The Goderich Star, 1920-04-08, Page 7n; t , all " ==V• A"X,1404 OW I=1 GODSM011 •4? WANE _ vi, iw AVOW Gs atil" "Bayes Tablets of rAsp iia» fa a Bayer",, package, ptainIT merited �. with the safety "'Bayer *:Toss. Genuine t'Bayer Tablets of MA,spirlu" I on now masse lin Canada by w Csnsdisal company, OXO tierMan interest what a .ver. U righta being purchased from thin TJaits States Government. � Durirt ,the war, Sold imitan tions we` sold lits Aspirin In pill boxes and various other cot}tstperi. The "Bayer Crow'" is your 4Dn17 +„ y of knowing that you are getting tteq. tole Aspirin, proved sate by •anillloas +fo , Headache, Neurar, Colds, ' Rhett>lufiegi, Lumbago, Neurltl9, and for Pain S*41,h1ty. 8andyfi bonen of 12 tablets -.also 7 r etre, 'cBayer" packages can be Lad at Mores. "Aspitini is the trade mark lreglsteted +ri f R>•ls►"1 51C 11n 1"i of Bayer Xan t•. ifat�aidesteF tat fi•licy#iesaid. at the T�Ydiea+ LaaWe Astoeialt3ou plsyinji an exhibition game at Padding'toa. g� , iii, • for Rmll os yr Grafting. otipr.4vdl April 6.—Aa a result *('(*ANTS ANNUAL PASSES. THANKFUL MOTHERS of 4womrl0pilattonsmade, tothe Gov- f STARTING BEEKEEPING -- erDmint byy Dr. J. G. Rutherford Once a mother has used Bebe'_ Chairman qL the royal commission on G P• R•, Encourages Loyalty in Otvn Tablet; for her little ones she mush oyt••attri reindeer in the North" I Se1'vice. would use nothing else. The Tablets Suggested Outfit for the Apiary wUt T! rItorI an order 4" bee,x The C.P.R., to encourage loyalty I give such resul(§ that the mother has pa><sllydx tl ttltrg Saltie three, ialantis in •into _elutes, and recogLize the prin- i�OVICe, nothing but words of praise and the Hort* 7lra past of iItt4"A Say as 'otpls of co-operation bats, thrqugh 1 thankfulness fur them. Among the grastitg ,gr6gad for thelia atilrnals, this president, Sir. U. W. Ltatty, an- thousands of mothers throughout Tics islands`: ed In thte, order ar! ttpxtuced anew departure which Start Kith the right Hive -- The lannda Otho D praise the Tablets is AIr93 Sauthempy Island, Mansel ,Island •fill, doutWetes, be mu,cb a_rpreeiated. t0-�tttwe Langstroth Is Kegnrded Dnvid A. Anderson, lett Glasgow, V' *Surf Coatsd""'��atlsnd. 'j`hese are said to .This to the granting of anauai pass- an the Best—How to Prevent S_ who writes: ---•'1 hate used Baby'n be favorably, situated, with plenty of 'es to oattlsers and employees, and tlwn Tablets 1'ur my children and ve,gits)ti `,lig and climatic conditions BwatwLtg — Carie of Freshening 'f Ebe1r wives under the following irony my experience 1 w•nuki not be suitablea,to �raindeer and musk oz classifications: C'ow, without them. i tvolod urge every. grak". 'l1S' Employee on a general saperin- (Contributed by Ontario' Veparunant or other inolher to keep a box of the feDdentll Istrict, whu has had eon- Agriculture, 'Toronto.) Tablrt, in the **nose," The Tablets hills V'an Siown Doren. tinuotut sIrviee for a sw, prriod of net \TNACTED honey production are a mild but thorough laxative WOQI�TOCK, AVril 6 -Tho high less than ten Vows, will he granted which regulate the bowels and sweet- wind'ofa" Fritjay wrought con- an aunual'pass good aver district onIs the most satisfactory for en the qt-mmell: drive ont constiputi„n t14CM6(e,havoc with the east wall of wbioh annoyed. beginners. Start with three and indigestion: hreak up colds and he local JAILSunday morning the Stwb eMllloyee, who bas had con- colonies and suttlelew up -to- sitnplo Peter•.; and tools teething easy. pastern ''section was flat, on the tinuous service for twenty years and mTheem` art, sold h> rnerlicine dealer; or _ ground, i ass Of ruins. Fortunatl� over, will be allowed annual date equipment and then matte t an ual para he It)� ail at •., cent: ,c box from The ly, no one was in the vicinity, and thin good over easterA. or western lines bees pay their way One colony does Itr. Williams Medicine t;o., Ot,oel"tills, prisoners' were safely ensconced upon whichever employed. Em- not give the beginner, an opportunity (tnt, within the jati. ployee of any other department of the service will enjoy the same pri- a right mistakes m accidents profit- _ The Ipilurance, Deipartmeut of the vilege a t above, stating the terri- ably. Three colonies can be mnnaged -- Ontario 0-overnment has been asked tory over whtcft pass is desired. by devoting one evening woclily to painted before the opening of the to s.djusf a dispute between the In- Head office employees who have had the apiary. spring rush. It is advisable to commence with a I dustrikl Life Insurance Agents' Asso- fifteen years' service will receive Avoid many u•onblesome pitfalls 2 -lb. package of bees and ueeu• a 1- olation and their employers. snsual passes over eastern or west- V era lines where employed. Women by starting wll.h the right hive. The warm or a nucleus. Less danger 10 -frame I.an st g - etsrploye,ta are to be treated the borne g Toth hive has turn from disease attends the buying of tom* M mea iii this connection. This the hest satisfaction ?n Ontario. A!1 pound packages than the buying of action expresses the policy of the swarms and nuclei. Pound packager HEW��A �t� D D'o beekeepers' supply houses carry this may be Secured for deliver fron �iiQNl C. P. a, to, aim at the contentment Y CRfMRHORACOLV and, loyalty of the employees of hive and its parte ht their regular May let to June 30th. Early pack �.....,. ' whoea thqe Is an army of 60,000 at `tock. Buy your first hives from a ages will yield a surplus if caretull• '/ pt' 44t. including all classes. good manufacturer It is very neces- handled. Enquire of the Provinelt3 ftp �a l�liett fa":TatlfiU The Penlmioa Fund, a free Apiarist re disease In your locallt; odsmllMr' �g trip. gift of sary to have all hive parts inter - 0" buying swarms, nuclei or col Elie cot¢pliny, was the thought of changeable so that they may be used onies. A small colony of bees is muel )Aryl Sitltughnessy. The employees in any colony in the apiary: Uniform leas vindictive than a full colony enc 2nlialt rllilf_� Xtl welt Yogi Coll 'nott!tag• Already the ity and accurate worhmanshtp alone cl a0ilrils ti �f�il,ai! thus offers a better opportunity fm e� - Mperstk►n of the fund has wrought can ensure this meed. the beginner to grow with his bees, pf du1•DW3oleai�iitt•-yot as great bestefltr The effect of it has One complete 10 fr. Langstr ih The accessory e4ulpment for the > �Nottmh• been to increase t'-ce contentment hiwe consists of: Y wkimlg; rani• beginner should consist of: and loyalty of the eanployeas, to glue I. A bottom boa rd. finis, WiltlUg; ,hssdsollta, dt9neee. I% 2 1. A veli of bin�k cotton tulle, stroulhj for'brantb i►t+ nitht,,,�Wt pie sense of nuu-asl co-operation, . A hive -body with• *;elf spacin❑ 2 Cold Or:latatrh* ,•• and to stimu?a'e the general pur. frames and wire. A standard bee smoker. lP�rir. 3. A hive tool. od a� a of El s^ Dose stud fute:csc of the company. 3. A telescoping nrrral roof rover favi• gout u 4. A spur wheel wire embedder. E pow There are many a i over the system In addition the hegii should 5, An uncapping knife. • U111s at'.tkits aril" , , an the Pension F� ,id, which offers provide for each colony one queen ex. 6. An uncapping box. �, a fa ouraosttfls. It protection in de lining years. Mil- cruder: too extra hive-bedies com- i t y 7. A complete sof of Department Ilrgtaa rj>ly+ppgh, sat pssnsg! o tree !Ions of dollar, ate involved 1n the piste with [carnes; and '/ lbs. of Die- literature, Bulletins 213, 233 and + ata0thesi lt>xlla ed or ,swells. aperatlon of t::e fund ,Since its hr• dlum Brood Foundation which rune 256, and a good reference bee book. t ttfnitmbri*Iislid relld eolise is- I buguratkun. six sheets to the pound, to fill the g A small honey extractor. —.__ _ frames with a guide and fnundatlon With the exception of Nos. 6 and for the future combs. All hiv mn- TYs jsMt,or. {jay jtgy .> Some men arc burp diplomats and terial should �e rr l -e_ r!red aq1 8 it is advisable to acquire the ma - '66. OU, ar,Q /ty stiS•39Tt, �some :re married. . a terial needed from a supply firm at - once. The uncapping box can be made at home, and the beginner coup probably co-operate with another bee e and keeper to securing the use of an ex tractor. With the increase of col AA onies to ten, it would then be advis e *,1 a �j � able to provide a storage can to Sesta 5A� Ve (i in handling the crop.—W. A. Weir +1 ta. O. A. College, Guelph. 1M To Prevent Swarming of Bees.. June Is the swarming month ant time of supering for the main hone) flow which begins between the 10th and the 20th of the month, depend- Ing on the season and the latitude. ' Safe and avoid sure to give supers enough to any crowding which may cavae the bees to become discouraged, quit Your Ro o work and swarm excessively, it should be the beekeeper's atm to pre- rGOf is an important item—it „makes' or "mare', ' / rent swarming as much ae possible. This is done by keeping young the whole structure. In aiiingle-roofed houses it is queens, giving plenty of room and r evefi more necessary to see that it is in good regular oystematfc examination of brood .,, repair. bleause once a roof commences to decay a general chambers to detect colonies which detefdorakion of house -value is the immediate result. are preparing to swarm. when queen cells are found far advanced they To ensure a permanent durability, as well as an added should all be destroyed and the queen • appeatimce, use herself removed. After the colony Liao been queenless one week the comb' should again be eitamined and �.' all calla except one removed. This t one wlll provide them with n qqueeD and 1f only one is left they will not Stain o f s to again. Where an improvement -Shingle of stock Is deni»d the now queen MAY be given Instead of leaving one fffiii either as a mixture in which shingles are dipped or as a queen cell. _yam stain to apply to the completed roof. Natural swarms should be hived r It combes in all colors, and gives a tough, durable on the old stand after removing the „ y \ seasoni�l=.„ parent colony to one side. Tbs besides contributing largely to the artistic cwa*ms should be given the supero effect of your home. from the old colony. New swarnoa i r \ L*e every other B-H product, the B-H Shingle Stain is work with great vigor because they \ \ first choice among people who know good paint. have no brood to care for during the tlrat week. Colonies held together f \ �—�-•.,,,� R J HOWARD (without swarming gather more honey • • than those which swarm. It is the beekeeper's patriotic duty to reduce ( ® the east honey production and thus GODERICH, ONT. t increase the quantity he si called to produce as greatly as possible. They �\ also cause the beekeeper less trouble ' t \ wWiir►wrY .+ararwm eL,,.«., +w.e,+++o r"r+NtrM at unexpected tttgee. This may be ll t\� 1tVv e,'” i done more b swan pr e IIn any other way. swarm 333 takes \\ d this matter up thoroughly and should / be carefully studied by aU beet. f ! I keepers. By mastering the methods described It Is quite possible to mad - Iage as many apiaries aS Were are + . days in the week, barring sundays l and rainy days.—W, A. Weir, O. A. College, Guelph. Care of the Firivishenixtg OON- • - This Is the month when a large r.�`r1e number of cows fremhen, Both frseh >W cows and newly -born calve,s Should ' re,eN•ve, speclal attention. Cows M. Petted to freshen should be pieced In a hos Stall for a f!w dmfs bettors �lnd after frelaheainr Matte' WOUsible •own and calves are teat by anigiftiltaj Vo ptdvide box stall whim aoditilot chis should bs fqund in efoy *tabus or eine have • aDsi" las tot' the litarpos•, A lot of then Err brake just befo, the day breaks. b us Is, the capacity for maks Somebody else take Inflnite pause Y. t A=& &mm Pimsed R—an By Won&&dNewT,ipkx,:11,-Illl,rioga PrKE wonderful Trillex of Overland 4 ef- fect such a dl aingt< in riding "An3fo3't that bad Toad) now teem to rule like good road'. Overland 4 has the alteadiness of wi* taros of long wheel- base, with the Hgbt weigbt, Cafe of conn' WW low bd and. tin of ll inch wheelbase. $cjuipamitnt, i„cluding Ekta i frit i - sodoa u d three -speed b hib dam with idle o lerlal of U141 40C. 9 a GEO. JOHNSTON, Dealer �� + 21.;i Kingston Street Garage 'Phone 259 Head Office and Factories: ` Willys-Overlaind Limited, TWOatqrON+h11100 Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Ragins 4 a' V b n; t , all " ==V• A"X,1404 OW I=1 GODSM011 •4? WANE _ vi, iw AVOW Gs atil" "Bayes Tablets of rAsp iia» fa a Bayer",, package, ptainIT merited �. with the safety "'Bayer *:Toss. Genuine t'Bayer Tablets of MA,spirlu" I on now masse lin Canada by w Csnsdisal company, OXO tierMan interest what a .ver. U righta being purchased from thin TJaits States Government. � Durirt ,the war, Sold imitan tions we` sold lits Aspirin In pill boxes and various other cot}tstperi. The "Bayer Crow'" is your 4Dn17 +„ y of knowing that you are getting tteq. tole Aspirin, proved sate by •anillloas +fo , Headache, Neurar, Colds, ' Rhett>lufiegi, Lumbago, Neurltl9, and for Pain S*41,h1ty. 8andyfi bonen of 12 tablets -.also 7 r etre, 'cBayer" packages can be Lad at Mores. "Aspitini is the trade mark lreglsteted +ri f R>•ls►"1 51C 11n 1"i of Bayer Xan t•. ifat�aidesteF tat fi•licy#iesaid. at the T�Ydiea+ LaaWe Astoeialt3ou plsyinji an exhibition game at Padding'toa. g� , iii, • for Rmll os yr Grafting. otipr.4vdl April 6.—Aa a result *('(*ANTS ANNUAL PASSES. THANKFUL MOTHERS of 4womrl0pilattonsmade, tothe Gov- f STARTING BEEKEEPING -- erDmint byy Dr. J. G. Rutherford Once a mother has used Bebe'_ Chairman qL the royal commission on G P• R•, Encourages Loyalty in Otvn Tablet; for her little ones she mush oyt••attri reindeer in the North" I Se1'vice. would use nothing else. The Tablets Suggested Outfit for the Apiary wUt T! rItorI an order 4" bee,x The C.P.R., to encourage loyalty I give such resul(§ that the mother has pa><sllydx tl ttltrg Saltie three, ialantis in •into _elutes, and recogLize the prin- i�OVICe, nothing but words of praise and the Hort* 7lra past of iItt4"A Say as 'otpls of co-operation bats, thrqugh 1 thankfulness fur them. Among the grastitg ,gr6gad for thelia atilrnals, this president, Sir. U. W. Ltatty, an- thousands of mothers throughout Tics islands`: ed In thte, order ar! ttpxtuced anew departure which Start Kith the right Hive -- The lannda Otho D praise the Tablets is AIr93 Sauthempy Island, Mansel ,Island •fill, doutWetes, be mu,cb a_rpreeiated. t0-�tttwe Langstroth Is Kegnrded Dnvid A. Anderson, lett Glasgow, V' *Surf Coatsd""'��atlsnd. 'j`hese are said to .This to the granting of anauai pass- an the Best—How to Prevent S_ who writes: ---•'1 hate used Baby'n be favorably, situated, with plenty of 'es to oattlsers and employees, and tlwn Tablets 1'ur my children and ve,gits)ti `,lig and climatic conditions BwatwLtg — Carie of Freshening 'f Ebe1r wives under the following irony my experience 1 w•nuki not be suitablea,to �raindeer and musk oz classifications: C'ow, without them. i tvolod urge every. grak". 'l1S' Employee on a general saperin- (Contributed by Ontario' Veparunant or other inolher to keep a box of the feDdentll Istrict, whu has had eon- Agriculture, 'Toronto.) Tablrt, in the **nose," The Tablets hills V'an Siown Doren. tinuotut sIrviee for a sw, prriod of net \TNACTED honey production are a mild but thorough laxative WOQI�TOCK, AVril 6 -Tho high less than ten Vows, will he granted which regulate the bowels and sweet- wind'ofa" Fritjay wrought con- an aunual'pass good aver district onIs the most satisfactory for en the qt-mmell: drive ont constiputi„n t14CM6(e,havoc with the east wall of wbioh annoyed. beginners. Start with three and indigestion: hreak up colds and he local JAILSunday morning the Stwb eMllloyee, who bas had con- colonies and suttlelew up -to- sitnplo Peter•.; and tools teething easy. pastern ''section was flat, on the tinuous service for twenty years and mTheem` art, sold h> rnerlicine dealer; or _ ground, i ass Of ruins. Fortunatl� over, will be allowed annual date equipment and then matte t an ual para he It)� ail at •., cent: ,c box from The ly, no one was in the vicinity, and thin good over easterA. or western lines bees pay their way One colony does Itr. Williams Medicine t;o., Ot,oel"tills, prisoners' were safely ensconced upon whichever employed. Em- not give the beginner, an opportunity (tnt, within the jati. ployee of any other department of the service will enjoy the same pri- a right mistakes m accidents profit- _ The Ipilurance, Deipartmeut of the vilege a t above, stating the terri- ably. Three colonies can be mnnaged -- Ontario 0-overnment has been asked tory over whtcft pass is desired. by devoting one evening woclily to painted before the opening of the to s.djusf a dispute between the In- Head office employees who have had the apiary. spring rush. It is advisable to commence with a I dustrikl Life Insurance Agents' Asso- fifteen years' service will receive Avoid many u•onblesome pitfalls 2 -lb. package of bees and ueeu• a 1- olation and their employers. snsual passes over eastern or west- V era lines where employed. Women by starting wll.h the right hive. The warm or a nucleus. Less danger 10 -frame I.an st g - etsrploye,ta are to be treated the borne g Toth hive has turn from disease attends the buying of tom* M mea iii this connection. This the hest satisfaction ?n Ontario. A!1 pound packages than the buying of action expresses the policy of the swarms and nuclei. Pound packager HEW��A �t� D D'o beekeepers' supply houses carry this may be Secured for deliver fron �iiQNl C. P. a, to, aim at the contentment Y CRfMRHORACOLV and, loyalty of the employees of hive and its parte ht their regular May let to June 30th. Early pack �.....,. ' whoea thqe Is an army of 60,000 at `tock. Buy your first hives from a ages will yield a surplus if caretull• '/ pt' 44t. including all classes. good manufacturer It is very neces- handled. Enquire of the Provinelt3 ftp �a l�liett fa":TatlfiU The Penlmioa Fund, a free Apiarist re disease In your locallt; odsmllMr' �g trip. gift of sary to have all hive parts inter - 0" buying swarms, nuclei or col Elie cot¢pliny, was the thought of changeable so that they may be used onies. A small colony of bees is muel )Aryl Sitltughnessy. The employees in any colony in the apiary: Uniform leas vindictive than a full colony enc 2nlialt rllilf_� Xtl welt Yogi Coll 'nott!tag• Already the ity and accurate worhmanshtp alone cl a0ilrils ti �f�il,ai! thus offers a better opportunity fm e� - Mperstk►n of the fund has wrought can ensure this meed. the beginner to grow with his bees, pf du1•DW3oleai�iitt•-yot as great bestefltr The effect of it has One complete 10 fr. Langstr ih The accessory e4ulpment for the > �Nottmh• been to increase t'-ce contentment hiwe consists of: Y wkimlg; rani• beginner should consist of: and loyalty of the eanployeas, to glue I. A bottom boa rd. finis, WiltlUg; ,hssdsollta, dt9neee. I% 2 1. A veli of bin�k cotton tulle, stroulhj for'brantb i►t+ nitht,,,�Wt pie sense of nuu-asl co-operation, . A hive -body with• *;elf spacin❑ 2 Cold Or:latatrh* ,•• and to stimu?a'e the general pur. frames and wire. A standard bee smoker. lP�rir. 3. A hive tool. od a� a of El s^ Dose stud fute:csc of the company. 3. A telescoping nrrral roof rover favi• gout u 4. A spur wheel wire embedder. E pow There are many a i over the system In addition the hegii should 5, An uncapping knife. • U111s at'.tkits aril" , , an the Pension F� ,id, which offers provide for each colony one queen ex. 6. An uncapping box. �, a fa ouraosttfls. It protection in de lining years. Mil- cruder: too extra hive-bedies com- i t y 7. A complete sof of Department Ilrgtaa rj>ly+ppgh, sat pssnsg! o tree !Ions of dollar, ate involved 1n the piste with [carnes; and '/ lbs. of Die- literature, Bulletins 213, 233 and + ata0thesi lt>xlla ed or ,swells. aperatlon of t::e fund ,Since its hr• dlum Brood Foundation which rune 256, and a good reference bee book. t ttfnitmbri*Iislid relld eolise is- I buguratkun. six sheets to the pound, to fill the g A small honey extractor. —.__ _ frames with a guide and fnundatlon With the exception of Nos. 6 and for the future combs. All hiv mn- TYs jsMt,or. {jay jtgy .> Some men arc burp diplomats and terial should �e rr l -e_ r!red aq1 8 it is advisable to acquire the ma - '66. OU, ar,Q /ty stiS•39Tt, �some :re married. . a terial needed from a supply firm at - once. The uncapping box can be made at home, and the beginner coup probably co-operate with another bee e and keeper to securing the use of an ex tractor. With the increase of col AA onies to ten, it would then be advis e *,1 a �j � able to provide a storage can to Sesta 5A� Ve (i in handling the crop.—W. A. Weir +1 ta. O. A. College, Guelph. 1M To Prevent Swarming of Bees.. June Is the swarming month ant time of supering for the main hone) flow which begins between the 10th and the 20th of the month, depend- Ing on the season and the latitude. ' Safe and avoid sure to give supers enough to any crowding which may cavae the bees to become discouraged, quit Your Ro o work and swarm excessively, it should be the beekeeper's atm to pre- rGOf is an important item—it „makes' or "mare', ' / rent swarming as much ae possible. This is done by keeping young the whole structure. In aiiingle-roofed houses it is queens, giving plenty of room and r evefi more necessary to see that it is in good regular oystematfc examination of brood .,, repair. bleause once a roof commences to decay a general chambers to detect colonies which detefdorakion of house -value is the immediate result. are preparing to swarm. when queen cells are found far advanced they To ensure a permanent durability, as well as an added should all be destroyed and the queen • appeatimce, use herself removed. After the colony Liao been queenless one week the comb' should again be eitamined and �.' all calla except one removed. This t one wlll provide them with n qqueeD and 1f only one is left they will not Stain o f s to again. Where an improvement -Shingle of stock Is deni»d the now queen MAY be given Instead of leaving one fffiii either as a mixture in which shingles are dipped or as a queen cell. _yam stain to apply to the completed roof. Natural swarms should be hived r It combes in all colors, and gives a tough, durable on the old stand after removing the „ y \ seasoni�l=.„ parent colony to one side. Tbs besides contributing largely to the artistic cwa*ms should be given the supero effect of your home. from the old colony. New swarnoa i r \ L*e every other B-H product, the B-H Shingle Stain is work with great vigor because they \ \ first choice among people who know good paint. have no brood to care for during the tlrat week. Colonies held together f \ �—�-•.,,,� R J HOWARD (without swarming gather more honey • • than those which swarm. It is the beekeeper's patriotic duty to reduce ( ® the east honey production and thus GODERICH, ONT. t increase the quantity he si called to produce as greatly as possible. They �\ also cause the beekeeper less trouble ' t \ wWiir►wrY .+ararwm eL,,.«., +w.e,+++o r"r+NtrM at unexpected tttgee. This may be ll t\� 1tVv e,'” i done more b swan pr e IIn any other way. swarm 333 takes \\ d this matter up thoroughly and should / be carefully studied by aU beet. f ! I keepers. By mastering the methods described It Is quite possible to mad - Iage as many apiaries aS Were are + . days in the week, barring sundays l and rainy days.—W, A. Weir, O. A. College, Guelph. Care of the Firivishenixtg OON- • - This Is the month when a large r.�`r1e number of cows fremhen, Both frseh >W cows and newly -born calve,s Should ' re,eN•ve, speclal attention. Cows M. Petted to freshen should be pieced In a hos Stall for a f!w dmfs bettors �lnd after frelaheainr Matte' WOUsible •own and calves are teat by anigiftiltaj Vo ptdvide box stall whim aoditilot chis should bs fqund in efoy *tabus or eine have • aDsi" las tot' the litarpos•, A lot of then Err brake just befo, the day breaks. b us Is, the capacity for maks Somebody else take Inflnite pause Y. t A=& &mm Pimsed R—an By Won&&dNewT,ipkx,:11,-Illl,rioga PrKE wonderful Trillex of Overland 4 ef- fect such a dl aingt< in riding "An3fo3't that bad Toad) now teem to rule like good road'. Overland 4 has the alteadiness of wi* taros of long wheel- base, with the Hgbt weigbt, Cafe of conn' WW low bd and. tin of ll inch wheelbase. $cjuipamitnt, i„cluding Ekta i frit i - sodoa u d three -speed b hib dam with idle o lerlal of U141 40C. 9 a GEO. JOHNSTON, Dealer �� + 21.;i Kingston Street Garage 'Phone 259 Head Office and Factories: ` Willys-Overlaind Limited, TWOatqrON+h11100 Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Ragins 4