The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 8--T
40,404 tat 107 Q "Mrg;A 444 411041114M
IM, 4t. 10 0t 3f
, � m *. AppxrRatly, there
NNAPOSEEMWEST were three distixt-stgrms, oue,drlw
I", XOTAboaxtWard into 11114418 Ana
Ing taut :a4 the shares of La*"
00,fte of Millions in United WhIam Just north of Chicagoone
p. Oit 44=A
tril ig in OeorgiR and A1
a44 a4pthor striking In ludianq *44
. 1
vowing Into Ohio ago Michigan. -1 The 1304_81* Co.
Aop* Comm Alasoo ftom Meer Sky A 1Ixt of points aufferfug &TogtvAt
WA Dear $irs, s
P Felt as For South as damage follows-
Obleage suburbs. 15 known killed. Approclatino What YoVr b21114" has done for me, 1 oww", 1*0 0,0
ho M
0*Prir1A;-�—MlcaX0 Was the Worst ay be i1iijo jimoeil,
A hundreds injured. q. dozrn or more it to others W
wit, bri4 Paths Belo $r of di �
,g -Rlppe4 Mix vvportmoir men aw
I;Ittg: stud damage of upwards of 'Vor1he lost tor gears 1,bavoloA a,P;4teUofec* 14"My'40t
e city. '�QL get rJ4
*rouxh tile 1111" eight knowgi killeA., -�bspd. Ot evonypossible*ay
CHICA00, 141kirch 29.—In a series several r4lit4lux, dad scores.fi4jureil; d -Ctp eivcd no WtInt b0eflt.
o -d trjcd !A erab ed Wst, but Xec.
OUM rem
ivkn 4L it 0. 04L it for 0 t1nW,0 it *lW41YS rtaturne
of storms, described by the pr Pty damage estimateiloat about 111 jenite.4 V; our As,W440 ever,
a a *000400. i -4to -►er'In Zamr-Buk, so I'derldid to .g we it a
1VAllted,*000 Weather Bureau a Ono of mr friend',$ is Y
tornado rather than 4 orange, Ga., a death list report -
a cyclone, 23 for c4n, -jiggagine y amazement when even
#04ous were killed outright 44 , sit a6yWog. Y bide befeft,
,Igbt In Chi- ell i -high as thirty, and heavy pro- sent first
ca". It Quilatity:hrouRbt Joe"At, -relief thqLa ver
rlY 00
West Point. Oa., five reported
Reports train halt a dozen states *e, by which tim.0; tht'
continoed the 0 ,r IWO wee]
Wing h Wit
40hough of fort disippeared
indicate thp, Fort B(ayac. 1%, three killed.
reapb 40. �t tits total death list may W" 4DnC YOSP ago. all(i ;herVe boo no X it
to x1lburb and neighboring cities htavy`propwrty dainage.
Suadaf afternoon upward of 400 per- Agricola, Alta., Ave killed.
sots were injured, many of whom Greaviiiii and Union City, Ohio, six.I
64. wilt � O.&VC0 spas roqq0t)
git Pf curva"Wi froa� W]i 0i
&M likely to die, and the property teen reported killed.
damage alone will run into millions St. Louts, one killed.
of dollars. East Troy, Wis.. one killed.
14 Elgin. Ill., alone, the property Swanton and litatills' Corners,
dWastre Its estimated to exceed Ohio, a number reported killed. 0 it0sin 0a It
14.000,00lA The tornado camelout of the west
44 but
2 co'.
The greatest damage wad done In with great suddenness at I2.39
Chicago suburbs and Elgin. whirled through Elgin at MIP=0�4
*1,114014, Oft, reported that the Park, the southwest ride of Chicago,
then IntO the extreme northwest Just outside the Dun t Ate town is under military law.
side Dunning and Norwood Parks-- Dunning district
.......... thence Into Eva me and Wilmett. there was rain and hall—the win- Squads of former service men patrol Dye 'Old, Faded'
The storm came up a little after Bowe smoked with the downpour of the darkened streets to see that
47, 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, At rain and some broke with the force at there is iso lQottng, and the seqrch
I that time the sup was bright, the air the hall. Reports that came of the for the missing continues. Mpn dig
P7 I in the . rubes
is everywhere, looking- for press Matedall
1)(MD's IT storm told of heavy damage in Dun -
warm and a slight breeze was felt'
Thousands of people took to their ning and of loss of life. 1 babies and for mothers and for aged
The patients in the Dunning insane. persons and for those who were ill.
motors. Others thought the day JUEt Asylum screamed and ran about the A number of people were said to "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel
KI 11 N EY right for a stroll. Chicago felt that jjj
spring had come with Palm Sunday. corridors 14 terror and were contrail- have been killed in the collapse of Stylish ani) New- So Easy Too.
with difficulty. a church; another report told Of
And, then suddenly in the northwest- ed
PILLS I ern part of Chicago It became dark Eight people were killed in Elgin, lives lost in a crushed theatre.
and the velocity of the wind Increas- All the likhts were out last night. Reports are that Belvidere, the Don't worry about perfect results.
ed, The rest of the city was still in I Street cars were not running and county seat at Boone. county, has Use 1`Diamond Dyes, guaranteed to give
the sunlight. The wind grew — and trains could trot get through for
been whisked away, and that great a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric.
t tree trunks lay across the damage has occurred' In McHenry, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
C tracks. But one telegraph an
L KIDN�Y,r'151, then came the cyclone, and hundreds i grea d tele- Woodstock, Algonquin and Marengo: goods, --dresses, blouses,, stockings, skirts.
were outside looking at their homes
dancing in the wind and furniture phone wire was working. The storm but the wires are down and there Is children's coats, draperies,--everythingi
no •-verification- 6f the report. A DirectionBook- ism package. #-
L 44 'A 13 E T U I(If"T III skimming over the ground. As they i cut a path 200 yards wide through To match any material, have dealer
too! the town, tumbling all within its
stood and stared, frightened Miss Ethyl J. Cameron, sister of Mrs show you "Diamond Dye" Color Caid.
much to move, there came a torren- wake, modest cottages, pretentious Hilton flunter, of Wingham, died a
tial downpour accompanied by fleirce homes, churches, theatres and bust Nnpanee Nionday, March 22nd. Better be taken in th�counted out.
halh ness blocks.
it b y7
6 08�06.F%ftfits of a -Well, Devistd A Toni, Wdielue Is a Necessity all
This Season
Draltifti Plan.
Dr. \VIlliams Pink Pills an an all
4 'round Uinic, blood builder and nerve
Method to strengthener. 1 4*WW01* to tbo, Poorest 11 ent alit they tire especially
Ain t—Kktet the LOW bevels gild valuable in the spring when the' sys-
10" ArxWW (br THIng — How tern Is clogged with Impurities as a re-
toftc4eettDtainots, Outlets, suit of the Indoor lite of the winter
months. There is no other reason
lxriOatarlo Department a when the blood it; so much in need of
Astriculturo. Toronto.) purrlying and enriching. In the spring
the appetite Is often poot,-Dr. Wit -
HEN a loan Is., about to APPQtlte-
liams Pink Plits iffill"Ove thP
erect a building. be It ever
tone the stomach and aid weak diges-
go sfalal,, tli6 firat'.thing "tion. it if; in tho spring that poisons
W tiet
he do" Is to make a Plan. in the blood most often find an ou
In disfiguring pimples eruptions and
,t, plan, way,be *a paper or It may
boils. Dr. Williams PIn
V Pills speed -
x. vO*t only in the mind of the builder,
ly clear the skin because they go to
y$ It ins Plan. Without a plan to the root or the t.rguble In the blood.
builder cannot do good In spring untionila. Indigestion, neural-
-iioft. The name In true of tile drain- gia. rheumatism and many other:trou-
bles tire most persistent because of
qr°lismami who Pike" a "String"
Tw" weak, watery blood and it Is at this
oro "Ilatt" of the in a Vatercourae. time when all nature takes on new lift,
'Rvsh traverses, his fields. should not that the blood most seriously needs
do, so without asking %un )11. Among" those who have
jelf such
=1ho valtiq of Dr. WILliama Pink
putuni this, 01f,
Pill$ is Ntr". A D. Carmichael, Tar
J*Lth#�,10,ttfsat,�,V&tt� b**WN'bot-j;1 N. a number
toplist",kory outlet? 110V of years I was bothered with pimples
Ll t4l
dtain,-aad'Athich.would hreak aut'ind My fat
and body. .Tho trouble was Illway14
IsiAt jute, enough to drain it sada-
ft IUVO I.sulactent grade to worse In the spring, and although I
ah" the lhoIjg in the rear Att:y?" tried different- treatments, it was with-
out much tauivpos% du nthe spring of
titian 'Oil ' tulo J*Oars ago, the trobble was
Ilk# 4% biltildeAlitlaI
*1 li,
$, bill thaIgusduh,4od ulthna#h-1 was takinA
J,osasot b6, eealoat.them medicine It dick not help rue until I fln-c'
the dralaigill-01" 4116twerill' ally 4eelded*WV�i
AtDr. Williams Pink,
Ills. Under this treatment the ptvral C',
.Vo matter- how small the Means 1)
tog disappeared, And there has since
Ift Wooftle 0 etlqa, ot 4�pas
0 .. bepn abqoll tely no return of the trou,, �'j
ra= *hkii
Me - Imi
W.*"%t to 4-49V49 Dr. Williams Pink Pills Pan be ob-
k 0 laliket! from any defiler In medJeffib gr
0, �**Lt
Its ' by Mail at M stints a Nit. or six boxes
M Vartil On rql a Ian4 such a,. plaD top )MV froth The Dr. Williams
41"t,Lb 10 lpa
Ubon. because title Co.. Brockville, Ont.
LIL 10MUOn 11
Ia0*,#VfIJ'6,aw:ner M 49114 to Plan
i� bli'awn qlystim of drainage. The pox-
isgmlilkaauy"vlan a system of 4ralno , session of the levohvfd� all Parts of
but wbare, the t4lp f4r=2 JayaL bare the most advan-
ta#JeUJ',j�jtQ'for We timing, from a
Is." oilt�' of -std contours of
t& question. it id-thitilbat'V41AUft = IR Ia.$
lol'sible to calculate the
t"ft to tille tape and the levelling
6 *hfih #s6b blitin the -must
reliable taform�tlou, This information together
Asatra tar drain.
pian shows first of all with the fall orlOrYdIF
In P61 tig'a the baly true guide, to h4liv, us dtelde' L
v ob ver UVQA,the jls& ot the needed in say,
610tU& of the Whole
37'r has 66
!P e 4 -11111%61. 4%1�� P% i.joc4 before him that he uq draft an
tof'. "yt
�saelftts at
qbd with the,06100*-
't hurt a bit and Fteeme tion opt the
thtstoAt Ull and
i Cagb..only.illjew caUs. hard to find &*AID, the 11004009&bt
or *0
i(tr6d %Y AAR
term to offered f
of a VISA of dri
'06 *40W of the
a Ali
NerV100', rot- 04
thststoft A* 60
BEFORE you are asked, to'buy-or try Dunlop Cord Tirels, they must undergo a test such as y4u would never givethtifli.
q Tires i
ust like your garagemen and dealers now sell are 'put on our owh test 6ass, and away speed the drivers,'
—A Test that is kept up day and night.
—A Test that takes in some of the worst roads in the country and the generality of bumps, Awp
68 turnsi and all the sudden stops that go with them.
—A Test that specifies the number of miles which must Ilk made by the drivers 4ch day -and night
q The results of this crucial test, naturally, have an important bearing on our manufacturing p6ho.
41 16�
Tented-in-Advauce- SeMce aptly applies to Dunloo CardTragMe , liegi— _n Cain you ask for
a g"wr guarantee than thestory the rott"te s—,A story which in the cam of, ti 'p C.6rd Tireill prove* that our
wa6f�ctuflng methods are not only Right but POW Right
WREOW; :FME Milvio E
p Va AL qu & R, u bb e r
• Hftd Office and Fattorits 1* TOROW01
OMNCWA W Ur. uWmNa cma
. . . . . . . . . . ......
BEFORE you are asked, to'buy-or try Dunlop Cord Tirels, they must undergo a test such as y4u would never givethtifli.
q Tires i
ust like your garagemen and dealers now sell are 'put on our owh test 6ass, and away speed the drivers,'
—A Test that is kept up day and night.
—A Test that takes in some of the worst roads in the country and the generality of bumps, Awp
68 turnsi and all the sudden stops that go with them.
—A Test that specifies the number of miles which must Ilk made by the drivers 4ch day -and night
q The results of this crucial test, naturally, have an important bearing on our manufacturing p6ho.
41 16�
Tented-in-Advauce- SeMce aptly applies to Dunloo CardTragMe , liegi— _n Cain you ask for
a g"wr guarantee than thestory the rott"te s—,A story which in the cam of, ti 'p C.6rd Tireill prove* that our
wa6f�ctuflng methods are not only Right but POW Right
WREOW; :FME Milvio E
p Va AL qu & R, u bb e r
• Hftd Office and Fattorits 1* TOROW01
OMNCWA W Ur. uWmNa cma
. . . . . . . . . . ......