Canadian symptoms are not noticed. She may after, the commission will make pub of
that the majority of the Sing. Feiners the famous former First Sea lord, Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
°session of Carlisle Road. A former aide, The solid formation Is duo jo retain a degree of power of action lieof its plan, to which the railway r of the Sou h of Ireland are total is seriously ill, having just under- Opens Air Passages Right Up.
soldier named Doherty, delving pe- continued cold weather, a heavy flow and sensation. executives already have pledged abswiners. When those Irishmen gone a second operation.
of ice from Lake Erie and a steady Treatment. -It 'has been demon- their co-operation. et control of their own affairs -as
deetrtans off the streets, was shot g �—
dead north wind. strated that a full udder tends to pro- These facts were learned from a they will from a bill soon- to pass A quiet wedding took place ren Wed- Instant relief -no waiting. Your
vent the disease. Hence it is good high o�clal of the Interstate Com- Parliament -these loyal Irish will nesday, Ufa}• 54h, when Oswald Sproal clogged nostrils open right up; the air
FOUND DEAD IN BED. Ambassador for Other Dominions, Practice to allow the calf r remain merce Commission. drive liquor out of Ireland the same of Britton, Perth county, and Miss' passages of your head clear and you can
with the dam for at least three days, as St, Patrick drove out the snakes." Hazel v.. � moil daughter of Jaine and y
LONDON, May 17. -Plana are The nation -wino car shortage, re- �• , breathe freely. No more hawking, annf; -
as it will nurse frequently and a lit- Mrs. Burgess, of Brussels, were unit- flia blowing, headache, dryness .230
mooted for representation by the suiting in a"' threatening situation. g,
Ile at i tone, never leaving the udder
ltlassor Governor of North Carolina Australian Commonwealth at Wash- g even to the extent "Of transportation U.S.-Ireland Cable Gut, ed in marriage at the Brussels manse. struggling for breath at nigh4; ,you,['
without considerable milk. When, ' cold r� oalarrh disappears.
pied In Winnipeg. a ington. Some jealousy prevails among for any reason this cannot be done, of food and fool, has made central- HALIFAX, May 17, --•Two mis-'
Australian, New Zealand and South the milker should [simulate nature as htation of railway management, un- chievous youths, who gave the names A TOR { Get a email Dottie of now.
WINNIPEG, May 17.-R. B. African Dominions at the decision to der Government coptrol, a vital and Balm from your druggist now. Applg
near as possible, by milking frequent- ,^__ a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
Diene former Governor .of North have a Canadian Ambassador at immediate aecesai , � p
41111 "DI&R, and a member of the Inter- Washington, leaving them uskil ly, but very little at a time for three f healing cream in our nostrils. It pea -
Under the noilivayl law, the ' g 7
days. It ie also good practice to re- OTHER TABLETS NOT For infants and Children etraces through see air passage of the
oiono ai Joint Waterways da t the ,tented. Interstate Commerce Commissfoti
a101i; was found dead In Defl at the duce the animal's mitt producing will this weak put into effect the fol- �O Use For 01/@r 30 Yea � hr�• soothes the every
or swollen
Royraf Alexandria Hotel here Sunday food for a few days before parturi- mutons membrane and relief comes in,
aftbL t Do it Now. -Disorders of the digee- tion is expected. lowing extl•eme control measures ASPIRIN ,AT ALL ways bears ..,�.- itantly.
Robert Brodnax Glenn was born Live apparatus should be dealt with at Curative Taeatment.-We wish to made necessary by tine or shortage the J ' - It's just Pine. Don't any stuffed -tel
once before complications arise that articularly emphasize the fact that and requested by the railroad them- Signature of
August 11, 1964, in Rockingham D with a cold Or [nasty catarrh.
#i4unty, North Carolina. His Mother may Ds difficult to -cope with. The on no account, and under no circum- selves in a petition received' by the _
was a great-niece of Washington Irv- surest remedy to this end and ,one stances, should any attempt%pe made eommissfon.
Its. At the ece of Washington
sity o[ Virginia that is within reach of all is Panne- to administer anything whaievrt• by 1. Priorities on shipment of neves- Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
ftp was a college mate of Woodrow
lee's Vegetable Pills, the best ImatiVe a mouth. Even in the very early attics. 1
and sedative on the market. Do not stages • o! the d29eitg®y the patient a• port embargoes to conserve are GenuiJle Aspirin
,Wilson. 1 food and fuel.
Atter ptccticing law In Lie native
delay, but try them now. One tela] IQL� the p'N' o swalIovty �? ge.
stat0 for seven years, be was elected will convince anyone that they are th# IL guide be ln2roduced Mto the j?iYVaton of traf a wherever
best stomach regulattor that can be mouth some of it will almost surely nedessery.
tie the Legislature in 1880, I.ntei 4. Joint use of terminate and inter- t�
p prtattced law at Wint3ton r'IuiP, L;ot, 091% jlya�lndptpe. ADA �d15t08 chane o
death ?by tuIIocaitoti In • few j nln- t t equipment
--- - -- - utts or tet up mechanical bronchitis. In addition, it is not unlikely that
which will probably cause death In the commission, in caping with the
a few days, situation, will be compelled to curtail
�ifa ff!Hlil Waitave stated that "a full udder passenger tr&Mc 1n order to expedite
' 'I lice! trai ht shipments.
tendo to prevent." now we say that s D
33[1 "a distended udder tends to cure." Officials refute to predict how long If you don't see the "Bayer Cross'
p titin with oxygen gas or a Period of Glovernment. management on the tablets, you are not getting
iIttnn 1I}� would be required before the situs- As kin --on! an vein imitation.
tfterYllted air is easier and leas liable p nine ' e er Tablets of Aspirin" nE STRONGEST BRACEx;'
Wiutt.il Street, �lr�Ch to Cause complications than disten- tion could be restored to normal, and Ge 3'
cion with fluids. The use of gas da the railways again resume indepen- are now made in Canada by a Canadian Made in Can&& I
man fhb 'yosteission a1 a tank of dent operations. Company. No - Gtrman interestfromul theThousands of worli tt;men are choosfas
ever, ori rights purchased f Guaranteed Kinp TINT suspender*
compresxed pure oxygen gas, and - r
7ilticlal ap;aritutl. outfits for inflat- United States Government. because nOfthMOW •xeevtional twmfort
Adellne Brundage, widow of the late Burin the fust, !cid imitations were and atm than
Ing with sterilized air can be Parti B. Mooney, died at Wingham in her g immi from' heasolivy
easy i
t _. - (hated troth dealers In veterinary ata- 87th year. She -was'born to Pennsyi- sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various leather trimmings; b heavy elastic
v7th curing to Niagara, Falls when a other containers. Tile `Bayer Cross is wN; reinforced back; steel sup- ^f
atruments for from $2 to $3, and your only way of knowing that you are port In cast oft; double stitched at r •}
where neither can be obtained an child and. residing there fifteen years, an points'
ordinary bicycle pump with a teat getting genuine Aspirin, proved safe by LARGE SIZES Poll TALL MENI ! `
t millions for Headache, Neuraiuia, Colne.
then moving to Wingham. At the age iiDr6i
typbon attached may be used, but of t9 she was ,married to B. Mooney Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neurit a, and for aro made txoas back style.
complications from the Introduction AT ALL ofteda by
who predeceased her 38 years ago. Pain generally. Yate h Cearea yr
of septic material are more liable Mrs. T. L. Jobb, of Wingham; Mrs, T. Handy tin boxes of 12�tablettt---also THE KING SUSPENDER ilot �
f than when gas or sterilized air is SparlPng, :Sajinaw. Mich.; Mrs. J• larger sized "Bayer" packages can be�' NF,ctcwEl►R co.
t b
used. Sperling, Meaford: Robert, m2rchant, bad at drug stores. Tkk hil�RwoNTowg
The udder and teats must be thor- Wingham ; George, editor of the Rip- Aspirin is the trade mark Iregistered is fYaN` aweiut�iw
t oughly washed with an antiseptic ley Express. and Drank, merchant. in Canada), of Bay& Manuif6cture of txrRA'swtoNe '
� �� such as a 6 per cent. solution of one NVingham, are the surviving children. Monoiiceticaeidester of Balkylicacid,
ti i of the coal tar antiseptics, the hands « s
of the operator and the Instruments --� '
also sterilized. All milk is drawn off, r
We are the agents for the Chevnllet Autos. C611 or as Its presence interferes more or
send word and We demoustrate to you. Letts with inflation, The sypbon is -
introduced into a teat, and all the s, atYy °►.�=a
If you buy bere 1 yon will save money on all ac -Baa or air that the quarter will hold «� '
tb forced In. and the teat then tied `
cessories. Gasoline, Oils, Grease, Dry Cells and tightly with tape to prevent escape ; r y� .•jam . �'``
of it. Each quarter is inflated and a ' �i a •gtilllld t
everything required for an auto.
the teat fled. The adder is then well j • �
• I'
-massaged every hour until the cow
' AND TUBES rises to her feet, which it usually lye
Ti from ane half to two hours. The a.
v t
,�1Wif' t
taped should be removed !n a Most'
two hones. o not an her Leet In
all makes and sizes, and prices riv it. �-+
At Most atx Douce the udder should
4 be rwinflated. She should be given
some easily digested food, or a rea- a
OUr Repair Departmenttonabte amount of Ger usual food, and
all the water she Will take. it the ` t
Is up to data, with ekpert mechanics, quick service weather be cold, the chill should be t
remol from the water and the
: ►JuVo, 4s#actautl quarar l;pe d tai ala, luakes of (,ars. cow kept as comfortable as possible.
•: She should not W milked at all for
44 hours after inflation, a4d for the , M'
second twenty-four hours she should '
Q�' f�l�i$p be milked frequently but very little u,
Sao drawn at a time. Vtirts-elsht hours art tR; a� X11 {' ;
tGILt l"IS#rd- til ot�ti 1 C1 f t�°.5 and,top5y and afL?r- ttflation-she #hr4uld be ntiXted r. y
c CCs • .k - ,.
_.. n ,
'� � It�lfit?°il1 and attended to 1n the ordinary man-
11>iVC been over lla'tileel. -nor.-Dr. J. H. Reed. U. H. A. Col- M
( lege, Guelph. i d ry
Shade Its important for all classes o.
StBNCII a �tltllfete line: Of
We keep ill p at stock, a
o G�^+ �^�
enuine � Pa A Pet but p tt wedding was "I -
G�erl►r'blct P�►Pts' cls �
ctnnlued ori Wednesday. May 5tti at t '
for the Will Storage Battery. the Preilsyterian mane. I.Vinghank E mom ctrleely 3r°u Isivestipteevi.
n.. 4 . \ r
Agents 0 � �'
'when lieu, .11r. l�+erric united Mists treys ,, , DOUT , �ery f�+Ctl<lT tf it311ilal"'tiCt3dri lit file Gray -pod.
Illttteries ebargea fluid repikired. );lP eth Davidson and Mr. Gco. W. >,
joore. both of %gingham. f e li �• jl
'�1 t",.RtsiCO It is at"s ieallze why IRlCII tf�fi]] tills y'�
and why &ubW pral.
Mt, for • fl 1 %Mao tiio><i �f1 �
� a �' �w duwc �t t tI�
y F!,.ay � is �t iaalr r =ir f+ar y► y�
, d Vl���llt'�e�rr1,1 rc �i� ice." 'dile=oa,'�'.Ll�t� �YL.
• R�•M ,�#� .�,.�.t� r �� '.k� tttlttf4Y � LiYt + I
'1�'�1111P4'ast'illa9d iw b� �.
* , ` T, D} w. aiw Yj_ iy �, aMtMittr�l °
����� � D"e>� � taa+r. � .1
■• i i'iw hesxtiEwl
�k =
• � ��, .... ° �tIi�M1t�MMtiIM vitt,\������N� Y .. �
belts tiftlC
1tt hila „
t�>!'a IMpllwt #+wrtfiwSfwNtitttllt. r i�4 F:i►a1t« II` GttA,f�boflt'ria�ro>Ks Ltrxti~<'lin <utttr.ar. o6l.a�,, 9
r ,