HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-03-25, Page 76
" T 4101 ;STA. 1k ..
i 016 1 0 .
9t - 1114_ 11,151
of Vortery't# 1rLl tttl t'R11ie11i/Z�', �t4•$ ayrll
��� r,eSt, ireixuat� � G�rar4an h#n been Mr ' •
�r -' is he
et1ApQ)i!ttK1I by t bo:?rd of Qt1Xerlt^.>t till
,. t'rofeir�ior of r4th0
a.a : t olplpttattan road futi c-ators. rt
.� t14Or Arat coa entlota since ti4p 11ica'pr• stint ,*
t$04 of the C010444tion Depa' meat �•
in:'lttt were r ion. : Te u gad by I ile'nla4 . .
Bowman, to make cuery dollar of G.Oa, �
a >,
31MW 11W I# 11%1#06d. ernatent rose 14ra14ts yield Yea j?tfitW
t „•-- ° ceaik. acct;ill;
Umezceilt!d d#ni1n,S 4tr - 4 orgc Vh'lii;ei. >a d PL(4 :'wife worts, ,
ret't'iot, fl�tel?tl touGlrthtt etirL to yo4 R apttt
�. eRrr tc Sit Tik road# A.q 'as:,charge q4; >r
Qf 1G:vmllt IIg Y041iriVtl.:d6W to: i, fie,
SleekimS care on nista! 'rains aril', V>� � frtiud:•
of ix, m dao
Or ct�l's oiaP.rinA#s+i� t�r�s. � fir• aA D1ldatlresri ��lt1>'ofesr*gl+� eu,3*s '1it�'
...=.: '.x The iaaager the cough secks, tiler wort itrl�# aro• cart,tcA, $9p hundt•edq qt''
F4 information from 4Z Omud miles' .in air currents. � ,,�i• ;
y IFe1•ious taictuttxi it becomes to your bs+tltla. ,
'Wpf« i
Tatink Ticket Agent ore , Il imp tgr It is a ver sae r IlSitt ee far, killed hl rile eIt S t
trio Pasacnrger Antler, Tofonto. y Y matter to get reit' ;Dlosibn of a compressed -Ali tank at.;
the cold at the outset by using 1, MclntyrgY ,lriarble, Works,• Wlnut*
1p. $Ot06Y lE�DMli
T "ryq Passenger, an# Ikket Afcats I
'LANC>I � 94IY8 iiM40il61MillP('i{liAAl1
fit. WOOd�i ThO.. Caned#a,i} Trade Catuu,�i«sial)`
'phone 8 urltea hQuise-wives to betizl .11tytug in
R ups IRtf $ g 4 A suliply of sugar for the •touting.;yru
- - p e aetls.Rit,. �:,MI'
In:na trn
agrly'crprys tytlie it *3 alley #1 e' •fpnby neighbors dead rind bttrued
1 r .
WIintoo •rrt11om, •' ' . Inum-matipni Aootht , the irritation, head bQsidtt itis atQ'VV, 1414 wit'e'wtle >auric. AW
Ii`rom January 5th open in each of the diseased mucous lining of the liters last Friday-•
iit�l4w's fiohuolsf T4rqukq.. lBu#drnt�s, and brpmch al tuber, enol thus rid tote Prettident Wtl,tson In leaving thq: r
+ \V Whig I4qusr„ far auto rides bus
$}4prthand. 0109riL y" lilt, rs• trystem Of *11 the bad effects of the
Write for booklet. lowed himself to be filmed by moving
I$efi)• lingerie€ cough or cold �Y
W. 11. S9AW, Ywfe and Gerrard Dictum photographers. TI^Tls Bing• aged 21, acting post -
Dr. Wood's Norway Pipe Syrup hat: A meeting of diethodist church o111- master, lost his lite in a fire which �w
cials decided to press for a referee• destroyed a block In Oxford, N.S. nn��'
been universally treed for the past dum regardingthe importation of lit.
• 30 years, and so great has been its Two hundred British and Amerl'
- per.ou-mitilonlnat�uor into Lite rovinee. can business teen were titken from
._ tar'o's east Business many
imitations been placed �t Foadsts and Lands,
s, toldb oloni ation has . Cath' to es. Board
he vac Education
n \ •
OR Deputy Minister of to r
�1 y. a ful of public criticism, ban imposed since the Christmas
•UO11Ogtl Don't accept any of these, so-called The Bolshevik Government in Rus- holidays. -�
Pine Syrups. Get the original "Dr. sla has ordered its agent to furnish King George attended the rugby
Wood' .11 500 tons of print paper to the Lou- game Saturday In which England FORT SOAP CD •r0Q0 ""� i
y Put u in a don Daily Herald, the Socialist organ, beat Scotland 1.3 to 4. The attendance
P yellow �apPai 3 P Floods, following the rapid thaw. was 40,000.
d trees the trade mark; price Vo5o. and 50c, ♦lrowned, dut'ing the night, 29 young Ven. Archdeacon G. C. Macken" -'e,
STRATFORL?„ ANT. Manufactured only by Ther. Milburn pigs in the stables of Wnt_ Robert- D.C.L., for thirty-five yeat:s rector of
son. Con. 4, Huron Township, and Grace Church, Brantford, died in To -IU ^ AllIrocemWe Rive thorough courses. We give _ Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. two calves,ronto on Saturday.
instruction. We have a3 Tho Spanish newspapers are de- The body of Harry Tisdale, Lhe
summer vacation- ComStudmence
may —� mantlirt Goner"rinser credits to un- 18- ear -old Charlotteville lad missin
Y b �
doter at any 'time. Commence year e„nth Leman cities beldeved to be since the loth Inst, was found in
coerce now. We place graduates in NEWS TOPICS OF
t �- G L.trLcd to the Province of Leon. sweat Yoanr':: Creek, near Simcoe.
positions. •
Write for nur4vee catalogues. gctrutit les of wealth .cud art treasures There was a round -up of promi-
s.ra rcripuse.f to be In theur., nevi Sian Feiners throughout Kerry
D. A. McLACHLA11 Important Events Which Hays I Arthro• S. Porter, ananager of the on '.yaturday'. A dumber of thein were
Principal. Canadian General k-'lecu•ic Co. at put abo,r6. n dc::troyer fur deporta-
OccurrEd Dur ins rile Week. ti RNE
�O�Hamilton, who ua•� the ehter cause eon. of having the rovers into u -t alleged the I:ound ale a are maintaining Electric
�• The Busy World's I4appeningr Care- f'�nibine of grocers institt•ted, has .a strict gusted along the Ilc•ssarabian SALTS
felly Compiled
and Pat lrur bier asked by dire company for his rronticr and aro ret;osuig Patuore WuNmiiQU� IIIYsTSehooi of Comr�eree N°lady nod Attrauticc tihape for ra5ignation. acrorZs the border • toaqs' moreI•'RtDAV. retugeeS.the Headers of t)ur Paper - !}� Rlv. F. H. Wallace, M.A., D.D.,
d Solid Hour's I trjoyrnenl soleus in a ri r)I proOf (, rltg n3'' l! i ring
Clinton and Goderiehr tint. repnbtivs in alai prints of Cerntarr`s,, Dean of '1•heolo>,ry at. Victoria l;nlver-
Tt FcDAY, ;'he Dutch lC:overnml3ut was c>±.Psi- sky, has; resigned after nearly thirty- Flugh the Mdueysatonoewhim Back
Offers the following courses : three years' connection tt ith that in -
Frank Tcatro dropped dead at cited for its 'leniency towards the hurts or Bladder bothers—beat
8■tiaras gtenograpkic, Secretarial, Civil baiter• slitulion.
Lindsay shortly a;;4 -,r t-ating a l:carr} forma uric acid.
Service Mrs. M. D. Lawrie, of Guelph,•ilied �Vhlle not questioning the e.incerity
supper:of Sir Oliver Lodge in els beliefs, Springy will be bete s�lortly and
and arranges Special Courses for Adaim Hall, a r✓el;-known mt_nu_ t:•hile on a visit to her son Ja1t'rr in ]rev. T. H. •-�
lianfilton. Davies, of Toronto, warned
students age o er of Pece veno, died at the No man or woman who alis fillet llOSV 1S the tlirle to et 011r 110U3e
ThefoLlowin advent Stratford juniors have wen the those robe have suffered bereavement �' h y
g ages : age of y4. during the tear against aver -eager- Iarly can make a mistake by flushing
Farmer and Labor members of the chs League
of the Northern Hockey the kidneys occasionally, says a well- wired, before the rush is Oil.
Hiskly qualified teach'ut .tall League for the fourth r;ou.ircutivo -cess to probe the secrets of life be-
Aastal6wiaeessystem if; bookkeeping Legislature discussed in caucus the gond the gr•aive. known authority. Meat forms trio acid
new Flieetions Act. Year. . whioh clogs the kidtrey pores so they
Credential guaranteed Joseph
Joseph W. Jardine, County Clerk Two im-n were injured when a ran • rf sluggishly filter or strain Only WC specialize in Wirlll of all
Positions Sttarasteed on the Alimico division of rise To- 10 CENT MCARETS Lha w.ate and part of P g
of Wentworth tfor thirty-two years, potaotu from the blood,
VOCATIONAL TRAINIl36 SCHOOL died at Hamilton. Tonto A.lYork Radial Rallv✓ay.jumped QT RAND BOWELS theII u g�dt sick Nearly all rhetmra- liinclS.
for 461a district, by Government Eugene liaosseu knocked out the trL. tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous- I
�tpptyintmont, and under Young Fisher -of Albany in the fifth E. L. Grauel, of Roeb er, N.Y., nae,aonetipatioa.dizt3neae,aleepleemese, •
oabiintma t, anCivil ne-establish- round .at Montt`eal. at the Vhysics Building, 'ioponto, de- bladderdisorders puma from d kid-
VmentDepartment. The Union 'Church at Niagara monstrzted the wondersof•the auto- Cure Sieh Ikesdache, Conatipailon, treys• r><vate Telephones
t`:Forierms, eta., write Fails, a community organization, was D4atic >felephone. 8111.9ustte•S, Sour Stomach, Bad The momma you feel a dull acbe in the
foi•tagRy opened Sunday. Joitai A. McLean, blacdcsmith, 36 B+vath-Candy Cathartic. lddneye or your back porta, or if the Motors
It. V. WARD, B.A.,M. Accts., Principal. Gas Commissioner E. S. Estlin yea.rsef age, was fatally insured when skin is cloudy, offensive, full of glad!.
M. A STONE, Cpm. Speoalist Vise -Priv. opened an inquiry at Hamilton into it union joint broke as lie was testing aeent, Irregular of passage or attended
Pk•si`198,'Minton. the natural gas situation. a'steam boiler at Gall No oddrilltow bad your firer, stomach by aeensathon of scalding Set about four Dynamos
Mies Daisy Rounds, narrse at Wel- or bowels; bow much our head aches, ounces of Jad Salta from any reliable
STUDENTS MAY ENTER ANY TIME n The B itich Government has sold y and take a
to a syndicate airplanes and material lands, Hospital, St. Catharines, died how miserable you ane .from conatlpa= ��'9 tablespoonful in
to a s valuee from influenza after hav:fn nursed a glass of water before breakfast for a
;500,000,040. g tion, Indigestion, biliousness and atug• Electric Bells and
many patients to reeovo> y, h bovvcrls- Yew day and your kidneys writ urea cab
*WTEREBttiS TUESOAIf, Canadian dawn bowlers beat are gig you,alwa�rt.b t relief with �011a �� y from
ApJE NS J. K. L. Ross, of Montreal has . line. This !
IthAmerican team In the international Cxxaret,r The immediate' chransed f
spent $100,000 for horses.to be added y y the acid ofgra�pee and Ipnwti juicte, tom -
match at St. Petersburg, Florida and reg*itlate tiro storiraeh, remove the biped with fib's and has beim used toe Burglar Alarm Systems
to Riffs string, which will be raced
,Dr. A. L. Shelton, the American sour, it mentis food and foul ogpd doer alb
missionary captured and held for this season in the United States and take the B stimulate t e f teh o tri
Canada. excess bile from the liver and ; stimulate Rhein to activity, alto to eau_
ransom by -Chinese outlaws, has been Stella Gellel, a carry off the constipated waste matter tralim the acids in urine so it no
' released aged 14s was filially and n from the intestines and. 01sum lrrltatktty thus bladd�e°r�
�rA ESMEN WANTED In letter tb the Board of Com- 'maned when she was rivek by air l EO otdeTM a rata• ALL WORK GUARANTEED
coerce, A•ttorne General W. E. Bane a alkerbBeile in Toronto, driven n Col. gist )s• 'A 1Q cent hoz from your owe!~
To represent the sharply criticized its examination o1 Walker Bell of the Royal Canadian diet refill kc r your Inver and, bowels not
t i Balt• L inexpensiveelig and eaa-
A. L. Porter_at Hamilton. Dragoons. dean; stomadr sweet hi tread etas for �j�: momr drink old tsrer Electric Fixtures and Su lies of all
OW KLIABLE FW- HILL NURSERIES Major T, tF. Elmitt, D.S.O.• of of- Lt. W. Wade has resigned as seers- mbntas i11ey work �vhfle yon sleep: v' ar litbia ars s ouldw�W vas• pp
ttttt7 and manager o[ flimOntario Win- thea meat eaters rldne Wee can sail
taws has been appointed adjutant Caen to fire kids kinds kept on hand.
ler Fair at Guelph, attd.J. E. Rettie, Mrs. H. Simmonds fled on Sunday, beep eye slices ani tL
at Canada's Bigley team. March 14th, at the horne of her da blood pare, there auto serious kid- t
T>�le yseatest demand for Nursery Stock teirmer assistant secretary, has been �'� by itiirtj
The •electric Rin smelter at Brant- ter. Mrs. Wellington Kerslake, of th hey' oomptiodipn`
,' altMayord i. his stead g ROBT. TAIT
lord :has commenced operations, bay L'sboroe and Hibbert boundary.—��
fltliitlsh and �utopeao Markets egais � .Mayor M. M. MacBride o1 Brant- ;.
Ing already. since last week turns
• ober for Canadian Fruit _ iar•d and Brig. -Gen. A. E. Rosa of Mr. Lawrence Levis has moved hfa
out -one and at half tons of tin Kingston spoke In the Legislature In family from Wingham to Clinton and
London Ministerial Association re Dyed Her faded t ELECTItIC1AN WEST STREET
dist ori drRrtt A Ornamental, t,4e debate on the address in rept is getting settled in his new home.
solved to ask the Ontario Government .l'
�t. Geed ftotatves, etc., Grown to intake t]re.Qat'srio Temperance Act � the speech from tlie;throne.
ilk rratr•da While hastening to see a patient, NEURITIS '��e 82 Or 193
�effectl•Me, .caking the October refer+en- :1�: J "1R. Iffdd; in Londan,•was .struck, Skirt Also a �4sli
dura as a mandate, in his car, b f
IMITE FOR PARTICULARS More�than 116,000 acres of Hudson Y a freight engine at a
i{ -----
May reserve lands in S"katchewan m'e"Ing and both hips were broken
STONE dt WELLINGTON and Alberta:. Douk:abor reserve lands Aird he was otherwise seriously hurt. « „ �
3ATURDAX. ti1•saond Oyes Make Shabby Apptnccl
in Saskatchewan, and grasini lands ear
(Established 1637 are .to be shortly thrown open for William Cook passed away at Vic- Quit Like New --SO Easyl �• 1 8 a
TOROM. ONT, soldier settlement. Wia, at the age oJ� 1R2.
Eleven of the twelve boys who es- ,
lPED1V'BgSDAY. De•. t worrysilent deet results.
embed from Mimico Industrial School, guaranteed to
Many mill dams in the Unionvilhe Use "Diemen ee" f f
are again in custody_ a new rich, fadeless color to an
Q3strict were wrested by Hoods. y fabric - 'i• '' „
Belgium wants to lhfiy ;10,000,000 whafl� wool, silk linen �.
Manitoba Legislature is asking for worth of meat in Canada, If credit ,cotton s, mired
THE SAl1LTH COAL CO reeaet blouses, stockings, e
a referendum on the importation of Er-ff g , kine.iB�N�
can be arranged. caitdvents Coate, dna ne
• intozlcaEiitg lignora Three Ottawa men vvere each fine Pi ackagergthing! ��
The vaccination ban on erossing o[ d A 1Hreetlon Book 1e in Package- 10 1*e West
l3cooessore to litcDoaagh &Gledhill the U. S. bot der is to be removed, It fia00 for delinquency In regard td To tmatch any material, have dealer
Dominion Income War Tax. arrow Diamond Dye' Color Card.
le said, on Friday. �” " sem' al"°•'' ,� DAILY SERVICE
S76OLUSIVR AMNTS FOR Ylenna fa again facing a critical 211001100
Deposits of coal have been discov- f� shortage, owing W the stoppafrje — R �w M Lr•. TORONTO (Union Station
.EHiQH VALLEY Bred nearslyons the departments of.t.rain service in Germany. lYARa.
of Saone .and Nfevre. eat 9. 115 P.M.
`. A fire Sterling Friday,
was stronger in
TUB G6AL THAT SATISFIES opposite the Humber Inn New York Friday, being quoted u • sale at r a bo drat•- CALGARY
tied up the Port Credit radial ser- to )3.82 % in the late trading." p NRA 'a Bite of tor.11 M. its. WINNI�EO
We des 4nMsrd and -Soft Coal, Lime vice for over three hours. Each poster advertising a motion Ask at H. C. Dunlop's Drug Store, BRANDON 1 EDMONTON
Caned. Fide Brick. ,gyre Cloy, also 'There are several Canadians on picture intended for use in Saskatche Breakfast Unti� Goderich REGINA VANCOUVER
E61rd and Soft Wood, Maple and the hockey team chosen to represent wan roust bear the censor's stamp. SASKATOON VICTORIA
the U. S. at the Olympic games. The Allan Cup winners will depart L �r
H k •• The death is announced at Milan, from Halifax on April 3-lor Antwerp YOU Drl(lk Water STANDARD TRANS-CONTIR[R1AL TRAIN HQUIpII[R? TRROtlRR-
Italy, of Edward Souzogne, head of to represent Canada in Lbe Olympic t MODEL OUT, 1k1OLUDiRO NEW ALL -STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING lag&
Fresh Gars o ,Litre and the well-known mucic -publishing games.
term toy Boot apt Shoe Repair SwA. Mon. Wed, Fri. -Canadian Motional all the ra t
Wright County, Que., muRt s y
Cement just•�received Indian Reserves in Saskatchewan, dry year, according to an an- se M ;Glass of hot Waw tatf� U8 of
J d this Taos. Thurs. fiat. -Via 0. T., T. a M.O., Cochran. tAoeoo Q- N. Res.
totabting 42f84.6 acres, are to be pila"hate prevents Hinep
nopartment from the Inland Revenue n Tlokota and full Information from nearest CanNbq National
thrown open about the 20th of April and kee • us fit, P
Lylil[It t; FaoNst - - - 75 Department. P Nallways' Aront, JOIIN CRAIGIE, Goderich.
for soldier sett3ement. Rev. Dr. James Barclk--,:, formerly corner of Hamilton and `
J.SAUL><'6 &lMS1DXNCX 275 EaAlroad, telegraph and telephone } Nowgato Streets ` or •enoral Fassanger Dgartment, Toronto.
W. W. SetTilDa' RRsiD>9ivcs zos services in the West have been badly pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian Just asr coal, when It burns, leave r _
ChEdinreh, Montreal, has Pa sed away bohtpd a certain amount of ]neem- Footwear Repairs I•d■•at•1 e•r•►e.e.t re.enta see winery .nt 1..n►sn fru partro.Iero
ever d one experienced thio worse blizzards in Edinburgh. btrsti to tmatorlal In the form of as es, retardteg roof In We•ters Castes. avaUabie ter 6.rmtae er other sr, eses.
ever .athere. coed Work and Raaaosakle Prices
A IrUI to extend the privileges of so the food and drink taken day after G■araoteed �
Charles Wilford and Frank Oram rural balls and athletic fields to in- day leaves in the alimentarybanal a
died of injuries caused by an explo- corporated villages was introduced In certain amount of indigestible mar Sr Ward & Sou
sion of acetylene gas at the plant of the Legislature. terial, which if not completly atiminar o
•► the Air Liquid Co.. at Calgary. ted from the system each da � a
T ►:A/AR ,.57, Winnipeg Cit Council ht's decided Lady "or at a meeting of wo- Y
T. y men employes of the Civil Service, comes food for the millions of bacteria -
to divide the city into three wards which (infest the bowels. From tale
1 ��y a held in London, made a declaration
{A.�' T y1Y/IM a instead of seven, with eighteen aid- t meas of leftover waste, toxins and
kA.i, .ata,a,••.�ii� �u in favor foL Socialism.
Zadk Stables
INr>NMs1l;iyttl ]fltttrart
Just OR the sq="
�� 'Hi1ir
i '&*""'Meat all%raius is"
Patl"ager Boats
FI PANW111 O" drib" for is any
out of tiro town for all
ti NW it G. T. R. or C. P. R.
1 [JMEpOIf•
}; iP rO mpt Service and
Clutha'! Attendance.
Our Llwty ani( Hack 5e"ks
will be (skit sisk-t&-dei
1• oti'Uiflr rwpeet.
a '�Ar1t.
V"r Patroltsxevolkitod
�� ,moi li�Otttr+sal Street
t , _
ermen, to be selected by proportional
Dir.,. ltd Elder-Assiatant Professor
Look, MoMerf If tgnWie Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Calt-
forhis Syrup of F&W
Motlntrs can rest easy, atter giving
"Oslifornia 6yrap of Figs," besause in
a few honrt3 all tate etogged-vp waste,
sour bite acid fermenting Eeitd gently
moves out of the bowels, and )va have
a writ, chi chill uT-
sick ren needn't b;:
e twasvci to
take this bartaleaa "frsit faltatirc'l
Millions of mothers keep it haadg Ire•
cause,they know its sotion•on the etoatr
sell, firer and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask y'otir eltv&kt for a bottle of
"Oalifotrms. Byrtlp of Fid�ee,," which eon -
taint direetfone for baM7 oLjldren of
'1111." god fdr th off `
Owing .to the inability of farmers
to obtain even small quantities of
millfeeds, a serious curtailment in
dairy prod+ttction 1s anticipated until
good pasturage is avaflablo.
A Czecho-Japanese controversy has
started in connection with Jaytan's
asststance in the evacuation of ,Cze-
cho troops tram Siberia. The Czechs
say Japan is causing delay.
Chairman O'Connor of the Board
of Commerce acserta. in reply to At-
torney -General RAney's recent crit4-
eiam, that he cannot recognize the
latter's communication as an official
Ninety-nine men were arrested In
It gambling bouae ini.Torento.
A rich gold diseovery fe reported
by (leo. Egstead in, Alsaek, Usk.
Egquimalt nary yard is to be eta., -
ed down on April 1, and the Rambo*
The Canadian Vational Poultry As-
ilopiation eras organized at Ottawa
lapt week,
Mrs. Elsie IMcidsan McNiven, the
Oldest cnlzpgAn Ila rt ie, died in her
willety-povell/b year,
ptomaln-like polaons aro formed and
sucked Into the :blood. •
Men and women who can't get feel.
Ing right must begin to take inside
baths. Before eating breakfast each
morning 4rtnk a blase of real hot
mater with a teaspoonful of lime-
stone phosphate in 1t to wash out of
the thirty feet of bowele the previous
day's aeenmulatlon of polsolaW and
toxins and to keep the entire alimen.
tary canal clean, pare and fresh.a
Those who are subject to sick head-
ache, colds, biliousness• constipation,
others who wake up witb bad taste,
foal brats, haeltacbe, theumatle alltf-
ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach
after meals, are urged to get a quarter
Pound of limestone phosphate from
the drug store, and begin practicing
fritibmal sanitation. This will cost
TWT Utile, but Is sufficient to make
anyone an enthusiast on -the subject.
Remember Inside bathing Is more
InVortant than outside bathing,1 be-
cabae the skin pores do not absorb
InVuritim fate the blood. edantng poor
Itettlth, w11i1e the WOW461 Yenta do.
twit ted
04*0 find hot water eMa ti tea,
"f4eltns and freshens the skin, so
bot 1 water sad limestone pbospifate
act A jitn0Arh, Stills'. k1dueyo and
r M