HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-03-25, Page 2Irw"r -1 777
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''j "#.,r ` o f tIC4. 3histA6fo litt?.ilRsk. We P ,cid together st the trial, the c#t Ol, y.11
l lykdC y who, wait 460 by lits lion- of . er rFvslat'Ion wan lit. filo man '
,� - iiztaul �-JJii, 4.'V4fp a;o tivluit'lt waw flea.- -
N + .. t?ielttNM'"til ''lietol?er- sat. oA b +lid Ii 1ti4w' til#
t tier ill WSis! 1? r ,'
'# t.Arlre silt prticttsing ;�aecutt wagon. peaoiw otitlstihthod :tit:
a� `fit'a4#Irettng'Ccn4ideratfte no- the sta4 vvatr ,rpesertt}ed; t`"it Nall J},
lhsA arA aeon noWa- .r,' f a s !� ' .?a d ice' :x
j1 tt+ntt ltttrdn Tktrgnto pAticra• on atcoctunt days" days."' It said that she man had .v
of -tho sla�tect case to be heard"by .tlle + a buy hello with fe Ions ncd1C Ho cuss �� `" `" f. }
.. 4. ''ate court at Toronto lahoru'Y. a ,veli built man, and, after :taking the ; _. r" i 1
lt#su d.0110ek %Nus charged betels poi- oats tta tu]'ped west. Ha Lived Flosere. 1. L
so Us#18trate Andrews on the 21st of to the barn than Llenbardt did, In a :'i 2 � :� r , � ���' � � � �`'
€ Apel la t', at, iGltftton, who sent the dark ltguse. Ilia stables were low. on 11
l " ftp gh" trial Dy filo county Judges. ground that had encs been �► marsh.: rL. ys . 1
Ilia got Judge Dickson registered a ••That's ail I can see." she bad said 1NlltlB lVlt'ts'gIC P`pllook;.�io� 6o dt;treat p.�retllttat, lAtt'it}[�t, iA 4.in A ' Gays She lta8
' tt ollOt F, •but hent up a stated caro when she came W the end of her re- cbrty rt�d. a It deist x • k�ol�uak 401rlesteitC ., Ri/6 .fwd I ► ssr toronw.
to we "h*her court til determine veiatian, - -
iviettttardt testi gd that -as f r -us fi - - -- - -
� ' ' -- tlkex'-•thet'o° -vat► suIIletent e�'idene-sr .�.•:r....,,......,..,�.,...
---.Y- --
to Convict, . ; knew Miss Pollock had never been in TAKES QFF d,illaQllllF , aid my fcll0W Jbging 1 do,, nothing
" • .' The th'arto laid against her was on the neighborhood of his home, which ttov flan' I' dii' kllylhllAlt Cf. Kn ^a if CAd'
A 4*fi' sectJon U3 of the G'rlmnA1 code, ,.vas twenty-one miles away. tie had HAIR S` M FAI�I.I�i 1140, given up no Dowler wbJch IS untleFi'.
nd"A%ii as. follows: himself noticed wheel tracks .in the ,.,.,,•...,, n,}Y alk,ttmBt pboog 'to `bo used: "` "I41e'
i" "In themouth OrDeeember, 1918, mull which turned west from the sta- fact that we posteso it Is in 'Itself
tilts dill urslavv(ttlt pretend from bles, $=� r tlairl tilt g sfnifi/ botttsr
You p 4ot that it Is our botf' ' duty, to,
e , o! D1tntHrtnu rtpt►t tlQsN-•Ansa' study 4 deYQlpi! 1t"'
> 1tek $1.411 litid �tU9t,.1 edge 'in an oe- bliss Pollock, herself, on the stand, 8apg itabinp aci�llR. ''
spit sand Crafty a;eiencn !o discitvcr declared lint as a girl to her 'teensflss • olkook' alas laid that'%%`hen ;tit • '
when •an ,in what planner certain she had been aware of a gift sh6 did 1i1l, .Fribne day she heard a voice
grain Ind oats, supposed to have not understand. Thin, •>lrittle. oolothtas and aossgl $ a !lisped "if you will only work for I 0.
s tlf what nature?" queried the {fro• hair :da mato eaidentQ Ai ss nt+tt+tOd t we'll euro Au.
been •stolon from one Jahn Lien- you,'! she had thought
4ardt Could be fqund." hecutor. _p. 01 dandruff•�-txtst grvhtl Nary strange, but resolved that any
1t vas turtiher laid to her account ,,0f communication from the other Mire is now; p..$g � ��� tabes that was right or good she zeas
that she "tltttI pretend to use a certain side of life," she returned, ,.because I the stair of daaldirulr� It r01.4 the hall vJ1111ing to do. A change then camel ` a
i ver
K: 11 kind of witoheraft, sorcery, enchant- would see, people distinctly that Clad of its lustre, its strength and to r,9 spCidenlY over her, and her health Im-
.. voenl, or conn radon." Kone. yet I didn't know them. Others lifts; eventxially Rrttdttcin$ ♦ s f. pxpved rapidly•
'The farMer %VaAi rallied and {gloved nfialn { knew. Thew Lltings did not pegs slid ii+t#tipg first!}t } Speaking of her mother's death, die •
a' V#ry unwilling witness. The accus- not trmeslled oaatset . I goats tp
r+oem unnatural. They were perfect- dpiti of the funeral her mother appear- .•I
P` iy natural. There gas nothing Unna- sh LOWS WA dde-t isu rifts hair eti1 to her and asked that a littig 'ker- -
ed her:telf was called. Others whq I fa ma tast. A Uttlp DAttderlpe to- " Taft tttd,oOnsultod her gave evidence. And lural, .nothing superhuman, nothing. chief she had once sent her with for- '
theft the Judge declared that the thin n tia►E••-trill aur attve 11
g beyond nature. There la no pretence, t8ht-"'f`-•any ° gGt-me-Hots. in ' the corner, be • placed
Weald havC to,be stopped. nothigg but simply na It fa given tQ 9r , Ill. her hand to cover a discoloration.
"it sure ly never, could he, prisible, stye•' Gib s small :bottle of 8powltop s \Vhllst communing with her mother
i feet' e0uld. hC defendant expert me to ' Have you any powers of year Danderine ttwm any drug store"'°u other spirits had been present. 5o
• aurelr can stave beautiful hair and lots real were. they that, noticing a man M[WtSAXS
believe. or any person with common- a-,vn?" asked the. prosecutor. � it if � will est t a little Dan -
'I 11 l;enscM" he said, "that she could by "No, no, but as this intcrillge'hce j standing to her left and feeling vers
derine. Save your hair! .Try jt1
Wig ,communication with the familiar comes to Inc, I feel as It I must spank tired, she unthinkingly ,went to rest
��plf��r�its or spirits of departed friends, It out. It is perfectly natural. There _____- r- ,' Olt his arm, with the result, of course, just N►tNH�S, DIDmr-t t..;;Egt
s (} t+�di where lost goods can be found. is nothing occult nothing pretended, that her arm had Rugged downward. "OtAtttVviam-`-�t4vv 00400
Intelligence. As a disembodied spirit q&1A+ZRR1).y SNu12 ,MC-
7f ttittt Is true, then It certainly would nothing of any 'kind of deceit, no comes In touch with our spirit mind Her father. too, "now In spirit life,"
warn things topsy-turvy In this world. kind of sorcery. or witchcraft, none or intelligepoe,' You can catch the vl- appears often. Fox A long' time he plttV%V ORAV05G.40,1R OtGll1RP:••-A
� t 11 would revolutionize things and of that oQnAeotad with it. It is simply oration or thought as n is tt`ansmtt 4'Went about his feraler duties, sat In R.ld►i
ttwdto sonic of utc sit op and wonder n (3od$ivon gift" his chair on the Verandah and went •'
to us." Kh%"'W r0M4% %,UVA W%
vrihat would happen next. It might be sills Pollock ventured to prove the At the age of 16 Miss Poi ock heft about as usual. One day, while she ViRlW ,
a good thing in some oomraunttlea to divine character of flet gift by the wu lying on the couch he same and MJQs 'p &,%A RE Au %tbv stltW
1�1school in the !lith book, an . took a a
have 4 penton of this kind. It might words of Josus: "To some shall b0 stood beside her, `l'ooking much per- w ttv tt,'tVi,ILOrrYou•t'R�l"Ito•PM "
be the auth r1u< might well consider given gifts of knowledge." course in dressmaking at C nton fog pkewd; "Fathers" a said "don't .• �
s six months, She was not in very good i 00 I0.�L."tNtl4ti •ni%1/0Ri T t�
r Lite poi;slblU y of employing a person "it is beyond what Ivo can get in you know you are Vowiin spirit life?" �»4%i
k 1IYe'Miss Pollock and keep bur in con- this lite, fila intelligence." she said of health and grew up, as she Put it, Iii: seemed very startled for a moment Aujwms 41►1iiCtt��QfiK
tinual employment." the information she received from the long and -thin like a willow." Then -sand ,over after just came back tit in- 'billLt�lirAl>>E "I%%t,AlNtttt0.t70tA!
she had a vision, and saw herself la tervals, Instead Ot" m b!>A �y!
1Vf!iss Pollock -had excused the use of spirits. "They have passed oil from rg atping. as before.
r p Buffalo going to a house and carrying
her .gift. on scriptural grounds. With }fere. Their oyes' aro open. Their on her dressmaking work there' .later Asked It she had never been nervous ,
`_ r"ard to this Judge Dickson said: "i spiritual eyes have ,become clear. at these visions she • a►ad had from •
do not think the Bible ever author- rem the spirit side of�itq these par- ttibkfng it might improve her Ytealttt oftlldhood, Dliss Pollock replied with
s e went there. A friend whom sho
""''-• had any person to make use of the .From
return with this intelligence. I a firm negative. There is nothing
was going into partnership with met
Gilts of the Creator in the way she see it as they give it. I have tried the her and they took a horse -oar some about her suggi3fits .tlelltsipn, or weak
, - pra�tesses to for a charge of 50 cents, spirit and proved it. I have done it little distance. On entering the house sentiments. Her claimed gift, howav- .,,
professing to locate articles which for years to my satisfaction, and there of her friend and meeting Lha moth. er,: seems best shod *v. at locating; , -
have bebn stolen. I call it pure fan- was not a 'thing wrong." things' • '."° ,^ .1., �
aUoisrr► and religious craze if there is She referred to the works - of Sir er' an elderly lame woman, Miss Pol- ,,Questioned as to the cui%beahouts at, ' ` _'
i any religion at all It." look realised that she had been In that
,, Alfred Russell Wallace, Sir Conan house and seen that lady before. Afibrose Small, the ,missing, million- , •*•„:,
"title might do very great harm and Doyle, W. T. Stead. and others with "Up •until. that time I had never Allo of Toronto, the' ta"Um staled .•
cause a great deal of trouble • in the which she was familiar. B. F. Auston, that she t30efrled to .#i�rt .Rzk kt> set; �'" k'
,. .�a , .
comnqunity;' ho added, remarking that Ghou ht l was dtiterent to anyone aIle t�
It was easy to fasten infolmatloa u an da iter she• declared, were eo to „ earttig taken:.Jut0 a-fttlitor L•dis will. "^''
n president of Alma COV gie and _his f ' his feet y and he ts'
Ili way of seeing and h ,i
1,^ P trg tar e P P ttltings, confessed Miss Paltoek, 'put „. • e "~ .mom
f►eraona, ,no matter haw innocent they who believed as she d d. Hon A. B. The"6W`Adfl tollo,w 'tel a 'lo`ucly space
�., as my work took mo to :different pla-
,� might be. Back in the Dfosalo•• law it Richmond, of the New York Supreme w ere there is an .expanse of wateC: ,
'i was called witchcraft and was forbid- sea and hotrtes,• i. sbmettmes said -
Court, had attended ii camp meeting a6 things that seemed to startle' my nus- Ater that she oanndt see him, hitt
11 Lien, � which she waA. and confessed that he .. h+� imAi`essi.t�n� is ice i
comers. 'What makes say that? The minle}tArs P >��"lyt ail,,,',taliIt was some time in November, 1918. had come Lo expose - them, but was -•••How do you know that:?' they asked
that. Palmer Ltenhardt, of Brodhagen, ,convinced and now one of them. her. "And then 2'd wish I had hold ve. Ierafit ,:Y1C t oC ly 8 + olt04k's ,e,
I found that soine oats had been stolen Mrs. Grace Sinelafr, • wife of a Brus- .16 � , ,n � `»• =." , '. � '
my tongue and been more guarded,"
tr�onit filo hip of his atabie, vvhloh was sets barrister, was a witness called by, smiled toe medium.. "They I got our- e, deed, even admitted having
aver two Miles from his house. pn the defence. She told of having con- ious about myself and rpolized I had a some frJends to lfavo their for-
3300ember Bth. niter dinner, his ,son, suited Miss Pollock at a time when to a old. once. fie" did not think '
t}ad-givafl gift."
John Lienhark aged 26, hitched up she had lost a diamond ring, an heir- Mise Pollock later visited Lily Dale Ped e k it ser ously.
anA° started off on a twenty -one -tulle loom which • her mother had worn for i• Rev. Geo. Telfer Presbyterian min
several Binet, and met •kindred spirits islet, spoke id high terms of the fam=
^ drive to consult Diiss Pollock as to forty years, and 'valued Intrinsically) While at East Aurora,' N. y.. she met lat who at one time had attended that
who had fallen ills sats. On the way at from t41ri0 to >4500. Her mother had the late Elbert Hubbard, and has a ly
. 1 he picket! yp his brother-in-law, (loo, been dead for six years at the time. church, the brother, William Pollook, l� rCREAN IN NON
"I see you mother standing besid iJ�urnt leather (autograph book- pur-
Bennewis h Vin been as elder, '`She is no en- -
S q ased from .his manufacturing com- � s �f�' S30��i�TAAI�'" '
'"They were. two grown men," says your . chair," Miss Pollock had told emy to the church -there is no ah -
the which fuss presented d eo her by taganism, ' he 'said, 'and he did not /rte �w To Net=
tic' judge. speaking of them, "appal- her when she visited her. Miss Poi the Society of Physohical Research. think her capable of any harm. "
4.1 rentdy made of what you would believe look expiai8ed to the court that cites Twenty years 'ago er longer Miss @leu Walter Hawkifu� 11ngltaan4 wk and �' R 1&
to be .hard common sense to look at spirits accompanied persons, just all ibroak claims to have seen airplanes, would not condemn. "'Cheri is no '
therh., They took to Inc like crafty parents s.Ometimes go round with
11 Germans." . choir ehlldren. The, spirit of her motors and threshing machines. ."Do a'
you know when 1 saw an airship in dgtibL there are some thi we can- Yeo !?w.lJa:, is a' tow taotpettta. 'Yonr
Together thts two Jo;sed through mother had shown Miss Pollock that my vision what I thought it was?" not understand. Froth e le �� ink* nostiii will > egos ,
the LAti Country -side on We December Mrs. Sinclair had thrown the ring out gate laughed. "Well. I though It was pea.
aiterhgO% and at about three o'clock of a southern door in her house when Miss Pollock helped us` at a ga,Wen rt►ssMgM' o!?. 1�sad air ej;; acrd
a heavenly chariot full of angels.tl�'
tie@ t1IF to the yard of Miss Polloek's she was throwing out dual, and that party once," ho said. yore can brthe free No plots dur-
Tad I Bela d as h descended that it Rev. Johnson McCormick, Methodist blsoa te; so �awkin& snuffling,
roust have patience. dad would nai'aftcldrroDMttea or s;. oat
1- In• iXa`ls tilts %rhrro they toll you where Lind ft there when nature removed the hgd wheels and that it same right mtlfister, spoke kindly also. "She »► dues p
11 down' beside, me. and the angels PraV� has a wonderful t nation I thitlk for btwdb at £
tttitl$E} trre that have been stolenY obstacle. malas
ed to tic beings like myself, and i -people go to der otiCb:. for pastime." % +,�"t1t9r flft�yan wast a Oman
`they. asked taro men coming from .thd Mrs. Sipal4ir went home and per- could not understand it at all. Then g�w A a
batati suaded her husband to bring in boiler- William Begley, a shoem er, tolds PPb
when out driving I had sees a vision nttls o! this f sat antise etatm
'"$MO people come here;' was this fuls of snow' from 'bgside the door, of a motor car behind us, and that it of a reading, he had, whin Miss Pol- raft
ansvreC, and the visitors were directed Thry melted it and pouted^ it down ran without a track and stopped ev- look had told him and repeated a con- in yam' FIs. let i0 penetra through'
versatlon that his son was having out etesy `sit' the
of the head; soothe
td Lite house• the :sink, blot there was no king. She ery now and then, and I thought that West. He bed written tats son about azul � the aw°IIe°, inflamed mucous
MGM Pollock, when they stated the wrote faille ,Pollock that is curls tired very strange, too:' We mallet, which had been confirm- Vie, and relief comet iostaatly.
, reas0t �"" ,tot thrir visit, told them that of melutw snow. Besides finding the ring for Mrs. ed,, it is mit what ev a6ld Ind eatanh
sO MOUnles she could give information, -lour message was to have pa- Grano Sinclair, As set forth in the ap- We son adding, '"I'll wish Miss i
'• Pollock was dead pretty soon if she attir�szr A0°da' a� atitl•>ntP
but ehc�had been on the sick flat and Lienee," was Miss Poltoa$'s reply.� yo3rersble.�
peal documents, Dflas Pollock told of keeps on telling ' ''
s tlidnt I:Jto�v whether she could that Some wwQgeks after. when a thaw 11nding or directing a Mrs. Davison, of D g You all lid do16g•
•'•. •44$i She would try, howevgr, and (;he came, Mrs.`Sinclair wont to the door, Reeve James Cutt did not believe to
Tillsonbu'rrs. Who had come to her at- Ready Made Medicine. -You need no
- a�.k , for Something ' that John had and -on opening it the first thing she ter hearing of Mrs. Sinalales luck. splrltualism at a11. But just the same h {
with him every da'y. He gave her his, eaw, was the diamond ring'. It appeared Mrs. liavison's son had he pas a very high'rogard for the me& p ysi0fa't!. fir ordinary 4118 when you
Junk and her entire family.Town have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas'
lloldgig this she closed her "I art, absolutely convinced," says given his sister a ring before enttating.
eyes. Thb' imagination pictures the Dins, Sinclair. "that this woman cam- One d while out motors a blown irk 14IdQo�k�lti hvas �iltotvike. 'All 'Eoleotria Oil. For'ootgh% Olds, solo
through throat. bronchial troubles,. it Is lovaill
steno in the still farm house, `fhe munfeates with my' mother" out occurred, and the daughter gat- � the vitlatte the people able. for scalds, burns, brutne,•
three of them sitting about the stove. It, Is just two miles out. of Blyth, on ting out of the car gavb the ring to seem one in their sorrow and Joy. sprains, it !s unsurpassed, while for
No L'sound but the ticking of the kit• file Sth line of Morrisan
I 11, vtherc the Riot her mother, who slipped it • on over They have grown up and known Miss eu soros, utaern `urp the like ices or
as Chen- clook. lock homestead stands, nestlifng her gloved fhiger. The mother also Pollock all her life. ti111d seem to Ileus It neaps no
Pi`great faith, uniquesti4ntrble healer
I , After flue or ten minutes she opens against an orchard, about 1G rods Pram got out of the motor and walked' ' testimonial other than the use. and'
ber ayes and says that a stout man the road. It waa some 68 years ago about. On resuming the journeyshe Miss Pollock is desoribad as boinq
very tall, straight and dark, from 45 that will satisfy anyone as to Its ef-
toolc the esti. No brought neve bads list Mr. Jae. PoltOak camp nut from discovered We ring was gone. W g0 years age, with small but exceed- teat3veness.
L ,with bite, He eamayflrst to a board 'County Tyrone, Ireland, and took up' -Now, I don't claim or promise any- ingly bright • °awn syeo, iii;t' cheek- '
+ !tato. anti stopper} a moment o r two at his abodo in Milton. Here he met Jane thing," said Miss Pollock. "I only dq Health not be looked for in the
the deer of the stable, Crighton, from his native land, mar the best I can to help and this time I bones and rolltitl adtiltiio*tan. Xq spite child Wet a subject to worms, lie -
Then 'Miss Pollock closed her eyes tied her and later moved to Blyth. %vas right. I said if they went °f her Irish, adaeatryt her appearhnce cause worms descry health by creat-
, agalbs to open them after n few min- There' was no village to speak of then is Moto of the Indian or gipsy type,
through h a gateway tato a field nearby
utrxt Viii some more "tnforatatlon:' all forest and bush acid tvhother life ro g Ba ay e e Her smile Is plessaht and her manner Ing' internal disturbances that retard
+ . the tins would be found Lying in some development and pause serious weak-
? 1n4 the %vends sad country environment long grass; Weeks passed hetero �' , ossa. Miller's Warm Powders -expo!
06ounty for the fanales. Maggle had they did look. though, the husbohd worms and ars' so boneflotal in their
I in childhood cannot be said, sufllw to bel sceptical:' gut when lie follow-
• Rev tin! Miss Pollock herself 6,4ys � � action that the systems f . lite Uttle
`P * . ed directions lie found It, DO � sufferers are restored to ,healthfulness,
!�, il Sto,"'W�en about the ago of ton, I used to Miss Pollock describes .herself as a all the discomforts ttnd dangsers of
„ , see pcOp1Q in my roam tend around m clairvoyant. elalraudieat and psycho- ' worm Infection are removed, and satin-
lied and haat thein talkitlll, and ,Wout ;metrist, What li'npresaes %he observ, factory gmWth Is assured.
, . r - `6 41 lY'$ M0'th,�z� .10 ttit4 Ytit#13rYtibt Ablit ,I er most about Miss Pollock is her ab- �1PAT aL
,U; � ,
". ` *,q0 bed such A #tangy drCitrtil only I %vase t ;solute belief in herself. the is son- r `" """` "`""'""'
. , ., asioep, fair' tuy, eyi`A' %'Gerry wide' opefl<" .vlholhgly honest and stralglttlot'Ward1 MOT.
A�,A ft in l s
;� i y Tota 1' did repet0 te, but .thh nOvoir and tits Is the reputation barns by � � �
' y�l,�r A Muth att�t.0116n , 4Xee,'tt. tr` say!r fhb %lisle famtiy aped Ot heb it�t faih- " y�r ..
) I' ! 1, ,. , cu,pine �Vh iyAti i -ti tliWa,'it ailitnt.,' ' � �rM ��t1�w.1i�
"� '%%s never fAnd of arhaat, rIi Ab�Ced it sib did pat ask oto %Vii - ,Kitts iIU vi life spa ct►usedOft-
0'by 1C
k11. 1 a aftvwerb UW W t:olllil t lift. At ,tot4 mAt+erlal benefits hersW Miss Pat- ill at :� he batrela twfi bra
� p t
hlght f. It d to heti100to t lvr x lout s`cp 2 � � lite ta, � . t rots ft ±xf rift t
11 i' I 11 I'll; ?,x: "Richies by peorkla "a'hf�It 1"sw#ui �ho�seitl tb b0 � sk4�u d izat �lwa what litdie 1 Ittlis%v � ; "�`dtir k"yy. eietlX001116 ��°�w 7tsitt. fid; illysite>f fit 1auk1, thtNdttgh the Alvlctp philosophy. It t tdt tMtilidtrr!► t tttlt} rbtdc►+ts� llllelk lltbr ll'Mi ' +srlDre , ltttt
y anly taut f1x �k11 arttdi►r isattCtiil tt alfft(yelyls 1`r~il o Ain dablG riratk �qj.: ^{�jj�,,;tito11
.', . , O eset. f " isi..Yf 1, rat a tit , � � 1.. "r'"�+7.,, ,,ism,:.�.,ri�lwW.ir..ii/..... �rYi.r.�..w'W+.
I i 4, 1 its 1 '+coltld ill #il rti V �IEi, lil�•� ht: IX dtletatl tit}hat 'fiA truth' In tug tar as .1 ' ,,.
1:11lQti ». lir',# )htatlwtmialt t!ourso It *. *i iti td ,�1,'+li, tlilr ltat ► lit' of 21 a = , a .
s 1, iv. 7hls drtltti! to ttAact�ed to. 1> - f
`4 Lint1106 ilirlril. ritct+lirt of find, ",but tallktt per�flc' fila'. 1 b «'rig , t alivltus ItrlLlfI t •hlr%a never stn•.. hr�t w4w
i. , _ '41#9 Pollicis �id,00 :fft'cfftrd dlM to o uttarcatl bl+t' t tilt!; ►r4tttlditpi;
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01411111111: ��11110:111 Immomplemill 11 1!Z ftl
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11 I l lis r�ifCJ�' 1!Z Stb1CClC
1 i r4wtky, at NPDXIi Manila« .�
` Fi .`M1'Z.' a J
tk' .
$rak4crf At I• "treat, Clay I'lamil7t�on.. 1009sto*.
r Vit. yjQhn .leB.
RViaat, t^.rtigit. ntC ,tlxu , e . „, ,
J ,
9* .
.;�' NW
Wear .
----_ �- Qi`#tet T . &red - -- =
„rhe,stt�l�ioy. lilt W thi,re hounds of good tante
taxte, clothes
• /t took bat allixty days for
Mairtin Tailored -------- -- _ -- `
" to Win 100, jeer d'04kt. fapor. ,
' -Martin, the Tailor
.'Phone 3.18 : _
�A1111�1b� /���Y�����I
j jj1.{{��}��}}{��{�t �l ll HEMMl�trit�itr�trnflalrlEN.
II�JLJI+I`LW ILu �� n ��� n u n n•.m ,�.. s_..
' , Orange.,, Lemons,
Grape Fruit,
Bananas; etc.
At all prices .
Another shipment of
. Min'to Tea
.T lb. packages contain a Silver Spoon
a kb. ' Fork
Get your SEEDS for ,Spridg Gardening here. Steel Briggs,
• Rennie's and Ferry's
•. _
-4ACH ,1
J8• .H8 L
Oltonet 'f 80 • :•t oja . jYlontt+tsn i St. and 8quiuP
Hnnnr�mua��+ .
ANUF Tula To of e
.for fay mike of Mill.for detetal any kind of Irina or fed
1 'evi`n and Screening r Arranged
With suitab S1 g : 1 g P , a
in netlrly any ordia�ry Fanning Mill, seeds and grains of any
' kind can be as thoroughly cleaned as is poss%le to clean
them. '
When ordering Sieves or Screens be very careful to give
exact size needed and what they are required to do.
Sieving and Screening sold by sgnare ft. if. desired.
Oid Fanning edit -frames rewired. ,
Complete Sieves and Screeis made to order.
Mail Orders carefully attended to
' Limited �
The Coderlch Morcahttte Co.,
Owing to location and facilities for manufacturing, I have
IN am -transferred my Fanning Mill Supply Business to the
above Mrapany.--
IINIIRI� i-- Hu wi{fi
Choice' ■Fam'ily
` ` •
Canllpbell's and Heim Soups
All brands of Gained Goods 1v.
Earn Choide`$Wk Tea
• - i3l It mrd' Japi
esu runts al ways illi Mock
11 Mt us Yourt MT ORDM .
., � -Z JOHN, PA, , �^ ''
�S ,. .
a IM ' � M P' S, ;
, ",14% , . t ,: �a t*7i1` a
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