The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 10A
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T/� O - lie chis .en' s Or11PE 8
M1 c i ? ♦S J .Y'k1.
Ladies "xp.", .X44 _ lTI7�6 ' �I`, ell y ,•,
y „alp @� and �1'iir@144I3�! 1 r ro
1 t cop- /�r� p� p*'p �y �y p`/� fN �` ' •,} !p F
i,7.✓♦11AA you ever �r'Tr � 4M• :tM V V d 7r11 - and ��t�i ���i� of c the • I
j •} " . _ 4e is upward treand of prices ? The cosi, or p4 a �'
� 9 9* slake yow. � or manu>'aoturing,
wllila there is higher waaes. far wcorke -ra *. with s o
3'tre t4 �t:14 hgtlJ*4`*' Oonee—
. � variety of Fat. quently less productlotn„ demand Breat��r �a<# B�CGI�ss oi' supply..
r' r liven ire tbi main
,`f+•se frNtn ? P� - � i"al:tors "dominatih ,the pref�le~rnt h3.
4" v'11t'Pt+ettier while prices 6 �� oQst :oi'
i are 409 reasonable. Also '
s , , do 'you realize that a merchant
puniness cohaving a long standing
1 rineatiOn with wholesale houses often haw Opportualt4les
Susi0lis Hours : 8:30 to 51:30 to ' � , ,
Bet in on the inside and
buy stooks .ri9Thiisy then, is 'our >~> @ to
" ag You at thions wh6n wont
s ' folks are considering buying !#something new" for .•ureter and the
subsequent warm; bright weather, that we have been•able to buy
t c• the majority of our stock before the big advances of the ,past few
a , n
r moonths$ and are thus in a,position to oi'fer par
footwear at reasonable 3f good, up—to—date
f,} prices, many of our lines being g Priced at
less than we ourselves could buy them toda�r, thus effecting a
4f saving to you of from 35 to 50 per cent.'
Harold Sproul intends g,,fog vYevt Our new stocks include all the newest shapes and styles, the
t this vveek.
q Houses are Very scares•,ne,t one Very Popular high out lace Kid Shoe, Kid and Patent Oxfords and
empty apw. Pumps foZ Ladies, the Brown and Black Balmoral, also some nifty
t Raymond' Brown nab cngntll i vvilti
Pd. Anderson for a fc»% uiuulh.for Men, Oxfords, with the smart recede toe, ewith the children
Mrs. S. J, Pentland has moved into and growing boys and misses well prov4ded for
he upstairs pt U)e ltr�bcrts ytor•. dent that a look at, our , and we feel confi-
4 Rev. Air. floss Occupied he pulpit of
Bonds, marked in plain figures, will
p the Presbyterian church last Sunday, convince you that, considering the almost
t` 1 Mrs. Win. t3harklMon returned from prohibitive price yell
V Wingham. where she spent a) few pay for every commodity you b
weeks. uy, you can still Purchase
y6 -fir footwear at a very reasonable figure,
l4 k $arae) Dellinger returnHd lo, lwing-
IA barn after .spending a few days in the
Village. Hadn't you better give us a call, and let us showat
Abe Culbert Is getting his s,r.vmill goods we were fortunate enough to buy right ? you the
+ ready for work. He hos a good }art
full of lugs to rut.
d The funeral of the infant of Herb SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE
Curran, which was held last Thur,;_
1 day, was largely attended.
Tom McLean hay sold the 147-
_ PeT W. Reg. Sharman
on the notch N
side of the road to •fn
Cdrr. This will make a farm of ;too BENMILLE11t TIPPERARY p�,�•••,.,.
q acres. The it-"T"ORiOpppOtiBOtllttltd
lilti3 friends of Hiss Kellie fh,• automobiles have started to run
Tom Park has secured the upstairs F'iaher will be glad In lYnnvv that ski again after a long rest. 111111
p over the printing office, having Sold �' gelling along nir+ly after her opera- THE SINGES STORE
his farm to David Err)ngion, sr., for tion for ;g.pendicltl. in 4;oderjch hos- Mrs. Jesse Cray returned to her
+ - id34,t)Olk pita! home on Monday after a pieastut visit
t ; , ° with Goderich friends.
We understand Robert Davidson, of LEERURN Cour roads are aglh clear of sneer•
(}odehe vi coining s ak to Dungan- Miss Edith Burton sit,"nd the ic•e and our people are very
non, he ha. M sold hisTuse In Code- end with friends In F \\ter,rich to kir, Dfyers, thankful for this atter the long hard F�erno�aThe foAOWin Last vveek Mr..1. 1t. l'arri.h sho:Veek-land
se v_ winter. We will again enjoy Ane
p 8 persons are pretty en vv iW duck.. Jack la .i perfect gun- i spring weather and the land is drying
w ' s Well over the flu; Melville Culbert. man. I up nicely, and farmers are beginning
k Marion field. Celia Pentland, Mrs. to feel as though they would like to No
Wm. Ryan, Diss. S. Treleaven, Mrs. H, Mr• Robert Johnson, of Goderich Is be on the land again, but we have not �Ce
Treleaven, H. Treleaven, Jos. Mal- lodaypress�.ng hay for Jlr. .Iulw Chisholm Seen any move here
�+ There will be selvlces in the Ang1)- Chester F•ulfurd loft for I►etrolt to,
EiBRE FLAX PRODUCTION I have removed my fancy
can church On Goth Friday evening at day' where he intends to spend the
8 o'clock. Services on Easter Sunday summer. IN CANADA
4 at fi a.m. and 7 Mrs, A. H. Clutton attended the Pro- work stock �o the store in
C11149,p.m. Subject Tor ev- Li the House of Commons official re -
Sunda 'The First O�a. m.n Church." Strati Presbyterial Comentioit iu Miitean's Block, next to
re -
Sunday school at fQ a. m. A vest Stratford last. week. Port, April 16th, 1919, appears a cer-
t' d meeting tvftl by held on Easter Mon Philip Bogie left Wednesday for trrestin tatt statement
h i District, which K e m
Peculiar in -
meeting h sWatch-Making
day' Port McNichol] to
A meeting of those interested in the the same day Fred liGliddon boatand
to of e he ms to
ohave wed that taon. On Store, olid wi�J be. pleased
QuesUbn of consolidating- a number of C0)ling'wOOd, These are the last of experimental and demonstration sta- to meet old cy®iomere and
r t • • i e Present day one -teacher schools nine boys to leave Leeburn to go sail- tion should be established at the most{(
* G foto ono good school o! the coming Ing this spring. convenient and central point within 1 neve onps in t�e uew store.
day klAd, graded, and with a su>Dolent Miss Hunter returned to tier home the area where flax for fibre is being
9 ejaft Of teabliers and dully equipped to In Clinton last week. the hag been Produced, so that growers may be ad-
¢ vo the youngsters of the next gen- Iters for some time• nursing Mr. and v'ised and educated in the most mod- t
is oration every chance to secure such Mfrs, i m%'tn Hunter and family through ern and approved methods for ratting. I
a an education as will the flu,
fill any Prepare them to fttching and general ,P,peparing of
Y posies or suaaessfUtly meet Mfr, James 11s1�'hlnnev- has purehas- their fibre for the market.
the d!t®cuttles of any occupation in el the 50 -acre farm of -Mr. Will Gook% Goderictl. is recognized as .the cen
lire, was. held in the Agrioultui•al Hall the ytt
Monday evening, A Price paid being $i,(1o0-' Mr. and - of the est progressive flax grow
groater number 'Mrs- Copt are moving to Goderich. Ing community, and the above refer- MISS SUN NOBLE
might have been expected to be pre. We welcome .Mr. and Nlrs• MoWhin- ence to a modern experimental station '
( .?. sent at 80 Interesting a meetlng, but a ney to Leeburn. simP1Y means that the Government
+J tomb@r did not know of the meeting will, if shown that it Is to its interest
Ind Qther$ were absent owing to the WES-11FIFLD to do so, establish an experimental
` Q ball !A Illness. 'Still a goodly num. form close to
(Intended for last week), . Goderich. Everyone is
a Ij „ ler atteAtlt3d. Dr. Sinclair, from tits Alr, and Mrs. Errington have, left familiar with the benefits which - , `COI.BOR.YE..�
k Department, and Inspector Tom, were for their hone n Stskatchewan, f:uelph caps from being t i
} the speakers, although all were invit. g he chosen The muni
Mrs. Clifford Ploknrng visited site for a general experimental farm hall
council met in the
ed and urged to offer suggestlons, oak
-friends n London during he past tinder Government fiontrol, sad there township hall March 16th, all members
P' questions or o{fer obJeotlons, and the week-,
is no doubt that, if an experimental
Q uestion of a union of four sections, I farm vvs Ionated b the Government Present, the Reevre !n the chair. Thal
xf jb3 minutes of
Ngs. 8. 16 and 17, Ashfield, and t7 School opened on Monday after within a short distance from Goderich. doff"- (with thef Ilowlast meetlng eingr correca
" s : WeB Wavvanoah, was pretty thor_ being closed for Ave weeks because of It would establish this town and dis-
t oughts discussed and the trustees of the flu. trlCt for all time as the recognized flax tingtion•ttra onewell, repair ng and set -
x u then lour seotlons were appointed a Dfs Wm. Gooier has moved his tam- cents or Granada, and g grader, tiS.75), on motion
w 3 COMMIttee to continue the work of In- it to Bl h, where he has world.
Possibly, of the of Messrs. Fisher and Currey.
vestigating the advisability of coils I,- a home. YI Purchased A communication was read from the
( dating these sections All aand- The function of the writer is t4v United Boards
,v �+ are fav01ab1e, with only one e�ptfntson. ens- Af u91 Peter dCllarsk, vofht their bripg forward Ideas as they occur, to ing that the 'following resolution esolutiona be
} that being the one as to Ilio dimoulty daughter. Mrs. Marvin McDowell. the rAgorfurtherhehowever.eland sue Payed and forwarded to the Hon. E:
would g, C. Drury; resolved that the Western
and°expellso of running vans t0 draw Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, of Ashfield; gest that here Le a propositfOri which
0.L. the Pup9ta, The whole question is op- is spending requires immediate attention. Every Ontario United Boards of Trade, and
en for discussion, and the commit ttg a few Clays with tier Pur- Farmers' Clubs and municipal councils
at iki6 enla, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Farrow. influence, both private, public and cos- of Western Ontario In conference as-
trustees aro anxious to g@t tete feel- Porate, should be brought to bear up- °embled, desire ton call attention of
a, Ing of the people in each section. Of Mr. Ei. Johnston has taken posses- op the Dowers that be at Ottawa end
course, we should be carettll about sloe of his fhtlier's farm, eon. 3. We Toronto, to have this Government the Provincial Government to the
#+ E4indemtlln or a aro sorry to lose EI. as a net hbor, , F'atm located hero, city Ruralusness Ontarthe io, ton It the necessity
f a d g pproving any
such B (is Gov is the y
ji Nestion until we have all the facts. N'e are Pleased to know that the logical looatlon, and it would be well of taking immediate steps e y
Y'Ity committee will endeavor to g� condition of At41rp, ,lea. Slonnhouse. P procure
these foots before the for the Board Of Trade to take this additional desirable Immigration
quatlon is fin_ who wars stricken with Paralysis, is matter In hand, line up the facts and the importance of proper itraction
illy decided, by each section voting improving. present them in a Convincing form to supervision for immigrants set -
or "NO" at a meet! L'race 1 i 1 those members Of the Government and a
ne aims for . w tling on Ontario farms, and to tale P
4, the purpose. Md in the meantime the F itman, of Vancouv- vvho will m
)committee invite er, who has been spending the water ake the Anal decision in the
discr;ssion throughhere, has matter, need of so modifying our school sys-
gone to visit her sister. Airs, tem that rural education will be pros Store S6
the local Papers and otltervvtse, A. McKellar, In Nlichigan. We have something worth while to PerlY emphasized Residence Z a0 Or .�� Goth D. R apd made acoesslbic ��» A. Corsets
� �--.- _-.___ .__..�. _• •,•_ ____ —__... attain. and it only remains vvlth the • `�
AUBURN proper CJ co,
' tecta, Parties to formulate convincing o
(intended for last vveek; Place them In attractive form AT VOC.iR SERVICE
on Paper, and present the propositio
ti William Noble, who has been to eve 4 •
l bra the sick list, is Improving, rY government. lona) and provtn- Store
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Straughn were influeneeInaobtainingo that edy may efl ieuandhlmr #tat
i aster v'ialting friends neartlinton last week. mediate results.
Mr. Charles Stra hall ( � to boTtheir
and frisk who desire to identl- Moved by Air, Fisher, seconded by Watercourse, Act, g10; The Munlelpat
ug Purchased ti JOHN NOIREMAN, fY their lives with rural industry, b1r. McKPit, that A. P. She
r i horst from Mr..Jolin Wright, to re- Moved b Messrs. Currey and Fisher school attendance ofllcer for the town_ i
; Milfiner�
Hungry Austria has eaten almost Easter Cards Y Y Dperd by World. legal advice, 50 cts ; J,
Place the one ho loaf, her last Vienna roll—Boston Trans -that the above rPolutlou :ve passed and ship. Carried. horpc, refund of 1 do G-0�'
` lrrr. 3oseph G ter, of thr "son," aeript, forwarded to the Hon• E, C. Drury. The following accounla v tax; E, Jackman, breakin and 1 bilOh
a�1 fair a after visltl his and Novelties Carried. �-RI I J. Allin, 100 loads pt t PrP Petd:l The rollowing donatlonsgw�rad
m ng parentH herr Moved, seconded and carded, that $fr): E. Phillips, irons�forl at 15 cts.,,ChUdren's Aid Society, �5;
ttlr a short time, returned home Iasi
V week. BOIaQOQQB!!p the West Wawanosh account be laid cents: N. F. V1'yard, assessors box, 3; Godot
k over for further investigation. I. Hetherington grader. i0' Alexandra and Marine Hospital, $ -
1 '
Mrs. Ross received the intelligence, The Choicest Booklets, Fold- A notice was received from the De- mama es fin' registration of births, �Neli th�ticouncil d3 adjourned m meet
A distinctive display last week that tier brother had been � g and deaths, 88; 1. Hethering- March 29th at 700 Qlsr
the victim o! the flu. She c%1 once lett els Post Cards partment of Edtlaation stating that a ton, services under the Ditch
' for the Wrest, i survey in the interests of consolidated es and
t of S rite and Sum- F little Chieks. Sc and schools would be made as Soon as pea. I. HETHER1NGTOI, Clerk. ,
ll Mr. Dopald Paterson has takQn a Bible.
i turas for the better. Both or these+
1 mer models. gentletne-n hl,vt4 p�sced rile anatea tittle Btlllaies, 3 for 5C
three sense and ten. now ellen - Large Rabbits from 10c n CODERICe MARKETS. Something for Not
The i armors' Club shippfd a car. Y People can , ling
k load of hogs from here list vveek, YOU thiole of right now p Outside Market Reports Oa page 3, u
The newest shapes
Dainty Easter Baskets, 5c whea,.....!e
i a l> This �tieek a Toronto buyer shipped a who vroom like t0 have i nAlaIOC ......................9 00 too 2 0o Tonne during the last west: the sic
car4v ll horses to the Bila. Your 11ot b WL, ataudartl,,.7 00 to 7 85 advanced, the 1934 issaa0 alone remainingcunattente't9
i ,-• >� » R'i�l'f'r, � �' E' vfllp >p +�'al►Itr antlhovt I tatntiY .....,6 00 to 0 60 t'Y ods hae,been
trimmings, $ for 4 g�`ra rnaaP their annual pit- long since than last`bne t Easter Petlaalnh, ISC and 25c ilraaa
);rlfti3ge to 'Ch1+ river last tt ek ' �`' toll • ..�' Oato tib 00• available at 97 ane interest. � and still
' V on the .. ..
y p R" %1tea�COn Of 'the 100 !'are king up This roar made P Be:lttifal ttftAficial , foeu ton "...„_......._.5s o9 to Ixl; o0
i, i agar 1h+}rD'tly►9 rbry llttly t[CIOd. +i 1CMko an s4 int ► Easter Oats ............................0 ” to 1 00 A special opportunity is presented to th
ohe There it4 Ile 1iT+e meet go. Walk �>li�f� Cma» atrwyheat.............................. b 1 75 by Income Tax and 0 and 1937n serlonSly affected
ownin Ot
. •.,�-.•.. '1�I all •scfl+►e interest aAt,� d4;y, .., 1 40 to 1 � g 293 hoods. These.
�i ' the sqW ld1i1% trt'hCtb iyary►U0118 Its Bob" ........ ....................9.0001W 84 00 can sell their 1938.bonds and receive $100.60 07 Ogli the 1A37
bnlriit m 't01, & ,Atkx% 1 Is w4cek� 1C �-_-S ltttt/er lir- d $102 sad coined injemst. They can Cheri ptt{e 103
Dtt�r ..0 all eo 0 Sit re4Vei+► $ ,
t possible, Il >Itb1 t5bltt vi $. tht y Into' + a� im � asir IYtiOly �Ifla+ � dolteu ...............0 a0 to 0 W bonds at 97, receiving as well a9 a bon for I934
P i�.
being to jiityj
Mrs 8, 1*t . oI>eratiom►. 1 w �.•.. ...... aA too 1d so the tttttRe flute Of Illlereai a the llama 0toallt, a i
y�ur�� ........ 1e t
is bore Op Il v}tdto al ,We+�plgxi +a"" +s Pokers clwioe.., ltl 00 Oo 12 00 and a ehiwluet for t1 OD ilr tot tiIIi:00 ilr the steels oto 119
t0 her . a3 Aho
reilltt $. a noes O! 191' 7, loft 2040 bond spi
a too exol%an each s<
• , .. �,. ,_ ..-.-_._. °air Oil
f 1 !r ltlg the a ! lb ................ Oi8 to
r ago suroil tXit isYer tilll{r �• „ ��r
,'Natr ........«.... r�
+ °t dile hU not b4M hetye sltlo. jVote
,. , _.f. n�...1...• iY. ,.v.Y �NMI9 tli�ti� 'PNN 310 � ft
illW� '
`_ 4 ft27 40
tW41q+t afro �k
r...........* ................ 11i IN tt0
A& 00 -
y' A ^ • /
hot i8ght &
lift re
hL-GLA 0Ulf4
Easter �s always bright with the 'a(
Suits, Ceats and Dresses:
Our Ready-te-Wear Department is b
garments that will please.
Why loot have your'0► togs fox Easte><
SUITS Spring Cats
Real live styles made In serge,- tricotine,
gabardine, ih navy, sagd and black. Braid is Everyone is greatly surprised at the wot>3d-
`i)Wvn on many suite, also a quantity of 4uttoa at°eulricessbyles wo are showing
p and at such moder-
..i;a:rniug. A narrow belt is shown on nearl'r
every style. Pretty Vests in coulbivation, of The short Coat is Sreatl - shown and is a
colars are greatly i.set], farorite. They come in sand hnd grey shades
li narrow
Como to this depurtlnent and yes the very I. very collar isaadjustable ther belts othkieeton trimming.
newest ill coal stylish Suits. p stttonq.
Navy blue Sera
I? in mauy new styles.
Also black Coats in largesizes, in good ilualiity
( DRESSES serge. � - eavali..
Long Coats in sand, grey and Pekin blue
e' They cove in velours. A range that will give you ,it wide
every color and choice.
I, in a large variety North WV Coats on sale
of styles. (No at this store only,
Nasses alike)
Navy Neckwear
avy blue i4 `
greatly shown in
Taffeta, Duchess Dainty collars in eve -y wanted shape in
and Serge, and Georgette Crepe, lawn or organdy, The trim -
as our depart- ming; are of lace in the finest qualities.
ment is new you The}' range in Price from 75c to $4.00
,s are sure to find each.
the shown. latest st}•les
M all v black
Dresses in Duch- With your new suit or coat is- is necus-
ess and Taffeta, sass- that you have Gloves to mcttC'i. ' S,Ik is
with combla'a- the Gloves that is in greatest fa%oai fur this
tions of Georg- sea`ota- AA'e have a wonderful stock of silk
_ ette. Large cuffs Gloves in white, 9 -1 -eV, light and dark sand
elle] pretty recta, stiacjes blacic pongee and champagne.
Niagara Maid silk Gloves in all sizes at
$ 1.50 $2.0 ,O and 2,25 it pair.
These'Gloves come in self or contrasting
heard about the 0OtiOns
wonderful assort- .� wonderful a5sartroent to eboose from {
meet. of Blouses 36 to `lel in, wide in cambrics, lougeloths, mada.
11 4w, we h.t.%e iustock .
Polans and nainsooka
The rouge iy . They ngp in price
comprised of Silksfrom 35c to 90c.
, Crepe de Chines and Geol-
gettes, besidesdt large rade of Voilm. Sheetidgs 2 yds. wide in many gttalitins
We have a different style for everyone. All from 85a to x+1.50
the newest touches are shown. Be sure and Pillow Cottons in 40 -in., 42 -in., 44 -in,
see the new smocks, in Georgette, with s}tort wide from 74c to $1.35 tt, yard.
sleeves aril pretty embroidery trimming. A Grev Cottons 134 -in. wide it) nrinv
Pretty Vest is added to make a d:.inty finish.
(Jull) ties.
Many different styles of blacic Veiling b)
tine yard, 30c, 4.03, 50c a yard.
A p:•Otty1; yl-' Feil at r o R
,,Oc for a iengfh
enough for a Veil.
Sport Veils in many- designs, also iu plain
AWIR put up in envelopes, in'grev, black. purple + �
ted' blue. This Vail has an elastic edge, at Ire''
25c ench.
Hair gets made from real Bair in light,
medium and dark brown, I0c each or three for
15c. This Is a tTecial price. ,
`Are have everything that one could want it, Flosterv.
yR �' Black, white, grey, brown, in
0 many qualities, from 90c to
^�a pair.
S $4.0
IIave volt seen tbo neve Lace Stockings. They are the
latest. They come in combinations
and $;59 air. of colors at x+3.00 a 1>air,
Lisle Stoci-ntagbrown, S In black, b
a pair, F.a'ey and white, at Aso
Y �
,u f!