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The Goderich Star, 1920-04-01, Page 2
, Is r h %tar, ASDA1f, AiiPi.t. !, !3`i0. i Sl'[NDRIiF'f , $peltwtion for Godertefi Toublie opinion Is $r fleeted In the votdons of eltizfnA whether they Imp - to be to alike or not. WhercveP polio opinion Is strong enough to Blood on. you may be sure to find eiltivris beneath it who are not only oo,"otmetive,, but progressive. They have minds of an Inquiring quality. viliA they use this quality to siftmat- ttom into their several phases, so that Cloy Can Judge of their value from all ehndpoints. 1t is not merely Win ZJasity which makes them turn over dit sus$ subjects which ha%e to do with the town and county that they 'five In, but that they may have it pro- perly arrived at and detlntte opluh.n on the subjects. Having taken the Uteuble to form an opinion they pro- ceed to make use of It by inlro.iucing It whenever opportunity Is fa%oriblc, •i'hus they discover others Mlo ha%.e arrived at like conclusions, as they >bave themselves, and In time, by per- aiatent effort, they have mjecla•d 111`4' Into the subject, and It is up to ev,ry man who Is it real live PM -1) to ebooso for or hgainst them When a ttnajorlty of the people runecrned think alike on a subject, the combined thought may be said, to repr,s" lit public opinion on that sulilrrl if this majority Is aggr+ssl%,•, the pub- lic bpiniou created is strong, and pro- vides tho moral backing tin neressary to the leaders of progi'es-4ox move- ments In tiny line. (liven a strong public opinion, pruirree+s is not only possible, but Ine%Itable. VOwn Iiude- rieh concentrates on fifty subject lung enough to consolidate thought Into public opinion, something happens y Just now many people are thinking how necessary it Is to have tho intake pipe for the drinking %later eNlended so that the Inwn will be servrd %%Ith purer water than that which 1, al pre gent pumped from the harbor In,, - the breakwater. 13y awl bye lhcrr will be a strung current of opinion 0n tihc subject, and after that things won't move quickly enough to slut the ,numbers of prnpie who %%nut to see the job done. It takes it good deal to move the people, but when they are Moved It is best to do what tho public wants, and do it quickly. fluter %val- er of course moons purillc,tLunn pt 0 'sewage before its discharge into the lake. We noticed in this column it week or so ago that the pr,•liniivary work In this connec-tion is to be start- ed this spring, and now %%e notice thab the Water and Light Commisslonhas ,aslfed the mayor to make inquiries re, garding life coal of extending the in- take pipe to the outside of the break- water. These arc the subjocts, and tines that the people of Ouderich oafl think over and talk about every day. There will ah%uys he son)(, people \010 think It can't he clone, but in this cats■ no intellligenl man or woman would adroit that it ought net to he done. People of Goderich who really want progress can take these live subjeots of the sewage, Ubatmenl, and pure water,, and make out of them it LIFE Lf_ -SV I. There are so many things to be said in favor of them. Aside from The Sanitation standpoint, there are so many advantages. As a summer re- sort the beach could be developed. 10ven the construction work involved would mean a circulation of money In Ooderich, through wages. There would be no drawback to any asser- tion which could be made as to the Claims of Goderich as a proper place to locate various kinds of town boost- ing interests. The very fact that the people of Goderich had roused them- selves to do this work themselves, in. stead of hoping to get some big in- dugtries -to come in and do it for them, would be worth a million dollam in Itself. Goderich will find in working out these two problems the sure path to progress, and a certain road to site - tows. . Lost Arts Down at the harbor they are getting the boats ready for their season`s work. it is a different sort of getting ready to day to the kind of getting ready that was in vogue thirty short Years ago. There are no sails to make, iso bowsprits and masts and yard arms to ,adjust the tackle on, and it there were how many men aro there today who would know how to do it. It suddenly the source of our coal and sU should dry up, and it was impos- alble to provide the necessary heat for generating steam on thesti' boats we should be in a bail fix. Not that the woflsters of the present day merchant marine could be equipped with salts, but smaller ships could be built. alas not of wood, for we have been reek. Am of out forests, and have allowed Mies to ravage them, and we have us- ed our timber like a drunken sailor repent his money in the old wet days. 40d with shame we must confess we Lave no more. Even It we had, where are the men who could lay out a Wooden vestal, and construct It with t'be confidence of the old ship-wrights d1 years ago? They are getting fav% sad those who are left are not phy+,tt- 091y fit today to stand the work 'itife turn from the harbor, and walk 'UP the hill wondering that man is so Improvident. so reckless of tomorrow `When we have come W the end of our tt�wutces In coal kind pvood, then 8 But w'e were thinking of the lost arts of ship building and saJlintz, os applied to wind-dri\rn vvooden %e,. eels, and then Ave began to think ofi An Illustrated Booklet Containing INTE.RESTiNG FACTS Concerning the i Go.W and Silver hoductian Of Wf- -JLIL - Ontario': 'lr"iFr lata r striitW ' y6ow vo !� ,e,aa%l4'Yt• Yt OPFFM 'ar•t'.' IAJLk ,It . �wpI�IN1►, % N caw TItUF$DA'y, 'MPIL 1, IM Wear Martin Tailored -_ T Thegn ppy, but within bounds of good taste„ clothes It tools but sixty clays for Martin Tailored =::---- to win 100 per centpfanor.' Martin, the Tailor 'Phone 318 r y 1 polling the to move on. officer? I've that six meetings be held in the year, AA qQDVo=0 1H ,- hours for my wife."—Puck. TRY TO EVADE TREATY SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, MICKiE SAYS, WOMAN ditioned for each meeting. Com. Tre- PW FROML'AMRU". %%artha refused to accept any addition- GASES OR INDIGESTION GASES .— CAN iSE S'1lr"NG AND WELL "'""°"" 1. Hidden Guns Are Discovered insiw plapspsin" neutralizes etc ie id to f ' w1w WITH WEAK KIDNEYS- of Danderine. s6mach, rsltevlos sia, dyipapheartbua'n and 440a A %W^ third, May 26th; d of Court of Re- � Germany. vision, also first Modti_Y 1m Aug., Oct. S01141,14"S01141,14"�R'' W. ----- _ distress at once. t#t "4 4, .lt>� tiikLAIII y t 1 Wottxn try to beat' the deity btudrn+ Allied Agmts $ept14't an Attempt by Time dtl In five minutes all stops- ..^ -4tke1blutO Cta1.'1:4 of the bouts_ llokl, but the oontim;} l Tvnttolts to 8nexk 1i'mrrices Made aeh dietrese, due to acidity,; will go. neve �, pip INN, sloepis g. never ending strain by Thess.—The Ebert Government No in{ilgestion, hcartbut'a, sourness or i V Ac►N nK , sootier or later, way end w lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever—ishness belching of gas or _ "tattoos of undi- .14 se" VC M4, 0*p on the salol form;k Wdneq tfogbk. 8hotdd Have Only 9(Ft Gannon ested food, eo dizziness, bloatin foul 6 g, •M' QOOR� TKttWIG When flits back allies or brcomcs and No Airplanes, But Has 0,000. breath or headtu:be. Pa a ttf Dia in is noted for its 'Rom • •. Ytif s�1tRl►ttMrwul�: weak it is a warning that the ktdnc on he PARIS, March 29. -- Three thou- p � egged in reolAting upset stomachs. "" •• are affceted in carne ways and first any weakness Dooms ey hundred sand five hundred 3 -inch field gutta t inter It la the surest, quit st stomach street- • sign of Pilo be taken, so as to strengthen have been y the-allied by filo In Berlin ever in the whole world, and besides it should the kidneys and prevent sauna future commission tits of , alone, and altogether vicinity o of thein is harmless. Put an end to stomach at once getting n large Aa y .rr► `�tw trouble. Mrs. Joseph Jarvis 152 Niagara St. guns have thus far been discovered throughout Germany, as well as cestres e' `int caw Z'izit s Diarensin from qtly �„� lu et Ar'�„ i was so trouble g 000 Intact. drug stere Cf You realize to flue minutes . �jt>C�fA� r Idaatilton IiAteo.—" with my idneys I Could hardly sleep. I airplanes According to the terms of the how necdlces it is to suffer from indl. g dyspepsia or any dig "1� �futJM ,, could not do my work, and was a burden Doan's Kidne Pills I y Treaty of Versailles, the German -der , tion d order caused by fermentation duo to .•Q to myself. used they sure helped mor and 1 Would army should now hove only 204 3_inch excwssive acids in -stomach.,dgpr MhiWr+^' and sot be without them to the house. I better now than I have for guns and no airplanes what- soever. Infer— can sleep These discoveries and other MILLING Yearn." Kidney Pins are up in an mation in possession of the French ,,�•� Doan's put Maple authorities have caused consider- INDUSTRY oblong Grey box; our trade mark a dealers, or mailed able skepticism here as to the reason ' Tice Canmdien milling Industry bas, Q Qp lead"; prim 5oc. at all direst on receipt ofprice by no T. Ont. given for the request of the Berlin Government that it be permitted to blue 1914, ma4p progressive strides flour between that year -II Milburn Co., Limit d. Toronto, send troops Intdr the neutral and oc- and exports and 1919 increased nearly five times cupied zones. Today this business has an annual i .i,, ,-_,..•--• lost The fact that the request came be- capacity of slightly more than 35, ,,.-� .•„-r other useful arts fliat were or fore the Germans had executed any 000,000 barrels nearly so. tier grandmuthrr used It) material clause of the treaty, al- Are being continually added. In 1890 know hyv% h. spm. mid our great though the time limit has expired Canada exported 115,099 barrels of prandfal,mr•: %%rr, dre.,,ed in home on some three -score of its provisions, flour valued at $521,383. By 1910 spun H.,%% food it would he to see is declared in French official circles this had increased to 3,064,128 bar - the girl, 'puutng and we:u'utg Max, as laying the Germans open to sus- rels valued at about $15,000,000. In and %%outs as they u,rd to do ni .lays picion of making another move in the fiscal aper of 1t 9,196,806 bar- wh a yuiltnig bees and picow, afford- efforts to avoid carrying out the a cels were milled as a value of $99.- G H Tal avenin ed therm lite greatest nnautnable '!'hose engagements they. entered Into at 83Grea The pus{{pmen social avenin; of the $paned pleasure• us social-%,-nts. Versailles. Great Britain has been by far, Country vvth be �' ,d- wver,� Uo, da), \%hen hlu•ksnuths knew Particular significance is attached best customer for flour, her %enin , Aprilubl nesday evening, April 7th. at 'the how to nrr•gr their .,\%t braotLs of by the French to the discovery of importCanada's from the Dominion of this home of John Salkeld, commencing at horse shoe. out ,,f if,,. iron h,, r, and hP guns, in view of ehe fact that commimports for the las! year, g p, admission 25 cents. The a- neyt could sfiht their reds. bl„ck, in- fate Germans• in a communication to being egty, c being egtiol to about 6o per cent. of per n," tie play, "saving for the` heathen." lay to shinKµ. , f,�r the roofs t.r their -the allied commission, to which the total, or- $56,000,000 out of nearly will be given and a good evening's en- buildim s. %f,.n could do !lungs in their excess of war material should 1,100,000,000. ' provided. A cordial do - trrtaion those days nut nirrely suuu,; mon, but have been delivered by. March 10, r countries the last %dation is rxtClub to members of is ,ill tun could ,lo sotnellung %%ith their said that it made no difference ar wExp re rear were as'fol Britain e s fire 1,'armer,' Club and Guud Cheer h,ui'le. could reale trout r.m matcrial whether this material be delivered '$56.270,225; United States 499,794' '(•yuh and their friends. sono•thun,a necessary fur use in till hr:: of the lo -ower. T, dap a large pro- or dost•oyed, and that they pre- ferred to destroy it. British South Africa 417,309; New - foundland 434,147,527; British West Goderich Township Municipal Tele- purlt-en ut our lab„ring Ila,., rcluirer Thus far, however, it was stated Indies $6,329,627' Other countries phone System: The comnd,,ioners of the Goderich Township Municipal sp, ria! marl ui,ry to achie%e anything by a high official here Sunday, no evi- $34,147,750. 'I'clephone System held their first at .411. and apart front their s(+,ct job dence had been obtained by the The Trade returns for the presnA meeting in the township clerk's ufllce 111,-y as-•, , r little u1” It is little that commission of any destruction of fiscal year show that, as yet, the Saturday, Starch 27th, 1920, to elect all milt %%ere obliged to Irurn to pro- material by • file Germans. Lists Exports of flour are holding their I and transact other important duce ,unu•lhing by thenlsehrs, it n�,t be amiss to demand that have been fdrnished, it was said, but it has been impossible to verify own, though the European countries engaged in grain growing ['Ricers [business. The election of oflicer was might V% Cry Ncar ,�%ec.y able -begird luau. them up to this time, as Premier Millerand declared fn the are again and mlll[n,g. In the last available. ' first proceeded with, which resulted as follows: President, Oswald Ginn; %%hose r%er}-day weilpation products Saturday period of five months 4,928,164 bar-+' Trewartha nottiung .-f %slue fr•,utt rev% n[aterial Chamber of Deputies. rels of flour wore exported, as com- cununisioners, N. W. and should produce suns,thing spm, fin- The Allies have not yet given the pared with 4,461,313 in the same .las. H. Sterling; sec.-treas., AGam Can- ished, useful artlele and contribut, it Germans permission to send troops perlod in 1918. Of these 3.912,405 talon. The salaries to. be paid a, fol - to Ute stat,. 'there is it certain re- into the Ruhr district. The French barrels went to the United Kingdom• .-----=--- ----- wi,in,nt of character that is ovul,ot coritinue to insist that military occu- 38,423 to British Guiana; 146,596 to, " slnrulta,•ofs e asof the luuxis by Ute n pation of the neutral zone by Ger- the British West Indies, 297,845 to ASTHMA and brain of man in production of mans would further endanger execu- France: 100,18 to Greece: 55,735 to useful Utlng.,, and it is it quality that y y tion of the Peace Treaty, declaring Italy; .3,109 to Newfoundland-, and If you have Asthma, don't the world of the pr.yent day Is lu,ifrg, there would be no way of getting 22G,084 barrels to other countries.' imagine that you must at- Vussihly it %could be v%rll to them out again except by force. Crrat Britain took a little more than wa)a Buffer untold miseryy. Isgua,of rover file lust arts. It Is pointed out regarding pos- 1.00(),000 more barrels than she did antesuick, In eveandn Is guaranteed in even the tiie DERM(M sible guarantees that the Germans dnrinz the same period in 1918. and worst eases by uoing ' have proposed nothing explicit, be- 1.,Oo.060 m(ue than in 1917. Other, yond vague supervision by the Allies' .1 par'_mcntz of the milling industry TEMPLETON'S Planting Field Beans, commission, which is regarded in loer,: largo also. as the following Of the various kinds of field beans French circles its totally inadequate. figure: +,00w: oatmeal $4,032.567; RAZ -MAH the greatest demand is for the Com- The proposed Allied occupation of cereal, S4,247,249: bran, etc., $1,592,-o room White, of which there are sev- eral named varieties such as Early Frankfort and Darmstaft also Is re- garded by the French as ineffective. 212. Whilst on accnunt of the change CAPSULES Wonder, Scholfield, Elliott, etc. it In addition to her failure to take of conditionq in Europe, the export, We are so certain of re- ts IMportant to secure an early strain, any steps to reduce the German itrado may fall off considerably, they salts we will send you a t to lest the germination, and to plant armed force to 200,000 men, al- Cr.n .dies rnillint; industry by rpasm% J!"e aample of these cap - rules, confident that you early to the month of June. though the time limit expires in 13 of the activity produced during the win nud them all we- have, Field beans are grown successfully days, as pointed out by M. Millerand, rvnr. is in a very strong position. and, • claimed. Write to Tem - nletons, 149 ging 8t. W.. on a great variety of stills. They do Germany has done little or nothing. iabould be able to hold Its own in the! Toronto. Galt particularly well on fertile land the French declare, toward execution 36 period of competition which fstm� idaii"edly ahead. Bold by reliable druggi�ta whleh may be classed as loam, sandy of about clauses of the treaty on eveeTwhere for ii. oa .boat. LLa loatu, gravelly loam, or gravelly which the limit has already expired. • If court, from a family— Samples may be had al Dunlop's llrug elaj. All soils for bean production The only provision, as far as you (good don't travel tun far. Store should be well underdrained either France is concerned, that has been naturally or artificially. With proper duly executed, is that providing for drainage even clay soils have produc- the delivery of seeds for the spring ed beans satisfactorily In regard to planting in the devastated regions. both yield and quality. Beans do It is admitted, however, that some - particularly well after clover or grass thing has been done regarding some sod and are frequently followed by of the general provisions. winter wheat in some localities and by spring grates in other sections. It POLES WANT PEACE. is of great importance to have the lan(1 thoroughly cultivated and a seed bed which 1s both moist and May End Warfare Against the mellow. Bolsltevikl. In those sections where field beans are grown extensively, bean planters WARSAW, March 39.—Poland has ' are sometimes employed. On filo sent a wireless the Russian Bol - ensma- jorlty of farms, however, the beans sbevik Government proposing April, aro planted with an ordinary grain 10 as the date for meeting Soviet drill Int using every fourth tube, delegates with a view to negotiat- Three pecks per acre of the pea beattls Ing for peace. are usually planted on average soil\ The note makes no mention of It the sell is particularly rich, how. peace terms, dealing solely with the ever, the giuuatlty might be reduced ace and the date of the proposed ullghtly. When the tops of the grow- oeO'g• ing crop are dry the tuns should be The place suggested for the cultivated oecaefo»aliy throughout ►ease diaetrasion' is the town of Bory- the season to destroy the.weeds and soy (60 miles northeast of Minsk). to fo^m a Ane surface mulch.—Dr. The note nays that In the event the ^ • rotleeP, n,.Ai. w Bolshevik commissaries agrge to the meeting, to be held April 10 or later, the Poled will be ordered to cease military aperations near the bridge In the region of Boryeov 41 hours before the arrival of the Russian representatives. Arrangements will be made, It is added, for Polish oM- cers to await the Russian delegates on the spot where the Polish trenches croon the railroad tracks on the line between Minsk add Smolensk. The note asks for the names of the men who will represent the So- viet Government at the conference, The Polish line is holding all along the front in Podolia where the Bol- sheirtki have been centering the attacks of their big offensive In an effort to take the important fortified City of .Kamensta-Podolsk, according to a Polish headquarter com- I munique. The enemy has been using 'Y gas shells, artillery, armored trains, armored river boats, airplanes and cavalry in his attacks on various parts of the front, but he has made no headway either in Podolia or else• where, accoritift to the statement, al- though the fighting has been furious. On the northern front the Boi- shoviki attacked between the rivers of Dvina and Berestna. The Poles ; counters' --attacked and drove off the i enemy. Saves Anthea'; Lotces Own Lite. SOMERSET. Man., Harsh 49.— Jacques Gailot of Notre Dame des Lourdes, is dead an a result of his heroic and suC0oWul attempt to save the life of A. Gauer, who was over - ,come by fumes of dynamite In the bottom of a well. Goner. through the asadstatdoe { tretsdared by Oaliot. wails treeueC while the latter died tram tlatfoatiou before he could be reached. if Miller's¢ 1,'llerm Powders needed the support of lAgUnlonfale they oould Ibe got by the; thogeanda from mothers iwho know the stmt virtue of thio ex- cellent fhNirdne. But the powders will sneak 'dor themseNtas and in such a way that titers Caw bt no question of thft. 'mei alit tsfeetiily sash t'hor- - soghly, Oil the 6bild to Whore the., are ilidtYtlalsiemil atilt shout, imptaye- ment ftm the first doge. It'd tate rhiddte ami the filly 6f Eng- y Ush hayinaktttl %fres fixed by parlta-I trent at o" penny a defy. ! The t 46401"44�. am Ras- 4 1*may.Inhal CIO*, N caw TItUF$DA'y, 'MPIL 1, IM Wear Martin Tailored -_ T Thegn ppy, but within bounds of good taste„ clothes It tools but sixty clays for Martin Tailored =::---- to win 100 per centpfanor.' Martin, the Tailor 'Phone 318 lows; Pres., 825. commissioners, W r y 1 polling the to move on. officer? I've that six meetings be held in the year, been vatting on this corner three lows; Pres., 825. commissioners, W Mr. Peck—"Would you Tnind com- each: sec• -trees, V0. It was agreed polling the to move on. officer? I've that six meetings be held in the year, been vatting on this corner three that is one meeting every second hours for my wife."—Puck. month, and that President Ginn and Commissioner Sterling receive 4`2 ad- THICS, GLOSSY HAM ditioned for each meeting. Com. Tre- PW FROML'AMRU". %%artha refused to accept any addition- al pay, owin% to the fact that commis - sinners meet same day as municipal I Girlsl Try Itl Hair gets soft, fluffy slid council. The different meetings of beautiful --Get a small bottle commissioners were arranged as fol- of Danderine. lows: Second meeting , April 5th; third, May 26th; d of Court of Re- � If you care for heavy hair that gids vision, also first Modti_Y 1m Aug., Oct. tens with beauty and is radiant with and Dec. The matter of engaging it life; has an incomparable softness and linernan was fully discussed and final- is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. ly arranged that the, secy.-treas. ad- Just one application doubles the for same Ithe next issue of hfour local papers. Guard adjourn -n- the four beauty of your hair, beside© it imme- ed to 'tueet Monday, April 5th, Holmes' diately dissolves every particle of Hall, lfvlfnesville, at 2 o'clock p. lit. dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, 1f1A�1 CANTELtN, 5:cy.-Trois. healthy hair if you have dandruff . TLi- destructive scurf robs the hair of ita ADVERTISE IN THE STAR lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever—ishness �•� and itching of the ecalip; the V I air roots famish, loosen and die; then FOR FLETCHER'S i ti,e hair falls out fast. 'Surely get a C A S T Q R I A pall bottle of Knowlton's Danderim m any drug store and, just try it. Orange:, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. At all prices Another shipment of Minto Tea I lb. packages contain a Silver Spoon 2 1b. " . if ti Fork Get your SEEDS for Spring Gardening here. Steel Briggs, Rennie's and Ferry's jo- H. LEACH Phone 180 Cor. Montreal. 8t. and Square JIIIINI1111111iIIilNliilfl111111111111111111111111111111NINt1111111111111N111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIL FANNING MILL SIEVES AND SCREENS MANUFACTURED TO ORDER =_ For any make of Mill for cleaning any kind of grain or seed ._ With suitable Sieving and Screening properly arranged s in nearly any ordinary Fanning Mill, seeds and grains of any s kind can be as thoroughly cleaned as is possible to clean them. s When ordering Sieves or Screens be very careful to give exact size needed and what they are required to do. Sieving and Screening sold by square ft. if desired. s Old fanning mill frames re -wired. Complete Sieves and Screens made to order. Mail Orders carefully attended to _ The Goderich Mercantile Co., Limited GODERICH, ONT. Owing to location and facilities for manufacturing, I have _ transferred my Fanning 1llill Supply Business to the above Company. --J. W. ARMSTRONG. �1111111111111111iIIIIIIii11111111111gIIIIiIIIIIAillllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111 0CY0====O=O=====O=O====O=0====0@ YOU CAN ALWAYS GET p C Choiosce ami roceri■ p AT THIS STORE • Campbell's and Heinz Soups All brands of Canned Goods Extra Choice Bulk Tea Black and Japan, 65c Fresh Fruits always lin stock GIVE, US YOUR NEXT ORDER JOHN SPARR 'dile ie 146 Hamilton Street41 . 1 mice f