The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 5Y E 4 'tY� =�►i. i. std TJll ■Gi ilia .90 �.� � i t The atiletia girl,ia.a fittiln\c, .�,., eltanple of what e : I r -- •- Cod LiveP WPM will do for the rut down aad -� weak - y If soil are in need of Kt�A� AS THEY GROWnew vigor; if your sys- : tem needs toning up, by all means try this Let your Kodak keep the Autogt'aphic Picture Record splendid tissue builder. of the children as they grow. The dates will make the story Peadar Palatable Cod Liver Extract is complete- sold only at Ponslarslores. Nice $1. • Campbell's Drug Store 'Phone 90 The Penslar Store The Square Next to Millar's Scotfh Store ®�da■ ��� �lll�litlU l�U�� lHtl!t�91dt�I��I1��I�1ttdA�N�I�■�t�� ®®�1®®®®�'��::Kii�'i?Hvs�'fg�J,i'cl�6Y':�IBEf�A6�® �� �� ,:i.,ptinr: :t �,•n,•r:,l pt.,n, •,, that Ism- ■ ® tFJ • p.ora:'y impru%rnc•nt, tram Lieu' to ■ tin,•• v.r,u;J evnform to the nt,riu plan BaptistChurch pring Festival TIJ- ,,.L.., L.,nll, .l t•> 1I, v. t:.tllml 117111. last'. f� An an.• udnu•ut \v 1t' nur\rJ by Ur, *' Knox Church }:nI,' Ili,, inspect.,:, ,pr,nd •ill b -layer touted I +d t',tt ihp inytert.,:• be r"nlmnuirutrd ® MOhTRiAs STREET ' ® A Leeture Room \v,t' ..nd esk,•d to r"nla Lo 1;"d, rich it, ••,.n to , \.,n,inr y h!st.iliL,• i -a - Itis „flni.,it ort ,nil.Friday Eve., April of tht ,iarr i'utt i and ®6 o clock p.mI'-,rI'-,r, ur \\t.r,t p',an r ltl ucuL Ilia ol', Easter Sunda tL :nli!•drnr' w\uuld r, r ,uulirud lh,vn- ® Saturday Aft., April 10 t,r torn. APRIL 4th � 3 o'clock p.m. It v\'.ts edisco\vrrd that, ill,• 111,111111 and the. amendment were not really ®® Under auspices of Swastika Club antalroni-tic one to till, other • The A hearty WeiCORle t0 everyone w m•�etlug ­\'id,mtly was unanimous that MW PROGRAM tho hospital inspvnLor would til -a Ila Bright Services ¢p 1. Wand Drill. good man to have a repnrt frrnn, a, tie gtl Nursery Folk narnr- good kno\vlI dgr, of ® would hate •t �l ••Mary, Start', !lulu• ,;onu;uv .. ® __ sl J. ,;tills' Chorus- many hospitat44 and, on til,' other f!) "invitation W the Vane#." hand, it was felt the Board should ■ A i. '"rho steeping Princess," a dra- have some ideas formed in their own ®SUBJECTS: W. IB .r e y tg ® 1 11 a.m.—"What Kind of Relig- la 11 IAB e.1 ion is Yours � ® cr rr 7 ® A New Religion 3 PAD. Bi61e$eiio(il�-Presenttlt'- • ® tion of Honor Roll eertifi- ® IN In Cates ® ■ .. r ® ® 7 p.m.— Why l alto li Baptist' 11 ®„ „ rr � The Book Reason f8 ® 16 10 ® la ® 6 p'lill Y. P. U. Fl W ® lB ® ruatised rairy play in 5 art>. Ca of Characters king—Carolyn Tape ,ween. Emits Walt eo • Princess--Auth martin Prince Dorothy Marshall LOMA-�-Uladys Murray. Dnrothna HedeFnan and I.ahel Murtch. ladies nrot.My Malowe• (ftadys Grinro, Madelinn McKay, Fnirles r . Qprtng Mabel+ 'tidwatals sttmrher-•Helen ,Hnw•rie Autumn—\'tolvt Trvwnpsnn• %VJnter- ls:o Reinhart Nage-glary McLeai, Rorncs ACa I.rt Thr dept(, a til,• woods- Act IL --The Patacr, lM1•dort: .4Ct ll!. --A garret; Art Iv,- Winter \Goody; Art Y.—The awakening to The Palace Gurdon. An(lscStoN Adults,........, •.••,Zr,r, """.. _+ Children...._._ .... 2oc minl as to what they wanted ber,trs the inspector came, as he would have t0 be Udde<l to FUntr' cSlent by wh'J) g the Board eonsidervd feasibly and wIL'iin till: possibility of financing. hr, Ernmcr-no's amendment was carried unanimously and Lite Board, went dov\'n in a body, after the mect- ig, to examrnr til. "viaplPs" with ,t ou the idrf framing p in their oven mind, what they think might bo done. At least ileo architects have prrpar- ed plans at different times for the re- marlelling of Ute property, and file n,,v\ energetic treasurer. Mr. Connon, has been doing a good deal of figuring and planning himself, and has prepar- ed plans Of the prosent lay -out of the building. and has some ' suggrtition8 as to alterations whish may be found feasible. fine crf the architects' plans got sonic unable I,1 rom„ fur th,• ■■ All S eats Free i time ago provided for, tearing out the - w ® ■ THE NEW HOSPITAL whole interior of the building, leaving ■ i■®iln��®®®�®®�®®aae!ttteotaaa�� MOVEMENT TAKING SHAPE only the outer wall:, and rebuilding the interior suitabir, for a hospital. reetor, Rev. A. L. (;. Clarke, and Rev \tr%, A D. \h•(., -ant, •,f town, „ Sime of the medical men and others Canon Hill, officiated. The organist inspector of Hospitals and (ghar'ilies Is Of the Board, however, feel that it and full choir were in their places and toAThepn Suitability of Maple " would be a shamefuland unnecessary expenditure to tear out most of the I�OQEL The. H EATOE A%ked h,'ntdcrich Hospital Board is get- partition sats, un many Of which Lhc --ti,htion ,.r !I• ,It!. till „ n t v,,..,' tiwn to business in connection Plaster even is In first etas; shape, PROGRAM w9th the move for a new and up -to- especially as ,building costs are so high. NICH•tl,"1\ f (•.sill - date hospital for Goderich, by thp, con- t - version of the "Maples," the property It is ',ugRrsted, for instance, that the For week April 56 to loth the Board bought some years ago. In large doubt" room downstairs could 11111— • 0-i-llnr -,v, r i L. rn„I response to the correspondence of the be rnade into public wards. to acrom- Monday and Tuesday chairman of the Board, Rev. J. E. mociate 4t least ten beds, and if de - beaver board :,••rn \i. ,.9, , c it be arranged In hoa- Ford, photos and plans of the Cobourg sired sereens might he „•, I \ i. ! ,' ' crn,vr and Dutcher expect hospital, considered one of the hest of c•onytructed on stands running on eas- A PARAMOUNT PICTURE the smaller hospitals, have been re- ter-, to separate: one bed from anuth- ENID BENNETT ceived, also a letter from %fr. Alexi NfacKay, inspector hospital, err •A number of the b,\druomy could, it was felt, be partitioned into two. 1 orter'y brothers, Richard Catllp, whi of and charities. While the letter, from Co_ still 1,•aving abundance of room rur a IN bourg point out the advantages of a private ward in each. l� Partners Three" new building specially resigned from the start for a hospital, the letter from The floors, while not hard\vood 0 it,rs, tre in splendid shape in the vf, Mr. MacKay expresses the belief that main, and could. not unlikply, be madq also such a building as the "Maples" is re- qult09 sanitary by b••ing riled and in Sw.it ", were of course pre-sented to be. could be made suit- varnished. Second Episode of able for a hospital at a much less ex- Another suorge-.tion, coming from pens,, than a new building. He would Mr' Connon, is to pro%i+, for the op - "Adventures of Ruth" be pleased, when visiting in Goderich Prrttins room at the top of the i,mld- to gi into the matter further. ins. by raising th., central p„rti„n of featuring The Board was r"Pd, together On tttr• roof, nr to provide also for X-ray r, Wednesday afternoon of last week to -1n% anaesthotir, room, .,•rovers RiITH ROLAND decide .on further action• The. trea4- rooms, Ptr , around the operatin.; room by 'f iter. \1r. T. G. Cnrman, made a motion ra"'ilk the whole roof. h,• archi- the effect that a rnmmo , tw plans provide for the ,I -ration .. e "practical" citizens, be asked to exam- - ., ,n a onp-.tory win:: Iv h • added Wednesdayand Thursday y ine the building and make a report on 1 , til^ building. what plan thPy might consider fear- A big item in Lt.,, exp—ns.— ,r refit, WM. A. BRADY'S biggest, ibl,• for tho altera •on of the hospital. �'` ''r'F the bu,l,ling will be .the heating great- zr,, ;.i;irnbing, a stpam holkr ii be lo - est and most thrilling of all Picture Plays `STOLEN ORDERS' starring, CARLYLE BLACKROCK, KITTY GORDON, MONTAGUE LOVE, JUNE ELVIDGE, and 20,000 others. If you object to sitting on the ed Fe of your seat, don't see ” toIon Orders.” A"O A CHRiSTIE SPECIAL COMEDY '"Go West Young Woman" Friday and Saturday Dorothy Gish IV "The (lope Chest" alae A CHMSTIE COMEDY r.it••d .n .in outhou•+,, f„rnerly ,i,od aF art ir,• hulls” is pripno d. v\ ifh heat# "I I", the rn,ln „ulding by pip's Th•• -,"'tient collar would nit be (if :r,'ich unity without, hpinrt deepened, whrrh c+tul,f be done to provide, for lau-r,lry, etcit would not be neces- s•,ry t,l undertako all the ehanges at cmc•+, 1-` (nurse, and, In f. t, the pot' ,lbilltlr, of the ' MaPlosn the way of acr"mmoda tinn so�rn to exc,,ed w')at %'till likely b" til,• Demand fir some time. it. r, felt by the hoar I '! it for It,.. maintonaw- of the 'e hocpltal no larupr -un wri0d he rogarYseri front the nun tv than th,• present annual grant o' No doubt, after the %,cit of the in- spprtcr the Boanl will have, some fur- ther valuable pointers to work on, and with Rome concreite proposition to lay bofor, tho county cotineil at the Jun, lipg910n, It is believed a grant of jj.N_ (W will be readily made. Another #1!000 proposed to he asked from the town. would make a fund of ",0W t'wt-ds til" renovation and alteration ar t',•, buildrog, and for this gum. If n,', all, a gond portion of the altera- tions could b, mad". Pumcient, pro- bably at ail events to put the "Maples" fn condition for use for present de - Mand" for accommodation, and an the need for grater aecommodaUcin aro", thprp would be room for eYpanslon. Atr Calcott, of l,ondon, an expert on heating, wart In town the other day to ionic Info til, quoation of a new heat. 11,9 ,iys¢em for St. George -rt ehurrh, and whilp Pre wan here, wain taken to car !'P ' %fanleo.' Ind hfar vi.m i� riser The stew Decorating i Stare West Street In addition to our lines of Wall Paper, PRIMP. etc., are handle all kinds of Glass Wirnlow (this-, Plate Glass, Bovelled (;Inas, Mirrors, etc. If Noll alt+ d inling of doing ally 1 Decorating this year, call on us and let us give you ao estimate. !J. Cuthbertson Z=====oo®0=11 he, proper system of heating for t uilding is hot water, as ,team hilt ig would require more constant t ention, in fact he considers stet. eating would 11ot do at all. A cui lets hot water system he says cot v put in for about $5.000, wltti fur ve in the cellar. The plumbing gures could be dune for $3,000: ligf ig for :(1000; hoist, $2,000; making Aal of $tt.000 for these, Items, whi re the cutin items necessary to p 'Ir '.'-1�tplr," .into shape fur it 'hos, mitiuul asking tho town t ny further grant at all, it may onsible to Moaner, thio remodelling n' Hospital. Assuming that the pr osrd grant it xi5,000 from the cou v is forthcoming. till, figures gi\ hove wuuLl (rave $4(10(1 to be spe i the partitl„ns and Ilxiug up of t, lieri„r or the hospital. It ,night ussible to sell the prenr111 husplt willing at an earl% dab, and dev'u It, pruveed, to further unpruvvnier the '•\laples" and there is the fill high the lalies lin,- on hand towar w new hospital, so Ihat it may oils+ possible to finain the curve ill of the "-laples"ipto an up -t ite hospital \%ithnut asking the tov n• the M,000 which was proposed. The Inspector 4 Tlospitals \vril tat he will be in Goderich direct 'tor Easter and will bring with hl i arehiteot from the Department sok into the possibilities of the. "M les," and the Board should then ha' toe pretty d,•tinite infurmatfon ny hal van be done. OBITUARY 1'l,t'NG•-Much sympathy is felt for I,. and Mrs. Richard F. }'Dung and milt', Essex street, in the death hursday morning, March 18th, of the dost daughter, Mary EllLabeth. aged The young lady had be.•it troubled ith inflammatory rheumatism since irly last December. The father IF a In of Mr, George Young, of the Bay - ad road and the family were living Smith Falls up to last August, when ,ey moved back to Goderich, having tent , five years In Smith Falls. The 'ceased \vas the second In the family# ;r brothers and sigtPrs being Richard, race, Gertrude, Hazel and Peter, -ic funeral took place on Saturday e services being conducted by Rev. C. McDermid. HOGAN.-The remalns of Mrs. Ed- und Hogan, an old resident of Gode- rh who for the past score of years td resided in Detroit, were brought Goderich on Thursday evening of si week, and the funeral took place following morning from St. Peter's lurch, where the body lay in state er night. Rev. Fathtr McRa, oele- •ated high mass at 9:30, and the in- rment was made in the Roman Cath - le cemetery in Colborne. Nlr. Hogan as born in Boston but lived In Gode- h since her marriage. until moving Detroit. Mr. Hann died nineteen ears ago. A family of file daughters id one son survive, -frs. T. McDer- oLt, Detroit; firs. Jaa. Patton, Lon - in; Mrs. Wm. Yuprka, Detroit; Mrs. s. McCormick, Detroit; Mrs. ,las. Shaw, Detroit; and P. J. Hog. I, Minneapolis; the daughters all song herr for the tunerat. KERB. -Tho following reference to e doath of \irs. Kerr, mothor of Mrs. Ir.) A. Ta or, of town, to from last yl epk's Clin in NeWs-Record. After a little over a week's Illness rt'. Jamey Korr, (if Virtoria street, sspd away un -Monday' ovpning. !sirs +rr, whose nuud,•n nam,, vas Elim - tit -foon•, was a native of England. Ing horn •tP Word, Lin•olnshire {hty-six y,virs caro, the ramp til nada \\ilk nor i-opi+• when quite a ,ung girl end hay lived in Hallett d Clinton , %, r ,inre Heforp her arriage s1w I.aught arhoul for some nr•s. (in h,+r marriage she cam'• to r In 01til„1, \\high was but a eros- nilly ilt';n Qhp «a+ the Mct member her r.irnily Il, r hushami died elght ar, ago -�h,+ I, .tirvivoil by one n wid fhr,, - d.nluhtprs, kl-y Dr I A ylir', G•+'b•rleh . -1r, 4 Ho„th. and,in, Min • mid Hert ,ml Mabel, at IMP 11th,muh hrowrht up in the Iglican rhilrrh Mrs. Kerr Party unit with III•• \1• lh"dtst •hurrh, there ing no hrinrl, of it,'r „wn church n\vnd, nt, ant U,reuertiout her 1"n4l renlinn• J t" h•• i r"n,ii,b•nt mem r "he \\t, i v\„min "f singularly ,,", 'ilUl e'I illy qli ilius%,. one lo-, Not only r "%%n f,m11\. hilt many, mnnv -ds x%iM int" ?v r kirMiy presonrr d her ,tu,et, irrritle mfluenee will t soon p,iw away The world Is in ed. fh,,r1r•h'•^ (,,r he” iIi•• The neral Ink,,, place the•, aftern,"r: )TO the ferruly horn, Vi, t..ri,i stre,+t, e -r\ i. .• e„nlri-ri ,oar it ihree 'fork, P,IFIT FaM Thr.iahi,tl It r long rind or hr„k, n h,.ilth Lit,- many ,tills of %f” G"orgo Porter felt only the trial, ,he vva, undergning d had lh,-ir sympathies deeply uehed by the announrom^nt of her ath on Friday last. For a period of ven months 81w had been ,n hospital. fit In Lnndon and It,,,n In oodprich at Thnrwlay ,ll," was romoved to r homy, and. .11hough appar.lids a lir heflrr lit the tlm,•. It was n„t 1R lilt doalh ov(dook hir• the Fol. ,ving day bfrs porter wn% t dn_ ted and con,iistont member of thq 1 gllcan church and an •,Ner-wilHngl irker In iho activities of !it ('„eor 'n, and hor fragrant memory vill lia he cbprishetl bI, (hone .,be )pa' IV” p'1" Kayaotr .. �at►�4 • iPlfllita 4lsvoa Will 4 olevoa Stwe Hwrs : 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 9 P.M. Please Shop Early ; P"Ale r� Easter Will Soon be -Over And the thrifty housewife will get busy with her house cleaning and decorating, all in readiness for the bright suosbiny days that are to come. She will probably find some room that requires a new floor covering either in Oilcloth, Linoleum', or a nice Rug. We have them all in splendid variety, and it will be a pleasure to show them to you. Oilcloths, 85c a yapd s uare q A grand lot of designs, in pile, bloc(; and floral, tip to 2 yards wide. Price 85c a yard. Also several remnant ends, being cleared at a low price. Linoleum, $1.50 a square Yard v A first -rare durable floor covering, comes in 4 sant; «'i le, in all favorite designs and colorings. Price $1. :;�> a square yard, Linoleum Floor Rugs 01 A good assortment of most useful Rugs, of first rate quality, in carpet designs. Bordered all round, sixes 2 x 3, $12.00. -l.' x ;, $15.00, ; x 3, S18,u,', 3 x 3 1-2, $22.50. 3 1-2 x 4, $25.00. Carpet Rugs Tapestry, in all the principal sizes, a splendid selection. Brussels, sizes 3 x 3, 3 x ; 1-2 and ?;. All good patterns and colors. Welton, a fine lot of these goo, quality Rugs, in all the chief sizes. Prices ranging from $42.50. Now, to Look to the Windows Which is one of the most prominent and important parts of the House, and a part that requires a large amount of taste displayed upon them; but one is amply re- paid for any time and trouble spent in that direction, if the restilt is prettily draped windows, for that is ofteu termed the index to the house. We are now showing a beautiful lot of Window Curtains, both by the yard and in pairs ready for hanging, they coulprv;e scrim, warduisette, voile, Swiss, quipure, madras and lace, in white, creaul and ecru. The best range of Curtains we have ever shown as regards prettiness of design and quality. Call and see them. • Over Dpapes, Etc, ` Of all description, in fancy colored nets of floral and bird designs, in chintzes, cretonnes, silk, repps, ratines, velours, shadow cloth, etc., etc. A really splendid assortment of all the newest shades and designs. Orders by 'Phone and Mail receive firsi and best attention Phone 56 M I L LA R' S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56 WATER AND LIGHT 11 COMMISSION Save the Discount Water Rates for next quarter are payable on or before April ist. 15 per cent, discount will be allowed off al rates paid this week. Water and light Commimioil of the Town of (lorlorio, n 1 t hr It'•v L u: l ,,try it Is 1ouRht lif- l', of its Rood qw,l!- 1114 Work Boots, Moulders and Factory Men We have special values in NIctl', lVork Boots suitable for inside and outside it,e. Our heavy Gaiters are Just the boot stitable f„r Moulders, Moulders' Gaiters, while they last, at $3•75 a pr,, "Built to Wear,” B1;ys' 13,>'ots for School and a kinds 4 hard usage. Special Attention Given to Repair Work HERN' S BOOT SHOP n, irl W Wa,te, it„Fc-art'1 and Joy• Mal. knew her goodness of heart and de- unable I,1 rom„ fur th,• 0 on account „r til,• dirtanco, but •'I•; , . ,,:h ,ui'l i.ha, Needham (Loadoo). Sunday afternoon, with services at St. &c,•a,ed', .mifi,,Qk -fl,- Tyn-Ldl. .:,d \I^,. N''1rh",hon, if London, Arnold George's church, in which both the h,•r hu,b.,nd. 4 T"r' itis w••r, !I. r %I, h"1„•n. ,•f T'., rnhlll, wxl %fr. trieod- reetor, Rev. A. L. (;. Clarke, and Rev \tr%, A D. \h•(., -ant, •,f town, „ !i r I ',urn• ,.rL ;,,h ills w, -re those from out Canon Hill, officiated. The organist nth,•r ,I U'r. \ peeuli.lr'ly ,ad v!, , \\ • • hero, for the fuoer. and full choir were in their places and st nr,• is til,• fart that %fr,. P,•rb : -' •1 'r'L• d••.•, ..., ,t w of an active wprk- the churnh was tilled with sympa- m"th+ r ha, b,rn l ying ,n t 11:,..1 r 'i \', t -, , ..'+•r•t Methodist ehuroh, thizing friemts. The, hymns ,elected --ti,htion ,.r !I• ,It!. till „ n t v,,..,' ' oil .., I ,•!t tntsscd. for the service, "The Strife N Wer" t” rovover I and "on the Resurrection Morning," NICH•tl,"1\ f (•.sill - t r .'t put away anxieiya t day, Man it 20th, .r %fr,. 1'll_ %4,. i also so well brought out in tho lesson son L wo, i, it,. , t. -rill n Il, n f ! " i , \1„Lher Oraves' Worm from the burial service. Th, pall- 11111— • 0-i-llnr -,v, r i L. rn„I r t t' t rive relief. its ef- bearers "orp three nfllre bearers in Sl. in --nth- fl,,•• d,.,,,.,,1 vv,t, i Lr,r!.'rr 't” ' s.' aid lasting. f;eorg,'s church, Mossrs. Geo. WI l- if th,• til,- iv,, n 1-11-- ur+l \v , :,••rn \i. ,.9, , c it be arranged In hoa- hams. Lionel Parsons and F. W. Wool- I ui .\,1117, Id n, .,rt,., Mr, „•, I \ i. ! ,' ' crn,vr and Dutcher expect combs, and %fessrs. F. F. Lawrence, n a, .n, sill '• ni ori earth. F Cerny anti Dermot McEvoy. \irs,'hriflor, \% illi ,,n1. ,\„ ;I\,.I .' ,. r I Won Farttr 1 orter'y brothers, Richard Catllp, whi I ,vv, pr•,1,'•! r,.,. I •, . _ on its► Meriht-The an - f is in f;awornla, and A. T. !.lank), who hn,b,tn,l \fr• No•' rv,\ I D p •la'Ity that Dr. Thomas' F. l by t\\” ,Li tt h! r- ,'ill , - vl-. vf, ilia .-%Jv,yq Ig not attributable Will whi iv ilh him. also Fred, whi ,,, h I,a,iFhrt. f \.til, .,t\•, vlr_ - II"a l., ;,,y , i d, ,riL• axhortlsing, for it in Sw.it ", were of course ix,af.li ,f „•,\ , I •I \\.ir^, I ', WATER AND LIGHT 11 COMMISSION Save the Discount Water Rates for next quarter are payable on or before April ist. 15 per cent, discount will be allowed off al rates paid this week. Water and light Commimioil of the Town of (lorlorio, n 1 t hr It'•v L u: l ,,try it Is 1ouRht lif- l', of its Rood qw,l!- 1114 Work Boots, Moulders and Factory Men We have special values in NIctl', lVork Boots suitable for inside and outside it,e. Our heavy Gaiters are Just the boot stitable f„r Moulders, Moulders' Gaiters, while they last, at $3•75 a pr,, "Built to Wear,” B1;ys' 13,>'ots for School and a kinds 4 hard usage. Special Attention Given to Repair Work HERN' S BOOT SHOP n, irl W Wa,te, it„Fc-art'1 and Joy• Mal. knew her goodness of heart and de- unable I,1 rom„ fur th,• votedness. The funeral was held on on account „r til,• dirtanco, but •'I•; , . ,,:h ,ui'l i.ha, Needham (Loadoo). Sunday afternoon, with services at St. &c,•a,ed', .mifi,,Qk -fl,- Tyn-Ldl. .:,d \I^,. N''1rh",hon, if London, Arnold George's church, in which both the h,•r hu,b.,nd. 4 T"r' itis w••r, !I. r %I, h"1„•n. ,•f T'., rnhlll, wxl %fr. trieod- reetor, Rev. A. L. (;. Clarke, and Rev \tr%, A D. \h•(., -ant, •,f town, „ !i r I ',urn• ,.rL ;,,h ills w, -re those from out Canon Hill, officiated. The organist nth,•r ,I U'r. \ peeuli.lr'ly ,ad v!, , \\ • • hero, for the fuoer. and full choir were in their places and st nr,• is til,• fart that %fr,. P,•rb : -' •1 'r'L• d••.•, ..., ,t w of an active wprk- the churnh was tilled with sympa- m"th+ r ha, b,rn l ying ,n t 11:,..1 r 'i \', t -, , ..'+•r•t Methodist ehuroh, thizing friemts. The, hymns ,elected --ti,htion ,.r !I• ,It!. till „ n t v,,..,' ' oil .., I ,•!t tntsscd. for the service, "The Strife N Wer" t” rovover I and "on the Resurrection Morning," NICH•tl,"1\ f (•.sill - t r .'t put away anxieiya struck the dominant note i,f victory day, Man it 20th, .r %fr,. 1'll_ %4,. r �"w' ! •: a, ,^ putYLrlog children also so well brought out in tho lesson son L wo, i, it,. , t. -rill n Il, n f ! " i , \1„Lher Oraves' Worm from the burial service. Th, pall- 11111— • 0-i-llnr -,v, r i L. rn„I r t t' t rive relief. its ef- bearers "orp three nfllre bearers in Sl. in --nth- fl,,•• d,.,,,.,,1 vv,t, i Lr,r!.'rr 't” ' s.' aid lasting. f;eorg,'s church, Mossrs. Geo. WI l- if th,• til,- iv,, n 1-11-- ur+l \v , :,••rn \i. ,.9, , c it be arranged In hoa- hams. Lionel Parsons and F. W. Wool- I ui .\,1117, Id n, .,rt,., Mr, „•, I \ i. ! ,' ' crn,vr and Dutcher expect combs, and %fessrs. F. F. Lawrence, n GI,•nn, "f t,„ih lrn•. .ur\i% .. ,•,ill .n, sill '• ni ori earth. F Cerny anti Dermot McEvoy. \irs,'hriflor, \% illi ,,n1. ,\„ ;I\,.I .' ,. r I Won Farttr 1 orter'y brothers, Richard Catllp, whi I ,vv, pr•,1,'•! r,.,. I •, . _ on its► Meriht-The an - f is in f;awornla, and A. T. !.lank), who hn,b,tn,l \fr• No•' rv,\ I D p •la'Ity that Dr. Thomas' F. Is -anitardu m .tm In Rpokene, and by t\\” ,Li tt h! r- ,'ill , - vl-. vf, ilia .-%Jv,yq Ig not attributable Will whi iv ilh him. also Fred, whi ,,, h I,a,iFhrt. f \.til, .,t\•, vlr_ - II"a l., ;,,y , i d, ,riL• axhortlsing, for it in Sw.it ", were of course ix,af.li ,f „•,\ , I •I \\.ir^, I ', ,.: b•, i •, advertised but le en -,i. ll-• I ,1�,. ,,, 'Fh• fun ",t r ' k l,l L''• ,1 y mrrlts of tills rill as -____... h, in 1 ! .'',.1. ,l :(„',III Ir•p •'1 'very arty, town and WATER AND LIGHT 11 COMMISSION Save the Discount Water Rates for next quarter are payable on or before April ist. 15 per cent, discount will be allowed off al rates paid this week. Water and light Commimioil of the Town of (lorlorio, n 1 t hr It'•v L u: l ,,try it Is 1ouRht lif- l', of its Rood qw,l!- 1114 Work Boots, Moulders and Factory Men We have special values in NIctl', lVork Boots suitable for inside and outside it,e. Our heavy Gaiters are Just the boot stitable f„r Moulders, Moulders' Gaiters, while they last, at $3•75 a pr,, "Built to Wear,” B1;ys' 13,>'ots for School and a kinds 4 hard usage. Special Attention Given to Repair Work HERN' S BOOT SHOP