HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-06, Page 5WO -A Milli, �M M�.yMlt'!MA'!9AIFI•M Keyser 4toves MNIIIMiA114wM!MMI�IIIIMI�IIII ' *.a, to 6 p.m., Satll> ;pp �+ gill. I Sll�r s Perrino 010voifs Early if -„I sss!W SCOTCH STORE SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Floor Govep.ings and Window and D Drapes Rugs For A I l Rooms A specially fine assortment of Rugs, in Tapestry, BrusEelette, Axtuillster, Brussels and Wi!ton almost all sizes uow in stock, atilmost reasonable prices. Congoleum and Linolettnt Rugs iu most lovely carl)et designs 3x3, 3x312 and 3x4. Very moderately priced. Floor Oilcloth 85c sq. yard z yards wide in first rate designs of tiles, blocks and floral Linoleums. Li noleu ms $1.50 sq. yard All ideal faoor covering conies four yards wide verN- 1_hol,e desibus and (,lost dui able quality. Window Curtains and Driapes The finest and best selection we have ever shown very choice curtains iu Voile, Scrims Nlargnisette, Lace and Swiss. Prices front Aa.; 5 a pair tip to xiz.00 a pair Curtaining by the yard in Scrim, lrlarquisette, Nottingham Lace, Voile and Nladras in White, Cream and Ecru, also fancy colored nets in floral aur. bird designs. Prices rangitlg from age a yard to $i.,so a yard. A splendid assortment of Chintzes, Cretonnes, Casement cloth japestries and Velours in all the newest designs and colors. We cordially invite you to come and inspect these goods before purchasing elsewhere, you will find the quality good and the prices right. Before leaving the store we would ask you to take special notice of the Bargain Tables on the wain floor. One table is devoted entirely to remmants of all kinds, comprising:—Dresss Goods, Voiles, Musliu, Prints, Flannelettes, Curtains Materials etc, etc. Aenother table is well filled with ladies lisle hose of a very fine quality' present values beiug 6oc a pair. All being cleared at 25c a pair, while they last' Summer Dress Goods are being displayed on other tables at old vaines' fully 25 per cent. less than lrrecent prices. Orders by 'Phone or Mail Receive Our Best and Prompt Attention 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 1 _ ...... . .. . the s+iered palanquin, s:ec'ret••s the h" 0 1 Rz 'FLAME LAME OF THE DESERT,' , p I'heatru next Ttnirhday evening wilt SAA 3s tlil�i retract.• prrs!'nt wime at box offlec of Every season for years before the dred Hlndoos and Arabs appear in the I theatre and recelve a vvar lax ticket great war, tourists went to Cairo to' ale Khoo) will, e:,Qn et an excep witnr,s the procession of the hot y'• cavalry officers and native orohestras I • carpet or Mahmal and the several day, flying d,•rcishea, elephants and Jori It's difficult for a stout woman to of ceremonies which followed its sup- Atonally Aso klottlQ& Flay seryNe, to 1Ak-ftleb Closed jVurney to Mee,•a. A replica of Persuns buying tlekel, outside fortIt a wonion has lit)other reason for this same lzreat procession is shown In to a man she dors it junt because all acelavitrd, rThc Itlltar's — the Desert," which will be shown ret ESTJ►> "SHED 187 the Model Theatre Wednesday and knoming themo will be -Thy Ntothoo .`t Thursday, May t2 and 13. Geraldine Farrar and Lou Tellegen are starred Martin tailored clotilas I$eg.#n 19 pay ;w Rvenlnlf, ••Aro Christ's Standards of. Conduel The holy carpet is Ifact no carpet (,ANY people fail to save because o at all but a portion of the hanglnR, taken from the tomb of Mohammed at l�l 0/R71 the they Prireticablio amounts which are Milt long a able to put to one side seem to back the minute yttu put thein 99 adjourned meeting of trail ut14. Make a trial. Open a deposit ac- .7--T—Thu vial board will' be held on Monday Pay YOU in satisfaction of good service, fit I night. The annual r„ogre atlonal ,meeting will be heM on Wednesday and style. +, night. L'very Members and supporter r Of the church la urged to be present ime q • Martin, the, Tong f pr and hear the reports of the year's ovirk. It will, 0 a meeting of inapira. tion anti delightful fellowship• • • pnq 'Phone 318 P&OPLE -Wf. XMW °Ell slim F. '1. Nrldham was a visitor at •��..I���I� �� .�,.�� London last week. Q Kodak 08nUARY loss,' we realize how thankful to God we should be for all the help you were \�' James o neon -in East street, rias taken a pushier In Leamington. V SHIELDS.—There to the happy 03 Mrs. Joseph Etlivtt is away tram from departed this life us+throughttllt years lawn, leaving last week to take al! to her eternal rest on April 23rd, Mary our' work together, \Ye can but pray uaeah trip, Developing and Printing Shields, wife of Mr. James Shields, who predeceased her over 50 that the blessed Master who rules Itis church and Ills servants, make make Mr. and airs. F. J. Pridhant are vis. years. .Mrs. Shields was born in Goderich up to us in some measure at least• the itiug their daughter, Mr,. Arthur P. township righty -six years ago, after 1094 we have sustalned, and that lit, lteid, at Toronto this week. her marriage settling in Ashfield town- may abundaxiily,bless you in ,your new Mr. Gliffurd Johnston, of the Sterling ` ship, where she resided until about fif- "Churoh Home;' anti open up to you Banff staff here, has been transferred LVi p” I mea Yeo" ago, When @he wgnt• to. live avenues of service larger than was to their agency at Monckton. Pe>rtnla Store- in Goderfah with het daughter, "f irs. (rapt.) William llaxter. She was a possible hero, stay tic bless too, very richly, your Urs, Macdonell, Mabee and Caesar have been in Toronto the past Werk Q� 1�1>EOlI¢ 9la.a l ' la UAf.. red and loving motrtier, whom, her devoted help -meet, Ntrs. Garter, • and Your family, We miss them attending a dental convention, ^• 9 children loved and ho red, $ita is !tQ all, and Miss Maude 1llllion, who is taking a Survived by five soils end one drlitght- er, namely, airs. Richard Baxeter, of our prayer is that they with you, may in the end of the day, reoeive from tot course as nurse -In -training in Guelph Sandwich; John.aDd Hugh, of lshtleld; Khig, the welcome plaudit; "w'eli� hospital, is hOlue un vacation at pre - O®Ag®�ile4s®®®IIBBBIn®®I6H�®Yg�edlstl8®® Harry, of Dunlop, and Matthew and dont'! good and faithful servants." i to David, of Northern \Vidconsin; and Signed on behalf of the Fessfon . YOU Mrs. Wm. Baxter, who predeceasedhey four years, Also her oldest son, Vb'ill JAMES ARGO, Mioister, JOHN SPROAT, Clerk. LOCAL BRIEttS a � Shields, died a number of years ago, Her funeral took place from Iter home Thi; letter indicates the faithfulness of Mr. Carter \\idle going fn and out The General Hruugh Chapter, 1. G ® ® O LiFfithouse street, on Sunday dTter- `liruutg the people of Egmundville, and D. E., will hold their re ular monthl • b heeling In the Hoard of Trade room, IN are invited to worshipwith R nnon, April 25th, to Maitland cemetery, tilt° people of Knox church, Goderich on \tardily, alu5' 10th, at 4.15 p. w. m and was largely attended by Goderfclt can truly ray, with the Egnutndville US at the � people and a large number o1 old people, plat his faithfulness :,1111 ron_ Herbert W. Pferay, interpreter (it i$ neighbors of Ashfield. The Rev, Jas. tinued after he bet -dine a rnenrhei of literature, the popular dramatic story ® 10 Hamilton had charge of the service at that rungreg'ation. ills life tv;is a reciter, in Victoria rt. chureh, \fay R is Church the home and graveside. The pall- great blessing to the eonlnuuul> and ill, absence Pruul the 14111. Keep this date open. Admissioi, ' ,• ptisf ® beare.rs were five, grandsons and One clnurh will be Mtgnitreal' Street � nepho vc of the deceased, namely, Rill, I``'enly fell. \\'r ills(, regret that \fr,. Mr. Hobert Wilson, Ilainilt,ui stre,'L Ile lit -rt, Percy, and Frank Shields, Alfred t:arter and daughter are going from ha, donated $3 worth ret' fertilizer fur ® �. IR. iR Baxter avid Thomas Danby.: uuona u,. They are Ica\iug roe 13r:u1- duo. \lila., in a feve da>s, vv here they use on the Alexandra h/,spitai Garden plot, ;lad Vidcan l Co., vv'„ ander,tand, IN Sunday, May 9th 10 Safe in the arms of Jesus, 5.I T, on Iris ,rile breast; inl,vtd h, mill., iheit• fulnr,• li„ole, as Ila, donated the seeds for saute. to ,r Tre re by his Incl: u' most or th,• fnnlil% r' uclfnlll : r,'sidr \\'r w esti lhrnl I's 1h1`sirig ill „ !'hr W. C. T. L. will held Live' r. ® tilt, ell}' mer grill ,tau rest. all rest. Il . hoini., I,Ir toweling on Monday, \la . y loth, .tl10 ® ErI !tl (.\FITi-M.—The sudden death of \Ir. RN:.\\ CRS. \\',n•d ha. come fl•„m p. in.. at the home „f \ii s Halla,'. \lr,. hcavVl's, the cuunt Y i rc•,idcut. , Is I I a.m. -- ”'The Hope of ® llonry tarter, of Goderich, on April '11,1, was a great shuck to the cum- i:;iluaty o,f Ihr death tln'rr etre �uud;l� 1 glue au adcit, . rs tecled to ,. Visite, fg p rnunity. A short ,k,•t+•h of his social \forfl 25th. -if .\Irr•e,t it. It,•;tvo rs, aged w''Iruui,'. PRESS -;L-PT. ® John's Gospel.” life was in last week's 3t; „•;urs. Ih'rra:e,l via, Ill,' ' ,rend .Thr Wunran's Ali\hi.iry „f Sl. ,.eor• tupersnny and this week we take the opportunity week >nunccsf ,on "f Mill. If• av,'rs, of i:,'dar we's church will hold .t "ielal '•\, nenµ of making sume mfvrcnev to the dc- j�,rlll l'r'1\' of Iintle l'leil in\1ll,rllp Ull 1'['Iday', ills J' t4(11, ,tt K U'e tree h, 11, IN a vntinuul serclue of his Christian Ilfc• Mr. Heaver, was burn and grew lu the h;oust hall. Yrogranl and light r,. - garter was. a staunch tires- yuung manhood "n Ili, father', fariu TreK1111j,tits. Adnli--ii 25c. }her) - ®Mr. 1'@' 3 p:' m.—Bible School, bytcrian, but his devotion to that in (loderich luvcnship. Trout there he body welcome. ® ®. denomination did ' not prejudice hint vv,•,It to Toronto and oder to Cr+lgary Beside.; a widow three '1'11,: follow ing are ill,, returns up to ® in any, , w -ay, ,for he thoroughly en- iurd rhildrrn. he ;races to mourn his ear•1) death April 27th of the amounts raised in tool ® ® joyo-d the means of grace in any his father, Wirt. Ilemors, of (oda: \'a1_ v';triuus synods for the Pn•,byt, riaq ® ® ® church or place. Mr. Carter was an Iey, trot., and two sisters, Arthur, of Thankofrering compared with the al- ,. ® p., m.— A nVltatlOn t0 ® elder in the Egmondvillr church fur Goderich; Mrs. J. 11, Johnston, „f lovation: 6i many years and when tie was corn- Proton, tint., and \Ir>- A. Evan.., of .Allocation- .$1,000,000. the Willing." ® gelled to sever his connection with the Goderich` tow-m-hIp. Subscribed $A,921,t1ai, ® ® membership of that congregation ow -t \ Yurther amount Of ✓"1,789 recehrd ® ill Ing to his removal to Goderich, it.was LAYTON.--The death conk place on April 28th, brings, the total up to $.J,- ® ® with regret he left the people he had Sunday last ,it the residence of Mr, and (123,423. O ® learned to love. Perhaps in no better Mrs. Jas. Walker, St, Patrick street, of • 10a ® ® 8 P. M. — Young People's ® way, can we indicate the feelings of the people of the Egmondvilie Pres- Mrs. Walker's mother, Vary Ann Wilt- sun, rellet of the late John Layton, of MICKIE SAYS IN to bytc'rian' church towards him than by Clinton, at the ago of 78 kcars. NcH. Meeting. s publishing the letter they gave him on Layton had born ailing for couple of ® bis departure, a letter that was most years, About. a• trionth ago site came yA =ft, aOIltS, "Z 1.►'r-WVA _"These Things Are Written x"1B •• " highly , appreciated by Mr, Carter. to Goderich to visit tier daughter and x e�ol't yte w.`s. Av11 li4Fae 11A1►, sir The letter is as follows: the end carne, peacefully while she �Rt10er1N' ►10Mti Cyt• tkAICON• ® F,gmondvllle, Ont., Jan. 29, 191rt. yeas here, airs. Layton ncas boleti suutli of aiftcrhell•,and fqr a.gpud MaAy,, Jt?KT KIEV Ohl tAtpl►i 'R1 ��'� •� n. Mr. Ilrnry Carter, yeari'had,be'un a highly.•rcepoctud reel- , *AVER'�it:R:. tliM ilii - - --- Miss Nettie Leona Glazier, youngest Goderich, Ont. dent of Clinton. She was 'twioo 'mart -tEleliPtt IattioNw , daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gla- Dear aft. Carter: rind her flrst husband being rho• •late , zier, of Clinton, was married 9t. It was with deep regret that we. Alex. Hillen, of Clinton, who was �Afrs; ('.lair, atirti., on W,'dae,tiay, April 2fat, l your brethren of the EFrhondville seg - Walker's father. Mrs. Walker has two • ' to air, Ralph Jackson, of Elmira, N, cion, learned of your contemplated, de- brothers' in Detroit. John and Jamey: Y., where the young couple will re,- j and when the and one, Robert, in Atgonao; a deter, .parturelrom among us 'Geo. side. anticipated became .a reality, .we were airs. Hollich, in Kitchener; a sits-' truly sorry to have to bits adieu to you ter Ip Clinton, airs, John Walker; and _ — and yours, but yet We did not fully a sister at Sterling, Alta., Mrs. Marius `K MODEL THEATRE realize our loos as' we ill lh that you were t;ti11 one of u9- though no longer Ober. The funeral rook place t Tie's- day t0 Gunton cemetery, by auto,' �C�,' ' r�� with us. Now that yqu ,have formally Mr. NicDermid taking the service, at severed your connection with us by the house here, and Rev, Mr. Anccrson •, PROGRAM the withdrawal of your certificates of Mettle, minister in Clintoir, 'lilts' membership, we appreclite the fact of Layton, being a Methodist, in rdlt$ttir.' • For weak May 10th to 15th the separation in its fulness, and, be- and, while able taking an, active, tN-, I '' ••. •�• cause weld tw$ egI..we .cannot allow terest In church matters. Tile p ll- bearers • , , MMoeda and Tuesday onday y your- do &a. -Co pass without ex- were three sons, John, Jaied' and dioberk ' prrbefng,, $ 4'`l i'fifis resolution, and a son -In-law, tile. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE our feelings of good-wiil and esteem. George liflich. Among those present .aim `RNID- of triendshlpt and of brotherly regard at the funeral were Gtr. and Mrs. Ge'o: BENNETT and affection. lloflich; Mr. and Mrs. John Walker - You were • for over' thirty years con- two grandsons, Samuel and John ifo- IIN nected with the Egmondville congre- bich; nephews, Mr. John Hillen, of ttLaW Men" �od,oYotfnma festeedo at dens long Per- Detroit and Mr. (;co. \Vallser, of, 11dfo'n; C nlrres, Mrs. Kerr 'and airs. Arvhttiald* of p practical interest in f welfare—as shown by from Seaforth,; and the following, re - your presence regularly In the House latives of Mr: LAyton's from Clintgrf, Sixth Episode of of God on the Sabbath, and by faith- Mr, and airs. Fra4- Laxton, Mr. and fully supporting and encouraging the airs. Fred Pepper, air. and airs. (.c "Adventures of Ruth" Lord's work. For almost twenty-five Layton and MI!;s Pepper; and, of years of this period„ you have been a course, the Sons from Detroil. and Al, valued member of our Session—by the gonac and Mr, and airs. Walker and 71faithful discharge discharge of those duties de- Miss Lva Walker, of Goderich. A large Wednesday and Thursday volving' upon you as an elder of the number of beautiful flowers , were A GOLDWYN SPECIAL church, approving yourself to us your Placed on the casket by surruwing DRINK A GLASS It, llow-elders, and to the congregation. members of the family. OF REAL HOT {NATER 6ERALDINE FARRAR and \our sound :judgment, consistent Christian rx,nduct, unflinching adher- AMONG THE CHURCHES BEFORE BREAKFAST. once to the truth of the Gospel and t( LOU TELLEGEN what you conceived to be' your duty _ The Mission Band and Sunday gchon` Hong vv ith mn,w•ercin4 loyalty to your of tit. Grorge-'s church are preparing Says we will both look and feel IN _� _ minister, are qualities which were an operetta to be given snnm' time thi.'t clean, sweet and troch t,a " flame of the Desert highly appreciated by both Session and l:ongrrgation, and w•tiich Rained month. Watch free xnnuuncrment o. dal( and avoid illness. for you our esteem and affection. IV,, miss you from our Sabbath ser- Victoria est. \fr t.hndibt church, Fun- FARRAR'S GREATEST PRODUC .e,, from the ,rs inn meetings and day May 9th, Mother', Day: Both sanitary scienco has of late made TION fro m the pra}er-m,, rinses in vvhirh morning and evening services, also th(` rapid stride, with results that are of ynur ability to lead In prayer wap ;unday school shall be' in keeperz untold blessing ro humanity. The lat- A Drama of the Sahara and r,ne s"('h a help, and, as vvr feel thus our %%•fill the. spirit of Mother's Day. eat application of Its untiring research Woman who defied the Desert Tribes. "Thr Hope of John's, rin,pel" and 1s the recommendation that it Is n'1 See "Picturesque Old Egypt, ' the "An Invitation to the, Willing" will bre necessary to atten4 to internal sanitn 'Mystic Cradle of Civilization." r� the themes at the Baptl,t church next lion of the drainage, system of thn ho also Lord's Day, Thelbihl,• school at 3 man body aF It to to the drains of th(: A PARAMOUNT FLAGG COMEDY Fresh Goods promises to be of especial Interest The }'nUng People meet at g o'clock. Louse, Th(wpe of I:y %% ho .-r, nreuFt ,nl, •1 to feel (1,111 and heav i where v e arise, 'Romance and Brass Tacks A meeting of the Ministerial Assn- splitting hPadaehv, stuffy from a cold, ciatlon will be'+ held on Monday, Ma> foul tongTiv, npuly breath, acid send ------------------ 10th, at 2 p. m. in Vfrl"ria St. Mellon- arb, can, lr.0vad, I`( •I sq fres', :rA n THURSDAY NIGHT Olives dist church. Rev, \ir. McCormick, of Rlyth, will introduce a discussion On daisy by ol,( nlnr, :Le altile( s of ilii -ys flnsbinn out the '.How to Rest Use the \tan Power of tem earn mornine and whole of the Iniornal polsonooa rear; y Soldiers Memorial Fund all sizes the Ghurrh." leant nintier. Eycr)'nne, %virlh(r allin'•. Ork or Elkhorn Cheese Divine worship morning and evening next Sunday in Knox church ,,-nducted well. ghonid .a(h w rnhle b'fore breakfast, drin a Cl. sa of r, al hot •f by the minister. TIUes or sermons, 11 . Benefit a. m., "Woman's widening servire." anter with n t, ap; cx anal of lit"estrnp all flavors p. m., "Second-hand religion." Sun- Phn,phnfr fn it to ;I 1, f o ,rhe slum EXTRA • • day school and organized teen -Gar and adult bible classes at 3 o'rlock "ch. Inver :111.1 l(' ,'1t +1' per . 1(71'154 day'n Indigrt+tll'r ,•.;Is,+ •, s•uv- h l , nn( l Highland Dancing and Bagpipes H] Q -Lite P� poisonous to,- -ii lh':s !r ne!TlV, The Gdllerieh Orchestra The annual meeting of the Quarter- ly Board North swertenin•- ,.tA ,, i, !'irq +he entire and Dainty unCh of street Mothodist church was held on Monday evening. 01mentary rv.nat hrfnrr, ,n•tnl,^, more food into It,,, rro•,,.t,:1 'I I,r aet on of Mr, Harry Long wag reappointed re'•- hot wat(r : rl l Jr r erne ! !,rt 1phste on Frilay fled Saturday cording steward. The financial state- an empty r ;" I a,'T li v. ovdr rfnlly In ment for the year endhag April 30th I iIgorntin^ it ,'tae^ o'r' all the sour i " a New "Inf-of Seal us yavr next orler was a very satisfactory one, showing ivin for con p g l5'g gregat10Da1 t1rpOAr, of ferment at in! -, v I., s. R^i I" a;A ar1.111 d pod Flora nue n e',1t••t ll•I al ; ci (A for Geode p` 8.40, an increase Of $6,70 over th„ breakra.t• \l i.:le yo r n' • en n> Inc WWI zlehvered Year, Expenses for foe year were $4975.0(3, leaving cash sur- your hreakfart the pI,n:pt,nsed hot water fs q„1, fly rstrartlnq a Inrr, col '"""—� plus on hand of a25 Z1. Thr, Increased +imp of nn'er frn•n the 1,1 ,u'f .iud ert LEWIS sF. nicK, pretlellts TRY OURSPECIAL COFFER contributions for Caflgrefrational pur- tont: rcu,ly for n thnrv:�, Purling of I o'.11 fro, in,l le orettrw stir Ill 90 along With Increased mla- , ' c HURNA' TALEAUE slonary g(vings, and the total raised for the I1orWard rloveMent ' he r.i'.Ilnra of p(•oplt• R1, - ere Soli . ,reef v 'h ronprlt'ntion, hf!twia eta+!+r, its .�..... was $7,320 The reports of the v111'lotns organlza- lions in the church Will be oilo•,;AeF ,a','e, rbpnmp:,c =tiRnesa r,hr•p who LavA prillow sRInv, hlnoA I `$Il billon 'fife'' r►�lr • A. HO HOEY �.t EY preolent,•d at the annual th6dcongis thurcl meeting $tw lttathadiat Clinrch ,llcnrrterx rend alrkly rompl•4tort� aro ; n�grd In Fpt a tfunrter poimd of lime servient FInno phosphate from the drug storo Starting Am "A New Live of t� yyy +� Phase ■/o The Square next SO"` will be y rollows: 1t 10 Q-11., 0111,86 ,, Mlsgion Band and Thfp %ID cost very little, bot fp aufe cunt to make anynne a pronounceel 11,11en N Club. The club tnple, ••flow ernnk o i the subject of Intnrrn+ rar. • can we help our h, me and foreign hating. �M M�.yMlt'!MA'!9AIFI•M Keyser 4toves MNIIIMiA114wM!MMI�IIIIMI�IIII ' *.a, to 6 p.m., Satll> ;pp �+ gill. I Sll�r s Perrino 010voifs Early if -„I sss!W SCOTCH STORE SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Floor Govep.ings and Window and D Drapes Rugs For A I l Rooms A specially fine assortment of Rugs, in Tapestry, BrusEelette, Axtuillster, Brussels and Wi!ton almost all sizes uow in stock, atilmost reasonable prices. Congoleum and Linolettnt Rugs iu most lovely carl)et designs 3x3, 3x312 and 3x4. Very moderately priced. Floor Oilcloth 85c sq. yard z yards wide in first rate designs of tiles, blocks and floral Linoleums. Li noleu ms $1.50 sq. yard All ideal faoor covering conies four yards wide verN- 1_hol,e desibus and (,lost dui able quality. Window Curtains and Driapes The finest and best selection we have ever shown very choice curtains iu Voile, Scrims Nlargnisette, Lace and Swiss. Prices front Aa.; 5 a pair tip to xiz.00 a pair Curtaining by the yard in Scrim, lrlarquisette, Nottingham Lace, Voile and Nladras in White, Cream and Ecru, also fancy colored nets in floral aur. bird designs. Prices rangitlg from age a yard to $i.,so a yard. A splendid assortment of Chintzes, Cretonnes, Casement cloth japestries and Velours in all the newest designs and colors. We cordially invite you to come and inspect these goods before purchasing elsewhere, you will find the quality good and the prices right. Before leaving the store we would ask you to take special notice of the Bargain Tables on the wain floor. One table is devoted entirely to remmants of all kinds, comprising:—Dresss Goods, Voiles, Musliu, Prints, Flannelettes, Curtains Materials etc, etc. Aenother table is well filled with ladies lisle hose of a very fine quality' present values beiug 6oc a pair. All being cleared at 25c a pair, while they last' Summer Dress Goods are being displayed on other tables at old vaines' fully 25 per cent. less than lrrecent prices. Orders by 'Phone or Mail Receive Our Best and Prompt Attention 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3O Years Always Clears the Signature of • D I The New U d Decorating Store West Street o n l L,,, of a Glass I;rv,.,;n,l t;' iia. \I,I vera err. O li If , , , re, blinking of 'i., I g D a„ t Decorating a this a l nn uv and 'e' a n F;vri )N,; nn eahmate. ll n I Cuthhertson no count with the Bank of Hamilton, and you will be surprised to find crslc�` i how quickly your savings accumu- late. BANK OF HAMILTON GODFRICFl BR %\f'11, A. J. MCKAY, MANAGER Attractive-- Spriing Footwear -t r 1 ,, e ' , I r �r•a a c0lo%%ing of ton late•. t. la IK•.' 'l," 't ., It till(! o Ir I.r. i{1(,II 1' tIit \IAT' 1t,• in11'e vour rnglwi tMh 1\ .1,4 'A, Oxfurols. r u;,;' fr, in .,t.xllllu + Fare dllllh finest from $41 .i0 to `31 , Of .i, : - I .t,e l;, ,r •t, an(d nxfc id vie ! ate 'I,,• ltin ' iii, t. :c, quality an(] linen - — ';e.t ember this is whern y ,u ret I i.i;(t� .n f:' I.• r \York Our slops it "All round atisiaction" HERN' S BOOT SHOP rµ1 HOLY CARPET OF EGYPTIANSI the s+iered palanquin, s:ec'ret••s the h" the Mh•nwrial Fund hhow• at lire Model ( 'FLAME LAME OF THE DESERT,' ' alled carpet and thio Is carried nn I'heatru next Ttnirhday evening wilt the backs of two camels. Nine hun- retract.• prrs!'nt wime at box offlec of Every season for years before the dred Hlndoos and Arabs appear in the I theatre and recelve a vvar lax ticket great war, tourists went to Cairo to' great procession, as well as Englibh free. witnr,s the procession of the hot y'• cavalry officers and native orohestras I • carpet or Mahmal and the several day, flying d,•rcishea, elephants and Jori It's difficult for a stout woman to of ceremonies which followed its sup- k~`4. get away from *olid facts. Closed jVurney to Mee,•a. A replica of Persuns buying tlekel, outside fortIt a wonion has lit)other reason for this same lzreat procession is shown In to a man she dors it junt because the latest Goldwyn picture, "Flame ul — the Desert," which will be shown ret ESTJ►> "SHED 187 the Model Theatre Wednesday and Thursday, May t2 and 13. Geraldine Farrar and Lou Tellegen are starred In this photoplay. The holy carpet is Ifact no carpet (,ANY people fail to save because o at all but a portion of the hanglnR, taken from the tomb of Mohammed at l�l 0/R71 the they Mecca and 'tient from Cairo each y,:tr amounts which are Milt long a able to put to one side seem to on a pilgrimag, of prayer and ,,uplv3wation. A square tram^, hunts them too small to be worth saving. In heamtirul tapes,lrw, and known as Make a trial. Open a deposit ac- CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3O Years Always Clears the Signature of • D I The New U d Decorating Store West Street o n l L,,, of a Glass I;rv,.,;n,l t;' iia. \I,I vera err. O li If , , , re, blinking of 'i., I g D a„ t Decorating a this a l nn uv and 'e' a n F;vri )N,; nn eahmate. ll n I Cuthhertson no count with the Bank of Hamilton, and you will be surprised to find crslc�` i how quickly your savings accumu- late. BANK OF HAMILTON GODFRICFl BR %\f'11, A. J. MCKAY, MANAGER Attractive-- Spriing Footwear -t r 1 ,, e ' , I r �r•a a c0lo%%ing of ton late•. t. la IK•.' 'l," 't ., It till(! o Ir I.r. i{1(,II 1' tIit \IAT' 1t,• in11'e vour rnglwi tMh 1\ .1,4 'A, Oxfurols. r u;,;' fr, in .,t.xllllu + Fare dllllh finest from $41 .i0 to `31 , Of .i, : - I .t,e l;, ,r •t, an(d nxfc id vie ! ate 'I,,• ltin ' iii, t. :c, quality an(] linen - — ';e.t ember this is whern y ,u ret I i.i;(t� .n f:' I.• r \York Our slops it "All round atisiaction" HERN' S BOOT SHOP rµ1