The Goderich Star, 1920-04-08, Page 2�+
--'� to Y11r1:`1l+tlt.'IA. �Lim
� . L; ;- >lFtr�lMiis alrlll
i< ? t h I►1il:sw 601 Admit tl,# bowls o s se to vqw1r
1 atW e-wa!r of fist badX -
a #b!rtAfS4tM #fres mgtrop
It 1 tNt#x 7tave b eefh bdcthao my writ '
or it the 6 day sttotdd be 00
i flltij w>4s 7tot lealblts'aAoussir, fully
llktirett Jhoeta tQ�x ' the ilypepetters', :�,1 Y ons af,,p"«i �o ptllleat .
t thptll t►t+t vw..e t it!laturdilly tkllocd tit the bowds;vlfula iitNd.%4 Will
the fletatie Of the elenteucs as at appear' baro to 0POPtipstit>Rt, •'lame soda or
! !tit the article entitled Moat Arta' "W01sidt �! n"W01��,
' +` # �fvlyillilh aitpeared last wgek in this col, blcaiiagm s!t pl�rEta'
uWrb, but the fact! of the matter is that M�m's�,� >ri�wYil.��ilaLe
' the sentence by the alere changing o1(
' a letter did not convey my thought hostile so that yoq W bsrQ a
y a y i as I .had Intended it to. What 1 want- 'aedwsYmokion day'
I'hV do not gripe, wt-vicken,
+ t ped to .say was that it would be good they leave any bid OWeffects.
9 to see the girls of today "sPinnlag, Mrs. I•, F Bouitilier, North 'West
+ r# and weaving flax and wool" but our G"Pve, NS., •rites: --•'I seered Witt,
tt>plrad thetyplesetter made l t read sick headache and comopstion for
"spinning and weaRing Sax and wool."cvdx a I used Milburn', L"s-
t 1 personally i am vastly more idierested Liver Pillsurd.M cove l cured nose.
in what girls do, than what they wear. I will reeou4uend your cine to all
• +t f If they wear enough to look comfort- sdtferesn"
able' and sensible, and can do some- Milburn's taxa -Liver Pala are 23e.
thing worth while, they a- always a vial• at all dealers or mailed direct
t f.
snore attractive than those hose on t+eceipt of price by The T. Milburn
! chief end in life is the acquiring and Co., Lfmiterl, Tomato, Out.
displaying of stylish clothes. Lately
there seems to havo been a slump to
.a the bad in Ilia design of clothes In ithe 'Qanada Wheat Board Issued a•
,i direct ratio to the rise in price, and I tstatement in regard to the advance In
t qmspe king of men's clothes now as the prlr+t elf Western wheat and flour,
well as womefev. It to difficult to an in vvhirb lie ,+:lid:
p§ derstand why or how such styles •Ay, howe•v, r, the untarlo farmers
should have been thrust upon the pub- will not rat flour made wholly from
In—i lic. We always expect the young Peat- their oven wheat, and In many
pie of both sexes to go through a per- stances, demand flour made entirely
lad of freakish garb—an attempt to be from ��'e stern wheat, it is not sur -
;4 t ultra fashionable --but w�hen It eomos prising that ontariu nui!+ find it Prue -
to those of maturer year% Indulging in tidally Impossible to find s market foti
tiuch flights, it Is grotesque, and ere- Ontario wheat flour, eee'n at present
9 1' ales Ute impression that our age has maximum prises.
m, lost some of the dignity so nearly as- it Is not %or)• ustoni-hing that 'in -
f aoclated with contentment and solid Biu winter wheat flour li not in de•-
lj worth. mand outside of Canada, when farm -
n t As an innovation, and as a starter on ,,rs that brow it set KUM u bad rxant-
rw ; the toad to thrift and sanity wee would I pie in refusing to eat it themselves."
c ¢ esugpst that a "plain clothes weeks it Is all very well fur Mr. Watt to sit
s be Inaugurated. Plain clothes nhxxi In judgment un the e►ntario farnu,rs,
' ? not neeessarlly be ugly cloth(". but but whgst he says is not altogether the
they should be. serviceable, and for I truth, the whole truth, and nothing
4 , men, a suit of overalls would be quitebelt the truth. it thrro were grist
Sy permKsable. If all the professiun0 mills throughout Ontario—not mam-
u ^ and business men appeared for one i moth mills of hundreds tnf barrels ca-
week in overallg, and all the girls and pacify --but small grist mills such as
t women in work dresses. then woulf the one that, ustid to ho Located In ^~
The created in the town a brand new (luderich, dibtributed throughout the --th
set of feelings, and they would be townships so that farmers could take fro
mostly for the best. For once In their their grain and bet It back in flour and deb
lives e.ome peoplA would experience feeds, the vthoe situation would be ode
the novdity of freedom of action changed. Farmers would have a pro. ory,
1 which comevt through dressing the per incentive to grow Food wheat if wh
° part, and of being relieved of the in- they could Lake it to a small ,mill, tie
cubes of expensive clothes. There where they would be. sure of Ottag has
! would he an exuberant expo}nslvo flour and fends, made from their own n't
feeling engendered, which would fond grain, Instead of being obliged to trade on
to real old fashioned hail -fellow -well- their good wheat for flour and feeds cau
feet jollity, and our carefully Yostered made 'from some other wheat that er
canker of catste would receive a body they know nothing about. it Is not the
blow avtiieb woUrd, to all Intents and that the Ontario farmers refuse to eat It
purpose+, put it out of business. It ; flour made from their own wheat --
hulk been rand " -by some lunatic, i they never get a chance to do that.
"'Clothe••= make then man" and the Idea
tt, What the Ontario farmer doesn't tike, the
@ has stuck• and been used by clothiers + Is having to pay a high price for flour
E i from one end of the world to the other, made from so called Ontario wheat
In their advvrWements. Like the which might be good, bad or indiffer-
+ constant dropping of water on a stone,'ent. The Ontario farmer will be Just
t i , the idea has been making inroads intid as glad to rat flour milled from his
88 our mentality, and we have reacted to own wheat as were his fet'efathers,
R it In a sridirulous manner. It M UMQ the pioneers, and he would be doing i
°> 1 that this sort of mfluenoe was coon- It today If the big milling interests I
3 .i teracted. Clothes 'never made any man had not insidiously undermined the
` " any better, and never -will, and it is a I grist mill industry and by gobbling up j
Well known foot that many real men ' all the small mills brought upon the
-mon v%po thmukli dogged persever- country the present serious situation,
arttt<+ a the proper exerbise of God -
If the millers are right in asking the
j? t th Riven qualities, have risen to the government'to work In their intereAts
f h heights of fame were not over care-
, in getting overseas cthstomem to take
t .,L. 1ul about 'the kHhtl of clothes they flour Instead of wheat, the farmers of
^ ' i •were, 'lien and women are what the
make 'themgolves, and If the are cony govern are Just et busyright In asking the
Y government to set busy and assist in
tent to tin through 'life as public starting up grist mills throughout the
manmAqdins, so •much the worse for province, where they can get their m11.
,.; them Ind'Tnr ,the•world in which they ling business done the way they want
pretend hto give. it.
P d The HINdr!c' Complaint A Timely Rebuke
Last fall -when- we were paying tg.11te
Manning Doherty made a bad blue-
s der when he Insinuated that Dr. Cody
�. a bag of 'tab pounds for flour, cure had resigned his seat in order to be I
thought that It was abou0 time that person-
In a better position to benefit
prices were scorning • down to normal. i ally from the funds accumulated in
The war had been ended for more
the Forward Movement of the Pro-
" �� { than a you, -and according to mpotts, testant churches, To have made such
w foodstuilb %were .IUHl g up in European a statement privately wo'Uld have
t4 ; ports t0 sneh ^art extent that we been bad enough. but 'to -make 'it In
u thought 'that •Canadians would at last i
" M the course of a speech on the floor of
Have a chance to be provided witch
t � the ileacs was to announce to the
their needs at a reasonable figure as
{ t a country his failure to realize the qua- '
regards flour. Then same the annual !
+ lifleations for his office, and to record
reports of 'toe different milling eom- i
i the beginning of the end of his pub- ;
i panics showing how • much money 110 career. Brits. Oen. Ross 'is to be
they had pions iatedividen they were loommendpd for 'his outspoken can -
Bonds. ,Jen f paying millions in dividends in Vlo-
• demnation of the insult, and especial-
4ory and placing millions of
f} fly for the way in whloh'he stood his
dollars in tYta'tr reserve ands. The
l r f , • hL t3anadian politic were assured that It ground when the members on the gov-
- wu the export customer w o had
ernment benches tried to,halt him by
�r crying "shame.- We begin to wonder
t w• b�ht!Yi-fit; �1311�.,of•;the td whaX Kort of men these are who have
+;. r f l f ? thoAr pulent •undertakings, and they province In
Mt government elf the
t were iso toll (that the, home consump-
t': tion uvea s0 tinr;ignitleant #hat it was- tiler hands. Surely Premier Drury
I `v btu, n't worth whille operating the mills
must tlrtd' It difficult to put up with i
i';y tor. Today we ace members of his party who lack the
:} paying SI per bag very valuable attributes of gentlemen.
for hour and the •millers complain that
they will have to raise the price to the It is comforting W know that thorn
are men on the Opposition benohes
Canaftn consumer in .consequence. i
like Brig. ('ren. Ross, ,who are qualified
t. br `rheic tis somntwalnrf wrong snout this, to safeguard the views oT the thinkers
R and we cannot vao -that•uie government
1' of Canada shoulii'be used as the anon- throughout the Province, and if ne- I
key to (pull the smhllc is' chestnuts out tessary to administer a strlagtog re-
of the lire, It would'be very different
if the Canadian millers had treated the How lllueh do 1 'Over"
t s � ; . Canadian public to 'a reasonable man- Sometimes that qutwtion is asked
S v 1` ncr. As it is the -Public , has been lightly' by the man who 'bas indulged
squeezed eve time file millers in the pleasurable pastime of spending
thought 'their every
•were in danger money -!!hen he knew he had ample
of dwindling whetber they really were tucked away In his Jeans to meet the
z> or not. We rememlhher very wall that Indebtedness he had so joyfully incur-
.: the big millers weret mrueh Incensed at red. Sometimes a man hates to put
} the small inilters, when a large war the question to himself because he
` contract *-Is being 'ttentlered on lee- doesn't 'know just where the moneA
CAURe the Hmall millers out bid them Is coming from to cover his indebted-
( 15 cents Per barrel, and maintained'ness• bwon in such a caoe there in
I k }f that they could make looney at -the [tope. theft time and cirroumstancra
q gtrlCd. In Jaauary Mr. 40. S. eWatt,,d will be Rood to him, and that even-
tually he will be squared away, and
pasIs once snore to hold hie head up
n ,amohg his fellows with lite best of
€ ' Ue W kal Today we •are confronted with the
ttneston in ruhothe term. It doesn't
,, have to do with money that we fare
obliged to pay. We didn't ineur the
debt of ourselves. It was a debt wlsh-
`. ►+ u ed on us by another suddenly, and the
t i 06maind to pay jW was tnalaWflL fbbr
Porcupine s a time all that we had or thought we
had -was in darriler, even our very
N liven end the futwo of our country it-
, t Riches self urge in the 'balance. 'somethingsituat.
Mad !;c be done to �rrai•ct the sltuailen•
he lnhltman, creditor thundered his
threats ,across the ocean. There was
` •liitistralow boomet rtly one course of action. and that
to ,
(li tin all int"Osting " to play trim, not ate wishet`d, but
i'N, lift his oiin coin. You and I couldn't
tlrho, t'ta1 facts est to, but ethers wente-w#at from
�' 1 ltaiio s �ter►t Ai� tiodifi"rioh and the townallips around to
feed the rkhreest fighting foe the world
dilatffiCt, tai his ever seers. They he" tQ �atop
„ �It►tt grllt. bilk Ita"nep. *No fit hofne brest3klc#1Sly
1 r willed ,tor _31st► fittotUetl* `wa of t
m lir tit sss. '1`ittre wore d aft% of deproN,
4I i dark °,slriylll� al dayht of roto
W, out atxtalSt caritY3
the 'tri itatl�IPi7tga�t news y'}o�fCiV16tory s►rohte.
t :. a . t�fr ✓r l V1Ct*y alit At 0h Y►. Vol. c
of'' our � 8, will th!il' er �r1e b
+fr�ye° t stpr�fil th!' tfl'l►Xt1 Its tboy weti�t
ie' ,; iiftfYiY til'
of wllf *
0.10 '0,11fliWlt Q #
�• ° n4 t. bJ
' n eciir�c..r�'i . , v,>1�n 'e,.,' ... �r .. •e _ . - �. � e>�Zl:y. ' ___ _ ^.
Prince Artbur of Counmught, who was well known in Canada, laying the Foundation
atone of Dower Pe!tM Mirmo4'ial at Dwthorcotets Mut, near Dover° _J
he threshold they were never to t WESTFIELD atm of school fairs and organization,
is in this world. And this Is the Xilss Delta McDowell has returned etc. The discussion was carried on by
I. we owe, and that we can never dome from visiting friends in London. Mrs. Currie, Reeve Currie, Mr. Norman
quately repay- to keep their mem- lir. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw are Geddes, and others. It was decided,
for ever living.. We must give spending a few days with the latter's unanimously, to enter into the project
at we can afford in money towards parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rout. McDowell, A committee consisting of Messrs. R
creation of the monument which before taking up their abode in Blyth. j R. Redmond, J. WighQman and R.
been decided upon, and we must- Mr, Kershaw is taking over Mr. Wm. Coulter were chosen to assist Mr.
balk at It If we had set our minds Logan's garage there, stothers. Information will -be for -
some other sort of a memorial, be- Iwarded to the teachers by Mr. Stoth•
se there isn't going to be any .oth- Quite a representative meeting was ers. It is to be hoped that the en-
theld of ratepayers of E. Wawanosh
sort, and we nil want to glue to thusiasm that was much In evi-
and Morris, In the school house, Bel -
one that Is going to be•, and make dente ' at the 'meeting, will prevail
as good as It can be rnade. grave, on Thursday evening, to consid• throughout. It is proposed to hole
DER.NIOT McEVOY. er a school fair proposition. Mr. Robt the fair at Beigrave.
McKenzie acted as chairman. Mr. S.
his climate of ours is adapted to Stothers, hagrieultilral lrepresentativo•4 Canada's fruit orchards cover 40UN
cultivation of patience. addressed the mee 1g, explaining the acres.
'I DID ^0 a ^ 0_-_ - —
T US`AF� OANt? tl F,
In its attacks, and pro104led
Saw�fr Hair! t3ot Is small bottle
things are tried, but nothing se imp, to
glue hops of relief. Dr. J. D. Itc� io>g' ih
tit Sa1ldlhriMright niavM-eAkO
Asthma Remedy Is the one help ivoyh
do"n't park' to ' .�raeXiity-q�ir��iwtY !WiZI
tried other remedies without StlllQ0.S3,
tdf its qwn story. Don't envy the man
Vii,•; -.'
this nniformly successful preparA10.
obire isso
the fish r da. It robe the hair
Geri one.
Prince Artbur of Counmught, who was well known in Canada, laying the Foundation
atone of Dower Pe!tM Mirmo4'ial at Dwthorcotets Mut, near Dover° _J
he threshold they were never to t WESTFIELD atm of school fairs and organization,
is in this world. And this Is the Xilss Delta McDowell has returned etc. The discussion was carried on by
I. we owe, and that we can never dome from visiting friends in London. Mrs. Currie, Reeve Currie, Mr. Norman
quately repay- to keep their mem- lir. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw are Geddes, and others. It was decided,
for ever living.. We must give spending a few days with the latter's unanimously, to enter into the project
at we can afford in money towards parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rout. McDowell, A committee consisting of Messrs. R
creation of the monument which before taking up their abode in Blyth. j R. Redmond, J. WighQman and R.
been decided upon, and we must- Mr, Kershaw is taking over Mr. Wm. Coulter were chosen to assist Mr.
balk at It If we had set our minds Logan's garage there, stothers. Information will -be for -
some other sort of a memorial, be- Iwarded to the teachers by Mr. Stoth•
se there isn't going to be any .oth- Quite a representative meeting was ers. It is to be hoped that the en-
theld of ratepayers of E. Wawanosh
sort, and we nil want to glue to thusiasm that was much In evi-
and Morris, In the school house, Bel -
one that Is going to be•, and make dente ' at the 'meeting, will prevail
as good as It can be rnade. grave, on Thursday evening, to consid• throughout. It is proposed to hole
DER.NIOT McEVOY. er a school fair proposition. Mr. Robt the fair at Beigrave.
McKenzie acted as chairman. Mr. S.
his climate of ours is adapted to Stothers, hagrieultilral lrepresentativo•4 Canada's fruit orchards cover 40UN
cultivation of patience. addressed the mee 1g, explaining the acres.
'I DID ^0 a ^ 0_-_ - —
T US`AF� OANt? tl F,
Freedom from Asthma.= Astta{ IW" :1
of the most distressing V40103
In its attacks, and pro104led
Saw�fr Hair! t3ot Is small bottle
things are tried, but nothing se imp, to
glue hops of relief. Dr. J. D. Itc� io>g' ih
tit Sa1ldlhriMright niavM-eAkO
Asthma Remedy Is the one help ivoyh
do"n't park' to ' .�raeXiity-q�ir��iwtY !WiZI
tried other remedies without StlllQ0.S3,
tdf its qwn story. Don't envy the man
Stair is resale eVidasoe ori a nq�erted
this nniformly successful preparA10.
A A artin Sa• it
obire isso
the fish r da. It robe the hair
Geri one.
:s o
a. Say It With FloWeriL _
Martin,, the Taglo.r
nese and UdAng a the eoalp, vvhieh if
Prince Artbur of Counmught, who was well known in Canada, laying the Foundation
atone of Dower Pe!tM Mirmo4'ial at Dwthorcotets Mut, near Dover° _J
he threshold they were never to t WESTFIELD atm of school fairs and organization,
is in this world. And this Is the Xilss Delta McDowell has returned etc. The discussion was carried on by
I. we owe, and that we can never dome from visiting friends in London. Mrs. Currie, Reeve Currie, Mr. Norman
quately repay- to keep their mem- lir. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw are Geddes, and others. It was decided,
for ever living.. We must give spending a few days with the latter's unanimously, to enter into the project
at we can afford in money towards parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rout. McDowell, A committee consisting of Messrs. R
creation of the monument which before taking up their abode in Blyth. j R. Redmond, J. WighQman and R.
been decided upon, and we must- Mr, Kershaw is taking over Mr. Wm. Coulter were chosen to assist Mr.
balk at It If we had set our minds Logan's garage there, stothers. Information will -be for -
some other sort of a memorial, be- Iwarded to the teachers by Mr. Stoth•
se there isn't going to be any .oth- Quite a representative meeting was ers. It is to be hoped that the en-
theld of ratepayers of E. Wawanosh
sort, and we nil want to glue to thusiasm that was much In evi-
and Morris, In the school house, Bel -
one that Is going to be•, and make dente ' at the 'meeting, will prevail
as good as It can be rnade. grave, on Thursday evening, to consid• throughout. It is proposed to hole
DER.NIOT McEVOY. er a school fair proposition. Mr. Robt the fair at Beigrave.
McKenzie acted as chairman. Mr. S.
his climate of ours is adapted to Stothers, hagrieultilral lrepresentativo•4 Canada's fruit orchards cover 40UN
cultivation of patience. addressed the mee 1g, explaining the acres.
'I DID ^0 a ^ 0_-_ - —
T US`AF� OANt? tl F,
Freedom from Asthma.= Astta{ IW" :1
of the most distressing V40103
In its attacks, and pro104led
In Its ,agpnles. Frequently,,*r.;t
Saw�fr Hair! t3ot Is small bottle
things are tried, but nothing se imp, to
glue hops of relief. Dr. J. D. Itc� io>g' ih
tit Sa1ldlhriMright niavM-eAkO
Asthma Remedy Is the one help ivoyh
can be depended upon. If yot►•save
tried other remedies without StlllQ0.S3,
brittle, colorless and eeraggy
do not fall to get at once a paoka8v}vt
Stair is resale eVidasoe ori a nq�erted
this nniformly successful preparA10.
scalpp, of dandruff ---that awful sand.
deatnteuve to
..,�..- �.�,.�...�...�...,..
obire isso
the fish r da. It robe the hair
®®!rlle��!gseti8esse�aet��aBt�Fs�lE�� X81
Of its 1111111e, its strength sad its very
:s o
a. Say It With FloWeriL _
lifei rely producing a femrish-
nese and UdAng a the eoalp, vvhieh if
not remeetied causes the hair roots to
sbrhai4 'oeam sad life-4hcn the hair
Easter Lures
fails out fast. A Tittle Danderine to-
ntgui-•-now-av lions—will surely save
your lair:
to fs
g require to be ordered early to
Get a small hottle of Knowlton's
Dsaderise fSom any drug store. You
� SECUre them. �
t<niely (fan Irve beautiful hair and lots
of it fff yell will just try a•little Dan-
derine. Save your hair! Roy it!
As the inventor of strenuous ;;amen;
queer the Rumans overl''ooked font-
'Phone 105 Bruce St. IN
Oranges„, Lemons,
Grape Fruit,
Bananas, etc.
At all prices
Another shipment of
Minto Tea
(p9ir]j z lb. packages contain a Silver Spoon
2lb. It
Get your SEEDS for Springi' Gardening here. Steel Briggs,
Ronnie's and Ferry's
Phone 1130 Cor. Montreal St. and Square
For any make of MIII forcleaning any kind of grain or seed
With suitable Sieving and Screening properly arranged
in nearly any ordinary Fanning Mill, seeds and grains of any ?•
kind can be as thoroughly cleaned as is possible to clean �
them. When ordering Sieves or Screens be very careful to give
exact size needed and what they are required to do.
Sieving and Screening sold by square ft. if desired. �r
014 fanning .mill frames re -wired. ”.
Complete Sieves and Screens made to order.
Mail Orders carefully attended to
The Coderich Mercantile Co., Limited
Owing to location and 'facilities for manufacturing, I have
transferred my Fanning Mill Supply Business to the
above Company. -J. W. ARMSTRONG. a
p r 0
Choice Family Groceries
O Campbell's and Heinz Soups d
All brands of Canned Goods
q Extra Choice Bulk Tea. q
Black and .lapari, 65c O
Fresh Fruits always in stack
u ,x
( r wn