The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 4MWWW
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Extraordinary Values In
r r P
t ;a
Floor Rugs
4 About i oo Rugs just opened in stock this week. This large shipment
41ras ;bought at away below to -day's quotafions for `them. Values are splendid.
Heavy Tapestry Squares Suiting Serges
Extra heavy pile and in a large choice Navy Blue, Black and Plume
of patterns and colors. Rugs suit- Y pure
° . able -for Parlors, Dining Rooms, all wool Botany Serge, 45 inches
Living Rooms and Bediooms. wide, for Suits, Skirts or Dresses'
Sizes 2% x 3 yards, special $17 This goods is away under manu-
3 x 3 yards, special $25.00 tactureres prices, per yard $� 05
3 x 4 yards, special $2$.00 special— _ _.
Brussels Rugs, English Make Easter Gloves
Very fine designs, neat scroll and
medallion. Patterns in Brown, "Perrins" Kid Gloves, 2 dome fasten
Grey and Rose mixtures and ers, in Blacks,, Tan and
` effects. White, at per pair-_.____ $2.75
Sizes 3 x 3 yards $40.00
3 x V4 yards $45.00 Silk Gloves
3 x 4 yards $50.00
Brusselette Rugs "Queen Quality" heavy, double tipped,
pure silk, 2 dome fasteners. Black,
2 x 3 yards $11.00 White, Mode and Grey.
3 x V-21 yards $19.00 Special...______,._,$1.50
3 x 4 yards $23.00
Ladies' Suits Silk Hosiery
Suits of fine heavy all wool Serges Black heavy Silk Hose, double sole,
and Gabardines, Silk Lined Coats,
and beautifully trimmed with Silk heel and toe, with elastic Jersey
Military Braid and Buttons. No tops, a beautiful Hose and will
two Suits exactly alike. Prices give splendid wear. Sizes 9, 9%
range _ _,___ ___,.� ..__ and xo, worth $2.2S
$309 $35P $45, $50 and $00 $1.50
new range of Ready -to -Wear Gowns. The styles are very smart and pleasing, in
all colors. Alterations promptly made and no additional charge. Dresses range
520.00 $25.00, $35.00 and $40.00
VV. ACHFq%0N'& q%O N
LOCAL TOPICS (ed for a reduction in the street Bpht-is a daughter of Brig. Gen. Russe
_i - ing charges, also for a rebate on who spent the first part of his mil
Continued from Pape 1 charges for the time the street lights tary service; in India, and served du
were out. The request for a reduction Ing the recent war at the artillery bai
In street lighting charges was refer•recl in Ripon, Yorkshire. Major G. 1
P. R. representathe there at that time, to the'Ontario Hydro for a report, the RusseiJy who was recommended ft
also sgme of the steamship heady:, etc." secretary to send a letter of explana- the Victoria Cross for bravery on tt
-'Couliln t we have a bumper time fQr tion• borders of Afghanistan, is a brothe
the three days?" "At this end we aro The General Supply Company of and another brother was a media
makitttt the membership a $5 fee and Canada wrote with reference to Instal- officer in France during the war.
we intend to sPelid some real money ling a new chlorinating plant. The sister was a medics missionary I
in adJertising thr event." letter was Ned, as the commission al- Africa but during the war returned i
Here Js something the town should ready has a ohlorinating plant. England, where she became a sergeat
take hold of, gel a line entertainment The mater. of getting estimates on in the Metropolitan Police Fore
eommltteo on the Job at once and oo- the cost of raising or ealargifig the Another sister is in the misslon flel
OPeratb with the movement. It Is well stand -pipe was left with the engineer in India. Miss Russell leaves Canad
known that rally weeks do a great for further information. A number of in July, when she will -spend a shoe
deal to put towns holding them on the applications for eloctrio light service furlough in England before returnin
slap and here is a chance for Goderichw ere passed, and the 4pplication of to India.
to show It is alive to It: own Inter- Mr. Wm, Martin, Elizabeth street, for •
�� light, was referred to the engineer to Sunday's Storm
Wirardy at Work report.. The storm which visited Goderic
A farmer living near Lindsay decid- . The electric Might department has Sunday night was evidently among th
ed to sell a cow, tie weighed the ani- paid the town the sum of 131;069.17, as outskir•t effects of the big storr
CAI at home and it weighed 420 a refund on t9i8 street lighting which caused so much damage in Ch:
pounds On arriving at the shipping charges.
point It was wNghed again and it fags and other places. Some strong
weisttetl 10 pounds, having lost tell Zearina Bible and 1Ke�ioa! Mission freaks of the big storm are reporte
g from various places.
11I0tinds coming one mile. As he was A very interesting address. illustrat- In a Chios suburb
ahfting the cow to Toronto, a die- ed by microscope views, was given n goeo a trunk travel
Monday evening of last week in the led from the garrett P one house an
taboo Of 70 miles, he figured that at George's lodged to the window of another
206 rate of 10 pounds per mile shrink- parish hall of Strge's church, by hundred feet away.
W. by the time the animal reached Miss Margaret Russell, representing A lath blown from the Sacred Hear
T+aronttf he would have no row at all. the Zenana Bible and Medical Mission, Academy at Melrose Park, Chicago
which was founded 66 years ago by
Willer and Light Comtnisjan women who desired to bring the Gos- penetrated a tree raven lushes i
The regular meeting of the Water pel of Christ to the women of India. diameter three hundred feet away.
.and Light Co;nmission was held on Miss Russell Is a teacher in the Queen One halt of the roof of St. Angus
1hifty night last, all the member's Mary High School, of Bombay, India, tine's Episcopal church at Wilmott
1119"ent. and among her pictures she showed was out away and carried more the;
Mr,. J, Bates wrote notifying the 1 views of the school. the Bay of Bom- three blocks, but the parsonage sex
Clilt ttilission that Mr. J, W. k-raigie bay, some of the splendid architecture doA cow or ow not damaged.
was authorized to receive the rental of the country, starving children, and on a farm at North Evanstoi
Of the atq re occupied by the Commis- • the beautiful home of the god they was blown across a field into a hay
Sion. Piled.{worship. Missyseli vis ted 111e stack. The haystack had to be tor;
Reports from the General Accident I public schools 'in the aftOr6bou and dmvn A man
fan the animal.
Aesurance Co. on the boilers at thel addressed the Children briefly, and at n and two children were cal
~waterworks plant, recommending oer- the meeting In the evening had a num- the their dinner in a portable house o:
U1101repairs, were read and referred to ber of Children in native costume, to the outskirts p Chicago. Sudden!
The engineer to have tale repairs made: assist in portraying Indian wenes, the house disappeared and all thio
A letter from the town codnell ask- manners and customs. �ilss Russell vvere blown into an unfinished base
.+......., „�� s Russ � Ment 'JO feet away.
At Elgin the wind shattered the bi
�111111i1� windows of a millinery store. Score
N111it1 of giMa, hurrying along the street I.
search of shelter. stopped tong enougl
to fit themselves out with new Easte
NOW huts free of charge. ,
The window display of a Jewels
store was scattered along the sideway
Ft and Prrs'aers-by helped themselves.
IS THE ( At Elgin pemple rushed to one or th
churches for shelter. The church col
' lapsed and four were killed.
Remember' the high tea to be helc
to Br&irour in Knox church April 29th, unlet• th,
y ausPioes of the Ladies' Aid.
"t xa • • The annual meeting of the Jtaplf
5t` Spr[3verctwt
�u'tt (Leat Chapter, t. O. D. E., will be helc
,,,��% in the Board of Trade rooms on Wed•
an WSCI afternoon, April 7th, at 5.30.
Iki `Attention is called to ite fact that
Were fire Sllriag Raail iiialtrts�dl�sao�astnir�tetts�teu
• c�a tlt�. A
ti 'say It with Flo
,Superb Qualities at Moderate Prices
Workrnanship Guaranteed � Easter LiFlies
0+ I muira to k ordered earl], to t
RUCK N CE0. 'Sy� WARSaibe �Fill
�lr'liltitlrte �' 05' iNrtlrce St
�r Y
T11GEi DAY, ARPlb t, i
•� ,- �S
the town byTavy proititilting ritilnR Of ,, - - >.•
bicycles oilsidewgllis applies to all Diplomat
' sidmalks, not only t0 the granolithie o q .
vvlJlks. e
The Eureka Bible Class of Victoria
St. 3rethodist chur04 will hove a, gate �tltcast a &GW-ahie
of home-made bakl,rg aq(l- ecrve tea on_
Saturday. April 3rd, in the store next
to Robbins' Restaurant. Sale open at /� p ' P
3 o'clock. Soul Seeker
The regular meeting of the Women's f Rexall Cherry Bark Syrup
Auxiliary of the Q. W. V. A. will be GENTLIMA,N Who bad held a
held in the club rooms Wednesday, aoirn rtautdi to for coughs and colds, Pleasant tasting, a eh�ir4
at 3 o'clock. A large ate po diplomatic Poat
ace is requested for the election lost his Grip and sunk so low that" will take it and liElt the spoon. y
of mw oMeera. I he became an outcast. o'
Attractive and helpful Easter ser-
vices will be conducted mrns ' In Knox H1`E deuce
of under the Pron- 2. � �exall Syrup Hypophosphites, t
church next Sunda morning and @v- V ionto of God, be met o son- �•r s� +�iA
ening. Approprj ate music will be pro- , .
vided by-lhe choir. Titles of the ser.' verted fellow countryman In a ;1
c e r t a i B Institution. Through
' A. bracing tonic. Physicians recommend it'
mons, it a.m., "Our , roug
Blessed Dead." 7 t{.
P. m., "dope's Anchorage." Sabbath him he was brought to know ;
school and organized bible classes at ( Christ. `
Come and enjoy the evening of April U� Rexall Rheumatic Tablets
has sines become a worker 'S
Gth with the Ahmeek Chapter of the �j in the Salvation Army. He
I. O. D. E. in a euchre, lunch and dancewan
will do the work d give relief.
at the Masonic Hall. A special featurq ha$ retained t4 his native land to
of this event will be an opportunity seek lost souls and to carry on the
for all music lovers to hear in Gode- war against sin. These specialties merit a place in your home.
rich for the first time all the newbsi
dance selections, as well as see the lat,I`
est dances. The Salvation
Remember the high tea and bazaar ( H. -C DUNLOP,Ph®.B.
to be held by the Guild of St. Geor-
ge's church .on Thursday, .April 8th, in
the 'Masonle Temple. Tea will be Army''
served from 5,30 o'clock, and there The Rexall Store
will be lanay work and candy tables, t
also sale of home-made baking. 30.8 Citadels
An informal program will be giverl
during the evening. Tickets 50e. IL
and Institutions
St. Paul's church, Dungannon, Rev. In this 'Territory
D. D. Douglas, B. A.,rector. Good Fri-
day, April 2nd. Divine service at 7:301
n? —use the .
p. m. Easter Day, April lith. Jo a.m.,
Sunday school. 11 a. m., Morning �— -- ---- - -- --
Prayer, sermon subject, "The Garden ........ .... .... atuseppr Verdi
Grave." 7 p. m., Evening Prayer, set'- iBy requeiti The next Regular Meeting of the Execu-
mon subject, "The P:;trl Christian, 'I• Morning In Venice...... F. T. EgeneP „�
Y 4. Cello Solo---vtelody flt F.—RubInsWiTi tive Council of the Board of �. ra6`wiII be o
Church." .. (Airs 1'orbe, Miller) held at the Board Room, on
The annual meeting or the Ladies' 5. N103814Y March—•TOmp and Circum-
stance' ...... .... ..Sir Edward Elgar
Aid Society of Victoria St, church will The Cantata Burn" will be given ill
be hind in the church pallor on Knox church on /ruesday evening, April Monday
�pEvening April 5th
Thursday afternoon, April 8th, at 2.30 '0th' by the choir and soloists. The over_ f
tura to 'rannhauser Wagner, We mightiest
o'clock. The election of officers will overture ever written, will be, played on ,. at & o'clock sharp.
take place, and the reports of the the organ by 'kir. Egener, and Miss N. ,
year's work will be given. 111 the
Woollcombe will play a piano solo "An-
ante and Hondo Capriccloso," tutendel_ F,very member is especially re"quested to
ladles of the church are nequested to sohn). as the first part of the program. attend•
ma3ce a special effort to be present at Please remember the date for "The Must.
this meeting. cal Event of the Season."
At the Baptist church on Sunday PEOPLE WE KNOW R. ). MEGAWy - W. S. BOWDEN,
morning V1'aeries of lour sermons on President. Industrial Secretary.
"What Kind of Religion Is Yours ?Y miss Claire Reynolds has retiirned
will be begun. The first consideration from Toronto and Montreal, where ARRANGE TO MEET YOUR FRIENDS
%%ill be, Is yours a "'yew" religion? she was engaged in re -educational
The evening series on "Four Reasons,t
Why I am a Baptist" will be opened work. THE BOARD OF TRADE READINGROO51
by the consideration of the first, or Mrs. Wm. Proudfoot� of Toronto,
"Book" reason. Bible. school at 3,and IInd laughter, firs. Ernest Jordan„ of
B. Y. P. U. at 8 o'ejoatt_ Sulphide, Ont., arc: at the family home.
Easter muNim Office t0 Let, with heat and light supplied.
at St. George's church: Waterloo St.
Morning service Jars. Boswell -Reid and her daughter; April let, 1920.
Prelude, - 'Ado ratidm...... ...... Borowski Mrs. Challen, have returned from Eng
Te Deam—...... ..Simper land, where they spent the winter, and
00nedictus........ ..Troutbeck
Communion service........Clemson have rented Mrs. Galt Glarke's house
Anthem—"As it Began to Dawn.... Stults on the terrace for the summer.
Olrartory—•serenade ...... ... Afoskowskl
Postiude—'•March from Aida" .............. Mrs. P. M. Sinclair, who has spent -
Evening service the winter with her daughter.' Mrs.
Prelude—'•Andantino".. ...... .. Lemare
Alagnincat.,_... .. . ' -• Walter Iraftel, lett this week on her
.. Maunder'
Nnnc Dtmlitts".... ,,. Maunder return to her home in Perth. Mrs,
Anthem—"Alleluia, Christ 1S'••Rtsen" Orell Naftel accompanied her to Toronto.
Solo Resurrection"..._.. Shelley
Miss w86son •., Mr_ H. Earl Elliott, teacher at Upper
Offertory—"intermezzo', • from Cavaleria Canada College, arrived in town on
Rttattcana"....,,,,,: / „-,• • M8scagnl
PosttMonday for tw•o . weeks' vacation. He
ude—` nhd the (hory or the Lord" 4
...... .... .. ......,.e: ........Handel reports that Mr. Bert McCt'eath has
The Easter services in .North St sold his house in Toronto and has
Methodist church next Sunday will be bought a lot in Sarnia, on which he
asfollows: Morning classes, Men's intends to build-
Club and Mission Baird at 10. The Miss Mabel Strang returned•on Tries-
Club topic ••Should the church con- +day evening from an extended visit in
cern itself; with business and social New York City and various points in r.
topics?" will be introduced by Mr. W. N. Y. State, and Mrs. Strang returns
H. Robertson. The pastor's morning Good Friday from her visit to her '
theme will be, "Easter." In the even- daughter, Mrs. Hewson,' in New Us-
ing, "After Easter." This is also De- keard, being joined in Toronto by hep
cision Day in the Sunday school ani,/ daughters, Miss Strang and Miss Grace+
the last offering for the current Strang, who will spend the Easter va-
church year for missions will. to cation at the, old home in Goderich Chevro'let
en. The anthems, "Jerusalem." byy Miss Margaret Strang came up from
Parker and "Hosanna,/' by Grainer Toronto to spend the holiday,
will he sung by the full choir, Miss The Star is pleased to announce that
Colborne taking the solos. At the the sale of the Proudfoot home on DAVI
close of the evening service Mr, D_ H. Waterloo Street to Mr. Wesley Walker TS
Wester will give an organ recital. does not mean that Senator and hits.Ta Ma i Easter music nt Knot church: Proudfoot purpose leaving Goderich.
Morning We are informed that it is their in
Organ Prelude, Variations lden on .Jerusalem will have all the new models in Chevrolet Cars—the moist.
the Ootden"..........Sparks tention to remain citizens of the town o
Anthem -11 am lie that Liveth",,..Simper and that they %&-ill secure or build a ately-priced car that is completely equipped—in stock next
Miss sc—,,fln yrand choir Ip oma suitable to their present re- week. Be sure to see them at his Garage, South street.
Degan Otrss Se
im n yr anile" Th. Dubois
Contralto solo—'•o Rest in the Lord (Eiji quirements. We understand it is
jab ...... ........ ..Mendetasohn their intention to occupy their cottage
Miss Hazer Belcher at Jtenesetung Park this summer. ALL REPAIRS ALWAYS ON HAND
Organ Postludet--Eastcr March..... Merkel
Drgau Prelude—Aenure to Parsifai...... If you would make
your -money last
3opre�i ..Solo .... Wagner YOU must earn it first.
Liveth &h).. that lily Redeemer qtr, cu A complete Service Station for all makes of Cars, tilSO
(Messtahl„,„• ,•,,,,.Handel A man is never rge whether
Degan Offertory BeM mya . a woman is sorry or glad when she AGENCY for ALL GENUINE FORD PAR'I`S
)nthem—"As It Begatt -Bartlett tiles.
Mr. J. A. Scott ands hae•,•Martin As the inventor of ,strenuous games
Sermon. (it's queer the Romans overlooked >
Soprano solo—"The Holy City ".... •Adams football.
Miss Gladys Bedford ff
16th organ Recital after the evenln$r ser -1 Some people would have to work _ O
1. Vorspiel—Lohe grin Richard Wagner overtime if they practised half of what
�. selection from rtl Trovatoro.........,., they preached. ,
Old Home W eek
Any and all Goderich Old Boys and Girls—no matter in See our further announcement next week M
what part of the Globe you now reside—anti who desire mem-
beraMp in what is to be known as "The Griater Goderich Old
Nome Week Association, of June
e a mth, 1920, and who are DAVIS
wilting to co -sponte with ns in promoting and making this re-
union a success, are asked to write or wire the undersigned atTM.
bis address as given below, as soon as possible.
Let's got Let's geter and have a live time for Garage,, ,South Streetf Next Hotel Bedford
three or tour days this sunnyunny June to the oldld oma town—
Huron's Golden Gate. Act novo.
President pro tem G.G.O.H",w.A.
Editorial Rooms, The Evening Journal, Flint, ;Michigan, U.S.A.
Highest Prices Paid for
Rid iron, Rags, Metal and Waste
'Phloha--GiodeOw Pvtoornnptly Attended
Bax 420 'Phone 270
Highest Prices Paid in Cash
leer `crap 66a as Oil Machinery
Notify us at once if you 'wish to take advantage
of this or, '
The People's Valet
Now that Spring is here Smarten -up. Have
your wardrobe overhauled.
Clean, Pressing, Repalna9
and Remodelling
Dane by an LExperienced Tailor
Agent for Special Order Clothing
The House of Hobberlin
Tip -Top Tailors
W. C. Snaael
Me1.aa1,'s rabic,
'bract liridalt Bttcllalde practical Tailor a
The People's Valet
Now that Spring is here Smarten -up. Have
your wardrobe overhauled.
Clean, Pressing, Repalna9
and Remodelling
Dane by an LExperienced Tailor
Agent for Special Order Clothing
The House of Hobberlin
Tip -Top Tailors
W. C. Snaael
Me1.aa1,'s rabic,
'bract liridalt Bttcllalde practical Tailor a