The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 7-p - �1 it D) 1 'JIMON 00E :�* '..M• �I' �t�/C\.yj,1RIN +�. h * .+ ,V + V * '•1�. �s'4� .�. `' i',(`�` R S Qnly Tablets with "Bayer Cross• are Aspirin—\a others l 11 You dysi't ora the "Bilyar Coss" � > 04 the ta4kt1, rsfii"_ them-4hey are 49t Asphin at all., y Your druigixt gladly will give you the ,ttttulne "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" be- nure gamine Aspirin now is made by adianl and owned by a Cattaditut T14* ie Rot'is cent's worth of # *V**a Interest fit As* ilt, all 9" ti,bolog Pur.vb Tthtt x r sold asMalip�her �ar, &,l ct imi and 4E l.orernttitAt n in t � 7rlTet other egtitiinerp. But now you can et genuine h', Ihrin, plainly 'i;tamps$" 11th E the sa}fq; '`Raver Cross;'—Aspirin proved safe by miillons for Headache, Hotel Pasadena, Rockaway Beach fter the Tooth4che: ,Earache, 1thPutnatisnt. ,Tum• ► , , N.Y.,r great storm Of wind and Sets. `�`�, r bago. Colas, NNeutitis and Pain generally. damage along the Beach is estimated At $2,0N.Wo. Handy"tin boxes of I� tsblgts—also larger "Bayer" packagr,l. inA�+lrit dRti the sayer Rtanu( I err. t JOY AND GLADNESS C �+ p 14 fonoacet)&pcideater'of Salicylicaeid• ABOUT THE SE D anILL FOR THE CHILDREN TEMPERATURES OF AIR -... What Is Considered to bz the Ft'e,child—wttother it pony nr' I. he Atmosphere and Its Reis - Post Office Robbed. rich is. entitled to Jay andd gladnrss. WOODSTOCK, March 29. — The Most Efficient Type, the is the birthright all and � tion to Agriculture. B there is absolutely no doubbtt that. ihr post omce-ad Tavistock was orokeu healthy baby is a happy baby, it is Into S.akurday night and robbed of The Feeding Device is the Heart of the baby's nature to be happy—not, High and low Temperatures Some - money and stamps to tho total of the Drill --Seed Should He Drop. cross. Only the sickly baby is croaa times Beneficial and Sometimes about $900. The vault' -was opened ped !Directly Cinder the Avle of The well chlid is a ,toy to the horny- Hurtful — Old Sol the Primary by means of an explosive. No clue !t is a laughing. gurgling, happy little has been -found as to who are the the Disc—Give the Bearings ('ure• e Rourre of Heat and Light — An t thtieves. tut Inspection. pares ro humanity household. driers deli Interestln Stud of Air—Live . oars from the household. Thn sickly - g Y hr, Hend0it0r Collapses In pulpit. (Contributed by Ontario Department of baby is -- the oppositehr. in rro-�5 an,i Stock Notes. Agriculture, 'Toronto.) peevish; cries a great deal and is a MONTREAL, March 29. hlle source of constant worry to the moth- service(Contributed in St. tea' S the drill sows, so shall tbe, er. But mothers there is no need of Agriculture; T�ronto.) �1, l Methodist Church Sunday uigI% Xev. farmer reap, is no fallacy. It your little ones being sickly, Regu- TMOSPHERIC temperature Dr. James Henderson was overcome A fa as true 1n its content as late the baby's bowels and sweeten) has ever been a matter of by the hent, and was obliged to leave i i his stomach with a gentle but thor- the maxlm "As a anan sows Ft much concern to agricul. the pulpit.,,.,Hls condition was conw,� ough laxative and baby wily soon be turallste, A high temper - alight. 'titytrigactory`_late .Sunday so shall he reap." Given the right well and happy again. Thousands of night '> . ', kind of a grain drill, the seed is all mothers have proved this through ature, although necessary and bene - planted at a uniform depth, evenly their use of Baby's Own Tablets— ficial in some' eases, is detrimental 8i"o AKilled. ed. there is a smile in ever dose of th,• 5+TGQl!t'ANTLiOPLE, .North 29.—,,covered; the earth compacted just 5 in Others, but in each case requires ablets, Give them to your baby and the moisture around a liberal amountprecipitation. On i Esti>Yi1(tea, of casualties �;(iuring the' enough to retain h make t,im happy. Tits Tablets are of mtassacrts at Marash,last month place it. These conditions mean that the sold by medicine dealers or by mail al the other hand the destructive frost l the los '.of life about 8,000 Arnr$n- young plants will all come up at the 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams of lata spring and early autumn is an cans. Pair -Ing the disorders 15 Turks Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. +� ai3ule etime, that the roots will he unpleasant but freggent visitor to the try we,>`6' killed t, We1T protected, and that the grain agriculturalist, Man has harnessed will ripen uniformly. As the' grain Tae amount or tbetl sown by the fiut- much of nature and made it his ser - Is planted, so will tt•grow and ripen. 'ed -cylinder -force feed may be regu- cant, but as yet no one can say that 3— tbP CATARRHi OPEN If some of the seed Is planted too lated by a lever which changes the man can"control the atmos heee tem- NOS'CfiilS AND HEAD size of the outlet, but it does not al- p si,.itow, h,nd some too deep, the seed. perature, although be may modify it " ways Dandle all classes of seed with- : Says Crtiam'�lipiidi fin Nosirild that comes up first, ripens first. Thus out breaking them, as can be done in a few instances or overcome some BelieTts Head -Colds at Ones it is that some of the grain is ready with the double-run-fcrce feed, which of Its disastrous effects. necessarily requires for driving it a The primary source of all heat is E to harvest while other patches are y q g the sun. Old Sul shines and heat and mu p, ewr„-w,w.�e.y.yrr,.ewe,yw we.yr•Fy.•e•N••FA••FO+V•F•. disc wheel, or a cog wheel with from still In the milk state. \ I! yottr noytsils are clogged and your nine to fifteen sets of cogs that make light travels, Ure intervening 94,900,- hart head is stuffed and you can't- brcatbe The feeding device is the heart of, as many speeds or feeds. 000 miles of space with a velocity of acro freely biebause of a cold or catarrh, just the grain drill: Upon.its reliability In the most efficient type of grain 186,000 miles per second, Some of Pati get wsmail bottle of Ely's Cream Balm depends the accuracy of so*Ing the drills the seed should be deposited this heat is absorbed in its transit Heal at w dng store. APPly a little Of seed. The drill scale is computed for as nearly directly under the axle of by dust particles, water -vapor and will this fraagra�ttt, antiseptic cream into the average sized seeds, and there, the,dise as possible, as this is the the temperature of the air in con- war youfi; nohtrils and .let it penetrate tore cannot always be depended upon only place where the seed can be tact with it. The latter has the great- in to through tM1- air passage of your bead, when the size or them varies from dropped directly on to the bottom of or effect on air temperature. eocit'at>i$ an whealing the inflamed, swot, the normal. If the grain Is oversized the trench without 'hindrance. By Loral conditions have a great ef- F len mucoua-membrane and you get in. I or undersized the requited amount this method the disc is not run deeper feet on temperature, Nater requires p elmit relieLw- per acre may be sown by setting the than the seed is deposited, thus the about five times the quantity of heat ste Aha' -,:''how ggod it !eels. Your nos- f.ed lever• at a kt, .1 slightly greater draft is reduced to a tninimunt. if to raise it's temperature one degree have triU„sre open, your head is clear, not or slt�htly ams an Shown un Nre the seed is deposited in the rear of as does soil, thus large water areas hurr more hawking, snuffling, blowing; po indicator. There are, in coattnor, use, the centre of the axle, the rotation I tend to prevent high temperatures. and more hetudache, dryness or struggling two different tonus or reeding de_ of the disc tends to carry earth and Also, as there is always slow evapcv- all for breath. Ely's Cream $atm z4 }tut vices. The tinted - cylinder - force seed up with it, causing the seed to atlon and it requires about 300 litres on what sufferers from head colds and ca, feed, and the dot l,,le-ru,.-torte feed, be unevenly deposited. In operation, as much heat to evaporate one gal- Vida tarrh;,peed.. It's s delight. •^+'rs9stri�i a properly angled disc opens a trench Ion of water' as to raise its tem - about two inches wide. The falling peat one degree, the temperature Tvv seed strikes the concave side of the is kept more moderate. Large swamp shield and the convex side of the and bush areas free large quantities disc, and is thus scattered evenly over of water to the atmosphere as well the entire width of the trench. as retaining the spring water longer fare and Grain seed drills are divided into In the. Country and consequently boas Su]` four kinds, according to the type of a moderating effect. tWa w' 1 /P �' furrow -opener — the open delivery q+ V Frosts are also prevented by water, -SO., ,vEf single disc and the closed delivery swamp and bush areas, because they �► 9a single disc, the double disc, the shoe, and axe rot �� ~ and the hoe drills. The open delivery sot readily cooled ed as large land areas. •r single disc furrow opener deposits Air of high humidity acts as a better the seed between the shield and the blanket as it were, than the dry air. t tr convex side of the disc. The space is Also the temperature at which dew �1 V �o open from the cud oPthe the b between is the ed higher and the lowering 'T I_ ,�•, the disc and shield to the bottom or of the temperature may be sufficfent- Ni lower end of the shield. The shield ly arrested to eliminate any danger e prevents the falling seed from becom- ing mixed with the loose earth and of frosts, - � The t e l a of sour hou surface trash and insures its free pas- type id agriculture in any sec - sage to the bottom of the trench made tluir !s decided r its air temper s urate. Any new trope which are im- by the disc. It will also do excellent ported must tlrst become acelimatia- freeworIn highly culUwated soil that !s bd to that section before they are a • free from trash. The closed deliver success. Winler cereal crops of On - row singe disc fur- � *��t ' row opener has a closed boot, similar 1" io and hay crops are not affected MX was when the to a hoe furrow opener, which comes by -extremely low temperatures un - 99 down at the rear edge of the disc and less growth is started by warm wea- appearance of a deposits the seed about two Inches ther followed by low temperature or freshly painted back of the 'disc. It dues not plant by heaving of the soil about the the seed at ab even a depth as either fools. Late spring and early tall house was the only thing I the open delivery single disc of the frosts cause much damage. If rho that Co {_united, but now we double disc, but deposits it at least temperature does not drop below Zit inilst atbt7 -salla the tri±- eight Inches In rear of the disc Sup, deg. F, only the tenderest vegetatioa and wherever It meets with an suffers, but If below 1t' wholesale de ports Ce'0 the protection obstruction, rock or hard frozen soil atructlun results. High temperatures the disc rises up and carries the boot cause strong evaporation from the oodr taffordsagainst with It, broadcasting the seed on leaves of plants and thus the need of rocas ail tear. AMY paint the surface. a large anruuut of preclpitatlou to will,• give a protection, !� There are many styles of double prevent stuatlug Or death Itself. ''�J" p discs, but the one that plants the In a pamphlet by A. J. Connor, 01 batifyoll� gat Pontproto. seed tinder or slightly back of the the Meteorological Office, Toronto, an disc axle, or hub, as the one to use, Interesting relation between the tCL`tlOn for years not , ,i' i for that Point is the deepest part growth and yield of wheat and the tDiattly Oflthi—":lie " of the furrow. The furrow opener temperature Is set forth. Both yield " r that shoots the grain forward of this and growth are increased by a law ;, 7a7.lrn centre is to be avoided, for the rea- temperature and a low range in tem - son that the seed reaches the ground perature. A critical period appears 1�"a".wriax�.d before the furrow is fully formed, to exist in the latter part of the 90 4, tti0loAtrotrtrtaa and It as, therefore, nuxcd with the days following sowing, and If Lha P soil as the seed trench is being made, weather In this period be warm, dry, X 100: ala (i��p Of causing what is termed "wavy" sow- with eat temperature range, y /Q °,Ra+++ age, the which utp,,;,,,t,.,,,to Genuine ing. The double disc type of opener wheat plants will head quick) and H. B. y;„���`!!�"'"`�"� prod tends to spread out the seed more the barveat be light; but it the 0001 s+i than other kinds, so that each seed moist conditions exist heading will be a Coat Cif ou h l>'oay. brilliance has a somewhat greater area from postponed and the yield Increased. ” -`tot omm" as to defy which to drrw moisture. Thus it remains a matter of seeding rain, sun Or know. where ! The hoe furrow opener or at the proper time to Insure the cdbl PCPJr shovel opener does not penetrate the moist weather in the critical period. Cheaper� will gyp' ' ground .eadily and clogs easier than In tho Western Provinces the sow - and cradt• any of the other types. The shoe ing is ear)y, namely, the last of April, opener does no better work, and rath- throwing the critical period about It your hake Is *etnuA We er than clog will run over trash and WJ* &H it „may her a the middle of July, the variability of `sgrfsftlersEecism wbkh "Afars it thus plant the seed at varying depths. fire temperature of which Is the c11U_ Japetrvion to In selecting a drill the bearings cal factor. However, the rule there f1s! d lid should be given careful inspection. Is the earlier the better, while in On. yea' They should be dust Yc14hMthedW1ceof36&tttcac- proof. The hard toric we are tunable to now spring ike cok4ue fair �� an mitt awd oiler must he considered superior to wheat sufficiently early to procure all others for tbis kind of work, are that desired cool, moist weather, nor s11dCL an . the oil can be forced into the bear - FOC c7'tite ti Ing from the centre, and as it -works can 1t er obtained best late sowing. All cereals are Vest adapted to the S' out It carries all the dirt with 1t- It tetnperate regions and especially should have a well -braced seed boil those of low temperature and small HOWARD with steel hopper bottom to allow the temperature range. Consequently R. I t, v seed to pass freely Into the cups; the above temperature effect is ap- arong frame and substantial wheels W' pllcaDle to all. Fruits are a xule re- g e GOD �sfuf�t ONT. features. The diatanco GOD$RtCD; ""T' w between the turrow opener varies to butte a higher temperature region, some extent but six inches Is the but not n high-temperature range. usual spacing. The seed tubes may Many fruits, how©ver, have o wade I be of rubber or of steel ribbon. The ,dfatrfbutioo and is rite result of vel- E rubber tubes give rood satisfaction, IletY.--il. C. Moffatt. O, A. College, 11 1 11111 Q It 1161 1-W but are not durable It exposed to the (luelph. tvsather. The steel ribbon tubes serve do the purpose well, and It painted will Whorr Ihrrr'y a will thrrn Ar,- re .tsiftlsrar tii+rowsst r'tra"M taslong asthe drill.--Jno. Frans, ;Intlnnq t+o rastrsteltw '" A. College. Gyslpb. e tyaa Carlyle of Woodbr Children C r�i t. R n the recezit (robbery ' l Alto ne w FOR FLETcuerS t A r x .. ...- ., • PPP li,E -Ove the firs iness o Pt 01 ss� th fr Cr Kingston Head Office at E 3 e Up to the Mutnlelpalty. DMONTON, March U. — [% ,,,",wn of Jami©son nlcipallty an the Piovince.gf Al- present, \unutes of eebruiary meeting?son'councll aofoJamie ul Nl lYtti a will io requested to provide read, and on motion of Johnston and .at i P. M. uta, i. for tuberculosis l Jamieson was adopted. The lfollo%� C. E. NIcDONACil. Clerk- ents, Dr. Laldlaw,E Provincial Ing bills were presented and on mo- th Officer, says. The patients tion of Jamieson and Johnston was or- Freedom from k-AhouL-�Asthrin" is be treated In either separate tiered paid: McLean and Bradley, dis- one of the most distres-sipg troubles, ds in the hospitals, or, preferably, icing road, con. f,2, $$.:,0; Jno. Wallare, sudden In Its attaelul and prolowe4l nt shacks. i dlsciag road, con• 9, $5.,0; Joe ld.rid- f In a its agohles. Frequently many Fr 6tesmers Thought. Lost, ant• breaklog In KIntali road, $4. P. fir- things are tried. but nothlaf; seems to Nfe.Nay, sheep claim, M; R. J. WeL- give hope of relief. Dr. J. A. Kellogg's ARIS, Starch 29,—Two French ster, sheep valuator, $2; W. P. Reed, Asthma Remedy is the ooe help which amers, the Lux and the Vidauban,, hallanrr salary $10, postage 041.55. 0141: can be depended upon. If you have been missing since 'the recent ;,5; Fred Hunt, keg hails, $6; J. Hack- tried other remedies without suocees. (cane over the Mediterranean, ett., part salary, $25; .1. F. Johnston, do not fail to get at once a pacltage of it is believed they were lost with part salary, 425; .1. Jamieson, part sal- this uniformlly successful preparation. hands. There were 117 persons ary, R25; T. Sulllvan, part salary, $25: Haver count our Ohlokt when board the Lux and 25 on the T. J. Richardson, part salary, $25. Y uban. _ _ The matter of road to lake at Kin- your wife Is around. o thirds of promotion Is motion. tall vvas left whir Councillor Jamieson Watch your Pep I , i% Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920. Dominion of Canada ALL Persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrylft on business in Canada, ate liable to a to on income, as follows: - 1. Every unmarried parson. or widow, or Department of Finance widower, without depondants as dsaned by the Act, who during the calendar year 1119 received or earattl $1,00 or more. 1. All other hWhiduo s who during the calendar year 119 recsiwtd or ea=*4( 12.M or more. 3. Evety corporation slid ,Sonat eto& company whose profits exceeded $2,W durW the Lecltl year ended In 1111. Forms to be used In filing retufns on or before the 30th of April, 1910. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T L FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Farm T 1A. CORPORATIONS and Joint stock companies must use iFwm T Z General Imaptructions. Obtain Fortis froth the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Tasatioa or from Postmasters. Read carefully aU instructions oa Form before 911118k= It In. r Prepay postage On letters and docu- E.erb W4100 roquir.d to make a rrturo, wbo menta forwarded by mail to Inspectors of fills to do b wltbto The time limit. shall w Taxation. Penalty subject to r penalty of Tw.oty-a.e per c..tus of the amount of tho rad prb•bw Make your re4srmipromptty and avoid Any person. wbaber testable, a oummise. penalties. E .bo falls to mak• • rrtura or prowl!f f.terme. now duty required aceordt.a to skit prorWo•f �' t the Act. sboll be u•bl. ". stirs wit awdc:4. Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATiON. ra o p..afty of 1100 for •aeb dry diets! fnf� �,�rt. .hfcb tbo def•ulr continues. Also Mab pars•. an NDON� CM. 1 m•kfaa • iris. u•um.et In dry r•rw. of V a" lnlotrartioe required by Me b L&Wsr, -ban s. ho n.ar. as .umrn•rr nt 1111141,11,4141.1111141,11,4141.1111141,11,4141.els m to u s' Wt►rls R. .inerts- RW. BREADNER, , oar r.edfe,, or to dr ontbr' so • ' rives, or to boib see rod Imprisrswast. tl Commissioner of Toutionf. �.'. 2