HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-06, Page 71JRMA''l', latent '4th, !~halo. less -10' p ti CON& 1JRMA''l', latent '4th, !~halo. less -10' IN • ti CON& Rwe tt '�, 7Ctli1Q11111 a ***v%** Il , matt Tom 1K1111111t Theft TMrw TO CHICAGO �R�NCHITtS, ;1(,*xcelled dining car servlCe. E)iltcial,. sttl,li,MlmeJttg -s that the :' i`ltl*`:i 1R #ear<lt of teat# lack I That Kind That raw, to *ldeping cars on night trains fend par - _19v cars on prinelpati day trains, CON3UMP'/'iQN, Ilytoll Inforpiation from any Grand ieeme, a iww" MRatur ?_"}gunk Ticket Agent or CL E. Morning, IF NEGLECTED. E)ist►iet Passenger Agent, Toronto. clt.tlo of P"low gIrk aswl >•"a IMI w is truught. $ i Ke LAWRIENCK & SONS. ' THtrItSA�lit. Tann Pr -purr 6114 Tfel,e1 AMU AM ['obstinate cot19411.9 and colds yield 'Panne 8 quickly to the curative powct•s ul With stliEablA Sieving tttlti Sttreettin /�gA . 8 g properly pyranggtj \lu�f�' in nearly any ordinary Ftinuin Nill, Dr. Wood's seeds anti !i, bY#atn9 of any race run In .Eatgland Wed- nesda y winter Term Norway Pin* Syrup. f From January'Stlf open In each of Ehptn. t '$l Aw's bopo(tls..Toronto- (Business, This old and well-known remedy has F" Shortband, Telegraphy and Wire• been on the Loa Let, for the past 30 yeanl. 6 less). )write for booklet. W. 8. SHAD, resge and Gerrard You will find that -a dose or two will he }slatWello The Legislature dean:ed an hour . stop the cough, soothe the throat and on Wednesday to di5t,iisaiom of The general dlaturbance of the bodily bronchial tubes, and if the cold has !W - high price cif ;Motlttoetl ,' S The American hockey testa won come settled on the lunge the healing Old fanning Mitt frames re -wired. # ' #'iR1 TA{,QR second place in the Olympic series toy properties of this famous ,cough syrup /� "Untaplo's DeSt} Business Best will been bring complete and permanent 1 A Toronto coroner's Jury urge* that the ,bylaw obliging automobiles reliei• M&il Orders carefully attended to Cnlleg$ . There are many imitations of Dr. IL ---- Fire destroyed the International Wood's Norway Pine Syrup on the and undesirable, The Goderich °Mercantile mited aux Co.,, CENTRAL market. Get the original when, you ask for it. Put up in a yellow wrapper; ev6rybody who t $100,000 damage and driving forty 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25e. anything to do with the handling of GODEIiICHt. know OTNATli'i?FAO. ONT. and 50a milk should how to prevent The Woodstock Medical Associa- Manufactured only by The T. Milburn their occurrence. We give thorough courges. We give ndividual instruction tVe have no GO- Limited. Toronto, Ont. In the ordinary methods of obtain- Owing to location and facilitiew for warinfacturing, I have summer vacation. Stutionts may checks and restore Vitality and Viger. Do not be discouraged and ing and handling milk it is Impos- transferred my Fanning ,)Jill ] I sible to preyent some bacteria from k �t] t p Y i3ttsinoss to the enter at any time. you ;cpnrse now. We place graduatesiq NEW S TOPICS OF EEK notice that the transfer booksof the positions. Z Writb for our free catalogues. however, a large percentage of the 1915-25 War Loan and the 1917 D. A. tIrLAC1iLAN, Important Events Which Havi Victory Loan will be closed frow Ptt»elpai' Occurred Duo in; the Week, April 30 to May 31. rhe nosy World's Happenings (.'are - With proper handling of the milk tiii Genoa port workers seized two ves- bag for tees flying the anturning health that you so much desire, Buy a few boxes folly Compiled and Put Into rho putipose of returning them to the the School of Commerce Handy and Attractive tihnpe tut Soviet Government. .The police ar- all dealers or by mail, postpaid. the Readers of tour Paper — A rested the workmen. Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Solid Hour's Enjoyment. One Hundred and fifty persons are Offers the following courses: TUEI$DAY. reported to have been killed in the Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil Sterling declined io'P3.8114, a drop of ,4 front week-eo.l close trail, collision on the Oudh and Po- Service and arranges Special Courses for - The bank at Sand? Sprints. �lary- )and, was lobbed 3' uster.:a! by auto hulkhapd Railway in India on Satur- students bandits. day. All [cern Indians. The following advantages : Postmasters are given authority to 1`RIDAY. L•,e of gas Lo combat the brass- Highly qualified teaching staff adopt daylight saving in places where hopper plague In the Nest is to be after all. Actual business system of bookkeeping It is In effect. The British-.I•'ood Ministry has ile- Cedentisl typewriting teats John A. Moody, for several years tided not to buy the new season's cheese. Positions guaranteed town treasurer of Ridgetown, died at A VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL his home in St. Thomas. The reintroduction of daylight sav- of liquor q prohibition. The Ontarlo division of the Cana- ior tbis district, by Government ing in Toronto this summer was ap- Irian Alanu fact urers' Association held its Annual meeting in Toronto" appointment, and under inspect- proved by the City Council. Sergi. -Major Flinter find his (we ion by Soldier's Civil Re-establish- Junius Brill, an American, interned }'Dung sons were suffocated by smoke in a fire at their home in Pembroke.' men$ Department. in ,Austria with Bela Kun, has been The Provincial Treasurer announc_ For terms, etc., write released and given safe conduct. edwashed some stiff increases in the taxes levied on banks apd insurance cont_ Waller Flack. 15 years old, was Rev. Dean Wallace of Victoria Uni- - B. F. WARD, B.A.,M. Accts., Principal, versity, Toronto, was honored by the One hundred persons were killed in an encounter between Communists M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Prix. students at the- annual convocation. and Serbian troops in front of the Hotel Moscow at Belgrade. Phsnel"..Clinton. Eleven chequed for $550,000 have A deputation representative of Hydro-municipallties waited on Pre- STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TiME been issued by the Manitoba Govern- mier Drury in connection with the race at Philadelphia on �t:c1 :rd;l The ment under the Rura1 Credits Act guarantee of bonds for projected Hydro-radials. )tune was 7.50 2-5, The bed of 2red Bowman, former- y this year. #� SPRiNVERi IEGINS TUESDAY, SL. Catharines women decided in a workers to hold up tram.: till the hunger strikers APRIL 8th meeting of more than two hundred in 'Wormwood Serubbs Prison were the water two wetks u: i„ure. to take action against the high price released has tailed. Five persons are' kr;u:vt to have of potatoes. Elias Boughner, County Clerk of been killf d at Musko of , Okla., and g Belleville shoe dealers have in- Norfolk for about twenty years, is augurated daily early closing for the, SALESMEN WANTED spring anmonths--6.30 d summer month5,30 ex - Cept on Saturdays. tornado which swept t.:(,ouuuuyslde north of Chelsea 14t Sunday By defeating the Swedish team 12 To represent the to 1 at Antwerp last night the Cana - dian hockey team won tine Olympic OLD RELIABLE FONTNILL NURSERIES series championship. BACTERid I THE �IILIC The Ontario Governinen- tax on The realest demand for Nurser Stock 9 Y racing has been reduced to $7,500 a day for one -mile race course and in years•$2,500 a day for halt -tulle courses. MUM) and European Slarkets again Premier Drury announced that he open for Canadian Fruit would hold over untie next session up should be done at least an hour PbOl1E 82 or 193 the clause in his new elections aet Laroest Inst or 0ruit & Ornamental, which fixes the date of provincial Stock, Beed Potatoes, etc., grown elections. in Canada Howard Williams, son of the gen- cral '• manager of the London & WRITE FOR PARTiCULARS Northwestern Railway, has been ap- pointed general manager of the Cen- tral Railway of Argentina. WEDNESDAY. (Established 1897 The American hockey team defeat - TORONTO. ONT. ed Sweden at Antwerp last night by 7to0. The work of improving Port Stan - ley harbor is to be undertakep im- mediately. Miss Maud Royden, a London pas- tor, will preach in the cathedral at Geneva on June 6. Toronto meat packers and their employes arrived at a settlement of their wage dispute. The Independent State of Iceland has applied for membership in the League of Nations. Hon. Dr. Cody received an honor- ary degree from Wycliffe College at its annual convocation. Conferences between sugar refiners and U. S. Department of Justicc oth- cials on sugar prices came to an abrupt end. The Provincial Marathon Olympic trial will be held at St. Catharines on May 24. The distance will be fif- teen miles. The retkr•ement of Col. C. H. Bick- ford, M.G.C., General Staff Offr(er of M. D. 2, to the Reserve of Officers, was announced. A naval commission will leave im- mediately for England to bring hack the warships Chile has pe,n based from Great Britain. Lettere received in New 1"wli gate T. SWARTS' 'Bus, Livery =d Hack Stables iMontrucl Street lust off the Square '"411110, 'Basses Meet all Trains and Passi alter Boats Passantere called for In any part of the town for all trains at a. T. R. or C. P. R. floe". Prompt Service and Careful Attendance. '4111,f'Ir. Our Livery sed Hack Service will be foeutt up-te-dads In ev*" respect., AWlll o Y4er Patt-60stslljolk1ted Ta SWARTS 14rltir to Yl o streal ))treat I that Zinovieff, Bolshevik governni of Petrograd, has been assassinated by a Russian workman. ArthurJohnston, an old resu)ent and prosperous farmer of Artem—,ta township, died at his hon:,• rear Flesherton, aged 74. Oliver Wardhaugh of llellf,iH- died quite suddenly at his horn,• as g r�J of a !lot of blood :,t the knee affecting the circulatory F riPm SATURDAY. Halifax, N. S., has adopted daylight saving. President Carranlra is preparing to flee from Mexico. Two more boys were the victims of motor accidents in Toronto. The time for filing income tan papers has been extended till May 31. Retail sugar prices are expected to be 30 cents per pound to -day in Detroit. Manitoba has sold $2,850,000 pro- vincial bonds to J. P. Morgan & Co-, New York. Customs returns for April show an increase of more than $6,000,000 over April, 1919. Ten boys escaped in their night clothes from the Victoria IndustriaJ School at Mimico� Members of the Legislatuee want their sessional allowance raised from $1,400 to $2,500- 11. Cooey of Toronto was high man in three events of the- trapshootin# tourney at Galt Friday. Czecho-Slovakfa has issued a de• tree forbidding men of military age to leave the country. Jack Arthur is held by the Saska- toon police for the murder of Harry Dorguerre, a wealthy farmer. Kiazim Kara Bekir, commander of the 15th Turkish army at Erzerum, says Armenians have destroyed 28 villages. Customs figures for the month of April show an increase of more than six million dollars over the corre- sponding period last year. The Canadian Club of New York has voted to begin Issuing at once a monthly magazine of standard size to be called the Maple Leat. The orthodox Mennonites In Mani - lob and Saskatchewan plan to leave Canada this summer and establish a colony in the Mississippi Valley. Representatives of the city of Paris and a Canadian banking syndicate have signed a contract for a loan to the French city of $20,000,000. Six hundred animals are all that remain of the 1,300 specimens which Most Bacterial Clmnges Are Hurtful —How Bacteria GefA Into Milk— How to Prevent Injury (o the Milk. (Contributed by Ontario D,•t,ertment cf Agriculture, T.,r„nt,..) ACTERIA play a very import- ant role in the milk and (+airy industry, Practically all rho natural changes eilGPr goody or. bad that take place in n.;lk from the time lj is drawn until the tiu,e it is consumed, or otherwise used, are due to the action of tl;e %,,Hour, spe- cies of bacteria that gv:F into -, though sometimes yeawn and mold`s are involved. If the milk is to be consumed a.. milk, then most of the cbauges chat take place in it, Its a retm!t of hw - torial action, are injuria is, viirf l tions to this are found in the• prc- pared fermented milk, as Kepht• Koumiss and Bmlgarian milk; Ir. these, however, the bacterial action .a controlled and cultures• c f ceriai% species of bacteria are added to ill milk to bring about flit detir(d changes. Everybody knows that ' :t S:.n11d1 of ordinary milk is kelt lar a few days, particularly if i; it uor kelit cold, It will sour or beeon -, gassy or ropy or 'putrid. This sow- ing, ropiness, gns produ, (ion and 'putrefaction, is brought at]o"t t,, dlf- rWnt'species of bacteria in the :rtIiK As the changes In the nulk µhu (hese bacteria nroduce are tn!urinr., LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring Back its color and IitlEtre , the Budapest Zoo boasted before the with Grtitndlu's,tiitage war. The others died from starvation t,hould be used Instead of the wide 1 open -lop palls. 3. Doors and windows should be fly screened. 4. Cows should be kept clean and groomed so that bits of dirt, manure, hairs, etc, shall not fall from the cows' flanks Into the pall daring milking. 5. All milk utensils should be thoroughlyshed and scalded every time before se - How to Prevent Bacteria From Spoillog the Milk.—Evon after all reasonable care has been taken to prevent bacteriological contamination of the milk as outlined above, some contamination will occur, that is, a few bacteria will got into the milk in some way or other. It these are allowed to multiply in the milk they will spoil it. The best way to prevent their rapid multiplication In the milk is to chill it Immediately_ in the cooling tank or refrigerator, and keep it cold until used. A small amount of bac- tel'ial multiplication will take place, even at refrigeration tempfruturea, and this will show itself in the con- dition of the milk in course of time. But milk that has been obtained un- der clean conditions and has been kept ('old should be In excellent eon- ditlon even after forty-eight hours. Summary of Milk Contain ination Preventive Meas"FE'R.—Prevent dust, cow halls, bits of hay, show, nd manure, flies and drops of diraty water from getting into the ncllk daring milking operations as outlined above. ThoronRhly clean and steri- lize all palls, cans, bottles and ochrr utenalis. Cool the milk at once down In refrigeration (cniperattire and keep it cool and coveted nntll ussd. Prof. D, H. Jones, O. A. College, Guelph. Cauntirpotash ribbed on the skull where the horns will appear will pre - rent their growth, No niatlrr how d •p-ro,,t •i fit.. ,'oro nr Aart ma) be, it must y)el,l to Hnl- IwA i5''s t.,,rn t.trr,' If n -d ay ,Ilrecl„d. PIMPLES and BOIL-$ For Nearly Two Yeafl's- When pimples and boils appear on tht face and body it aecros as if the skin in the seat of the trouble. but the rail disease it in the blond. Lotions and ointments rant' iliaq the trouble for a while, but seldom if ever cure, You have to get. under the skin- grt at the blood which is the cause of the tr+oub;e. Burdock Blood Bitters goes direct to the root of the disesae and restores healthy, normal action to the d•Ae•rent orimns, and cleanses the blood of all its insp� i t ier, V. E. C. Goodwin, Cambridge, N.dB. writes:—"For nearly two yearn I suffere from boils and ppimplce on my taco and neck, and ned?ly all of my body wan covered with the pimples. 1 tried most everything, but pot no relief. One day a friend advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters and after using three bottles the bone and pimples had all left me and there is no sign of them return. ing. I can strongly recommend B.B.B. to anyone who is troubled with skin disease," Manufactured only by The T. Mil. burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Engineer Murray Dick was instant- Z'Ca Recipe.ly killed in a head-on collihion of switch engines in a dense fog In the Common garden sage brewed Into's Dominion Steel Corporation railway heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol yards at Sydney, N.S. added, w111 turn ray, streated and Various United States golf organa- faded bair beautifully dark and luxuri- zations went on record in New York ant, Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur Friday as opposed to the abolition of recipe at home, tbougl, is troublesome. the stymie and in favor of the stan- dardization of the ball. MONDAY. Canadian and New York exchanges were closed for May Day, Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Townshend, the hero of Kut, arrived In Tortibnto. Confusion over daylight saving time brought Toronto church -goers out in two relays. Owing to a dJlfercnce between bread drivers and bakers tAe threat- f ened Ptrike was called off. Premler Nitt) of Italy has asked Great Britain for a credit loan of £25,000,000 to purebam goods in England. A royal decree In to bw Issued in Italy prohibiting the nae of automo- bilcs in view of the serious shortage of Pei roll. The Italian GWCrumeat has decid- An easier way is to get the read) -to -use preparation improved by the ill"tion of other ingred en s, casting about 5o cents a latge bottle, at drug stores, known apt "Wyeth's gage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding &,lot of muse. Wbile grey, fstded hsir fs not sinful, wo all desire to retrain our youthful a pear- ance and attraetivesess. By darkening your hair with Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no One can tell, because it does it he naturally, eo evenly. You itoadatmpen a sponge or soft brush with and and draw this tbrough your hair, taking one small strand at a time{ D morning all gray hails have disappowal After another applieatior 0 two yolitit hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lurarfant ped yo'e appear s younger. Wyeth's asd 8a nr C,esnpolund la a del*btfn7 toilet te, It Is not intended for the cure, wupts" pr prgmtlols of dIeli m. IRS. 4 \Ti"The NationalSmoke" OSStill the r most COP for theI1ft: 10 t vi 41 Y ► t ' t • _w �y. Alialt�t' less -10' r�t .t .M-.. -.. ....+ tRadYattq 1140flegurwO dslwistl0hy ,l A"'IW,Pietntlr�'Ury' HoO. r• •, s slid. •J'a;.`�tilllo nos ><!!+tt►Ast sev€ral � H , ►ul#►�0•'tf3b N4kICR1lt>Z°8QUl-.R FA Nil I., SE EE E)iltcial,. sttl,li,MlmeJttg -s that the :' i`ltl*`:i 1R #ear<lt of teat# lack I talc' ta:tn-ler of the l'rineet fats ,soldiers Irotu Lct>tdort tP P4l nisi pf+lg Yaave no the ordloarr ted aeltsnotes 1#t ire 1ai4ied'+ The LPO irwllteaL aaaltlat R R �/ �i1` �t `�`(�ORDER VAN41f w UREP ORDER c0anecljP111 with any anticipated Max of this complaiat.ysspecially In 04 ! V Day parade troubl®. clt.tlo of P"low gIrk aswl >•"a IMI w is truught. For any make Of Mill hip "Rini all khat 09"r HW THtrItSA�lit. ,*A%4 with the ail l* King Ludwig has returned to Da- tmria, Accordtxtg to cable despatches. Tetratema won the Two Thqusand t aRt dlsoter, po'bt'D°"n` � L� With stliEablA Sieving tttlti Sttreettin /�gA . 8 g properly pyranggtj \lu�f�' in nearly any ordinary Ftinuin Nill, Guineas seeds anti !i, bY#atn9 of any race run In .Eatgland Wed- nesda y lanae %ad to at the both, n acrd such , Ire f.R kind oiiu he as thoroughly Cleaned as is passible to clean Douglas Soalth.'aged 14 years, was down-- c dation down- condition that the sutfet"b1' Ehptn. almost Instantly kilted by a motor .truck tea Toronto, falls A VVOY to almost any epidem } disesso t)spiteelaliy Intlueabtt, When ot<lgrigg Sieves or Screens be voav careful to give A cantract has ben awarded ter the erection of 74,600 7 COWS ;ted I.a Grippe, S� �ADNIiI� etact size needed and wh E they erre rerluired to do. a'$ public li tat. >ttd. Falpti�, Pltij>"ibfiOlo he }slatWello The Legislature dean:ed an hour Sieving and Screening sold Ily square ft. if desired., on Wednesday to di5t,iisaiom of The general dlaturbance of the bodily f high price cif ;Motlttoetl ,' S The American hockey testa won � Ctione, ° tet�daeehw ledrsterla. P46 ,RrtIIow eompitxios, pallor" of the Old fanning Mitt frames re -wired. # ' #'iR1 TA{,QR second place in the Olympic series toy tongue find Up#4 puffiness -on - defeating Czecho-Slovakia 16 to 0, der the eyes and heart MuFmtir 1 A Toronto coroner's Jury urge* that the ,bylaw obliging automobiles are generally associated with An - aemia. M&il Orders carefully attended to to atop beside stationary street cars ed. be rigidly entordestroyed Ha s Heart and IL ---- Fire destroyed the International and undesirable, The Goderich °Mercantile mited aux Co.,, ,Hotel at Windsor, causing about Nerve Remedy ev6rybody who t $100,000 damage and driving forty anything to do with the handling of GODEIiICHt. know gufests into the street. milk should how to prevent The Woodstock Medical Associa- is the most reliable medicine to their occurrence. tion has adopted a new schedule of use. - It will bring back the rorty In the ordinary methods of obtain- Owing to location and facilitiew for warinfacturing, I have tees, and decided to close Wednesdays at noon for five months. checks and restore Vitality and Viger. Do not be discouraged and ing and handling milk it is Impos- transferred my Fanning ,)Jill ] I sible to preyent some bacteria from k �t] t p Y i3ttsinoss to the The Finance Department has given do not worry for you will only apt (getting Into It- With proper care, above Company.- J. W..%RM8TItUNG. notice that the transfer booksof the worse. Place your confidence in however, a large percentage of the 1915-25 War Loan and the 1917 Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy bacteria that ordinarilly get Into milk IIIlilllllNII1111NIIliliIIIIIIIINNiIIIIIIIIIiIIINIIIIIIiNIIIIIilillllllllllililllillfllllli be from Victory Loan will be closed frow for it is a complete tonic that will can prevented getting ll,, unJ April 30 to May 31. bring back the happiness of good With proper handling of the milk tiii Genoa port workers seized two ves- bag for tees flying the anturning health that you so much desire, Buy a few boxes fete that do get in can be prevents, from producing any marked Chis rho putipose of returning them to the the 50c n box, 6 for ZS.GO'. Sold by .50.ay. Sold wlUnln a reasonable [Hue. It is de - tit. Electric Soviet Government. .The police ar- all dealers or by mail, postpaid. sir•able, 1hPn, that those who have to rested the workmen. Hackings Limited, Listowel, do with the production and handling One Hundred and fifty persons are of milk should know hov to pr„rcnt, reported to have been killed in the as fat as Possible, the bac u ; u tcocrWiring trail, collision on the Oudh and Po- getting into the nolli unci io. o Lc,r hulkhapd Railway in India on Satur- ed Lo purchase no more tobacco in to prevl nt I luso that cu get c;; i, o; " day. All [cern Indians. the United States, but to 9(•t itS sup- bringing about the cluu,g(e trhi-'., I stilt in :he spoiling of the iutlis. 1`RIDAY. L•,e of gas Lo combat the brass- ply in Bulgaria instead. The Spam)l River 1,111p d Paper How Bacteria Get into Mclk.— Unless the row's udder is diseased I Spring will be here shortly and hopper plague In the Nest is to be after all. Co. Inns bought a hydroplane for In-veryfew specs ng, surveying and cu„uunniea- bacteria fire present in chs DOW 1 the 6111e(40 milk as it Is drawn, those house The British-.I•'ood Ministry has ile- tion ver it simtcr liu:str, and glut het your are present are of very little const - tided not to buy the new season's cheese. Dr. Join, Chrestol Her Mitchell, Superintendent fol tL, pat' ten quenc•e. Thus the bacteria found in I wired, before the r11S11 IS 01). .Canadian The Scottish Trades Union G)n. grecs Zana passed a resolution in favor years of the Ont -ilio Hos cit: 1 tl, ,lite ;titer Lt short illne:,: , of sd 70 ct;,. s. raw Milk l;et into it during ihs.lulik- J I I ing operations and during the later ; ),Ve specialize in wiring'—of all handling of liquor q prohibition. The Ontarlo division of the Cana- Matcher: Wil,,wl, li t'., 1s ("I_ of Cli+]thaw, died .,r the :,g,. of 6t. He of the milk. Bacteria of ninny kinds into Pres- I kinds. Irian Alanu fact urers' Association held its Annual meeting in Toronto" was pre";tinent it, 1,,."7, Anglican Cliu]•c• i and euucatiur.ul s:,alters, cnt in large numbers in a dusty Cita of hay, straw, / Sergi. -Major Flinter find his (we Lll'el1Al`y int c'.lndal'd iIOtPIS IlI]li cow hairs, n cow hairs, manure, files, dirty hands, Private Telephones dll'tV CIOthCt, and In milk cans, }'Dung sons were suffocated by smoke in a fire at their home in Pembroke.' diose for the tianirfnett,rt of natal, "Ines were extended ;r's one mouth palls, , bottles, strainers, and other nnl;k i The Provincial Treasurer announc_ by the Outario lio„rd of License Cow- rulssioners. vtenslls that are not tho•on illy Consequently, Q y, edwashed some stiff increases in the taxes levied on banks apd insurance cont_ Waller Flack. 15 years old, was we are to keep bacteria out of milk 1 paules. drowned in Burlingte,r, 11ity ti;,turday le must prevent the above-nanicd I I One hundred persons were killed in an encounter between Communists g morning when a c;in�.•• uvertnr•ned, far°`ctng hint soil l,is bruthcr into substances from getting Into the milk, Dynamos t and we "lust pay particular attention and Serbian troops in front of the Hotel Moscow at Belgrade. the µate]• Tho Oxford-Cambffdge r< -ll,} team to the washing and thorough scald - ing of all milk utensils and in Fav- Electric Bells and A deputation representative of Hydro-municipallties waited on Pre- ealiiblished a new vvwsl !'s record µ•hen they won the Iwo -wile relay Ing clean hands and clothes. It is generally considered that pro- I mier Drury in connection with the race at Philadelphia on �t:c1 :rd;l The sided the milk a passed through a strainer when being (filed into Burglar Alarm systems guarantee of bonds for projected Hydro-radials. )tune was 7.50 2-5, The bed of 2red Bowman, former- y the cans from the milk pall all the ob- The attempt by the Irish section of the Liverpool dock ly a patient at the General Hospital, ed but discharged, was found in Mol]awk g Jectionable materials are removed i hour the iuilk, dirt, bits hay, ALL`Vi�IZIt (it, ARANTEF:D workers to hold up tram.: till the hunger strikers hake near Brantford. 11 Had been in , Shaw-, "1Anucore, cow hairs, files, etc• es I Tpis is a in 'Wormwood Serubbs Prison were the water two wetks u: i„ure. great mistake as the bac- released has tailed. Five persons are' kr;u:vt to have teria, which were present on tact+e v Electrlt Mixtures and Suppiles of Elias Boughner, County Clerk of been killf d at Musko of , Okla., and g whet the dropped into the milk pail all Norfolk for about twenty years, is at )east v!ght seriourl. :i.jt,red in a are washed off into the milk, and kinds liept on baud. Lhese bacteria pass readily through p dead as a result of burns and shock he received a week ago when an ex tornado which swept t.:(,ouuuuyslde north of Chelsea 14t Sunday the finest strainers used. ConscQu,Pnt- plosion of gas occurred in his vault. ! _ I)1, steps must be taken to prevent A memorandum indicating that ex- tensive BACTERid I THE �IILIC I. The atls getting these nhe allil getting into a milli. ROBT. TAIT of the stable timber limits had been grant- without tender immediately prior must. be tree AH possible hem dust to to the last provincial election, was during the milking operations. Any ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET feeding, bedding down or cleaning laid before the Judges investigating the Department of Lands, Forests and Bacteria, Yeasts an I Moulds up should be done at least an hour PbOl1E 82 or 193 Mines. Greatly InCu.nce Ix -fore, or left until after milking. .Milk. 2. clover -top or sanitary milk pails SATURDAY. Halifax, N. S., has adopted daylight saving. President Carranlra is preparing to flee from Mexico. Two more boys were the victims of motor accidents in Toronto. The time for filing income tan papers has been extended till May 31. Retail sugar prices are expected to be 30 cents per pound to -day in Detroit. Manitoba has sold $2,850,000 pro- vincial bonds to J. P. Morgan & Co-, New York. Customs returns for April show an increase of more than $6,000,000 over April, 1919. Ten boys escaped in their night clothes from the Victoria IndustriaJ School at Mimico� Members of the Legislatuee want their sessional allowance raised from $1,400 to $2,500- 11. Cooey of Toronto was high man in three events of the- trapshootin# tourney at Galt Friday. Czecho-Slovakfa has issued a de• tree forbidding men of military age to leave the country. Jack Arthur is held by the Saska- toon police for the murder of Harry Dorguerre, a wealthy farmer. Kiazim Kara Bekir, commander of the 15th Turkish army at Erzerum, says Armenians have destroyed 28 villages. Customs figures for the month of April show an increase of more than six million dollars over the corre- sponding period last year. The Canadian Club of New York has voted to begin Issuing at once a monthly magazine of standard size to be called the Maple Leat. The orthodox Mennonites In Mani - lob and Saskatchewan plan to leave Canada this summer and establish a colony in the Mississippi Valley. Representatives of the city of Paris and a Canadian banking syndicate have signed a contract for a loan to the French city of $20,000,000. Six hundred animals are all that remain of the 1,300 specimens which Most Bacterial Clmnges Are Hurtful —How Bacteria GefA Into Milk— How to Prevent Injury (o the Milk. (Contributed by Ontario D,•t,ertment cf Agriculture, T.,r„nt,..) ACTERIA play a very import- ant role in the milk and (+airy industry, Practically all rho natural changes eilGPr goody or. bad that take place in n.;lk from the time lj is drawn until the tiu,e it is consumed, or otherwise used, are due to the action of tl;e %,,Hour, spe- cies of bacteria that gv:F into -, though sometimes yeawn and mold`s are involved. If the milk is to be consumed a.. milk, then most of the cbauges chat take place in it, Its a retm!t of hw - torial action, are injuria is, viirf l tions to this are found in the• prc- pared fermented milk, as Kepht• Koumiss and Bmlgarian milk; Ir. these, however, the bacterial action .a controlled and cultures• c f ceriai% species of bacteria are added to ill milk to bring about flit detir(d changes. Everybody knows that ' :t S:.n11d1 of ordinary milk is kelt lar a few days, particularly if i; it uor kelit cold, It will sour or beeon -, gassy or ropy or 'putrid. This sow- ing, ropiness, gns produ, (ion and 'putrefaction, is brought at]o"t t,, dlf- rWnt'species of bacteria in the :rtIiK As the changes In the nulk µhu (hese bacteria nroduce are tn!urinr., LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring Back its color and IitlEtre , the Budapest Zoo boasted before the with Grtitndlu's,tiitage war. The others died from starvation t,hould be used Instead of the wide 1 open -lop palls. 3. Doors and windows should be fly screened. 4. Cows should be kept clean and groomed so that bits of dirt, manure, hairs, etc, shall not fall from the cows' flanks Into the pall daring milking. 5. All milk utensils should be thoroughlyshed and scalded every time before se - How to Prevent Bacteria From Spoillog the Milk.—Evon after all reasonable care has been taken to prevent bacteriological contamination of the milk as outlined above, some contamination will occur, that is, a few bacteria will got into the milk in some way or other. It these are allowed to multiply in the milk they will spoil it. The best way to prevent their rapid multiplication In the milk is to chill it Immediately_ in the cooling tank or refrigerator, and keep it cold until used. A small amount of bac- tel'ial multiplication will take place, even at refrigeration tempfruturea, and this will show itself in the con- dition of the milk in course of time. But milk that has been obtained un- der clean conditions and has been kept ('old should be In excellent eon- ditlon even after forty-eight hours. Summary of Milk Contain ination Preventive Meas"FE'R.—Prevent dust, cow halls, bits of hay, show, nd manure, flies and drops of diraty water from getting into the ncllk daring milking operations as outlined above. ThoronRhly clean and steri- lize all palls, cans, bottles and ochrr utenalis. Cool the milk at once down In refrigeration (cniperattire and keep it cool and coveted nntll ussd. Prof. D, H. Jones, O. A. College, Guelph. Cauntirpotash ribbed on the skull where the horns will appear will pre - rent their growth, No niatlrr how d •p-ro,,t •i fit.. ,'oro nr Aart ma) be, it must y)el,l to Hnl- IwA i5''s t.,,rn t.trr,' If n -d ay ,Ilrecl„d. PIMPLES and BOIL-$ For Nearly Two Yeafl's- When pimples and boils appear on tht face and body it aecros as if the skin in the seat of the trouble. but the rail disease it in the blond. Lotions and ointments rant' iliaq the trouble for a while, but seldom if ever cure, You have to get. under the skin- grt at the blood which is the cause of the tr+oub;e. Burdock Blood Bitters goes direct to the root of the disesae and restores healthy, normal action to the d•Ae•rent orimns, and cleanses the blood of all its insp� i t ier, V. E. C. Goodwin, Cambridge, N.dB. writes:—"For nearly two yearn I suffere from boils and ppimplce on my taco and neck, and ned?ly all of my body wan covered with the pimples. 1 tried most everything, but pot no relief. One day a friend advised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters and after using three bottles the bone and pimples had all left me and there is no sign of them return. ing. I can strongly recommend B.B.B. to anyone who is troubled with skin disease," Manufactured only by The T. Mil. burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Engineer Murray Dick was instant- Z'Ca Recipe.ly killed in a head-on collihion of switch engines in a dense fog In the Common garden sage brewed Into's Dominion Steel Corporation railway heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol yards at Sydney, N.S. added, w111 turn ray, streated and Various United States golf organa- faded bair beautifully dark and luxuri- zations went on record in New York ant, Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur Friday as opposed to the abolition of recipe at home, tbougl, is troublesome. the stymie and in favor of the stan- dardization of the ball. MONDAY. Canadian and New York exchanges were closed for May Day, Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Townshend, the hero of Kut, arrived In Tortibnto. Confusion over daylight saving time brought Toronto church -goers out in two relays. Owing to a dJlfercnce between bread drivers and bakers tAe threat- f ened Ptrike was called off. Premler Nitt) of Italy has asked Great Britain for a credit loan of £25,000,000 to purebam goods in England. A royal decree In to bw Issued in Italy prohibiting the nae of automo- bilcs in view of the serious shortage of Pei roll. The Italian GWCrumeat has decid- An easier way is to get the read) -to -use preparation improved by the ill"tion of other ingred en s, casting about 5o cents a latge bottle, at drug stores, known apt "Wyeth's gage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding &,lot of muse. Wbile grey, fstded hsir fs not sinful, wo all desire to retrain our youthful a pear- ance and attraetivesess. By darkening your hair with Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no One can tell, because it does it he naturally, eo evenly. You itoadatmpen a sponge or soft brush with and and draw this tbrough your hair, taking one small strand at a time{ D morning all gray hails have disappowal After another applieatior 0 two yolitit hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lurarfant ped yo'e appear s younger. Wyeth's asd 8a nr C,esnpolund la a del*btfn7 toilet te, It Is not intended for the cure, wupts" pr prgmtlols of dIeli m. IRS. 4 \Ti"The NationalSmoke" OSStill the r most COP for theI1ft: 10 t vi 41 Y ► t ' t • _w �y. Alialt�t' • 91' lir o n •. a