The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 6. ?1, .
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1,• " rl. •I ',.,urs of ,lu,ly he It I.1 11ot
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that acv ,11rcl._ \\-I...! I. o, '.;
n I \\.,, Io l .I\\ •rt- that the ,ani-io'lly
opol. sharp -rut .latruotit tit' .oriet)'.
before start tho' actual cleaning,
want tlo- Establish a "Soviet
ar11h \r rl-, \\furl. 1101 n., i, : .,!,,.tl. t,
h• I.
#WRA'Y, MWtl7A,.. . ..
-.. ,. oma. o _.....�-m -_ _ , a
` un �It cutt n rr
11J41i11iJ1� CltlSlS IN IR1a.Ail).I.
Beim Waifs so BW
i ..,.,.�. Urgvcst let Illmtorycedars., London A �f ""'moi SST ovum in the *ins a woman's FAMY Times. , Enjoy Better
I Ttlfiil6 �lifft Way. LONDON, March 29. -"Tire gmv-
st crisis in the \ilho of Irish Ills-
z le is
t�� styy d the people are .••,—,- tory" to the du,erlption applied to n!►
■ ..� tlW>ns•vr kss with soma loess 811ts 1Pliwds rite 11WIl )6astints tyg.o tile Present ai of the o the TDublin
�/ tk�y d;d Soew Very �� orrzspondent of the Londtm Times. tury elf t tg t-1 apples to those whose heart in reiterating that the country i3 fast
By ' .` P. ROS'. ` ` anxiety alid alarm. ltie��; late Recipes Sa[► ,,
a is in a 1lsaltened condition cau" great irifting into anarchy,
1 ii'alshtas. '•1'he 1(cis#t public Hews current i ' -�'
& N� ML;Ittti A CHNOTtinit, Duam" "BAectl$ns Dt11t111D AWAY."oto, Ota the firilt silts of say weteknesp of ' (Contribttt.a b7 Ontario Dooartment of events with profound dismay and' I!M . .
the hwrt Milburn,is Atari and Hove ' ,andatsltura, Torontti7
afrknr^s ,uf heart," be nays, "and is � ' � 1--am�w ,�- .0
Pills should be taken, and thus secure stAiazed and frightened at the Gov
OUSICOLVANING for the VnInt°nt's failure W recognize the000:&&M Age Toppow
C�qtlAl�1 E11 XIX caught and fired his lmttglnatioA• The prompt turd permanent relief. ! most part is faseitsatin ::+ctrl of tato s11 unison."
The worlio, Bert Offer--." Prtxoa inysteries of the literary world were writes3- 01 kd cart trouble use►essl worst, that in, after rive pass 11Kllic odtci,,ls, it is said, Ave ua- , `. • .
Afte .�a walk lir tilts sweet April Sun- the lead known to him, and thertiforo .d ler Elbe shadow of mturdev, some 1' 1 ,,.
Shine a fQltu\vinl3 �tinrning, a he;tirty it offered the. greatest amount of vague year's, sometftliles better and sometimes the cellar. After all, this fe
worse bub a ear ai<o last fall I Could ter itttb 6Ie to Leave their hooses dal � ,t ..
brellttfast, and a general rallying of promise and Indefinite hope. Hare a not 1l'e down 9 bcd lar that distressed really the most Important part of the nr :i!y17f. afnrd<+r soctetiea are cos.
'Rha elastic forces of youth. Haldane path might open to both farce and for- feeling, and had to get up and sit vp a house and should receive first con, 2lett ly twganfxed, and are aware of M1 -Y A n_ ■��.s�
Telt that he had not yet reached the tun.. The inure tie dwelt on the pas- 1�n•at many nilgite, sod viten I Qid lie Udgra(!on to the spring. Probably it 'he tuo�3ntents of all officials, .vlro �-EU-9 - P C&I" miull. �s �da
"brink of -dark. despair." ,Ihilit) the more it seemed to tike the down it was with my head '' high. to their Dari, are equally cogrinUnt 1 y''v'
Indeed ho had an odd seosa of pride aspect ul probability. Under the sig- will never be known how mach of ,t their drugei Knawrug they ilea is
I purchased two boxes of Mi3btun's F
t the low state of vitality found In
that he had sur\ived the .ideal of the nature. of ul iJ. he would write t1, p- Heart and Nerve Pills and feel s lot ay ipxthiea of the telegraphers Itt rhe �-+
last two days, and still fell as well as Llig tele,, wit+( Ui+• public Insisted up- better. I can now lie down quite some families is to be charge to Illy- s:a'e ,,ervitto are largely with ,tis• , ,, T,.,.,r:---
he slid. Although it \\as but all Arab'. t ou ku+•wing the get at unknown. 7'heri comfortably and the pains have gone ventilatedl badly -lighted, poorly. ':-o: spiratiee; the;; dare not use lilts- ���r� �� ���� - j� ���
lite, In which over% man's hand t,l•eu,• h, cuulll n \res,• present eager- too.i. , drained cellars, where decaying vege- c\ Ir•.4 to trnasnilt official informatio[P. fl��""�°""
ed against flim, )et he t.Ull I ,cd, and I• nee b) scorning those who had ?tlilbura's heart and nerve Pillq are Tit, news aol11mns of the Londuw ll -
coneluded,.that lie could continue 1„ -+•,'rncd him. lir recalled all that lir bfk a box dta!I dealers or mailed direct tables are Yept, sending iia foul germ- t,lo;!,Ing paP1°°tr are Dominated by tilt' (tel
live Indefinitely. It, -1 r\,•r read ;,boil genius tolling In an rece,.pt of pr:ce by The T. Milburn laden air to every part of the house, Irish trouble; obey givt? the greatest' t1,
He did not Ku mut aga)n• as ()n u„ ! ;1, friss until the wirier was Compel tGo • Idrmted. Toronto, Ont. If vegetables are stored in the Cltplsr Drut (fence ur rise murder or 9Iag1 WEAR
pcewtous day, to e,e+:k etapto)meut, but, Ird lit n'cogami and du homage iu t1,,• they should tie carefully picked over trz•c Paul whi4f 'tune treat the trio- I ell
pat duwa and tried to tlnnl\ ht. \ 1% 11!`wal uuod, He \\ould remain (n se- --
_--- -� and all growth and decayed ossa re- of ,�dilli•,m O'P:Nen, a Dubiin Miller- ' l-
Into the future sorne\\hat 'rin,Iou ak": h•• \\ould hurn n11dnirrht lnnrr than otwe that, it he pursued a man, who in oil a Frttuger strike, :ort y�
The first gur.tfon 111A pr„entld 0 -.•at until 1,r sli.niid color to be kno\\n ,I,.,,l,•,.y Ile,, ,Itiiv hi, genius ur that moved. In addition to thoroughly . .. it,, .'Hous. I Or Spring and S jtaer
0 self \'.:+e+, Fho lid he In any r'.11tint-ucyla,;lur un• brilliant writer. iu.tOaQ \\lush tee uubfhl•d a, it, •pur..ssould cleaning, the walls shanit' be whltel•� ••T!,•• 1>.�.ilY Kt-:va� denounces tile' mI .
recut,, horn. I., tit, in„ti,er° �f 11,11.1,11,• CII,. vantbirr•. drunkard, .mill ".111111W. him utters)'. washed, and if the cellar is at all treutwenl of O',`:P,,u as '•er•in,lwiV --1
, .,• • u•• a
I d t l .iI t
He \'.us uo: long iu decoding ad\er t!„•'f li) the time 011• Ilr,t l\\u slorie� damp, it Is well to, keep a metal ore lunacy,' an •
rely. fur it setined t„ him to tit\ol\• I .111 •dl llre \\ith hi- 0-M project, 1,1• \\,,,.', Iiaished. In• [•'bili ttlal it \+oul'i earthen rete ta6ie containing unslak- 11 )aa'- [ a\v's slutv:u•r,lyin the Hous•r
such Ii biller tm'r•tl:k.,hn11 tilat 11, r. -I, -.,llitd fort, it- the neareht ne"t' p } The Season for Sating and Summer Footwear
b, moil s+ary to ,u,•p:euty,t lite ht1,urs ed Elms constantly present. Not a day, of Conuuuus, Iult'n•rs 111 hue the
. ]he \\auld rather Aar%v. i.•r,1I . ,I•rl.•,1 l\u. ,r ihr,;•• p1. ,,r hu pro, 110 \\ould lw\e to \\air til ,hould pass without the cellar betlni fie aPhil a: arl,ated AL,gtyuule .i c �eTe.
SAwold he send l0 her f..r nlon y p• r, :old I,L.+: ".1II "ll"'".' I,r•e\ 1-•u., ,. ,,,,t i1 fl'%% d4y, h, fore 1,•• ruuid loop, properly aired. In the very hot sum- !teff'., murderers.
Tutt would hr sr;irr, I) I, + Ilunoll u,f rr-t to lulu snot, known pnP111," ty ,..I• ,1i) return-, r\r11 though ho hall mer days, the windows should be
The Ttwrs a1sls• condemns the In anticipation of the demand we are carrying
i Ties n Pum
that t 11 . U
\• � (sad
toward d -ds °T\
dUn;:, for it was eyut\ai.alt 1• ., r,.n �-uggr,ird II,.It t1.. \vr•r ihr bt,,l un. I;:rM d in Imo uritunipuuy,n!r mull•.,• opened every night and closed dor- Cbvernmont':: at\•tide f 1 a S@.,eCtion )f U�'�O. , p
.lew-wit that 1,•• toluol hit ' • tI Lit ,',Ino. u, W..",. 1t- c.rlud t-1 11pori I pit.,,;I�t acreptaurr and renutlanct- Tor sag the day. The reason for this Is, O'Brien as calculated'tr\ tnflaute that ex.easlve that w'a're sura' We Can please yOW if yoU'll
carr ..f hon,. if. 1..11.11 i, -- ,n•t,, \e •.I ' r' •• pot'Ilr ; ,t I.trr:,r\ ,t;,r. all I1,• 11,, 1- \;,fur. that the out. oor air in the daytime btxly of Irish opintr.a whereon. it
tiro 1,re\w tlun,rs 1'• l .d I"IIIJ,,1, 1 1111"r• All,,.., 1,„x,-• ,,ut,.1,: •'I :,1101 11. \\rut to tl. ,Misr,• ,if 1h t•;\r11il- is much warmer than in the cellar.
tiny.,, Ctrs salvation aa'Ireland must only Iet tis try. The tuost popular styles are In aPi
Ili \vas still file, :,\erre t., it nit{ t, 1,Iltinono I :I,' . tilt- pais r \,lnrh load Ah N%li Tills warm, moist -laden air enters the ultimately depend. The paper tie-
e- varietyof leathers B]acFa: and Brown Kid;, P.ussia
Dlrs. :\root f.r \\i,.,t %%.oil -1 • - lit rhar I til- II.0 ,•I.w ..I,o- In'I...•!••1 -„I,, Ptljene) bw.ard III111, and oftivtId cooler atmosphere of the cellos•, s.nd ri nes 3tsel[ forced to believe that
sty to ht -r hc'',an l :VIII l I . I. ',•"o".- II,I illi•• .1:1,,,1110 , . •I ••• \\ hl. — • . ;•\IC. , ,t, \\ell, I' "r rrlo,rt••r; aid. the moisture condenses an4 rests en the situation has li:tax4'a entirely be- Cali, and, Patent Iaade in Jhe Infest creations of the
else \\Int flit' i I, ,' I ' ' • all surfaces making the cellar damp yoand the tlovernti,enl':+ control, and shoemakelt3 art. 8
•rl � u•''r rt-
I h, �,, •,h , t t n
na_ • u h I t \
, tot >< i I
r lr begun to
Irishmen t1. e
' k that Ir h g
btthi{Il)', also. that t.,tur., \\.,uhf Ir:u•u I•^!1;1. .I n.,,rr Iront 1ut:•,r.tio•, mils u)" not to hoar ins \, r• Llucl,, hr was .• and warm. By opening the windows thinks ,
of .,1101 an ,,ppe,.I for. ,ti1i m ah 111111 �, \I" r:, -II, • its.,,, rernu intiatr fools -h- lilti • ,urprnr.l .it the prrrutplory at night and closing them to the day- accept with sullen acgnyeseeace open �'jY a are agailr prepared t0 d0 your S}It7e repair -
stout ihr \1•' y t1..4:911t t1• -- II r:u, full\ Iruu 11,,• periods- 11111i1i,.r i:1 \\fuels !n„, r\irrc \\err d' - time the cellar is kept dry, pure and! wan on the Governtrieriv ing ;�, a first class workmanship manner.
:+Iwut,i hr 91) .,\\., ,1111•.11: ,ir1n9,•1•, I Ii, 1, I rt I...light, Ii ill,- 11"p,• of oh- ,.;Ill,.,, fit. tvo sevowd to ;,••k an a\• clean. It Is well, too, before leaving 'trio Daily Chronicle and Morning i
chang, In- 'ti+ur . .,not , mwo- trrr II.•, I ui"L. Iul;t• .,nt smug.-,to•ri, fl• Ill I ii,,ti"n, atoi lin• r(tlor : ail brit -11) the cellar to see that the screens are Post, on the other hantk dek-nd the I
sue\\, unhur'I!•u,.l 1,c tL• \\rig1.( 0',•111 ,'onh•uL,, \\hicl,\\ould ail( huniti ••\\•,. 111,1 11 ,I bear• 41,mn \cry hard placed properly in the windows- trea•mvent of O'Brien. They con- ��® ]�o��r�%��� �
\%111.1 no\\ ,0•tge:d iu•I, ,I, 1111” I IT'III , AI'4' ,icr,'pl•.hir nGurtlsrrlpl` on Noll it', mut our cu,.tool: but Muth screens of Line wire netting to pre- lend that [lie Sinn Feiss has shown o lylB$�r
Thr thmo:!,1 ,,, ,.!! Io- W CII, II.Il , :onl ,lora', Gil- :trill 1:•'rr,-t1\ 1,:,d u, to vent files, or insects entering. We itself to . be essentially a aturder so-
i �1,11ng i•un••.'If -' • i nu:,n,:tlon G�O®ERIC1i
utt, riy rt•. -11; :dI %\ ....... I I. k,,• I%. , r ,• ;,• I ,nrll-i.. ill, ,t\ I. Ilo\\ut-:(long I l- • Iu,• ti.:I! I \t r% of and r\ery thine cannot emphasize t mphatleally clety. and, as O'Brien is a Sinn f1l+Deth•�ado bf Squaws EQ
\01'.r;;re,l f.11 0 • 111 1.111-t-,1 ., I..,.I . ,111,• 1111• •lel 1,1111-1.11+ .. .1 Will: I „i, •': 1• I \•.Ith If,,,p;tprr ,luuld It, the need fair proper prrrtec ion against Feint:, they argue thal toe is involy- .
Aw"rnly ^•I.e of ,r:... It \\uul,l ., I. i 11.1.11-11 III, Ill -.4.1 II &''. ,,I,,,, W;) 1,'.1,•rL,h!, acrd d,,.r\nrg of flies. More diseases are caused by ed in rhe nun•der conspiryey, which � L ���1,_,�1�������ta-j-
o 1e ,t r,•or••ss;. I I ' Id• (,•,I, •,11 It I I.: 1 -• \\!:\ 1,c +•ou1d to I ,.I,..• til a •! I• ,,,, _ I: •,,,I ovowi e• .1r." flies than we are- wont to believe, neither ht nor Chu•other leaders have 110=)IIi�IJL�+II=' lie ��'='��Jt=st,
Xii(m lyda11t w II ,, 1 I iii,l w i .,r ' I,', I \• •n. 1i1111.1;,- 111 , .1 .tut,.' 1! .:,I;.ur'. 1't- ,•10111. w•• r"n,1+led un- and while doing the spring cleaning ever d\tnouuced.
7 i I Ill- •.r't II au'I I It P • •t• t ilii \' an,1 it is well to see that each room is •
etrlir•11-11 \\I' ,I :• 1 e: I ""11-r I 1•
hlmn•rlf and I•, I I " - ii I
:la -1 ilii : - 1119 \ II , 1 .
1,• " rl. •I ',.,urs of ,lu,ly he It I.1 11ot
I> Ill 111, ,u I, r+,1u l J ,
. r t!+ br4\r \i. , of ihr• l,a,t screened p4oPerty to prevent the en-
,.t I,.. 'r,
t,\#,r, .111114'11,1 f• • , • o9 I '.. i•, rt-' I\.
-lt. a lunch ;,II. rlt:,.rl III IIIA ,•I•'llrr
\\."'k. 1,,, -ed (,it ht, llvr,,ry toil, till, trance of flies.
if we attend to the little things
that acv ,11rcl._ \\-I...! I. o, '.;
n I \\.,, Io l .I\\ •rt- that the ,ani-io'lly
opol. sharp -rut .latruotit tit' .oriet)'.
before start tho' actual cleaning,
want tlo- Establish a "Soviet
ar11h \r rl-, \\furl. 1101 n., i, : .,!,,.tl. t,
h• I.
.r.rt Awitt purity of thomviii \\Itich
. rt., u p 1-• - ,•• , I, ply r••ad
opininit Iitl. nrh'vt abinll all hope of .is
e\cr• rt.iug h) nr,t it•Iiuinr; recognition such as sorting and gleaning r drawers.
riaw' • \\"old -;r. . ,;-c' I ,n,;
base+•„ fahlor 11, 0 h'
I,. III-
v., r.• III I•\ ill,, ho -I 11.,11:41 auli
i,mf enllJoynu•nt anon;; tho,v. whus,, a furs, winter na
BERCIN'. March 29. -- (thd'icals
,! ,,,;, ..111
v\ho no". kn, \\ ,•,n. r u.r ,.\.:•I 11,1 In;
-•,l cnll111• 1•nt ,•vsling among
extra ketaily
1 ,n,rtum \\-as ,imlil•lr fu \\hat his own . sutra blankets: etc., and laying in a
supply of sot,
held tnirtyr lit; mass uyeetinga
it, Ili, n1lgl,1 1•.0l :11: 1 • I•.•I'd-1. I,(. I
t..r r.-111. r'.rilr1h111or,.
had been. ;\, hr i,lodlird his w•a)..
will save a lot of time, !t has been
of t
throughout Greater BerliLv Sunday
for >, ars, ani \, I i. , :, \\'�ubl I.
If -p1 ru II„' ' \.•nn,u .41111 lilt grralrf
hark to the ndrrahlt- little rrorciun re- ,
' customary to eavy.the home vtritll new
morning, the tops.• of discllueirm be-
• lh,\� him in,111 ^,.h+.• et-• • .I ,c,.\y1,,,_
,,.,rf or .1 -b•. I•i••-, wgilt in r„ m,;Iritet-
ilaurant, hk mind hrran to dwell on
furniture. We think it* would bre easy
Ing "Social2stic Labor Gove-um-ent."
that hr \\4s Inmlu nr11 • of ..,, ,t-.1
•',9 •I 1 rm.i1. lo -,t or II nor). nn -1, its\-
y i
Otis question: to make the house look well if we
At the ssma tone Berlin's; radicals
egnrraling a .•run.' if r I• I....1bf 1,111111
1114 I.r...'111•,,I \\ruin IIIA"rl.,l,. last-
"Is there any place in the \\ortd for'
just had some new eburs, dressers,
are waging a high pressuse• •propa-,
hint -elf till m 1111., I,.,. !•, \\'i to'
..I Iltt•oncll an • atl\ hrrakfast Ilan fit.y
one -,\ito has Committed a crime, save tables, etc., but as a matter of fact.
ganda fur the Immediate resumption
fomnd-A +��t t1,, rook or 1: UH.. jlld 11'•.•11
I,•\\Ing III•,I•nIIIL', lit i,i, caAcrness to
a prison 7' does not make the housecleaning
of the generat strike for a threefold
tear nn eilEastrwl. re\,•r-r, fl'.,u1 calls-
I-111'.1. 1111 \\11,11 n.,\\ .ormcd a shluing
• (Tu 'tie continued). h haver
half as interesting as i9 we have some
es ugAllst \\fief, h, could mol guard.
1.4111 to f.uue.
old furniture ,(rwhioh we have longed
First -To, fight against Ptumian
FI n he nn'r, nhrraild, ttLtn
fir ,tat down and dipped Ilia Orn In
\vas be-
[tg{/ �s.fl,',�,*�*T w%� to discard for years), to- transform
sifLI>• l�
Secondly -To aid their somvades
tho.h \\ 1t, hold Wier bo -Imo- ;Ili,]
Ink The hl.tik, \\hitt' page
il,hii�i Jrser into something new. What could be
flood nain• nu Burr, -rano, •..Ifs only it,
fore him, imalting his brilliant and
more fascinating than the palating
in the Ru'hr.•dietrict,
the power and dl,position of ollit•r, tit
hurniug tiw.ughls: but fur some rea-
of chairs,. tables and outer furniture
Thirdlyp-Ta further increase the
keep some \vret+hed sterol. an,l he i,
son the) did nut and would nut come'
r�� 1 lLrj in c. ler to Bare it harmonize with
power o;I; the revolutionary '• pcole-
but little better nIT \\hu fears that r\--
This Puzzh•d hili. Ile Could dash oty
the wails, the drapery, the woodwork.
cry stranger nrrn ing in tim n niac two
it letter, and \\rite with case a plain
and the floor.
In others words, by precipitnh-ks a
cognize in his fare the features of on.i
business statement. Why could he
Heart -Rending Stories of Suf- It is not only that a\ floor !looks
new general strike the radical- ele-
that, years befor,•,, by reason 111 sorno not conunruct• unit go on with his much better it, it is ppistted or poi- meats hoos't'e,make another aL%u ai ce -
• disgraceful act, Clod from himself and story Y" feting and Death Come iahed, but it saves. time, and energy toward th'e ultimate goal ot'r"'s, So-
alINCllo knew hint The mora llaidan• "flow do thoe other fellows Com- in cleaning. The rough, surface col- cialistic Lalioa Government," 'whiteh' ill
thought upon'the scheme of losing his menee'f" lie mentally queried, and he From, Eastern Elope:. leets greasy moisture, dust settlim in- differs only, in, name from thtb• com-
Identity, and of becoming It \a again carefully read and examined the to its and soon grimy discolored and munistic utopia of "Soviet Republic." 0/� s
laid as yet unnamed ,►l ranger, \\'1,n t- opening paragraphs of two or three The cans in which oil was sent to embealthk conditions exist. Pine A caucus of Berlin Soviets•.votiad McEwelw31 Sj�ecia�S
ter years of exile \\mild .,lief % hl n. Isles thtt had pleased him. They the destitute Jews oL PolAlttd• are be- Soots are Lard to keeg, oteam_ The for the resumption and coatitutance
self, though to the \vurid not hint., lf, seemed to commence and go forward lag turned to stile anothec'uae, net- following methods of treating them of the gtsnerah strike until the fol
the lets attract!\#, It heeam,,. 1 very easily and naturally. Wby could cording to reports brought back to may be of valued lowing I�nleoilic platform has, been
lie finally conchtd. d that, a, he It it mut lit' do the same? the Cantldian Jewish Warr Rblib! lot. Spread• ober, tke floor .,teslas ,attained In f,uU-
tesuhed to remain in Itiilatou, • To his dismay he found that he Committee by relief workers -abroad. of old sheeting;.:to this add two coats First - Immediate disarmaneent - r •••.•••,.••,•_,
1lvoulrl keep his resolution, and that, id not. lie might as well have sat ForseveraTmonthlathesecans hava of paint. Thiswill secure a- 71337 sat- and disstultit.ion of the counter re- 3 packages hrumbles, for ................................. nc
as Ile had plainl\ stated hi, purpose to 110"'n anti fioped to have, deftly and been serving in a number of light- isfactory border for the floor and the volutionair,Y trameps who fought, or � 3 packages Gusto, for ................................... -5c
lift hirtiselr up b) his o\\n unalded ef- skilfully constructed a watch as to ning-change capacities, ranging from centre may W,covered with a rug. still fight, against the workera\:
forts, he -would do so if it were p,),,,11 -A%" imitated the style of the stories chocolate eontatners to street -iron, 2nd. ADplyn a coat ot, linseed oil. Second%y---Tine arrest of OA,ir. ofi- A 25c can Pork and Beans ............................. mac
sible; and If it were not, he \vnnitl that utast Intern.ted him, for he had stores. Now that the epidemic oe Then fill cracks.wcith "9mok and Cres- cern and triall before workingmen's
live the life of a lah.,r, r -a IrumP never formed even the power, much typifies Is such a measc� ins Poland. vice Filler," and apply. an oakste.1A courts. Gong's Soups, per package .............................. 5c
illYgll--falliot than "Hkulk hack." -I, he toss Ule habit, of composition. . where there are 100,000 eases, ant! and two coats of -floor finish. Thirdfllry-Th* Immediate candisea- o25c
It is difficult which, rooms odd sines Soap, 3 lora...................................
OxpMssed It, to those \\1,n \\ere once \fire a few ►rdigred and inconr•.t'- throughout Eastern Europe, the old +`� tion a!' all; iu the possession o[
urnlial seuG firs, \4htch seemed ifke Dana servo as portable bath tuba; and in the bouse should reaetve this most the bourgeoises and the surrender of Ohl stoCl+�
kindred and Companions.lri careful consideration. The bedmoom
"If 1 eannot wink ereM to their trent rrudr ore instead of the molten, burn- Canadian Jewish relief woakera• anti arms to the Sexists_
paors, I will ne\ er era\\ 1 around to lite il)g rlletal of thought lett to cool In Red Cross nurses are strivtngt'to,eoia- is important because it, is in, the bed- Fourll u - The distribution, of Drudge Cleaner, per package .............................. 5c
-bookentrance-. if t e\rr must take graceful rnotilds, hr thtvw aside his bat the dread dibease with' cleanli- room the persou.should recelace that arms to the oeganized workers: em-
Itilms to keep Erin st:+r\ t ng, it will h,. pen In da -tease. nese. All through the striekten l9nd's perfect sleeW whlah w1U tn"'13 0 Phy ployes and officials. fthbitt Cleaner, per package•..... • .. • • • • • -• • • • •. • • • • • • 5c
lfter •taring despondently far a of Eastern Europe -little Jewish ehil'- sisal and mental strength. Fiftfa-T.he formation of .a, labor
. frotfri strangers I shall never inliicl , o
III,,,, tit !hr flank page, which now Brea are recelvtng their daii{i bath. The kitchen. too, is important, be- army et, detente under the: central > l,ndtes Fleece Ilona," per pair ......................... e
myself as a d1,td 1\eight :mid a Pain iroinisrd to renialn as blank as the in these old oil turns. cause here the watnasp.sponda a great leadership.ot bli.e Soviets. .......
fully tolerated Infamy on any one, i I Sixths -Tile Immediately halting of Some, Canadian Warn, per lb......-.......... �I3.50
;was able to get myself into tills dis- ftlhire then seemed, tife fact suddenly Conservation is whittled to, floe Boal of her time. It will. be found 1t
oc+•itrred to (tint that elven genius of- point of necessity in these countries. most son taet kit te.. have linoleum a National. Semiet Congress. 5}'it Some nice Flannelette, good width, per yard •. •-•• 30c
tl&ting slough, 11110 if 1 hadn't brains 1,•n spurred its (tagging or dormant where 6,000,000 Jews are• at the placed on rile kitchen, floor. This is Tbilf wceek should bring ant inter- l'
6hd pluck enough to get 111) self oaf, 1 flower, by •ttiinulants, Surely, then. point of starvation, and even the dlaas- easily kept clean, and is sofa,. warm,
1tNi11 remain at ihr+ uIy Ir\rl, to \\hick esting shpwdown in the clear, but '\Zgn's Fleece -lined [1•nderwear, t0 c ens.......-...
he, in Iii. 1\re king emergency, hada afed taus are not allpwed to go to elastic and wears well. There -should vital issue oft class struggler precipi-
have fallen." waste. They are used to peatah holes be nothing4n- the kitchen which can- tateld by the Kapp coup. -- -- -
rtghl to a\+tll himself of this aid. .4
Thus pride still enun�elteu 11110 con- in the roofs and walls of tile, devas- not be washed. The furniture,. walls, These remarkable programmatic
little brandy might awaken his Imag-
frolkd, and yet it \\a, a hind of prhl" fated houses. Cold is as much of a etc., should be washable. While utteram+ses were made by Dr. Paul
"';It' on, %%ooh \\oubd then kindle with
that inspires s ther,, %%. like respect iii, the lot problem as disease t Eastern 1ripoplit - cleaning this spring: it is especially Levi, to Immediately
i Ger on lit3ommun- McEWEN
lit proved that Cher, \\a% rituch gond \t ;uly r4t1•, he had no objection to this +►inter, since the Jewish, pope important, that we should nee that 1st p:rut)r" imanediately on lits release
« Jo
3lni in the crud,•, nus+lixptn on. of ill,, I;Ili)- y, and wllh this Inspiration latlon, almost without exception, is all the utensils whieh,are being used from prison. "The bourgeoises and
311!1 nature,clad in rags, and the wretched places constantly should be in a convenient class eonsof,olus mvolutioaar7 prole-
sonv- ht• wraiu res inied his pen. tie was$tit the nerertsit) of doing in which so many of them- live are place, and it possible, rinsed cup- tariak now Lace each other:wfth their
1111[f hwas urgent, for Ills, -nm .onn a,loni,hrd 11110 delighted with m lit• 11:111 i1,. n•,ult for hr found himself writ- slight protection against the weather. boards should be placed in. the kitch- relative poRwer in a state of, flux," he 'i%ne 46 South side Square
en. The following recipes and In -
been \frilling to reoehe from libs uloid Ing with rave and fluent ells dectarGd. "Only now has, the real I •
Y• tormatioa may be,, found of value in
�r was small; and rapidly dlminishinc. critiaal.uitxrnent df the t�opial"revolu--
A�1oi1$ thought, srenxd (u become vivid and � �]�ir doin tlw spring eleanting
the possihir nctivlttes In �V J g tion been - coached. In the prYsen'..
powerful, nn.l his story grew rapidly. WasinYng Windnwa,-Al�rrys dust
Which ht, might engage. that of \\rff- \, hod) 11110 hind (lagged, the potent first and clean the woodwork before situp!ion. we must exploit,every pos- -
US for papers and magarrne- oreiii-n d sibilAy (A getting power into thrt , ,]
genii In d black bottle rnti again lifted KUM THOUS f1T!/i,7 the glass. The ran may be washed Pro 'mom Minister Ennio .m
i0 filo, alai the thought at once :urn .,inert a lack\ith him until the tear- (, with warm Tates and coag, ammonia, haadx of the proletarbat. The fact
\ ellntis tale \vas completed. or keroaene. or whitening and om- that revolution pr es Its s tre so slowiil
fie dvelded to correct the manuscript monis. In washing wring the cloth In Germany proves its strength. ala. T1inile*Rthe
Ha_1_�....Is u,., -..p and Nerve Remedy
on t1,#, folln\\Itig da)•, and \vas so coin- almosQ.dry, rinse o1 the window. sad revialutloa is not takjgag, place inj'j (;14,js illzfil l'•.
ot 2M placent and hopeful over his perform- Hundreds Upon Ht1QiElreds of the p Y tempo, but by slow. stages. s-
p�� dry with a soft cloth, and palish with thea present situation there is no pas- Was almost a Nervous Wareek from O!rerwork; this woo-
Ai• snot Ihnl ha scarcely natal that h,l Children 13mo a ons a soft paper. or cloth al-bWL' et attaining our final gontiof
afe �� g dertul :roomed., brought back his old time Vigor and Vita1-
\\a• brainnfnx to feel wretchedly Painted Woodwork. -Wash in
,.m. -,-y _ • front the Ine\ftahle reaction. The and Wander Until Over- warm soapy water with a soft cloth, a Soviet republic. Mi. we must mot ityory of at treat Medicine, in three letters. $100 in crah
ai jiambnr next day. \\ilh dull and ashing head doing a little at a tSuAa and drying desist from our endeavors to levo- willibe [said to anyone who can prove that these letters are not genuine,
t• `%Alst" _ g conk b S ac"Ition. lutionize the proletariat, and for ,his E esti phat^iona Take a ht tried to read \chat he had written. Y as you go slang. Fen light painted of Minister w'el be given to anyone who doubts those remarkable
pur.pos,e to employ every posalble
eDI' tllt'tf►, Iru a cup of but round ft dreary and disappointing wood use whitening Dante- etjttennottta
,.. r 'tl n if, pour through • work. 1(fs sentences and paragraphs The tragedy of the wandering ill- ttanished Woodwork. -If very soil- w Gere is Letter letrmlier One
appCarl!d Ifl}e clouds from \\fief the ed use soap and water. Dr very
Ink 46 todoup Ifttil at any tie orphans of Poland and the sorry y r\ "Please Luse send ng +ro box of attack
awe be and usable
to REM-
lyp light had footed: hal he explained this F1YiY; A azn suffering txom s bad attack and Lave bees unable to 6IS my
�piiY'titii.!L1tj1'tit8 dR7' or art lretirialF• efforts at the mothers of that war- thoroughly and
then sub with am- ii%10' 13CA8ETS3 ' VP
TD IsrthB telWtt efreotive way to break a fact to himself on till- ground of his stricken country to caro for the home- mania or kerosene. To use kerosens, � YOU Sip
• sind' Caft gYfp, illi► 9t 'opdils the depreFcrd phy,,test t=tate, and he went lass ones, !e an appealing phase of lust dampen the el and o ter ruh, �_ pulpit for tthrev months, doctors nay khat it may De six ,tsonths or more ka-
tion. Ilipress his task with do d osis Biro Lam well again- I used to be able to hold my large congregation,from
o t: tib, raiilevi t+onpfes t giro P the big heart -breaking story of des- bang on the varnished woodwork rub, start to finish, now. X.ann scarcely [sold my own thoughts.
� t 6.b tis d6V114 a tense. tltutlon that relief workers bring again with a dry clotbt It not, you tine Sick Headache. Sour stomach, genet Actiai>3,is bad and L mm .,abject to S'atntings and Dtzzineasa
11 lie felt [letter on the following day, will find a white glow will result. Sluggish Liver and Bowels.- NY -
fltVlita the system, back from abroad. 1 9D and, am very dbapondant, I hope that your remedy will help me."
tt tilt next time )+ou suffer from and with the. aid of the bottle he rt-- Thousands of youngsters. mother- DnaUeea Dusters. -Dip the cheese Take Casc tceb tonight,.
d syr the ffrs It is in Va soled In give his Inventive peniva less and fatherle-s through,the mv- An in a mixture made trom'3y cup We sant on the- one box o[ Hacking'., Heart and Nerve Remedy and
Ia!ittierdly , I,, ii, tbelte Dire safe another bight. flu this occasion he ages of the "black typhus," trudge melted parowax- it dWs later we receive this letter.
harznlessI,,would attempt it longrr story -one wearily from village to village over Note: These dusters may be wash- Furred Tonguog Bad Taste,, Indigea-
that would occupy him laeveral days: the desolate country seeking what Rd several times before they require tion, Sallow Skia and Miserable Heati• Letter Number Two
r ' and he strain stimulated himself up to food they can find to keep lite in to be d-lppod again. aches come from a torpid liver doted -Please send me 6 boxes of Hacking's Heart and Nerve jtemedy. t
%1sJ a eondfllon in which tie found at least their starving bodies, Sometimes There are many helpful sugges- clogged bowels, which cause your atom• bavt, used the box you sent iter and I feel that it has already helped me.
. sitJJ9 no lack of iw ^rchi. When he attained bands of refugees find the little folk$ tions for cleaning. and laborsatling ach to become.- filled with undigested iffy head is rIP,AreJ and the pale that bas followed the preparation of mT
'. >I:- lis*e,:,yt,teed 6a -II b,at »oast, d _ahe thea, -in vhai:;o. Nnw,andd QA3ricee.%9poaring in )veekly papera �, vyhiob -iWrsalail fermoltr Ukn g>x- seraanns has bcett greatly rel(eved and I feel twat with proper treatment ii
101 he rear) over again the work of the then some almost equally poor peas- and magaatnes Liam time to time t1 bage in a swill barrel. Thai'a the first will, again be restored to my old-time vigor.
r out,pltooding Aa Y, and was delighted to sat gives them shelter and divides Is h -good plan to cut these out. place step to untold miaerp•-•indigestion* foul i am so Pielaed with th.• success of your remedy that I art giving pact
10, .�w+cs" flntl Ihat It now glowers with prisma- his small portion of food. And then, then( in a labelled ensvelops or bat gases, bad breath, yellow tnkin, mental of it to some oP my friends. '
' tic bites. In his complacency he at in the course of a day or twos, the future use.- -Blas D. IL Sather- fug e� hin that is, hotribib and
'ftetis *� tflrith once despatched It kr the paper for children take up the tramp again tike ta. 'gnomon's InaHtutes Ifltaadik, E Now comEe the proof in letter number tifroe, a few weeks later.
e to -night " which It was designed. so many small gypsies. Once In a • nsusoatin A Oascar tb g1, will
0% h0II0st T1trCe or tour days of alternate whUe a woman will mother thb little The item • Liver Pill, --The action of give your constipated bowels a thorough , better Number Three
" IsAt work and brooding passed. find if ver- travellers and aid them until starv- the liver is easily dislarrangrd. 1 sud- cleansing and Straighten you out 8y "Having need your, medicfne,llacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy for a.
4d llama or foul and parullar moods prow the ation overtakes teem. ton chill, undue exposure to the els- mornin& They work while you sleep- I few weeks Tnt Neurasthenia, (Nervous Breakdown) I have become as a new
1i (las llos-aesand of genius iiatdane Certain- Jacob IlaaLein, who Lail been to menta ove AndulRence in some favor- a 10•cest box from your dtx�giat will man. For five months I have sut?ered from SimpleYssuess, Nervous Chits.
ttllDt s ly trnFght claire It Behvicen his t9etlso charge of a relief unit for the Joint Ito food, excess In drinkintt. are a few �p � f0eUM � Jw Fainting thralls, Severe liendaehes and I could not place my mind on the
"$1w of Misfortune find dl Distribution Committee, which ban- of the onuses. But wtat ever may be preparatlost of my sermon& To -day, a1 old ,ambition a�,d strongth is re--
disgrace, and the dlas hinds colleeted by the American the cause. parmel"Is Vegetable Pills Be your oven flegist, Q'itreath your finks to the vole of your remedy, which I am pleased tea recom..
i fact that his funds were beoomitig low Jewieist R of Committee anti tither t can be relied upon as the best tor- face iln smiles. mend to eltlyotm avOerha'g from Nervcann DbKofics."
` on one !land, and his towering bopeS Jwrhl� L>tad->�itlt roust orgiAtsa- rective, that Can be taken. They aro Thlik testimouttal comes voluntarily from one whose reputation is un -
11 nd tthiieriit!( fears eanoernitOg his lit- tlo=. told at these Bingle pllgrft� the leading liver pills and they have onoweiMlktMYsrSeelMe. ,�by 2nd Is given for the sole purpose of helping others. T,bs above
"i°y ventbM Oil (the othtft.,, l if *8 .l'etsleh War Iet no superior among such preparations. umd&-+1K_+Mp' Elm
t etate>toltnts are true --or as near to the truth "as the men toll Ilt�aNdS
�otieally in what i>y tetrtFbd ''a owidt � � leer t' to
yt tltitr" ft1%ut"i n - t •� it" Balli, its thlll tertlitlle 11t11�wkis. ^.. „ flit. qt- ebvld throw a eR+bro Jud �0 ]$.
4.e }y 0, ,iq _ 'M>roher: In vital tfattle did deif Yom' 1 17 afe.brokep down In basltll from any cause wl,atev+ar we will
t1 irtt ltlti� I;P,giiis(li l2 lith ` ;Cif 1,�. f' +1*31 g►= J16�, � Wolfe, when hearing of victory, ei Mt' tt �rlrttlai�eeO t>twe a six 10: trdttl�e�tt of IfACI:I2+t(i'a H A>ttT AND 1tI1 Rv>r
,ttyeiti of the datooti ItM"t11tJ� 1 '1 die hatMYY L1 Jlifiih A i1l1' +rHt make M wroadet 3ita1 lmprorement to your health, but Ion myatt
' it��,r-I-r ",i'lib'•t'tfllltit wed his I Ort swisvte1. Johnny: 111 think it las his itis't IiMrl M rsintr t! get liJ1lt71CII7(I'9. lKtee 5rlc a bait, t boxes faC E$.�14. SoM JW
. ��l bilCl�tr,, 1 i1 11wtt +. �' SIX 4,a+ik+ttilli Q'C !! *Of. gkIC4 t itirltttil. Lilltowillt
►1e i s � 4 tAitOf' it i .,Mi e y
IiCfe11 toss:.
,t. t ;.
.r . P
• ,, , ' .e J , -iii ' . " t..
. .