The Goderich Star, 1920-04-22, Page 6woo I7 4"I M '"S mot' well -cat *Awr Ababa" OTIM TAMM ON ASPIRIN -&r allWor tutt N W I IJAW *".A lot" X" I t goal 04 1 4�
$ft; :Ye sm,"r over n 4b#A, I. frould p M_ over Almlalf, - n, I n; ]C th0fa, ,lb" 19- Ics ;56W *4 'V� "Ron uplo -it It woo, aI40 tiver" "A 10 fe OW on jb0,%W Mow bw Wt our Illy at else Put 00 JUMIlh Stit Ott, do", 4 Or 1.0 'Powder Co., k, taragre this woMAK us QkIt t P Ujtd, HaWMM CMAX., Ike t L*J;, T 0� I Ile spoke recklessly ontl Q Ted 11W a14o-was V141108 VeAvIlY 41009 god his experiene made 100. Want$ ',!'your 740"Um shos,me� 3 But, NO *I, A sub him only 100 true, Ddriow tllllfwsir�� act&, #04&00474� �U*" Ile heaW some one eah-Ing so or '004r� X$elf A P-0,4000 on '4 Ilk "Prvelleld and shrunU94 ai;wtor orino(4 YL bp 1h *01A st *h It -#% $Do' Yar _ 'ta fe 401rilt ill(At he sIOPW t9 Pid,' wl ff al As riot a little surprised to than his usual vInulotive "it, OPIV Wsy� I W X .1 _A is afi�r tr W)"Y oi 9114 1110 was tAlkit'19 to him' '#A -a -h I 01010 the. k1solt ( hlof jtt%j #elf tou. few nioments there was a talk. Now You're rotin, Past all this .11110 ilo Tor a and when it make-bellevin' to he, truth. WOW wr R e e ev -4tierulo church and read the 4, 71* !or. !, Commence( L . r us voice folko who 'to polti taIll - , and Yoe? Meal X i would feem that the Bible, and then UAudy tilt, I 7W Sam -4t U* I, "A help- 4Q jttut wh I nfol 'i , h L , r . ..01teroS. r 11 I
In, Min alkwo IV fti" thus given to soliloquy often be f, lo I I . 4114 I' h e It V"Or. it, to tilsbad Ids, sentence$ with a a strong, grip a T104, 4 A-goi,n, --je,
nged guttural 0 w# and Prato n us. a it -of pli, mt4e 10 Footi�e and e all itAn* 69, youvo gpoe hall-w&.y t nd you. au4 �Ve*k.rar bpkq� "it, in V not 7,11 s pring And SUf0wer i want to, it, e Sea'ort for S
haAd at Sawlti' woodl 4 ilke, thkit here Indicated i i, v t the devil, a v # for. it', but fIll head MY- I er- 1VIlY don't all the good People tell you to go the Be,# o 11*4 li.4, 5 - is here. �4011 lot volne one saw It that knows sthe vtnv for they woo!t have, tim � iants,,_Iit� In JL Qxw�r ery On, I , "Ofit yQJA� could ,oat these Ing -j 10*2114:10j,quAireid one can Iu autio
tof the demaud we are carryan t
Tritin' to save a half -dollar linrylo$ to Joe" if Simon ir the- 4roft anythilig Io do %vIt4 You, that empty StOm4cif, But Just oiklx by a select' d rum, PS th a Is so
not �,*llicftjau kUQw,ItlII give you thill the wayl-, A-a-bl I'll call YOO In, a rQw minllti�s, "t OXfords,. Ties an 4, bitter and I woo-tl pay 3,011 4, 0e Vll),, then. - - ly it if 2, tomorramr," z, and core ten in doetor bill$ 1-0h, no I" sal d Holdane. with unleis .Yom bid birmiot In tt -o tfle 01 an, ot for t � t Ito , , ' I ell go4ftralred by a you k0ow there!9 poor devils will) whom you refer put themselv" out sq, -2tage which, lie b s r 0 a Mill! Aild income 'JI provide found 6111 *it, year. ive WO� ve're sure we can pleaze 5
His mean-meaU as dirt, ,Some of the g ad pOoPle to orn arteA thing, once for tonlorro�y. 'the L after The most popul,a-r styles are a
the s6iall Only let' Id UP e ur, arflil. ho will Ildlidden fr doNvn on thig'sayin and lha4rd .,,up k�ed th work, and you're cheatin' '13M shared with the that, QB� 01:11 far as to 91A me a little advice," cat and dog things. tor Hqr, makes eta, get. must!� yeilyq viffiet 6i'leititters Black and Brown 7%% wgl,l!t f4". apd Coff of it. But It's just like you. I "What was It wutll to you? '%Vllieh 'ARI . , 11 f Pj.el, tious of t Ihe--, tpd, mapagod to worry aloo right and it 4n,,thlng spniles on 411, that time o will do bar, labor. ;4 -hr, and the Frood_advI0# will, a the 9, a A made in the latest orea
w began again, would you ruther.--�ome lint Ma CA uh to bite M-,,-. art. Ithis Irascible sirdoger was a wood there?" fore 'lie 11 tly q4last a "Itijitne was Inclined to believe that 1119 But tie had ;r li�- myltantr 1. . I
from me. or the Job of I ken via" step. *boemaket's
.9 proi- all traggl�rs no e a re again If y.O" trezkt prepar�d to do your sboe repairw,.
Ott tial 8j the croaking ravens thaA.Jed I ..6ive in,. th. Of Ob011t loose tone, and,:hv st WAAH1NGT0N,;,, NA4 you 1110 Me, you do, not give UW"'Y aw-no mail 2
it1,10yerall moveW 1U a 6 rat class workmansbip mauner.
prophet, and he promptly sought the adviee." said Haldane, tbroW109-Off meet, as It lie (!cold Iltid no exall haa ortended to the jvailo and entered. An old man Cqual to/tho occasion. and Men C0411;�, Od end$ and iYballs lert over. ThI4, his coal. ore de- -Lp,veared on Its wa8l "A -a -h! waon ask that menced, such a tirade. of -abuse WK0 Dentocrat. Of GlitlVght. looked up In some tool to IS, fine qIlI` Jav�a, and a in 'lite thpitq
urp little ,[as its ObJC
short in ndliadr1,86 tver,tasiedi." tile ilool, of. �the Koun,a-Sat -er- KtOdp Of* question? ULtill, mp twice. I wilt J)avo 'h gar- rday aft don't belong I(' t1le his weazen noou'ebid In' I g blue denha one. Nvould naturc st for� histeNi one whii 19 bending under the weight &good people, 140 90 11111ttlid- I dpWt that ill feel like %jc 0 E 0. MacVICAR PitL. hOdT of -praeo inents rapldlv beconting popular in .. .. .. ....... . . of years and infirmitics. His featuree s,posp -(III U.5in, self-doOlal' and qconouly. Then 01de of 13*quarb know much about ,'.Wlii� 41g, sidt'sww1i
art -as a rus. wood. bro't up as you,vts j)evftt b Indleuve. %pirit. vere ,oa. %mvithorq 04inst toe N Haldane JI&'Ilt Kg4fdat �lte Iligli Coat of 100 L III and brown -me see UPI) r that had been kept long Pit'411 you can't do It us lb mp I a �Vays Nvantin, to -ivt Sit 14 w all Ilavo imocked 4% stranger down , Lhil)l. L�0nj,c'tbe f] lond-hand vletual� td give away, hint I 0 I(t seaBoll. find ills head as surmount- belong to any ont, 1w saw half - a�, much to t4e old -up whild 1704h�qld�- Vigor- yet] &ee .1 read th Wsks held by sbork of white l0eks thatl Can't see, unless It ig to Ile a tor- gcntIEt;ljan. vito seemed bent be- oumly. vpplauded the- Goorglaii. bristled Out in all dirootions, os ff enell Intent to Nobody ran Awid ineffriendinr hini pfter his own JuIrted. In tlie,denionstratroli� od(f sanMost awtuffi oncTmForiabip --book that 'ever ' s 'Sou- ulmt i ti",,ber him '-gotten DArtioular Itair as on bad term sp)r. I've wflt it elit ;),lun. I -jut tbp Irate old mau finished 9 with I con't stand -wrl teb. You turrw what tho Lord -away -,71tli it," 6(10�ris extirtsuad hvir ft A Its neighbors. Curious seams �pad.ilnd dog that -vil-til stav With 'lull hi 011irgatlot, With tht' words:- says III It-7qlz ought of to"'Witis silit. Pill J(1$It one doin' above ground sylio for lea, ilk ll110 nkles gave the continuous ImPres- sometimes 1,11 got lip and kick 6' Gill in .4t of -inan ha -hil -elf hic' cault, lift his foot over a ston Y ilon (lint the old genth d Just for the Chance of etts% myf liwittlow d solnethlug bitter, and rot ren; as oil- d at.
doln' It." Inch high t A-hb I" and then AX -111 . Von. ly yrou'rk a Bort of black sheept 4b. the W h. 0 m rrm 0 LT r face -over It. But yPt you rf- the first niall In on, and disappeared 10 The huse, from. t : Was, making a w 'W th JIY. tind If % 6rds '11.1ye any LO.NDON, Api'll "aldime was In no mood for the study town tht has Awwo me any practical the open door of wbiell not long IjIftor es of 1kuFjtrk"T0�r5oi& to el&f.fii at all, the Lord takes my phyt.dognonity and character, how- alflane 8110th- Came the savory odor of coffee, e I 01"Aloom af Hungary, for his son, rful 4 ,;a III H. plcing ti, very powe dinner th,�l s4me as If. I gave it, to IlIm., etor Interast-tog a sublect he- might cr stick on his saw4mok, Partly to'forget, lij rAlsernble seif4n: otto�. tile Daily Nlail learns. A Buda- c*me to iny Upon. and he said- strange indliner, - aiid NOW t Is Usid fiir otelialad up fallit s Itho'rold stand bardesildirt, greago, *to. I kinder do It out W spite t9 his . hoilse, as Ili- did W rAlary livid Marthats, " t despatch says It is, reported nWOS 41MOSt e former elliperor i6ither Ib th6re tk an) to ITI ki, , staks.
ille - 1"IVItt are and should lrit Him tit) a slinisy.dio- IL".14 Sm Wylle nil *Jib Your porjoI8Sf6,jj I will �qvy IjjIaj I �ri 161dane concluded to AO- for me a alreadY in the cavital"Uicogitilto As a the.
ner of secQj) :-band V,irtuaL% 'and Stand guest of the Hungarian qoVernment drains and closets sw act slad a tood for whageveryou art, *1111ng to t, and monev on this young pept this first invitation to dine olli t A spen!lin, thit t I had savl6d A4 It'll end iji"Your havill-1,11illaton, resolving that he Would do by li�crluckvnl tha twon- 3. mice roschics
r ij; an tho Way 1111th0r. conoff" Eye lKills rat ty-Ave Cents on It. woluldit'l th efind insect ,That wcon't be much." to [live Jilin d1nner. for -you can't bil his queer host so fav mea 6sxjW 14� will do the bar It will be enough to get a hungry withot It; - tjjtn��D. dest 'Ago. 3 had
Ilet him g Ar ham thit I. couldn't 0169ST tip4st,610hal"t 740p,ra got, loan a dinner." AiDuted Nir. and yet all the tiole-YOu'rP wishile lieli at tlitt, SE DISTRESS ,'Haven't you had any dinner?" and Ahoy woulilft Ulie It �4' thltVy Ilatcr. lap for making sil store. so XSot -some of the,,Lords poor- arge r0g. It' ked, VW1 ba" i�il,0; Haldane. Haldane entered quite al brOhT ito dinner. Due 4 gn come They Ar thoril. lilit I had 16 ��'%Vhy didn't you ask for one, then?" nutit, too." Nvitleh presepted an odd aspect of 4�010- �Ivays Due 4 palmed it o 0 an (I sord r. Thin Wfiiery Blood �,Why should I as)t you for a dint "All I ask of you is what you thin I rt, d I it - Cuss. mysel till, .N�fiole evoZin' to p4q, wasi y9ur if rk is "There's it place to I tills WO I , % - I auie'r Ynor O# U0 Xot� it ; _*e L'L. _ qiat be shouldn't - you ? If I be a th while. I Do not Abillk '%Vel� that (lin't, all I 1401 Of MY con- if vou think it's wd By J45,TC1'l!;,- cied flajldanp. droppilig ##bt-fisted man, I'm not mean enough of ln. but I ho pe-rthere's few like is easily tipset vou �drc- hr founed tjore i -:t0m4ch serious fflala,4y. '.One, %P
Ille hungry, oftZ 19 k Ife n , andl6rk. and looldlix admit Nj rAfuse a hungry man,- tile bus). hot"lift*Ing tile friRl or*50ml the truth intfly at Ks host, wh() ! it - we some ork. and I chil buy vou're down. and ll pnn ytrom' cale Coals, and Prap a Qf. 0 the In" cormoll predisposing ---ft1widid r
bertli.' running lyis" re`lifU� 6 Iti anae-nita, o L r dinner." thp r peaple rsittin, down crQus sItoe of ham"44 at. 11 front I t a $I'll sr his'shoc;k, h I DA of ludisest Dod.* -111n fact It' ba& be- nam6 ?li r aivAlt the &4-, I aukl 1hin,; ttpior D14 .1 �M, 14 A" � itbtl tilt e Of 'Rill I
bit IlaIS hard on you. It Ili vol threp or fo.4t VgSs a platter ills eh.itilhes, anti he's tro-you halfw tj -Ule our open Ilre-f c n In th listonp., and 11 Haldaile.'I"king curlou�ly% around- V, of 11). hbr� .11 - �s e;la L 112w fj�*Afi I hal Tint aame',& bre Itag(i as tie performed t ujilessAlle blood'iq rAl -'and -ied. 'Dj.' williams Pink ibeen 1011 have been in jilfl.' tions. :I�,Ivi took here, olwg 'And do you expect me to have -6; Q "a i�0'1 both� "That's anoDipr of nly weakne r. wl In"n'lean j ilAvek
-valuahlb in cases of iidl- aroand that's beell. In jail?" fat I Cal be most A-a4i Ill I tna,.v a, slo�e would bp i gestion, negyous dvspepsia unit stom, note COR fire Undel' TM obligations to mep Nvq a don't -expect aiij Immunity � Haldho atoIiptil a inodiplit to 10�- [pill and �ebnomjqj, but I and ach Jupt be"iUe t1tey are miaklu� game of, A0, I Ona any hurean being that knows dulgo In the first laugh he lAnd Cale. proviN is." builder, and netve teule. The mon es, and. I. N� callill* lip, alun �sjand ll� acilling about me. I am treated as if since his nrrest. 110no. would thinh. from elt, -re(j blood Ule� mj'k0, nQt. 04 Y irft� the devil himsW, and hadn't got to be QIVIL"alld -%peak the- pats a healthy dfgestion� but carries. 1 hope you will pardon me. i y Von- anti dog had it I said, your rat i Tk teekS and pra tplend," ;k e of It - but -two more,sleft, to th" cl "I I A., Vj thm, v qi�a to 'i 40��r ulusde� OjA% important id he; "b4i U %V- All to jfJ6 Ant, 0.0' Ider4' aninials, I never sAW." "No it
lanks to Mo. point 'is fcj� r . is dial Jn ii'a harmfulArA198 Or it,. bu OPEN NOSTRILS1 END Ity got. clear cog. able P14k,pills tqatf s tile As the I -able b6go 0 . �.q I be preferred tbC(t inepo . stimulate." nttie Is JTrenifoh Growther," w, 1, goo'Ll. thl flaldiinP: ra mIght nlit get 0, prep.ara ions PiJ4 oaOpiates AnA klr� CA he 4pur
00 0 MRH suartiair reply. 11,V As. ho - gl,44i:04�00uud - thh' eAX CAT, NtJmr1 Zw _' Id have too *16C)l con- Ill,bak h�rol"Ur,.Or torii Veit � 001 wo�ry�l -- - :-.,, 4
Y eve Tiger to those Wksit roO a., ioNyever, cesslkrll� about 'Nyour ate.ft WY P .. ron't alkcht lik, - -a little slifiti 11din'.-Paks or g4i h T
TO Got V1110111 NOR I ce, Mr. Grawk1ler. it w - let in the halAt 6f.givin Ins 'it, try tile Ionic IreatUlent".0f Dr: .40 0 pie, a dInAqr as tha ortlr 4�d at. -Pills. You will. Ido comfortabiT esh P Physibludi in oori`�th prI0LLf,,.., And lie" afo mined to, A -ageo ing to nit niathir of ftiurse." enougif 9P Y0 n' to do with -other peo- good V6,1 -Ava�z4he -n, P mplish tb, see, h4w. rapid1v yq _,e_ a. wrfti dkod, to.— �N UP a aV Cor Nybat's right, an 4.0tiAtitly- 0%��o 1K Iq b Conn, fifty ,Tpur pl,� 1. fault; I 7t
�u . 4i Ontario. lo.,dti I the ooenpnt� 0
fourses- i1sro Kit: t r arP or jqtr ineali thing about me wilich 1 .Canit wantod' You to kl*%N is will ore of one person abiong will ceantl Tau 0 b * stand A-�Ah I" yon, Tiin' nob d6int-t -ft to. 0ease you,, ng, 1but. Ift, 11A nil, .,,j �,'t 1, e'k pills, to fhVtr own gren't ddlbfi-� ujhia� stattM�nt In iVerflo4. Homford, cous dvqel d .Or had e cou I 41ave your ayo 0 k ge. Nlm. A,
struggling for b th at night. llf,44I� tilift you '1114 #0 so. v� `1�r �i�oui imir-1 , % 019 of P .4 C"#A ain't nl( MU ba'ys ab04 )re o jld, I too, a i 00 11 "aldt ta hm�t , Ito igreLQT BU e I'd sidd T1 960n 116 r t mv; I see o to Pan it) rout uf WuMilt litid tPill we we ,we
_zy w U in "intlileptl etiaM lie throUgh hour.41 should oleall so much co kt. 'your Alilte ag I tt, t10 of this fralp"I Oohbl&� :.'It+ Ilour nostrils. Xt votietmto Uvou NT , e It— Irf" the *006,p I- I it 6f A peal I look brd his hut, A, OW ory air I r I. e to attack the VI it wa'3� . 6 to 4XV61jell at bat your d -Imes aSe"i n`OU RVIR I P I N a's
04' V .. � 410allng t for tal Ilk d At other nner yet end ktxtjW.. no (an Ivft-, $04" 1� It& a 11M lines ns would form',In tlip eh 0 se tb such an a3 paAalges. Gusto, stomach I�xle,nt that my heart would
, IN t t I'at r tiXOTACsU �` " 4&10� ol;It .�o t todtexl)n he�- $oid I I 9 P., the yoolt *IaAL trd 1nW, % " 66
a ........ It Very tomt6riablo SUOMI her orraqseq� - ft �01 , f ��10 dij�* , 16 Piro f MO ton I A 25o can Pol Iofid I lonn,l I a, to' t nO V) A b, voiVoess. and Irritability, per p -iia 0 .................. Igenerat'healthislinIV01 affe0ed Gong, I ff 1 , Ire I............ Uat. tion, wouldt
lb 0
W;:Ei i6ii stooW We" e Dimdge Oleaner, p ........ II,. t4j Qd to ok*' 1111laois Pink V111% 'Wt Cleaner, pf 5e, 3r p�aiage ..........................
it doz*u, . t . arty sp trOatmetitj find the fur. bexe,%, (lood, 'Fleeco 14680,i"i V from thiek .......... ued use or tile. pill$. bave, Yarn; P 41 it-,,outq contily f lb.. ........ %r& wofiiao, "T v 011ft Sl O'" t0lide me k Well tolly "mmile9d Dr. W1111110s Pik ,ojc&, gjApqpjajta� iath, per t "Den. Mo, P"11j; to. Biffillar to Orem mt6d *W"o -u box btr tit hole$ for )�Illtf t Itto 41 You ea*, 't tO�A itOr �,A,e t
04 t ob b Aily 04 lot t"Ut ov Nut� Ins direit to The� Dr, illiams Iill vivo crippin 9 f4ure. 'Yet smort- rrelfef,b JAC e Corn PT. I'to :P atio* fm* *V waiWall wa"As 068sl ore ho tt4ld at 70 -really, worilleg lap to not Ulu Y, lovniw than Al�- iu uInk 'Pore of 11tid, RU II$6,01 UILVIM dK L' Out it%per" ftd 11% ot :164(w I AW, voll I el t*bfwt, I) 16TIAlt * ILIX A all, writo *Aft owt but, K+M:s 11� 11WW ia, ox*hl t6foL
'lie 4httr have, #04 ft to, , Im h A W, 4,t it you *Oil be j"IF11h; . tibot k % 101164 twiste ;XTO jh "Wti 1%�, O"t, the ISW T- Iofto 1