The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 9�. >t , I All 4. t �tlui w"s4 `�Itilti t Il red' '[elft rs .rwar+nYllr aver bar a liZelghE car at a train aE , a Tel Bit', $0414 1-600- w onh he thaCiti*�R.nealCochra»e aQnler, T 1A Commemoration of the silver w Tow vMt tR 4 i' jubilee of theta' archbishop, ROU144 � �+ .. "tl nwitrrii"If A11, ° Catholics qt the Toronto diocese art i No, rill - a to ereet a residence for students eas ' w terit►>s upon Caurlteg In pllilost)lthy.. ; The resolution: to repeal the State . Daylight Slaving Bill was defeated In, . Many people have bronchitis and don't the New York Assembly yesterday. f« This means that New York State will a. • it. adopt the now UTp40 on Sunday next. Don't even know the danger of ne. THUESDAY. deetulg it. W. R. Milne, Miller, of FrnnYtord, �y + Bronchitis starts with A dry, short, died suddenly of heart failure. e Y a psintltls hsclting cough, a¢compAnkd Belleville is having a dental survey with rapid whoWng, and a feeling of of the puhlio school pupils conducted. y,. opprewon:07 tightness through IIto cheat. The maple euga season in Brock - At I,mt the raised alp phlegm is of a vine filstrlcS Rronti ea to be one o[ the i.' light color, but as the IT promises J n ea T b ud o Montreal was 7S FM WEw f y it betomee of a llowish or greenish oaaphat hi a t v ! ye Sent to the "nitentlary for three O'90 CATAIAi P31ier and is�ety often of a [limy Uature, -•,*, - e^ yl` rs Car chicken thefts. w,th blood• Ex -Kaiser Wilhelim has been allow= Bronchitis should never be neglected. ed to pay a visit to his new residence Pneumonia or Consumntion may follow now being completed at Doorn. Winter. Term if it is. Dutch manufacturers are planning Mr. E. E. Boycer, Edmonton, Alta., a campaign to introduce the wooden F,W. m January lith open in each of writes:—"Last winter I took a severe shoe to the American continent. 's §ohoole, Toronto. (Business, cold which turned to bronchitis. iliie Andrew Gray, ex -Warden of Leeds thanll, Telegraphy and Wire-' doctor I bad could not seem to relieve '-and Grenville, a leading dairyman WritQ for booklet. it, and I had been treated by him for and farmer, died at his home near lenge ss. :H. SHAW. Y4s;ea"6111rrard eight weeks. Then, a friend came in Merton, Crop prospects in the weal, and and recommended me to try Dr. Wood's Gardening and flower -growing generally throughout Canada, are Norway Pine Syrup. After taking one short courses ale being conducted 1n very good. bottle I was greatly relieved. I got two 5t. Tbomas, with great success in All the Ortega era of the fled at more bottles and can say it has quite steamer Ortega hoar been lauded at cured me. it has stopped my cough and' my spitting up lots of phlegm. Have not had an attack since. I can seaare you I would not be without a bottle of it in the house. It has helped mp children also. I think it is a won er- fu! remedy for coughs or bronchitis." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25e. and Nine Manufactured only by The T. MUburn Ca, Limited, 'Xbronto, Out. NEWS TOPICS 6F WEEK, Important Events Whicli !-lave Occurred Dur in? the Week. attendance. The Imperial Oil Co. has formed a co-operative investment trust society for its employes throughout the Dominion. Rev. Dr. James R. Menzies, sent front Toronto as a missionary to China, is reported to have been killed by bandits. 1)r. C. E. Blehn of Chesley has been appointed public school dental surgeun for Windsor and Walker- vilh- at $3,000 a year. It is antiounced that the Belgian Governn.it+At has decided to sign the nix treaty with Holland by which 111.• plovision•t of 18;19 are ttvised. 1 ri ir^ t1'illia: t of :i:;e,!, n, second ton of ICir.t; Gnslavo, N to V; -it Cttate- tuala and Ito,lduras Io .'ap;c.re the ruins of Prtitisto.i•.: It t!:.::t Itabita- lions. 1'tuf, E. I:. Marra:.! •f ...o 1',;•kes Fis h g:ia rd, The question of liquor export li- censes is likely to be reopi:ned in ilio Legislature this week. A consignment of gold valued at two million pounds reached New York from Great Britain on Saturday. offietal recordn show an inc cease' In French imports during the first two months of 1920 amounting to a billion francs. fart of former Kaiser Willielut'n bagguge iia:: been ri,o::d to P,iorn, where the ex-Ei iprror will Ltho u;i his re.!::donee on May I. The DopOnion G.1V.V.A. convention nt \lunUo;;l closed 5atu•duy ulttr- r, ,,:t. ittty. hav'. ' ., i h s •tt Purt Ai:hm H,+ ii%t ye:i,•'is .n, llilg pace. (ollgre,c::t, "1 l.itciitad a ser, ice lit),! Wool. � t t • .•t ' i'ru:l,ylei'? ••: Chui;'.t, 'livonto, in honor of til,• late I., V. I1:. J. It. that gas consumers will be without light and cooking gas. Soviet newspapers state that Rus- sin needs thirty-two billion roubles In gold to restore herself. Sir Adam Beck scored the Domin- Ion Government for its treatment of his Hydro development scheme. Sergt.-Major MacNamara attacked Drury in the Legislature in The Busy World's Hilpitenings Cs re- Obaervatury attrlbut.s We teeeut ap7, z,tr, rar•ance of the At:ri••;1 Borealis 'to who �.:.s recc:,&,. :a:::d.:td in p fully Compiled anti Put Lnto the disturbances known as ",;un � ,• , Irr,lcrs' t the •+CG ai Tuesday. Handy and Attrartive Rhnpe For !.pots." P rtiii:v cd Fi ;I 111,1 l b' rdny, .:re be i::i: f nlntl ��'t 6 school ©f commene the headers of our Faller — A The Canadian P�:.aw:::: .4�sociation �;tt[t:y of : ^ditinus cntap:racy, ot,e, f di I Ont. Solid Unnr's Enjoyuiellt- 'iinonnci•d I inion that reilway�, in the Dom- will adhere to stands,- time Il. ii. I I.,.y, giily r: cnnr,ultiu , a one, Alt'. A. A. ll. aps, I Clinton and Goderiell, TUESDAY. this ;11,, year, excel+t in vollurban stile- 1.1,:.,,. i:nd r.ot i. i :i on all Co !"144. Offers the following courses : Marie Dcll ne, 9 d 2: lt„s (Pell (hilts to snit local needs when ntnni- A • ]J.', and ',lt �. J, J. Hol)et'tsop, of Businns, Stano4raphic, Secretariai, Civil • after sleeping for till• c veeI0I fro:It cipalitirs and disUitts adopt dayli lit k?o)',•i, vt , eras: t:i 1he C.P.R. Service tubtrciihn t.ttnic+;ilis. saying. equipment. tt 1, I tri stn: -int; nc:,l the (Ity, their acid arranges Special Courses for Hon. F. C. Riggs is pi-oitiising no FRIDAY. tutull,ubile *I;usStruck by a train and students more trunk roads, as the provincial Capt. 4ohn F. Boultbee, an old rest- dragg•:d a hendretl feet or more, Mrs. e The following advantages : highways program is t•olapletc. dent of Paris. Ont., and retired naval Robai tion twins Irrwintly killed and c 1 Highly teaching staff James Richards, for many years a I officer, died in lila 79th year. R. W. E. Burnitbp of the Ute dt .to1' f ei lousily injtVed. t qualified m kk Actual business systeof bookkeeping member of Belleville's Board of F.du- cation, died at the age of about 91. U. President F. O. was .elected president of the t Makes Ilex feel Like ' Credential typewriting tests Kingston Public Utilities Commis- Canadian Council of Agriculture. Positions guaranteed SCHOOL Sion has decided to raise the price of Vancouver not Victoria were in ' A Different Person VOCATIONAL TRAINING gas from $1.50 to $1.90 per 1,000 wireless tehjhone communication I for thin district, by Government feet• for the first time Wednesday after- _ ____ appointment, and underinspect- Robert Young, a farmer near Men- noon. %%*Illy MRS. 111LES 11001) RECOIL- ioubySoldier's Civil Re-establish- ford, was killed by a beam falling up- British Columbia experts to raise MENDS DODD'K Lull\F;1' PILLS ment Department. on his head as be was helping tear $400,000 additionLI revenue from For terms, etc., write down a barn. motor car licences and .the amuse - She had kidney troubles and her feet S. F. WARD, B.A.,M. Accts., Principal. Ray Trudeau, of Detroit, nd Jos• ntent p Nedeau, of Ford, lost their lives in a tax. Sir Adam Beck announced an slAite In— looked for in Dodd' M. A. STONE. Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin. struggle with the ice while crossing crease of one dollar in high tension. relief she ney Pill. ' 'Phone 198, Clinton. the River Detroit. power rates in addressing a deputav Arden, tint., March 2001. - -4p,'rial.i STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME A heifer, owned by -G. W. Van Pot- tion ter, of Dumboyne, Ont., has produced from Fort William. Midland Public School teachers --Dodd's Kidnov JIMA ntcul.• uiv feel 'flint in seven days 36.1 pounds of butter have notified the board that they will like ,t uev, p• r,. u." s til, state• SPRINGTERNBE@INS TUESDAY, from 708:1 lbs. of milk. resign at the end of May, the teen- meat of Mrs. 'Mill's\\'u+nl, a welt APRIL 6th By a vote of 16 to 10 the City ble being over salary. to Thrace known and highly respoviet resident of this place. Council of Tgronto reversed its pre- The Turkish commander '•1• kidney," vious decision regarding the Mount has notified the Allies that he will i\a, troubled \lith my ',and Pleakant street railway and voted,for not recognize the Government, set up Mrs. Wood rontinites, Illy feel construction of the line. by them in Constantinople, sw.•lb•d• I tried Dodd's Kidney 11111s Eugene Brosseau, former Canadian Mrs. Thomas Humphries of Wel- with ttio result that the swelling is SALESMEN WANTED welterweight champion, knocked out land took an ounce of carbolic acid, her husband nearly all gone. and 1 rvol beton• in ec cry liay. Al. McCoy, former world's middle- and was dead when "To ho i bothered weight champion, in the second round came home in the evening. any person v -i To represent the at Montreal last night. Journeymen plumbers in Btrming- with kidney trouble or c,.ith their fret 'u, OLD RELIABLE FONTRILL NURSERIES Charles Easton, of Burlington, a ham, Ala., have served notice that day, and 1.•gs swelling i would say - Kidney Plus." Hamilton Radial Ry. motorman, was April 1 they will demand $12 a Dodd's instantly killed when, on with double pay for overtime. The women of Canada have come to The greatest demand for Nursery Stock almost looking out to see something that had Pleading guilty to a charge of de- look on Dodd's Kidney Pills as a st:tp. years. gone wrong, his head struck a pole. frauding the Government, Daniel T. dard remedy for their kidney Ills Brlllsh and European Markets again- Owing to the absence from the Booth, formerly paymaster for the They act directly on the kidney-- opea"[or Canadian Fruit Legislature of all lawyer members D.S.C.R., was sentenced by Judge They are purely and, simply a kidney save Attorney -General W. E. Raney Coatswortb to six months at the Jail remedy. By putting the kidneys it Largest list of t+l+tlit & Ornamental, debate upon the tatter's bill for the Farm. good condition to strain all the ire) stock, Sped Potatoes, eta, grown codification of partnership laws was Canada's trade report for the year purities, all the seeds of disease, out in Canada adiourned. ending with February, show total im- of the blood they carry good health tit Hon. R. H. Grant announced that ports $993,879,100, and total exports every part of the body. Ask your WRiTE FOR PARTICULARS regulations governing the admission $1,246,241,600, increases respective- neighbors if Dodd's Kidney -Pills d, of pupils to the high schools of the ly of more than $68,000,000 and not help all kfdnoy ills. STONE WELLINGTON province would be altered this year, giving High School Entrance Boards $29,000,000, as compared with the previous twelve months. —.- War Medals Want Owners (Established 1897 the power to dispense with written SATURDAY. Every nian who hits served hi: TORONTO. ONT. examinations in individual cases. 9trrling exchange in New York on eountry is proud to have and shell WEDNESDAY. Friday was quoted up to $3.94%. 111K service medak. There are sevora soft coal A second increase within a week hundr,•d i4ib-15 Stars unclaimed in th, St. Thomas is so short of f Art tory District li,•e..rd tifllee London, tin that gas consumers will be without light and cooking gas. Soviet newspapers state that Rus- sin needs thirty-two billion roubles In gold to restore herself. Sir Adam Beck scored the Domin- Ion Government for its treatment of his Hydro development scheme. Sergt.-Major MacNamara attacked Drury in the Legislature in is announced in the prices o c bonds. Energetic steps to check the strike movement througbout Idaly have been taken by the Government. Toronto's tax fate for 1920 as ap- proved by the Board of Control in private session Is 30% mills. The vote on Woman's SuffrageV— Amendment In the Delaware Legis - 'lrin, only those cahu were in Franck L early in the war are entitled to these Many soldiers on IrailnR the grin, hale not informed the authoritles its to their chango of address. In the I;od••rirh Sher ufil •r Ile hale a iisL n unclaimed stars for consultation. I .Premier connection with the latter's tariff lature has been postponed until policy. Tuesday. Inside Bath The cost of Pullman travel is go- The "fin" has carried off eleven An ing up. The company is seeking an increase of 20 per persons within a very short time at Fenella. Ont., several homes being Makes you Look approximately cent. Eathonia and Livonia may go to broken tip. Miss Angeline Bush, aged 79, was war over boundary disputes. Both burned to death outside her home and Feel Fresh countries are making preparations for near Vineland, her •clothing eatchtng conflict. Blenheim rate0ayers have carried from a bonfire. Five farms at Roseneath, in North- tPays a glass of hot water with a bylaw authorize the expenditure umberland county, changed owners In phosphate hetero breakfast of $10,000 for improved fire fighting one day this week, anis about twenty keeps Illness away p equipment. in the locality in the week. I.I. G. Bowen, a carpenter, was al- France and Brazil have begun ne- most instantly killed by lumber fall- gotiations relative to the purchase of This excellent, common-sense trig on his bead out of a sling, at the German ships seized during the war health measure being n..eenstou b the Brazilian Government. Hydro forebay at y adopted by millions. A business women's club was or- Ocean linens controlled by the In- ganized at Fort William with a re- ternational Mercantile Marine will presentative membership of thirty- leave New York on standard time physicians the world over recon $ five business and professional women. even after daylight saving becomes mend the inside bath, claiming this I T. SWARTS' The Canadian Council of Agricul- effective, of vastly more importance than ov ture planned for an International Newman Clark of Four Falls, N.B., 'side cleanUnessi, because the gild V agrarian conference to be held at an a rejected suitor of Phoebe Bell, 18 pores do not absorb imptlritteS int Bus Livery and r early date, and to Include Canadian years old, shot and killed her at a the blood, causing 111 bealth, while tt and united Statesdelegates. party at Grand Falls, then shooting pores in the ten yards of bowels t1 Hack Stables larnkeman Driakwaler of Sm.Ub's himself, probably fatally. Men and women are urged to drip Addressing the Board of Trade, Dr• each morning, before, breakfast Montsewl Street JIVE **SYRUP OF FIGS" ed W. Robertson, C.M.G., declar- glass of hot water with a tesspoonfi ed that production was the only route of limestone phosphate in It. as Jost off the Square TO CONST FATED 01M •y which the world could win Its way harmless means of helping to ww Nom, back to economic security.' from the stomach, liver, kidneys ar a „ The Mennonites of Swift Current bowels the previous day'a indigiestib 'Basses Meet all Trains and Passenger Boats Delicious Fruit Laxative can't harm district, in Saskatchewan, who have material, poisons, sour bile and toxin, tendor littis Stomach, Lives; been resisting the School Attendance thus cleansing, sweetening and pw PAssdngers caped for In any and Dowels. Act, are only awaiting papers from tying the entire alimentary canal b part of the town for all Washington to migrate to Alabama. fore putting mote food Into the stall trains at Q. T. R. or C. P. R. Look at the tongue, mother[ Il Students who fan In or are tin- aah Depots. , able to write on normal and faculty Just an soap and hot water cissa Gonial, your little ono s Istomaeh, liver entrance and matriculation ezamtna- and freshen the skin, so hot water at Prompt Service and and, bowels need cleansing at once. peevish, erose, listieas, doesn't [tons in June this year will receive limestone phosphate act On tiro 0 Careful Attendance. Wllett p a second chanes in September, Hon. Illative organa sleek, eat or act natintally, or is fever- R. H. Grant announced. Those who wake np with bald breai ei• fob, stomach soar, breath bad; has sore WOVDAY. colied tongue, nasty low or have Our Llve and Hack Service throat,, diarrblim, full of cold, give a drill, aching head. Ballow Oor subjc rJ► "Californialoughing Nasi commenced in Eliza- iteid stomach; others who aro subjl will be found up -to -da* teaspoonful of Clifoitl3yrup of to billions attacks or Conetipatit Ih every respect. Digs," evol In a few hours all the foal, beth townalslo near j;rockvlllP. constipated waste, tmdigmted food and G. 1. ik'lisle, member for RL Mau- should pbtsp s quatUDtr pound of lin sour bile gently moves sat of its little rice, in inP fluebeo Legislature, in 'atone pI Cos v at the drub sits! V`e ti` PatronagelSolicited bowels without giI ing, Aud ;fon have s dead• This will [nest very little but is sit 4. trPit, playful ehik# again. Heir scar Falcons nt Winnipeg beat UOIOPr- went to demonstrate the Talae of T&S R isti for a bottle of ,'California ally of Toronto nn Saturday night by fdlf bathing. Thoeo who continue 11 p of Pi 1, which eontain� full 8 to 3. morning are assurods,it p Pketle i0'7 1Maptreai $trslst yrurt'otdons far babfee, children; elf All ages Cambridge right -oared crew on Daunted results, both CII r9$Afd ' t,3 fair grown-ups, 5atnrd ea ed Oxford by (a— health .sind.apPearsulxti TER. DARKENS � �`� , AGEElectric HAIR TO ANY SHADEW0 0 oat sty • I ' a tura irill y l Here's an g Old-time Recipe that Any- body can Apply. Spring will be here shortly and 1 The use of Sage and Sulphur for m• now is the time to get your house boring faded, gray hair to its natural 1 Dlop dates back to grandmother's time. wired, before the rush is OU. I the used it to keep her hair beautifully ark, glossy and attractive. Whenever i `Ve specializ.e in wiring Of all .er hair took on that dull, faded or treaked appearance, this simple mixture I kinds. ras tipplied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is muses and itit-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at mI private Telephones y drug store for a 50 cent hottle• of 'lvyeth'y Sage and Sulphur Compound," -on will get this famous old preparation, I Motors' mproved by the addition of other ht- fredients, which run be dependt+,l upon to 1 -estorc natural Color awl brauty to rho aair. Dynamos A trcll•known downtown d171199ist Saye. it darkens the tour so naturally and evenly that nobudp call tell it has been Electric Bells and applied. You simply dntn mn a sponge / or soft brush with it and draw this Lhrough your hair, "-ink; one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair I1111 -I Burglar Alarm Systems appears, and after uuothcr application ori two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. _ �,I,L ��'ORK CLIAI�ANTFED Wyeth's Rage anti Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more }'nuthful appearance. it is not Intended for the cure, mitigation IaCI'trlt.: Fixtures and Supplies of all or prevention of disease. kinds kept on hand. our readers know of anyone wan may be entitled to this star plekise tell till to consult list and writ,` to D. R. 0. !at I ROBT. TAIT once, quoting his regimental number Il and unit he served with in the held u� WEST STREET means of identification. ELECTRICIAN 'Phone 82 or 193 NEURALGIA Iuraj- f i1iu a%maw tof he n reas3ingMvou w1111diy s the day Templeton's Rheumatic , Capsules,�^,,. •,. were disoovered. ThisJr, famous remedy �• a - nc�lj� 0 fE� eSA luteIy aradtead to ♦e r 1 l e tauto suff'er•ers from ,DAILY SERVICE !lend for free sample to Tvmpteton.. 149 sins et. Lve. TORONTO (Union Statlon) W., Toronto. as Doctors roe m and 9. s1r7 P. M, tdsem, ane rella�te ras- WINNIPEG ever�.►barelseri em CALGARY '0saBRANDON 1 EDMONTON nunl„p'•; Drug Store, VANCOUVER Goderich , REOINA SASKATOON Nw VICTORIA STANDARD TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAIN FQUIPMENT THROUeH- M'DDEL OUT, INCLUDING NEW ALL -STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. tun. Mon. Wed. FrI.-Conodl;n national all the Way. Boot a 908 R811111 Tues. Thurs. Sat. -Via G.T., T. i N.O., Cochrane theses 0. 111. Rys. JQi alt Tickets and full Information from nearest Canadian Natiooal Railways' Agent, d41IIY t R\II:IE, f:istlt•riris. i'rner of lianillton and 1 sr General Passenpr Department. Toronto. i %%i it(, sAreet tTull partloulara rw Footwear Repairs industrial Cepertment r—onto and winelDea tilt ffarmernlsA r•gardlsg Iae11e Western Canada available for ing or etber psnrposes. Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed S. Ward & Son e I b to td n- h, a n, et D, .o- Rl• In, It m to go e Z. ti -rt.. m.#4..] Smclke” Still the most 10 C4 for the money r WILSON , r seorrati•a ANDREW .ro � s•