The Goderich Star, 1920-04-29, Page 81111 .
}pproptlato 4"re a wRA ."A* to..
:Ilr. atad tiers. it. U. New $$4,',.t�lsd i�au-
Die New. Air, blow %t'as prestated with
• ce. Axow, reicelvitd '
a beaulifu:l chair. Itf, ;
lovely brass Jardiniere, altid Mises 10W'Me
° was, Presented with a han!ds4a< 0 frll�d
"IMP. Mr. blely made a very tp ili " l
g tie -
' tipig cicely. Ho 1#nd his faplilly llalerldSt
movift� to ooderich In about a w *Josne ;Y. �►
BaUTAF POOR, a Pltliu lime
Now F0llr�r
'Mlrkis�p! +Ihoetl►. iSiytt � grit. hQMT ALIt�!{Y' � M ,
�r+cdo �IiV'c �tuj, " R
Alio p+«trfgl te(1 •lEeif paper, Air: J. C. Atcafivalq, of Detrol:, Mich., ►p.,�i�t'�'r eat, khr 1W nen ' i111•LL o ds �aS leen greatly
bu renewingold ao ualntauces to the::
619' Ana 100 a placksle. rg q it. � t re ete % � � ' i surprised
at the Ott' e
Qaeny gearev hays v fedi �e►�re s sur
1 The beat quality Uouwkeep- 1 Air. blarvin Durnln bad a PlOW1119 �
bee and a dance tip filo Foresters',11,144 � ,k f Ohl#a ratrga e l line, tIYQ "Ot dl col'at loo of • til departruent surd the np-to•date manner
eta 'WRxlld Paper, loo a one day this week.
s s
r pRoklirle, Mrs. \\'m. Grey. of Port Albert, Ili ' 1 ## Q `we i re kept,.
• 1 ,t • ` • • • • •
i _.._.._ ggestnuf tcrat ebrott►er�Rev.a\V•1t3 iia°' If it toa�bte that, you ha not visited this new department, we invite you to
Complete stock of klub. t� ! ■ hA�t
bliss Jean McKenzie, of Austin, Alan., Dat cap$ for house
Will Paper its visiting with friends and relatives In do so at dour earliest convert $a�e� ' 8 Want every Wl�lxrSD' iD roderiCh and the sur-
e .
the village at present. � s
- , fir. and blrs. fioMon Dr ytitrr. of " ��# �p:
';9,..T, y aM
n�� MA }
V n - iii fiutnd t►ttatr ' vv h lir. d s.1. tto" ort thoroughly.
/nk ,
pt�•� T,ueknow, spent Sunday 'it aA
�'apMlk��s.tery- lrttt® a�• ii
tag eotr�ltr�r Ito xne.. ea oR �. I� meat filo 'out
�� b1r•. Jacob CuuslnR. {^, D • � •'' .
it from
ctttd in prtctt. ti� o not ova until you are Aeedl'tr ; ,'�arllleat om this department,' but come
b1r. and blrs. Wm. Turvcy nmol Son:
Lorne, and Nr. and Mrs. Robert Tnr, N�heD it is C11A�enieat and inspect the lines we are carxying 3o that you will know where
vey, of blurrtb Tp., motored to Por,
t `
Mr.nan Sunday lr. Rn J. floyt the day , to get the aright merchandise when the time, conies for you to buy.
Mr. Jrt14. Niallough Is visiting friendi, � M1ss Ciolborne is concentrating all her energies lin this department and�will be
at Teistcr. Dr, MISS SUSIE NOBLE glad to showy the lines of garments at your convenience.
- r Ghebtrr llurnln motored home from
*' iI ytin, where be ib engaged in the ppppQppRpDptpptttigpRppRpppp -
lumber business. - -----
There is very ,little seeding done maneney or rues get-up, no one
around here yet on account of wet would say. Suits Coats
++eathrr and frosty nights. Perhaps it was something of the
EBENEZER Plans art, completed fol, remodelling same depression which prevented
Thr box social at Ebenezer church �t. Pnnl'a church, which will make it students from Columbta,,New York
They have been greatly naruired. Each day brings its nearer the real swarm weather. It +vi;l
to be held on Wednesday, tiny 5th. look more like nn Anglican church. and Fordham Universities and City Every day our stook is roth,tg stualler. be to your advantage to buy your Spring Co::t e.u'l� before the
has been postponed to Friday evening ,teti•. John Currie was the preacher College turning out in numbers. The styles are fashion's ucwesL creations
best gar worsts are all gone.
May 7th. A good time is expected. In the Presbyterian church at Dun- However, nearly elf high schools fa and there is only one - tr,nent to a style. We ore carrying Northway's Coats, whioli are +yen know" to
r" aannun and Port Albert last Sunday.
New York and Brooklyn ware repre-
GODERICH TOWNSHIPseated. One group of boys marched Tricotine, Gaburdiue and Serge are everyone as garments that give perfect satisfaction, for the> ni'o
Mr. White occupied the pulpit in tilt In barrels. the cloths that are sbo+vn, in i avy and tuadt, well and the styles are the newest. •1•i in the suits Wa
t5ommualty Hall. -.1 public n»etinit
df �Iethodltt church Sunday rvrning First in the line of March was .a black. hive only one Coat to n style.
will be held In tile Union church on Mr. White Is agent for the Bible So- delegation from the Cheese Club,
the evening of Tuesday, May -4th, at 8 g '
x cieiy• many of them garbed in denim. Tweeds and Jeasoy Cloth aro also in It will 60 u. TJeasuro to show tlre,c Louts ut your
o'CloOk, to consider the erection of for
proposed community ball. All those John Ilowatt Lias been laid up, hay. specially tailor made, atter the the range in lighter colors. cou►eriieuce.
interested aro Invited to come prepared Ing slippefl while lifting a bag of chat latest models in moo's eflies. Many of those Suits have vests in •
to speak on the subject. It is hoped out of the wagon, breaking a couple of A pair of elephants, stars at the silver and Hosier
uA ribs. Hippodrome, added weight to the gold cloth and Jernev cloth. J
l thorn wllf be a full discussion. Thos. Stothers and S. E. Sanderson procession. They marched with gout T_,iele Hose in colors Black, Grey, Beater Bro+vn, from GOc.
Others at shown without rests. Al r
LEEBURN have had a new drain put to their cel- stripe of denim flung over their deal of' button trimming is used in com- 75c, and 85c a pair.
At the regular monthly meeting of tars, They expect to have dry cellars !ago. 'binatiou with military bt' id. Silts Hose in the newast shades, from $1.33 to $3.50'a°11RIr,
" the Leeburn Auxiliary of the W. M. S., after tills. also Ince tend embroidered olocks,
"G the secrotary, Miss Iieion Clark, was Mr. Thomas Allen is getting thinirr These Snits lumbo in price front
presented with it life membership cer- In shape to put the ilnishing toucher ASSASSINS VERY -Busy, $37.00 to $70.00. I Gloves
J t'jllcaiu (valued at $25), donated by to his now block, which will be a cre.
rs. Keith MacQuarrie, of Nova Scotia,
'.51, dfl to the. v111Rgr, constables Munlerrel I+� Iteilaad Over � Niitgiarn, lined Gloves, the best Clave for file none+•. 1Fiieu
ra memory of her mother, Mrs.' Law- r t g quality you will be satieGed wi611 ou other
sem Miss Clark vvns taken by sur- Rory 9follOnald has seeured employ- Week 1Cud.' Kiddi®e �r®$�es yon know its wotLrin
aristi, but expressed her. gratitude to mint near 3trnthruy and is having ills BELFAST. April 26.-1ierCt.. Cor- make. We have all the newest shades in Silver, Taupe, Bea%or.
furniture shipped this week. Bert vellus Crane an•l Countable Mer;old- Neat little Gingham Dresses, prettilyChampaign,2. pair, also Black a•nd
Mrw Hamilton (who made the presen- Diode and 2 50 p $� v0 a
F Roach has rented Rory's houar, rich. til of whom aro reported to trimmed for the wee tot of born . eaFs V1'llits frow $1.00 to $� v0 a pair.
tation) for the honor conferred upon , in 9 +-
tier. Miss Clark has been correspond- George Johnston, of Cedar Valley, have onced to the Belfast force, Pink, Sky, Tan and White, $2.%5. and up.
+. who had a stroke a short time ago, were shot and killed Saturday night �J4tff11'YIf®r Underwear
iltg and leaflet secretary of the auxfl- died on Monday evrning. The funeral near $andon. couatq Calk. Crane, •
S, iMry Rinse Its organization twenty-four formefls was stationed at the King's Jera®y Suit>Ings
will be held on Thursday afternoon aa Ladies' .Te , v a suit.
1 sears shat she
month, and It was very ternon to Dungannon cemetery,. Street Barracks,. fork. from whish, mey Inion Suits $1.25 to $2.
lifting that oho should be so beautiful- SlAn Feiners allege•, the pollee+ de. Ask tgee Our Terse Circular St itin p in the, sha�ie>s. Ladies' Vests. short sleeves, no sleevev. and no top ves.q,
ly remembered by a former girt friend, There will be two services in St. Q y' `
Matted al anaalsatnate Lord mayor Tank, Made ?
Nim that honoreth mo, I will honor:' Paul's church next Sunday, 11 a. m. , Now Tan and National Blue. These cloths are in Fleal, and w�iite also Silk Jersey Vests in White a•id Fleait,
NaoCurtatn of Cork.
?its meeting was emphasized by the and 7 p. m.; evening subject, "Thr made of bile finest of wool yarns. at $2.76 a garment.
A moa named Behar, keeper ed a -
presence of Mrs. (Dr.) Larkin, of Sea- Church in England Up to the 'gime of
itarth. the Reformation%' Everybody wet- tavern in Dublin, was s�ot�lrls(te 9�stQr
r, come. day t;ishE and sRejgltpllC baAd Vie• "& _
DEN1Iq.LER he wiser' leavtag'hta piaee t ¢ to uelp
0'jg-4%-� 'A few extracts from a letter from Hie aasalightm tsscip� ; !'hertdotlwg
v'4uartofly communion will be Saskatchowan; dated AA��ii••11 18 , re- .t4I!,.tdle.:attotnpt On Bet tu'st•$te ;. ,
hold to the •Bethel, Methodist church ceived by Mrs. C. Brower from A+ not knows, COL RNE,s
on 'Sunday, May 2nd, at 10.30 a, M. Harris (nee Mabel Horney) may be in -
Constable Swentor wall tiouadatl
turestin for some of her old friends by a resolver shot at joints. copnf�y COO
The Quarterly Omolal Board wltl g �'
meet at Benmiller on Tuesday evening around here: "Our winter commenced para, Saturday. Three. snap"
LfJEtt a1 o+clook. bl the tad of October with a terrible were arrested. O� TSP+ O� ' � �___T� `
bllszard and has lasted over slabs. \\'e Jehs Madden.' eharred''rrttA the z `J /J'r
At m Meeting held on Tuesday oven- meq;
ing -of this week it was decided to hold
have banks of snow jive feet high yet taardar' of Selgt. Brady at I,oriy, Ti'p- `
and have n snow storm about
a monster Victoria Day festival on the every ptaNsq; last September, Mala acquitted
!tv(illtiAg 4f May 24th la the form of a second day. We had a %vOlc Of. zero in court he}e Saturdfi, tl!� a Loral
weather this month and hAvo all got CMilft Jul act o"resaiag appiroiat of • -
lauppat end high-class entertainment. r IVcI 'haven the Jur>r'4 vbrdtot, .►remarkable'de-
pretty tired of this scant
1111 )iphpDuncement of program will be n't had enough - 'crops to : h "fol seed tnioElltiratlon followed the, aflaoptjea- As a vermicide there is n0 prepara- tion of the local G'. W. V. A., was held cient reagoins; and three other appli-
iter' and teed for the last' three e$t19 Cat- Eraat of fila scuff's aoUoEl. and ]It%oe a" #.satire .
i a l el gathering was hold at the ( tion that equals Mother (eras•@s' last Monday, the time, fur administer -!cants w•cre as,iAed with emplayment
.•frurch on Tuesday evening, when a tle are dying all over ,tit@ ',ptytintry. CoolitY Tipi)*Ary was'`plaoeil ud- Air. N.Y., y�a.wpr•n ;Ih -Atter Worm Exterminator. It has satweds the-ing this fund in Huron County har;inglwithout the necessity of grants. The
i Feed simply cannot be &Q ;;; VVe; hove der marttrl law for several months one of the most tr�'tng weeks in, its lives of countless children. expired. Since the fund was availfible 1 total amlbunt paid out was $2,;,64,901
0....-`. ,_ _ _ loaf four In filo last few days. They and markets and faith were forbidder history the New !'aik State'losts4a- in December last there have been about and the cost far administration was
had enough feed of a kind, but not the thele In eons"uerea of tilata marder, turn closed its ,1920 session shortly 0 y ppropriatloa I nmol a llrutions fur assistance ceased- I only about &1_, although a largA
right hind. Coal was is18.50 per ton before two ,o'ql k Sunday morning. Federal Emergency A ered Pp. Of these 25 were assisted byfamount of work was involved in alta
a • and, believe me, It takes some coal to Five'Eodids Ponied on'sho�+e. Paesinr of the ;liar and' Beer bills The final weekly meetiniz of t11c joint grants varying from one +lock to ri+.ol >,Slnda 'l;he Canadian Faolvee Fdttd
keep warmhetet A great mnaLv poo- '13AUL'l' Wft.1itARIlt1, Cit., Apt31 were [eatares o the Iset day. Thebaghria 1' 1 1 f f f committee compose0 of the Canadian months and tw•o cases refrrrud to this ivill Reil U
i . con nue tint, turtacr notice.
p t. levo e t 6 ace ,est Ball thurougli- 29 -- d bodies of awe men, believed 13g=g Bill fs designed to permit Sf- patriotic executive and a representa- branch ' by the Soldiers' Settlement' but the amount of work rf•mainin
s �1� f� *�lu p ly disoculragdd• We are getting ready to halve been meatbirs of the crew of teen -round bquts to a.deeision in the Board received the g
` A011s1B ST. At! ARS tie trg It again, but it takes d great d al t1;e iltrsEgeC, 1llyron, lost iia zf storm atal��. The r t! .;places the niece- t rants asked. 'Purer for this County is now only rnougfi
i - '4 it applications tiwrty iTfu"cd Ifor bufll- to luep the bunks open.
8 *•+■+.1+w++Wi•�++..iriw.+::.rir.i.irr.,.o of faith to keep It up,'throw•ing good oft I,.zke Suberior fast Ndvembdr, were h'o"ile perceatigJ of i.he beverage at
i mn4e'y' atter bad ter' 'so many yeafis. recovered on'tlie shores "of'�lrhttpQAh 2,76.
�CO hop ng fo'r a 'crop You people are Bay near Sault. Point Ontario Sat -
t j. Idoky.• You can always make a lhitig urday, None of the bodies was idea- First Boat Reaches ,Montreal. hitka
A big abipmetlt just in acct and "have more comfort than is pus- tiff, 'OR the^D�j 1416 4roW of lib MONTREAL, April 26. - Tbe'llrat
giblo here." onlf o'ne.' Wdit Tescuea. 1 float o[ the navigation season, 'the
i snore coming. Cooked Haw, '
Y • w A boat was found'ne,jrthe point t`ttnadian Aviator of the Canadian
i Kincardine•make, and the best -r'`^' at which thin bodies Were"picked up. 'government.UeTchant' Acarine• arriv- i�
in 'the marktit, roe a Ib. Pio- F10TEST WAS 'A FIZZLE. a to tiely w their had all bboat as ed here su b (coni Glasgow. Her Let V s Frame
•' t7ics'Sams, Cottage Rolle, etc. ed safety when the small boat teas
g citiltain- wile 1n I touse-qugaee be en-
s ; • - ----,--- overturned, titled to til 1d -topped cane souvo.
-overall,, Parade In New York (dell y i
s f Fresh Gt-eceries anti the lowest stir alwbyB ;weft by file harbor Com- •
c , The ,lowish War ]Etelle[ Fund has Your Pictures
prides. fit' reachedr'a total or, 11121.000. iuiss�gionerB t�► tile drat ocean arrival i fit"" V s
Y ,d NEW YORK, April 86. -New A to this port.
,1 A good assortment of Vege- York's widely heralded "overall" V. A.-Merlean Bridge Burns. � It�I .
1' X tables and of fresh and dried economic parade Saturday wan a LAREDO, Te=as, April 26. -Fire �•v W WIL C.Ea.• We do your work -Correct -
In F lints. llssle. tatty Suilday destroyed the inter- yrs f iKOtat 30 Ye:r�
Eicap tt,e
f Failure to march of the largest natlolltcl, footbridge connecting the stgnatvr• ly, Artistically and Econ-
Vftr1R� D 1iRli 11(; CPI. R portion of the ten thousatip men, we- United -States and Mexico. All com- of
and children, who were expected mpnit�tlau. lnctuding telephone ser -
men -- Otnically.
vice, was out off as a result of the "
' to take part in the procession of pro- are., The foss was estimated at GODE MARKETS. Those Photos and Prints
No COmbine Here teat was explained by a member of 130%440. .1-
the "Cheese" Club, an organisation Outside Marf44.' 1 ports oa petro 9, you have put away, intend -
Our prices are our oWn. of writers responsible for the move -
t meat. He said that with the cost of%VLeat .......... tw..................2 00 to 2 00 ing f0 have them framdd
} leather what it is the missing ones did Flour, Gov'meby standard.,.7 00 to 7 25
Bread. 12c a loaf. not feel they could aitord to contri- Hit1/E YOU Flour, per cwt.,.1&mfly ......6 00 to 6 50 some time, Boat them in
bute slat or seven miles wear out of Bran, tier ton ..,-.............. 56 00 to 58 00 now aad have them done.
their footgear. ASTHMA? Shorts, per ton ..( .............60 00 to 62 00
CASN$i1NDCARRY lbven such being the Daae. those oats................................1 00 to 1 os The will tri hien u our
who made the pilgrimage. repre- Do��opn��fat all miler,. Barley ..............................1 (ib to 1 73 p y
�arithma wttL at Buckwheat ...... . .........1 40 to 1 50 bon* for S lir%.
H iMoVA DVEN sensed Query type of group and eon- hL, dlaaoetic br a" E3esr t
s munity about the elty. Colloge uaddlossofstatrtr�Lh? H 1aIR• 13ay.............. ..d............."0 00 to 24 00
H h School bays find girls walked l bad tom' caM pu ok Butter per lb -Dairy .........0 55 to 0 60
{ fyc n �s�L Ituaeantwrj br be � a.15ev dozen u.. 0 46 to 0 48
between companies of movinit 5
tress end suffragists, artiste, house• t'ElltllLt6it�tl•s at e.hntchers .oi e... 10 0 to lel 70 th's
wires, busineea men, and various • coli cars. 10 00 to It 00��■Art
Cattle. bntohera ordinary 000 to 10 00 1
trades and Industries, were put to- RAZ -MAN Bologna, uuliy, per Ib........,. 6 to 7
r LAUST STYLES IN gather like layers of a cake -- very
thin layers -with volunteer bands for � CAPaILp Lambs, per lb ................... 016 to 017 East gt. Phone 198
the ing• W >�rsitirattanisstnee- gams, per lb.N ...............:.0 46 to 0 40
= ova 7+rardo[estre unne- Bacon long clese ...............0 112 to 0 62
s Particularly noticeable, however. Eng an stud . bouaands potatoes per bag ................ 6 00 to 800
r > • - was the fact that most of the public have darlvedr the reatess
gbonsn throe Htdee ............... ............18 00 W 20 00
witch appeared to be protesting writs for rrties srite
to Sheep .............................. 0 16 to 0 17
,•,,, asminst the high price of clothing, abm stone, 142 sing tat,
' in traiment of ancient vintage, stood W. nto.
about -the curb and looked doleful. Sold Its reelable dru qtr
ever'ywhero for el.011 s O
Whether disinctlnation of this con- boa. ty,
1ltalata,.:are very 'fare or
Samples may, be had at Dunlop's Drug =
tlttltsant to • join in tete march cram dueI�
. '..m...... �rtrl�� � a.. tr i.t•vaw Wriw...,,L... a.rwri•A 1.4 tarn..
McEwen's Specials
Children's Romper. ............................•....... 75e
Ladies' .plover ,aluons, from ............ $1.00 to $2 25
Curtain 11itterial fro;n �5c n pard t•, ............ 7.e,
R f,adies'',ill: hose, special...............$1.00 and $1 25
Girls' Bair Ribbons, per yard................2::c to 50c
lion's Merino Underwear, medium +;eight, tit las;
veur.q pricei.
llen'q i,"lhrig;;tu ('nderwenr, fine Q,;aaty s( old
ps iccq.
.I. Jr. McE WEN
'Phone 46 South side Square
Tbb Ipent price of 10341 :A cent. Victory Goan at (l7 and
accrued In crest, pr'ovitike a of 5.80 per raft. Your prcagayt
Victory or Warhead holdings all iproVide a lower return than this
and exchanges ran be made of the differout ISS1166 to provide the same,
return In the Cartel of 'Vlotorlas and higher with War Bonds, with Mite
adralttage of reolvil thtr Avaount of caab per 01000 stet opposite the
1000 111ri�rtitlired, stE 14411ito the adjustment of interest wbere the
ihtereaa dated are other than W* and November.
19111 ib latmett'bois Cash t*r 11060
lm irwle ttAdDec. $000
111113 Yday am not. 1780
1k24 iCalr And Nov. 1600
1st7 xgtle and 11ec. 21100
103tlt[ar aititlN(yyo��v��. $500
14 '1 iTnso saa D60. Std 116
Safe Utile%ipat hraimO for attic Yielding up to 8.35 per coAt.
Your rioted" vr+fth tri�tl�ta 4 to redvatt160 trtelTttax expWa a.
# rr i1 t HARkioS0% f r
bItlMlwrw ** illi 411;11s
Of Couit"+se--
You what first-class
• Phote�rlil►hs
We Nike Them
I i • FEL
These are the pleasing features predom-
inating our neer Spring arrivals- space will
not permit us to enumerate all the good things
wo would like to show ,you, but we quote,a
CRVIPTA1111F few
Slines hoed which are representative of the best
m om. • .t
Ladies' Oxfords, in I#lach and Brown Kid
a"' Patent'hers, tit
THIS.R. Gant'aX4.50 to 69.75. '
hadies' Paraps in Ria and Patent, $3 to $8
Gant'a 0 fords in Brown and Black t 1,
$8.00 tai $�i 1.60.
Gant's Balmorals in Brown and Black Kid
P P Yanti tlalf l' Whers, $7-00 to $12.00. s
1107% girl's and ehildreteo lin& at corms.
P,ndihSly low pri60s.
... As&'r.J;XL,
.. -