HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-06, Page 4M 0,10111- .. .w., . W ... " c, -y . .. -PIP 17 TAKE XOTI An 04-:10 mat 5 F ,� Accounts 11TO filo twdltpt' of Tt>.er 4tRr sire—if the 'Wow U,4* oily deAre tit c x did Hort knave. No doubt places that were aggressiyo and had pull with the mon from filo f`t,)M� iiev, A..L.:3. Clarke, 'from ilio text, "Jesus, who regat%s #nt?b1 111. feel} t. Bn neo , trtitilnr "i3t kwbr Lini- =i it went about doing good."- l 'atom til Vies wast was found to be would save a 600 -mile rail( haui to ? Montreal. It The present age, said ilii. Clarke, was a very one in which +fNclr out Defacer t1►e 110i intaRti0 Palo. "Bt. eiflltttUh , •Xor this development, but ` w ainlAd thi tiudgon Bay Railway com-1 The United Stateis and, Catraldian' 9 el u ss F 4i dacab'r T.intseiiaiii :ii. I�atrnlers lriagn i i!R'C d to the Hodson Bax also. Governments had appointed air' Inter- !i .mat- ter, Mr. Cohnon was asked to make a usefulness of a matl'J3 life, or of any 'rlaeitrat Ilio oidia: Tt takes i iadlark ill) United States engin-national Waterways Commtiislon Flo 1'n- 2Ct'ff, twfrtl' ggrek'd that the deepening vestigato and hold conferences at'var- l ',Pte statement of the hospital membership cAmpaign''to be put on the following organization, not so much by aims and .motives as by results, what Vias trureaear andntiitness teem ach- iftsetes'aad bones stope }r ! Of' irrt.'tt awrence, canals was quite • ious points, taking evidenrse• oft-',nlne week, and this lead to a dispussion of ,accomplished. And the summary qf' bb Iwtnbabht►„ Wkaci e, tbenralg)IL ° soldiers' memorial, ptpoced Saunders text gwh life, es 61 the ltatitu' UPI (tet a $Or titbit b'ott[e of l irJ't �xpent�. •;fn a distance of 90 miles In response to a uestian �t`bfll Sir. �ihrrr 6C e' ressing himself as o p r' r ow" . ,1. OA'ltltb' ,'cit, LtiH•Cedce was a drop Alex. Saunders as to the depth of tivat- `ECoG monument and asked if it. had bceu} first sernyons, was not what Jesus from now drug store, and in a moment of fkgt .silo ur million horse. er necessary in our harbors, for hese ' ' Q. ocean vessels, Sir. Fleming' said we lt4a l+t'f 0f OOttltii eUeNlgy be definitely decided that this form of was to be It was taught, but what he did "Jesus w t about doing good." All through his 3rou'J! be �ree!f"rem pains. aches and f1 - 4 M1 i R ' life on earth vyhat Jesus taught and atitinewL Dont suffer t Rub rhemna- V ' -._ ., . , ,.. • , ,,.. tat i - a $ n rtispaiwr n a4upo reputation. ire- Audited x itsi, presenting the best thopght and acou;ofthe people of c4naldtst, it is time it got down to writing tditg.rlals of t dificrent Character Xbta those thatEES. Every Isar indepea'' oat8 ail "Ave lately atrp�earrid tit its ealuains. y ;;t'ut�nto have oust arrived ill this d ertltlt•tit ern o� r tlo oP t l Toronto Hand R nl dent cognized account - I011 a on A on Faturday, . published an editorial, Toronto suet l?allt ants ►fro te0oenired ktanditzg loom ' 'ver llttndsouie ,,,p ; ity to Gowxaativille. it torial, that is so ojitur, examine the Interngtionerl, tfilE tMltit are lt*x laonali good .c� rices very moderate itfdeed, the art stir ri* National, and Territorial books.' I) y � p Y �# itted with tacit of knowledge and in- toFination that ono may well wonder vgl, S�Q,t 'iL'ou'dogriag. where the Olobo is drifting, or has. It vou'CSlf11is are provided for' , loot Its ihea4& My sensible person t every dollar spent, for the ow Suits of All Wool Silk Poplins `. speak the truthmInyrefe�renceo t who gthisand proje need only to walk over this . forty -mile route Purpose. for which it was in- 'Sw rs xft• iblack' or navy well ceae an llled at '� made s and view the- situation In Its ttdtual �l.��ly lined and' trimtended Most serviceable practical' lk„E_p condition, and he will listen to th4 BALANCE sheets showing J9ltxf�' �y}hi8tte of the engines and rattle of each and wool mix. in a ifit:Qr of prk�lt i lite train on the three lines - on either the admit,istration of all and eVeaVNS in all colors at per std, side, making six tines all within a fgw funds entrusted to their care� 30s, $35, $40f $50 P Y milesi, of Lake Ontario. Then, in de- .ill be sent to interested en - fence of its attitude towards the wild Coats and senseless expenditufe which Sena quirers. for E. U. Smith recently so clearly ex- plained, the Globe calls to its side the Tweeds, Sergio. Cheviots ' 24,33.4 Irresponsible voters who rolled The Salvation $18, $25, $35 Floor Coverings up the vote bolstered up by Sir Adam n nd Beck and his dependent lieutenants, an army of inefficient engineers and Army Several hundred bright new rugs in auditors, against the opinion of the°2,- - Dresses Brussels, Tapestry, Brusselett 730 hard-headed bu%siness men w•hol will have oto bear most of the finan- Silk Taffeta, Georgette, at each. and Wilton rugs. . clal b4ponsiptiltty, and who fknow, 308 Citadels $ �w' $20f ���' $30 that, with the see •Ity si our Cana - than winters and .lies position of this and Institutions Every size tip tO 3!.t' x4% yards, rot d during the major' part of the year • '+• the earnings of the road could not in this Territory Dress Silks and PopUns Values best in years. possibly pay for the removal of the snow, Again the Globe looks 'with) —use th'fetxn � 36 inch Satin Du:hess, Taffeta Silks horror at the Idea of a uniform. rate On - in Black hTavys Browns Greens Li noleu:ms 4 yards wide in excel len for power to the municipalities of On - r r r tario, apparently because Toronto has at er yard, patterns at per yard square a goon share in the present monopoly Clarke, to the wardens of the church in power rates, which it and the Globe and to the chuir, was moved and see - $2. 0, X3.001 and 53.25 $150 and $1460 onded by Bro. Alex. Saunders and J. • seek to perpetuate, a monopoly sur- passing any thing now exAsPing in E. Tum and carrietl unanimously. �������•^�� ��.�., (:annda, because it is founded on a The At Home national ,heritage which •riA-lltly bei The annual at home of Huron longs to all the people of the, province Lodge, No. B•2, 1. U. U. F., was held on ACHESON 0 • In its issue of May 3rd, the Globe Friday night last. There were - over charges the advocates with being ig- 100 persons present and the event vva� norant of the. fundamentals of the by- most successful. The entertainment W. dro project and says that a flat rate consisted of cards, a •program, lunch, would be a degree of confiscation. In and aft,'rw•ards a dance. The prize - short the Globe appears to be so much winners In the cards were Mrs. Frank _ under the wing of Toronto, that it is Martin and Wigs Gibson. The pro - users to leave the coof4 and so much gram, an excellent one, consisted of users wanUd rte+ Ig<t some cheaper what use would be made of file 3,000,- under the ower of the hydro that it IF, the following numbers: Chairman's TNS' -DEEP WATERWAYS form of power. Sir Adam Beek had 000 horse power, to which the answer p 5 PROJECT worked out a scheme In connection was that the power would be devcaop- wtlling to say almost anything against address, Slr. Harry Edwards; God Savc file inherent right of the peoplo`of the the King; solo, Miss Kata Lyttle; sole, with the power development, which ed only as demanded, in blocks of 300,- province and the real interest of the Miss Mary Scrimgeour; musical selve- lrteldlent O. E, Fleming of the Deep was to be presented soon, and the two 000 to 500,000 h. p. Waterways Association Addresses pians (t'he power and the deep water- The system would ne under Federal country In this resect. o e- would tion on the mouth organ, Silas Minnie Wats r challenge the [Hobe to produce and Gibbs. solo, Mia9 Edriean Watson. ways) being developed together would control (this in answer to Mr. Saun- publish a ma position 4aderleta LlorRrd of Trade chew en each other. And. the saving dors). P p showing theprof The Goderich Orchestra provided ex - cheapen Elie steam lines running In close proxi-. Ct•llent music for the dance. in the Importation of U. S. coal would Dr. Macklin asked what arguments mitt' to the Toronto and Eaand awing' Improvtt• rho exchange rote, were advanced by those opposing the C. Lewis,, secretary of th.� Canadian the Inability OfMajor Alex. the population of the dlstrictrtcta in <?.Afi�•i'O�itB• There w•as opposition from New scheme, to which Mr. Fleming said Deep Waterways a d Power Aesoeta- question'. . ; asses the 14 Use For Owe 3011ecr: 1'fork city which wanted everything to they argued that the scheme was in- IGan, to 'come to (.odcrlch on Friday Yours truly, tiiQnaturo evening as annquaeed, he made ar- eo by way of Buffalo and the New Practical, that ice in the winter would W. S. BOwT1EN, of fork canal, and from the city of Mon- destroy the works, and run the coup- rat 4tnmts with the president of -the 'York treal, w^hioh wanted to bo the funne! try into debts of .millions,, Beck was Assoclation, Mr, tees E. Fleming, of !heart and soul 've Ith urs and Mr, Flom- vanccd by the Government architect If you are dissatisfied with your lot Wiridsbr; to come. Mr. Fleming hav- for the freight from the Webt. Zonalaurnmer hum-, here and being The cost of vessel freight was one -ting said he was looking with interest who was in Goderich a short time advertise it for sale. pEt`Itltial if wCl1 act ualritCd with a.�ood eighth oC one-tenth of rail freight, and fol' his figures. ago, to the effect hat. a„ hospital miny TU0Me1*',iif' the llorit'd.MgAd hit) ttlil_prige o'f a'Ce�ltW b0ing fixed at Liv- Mr. Hume asked how the cost should be scrapped tVery twenty-five tack all ate Tlloru intcresn�t. llrl. htMs; bf oat, t11fl WestQrtt lhrmer w cutld be constructing the canals would be d }'ears, this would not be a very per- ��.T�. (�Oisi Q1iR�.-Y . re0 tilt' . W,4,Wough 'tiff iline�t'ttttd;all�ad �y any saving' ip transportation v'ided between Canada and the [lnitod moment surf of memorial, and It would �a�g $O,� �! !s'illl p. 0 DBC$„ll 1j,Cokts y..fust,ttrdt moist. it wad call- Sues, to which Mr. Fleming replied he. a pity to destroy fife apparent un. ^' ' ?l1�q''W4 A%6vin of 5 of $ cents a bushe) It would be divided evenly.. animlty for a jnonuinEnt !ft' bringing •••-•-•+-►• Vias, nd tl tis itn > }Zl{ tp";(dye r�irua . It -aa a .by h ping ocean ccs- Are- the present plans for the Wel- up: other suggeationsnsr' �- _ list i small package of Hamburg ve in�%tti l%dia°.bcliOUAt tl land Genal beep enough? asked Sir. A vote of than$sge.$iemiWg wee Brenat'Tea at 844, oad at Fort Tilliam, which any pharmacy. ' Take a mi�v{4tnegt 'tor, . deepening the can• I Hume, 'and Sir, Fleming replied that moved by Mr, $au �.,i, d seconded ial►lesphonfnl of the tea, put a cu of of tFte'18tyh :1 a � t +,rgrka ,W0,A1# x{taktt, A p.,p.IX million ollars b , n�1 e�trtrt P til.�t navii#ablebi+cei vi�fitlel9. l�l.'ae3iN'.ori rho`"#� bushels of test' provided fora 'depth of 25 foot or y; isle. Gart'3w']t'hd '(•7,ea. Vrlh �ttte boiling cater upon it, pour through a Iefiltcillin 'was appointed chairman for Western going to t0jV1gq mar°k,.,30 foot on the.clll, clapping of hand8.'l' 'ir � � deee and drink a teacup full at any ets. Of this .400,000,,000 ushels 60 or How will this affect lake shipping? , f:iae during the day or before retiring. meeting. ih,e is t most effective way break In the Border Cities a new industrial , 70 per Dent, was ,at ,tlt•��,etrt diverted Can we compete, ��•1,t,tl the ocean boats? ODD�ELLOWS ANNIVERSARY It hest e y to oak at Buffalo and shipae ''Vit) U. S. ports. asked Mr. Wm. Wallace. a, cold and Dore Brig, as it opens the tai etre was developing but with five po fee of Abe skin, relieving eotigiestion. trunk rttilWay lines it was pretty well Figures showed that 0 to 50 per cent. To this Mr. Fleming replied by stat- Huron Lodge perks lOtsL AAulversary could be saved on freight on goods Ing that at present many of our ves- of Order by Church Service And up a loosens the bowels, thus breaking pillayided lilor transportation. They sets weft tied up in''the upper• lakes Social- Function ., up a cold, wanted cheaper trailrAportation, how- from Europe consigned 'to' the West t b by the proposed scheme, and the more for five months. of the y6Ftr,, but\ with = r -, � TMAt t1►i! Heart time you.' attlEe>c:#lrom r, and having appointed a Harbor � s cold `ter''11*0 grip. Ib tit inexperriii e Board W take charge of harbor im the West became file more prosperous the IalVot` oariais deepened thQy 'eou'ld W46 Lodge, No. 6t d O.'"O;' P ,� en�ire<- tege,yable. theirefake :irafe pj*Vements, they were conTronted the rest of Canada would be. fgo p1,if-ilt the SL ''�akvrence to all parts eel�gg;"te ,the 101st anlaiverSary of thtt with titer question "Why not an ocean be. 1 of the woRo and operate the year Oi" r thl ,poet _; ve0k, holglpg the an The total cost of the undertaking round k t►alt"dttueoh'•'lervlce on Sunday, when •a' 3iu'bor4 The Ford works and other vv as estimated to be 100 to 250 million D�, A�aektiti asked i, tv would thiry itis rothers ended, S t, etHnCerns made large shipments to ! a isHrope, and with ocean boats plying dollars, and the reVirnue from the sale leo flriaxieed, Nlr..iilemiflg', "It will be ohure and tilt$ rev p s; k_;<d#y ev; I4r_e� a Border Cities two handlings of power would be aufiiricnt' to Pay financed the same es alis Industrial. pyo .teninlfl makttig n�;«,to 1ta� W til 1 0 Of , r this freight could be done away with , maintenance expenses and interest position. Tho Government will. issue their' wives and isdy'ifrfen s', at' the With great saving in cost. A convert- eharges, thus giving the deep water- bonds and put them on the mal•ket." Oddie;lows' Hall, .fa •the annual. tips was called, to which Goderich ways free. stn Saunders asked If It was not home.; , I 01tht tWo delegates, and the meetingIn figuring the benfits to any lake 'true- that some private syndicates were The C�hurcle Stl1 Glce -----ter 'coos ,UhAnitittlusly In favor of makingpart one should figgro •fin draw- ready,40 tliniince the proposition as a Nfne,ty membeizk of .thee Three-Llnl;- ]kb � 'the st.." 160-'s `ri'nce and Great Lakes mai Ing from a 50 -mile pidlug for ship- private venture, td which Alt. Flem- ed Order, membiei4 of Huron Lodge, a Illlil4 UU11"a of ea vtfsable for' ocean velmeis . and of do- menta, thus Goderlph %night be the Ing replied In the am'rmative. No. 64, and spt4j. ylsiting brethren, at- gt: ft "I0p1n$,, Vrater. powers along the St.,' ocean ,port for Stratford. This was Mr. Huine 'asked If it was. the' pro- Fended diving ser4rtliceAln - St. 4eosge's tl,aWreht +, lylajor Levvlty, thQ aeUve why the people of London and St position to make all lake ports into ehurett on Sunday1 fttgg and, heard + ” $ttettmstism. ati i'ltj irsive secretary, and his half Thtlmas were getting the Government ocean ports and Air. Fiemlitg said he a very Practical {arl+lA�oppropriate ,ser- . pliiitd t.lta>T.biap dire in flit ` tati dt'anif) wed the Only paid otllcials to attend to Port Stanley..h4rhor now, t0 '400 #g'0 Q94 With the movement. • u Our ma'rkot would be tEttgli�dd and did Hort knave. No doubt places that were aggressiyo and had pull with the mon from filo f`t,)M� iiev, A..L.:3. Clarke, 'from ilio text, "Jesus, who regat%s #nt?b1 111. feel} t. Bn neo , trtitilnr "i3t kwbr Lini- At'' �e >:i°.iattfexenoe in NVinnipeg in Eurppe for farm produ.61ts and we' 0overhtnent would secure harbor im- went about doing good."- llrQlitA' t6 (JA t1iD "iendbr, t," and �J't� � a �t.:lif►r Ito iaron— 'atom til Vies wast was found to be would save a 600 -mile rail( haui to ? Montreal. P' rovemcifta mot's readily than others: The present age, said ilii. Clarke, was a very one in which +fNclr out Defacer t1►e 110i intaRti0 Palo. "Bt. eiflltttUh , •Xor this development, but ` w ainlAd thi tiudgon Bay Railway com-1 The United Stateis and, Catraldian' As this seemed to close the dlwus- s+lon of the waterways and power practical_ fine, the .world Judged of the value and dacab'r T.intseiiaiii :ii. I�atrnlers lriagn i i!R'C d to the Hodson Bax also. Governments had appointed air' Inter- !i .mat- ter, Mr. Cohnon was asked to make a usefulness of a matl'J3 life, or of any 'rlaeitrat Ilio oidia: Tt takes i iadlark ill) United States engin-national Waterways Commtiislon Flo 1'n- 2Ct'ff, twfrtl' ggrek'd that the deepening vestigato and hold conferences at'var- l ',Pte statement of the hospital membership cAmpaign''to be put on the following organization, not so much by aims and .motives as by results, what Vias trureaear andntiitness teem ach- iftsetes'aad bones stope }r ! Of' irrt.'tt awrence, canals was quite • ious points, taking evidenrse• oft-',nlne week, and this lead to a dispussion of ,accomplished. And the summary qf' bb Iwtnbabht►„ Wkaci e, tbenralg)IL pi`lldtloil; tF- only question was that Points, set out in the tlUon toot* . soldiers' memorial, ptpoced Saunders text gwh life, es 61 the ltatitu' UPI (tet a $Or titbit b'ott[e of l irJ't �xpent�. •;fn a distance of 90 miles In response to a uestian �t`bfll Sir. �ihrrr 6C e' ressing himself as o p :OariBof one of oleme, honest "Si: Jacobs Linime�^ ,1. OA'ltltb' ,'cit, LtiH•Cedce was a drop Alex. Saunders as to the depth of tivat- `ECoG monument and asked if it. had bceu} first sernyons, was not what Jesus from now drug store, and in a moment of fkgt .silo ur million horse. er necessary in our harbors, for hese ' ' Q. ocean vessels, Sir. Fleming' said we lt4a l+t'f 0f OOttltii eUeNlgy be definitely decided that this form of was to be It was taught, but what he did "Jesus w t about doing good." All through his 3rou'J! be �ree!f"rem pains. aches and p . could "L {; ilJ4)Vll;Gliped, Sofwhfetf:litwas agreed that would all Have to have our harbors memorial adopted. explained that at a meeting of repro- life on earth vyhat Jesus taught and atitinewL Dont suffer t Rub rhemna- ' ,ould i he tisna awe. 4 i D_ tdJllfi}t ' h, 1). V t►o the shah changed to 23 feet, slid pgsslb)yr later scntatives of the various societies in what did was in consonance. His 0'Ot+ it.' $ ,arid thkt'e million that of to 30 or 35 feet, Toronto would ulti- town, the. almost unanimous opinion doctrine found living example in his "W,040 additional horse mately spend t'3 .000,000 0n, its harbor. was In favor of a monument, though doing'• e 1� f V Y►GY tsY','t1x21t'S,�it4Ji+d Wig months by the Mr. Bowden asked ks 'to the Advan- the officers of the fund vverr of an In the early church this was carried a k # ilpp#visa •,R%V0I0PrhgAt would still tar'' to a small place and hlr. Pleming open mind. Sw,%eral of those present out by Jesus' disciples, the rich pro - 10a . rt, dfiflf{ tt`,or tfowep,:,And owing said we should look at thn question expressed themselves in favor of a hos- viding for the wants of, the poor, with tit, its ht ptTl; '.'l i , 0�1 odi#r,fltcighi front the larger standpoint illi the pros pilaf vvlhg, others were strong for a special otIlders p,ppoirrted to attend ikb #t tiro^ xhavttig to,b, 10 perity or the sthoke country. monument, providing it woigid be a to the needs of those SnlRant', but, )hr 3i '''s vionov. 'pb�ytao }Jr. 80%Vden also wanted to 1,now %york of art and not be a monstrosity. church havingg' in a f k4oui`6 abandon- ,,,�,��,�„•„••�,,,���� Str. Wm. Campbell stated that to got cd thispracttstw it refriatned for fra- a any sort of deismt ptonument wouldternalorders to thtiC6 iE up and on - I dl l�il�t l fl l�lmnn immnn�mirtntumau cost a good deal more than the $%000 deavor, attronor "'thilr,";monl .et`Shi0, to 1 realfle, this Writ off tloi ,good one the fund amounted to, In fact would be t►8' . do4ble that. Others mglntalned a to anbttter. Rood monument could be got for $6,- Atr, Clarke Sv85>"1~itll.Fed to know, it 1, 000 or $7,(100 or even a good deal less, fact it could Tint that y3r fir: ' and that about that sum was in sight the (WfelloCva did riot limit their n for the fund, beneficence 10'thiilr oAj members, for 4' Sir. Hume suggested a new Collegiate file Prinalples they accepted Were of id Institute as more necessary than a universal ldhafaeter. One could not be memorial vying to a hospital and said a true brother to some inert wlthou, µ ; the idea of a memorial could be carr- extending the sa'nle disposition to h, Ned out by giving soldiers' families; others. The spirit of helpfulness 1 free education. practiced towartispone gran of- men Mr. Connon,.while the hospital idea must lead to the game spiritbeingex- t µ appealed to him, said it the Idea ad- tended to all in need. Tho epitome of Jesus' life as given in the text,f"Jesus went about doing good," was Stressed w a as an example°for us to follow. ' PUT CREA#A IN NOSE Sunday last being Communiou Sun - i day. the service w•as the ante -Com- ' LAND STOP CATARRH munion, and for the l;piatle and Gos- t, of i eY �' kNewTapeer Davideand lJona Jonathan and the prr. Clarke read the i&;t,Rthe "sSlack s , Suits and Overcoats tlrtls aiid >E�Id Hdid .oWai Levitt and filo Satrtaritan, which ea- �t emplify -the teaching of the Indppen- dent Order of Odclfellowship, During ;ire C tlgriJ +td a5 the standard of excel- Yom tleel litre is a fear tnanientr, Stour the offertory a gilarit rte was nicely 0431 It litwi or tstarth will be gone, rendered b Misa 1�'drieiin nicely lace. They censure the greatest durability Yoofte l saoetrila ruin The air y s open Airs. Buckley, and *ssrs. Garwood tiwifts” of � t i d will cleat axd, Ply jest fts 1Droltfhe tt�e j, No rsrore dull' &n4Parsons. lite hflttldsr�mest 111 :trAnce. It , b lirt!►dilclael tin awk�is , ittant)bing, On the return of the broth &464 to ..r.i....a trrtlltotll8 dtritgts or, d ,fru rtt ng their lode room a fertir short addres- ses Wert made by stltrio of the older :� y' �1 for Drsrtli at wafrt a entail members of the., Lode; who are not d1°t now so iliptiifi b'o a in ce but lodge tJreatir 1 ppb tin ar atteno b 13t�1+u +i! ll�ir It t aitti create mectitO As ppor ini`d to bit, rp who 6oK' tuot3sl?s,�Ft th� Jibe atllporttinity of rxpfipsslrlg It sir hporeelation of • the bonot'!ts of `, " m+ttiA ikao,, atldk *Qft t�� tExo sSiotis, ,of apilWlattua gt tl>o' tifte t_% on delivered bar &It;.' wllfdeR lwlt Igo1d atiil itM►tikYr Clarke witrewaifi& +by ail'. and a "hold. *k lion of a vreclation and thanks tb Up. I •.,rte+ .. ,.. '1'11l'fl9>74Y Tlll#X' fjthr .tttttl« . , , THERE JS PEP iN PeDt0 i A genuine strength and body builder $1.25 He C. DUNLOP' Phm.B. The Rexall Store Highest Prices Paid in Cash For Scrap Iron and Old Machinery Notify us at truce if you wish to take advantage of this offer. THE NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, Limited. McEwen's Specials Cdlildron's Rompers .................................... 75c Ladies' Allover Ui• ops,., from ............. $1.00 to $2 25 Curtain Material from 25c a yard to ............ 75c Ladies' Silk Hose, special...............$1.00 and $1 25 Girls' Hair Ribbons, per yard.. .............. 25c to 500 Ilan's Morino Underwear, rnedium weight, at last year's prices. Men's Balbriggan li nderWear, fine duality, at old prices. Je • J 11/.�c ,�' WEN 'Phone 46 South side Square 4 • , 1 Goderich to' Detroit , AND RETURN e r The Big Steel STEAMER GREYHOUND Staunch, Safe, Speedy and Comfortable WILL LEAVE 60DERICH Tuesday, Juneal5th,10a.m.J.T. Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 p.m., E.T. Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 17th, Y p.m. ' Detroit Time $3 Round Trip; $2 One Way The only haat trip from Colefl�iah to Detroit this seassn. Visit yiellllr frieiftds, and we big, wonhedd Detroit again. Ilisw more than a tu,nion People and gro*iing to fast in Impulation aad ricim that it is destined :•on fo kcalre the, vi old's largest tad greatest city. "Dynamic lutnit." '' Tie Heart of the U. S. A. Band M66nfight Out of Goderich a Monday Evefflng, Jung 14th also p.m. Ordestra'fsr Daaciag is S14tuses Ball Room. 3t' burs sa B"Ndfvi LAS literati, 50c. I: t Class tut rnuti g Dobe at The Star Offi e e, 4�)'"1•� 1 c' . PeDt0 i A genuine strength and body builder $1.25 He C. DUNLOP' Phm.B. The Rexall Store Highest Prices Paid in Cash For Scrap Iron and Old Machinery Notify us at truce if you wish to take advantage of this offer. THE NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, Limited. McEwen's Specials Cdlildron's Rompers .................................... 75c Ladies' Allover Ui• ops,., from ............. $1.00 to $2 25 Curtain Material from 25c a yard to ............ 75c Ladies' Silk Hose, special...............$1.00 and $1 25 Girls' Hair Ribbons, per yard.. .............. 25c to 500 Ilan's Morino Underwear, rnedium weight, at last year's prices. Men's Balbriggan li nderWear, fine duality, at old prices. Je • J 11/.�c ,�' WEN 'Phone 46 South side Square 4 • , 1 Goderich to' Detroit , AND RETURN e r The Big Steel STEAMER GREYHOUND Staunch, Safe, Speedy and Comfortable WILL LEAVE 60DERICH Tuesday, Juneal5th,10a.m.J.T. Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m. Detroit 6 p.m., E.T. Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 17th, Y p.m. ' Detroit Time $3 Round Trip; $2 One Way The only haat trip from Colefl�iah to Detroit this seassn. Visit yiellllr frieiftds, and we big, wonhedd Detroit again. Ilisw more than a tu,nion People and gro*iing to fast in Impulation aad ricim that it is destined :•on fo kcalre the, vi old's largest tad greatest city. "Dynamic lutnit." '' Tie Heart of the U. S. A. Band M66nfight Out of Goderich a Monday Evefflng, Jung 14th also p.m. Ordestra'fsr Daaciag is S14tuses Ball Room. 3t' burs sa B"Ndfvi LAS literati, 50c. I: t Class tut rnuti g Dobe at The Star Offi e e,