HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-05-06, Page 2°
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13%crybordy H`ho liixs ',[%rl 'lI}elr,� **"q at X01,4"
i Skokpr ar t wilt to the mean to flee' WOWx0oit"oki 1"t `.#Bret 40 000as °
«1�. �t►'+'� I�CYQlUti0I1 lfltliti's 11Yr►7peittFAa Talnkia nasi tltittdr,
Hlrarltlghkrq, Eask.. May, Jed. ;5P••- ';'rink r1► .. , ' j .... • ''� "�'E
' clai.l•� DOttdii Kidney Putti and Dodd's �d•�t � �� ba '
lw It oat ll• t aties Dyspepsia `Tablets are the best mcdi- WOK Ireliraed. x
i , A31 406"" t cines. RIy son has ever taken." N. *ill
MlliMlll �
Peter r Local St:flcru at�atl Thin s the statement of ?lir Jo- �NMN, Witty 3. T1tq oltl�i iiitelr- t1wY,lir>�!F l� �Il� �>l�ttltl't�Y/- } 't •• ..
06,pphJ0tW, VApQ4toi l$»t Nona of hannes Reltwon, a well-knowiri resident set In Patit4moot this rl "k dil'east- 1DalM�illgl)g :#Isti lla,.,gy.
here. �4'hen he started to take tied in rite tlgl#1R )Kollo dabittRr which t1►'`t1tl4 t1[:>~
tinea," Mr. Relnson contfnuee "there 'aieaea on we"is"". It lief of- I=
r.. rues not much hope of lira, Soon at- aataadments &**At etlttw4trsaion, bp,t rise •
h11 Y01E1$ . 'Maly 3.—The "Reda: ilei >t #r!-�tlk
�' ter starting to take the Dodd'e %fedi_ clans rote will be tuypliad vigor- at Tllllr
;; tl"lilt tllttl much htralaled May ogsiy. badasY'da
ri!sytft kp p t0 have overslept alt eines lift began to Improve w headier all 1iM r4tld 1111sV�ltts i'tla- .' # C
!] i i ad *a' t�1S
mmurdar'. Ratti "tsltich as the exple- and now he is «'ell. Nationsilnt membsFs laava decided >� aa1 :kMO} Wa ylif ( ,
..':jteiMeil 1}t' # trYreracker seems to have He u4visc's everybody who has rlruk_ to take no part'an ilia tlaiMte. I>nt a tk� 6"
',:Mesa ?teak¢ fA ttsoac vltlas to the Unit- fnf; or pato 1❑ flit heart to use Waddle statalmeni Issasd Sunday flint' IIaY; tq l tlr�Iti taibd ! last a '
Kidne • 1 :lis and Dodd"s Dys (:p% r The only genuine prOvislOn is the lolsE Rough Bads
b 'P Government proposals is the I%pall plotely Uillot a•wenad !t qua -The plans of radical leaders for Tablets'of the Home $ole Act of 2914, The Zai
w}tie A:ay I><ety demvnnlra- Thc- Dodd's 1ledicines act on the two >�0 tgatld be.kept handy
f: Involving strikes and the de- essentials to gooil health. The T abietr treaty of 1914 is as ancrod as the to etrary Hosea, Oft, Ora and U&
1 M ttpn of lite and property, fell hc•ip to digest the food and produce Treaty of Limerick, and its violation t,N'y for acllllLahtett, ><lpfnf,
Oat* Department of justice official■ good blood. The Pills act on the kid- Is perfidious and treacherous, d a scalds and Jn*lsee. It is equally HIS new Overland is built They remove the strain and
crime against the good faith betw goad for bolls and
vdalasted, amus the authorities, net's. ensuring
and strengthening blood I :horn• e, SM.-. to trAvcl smoothly over nervous tension from those who
nations.,, fibers ;A'l'l ' i0e,. Boz.
t ware forewarned and issued timely, thus .•nearing that the blood !s kept ,ttaatars,
,J"Ce to the public, free from impurities. For the work of The land agitation In went Ireland w0ghraadawith acomfort never drive this car and those who
healthy kidneys Is to strain all ln' uri- is continuing to make rapid headway, before possible in a light car. ride .in it.
$coapts reserved hero show that a } P according to a despatch to the LOn-
arsaber of strikes were but
inetltutly tie+ out of the blond. don Times, and has spread to County FOILED AIL COMBINE. p g
eine the weekend, but In nearly yak your nrighhoras Ir D=„61's rid_ p Its Triplex Springs rotece the Its unusual economy which
j OWWY case, it Is declared these wore net' Pills du nut heal and Strengthen Clare. Gitano rl re and other formep
^aaeal In nature, and daft to the pogo- the kidne ., of Intimidation are said to be of $1-
i } ' most daily occurrence. Grazing lands I31•itlnit• der' Ctiockmates Dutch car from road ,dolts, preserve results from light weight is as re-
vitt�tt• May Ray expiration of wage are stripped of their stock, fences and Tit.
oontrnleta' sued galea are broken, walla are smashed, LONDON, May 3. - An ezctaor- mechanical parts for longer wear markable' as its riding qualities.
In Chicago, where extra precau- glue the casualties resulting and houses fired into by armed par- dinary and far-reachingattempt on and more -
111% had been taken to prevent frau- from the disorders dad, of h three ties. Large and small holders alike the art of a fore:
cam►► the day passed oft quietly. A dead and 102 wounded, of whom xis P foreign oil trust to se-
11Wke of cooks and waiters in var- remain In hospitals, two of them In are the victims. The despatch says It cure control of the British petroleum
;lens hotels, and the general eonfu- a dangerous eondition. The arrests Is openly •boasted that the "coming supplies In Mesopotamia has been de-
n Incident to aggregated 103. fight In the test for land will be one feated by the Allies conferenCCeNn Un
•if) tOoving day, when The foreigner*; among those arrest- of the biggest things the country Remo, under the leadership o Pre-
SCOM ItheIr of teems, refused to vacate ed are to be de ot`ted• has seen for some time." ruler Lloyd George," says the Daily
Rttlair Apartments, overshadowed May It is pointed out that the country Express. "
J)Ity developments. Although more Alexandre Blanc, Extreme Soruji- is tali of young men who aro unable "The conference decided that the
ith4a 1,000 aa'rests were made, these lot Deputy, who was Injured to satur-
day's, clash with the Pollee, %vill be to emigrate during the war, and that Mesopotamian oil fields shall be re- l`
t•#ia pollee say, had nothing to do
wdth ''Red"' act/virion. prosecuted on a charge of abuse of their activities cannot find an outlet rained by Britain, and this tempor-
the police. Parliaments i with the few acres possessed by their aril halts the menace,"
Two-thirds of Kansas minora were I rt' immunity,
reported idle. In various it Is said, will not, apply to his case, Parents, says the Times. The newspaper identified the trad-
Places which, it is asserted, was a flagrant The police barracks at Gorton, Ing company in question as an ime-
a !land -bilis purporting to Gear the County Tyrone, was burned Sunday gral part of the Royal Dutch Cone -
?I dray Day proclamation of the Corn- offence. M. Blanc was one of the De-
a2unist Party of America were die- Reties who met the Germans In Swit- by forty armed men, who held up the bine, and labels its alleged atterupts
village and prevented interference, as "subtle efforts to spread the trust's
tributed. In Omaha, 10,000 people zerland during the w;ar at an inter- p'
naamhed in a national Socialist conference.
The police buildings at Plum Bridge Influence without adequate comprn- 1
patriotic parade, and also were burned, satiou to Britain."
f"I in other cUies May Day was made Tho strike of railroad Wren for- na- Thirty-five more hunger -strikers The menace, the 'Express adds,
d the occasion for patriotic dRlTlOn Is to ieJoination of is runways, which were removed from the Belfast Jail "might have become a realitybut for
stratians. is to be dock: this work by te�Irrd titin- to -a. hospital Sunday, making 69 who thefirm8tand of Premier Lloyd
Britain Is Quirt. eels and dockmen, blas resulted tin's have been released in the past two George."
far, in hindering traffic role on four g
i LONDON, May 3.�-Labol•'s May of the five big systems --the Eastern, days' There are now no hunger -1 The Royal Dutch Sheol Company, y
{ Day celebration in Britain passed ole Northern, Orleans and ,the farts, strikers in the prison, It is understood, asked the exptolta- •
In a manner very satisfactory to the Lyons and Mediterranean. Tempo'- George Murnaghan, a solicitor of tion rights and management a the oil
general community. Although lobar spilt', however, the state tine, wluctr Omagh, whose father represented fields for a period -of years in return Kingston Street Garage 'Phone 279
leaders estimate that 6,000,000 made runs to Hr_vre, is tied up.
the Mid -Tyrone district in Parifa- for giving Britain legal control of the
holiday, work seemed to go on as "The strike Is a cornple;e failure," ment for fifteen corporation.
years, was arrested cop ;
;* usual In most industries throughout by the military and taken to J3eltast.
said Yves Letroequer, the Minister
i' Jibe morning, and it was only because He was election agent for Arthur Anarchists Killed at Turin.
of Public Works. Service on all lines
r of the usual Saturday half-boliday were curtailed to -day. Tho Parisian Griffith, founder of the Sinn Fein or- ROME, May 3. --:-Two alleged an- Mead Offices and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada
i that the demonstrations arranged at forces were operating about 50 per ganlzation, in Northwest 'Pyrone at archists were killed and 30 wounded A
*arious contres proved successful the general elections. Dr. Stuart, at Turin 1n a May Day clash with n Branches: Toronto, Montreal, winnipeg'and Regina
mut., except the Lazar•re state sys-
,;:i The "work to rules" strike which tem, which cancelled all trains from Health Officer at Becurbelt, County detachment of t11e„Royal Guardd. A '
?� some of the rallway extremists had the capital, The Government's deter- Cavan, also has been arrested, group of men'carrying the black Hag
tried to engineer proved a complete initiation to fight the strike for Ilia- In Loadori6erry Saturday night attacked the guards with rifles and
fallure, the rallway workers realizing tionalization, has been voiced by M. Constable Peter Henley was shot hand -grenades, seriously wounding
"a that this continental Importation Letroequer and Premier Millerand, through the leg while on his beat. A two guards. The guards opened fire. away at his home in Toronto on I A Household Medicine.—They that truly a household medicine and as it
would merely antagvnlee the rest of part of police which hastened to the Thursday, Apri t 22nd, site sever:&1 ar acquainted with the sterling• pro- is effective in dealing with many ordin.
` M. Millerand said the Government y P A passerby was wounded in San Car-
? the community, without improving was prepared to clo its duty fn the scene of the shooting also was fired los Square by tr bomb thrown by a months' illness. He was for 13 years; poetics of Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil in art' complaints it is cheaper than a
their chances of obtaining a favor -on- One of the policemen was struck demonstrator. At Pola, Istria, 30 per- a member of the Wingham town coun- 1 the treatment of many'ailments ',voulol,doctor. -So keep it at hand, as the call
able decision from the board which maintenance t of order to protect rho oil and in 1885-Sfi was rridyor. not be without it, in the house. It islfor It may 00MC most unexpectedly.
men who hemaln at work. 6t' a spent bullet, but was not hurt. son were wounded when soldiers fired
is to decide on their wago claims The police returned the fire of the into a crowd.
next week. attacking Party, all the members of
Both in London and 1n the other which escaped.
i3 Cities May Da child that is subject to %%orm.s. be- Sir Tomer Kot to Retire.
Day procesalons were Fourteen Sinn Fein prisoners in
orderly, The London parade, which `au" -p worms dextro> health by creat- the jail !n Cork have started on a MONTREAL, , day 3. — At the
vias late In starting because most of ing internal disturbances that retard hunger-dtrike. weekly luncheon .Saturday at the
Ito -
the men and woman who took develop pent and cause serious weak- Montreal Reform Club, Hon. part The custodians of public buildings
In it were at worir during the morn- °C9 falpr Worm l e�vder� expel in Dublin where valuable documents dolphe Lemieux-a&nounced that Sir •� K
wor(n-A and are so bcneticlal In their tomer Ooutn was not to retire fa -)m .,,,
Ing, was the longest on record; and are stored are advised by the police politics and would remain at +
also the most befla action that ilio systema of ilio little active
dere gged ever seen that, in view of possible Sinn Fein :
sufferers are restored to healthfulness the head of affairs In Quebec. This 4r
raids, strong rooms should be provtd-
The ponce were out In ail the dicevmfort. and clangers of announcement, having regard to 1[r,
great num- ed for them and fitted with burglar Lemieux's close associrtion with Sir Si. ES rr
berm, but there was no disturbance, worm infection are removed, and sails- alarms, with all windows barred or
The procession wound up in Hyde factory growth is assured. steel -shuttered, and guarded'at night Tomer, is regards d as authoritative. 'till:
Park, where more than seventy by watchmen. To Receive Peace Treaty. vin R �!l.Efi
' speeches were m o'c. While the tone tile. and 'sirs. R. A. Belli Clinton, an -
of many of thein was decfdodly tiounee the engagement of their PARIS, May 3. -+--The Council of
daughter, Jean, to sir. Carl Mair, of NO ROYAL TRAIN. Ambadsador•s has fixed Thurgday r*
"Hod,” they failed to attract as Stlendal, son of 'fir. George Blair, of 'text for the delivery
i such attention as the 'songs sung by rS of the treaty
children o[ ripe the Huron road, the marriage to take to the Hungarian delegation. The
Soctallot Sunday PMnco of Wwles !taluses Special
t School Chair, Place ratty in May. Privileges. IIungarians will, be allowed ten days
for examination of,the document be- t STRENGTH
Titrte 11►111cd lu 1*arks.Some men are too lazy to kick when AUCKLAND,'N,$.. May 3. —The fore signing.
a PARIS, May 3.---OtSct _i :,turas Ys- they get the short end of it. Prince of Wales resumed his tour of
,t ? New Zealand hy�ain Sunday, the Another of NVingham's former rel-
strike of the rallway men having been dents, Oar. John' Neelands, passed
}` ended. In the aftern000n the prince
4 tI# -
�e atie reached Taumarunui,• having been
voleomed everywhere with enthus- ae taxa.
IAn interesting incident connected r
a with the strike is related. Prior to
s. uth Street, Goderi& the settlement t6 of the walkout the
prince vias ttfi�there would be no
i drol�ult�ylinn finding men to run the -
1 "Will they run trains for the peo-
Die?" the prince Inquired.
- I "At present they will not," a rail-
- road olQcial replied.
"That being go," the prince re- v4 Built in Canada by Spilled Canadian Workers and Cdna&an Capital
' svonded, "they cannot run trains for
me- I Am one of the people."
uti i'he. tour of the prince through n
abandon New Zealand had been �i- 1� Owwrs
' t „
abandoned owing to the obstinacy of 1
the locomotive engineers and other
& striking railroaders, and the prince _ •
bad arranged to n for
Auckland on i& Val=
. troal'd •the Renown for Wellington. w7
CheVl't318t Tine calling off of the strike, however,
Induced the prince to alter his pro -
All the sterling qualities which made the Gray -Dort dominant value in
We are the agents for the Chevrolet Autos. Call or ..Agrad... ' the past are embodied in the Gray -Dort of to -day,
send word and we demonstrate to you. I PARIS, May 3.—on the occasion Ten major improvements and a dozen refinements have heaped value '
of Nfeolal Lenine's 50th birthday, the on value.
f' If you buy here you will save money on all ac- Central soviet of Petrograd decided
cessories. Gasoline, Oils, Grease, Dry Cells and to rename the city "Leningrad," the � Gray -Dort dealers will show you these improvements—will explain how they add
Eebo•de Paris learns from Stockholm. life, comfort and beauty to the car.
ecrerytbing required for an auto. The former Russian capital, ortg- They will also tell you that everything points to a shortage of Gray -Dort cars this
1nally named St. at,Petersburg,sre atter year in spite of doubled production. it would be wise to see our dealer at once.
TIRES AND TUBES mar Peter the Great, was renamed Y
"Petrograd" early in the war e0 a8 T7:e Gray -Dort 5 -passenger touring car in $1465 f.o.b. Chatham, war tax extra.
to eliminate the German "burg," G u Tire 2 -passenger roadster is the same.
all slakes and sizes, and prices right. • I Ctlmtng Back to CatAadn, +� The Gray -Dort Special, with extra equipment and beautifully finished, is $150 extra on the
LONDON, May 3 —Tbe Duke of o c` "? Q D 1 The GrayDort Ace. the most beautiful light car of today• ,s $255 extra on the standard.
r Devonshire, Governor-General of Can-
• 1 ada, end the Duchess of Devonshire. ij v Jr, O GRAY-DORT If,•!OTORs Lim Tt3D - - - lrhat!'am, Ontario
Our Repair Department who came to London for the marriage
1 pf their daughter. Lady Dorothy Cav
Xs tip to date, width expert mechanics, quick service endish. to Capt. Harold MacMillan, 0
' Inc' satisfaction guaranteed on all makCS of Cars. last month, left London Saturday
for Liverpool. There they will board To F. HOLLAND, Godefich,the steaq}or for rho return to Canada. k Onts
For Sale Cheap Refuse to Clean Umbwssy,
LONDON, May 3. — London scrub
.!,Two 'Fords, in good condition, uew tiresg and tops, and women refuse to clean the Herman ..r...
} 7mave been overhauled. ; Embassy in London, and Dr. Sthaipen
C r/ and his staff have been forced to b&
l; gin their day by sweeping and dust-
sl' Ing their premises.
We keep In stock a Complete line Of :louse decorators have refused to
•� renovate the building,
ro►let Parts also Genuine Ford p' s - -
` ' They Socpthe t5tcitcd nervoc.—Nel'�
c Vow atdectionv are usually attributable
" ,agents ,dor tbe,Will:ard Stodiiz<ge Hatterv. typ detective digestion, as the tt.�mach
w F .eminates the nerve epnireg. A
Y +c,:ursc of Parmelee's V(1gt)tabte Ilius \
s *i tEt llirged And t*g$Jilxd, .
will still all dtsturbanees of t is char-
„ atter, and by restoring the stomach to
r normal action relieve the nerves from
` " irritation. `there is fill st*itttire likv�
Autos ' .. , .
, ra them, abd In the correction of IMgub
, l'
. • larltit.s of the digestive 1ldrat'es�e& no
.. �r .*. �.• phiparation ling Q0110 sit eff'retiNib K,
r'* as CAn be a t, o tu14}tf..
� rt t stlfi'�d t by u>: •, ,
. ���! ...':- °°�,��:.;� ��t• aAt Id '1' of 'Y l+vCr `:5le a tna ich
willing to make money witbout work. `
itlg for it.
r {%
W a c