The Goderich Star, 1920-04-15, Page 7A
The Busy World's Hapitenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attrnrtive Shape for
the [leaders of Our Paper -A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Tile Chevra Kadisha Synagogue, in
Montreal, was destroyed by fire; loss
about $330.000.
The Ontario Edurntional Associa-
tion opened its fifty-ninth annual
meeting in Toronto.
The plebiscite in the TeSchen re-
gion will be taken not later than May
15, according to the Journal des
R'. 1I. Pearson, Yfor many years
general manager of` the Consumers'
Gas Co., Toronto, died suddenly at
his home.
President Deschanel has received
the insignia of the Order of the An-
nunziata from King Victor Em-
manuel of Italy.
Bloor street will be made the con-
necting link between the two provin-
cial trunk roads running to the east
and west of Toronto.
Arthur Palmer, a porter at the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Montreal, was
shot and killed, by the husband of a
woman with whom he was living.
Gaudiose Gagnon was decapitated
by a granite block when hurled into
the air by a premature explosion in
r I
xJ; lltlNTlt1CA,R;,.
+ ". xQAQlN1'A
1 D>tuiittNT
�r !g•�"����
Or ' l lyil•" Af Y
�i� Carp !f �*
MAY l�i,+s 101' +�.
Iticxoellell diatilg tar lierpio9,
epiltg cars on, nighttraipp rand pals rias
for cars on principal day tr0u. DOW'Olr WI W0144 0its.1 '1
memory 1s almost a blank since
ntRnln and perhaps constiniptione
;){Mall information from any Grand
British and European Markets 8010
'Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,
District VasKngor Anent, Toronto.
hqi� Mar� prouaet ,R. Nt?� t,
( F,. li. LAly�11lCE A SONS Cedardalet [hat., writes• --"1 Incl tM
Infit;cuza in NQven,N r iaet, r,rd t left
fi4rw�e Pstssengra;' add Ticket Agents
I� �„_. • ,, Phone 8
me with a terrii•ir c•oui!h. i d'd not,
attend to it until it but n e =ve-c r •epic
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown
warned me it wy time to ao,aitr it. ,
I went to the doctor an got. some
tep Term
medicine. He told me f� was a bad
attack of bronchitis. I could not slap
and would have to sit up nearly all
ry Gth open in each of
night, it was so difficult for me, to gat
ls Toronto, (Business,
Fth iography and Wire•
my breath. The doctor's medicine dad
not seem to be helping me the least bit.
jf &W, Yonge and Gerrard
of our neighbors can't- in one day,
and told me about Dr. Wood's Norway
( Eetabl4ebed 1837
Pine Syrula, I tried it and took two
bottles. No person could believe how
it helped me. I have recommended it
to different people since, for I believe I
"Ontario's Best Business
have reasons for doing so.
Dr. fl'ood's Norway Pine Syrup has
on the market for the past 30
years and stands out by itseli as a remedy
for al� coughs and colds,
Be sure and get the real "Dr. Wood's”
when you -ask for it. Put up in a yellow
wrapper;3 pine trees the trade mark',
g'�RATIaf9RD. OWT.
price 25c. and 500.
We give thorough courses. We give
Manulactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toroato, Out.
Individual instruction. We have no
summer vacation. Students may
— -
enterat any time. Commence your
coarse now. We place graduates in
Write for our fro- catalogues.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Dui in; the Week.
The Busy World's Hapitenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attrnrtive Shape for
the [leaders of Our Paper -A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Tile Chevra Kadisha Synagogue, in
Montreal, was destroyed by fire; loss
about $330.000.
The Ontario Edurntional Associa-
tion opened its fifty-ninth annual
meeting in Toronto.
The plebiscite in the TeSchen re-
gion will be taken not later than May
15, according to the Journal des
R'. 1I. Pearson, Yfor many years
general manager of` the Consumers'
Gas Co., Toronto, died suddenly at
his home.
President Deschanel has received
the insignia of the Order of the An-
nunziata from King Victor Em-
manuel of Italy.
Bloor street will be made the con-
necting link between the two provin-
cial trunk roads running to the east
and west of Toronto.
Arthur Palmer, a porter at the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Montreal, was
shot and killed, by the husband of a
woman with whom he was living.
Gaudiose Gagnon was decapitated
by a granite block when hurled into
the air by a premature explosion in
Bus, Livery and
'whack Stables
I; -
Rfantta ell Striset
Just off the Square
'Bslsses Meet all Trains and
Passenger Boats
p exerp called for In any
out of the town for all
teslas at . T.R.or C. P. R.
protrnpt Service and
Careful Attendance.
*or uvt"T and Hack Service
will be.Ealnd up -to -daub
Is every respect.
,� YoNtl' Iyti'olua>�olkttR1/
Mottrod►115 set
Knox College at its cies ng exert ees.
The Ontario License Board tabled
its report in the Legislature yester-
Jack Tillman, a returned soldier,
aged 37, was drowned In the River
Dr. Charles A. Martin, Ottawa's
oldest dentist, died at his home, aged
83 years.
Thomas H. Churchill of Toronto
expired suddenly at dinner in a hotel
at Galt.
Canada's bill for the League of
Nations to the end of March has been
paid, amounting to $64,043.
James Davison of Guelph was for-
mally elected president of the On-
tario Educational Association.
Capt. Forbes and Col. Rawlinson,
who were captured by the Turkish
nationalists, have been set at liberty.
gyndicalists and Extreme Socialists
are still endeavoring to keep revolu-
tionary measures before the people
of Copenhagen.
Growers of strawberries in New
York State say that the crop in the
Huason River valley wawa „a can aaa
records this year.
Toronto -packers have consented to
treat directly with union representa-
tives regardlhg the new wage pro-
posals of their employes.
Francis Oulmet won the final in
the golf tournament, from S. J. Q -
ham, of Greenwich, Conn. This Is
Qutmet's tenth championship.
Shamrock IV. has been placed In a
deep ditch to facilitate the, addition
of lead to her keel without straining
the veneered hull of the big racer.
The entire fire by' -d- of cL C-t.v_
e:�Yt4 Ch'�>r -slt►d '#+'�tt
'Drat. ,ttaSt. wharf thfr 4't►ltnell. r4r.
,hand tit• x5 �p Wit?. adyltln!c41 in, pay'. r
Ilflr ip'orttasque P`lastntrryr At,P. im
si>;ain, and proRid %t eft the GnitRuik
�. llltarilsueF.ileertlw pradicte trill
t ^4 airs tlilW11jeh fah .
Ioftt;iind� subtuerge,
The 1ltapltobat 5 Leiffal Lure 112A .
tdopted the proporttopial represents
lou plan ter the next election of
Nitrnipex';f: prlaantsttl>y", Who Rlll
)e ten W nwA,4er, 1114tegil. of silt.
The kJ, S,. olymple hacke+y team
talled for pelgluln 'yeaterOx
Aiseusslon of the xapusltaslnx re-
port was opened In tho Legislature.
C. B. Atterson of Clappleon's fror-
iers. near Hantilton, phot a brown,
ruiture on his tar=,
Labor organisations In. Berlin have
nade another nett-miiirletlt de-
nand on the Governcneiit.
The queWoa of teachers' salaries
irps discussed' .by membera of
antarfo Il d watlofial ,Association,
Robert's', .Gray, reeve of "Mariposias,.
Ind one of -the most ptoiafaeAt Wen
In Hastings' county affairs, is dead.
$ixty bags of Potatoes, were dump,
:d on the. street lin Montreal, too far
rotted to be of use evenor hogs.•
A. MacDonald, of Toronto, traveler
Por a London cigar firm, died sud-
denly, on a C.P,R.train near Lindsay.
The Board of Commerce announc-
,d that it would henceforth claim or
:xerciee no control over newsprint in
The British Air Ministry Is offer -
Ing its surplus stock of new and
iecond-hand De Haviland airplanes
ror sale..
About a hundred and forty rural
school principals in Manitoba have
organized to better their working
,ondtt ions.
Nathan 1. Green, of Winnipeg, who
was run over by a train at Guelph,
losing both legs, died from shock and
lois of blood.
The Italian Government has de-
creed that from April 6 until further
notice newspapers shall be restricted
to two pages. .
Further sensational developments
coule,yesierday in the Inquiry at St
,atharines into the finances of the
19th Regiment.
Angus Campbell, superintendent of
ho Canada Furniture Co.'s factory
it Woodstock, dropped dead shortly
tfter arriving at work.
The Toronto Board of Control ex-
pressed itself as favorable to the
"Euilding Guild" scheme of the
Trades and Labor Council.
President Wilson has appointed
.urs. Joseph Daniels to represent
Anteriean women at the eighth con-
gress of the International Women
Suffrage Alliance.
John Marshall, of London, died as
the result of a fall downstairs in his
Robt, Whitelaw, Woodstock, pio-
neer manufacturer, died at the age
of 93 years.
The Indians of Canada, claiming to
be Allies of the British, will ask for
an Ambassador in the Dominion
House of Commons.
The commissions of the three
Scandinavian countries for the recov-
ery of debts owed by Russia are
meeting in Copenhagen.
The Duke of 'Devonshire announces
his' ihtention of settling down -in
Chatsworth after his term as Gov-
ernor-General of Canada.
Ex -Councillor Hugh McDonald, a
well-known miner of Glace Bay, N.S.,
bled to death from a splinter of stone the artery of A. leg.
St. Catharines firemen walked out
according to their threat, when the
Council accepted their resignations
rather t.haq grant their demands.
Eugene Brosseu, Canadian welter-
weight boxing champion, was knock-
out in the sixth round by McTigue
of New York at Halifax last night.
Ontario teachers completed the or-
ganization of a Provincial Federation
for the advancement of their claims
to greater consideration than they at
present receive.
Ernest Bergeron, manager for a
Windsor hardware firm, was shot In
the head and dangerously wounded
by police ofilcers, who mistook him
for a m liskey' runner.
With the " arrival of 'the German
bu�ttle�btr,' k.;�'��u ���� q�t_I[•ricala�d.,
at the Fri h of Porth on Wednesday
the complete surrender of the Ger-
man warships has been made.
The Private Bills Committee pass-
ed Toronto's bill authorizing the city
to operate Its street railway system
under a commission of three mem-
bers, with or without salary.
Nearly 1,300 Toronto Boy Scouts
took part ln' as 'Easter rally at the
The Bolsheviki have captured the
Black Sea port town of Tuapsie, in
A bill to invalldate municipal early
closing by-laws aroused much opposi-
tion in the Legislatuee.
The first license for a commercial
air harbor In Canada was taken out
for the Ottawa Airdrome.
An American landing at Cherbourg
with,$176-fn gold was compelled to
exchange -it for paper money.
An effort is on foot at Queen's
Park to increase the revenue derived
from Ontario's game and fur re-
Angus McDonald's plurality In the
Timiskamirig Federal by-electlon,
with eight polls yet to bear from, is
One hundred farms in Northum-
berland county have changed hands
since the crops were taken off them
last year.
The Brantford Board of Education,
at the instigation of the women's or-
ganizations and women trustees, re-
stored voluntary drill.
Joe Stecher, world's champion
heavylweightl wrestler, successfully
defended his title against Ptlakoff of
Russia In New York last night.
The Belgian Government has de-
cided to place the Belgian roa& and
railways at the disposal of Frame for
tho,de*patch of troops to Germany.
The prince Edward Inland Govern-
oaent proposes to impose additional
taxation to raise teachers' salaries
and to take advantage of the Pederal
grant for highways.
Thomas Hillis, of EgmOndVille,
Ont-, died at the age of 87. He and
bib brother. George, , of Delaware,
Ott[., were saidsto be the oldest twin
brothers Ift the British Bmplr6,
Elias Rogers, Toronto coal Iner-
t pant, died in his 7th year.
A Federated Labor Union has been
formed at Believilio.
Sterling exchange in New York
was heavy at $3.971% tar demand
John 1I. 1303 -le. lie of the oldest
urviving residents bf Toronto, rmca-
cd away.
The Japanene hi(*6 capt6t6d the
entirLv UssuA' Raii t,4Ad betweft Viadi-
vostbV and XAaboro(**.
Dr. Ukh*A1 c)ai`) *, V. ,P,r AdAr'kt-cell
,I,, liiktitlptyiaient 1Ab6t 1*1rt " fitjo�
ront6 on tht1tarifT tt •IL
St. ThQuip hi:o, ftpy{ A l� 1Ib13c
--we a
10 ditte- 4w -
Y. .a r
Playground9 Assoclation, to establish
four supervised playgrounds.
George Walters, aged 80, who hest. Pau been a member of the guard of honorof Napoleon III., died at Brantford.
Toronto job pyinters threaten to f
abandon their present work if a wage
increasb is not granted by April L -I
Hon. Peter Smith, Provincial
Treasurer, is expected to make his -�
budget speech in the Legislature thls
creek., ` M SRT SVAR -`13". To 1
Six hundred million dollars will be
needed this year by the U. S. raflwuys
to finance the purchase of new equip -
Work was begun on two blast fill'-
naces at Ojibway for the Canudiar. _
Steel Corporation, to cost $5,000.Ut)y AM �t
Mac KiIkwood Bryden, aged 14,
wi+.s accidentally and fatally -,,hot 1>
his younger brother on thtilyathcr'' i
wi-tu in Erin Township,
The Suskatchrwan Co-operr.tiv,
Clevator Co, will erew a ni liou-.iol-
1cr elevcaor and flour twill just 0,11-
: td 1. T'y ge 1: Prat i(, Man. GRAY HAIR BECOMES ' G.\,'rs' S lnovilt o io `
picket the Soldiers' ti<ttlemeot otTi •c>:
,o pietent returned :;oldivis trop
pttU hand IliidEen slay tiles DARK AHD BEAUTIFUL,Wiring. .
Under the auspices of the Sng l:
Hour- flute Aesoctat,on a mectir.; eve:4 �
held at Glasgow on Saturday, al
which a rtsolution was adopted urs:- r
ing rite Government to pass u hill Try Glrandmother s olid Favorite
giving Scotland cuntrol of purply Recipe of Sage Tea and
Scuttisl, affairs. Sulphur. ` i)rlllg will.he 11Vre shortly and
BELL, TELEPHONE CO Almost everyone knows that gage Tea 1104V iv the tluie:,to get yOUr horse
and Sulphur, properly compounded,
Sickne-, disability benhGls, $111,065, brings back the natural color and lustre \t'ired, before the rush is oil..
68; death behelits, $1'J,9it.4i;. accident to the hair when faded, streaked or ,\ t
disability benefits, i15,01G.:3; pensioi gray. S',,ars ago the only cva� to get this We Specinl ize to wiriliE Of all
$6,109r mixture was to ninke it at tonic, which
meet insrhes, are siear i the Pt is muss and troublesome. /
meats made for the guar 1 of from the Nowadays we simply ask at an drugkinds.
Employees' Benefit Fund of the Bell 3' P � Y
Telephone Cninpany. store for "Wyeth's age and Sulphur
The Benefit Fund Committee's re- Compound." You will get a large bottle Private Telephones
port just published is an fntereatfnt of this old time recipe improvetf by the
document. it shows gross payment: addition of other ingredients for about
to employees from the b-neflt fund ll. 50 cents. Everybody uses this prepare- Motors
f9t9 of $158.602.02, tion now, because no one can possibly tell
"During the year," !;a:-; the report that you darkened your hair, as it does
"there was a total of 1,665 sicknesi it so naturally and evenly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and draly Dynamos
cases In which benefits were. -paid thio tUrough your hair, taking one small Y
This is 52.3 cages less than in 191F strand at a time; by morning the gray
The total days of disability was 68,0C hair disappears, and after another appli- Electric Bells and
during 1P19 -only 273 days lest cation or tWo, your hair becomes beauti-
than in IftS--whick indicates that tht fully dark, thick and glossy and you
sickness cases in 1919 were of longei look years younger. Wycth'a Sage and
durat.[on, and that in the large numben Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet Burglar Alarm Systems
of influenza casts .which helped ter -requisite. It is not intended for the cure,
swell the total in 1918,• the absence -at- mitigation or provention.of disease.
of a very short duration. In 1918 ALL, WORK GUARANTEED
with 208 sickness cases, 8102,962.67 ----- _
was paid in benefits. In 19f9, with on-
ly 1,665 sickness oases, fB1ft,065,66i war'
paid in lwneflts. The Increase is due Electric Fixtures and Supplies of all
to the higher average wase of em- For Infants and ChUdfen
ployees." Icinds kept Flu band.
In accnrdan(,r with the recommen- In Use For Over 30 Years
dation of the committee, the company /�traye bears
has a Medical Department ROBT. TAiT
in connection
fon with Employees' Pett > mature of t
sion and.. Benefit Plan, and Dr. G. A.
Winters has been appointed to take
charge of it as "S[edical Advises," with __ ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET
headquarters at Montreal. Dr. NN'in- 'Phone 82 or 193
tern will review all, Medical certificate;' RHEUMATISM
and medical examifiatibn forms.
It is the intention of the company to This Is fust tba semaon
inaugurate some form of physical or, )wbenRbaumattsmwit tit W
medical examination of new employ- grinding Iain and stifion-
ees. •lt is considered that such pro- Ing of joints Rets Load of
eedur'c> is very desirable, both for th„ YOU. Fight It with
protection of the employees already In s
the servfce and to ensure new employ Templeton's
ees being given work for which the) Rheumatic
are physically fitted. Should such ex-�•:• M1 •n
amination disclose minor ailments or n Capsules
tendency theree
to, the new employe
would be made aware of the conditions- Q i `
and advised to consult his or her phy- mpletolve Rheumatto !/7 (/ e �e5�
sicfan, in order that early treatment •1i�lssulaa bream comate yL.�..7
colter, and permanent re -
might prevent the aliment becoming sults Tber er* Morn- DAILY SERVICE
serious. Valuable and disinterestAd mepi&4 b1 doctors, and
advlcc has alreadv been given to em'
sold b= reliabl. QruRt�%±t/ Lve. TORONTO (Union Station)
a ors. i
plov'e.s through this channel. or to to Tamp atone. 9, 6 P. 11101.
The fund, which now stands at $500,- "11111l1EInt tit�.w a ro on to -
000, is maintained by the company cf Diaof prtoa WINNIPEO CALGARY
without contributions of any kind
from the rmployee9. 4,k at It. C. Dunlop's Drug Store, BRANDON MONT011
No profit is with honor uniess it k SASKATOON VICTORIA
reasonably small.
$fit ler moat if you feel Backaoby or
have bladder trouble -Tab
glare Of Salts.
No man or woman who eats meal rev -
Sun. Mon. Wad. Fri, --Canadian National all the war.
Tues. Thurs. Sat. -Via O.T., T. P N.O., Cochrane th*nco 0. N. Rys.
Tickets •ad iuli Inlormatlon from nasrest Consdlari Natlonal
Railways' Agent, JOHN C.ItVICiE, Godrrieb.
- or •*neral /assenger Department. Torsnts.
Ind*•tries aopartmont Toronto and wlnalpoa will furnish full particulars
r06: 10= land is w•st•rs Oaeads evallabie for farwlna or otaor peryos•s.
r r • •
1 asrly can make a rmwu"e hin
b7 flusg the
1 kidneys occasionally, says a well-known
1111 authority. Meat forma uric acid which
excites the kidneys, they become over-
worked from the strain, getoisonsh and
the Jacobs' asbestos mine at Thet-
ford, Que.
The Presidents of Ecuador and Co-
lombia met Monday at the boundary
of the two countries and shook hands,
To represent Lha
thus seating the historic friendship
of the republics.
Arriving on the Grampian at St.
John came a Canadian soldier whose
The greatest demand for Nursery Stock
memory 1s almost a blank since
in years.
Passchendaele, who thinks he is
British and European Markets 8010
Frank Hall, formerly of Brantford.
open for Canadian Fruit
Georges Carpentier was made an
honorary member of the Toronto
Laargmt list of ovoit & Ornamental,
Command of the Army and Nary Vet -
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown
erans. Mme. Carpentier has becomft.
an: honorary member of the Ladies'
Lt. -Col. George Edson Burns and
Capt. Jules A. Duchastel de Mon-
trouge, were decorated at Montreal
by the Consul -General of Greece for
services rendered to Greek residents
( Eetabl4ebed 1837
in Canada during the war.
Four degrees wer(y conferred by
Bus, Livery and
'whack Stables
I; -
Rfantta ell Striset
Just off the Square
'Bslsses Meet all Trains and
Passenger Boats
p exerp called for In any
out of the town for all
teslas at . T.R.or C. P. R.
protrnpt Service and
Careful Attendance.
*or uvt"T and Hack Service
will be.Ealnd up -to -daub
Is every respect.
,� YoNtl' Iyti'olua>�olkttR1/
Mottrod►115 set
Knox College at its cies ng exert ees.
The Ontario License Board tabled
its report in the Legislature yester-
Jack Tillman, a returned soldier,
aged 37, was drowned In the River
Dr. Charles A. Martin, Ottawa's
oldest dentist, died at his home, aged
83 years.
Thomas H. Churchill of Toronto
expired suddenly at dinner in a hotel
at Galt.
Canada's bill for the League of
Nations to the end of March has been
paid, amounting to $64,043.
James Davison of Guelph was for-
mally elected president of the On-
tario Educational Association.
Capt. Forbes and Col. Rawlinson,
who were captured by the Turkish
nationalists, have been set at liberty.
gyndicalists and Extreme Socialists
are still endeavoring to keep revolu-
tionary measures before the people
of Copenhagen.
Growers of strawberries in New
York State say that the crop in the
Huason River valley wawa „a can aaa
records this year.
Toronto -packers have consented to
treat directly with union representa-
tives regardlhg the new wage pro-
posals of their employes.
Francis Oulmet won the final in
the golf tournament, from S. J. Q -
ham, of Greenwich, Conn. This Is
Qutmet's tenth championship.
Shamrock IV. has been placed In a
deep ditch to facilitate the, addition
of lead to her keel without straining
the veneered hull of the big racer.
The entire fire by' -d- of cL C-t.v_
e:�Yt4 Ch'�>r -slt►d '#+'�tt
'Drat. ,ttaSt. wharf thfr 4't►ltnell. r4r.
,hand tit• x5 �p Wit?. adyltln!c41 in, pay'. r
Ilflr ip'orttasque P`lastntrryr At,P. im
si>;ain, and proRid %t eft the GnitRuik
�. llltarilsueF.ileertlw pradicte trill
t ^4 airs tlilW11jeh fah .
Ioftt;iind� subtuerge,
The 1ltapltobat 5 Leiffal Lure 112A .
tdopted the proporttopial represents
lou plan ter the next election of
Nitrnipex';f: prlaantsttl>y", Who Rlll
)e ten W nwA,4er, 1114tegil. of silt.
The kJ, S,. olymple hacke+y team
talled for pelgluln 'yeaterOx
Aiseusslon of the xapusltaslnx re-
port was opened In tho Legislature.
C. B. Atterson of Clappleon's fror-
iers. near Hantilton, phot a brown,
ruiture on his tar=,
Labor organisations In. Berlin have
nade another nett-miiirletlt de-
nand on the Governcneiit.
The queWoa of teachers' salaries
irps discussed' .by membera of
antarfo Il d watlofial ,Association,
Robert's', .Gray, reeve of "Mariposias,.
Ind one of -the most ptoiafaeAt Wen
In Hastings' county affairs, is dead.
$ixty bags of Potatoes, were dump,
:d on the. street lin Montreal, too far
rotted to be of use evenor hogs.•
A. MacDonald, of Toronto, traveler
Por a London cigar firm, died sud-
denly, on a C.P,R.train near Lindsay.
The Board of Commerce announc-
,d that it would henceforth claim or
:xerciee no control over newsprint in
The British Air Ministry Is offer -
Ing its surplus stock of new and
iecond-hand De Haviland airplanes
ror sale..
About a hundred and forty rural
school principals in Manitoba have
organized to better their working
,ondtt ions.
Nathan 1. Green, of Winnipeg, who
was run over by a train at Guelph,
losing both legs, died from shock and
lois of blood.
The Italian Government has de-
creed that from April 6 until further
notice newspapers shall be restricted
to two pages. .
Further sensational developments
coule,yesierday in the Inquiry at St
,atharines into the finances of the
19th Regiment.
Angus Campbell, superintendent of
ho Canada Furniture Co.'s factory
it Woodstock, dropped dead shortly
tfter arriving at work.
The Toronto Board of Control ex-
pressed itself as favorable to the
"Euilding Guild" scheme of the
Trades and Labor Council.
President Wilson has appointed
.urs. Joseph Daniels to represent
Anteriean women at the eighth con-
gress of the International Women
Suffrage Alliance.
John Marshall, of London, died as
the result of a fall downstairs in his
Robt, Whitelaw, Woodstock, pio-
neer manufacturer, died at the age
of 93 years.
The Indians of Canada, claiming to
be Allies of the British, will ask for
an Ambassador in the Dominion
House of Commons.
The commissions of the three
Scandinavian countries for the recov-
ery of debts owed by Russia are
meeting in Copenhagen.
The Duke of 'Devonshire announces
his' ihtention of settling down -in
Chatsworth after his term as Gov-
ernor-General of Canada.
Ex -Councillor Hugh McDonald, a
well-known miner of Glace Bay, N.S.,
bled to death from a splinter of stone the artery of A. leg.
St. Catharines firemen walked out
according to their threat, when the
Council accepted their resignations
rather t.haq grant their demands.
Eugene Brosseu, Canadian welter-
weight boxing champion, was knock-
out in the sixth round by McTigue
of New York at Halifax last night.
Ontario teachers completed the or-
ganization of a Provincial Federation
for the advancement of their claims
to greater consideration than they at
present receive.
Ernest Bergeron, manager for a
Windsor hardware firm, was shot In
the head and dangerously wounded
by police ofilcers, who mistook him
for a m liskey' runner.
With the " arrival of 'the German
bu�ttle�btr,' k.;�'��u ���� q�t_I[•ricala�d.,
at the Fri h of Porth on Wednesday
the complete surrender of the Ger-
man warships has been made.
The Private Bills Committee pass-
ed Toronto's bill authorizing the city
to operate Its street railway system
under a commission of three mem-
bers, with or without salary.
Nearly 1,300 Toronto Boy Scouts
took part ln' as 'Easter rally at the
The Bolsheviki have captured the
Black Sea port town of Tuapsie, in
A bill to invalldate municipal early
closing by-laws aroused much opposi-
tion in the Legislatuee.
The first license for a commercial
air harbor In Canada was taken out
for the Ottawa Airdrome.
An American landing at Cherbourg
with,$176-fn gold was compelled to
exchange -it for paper money.
An effort is on foot at Queen's
Park to increase the revenue derived
from Ontario's game and fur re-
Angus McDonald's plurality In the
Timiskamirig Federal by-electlon,
with eight polls yet to bear from, is
One hundred farms in Northum-
berland county have changed hands
since the crops were taken off them
last year.
The Brantford Board of Education,
at the instigation of the women's or-
ganizations and women trustees, re-
stored voluntary drill.
Joe Stecher, world's champion
heavylweightl wrestler, successfully
defended his title against Ptlakoff of
Russia In New York last night.
The Belgian Government has de-
cided to place the Belgian roa& and
railways at the disposal of Frame for
tho,de*patch of troops to Germany.
The prince Edward Inland Govern-
oaent proposes to impose additional
taxation to raise teachers' salaries
and to take advantage of the Pederal
grant for highways.
Thomas Hillis, of EgmOndVille,
Ont-, died at the age of 87. He and
bib brother. George, , of Delaware,
Ott[., were saidsto be the oldest twin
brothers Ift the British Bmplr6,
Elias Rogers, Toronto coal Iner-
t pant, died in his 7th year.
A Federated Labor Union has been
formed at Believilio.
Sterling exchange in New York
was heavy at $3.971% tar demand
John 1I. 1303 -le. lie of the oldest
urviving residents bf Toronto, rmca-
cd away.
The Japanene hi(*6 capt6t6d the
entirLv UssuA' Raii t,4Ad betweft Viadi-
vostbV and XAaboro(**.
Dr. Ukh*A1 c)ai`) *, V. ,P,r AdAr'kt-cell
,I,, liiktitlptyiaient 1Ab6t 1*1rt " fitjo�
ront6 on tht1tarifT tt •IL
St. ThQuip hi:o, ftpy{ A l� 1Ib13c
--we a
10 ditte- 4w -
Y. .a r
Playground9 Assoclation, to establish
four supervised playgrounds.
George Walters, aged 80, who hest. Pau been a member of the guard of honorof Napoleon III., died at Brantford.
Toronto job pyinters threaten to f
abandon their present work if a wage
increasb is not granted by April L -I
Hon. Peter Smith, Provincial
Treasurer, is expected to make his -�
budget speech in the Legislature thls
creek., ` M SRT SVAR -`13". To 1
Six hundred million dollars will be
needed this year by the U. S. raflwuys
to finance the purchase of new equip -
Work was begun on two blast fill'-
naces at Ojibway for the Canudiar. _
Steel Corporation, to cost $5,000.Ut)y AM �t
Mac KiIkwood Bryden, aged 14,
wi+.s accidentally and fatally -,,hot 1>
his younger brother on thtilyathcr'' i
wi-tu in Erin Township,
The Suskatchrwan Co-operr.tiv,
Clevator Co, will erew a ni liou-.iol-
1cr elevcaor and flour twill just 0,11-
: td 1. T'y ge 1: Prat i(, Man. GRAY HAIR BECOMES ' G.\,'rs' S lnovilt o io `
picket the Soldiers' ti<ttlemeot otTi •c>:
,o pietent returned :;oldivis trop
pttU hand IliidEen slay tiles DARK AHD BEAUTIFUL,Wiring. .
Under the auspices of the Sng l:
Hour- flute Aesoctat,on a mectir.; eve:4 �
held at Glasgow on Saturday, al
which a rtsolution was adopted urs:- r
ing rite Government to pass u hill Try Glrandmother s olid Favorite
giving Scotland cuntrol of purply Recipe of Sage Tea and
Scuttisl, affairs. Sulphur. ` i)rlllg will.he 11Vre shortly and
BELL, TELEPHONE CO Almost everyone knows that gage Tea 1104V iv the tluie:,to get yOUr horse
and Sulphur, properly compounded,
Sickne-, disability benhGls, $111,065, brings back the natural color and lustre \t'ired, before the rush is oil..
68; death behelits, $1'J,9it.4i;. accident to the hair when faded, streaked or ,\ t
disability benefits, i15,01G.:3; pensioi gray. S',,ars ago the only cva� to get this We Specinl ize to wiriliE Of all
$6,109r mixture was to ninke it at tonic, which
meet insrhes, are siear i the Pt is muss and troublesome. /
meats made for the guar 1 of from the Nowadays we simply ask at an drugkinds.
Employees' Benefit Fund of the Bell 3' P � Y
Telephone Cninpany. store for "Wyeth's age and Sulphur
The Benefit Fund Committee's re- Compound." You will get a large bottle Private Telephones
port just published is an fntereatfnt of this old time recipe improvetf by the
document. it shows gross payment: addition of other ingredients for about
to employees from the b-neflt fund ll. 50 cents. Everybody uses this prepare- Motors
f9t9 of $158.602.02, tion now, because no one can possibly tell
"During the year," !;a:-; the report that you darkened your hair, as it does
"there was a total of 1,665 sicknesi it so naturally and evenly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and draly Dynamos
cases In which benefits were. -paid thio tUrough your hair, taking one small Y
This is 52.3 cages less than in 191F strand at a time; by morning the gray
The total days of disability was 68,0C hair disappears, and after another appli- Electric Bells and
during 1P19 -only 273 days lest cation or tWo, your hair becomes beauti-
than in IftS--whick indicates that tht fully dark, thick and glossy and you
sickness cases in 1919 were of longei look years younger. Wycth'a Sage and
durat.[on, and that in the large numben Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet Burglar Alarm Systems
of influenza casts .which helped ter -requisite. It is not intended for the cure,
swell the total in 1918,• the absence -at- mitigation or provention.of disease.
of a very short duration. In 1918 ALL, WORK GUARANTEED
with 208 sickness cases, 8102,962.67 ----- _
was paid in benefits. In 19f9, with on-
ly 1,665 sickness oases, fB1ft,065,66i war'
paid in lwneflts. The Increase is due Electric Fixtures and Supplies of all
to the higher average wase of em- For Infants and ChUdfen
ployees." Icinds kept Flu band.
In accnrdan(,r with the recommen- In Use For Over 30 Years
dation of the committee, the company /�traye bears
has a Medical Department ROBT. TAiT
in connection
fon with Employees' Pett > mature of t
sion and.. Benefit Plan, and Dr. G. A.
Winters has been appointed to take
charge of it as "S[edical Advises," with __ ELECTRICIAN WEST STREET
headquarters at Montreal. Dr. NN'in- 'Phone 82 or 193
tern will review all, Medical certificate;' RHEUMATISM
and medical examifiatibn forms.
It is the intention of the company to This Is fust tba semaon
inaugurate some form of physical or, )wbenRbaumattsmwit tit W
medical examination of new employ- grinding Iain and stifion-
ees. •lt is considered that such pro- Ing of joints Rets Load of
eedur'c> is very desirable, both for th„ YOU. Fight It with
protection of the employees already In s
the servfce and to ensure new employ Templeton's
ees being given work for which the) Rheumatic
are physically fitted. Should such ex-�•:• M1 •n
amination disclose minor ailments or n Capsules
tendency theree
to, the new employe
would be made aware of the conditions- Q i `
and advised to consult his or her phy- mpletolve Rheumatto !/7 (/ e �e5�
sicfan, in order that early treatment •1i�lssulaa bream comate yL.�..7
colter, and permanent re -
might prevent the aliment becoming sults Tber er* Morn- DAILY SERVICE
serious. Valuable and disinterestAd mepi&4 b1 doctors, and
advlcc has alreadv been given to em'
sold b= reliabl. QruRt�%±t/ Lve. TORONTO (Union Station)
a ors. i
plov'e.s through this channel. or to to Tamp atone. 9, 6 P. 11101.
The fund, which now stands at $500,- "11111l1EInt tit�.w a ro on to -
000, is maintained by the company cf Diaof prtoa WINNIPEO CALGARY
without contributions of any kind
from the rmployee9. 4,k at It. C. Dunlop's Drug Store, BRANDON MONT011
No profit is with honor uniess it k SASKATOON VICTORIA
reasonably small.
$fit ler moat if you feel Backaoby or
have bladder trouble -Tab
glare Of Salts.
No man or woman who eats meal rev -
Sun. Mon. Wad. Fri, --Canadian National all the war.
Tues. Thurs. Sat. -Via O.T., T. P N.O., Cochrane th*nco 0. N. Rys.
Tickets •ad iuli Inlormatlon from nasrest Consdlari Natlonal
Railways' Agent, JOHN C.ItVICiE, Godrrieb.
- or •*neral /assenger Department. Torsnts.
Ind*•tries aopartmont Toronto and wlnalpoa will furnish full particulars
r06: 10= land is w•st•rs Oaeads evallabie for farwlna or otaor peryos•s.
r r • •
1 asrly can make a rmwu"e hin
b7 flusg the
1 kidneys occasionally, says a well-known
1111 authority. Meat forma uric acid which
excites the kidneys, they become over-
worked from the strain, getoisonsh and
^\r e
fail to filter the waste and poisons from
e • \y
the blood, then we get nick. Nearly all
rhemnatism, headache, tiler trouble
nervousness, dizrinese, sleeplessness anll
urinary disorders come from sluggish
" • -,r- N
e Na6oml Smolm
oment ,on feel a dull ache in 10
kidneys or your back hurt- or if the
urine is cloudy, offensive, tall of sedi-
ment, irregular ofa or attended by
a sensation of seal=stop sating meat
and get about four ounces of Jan
Salta from any pharmacy; take a
a wateyour before
in a giafew
br set and to s law da Pinna
breakfast p d ys
will act rine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
cogibinod with Lithia, and has been used
for gmeratiorm to Bush and Stimulate
Still the most
the kidneys; 6150 to ncntralize the aateis
In urine so it no rrger -ani trritat;atl,
thin ending bladdeder weakness.
for the money
Jad Salts in inexpensive and causag
injure; makes a delightful effervesOnt
lithia-water drink' which evrsrosk,�/-
should take sow sad tken to keep tthise
' ,
%�NDR�V1l �I
Iddneya ehlets and • active and thll en
L3ty-1 ;-
t wwwk* # 'Linney
,* .
1 ,
e • \y