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The Goderich Star, 1920-05-06, Page 6
" I . V jri1 * . . ii . __ . - . _ �1�fI!C i�l. my feei$li'�. Fi1tSi 'tbd t:Wefetlrabird w e�ial tet• vi ttAev+�, and c +id Wbare it trays, "Wee VAAQ. yo1j, ticrlbes nod ti fl1" k'barlsees, by r g. .1 I`the H 1YERRU �HQldane read •the chapter, with mitt p I . I I �, s tart, cexdlgng all its dequR.ciagpR tt I- to - others, in accordance with. a very gen- �, stat fashion. When he came to the NtitlUt Qat eE ft�b«s if I 1 br Y words, "Ye serpents, ye generation o1 "� .�� th Ueuturytftally not As irin at w vipers," the aid man fairly rubbed hit P handli together in his satlstaetion, ex• 13Y E. P 1� M claiRting- �' ..That's It! that's seauine! that's tel- . + ho Ill ''{11�G.►II+0 A C1It'S'fw`UT BVItR." "BAnttie;RS BL'P*,VD AWAY,"ettt. ling us sleek. comfortable sinners the . truth without mindn't *Io smooth, 11, pilary, i soul deludin' lies In that chapter. That's ' IAP1'1•.-R NXIN - d gvii, of You. I've learned the way to talk fu the people �vhc don't want their right hand to know w 1"tt c Opiriion ix Ofirs Wiade Iter\a ray L+neakin' aid s�crel Dltltfi ev- >\fiat pgStre(irless their Iexk tt>±tid is up � e't•-. tithe; but 1'11 head it oK, and drive r'D doft't )''post tlaer' any usa>' of two It>aelt as t tvauld a toff irittl !te hilts to " "? �• Now, Jeremiah Growllter, the next atich n�probalcs as ns thinkin' about In spite of bums rather harrowing list It"enuitee�tlAayer'Y'abkts of AspbrGR" time yol4' avant to do a Igeany thlnit I .1slash' graeO," said qtr. (irowthkr, tuk- had gloomy thoughts on the part ql ,is w* Mayer' package, p_laial atark«1 that you wouldn't have esti the toren hitt Alac� at fire head of We table -• the two of them, the tour inmates of with tho safety "&Iyer ("It m.I know, just remember what a �vrtgglin' Cletaulne "13a er T Meta at /tap[e[t�' snake In the grass.•yan este:' *'end yet as I said, 1 alters kta\"+' a th+ cottage ma,1P a very comfortable With this perwilal exhortation Mr. ;sikakite' Wish ,hest leu g+• Uu•(ouKf1 it"' suPper; for pir. t;rowther always In.; PrIll Com On madeIn C da by ,esti. �tllatiltl. Growther brought the evening to a fat Rs; &o wst7.1 all begin do th+• sau,c sintwi tfuat stiles lilt eat and dog could I'A Y• Gesraian ipttdTest11 , wI}sf,- plo&e. and. having directed Haldane to b alley -rift and iiog, ami Slot's ratiout. +'t(tt+itcl him," they should fare as welt eV.�re ItiJ 1i1;4ia ftelpg p g4fekd'.i pmt,til "- erittttrs. don't afl P�+ tied. Ueltxtl '$ttiteb -Si' .;to; l Milt• � his comfortable quarters, hobbled anti JCorvikot-.er. the; l?04 t then *alar; atdeid tsiitattafaa"rtlettys mumbled off to. an kdloining room, I 11lttto\s uo better, oust' s- their ton -1 Ha+ing e2Pan*.1 the table. Haldane wW as A»titin in ptil boxes and varrouls and Cetired for the night, seiegct•s is clear. I'll trwn tit, this lighted a candle- kerosene lamps were other containers. The -Bayer Cross? is The dying fire revealed for a flags toast is good, if 1 am Patin' it like a au t.+:huutlnallon that \tr. Groavther Y the slumbering cat and dog, but gra- Ltathen, It you can't find anything would "not abide --and began reading Your only Iraq of knowing that seta p17g elite t+, do, you can laky to coukln' for :,tend the Psiening Spy, The old gen- getting genuine Aspirin, proved safe by dually Itis quaint old kilahen faded in - u, anau half listened and half dozed millions for Headache. Neuraws, ColdA, to a blame of darkness. a livin'.^ 'To be oontinut-d.. ,No one in i,,tvn, .Sa%e y,nir-+:lt. nru kiri9 up hiv ears at Some tale of Rhet[matfsm, Lumbago, Neuritis, and fox a Mould trust loot in their kitetou." Ir•uuble or crime,,and almost snoring l'aln general]invli t �t *-Well. it d, .-S Seem as If a man had through politics and finance. At Iasi Randy tan *boles sof c tges c --este A SMILE !iv E�>�RY UOS " \j better tors • • • r•\ tl,ing rather than I,ie le was half startled out of tits chair larger drugsized Bayer packages can 6e OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS had at drug stores. _ ehara+-tey�' •eld air. Orowflier 11y' a loud, wrathful oath from !tali Anpirin Is be trade mark (registered thoughtfully " den'' ilnby's own Tabb-Is art- a regular In Canada). of Bayer Manufacture of "Tbeu it vie•rnw a pita a yuan can "Look here, young anon," he said: ]iloaoacetlencideftel; of Salleyllcadd. lay given to the little cues --they nGvcr logo let so easily," added Habtam• bit# •'the devil isn't .o far off from Piulef fall to make the cross baby happy. ,,F. text): "for, hating lust It, all tile reit "f us that you need shout for him." - - -•--T•- - ----- Alien bally is cross and fretful. the spectatrle and well-t"-tlo we,uld rather "'true, Indeed! he isn't far off, anti nuikc another dollar? They have rats- mother may be sure snmething is the one should g1e it, III(• el,'.il it thoua,and I., I,as everything his u(vn way in this• ed a mad -dug cry againA rile, ;and 1 matter for it la not baby's nature to x times than Kite him a chance t„ NNIn ,�orld. Llsien to this:" and he read sh:+11 be treated rt -if 1 were a dug," `be cross unless Lite is alliau. Mothersi it back attain." ,%ilh sharp, bitt,•r emphasis the fol- "\\'hy dun't you go home, then'"' If your baby is crass; If lie cries a "You Vut it r•atht•r strung -rather Io%tinor editorial paragraph, headeei "I'll go to the bottom of the river great deal and needs yuur constant tit - strong" said the t,ld man, shaking let, **Unnatural Itepratit)": alta." ttat.ltrn day nod night, give him a dose head. "Pur surae "Prion c,r other I ••tieing ever inellnl•d to %Iew ehari- "That would suit the devil, the of Baby'•; (own Tablets. They are a ata not as mad tit urself anti every- k,bly the fault,, and failings of others tabs- and the cele" r4marked Mr. mold but thurou;h laxative which will tiling and everybull% to-nighl as usual• •rad to awake tillot%arlo- for the natimill t',rt'"thvr. tp,ickly' rf-;,dole the bowels and stom- ., and 1 ran see tiling- rl-+u•+•r. 141• hun Kld,tiu.•ss rat yeah,, a,• gage a rathei, ' Faiigh! crabs and eels!" exclaimed ach and thus retrieve constipation and est now'. A nionlh ago you Lrlungr'I lenient estimate, nut of the crime eom- Haldane, with a Shudder tit disgust. indigestion, colds :and simple fevers " tui the rich, Math-fiyhti rlhss, How• milled by 4fr. Arnot's clerk, Fgbert "That's all you'd Ilnd at the bottom and make baby happy-- there surely i's much then would )uu have had lu do Haldane, but of the young man him- "f the alar, e•zcepL mud," responded a smile In every dose of the Tablets svittl n -young fellow of vvtho,ri you self. It would seeut that nor d,sposi- "Ir, Orowther, efreettcrlly quenehlag Baby's Own Tabl+•ts are S+dd by niedi- knew only four things -that. he gam- Hon to be kindly led its into error, for all tragic and suicidal Idea, b) his cine dealers or by mail al `lS cent a bled, g1el drum., lwzzled a thousand we learn from aur uw, l resperlable• pr o,-alc statement of the facts. box from The Dr. William, Niedicine 11 a dollars, and had hero in ,tail? That's tivrman cont.e•mporary, Published in '•luung rnan," he continued, tottering Cu.. IlrockNine, Ont. all most people in toNll know about this city, that this sarne unseruputou� to his feet, "1 s'pose you reallse that you... )cunei fraud has been guilty of the you are lu a pretty bad fix. I ain't NO CARS iN LONDON. Haldane laid at.%%n his knife anef meanness of titling advantage of n much of a mother at comfortin'. Bork and fairly groaned. - poor foreigner's ignorance of nur lan- \\ lieu I feel must curry for any one —'-- "1 know the plait truth IS 1-191 to gttage, Having found it in+po-•,ilii• to I'm most crabbed. It's one' of my Strike Will Probnh'v loist for Several hear atul think aloof, and !'rat nn oldo+an ways. If there's many BCPeWS At,arr. obtain lodgings among those posted Jr.)r the current news of the day, and thus lousy• In you, you will go under. 1f " brute to RpnP your supper by bringing LOYIiON, stat-, Slay 1t.—Lopdon at a` I it ti I hoe you won't. think I'm try- you are rash, or cowardly, or weak- A- P to In1peRP on tiny ane to whom hP the close of 'iter sacnnd day tit the In' to save some victuals by dotn' it env known, by surreeded in obtainins� that is, ready to give up like -you will street railway strike Is awaiting AN get It's the truth• and you've gal hoard of a respectable German, and rnake a final mess of your life; but if action at rhr".egOar meetinit of the t0 face it. But face it tit -morrow fae,• ran a as la a bill as you light your way up you'll be a good Cit,l COUnc;': but, according to the ,.r� p tun• possible at deal of a man, Seems to me if 1 was ' it to -morrow: have a, rurnfortable times' the bar, of route•. When the landlord couneiliurar, ,it t chances favor u con- tonight" of the hotel and restaurant at last ask- aS young and strong as you be, I'd Unuanee of Mayor E. S. Littie's policy �`e 'Your slate'rnent of the rase k, per, ed for a settlement., this young scapei pitch In. I'd spite myself: I'd spite of watchful waiting. `. I footly bald," sald Haldane, vvltl a trou, the devil; 1'd beat the world; I'd just The mayor said Sunday that he grace had the• Imtule❑ee to insist that bled brow. "Their+ are Pxpla❑ntury hr had paid every cent of his blit. grit my teeth, and go fur myself and does not favor calling iu-the Ontario ewcry'thing eine that stood in my way, Railway and Municipal r and. excusing circurnAtinres." though he had not a scrap of paper ov pal Board at this q ,� Yes. no doubt, but th,• world don'f proof to support his assertion. Find- and I'd whip 'em all out, oP I'd dle a- time. He is known to have the app- , fillets much areuunt of them. 'When kng that this game of bluster would fightin'. But I'ae gut so old and rheu- port of a tar=e number of the alder & otic {fits into a scrape, about the unh not succeed, :rod that his y ma"a that all I can do is cuss. A• -a -h i" justly In- mea in that attitude, included in the .+ question asked is, \\'hat did he do? censed host was about to ask for his -I will take your advice -1 will, lists of those who feel that affairs And they all jump W the conclusion arrest, he speedily came down from fight It out[" exclaimed the, excitable should be permitted to take their ttlat it fie did ft once hell do it again, tits high and virtuous mood, and com- youth with an oath. >voarse witbont munletput interfea enoe Makin' Into the, circumstances takes j;l•ornised by pretending to offer all BOw"een Indignation and"despelation• ,t�.Ajdai'IJ,.� CunningluIL44 It Tal even Little and trouble• and it isfi't human the money he had. hn was thoroughly aroused. He " ai 'anggeat, hat,.the "Ople ygtarid asidb a, , ready cherfched, only revenge • toward *fthout car aerlripwto i• a" week whild n/tlfifrtt+ to bothert much about . other r. "This was- undoubtedly a mere pre- the, world. and"ttee was catching th@ fee aleti and company fight h cul. It F�oplc,°, fence, for he had worn a valuable old man's vindictive spirit toward develops that Aid. Jobn Bridge 11 r What chance {s there, ilea, fur watch In the morning, and had parted p n atSch as I am?" himself. esron iY urged for sudden actlon' u he a w during oho da Tho t with it du i Though a r �1r. r � h G cwt er seemed almost '4 as when the t • hitched Psi on ha. h Ci Council met of a the, t,, ?he old man 1 it heti his uneasily sum Ice apparently had upon his per- y C un 1 t b or e chafe•, but at lust, with lits Pharacterisl gun was scarcely half payment, thei deeply incensed as dais guest at the strike b'rlday at noon. But than. it tt/i bluntness, said, "Hanged if 1 know! gross -injustice of the "Paragraph- "in Raid, all other:snewbera preferred kind-hearted Merman took him at pis which, nevcrtheles would 8e widely- ro allow the b eek to .eneaenr. .• Tt@y say that them that Bits alowrt word, and also left him seventy -Ave } „q +t!(tPian't very often git up again. YM I rents to procure lodgings elsewhere, copied, and create publle opinlon, and Chatrmaa llrelatyre and Comrytte- ,. r,ry know they. do sometimes," so double the dlMoultlles, in the yentas= sioner Ingrain Ot the Railway Boari$- "'What would you do if you were In what role o1 Prime ho will next up- man's way; and tie kept up as steady{ were prepared .and able at that time pear it Is hard to guess: but it seems n a grumble and growl as had his sorel to take immediate notion. since %n1n?' pity that Afr. Arnot did not give him ' Iianged if I know that efthert Sit disquieted dog in trip firer ora Bqf then the circumstances have changed 1 the full benefit of the law, for thus the and it is possible that ahouid the call wn and e6s ni self to all eternity• Haldane lowered at fife fire fora 1Qp + T Pomnutnit) would have been rid, For a lie enough. J feel like data' 11 some 'lime ratlPast, of one who can serve lits time in silence. 11e seat to Tgtrontct"}be Board would titttC'g iii i6 Is. A-li-h 1" ..Well," concluded the quaint ld be otherwise eni►ge/i and unable to tial• and txenPration better at. breaking , t `'1 think 1 know a wn) out of the cattle, "matters cant be meada3dy respond for sotite daiys. '� stone under the direction of the State t B Abugh," said Haldane, more cotnppsed- swearin' at 'em, is advice I often give The aMeers of the union have than Ny' Any methods of his own myself, but Hover take, I s'pose `it't= berm under the impression that the. ly, his thoughts recurring to his liters P j choosing. Ho Is one Of those phenom- bedtime. To -morrow wee will rq hopes; 'and if i do, you va"it not take earnings of the Street railway ekt enol cases of unnatural depravity: for. another squint at your ugly fortu $5• showed a tremendous increase last '(1f r curse 1 won't be sorry. Aman as far as we can tearn, he comes from and sec which side pints toward,&&- year' anal the atateutent Lias been a itnmP_of wealth, refinement., and Pvccyynn light. Would you mind rearlin' a gliven Publicitythat; the street rill, allers halos one wiiu holds a hurrlizaartt Christian culture. We warn our fel- ?" against hint w t h fs sure to be fore- low -citizens against him." PhaPtelr In the Bible?" way declared A davit till on its com- 1 .� ebwlt. That's rP v,,ay the dea•Il's got 1 <i -a -h !" rlaculatcd \ir. grow the l} "�VPII, the Bible has a good deal to mon atocl[. There btli3':beQn no divi- �" say about you and most other people." dead for two ears. it me, and I hate h n about as bail as.l it prolonged and r aR painful utterance, as "Like those who pretend to believe Now it is stat d that .statistics in do myself, ands to him every chancy P , 1111`i 1 git- Of Pours•, I'll bp ;clad to see If one of his teeth had just been It., it has nothing good to say about Possession of tltet -Ofitarlp Railway druvvn. Now- that is tough; i don'. me. I've had about all the hard names and Municipal '$oard shoat that the you out of his clutches: but hey %under you think Salton had a finget' 1 can stand for one night." street r ilwa during 11+•' Claws t1 you deep, and Its in that pie. Itidn't 1 tell ymt the cdi_ ? Y. g5t3t year, P e Dearne � 11holds on to a feller as if he'd pull lin tors made up half that,., in lh+, "Road wh r- it lilt. some rather d only g1:j,000 mo>sa than the papers? rolks, then:' amoutiCtequired to meet it3 operating in two before he'll let g-." I don't know what. started this story : P B "Mr. Gtovvther, i r1-h't want to gat "Oh, I will read anywhere.. you lik,• expenselr And -gond. •intereN.t, No divi- tlterar generally a little jtiPgtnninit. It's a pity if Ibcan't do that mueh for Benda weit9..Xsi & into a quhrrel will y -u, for 1 lava' ilkr the seed of a bog ttauntln' weed: 11 ` fount that of are vPio Touchy h a perhaps the (only uue now left in the .., ,.L. " 'I,, ) hilt l don't believe you did so mean to vv"arid mho would show me a kind- aertain,point. but I cainnot help hilt- thin In fact, I don't thin- I'm quite " :, ing that you are da>tttlrl('11 to n1Pet a g' �' nese " .MILITANT .JAPAN. 11 �; mean .enough to h1#vP done tt self.'_ . dszCit disappointment vvl4cn throuch slut, and poChaps one Other person "That's a gond fellow. There's one, �.'' tvittt, roar earlltly vvl.,rty. I wish my Phapter 1'd Ilk to hent to -night.. The Serious Jlccusntiony .Made bq'.tllleti t a will be the only ones in ,town. then, vvonis come out sA strong and heart •- ohaltiv0s \vete as good as yours," who w'Ill not 'hp{1Pve it against ins, / y l'ottnwis5fon. f t you are •beginnin' to taut fool- like that, thaw ge n+'fall) express ,lust I:novv I've acted wrong anti ,like a fool: VI;ADI1'OBTOK, flay — The 1 isiile' I shall newer M rid of myself, bol• rrttatrrhanCc t►as a fpiloav wheh he members of the" International P.all- anet f40 vv lit never be rid of my worry," gets credit fol' evil only, and a hun- way Board, with the exception of the ?ell. well, we won't discuss the dredfoid utort• evil !hart is in himV DELICATE GIRLS Japanese member, have forwarded to 1t queAtl.On,--It'H too deep for its both,- ;:ince every one Insists that P have MADE STRONG their, Govern inents an identical tele- it but in uiy judgment it will be a great gone wholh over to the devil, 1 Blight gram, which place9 them on record as §e• ""a y as well go.- protesting against the actions of the piece of injustice if ou ever find ai Rich• Red Blood Needed to keep Up Japanese military in Siberia. wattiYter place titan your ow•n hearth- "That's III that's itl We'rc all righr Their L'llality } 1, e stone," rat spit;: elbil-Mt a-helpin' hifn along. The telegram charges the Jap- ' . "That's mlgl►>v hot, atime timPh, boy : But ,how did this storys start? The If growing girls an, to become well anese with actually delaying the ,. and, besides, your judgment hasn't lett scribbler In the German paper could- developed. healthy women their blood evacuatton'of th�e'Caechs. tIr tit �,w, , . % you,"very straight -so far," said the old not have spun it, like a spider, holly supPly must be carefully watched. "Tire Railroad 'Board," says the ,h elmatl testify, IInt don't talk of such OUL Of 1118 Own In'ards" Mothers should nut ignore their un- telegram, "havifig examined reports }, " thlplfs: I don't want to come to 'em Haldane to1e1 him the whole slaty s@tiled moods or title various troubles of the actions of Japanese troops in tilt 1, have to, sketching the '•kindhearted German" that tt•11 of approaching womanhood, the railway districts, are of the opin- 6 � '"SUPPOse I should become rich and lit his true colors, it should be constantly be borne to Ion, first, that Gen. Semenoff system. famlins. Mr. Growther." said Haldane. 1t its conolusion fir. Grow•ther drew mine) that pale. bloodless ;girls need atieally set aside the terms of the It � the lug dull subject. "would you let to long, meditative breath, and remark- plenty of nourishment. plenty of steep allied t'ailway agreement. second, f lm I ditto a •ft O at with you then?" ed sententiously- and regular open-air exercise. But a that the Japanese military acquiesced "'Aal, dtXiPndet tf sees put oq ' Weil. i've aliens heard that 'taper- tank of appetite, and tired, aching sad themselves usurped the i'unettotyt 4 tgny Ntii'la, I wouldn't." fPnPP was an awfully dear school: but limbs tend to hinder progress. To of the allied railway organisation, and �; 11�s 4 t"600d for ,you 1" - do learn in it. I'll bet my head.- save the weak, thin -blooded sufferer aldad in the confusion of traffic, and ' "Qh, I'd \vaunt to make much of you.l you elft never pay another dollar she must have new, rich• red blood actually delayed the progress of the tt land ' 411 JIOrr 1 helped you 'when you without taking a receipt." and nothing meets n case of this kind Ctecos, and, third, that the Japanese ' ' was dol a- =. d so git all the reflected "fillet chanPP trill t ever l►. to go well as Dr. Williams Pink Pills. mUittkry, by .plactag troops at the 4 til These pills not only enrich and len- principal points on the Chinese East- . ��"`�~�"� crease the blood supPly, they help the ern Railway. which the allied agree- `"t"{1.apPe•tile and ald digestion, relieve the meat assigned tai the Chinese to weary back and limbs, thus promptly guard, and allowing such detach- , restoring health andtrPngth and menta to interfere with matters at- • transforming anaemre girls and women fecUlak railway tr&Mc, provoked t Into Pheerigl happy People. Among con left. resulting in needless loan e f�0Y ilio thoustands who have obtained new of life to Chinese. Russians and yid , ' ;.. health and strength through the use Csecha, ttttad also jeopardised the of I►r, \'1111, s Plt1k Pills les- Miss \'fo- Movements of traiaa," „• :,1. eRnt3 and Outing Shoes Yet a long gunman Ont., who says: ` i "For a to time t was to a badly run lrivaa Billed by Tornado. down condition. 1 was pale, breathless MUSKOGM. Okla,. Usty 3 ---Fire I" at the least exertion, and eould hardly, persons are known to have been ', VCieDi :Til►it�D tapered no effort to m nk© our range of Life• tit) any housework without stopping to killed and at least eight seriously in- it1d+fetlriiPi and Outing Shoes Surpass anything wd rest, 1 often had severe headaches, jured to a tornado elicit swept the i>�le!rtt y0ot offered, and to ontcliltss any similar line being and my appetite was poor anti fickle, countryside north of Chelsea late iand 1 would get up in the morning Sunday. '' tititl, Those goods aro a'ol1 Itnovrfn for their superior rr•ithout feeling the !Past bit rested. L i►elidllrltig ?1Cfalitie8, and aro now in stook in White, had tried several medicines, but dirt Albanian Hanilis jKaaaaer! Greeks. v lC�i440k t1fia $rovion Ordors, not get benefit from anything until I LONDON. allay S. -An Albanian began oho use of Dr. lVilltams Pttak rising against the Greeks has begun . ,,,,,,ritty lSttitrtl Robot, for bots, \cull paten heavy soles, is Pills, When I had taken two boxes I at Lpirus, neeording to a wireless 'tifit�ll t51660lritl the best on the market. The prices 9ould see as improvement, and after menage front" Moscow. and Albanian • �• I�' 04 rich ttlihle. Using six boxes i found my health ful- bands are massacring the Greeks. :>a. a -. .=-.,.-:�,. - a_- . ..-.... ly restored. 1 fool altogether diflls"lt U$ fig spilt lt�ilbe Repairing, and Ince It -aP Since I used the pills that 1 strongly Dofuiatori , ` done advise them for all weak. t•un down OTTAWA, May "3.••-•G, U. Craw- " light. people." ford, 01` Guelph, has ttteelt�aptirmfnted If you are \reek or aiUftrt in atnY entomologist of the Department of .• „ . � _ --. - .. ... _ ---, ..�--- _ way. avail yourself at once Of titre �L'icultute at otttalra. 11 :.Pplendid home treatu*nt "which the. � I . ,01' rw Williams DiiAii hills so easily r >jfoxda ; V r r, snit y dig wilt bt9 aittang thttee who ttiittIM lit. in trik foleen liatie t06 titD Iit►lti1. in iltgprat Disytt INR l4ke jltn 1+l+fjaltngd hWth. "1'hlAe sifts tt4r llilittyistlt tIM. .1� * ' "*- 1� 1�y1! . ill sold by all deal�ra ip, rnedioue 6'c i1P. t4DYiilita8 filedYclno i,(y., N'tIVUftek111 ll at 6tL J. 131s1ck*weli, a former real- . ,or six ll61ts tar 11b0 byt YtrrYtiryg Ttais 'ilrnt fit Vltif►ghatln. tiled April 16th in ltttiay be lad 1*It ttlitli It 5b C016 a ,it ,tvallfottla. R I 1, . . tl� .sopplosialsolossissisig j n 7 .. o � los' o, so` eft" "sh". Mls. FbiYi•► ii, Ryan, 8=4 Point, N.S., :--e writes'i �ve been a great ouhrer from atIr trouble. I was ata weak and , ,X. got' plee>E' at 1 . and m rte welt vliry poor. A viak escrow the without ' r4 tai aver. I hot 401" t� prils, W ilelgYt° Ixaf',aa ay at`rond it ct Aiiiiwi•n'a Xi4 tin Nerve Pills I to feel better and is t ori until I wad six bodes when 1 telt like a di rat person. I acs never wrtlwttt th' lies the ilaueez and reoom- rtneiril tl►em w all wbo"frutl`er with theL nerves r, brilibtun'a heart and Nerve Psis are t20c, per box at all drugials or dealers, or tiilsiled dsrext on--Ioeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., lAtatted, Toronto, Out. • TIPPERARY ritt,aded for last week:. Mr. Earl Guoper hits bought another unbroken cult to replace the one he ,old to Jlr. Gantelon. Mr, N'm, Culp sold a fine horse the other day- and also bought a good yuung' mare in Its place. ' Seeding is progressing very slowly under this unfav(1rnbl-' v. atl,er and farmers tire gcttin,_Ire.,I. , titer their crop \lr. Earl Chop• r has sold his nice driver to Mr. 11. H. e:anteb,a for a good price. Mr. t.antoon likes a good horse. Mrs. E..C. Webb is this week visit- ing her old 9tume here: She carve home to see lice sister, \hum she had not seen for nearly Tour )Pars. Miss Annie Cooper, nurse, spent over Sunday at her home here but returned Monday morning to her pa- tient In Clinton, where she has been for sortie weeks past. The fuma'al of the late e;eo. \tiller, who died last Sunda), took place to Clinton c.•inetery. Mr. Milb•r leaves a wife and a family of eliht, boys and four girl: to mourn his luss. Mr. Mil- lar was a rPpresentatfve of the truce tee board „f �-harun church. He was Dyed Her Faded Skirt, Also a Coat "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Just Like Now-So-Easyl Dint"t *rorty ,about perfect results: Use *gmamond•' ea," at+litto-give. • riew,sich, fadSeeR•~Xor to eed tany fabric. whether wool, Rill[, linen, cotton or mixed goods,-dwase.(. blouses, stockings, skirts, cWtdroara coats, draperies, eerythnng. A Direction Book is in package. ' To match any material, have dealer allow you ttDisinond Dye's Color Card. t 110QUns. don't AZAA 1 mmmintwtt am�t �ttlmit. aura andawie . woot� the T>EMPLETON'S RAZ.,MAH CAPSU ICES Wo ate ", oeataid%or.re- astitfls`wdl Twill' bend yoq a tRw aat#tpie of theal► c:ap- aaeqqq��e conindent that you tend them all we harm claimed. Write to Tam- 19fom 149 King at. W„ T aan Gold by rellable druglata s my 111 arts for $1.ea a$ok. Samples may be had at Dunlop's Drug Store . A HYDRO -STORE THE SQUARE One of the greatest household labor sa\'- ing devices is an ` i ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER S e e t h e different makes at the Hydro Store. 1 'WATER AND UGNT CONNISSiON A W1111" No off►, A Clean Sweep _; dozen 4 -string Broome N\io. loo, for each 11 59C Can yon beat this for a Bargain ? Come q'.lick and buy before they are all gone. .f. H. Leach Phone 180 Con. Mont"al 8t. and Squsit*e I 1,A 11 e . ---- i, h .«. Fill your ca ,, I witch L In convur lent to your frionds, to do true juaticc to y4� boor" pitality-►,-serve ,tanks When ,you ether for teal. Each cup U emhodies tte perfection of fla- vor . achieved thtllougb spilled bi n4iltg of Ceylon's ftlf eat grgWt$s.1 + WM. BRAID & CO.- 11 Vancouver. Canada — .�; � 'I 11 : , , L . .. I . 'Pt 11 &#] I L . _. . .,.-, awfm T it a• very powerful v o . It is used for clewdad up . the+sldelpt aasd bardost dirt. grease. etc. Cswfws Lp is gess for saki■s sinks. atresias an closets sweet and oleo• 00x' i, Cmf fir las Kills rats. mioe, roaches " and.issaot pests. Cea>A%srt las wit! do the turdest spring cleaning you've dot. Comfort las is good for waking soeD• /it's pow.dered.potfuued and 100; pure. s t 1 2 I ! is splendid fo r . a 0 - - I",--- -9 - - - - a quiet -going man and a good nelgh- Qlrtlullied Eyeiift Dor, and the funeral was targets at- � � Eyes inflamed by espo. tended. Those who are left have the ati.to8ebeagfsod".Q. sympathy of allbthe neighbors. ggulcklyreliendby111aiW - Iyet=emedy. No Smartirir, Children C r Eyes just Eye Comfort- JU FOR FLETCNER'S Your D�,�i�to or by mail sac PerBOWI. Forkill For Iltse ttla Pis free sante II `1f • !)'o Reseda Co.r Cblwew ♦rr A S G R A a ------- .... _-_ .. .------ - - At Your Service W1�eregow You Live ,nie.woutan, in town, tar country, has,the sarne ,. adva»tage as iter sister in dire city iu expert service 'frorn the bet•t known firm iii Clean—inga 07 Clothing or I.3 Fabrics For dears, the nano"Purl;ei's'• lt.,,. ,;gra i . ' e fieri vorfectinn in this work of ntsrkillg oi,t things look lice new, whOtf(or tuerst>tt;el ilia metals or even the meet fragile Tllid(rirt l o household curtains, (Intperies, t u;s. eta. 1'areets from the counts}- sent 65 mail c, expres9 receive the fiftme caret ll nUeouttoU av unrk delivered personally. AI'rite to us for ferihtr pat-Hrulars, or ,end aro•parrt/s dirrel ro PARKER'S DYE WORK. Lege . CLEANERS AND DYLRS 791 Yottge St. - . T080110 A Clean Sweep _; dozen 4 -string Broome N\io. loo, for each 11 59C Can yon beat this for a Bargain ? Come q'.lick and buy before they are all gone. .f. H. Leach Phone 180 Con. Mont"al 8t. and Squsit*e I 1,A 11 e