HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-03-18, Page 8�.� = .oA .r= c Aft+ + WW*A_ y tilts .lM tRl� OU I ` . i"y�« 40x lsiroM+tt�.il� 6' la!�t �R the Aso *9 f too "i*e 'x ft* 0040444 Pilate � Oiii i+lwtlrt# All+l4 t!! � '�tflbltMr ;"M'�i►1G''nti'Ylrrld' by • �f'tNllr .**is � , . { 1#�'. 1st. alta' bRatha, files; litlPTf, Oil , tltaic,; , 4 r tali JI 01_ li t tfptt rpport�i lufl l dile 1Miiimiiip fid�sRbelh a�ct� at> WA ,r �y,y,� ..,.i- tate W64 101'" �,�y� ftt ]"l" �� �::yy,:,,�.��,, �olu o�l„�',!*"***a- I R �!',�1��y90001 y,, ..M4•��FRr�I(ali�, y, .1w. ! �t +�T��•�An! 4a e ,Rl'I vw on 4- 01 Y�*RIaWO '1ME�M+•:Raw ` 3' Wt "4 iyn 0"0 >t �, w ffafatkrt►a« Aes�stUlet+ cllis#t�'lT' tiMl ai ftf to *.1*.$ ,lwrTW W tree a►,r 't'lttn haat t o�t;+ shoeld�ra . the. 13ilbW4; Xlo0. Ahs1cAl+ li11P #r 1tA 1 1 , i.tM pr t+�.. fw".40 'tit 4 vett' pftlty . but fit; 'teem . I1 ll� -.6 low fit ti it"l 1S14Yft<.tQ?GflC►/fl;y tf�e� siva:m"at�i�iraitea;,#h41f` tltXRr. 19uvt} It draft sett xk!a ptc►re fit fiat if;igta tint fi 1 uAlteg in 13tar1'iale ti�i ott14olai, ' i IF Q U . ft #a fra bo 1 son of 11ft' slid 14ti a, w . ter:~ 1%1sali�i4 i3 coli, nelit tQ ` 0"A 00 at aA' tbw t14 A Q . Qllt,e 't2x l ~ l fh 1 t ft int a own of `xbf l � �tld r a llVato#t�l'fuliina fltp�t SttOC;MY 0#06~ The brttlfE - ►,►tzf fair, atsfti tpa'' V liltd fM t' t0 4retie dttiAti dui will 1* 1 ripe tint :>At lhlo >>0 .4a 1�PA�y' a of ihia wrs". Afr. f>ipti,)llra. X� w4rk4+d 'tn r4 s:. Attie e 11-0 =06 t�.(:oltOtleh tb#9 gr ;atXtM0A1' wit porrarme{l a weddtgr� #�'�b1� OSltltt►�Argi riliS� * tlhtlr 4t»i gtelTr tO+Ualt #et6 :lp eiresege dtifater vtpa flerlletl; In, 1XilufiN 9f art tiro ti;OWf fir .. ilk to fatfMA4 llie� *nd r&Utvv*s tiffs , , �. ..r A . ; .. ...: * •. .. 'pfb tit: `` X . OIAt, #A R �?' 'R+r: •d „ - ,, ' �', , pe Y1a41s , ieitliuz• R�#ty frlelldsa fife thiir 4 e AW—Mu'..' „ LA! •" r GQD]I1�11t ?QWtMtl!' 11ttt41ttr .'witr•tte tool; boat: i1' XeniS a�ttd Mr. Noakes• Auction $ale last M11- 4 ' + netted film 06%). h�py h` Use together. Mr. In dill three lines'flew garments' are coming into,tist'Qck {�+ Mk`tl, Thama+pn will rerdde at Galt. �Pbe special 'meeling of the subsorlb- ers to the ooderich Township MuWci- IP014 AiWilGli:' eV 1 n0 y� e' pal Telephone Systefn mentioned in Mrs. K. 11, of N alit., pry few days. We did t buy all our ,garments early Niagara Falls. The Star last week has been called Is the buesL 0f her a4n, Mr. Geo. Ball, for Friday. March 26th, In Holmen' at present, but as the new -tyles. come through we art add1�1 1$S SUSIE NOBLE Hall. Holmeaville, at 2 o claek. The hic..Rog prltztpy 1� vvearlag s-bha - -- -- .: --T-. _ ___ -- - .. _ � _ g th Irl t0 - - --- speeTal -btigluess tb he tiaftftabetl fie= g e scone these days. Its a boY• Con- to our lilies. quires the attendance of all the sub- gratulations t ..-w....-.. ' sceibers. Mrs. J. A. McCloy, of Niagara Falls, New York, returned to her home last >QEt1hiILf,F.R tS1iKQPMDION week atter epend9ng two we©ks visit- A large new range of Suits will be shown the ;first The people of this community are The death took place on Monday last Ing tier sister, Airs. G. H. Ba11, of Port KW to asp the approach of apringlike of Miss Emm Foster, daughter of the Albert. L a►.. conditions again. The roads have late Air, and Mrs. Irwin Foster. She t of the week. They will be shown in Serge,,,,l rieotine and bees In a very bald condition was born at Sheppardton and lived Jas. MoAliilan has been under the TUB�r! a'•s ' lose ower two meath8 and the general here all her life with the exception of THOR care of the doctor for a few days. Isis- Gaberdine. thaw has come with a welcome. The a short time spent with her sister. last sickness was caused by getting • • out too soon to -ikon to his chores. Electric If It I$ New We Have It R116.1 Kattlamd,and Sharp, Creek.with Mrs. Urian Ralph, of Palmer, Sask., d' p His many friends will be glad to see ETye varices m91 darns w[t1� thele Groat and she had retDrned from the'West !1 tOrrents Of SU wate present a only a week before taking influenza, film able to be around soon. a76 The flood caused much excitement Washer• �WjNn qtiy�t� In our village this spring and at tlmq ililillllffltitllli�Ri>f1i�itt!l111��II��Ctt of writing the worst is not over. Mr. c ? RIIN t1llNilifl ti:t els. Pearson had need for fearing Voiles, For Sppin Wear "• ,� that his propeyty would softer. But � Net,,* !s always wide awake, and at - FANNING MILL SIEVES ALIO SCREENS • ' - though ft meant a tot of hard work reeThe latest and most .9 - moVing a barn full of stook as he has, We are showing the new Spring Voiles in Dark and Light colorings. } he thought it wise to do so and things economical washer on Many are in dress lengths MANUFACTURED TO ORDER than an hour the water broke through of five yards. Both large and small patterns are _ „_ Kers not out any too exon, for rough teas shown and every coloring is represented.° 36 in. wide and range in price from the market. In the old place after the family rush- $Loci t0 $2.00 a yald. for any make of Mill for cleaning any kind of grain or seed wl out. E The people of this community were, Stock An hand. i With suitable Sieving and Screening properly arranged shooked to,hear of the death of Miss New -Gin hams F Emma Fosterer whose remains were in nearly any ordinary Fanning 'Bdill,• seeds and grains of any taken to Dungannon cemetery Wed - kind can be as tboroughly Gleaned as is possible to clean nesday. Miss Foster was a person o!- fine' qualities, being devoted W her prieeadflttnfres. A fresh shipment of the new Spring Ginghams. The cloth is 27 -in. wide them. friends and relatives, and was held Jr and comes at 65c a yard. These are Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, which are high regard by all who had the pleas- ' THE HYDRO ELECTRIC STORE well known. The aiterns are both lar a and small checks and broken checks, in Whon ordering Sieves or Screens be very careful to give° ure of knowing her. The deepest p g '1 exact ciao needed and what they are required to do. sympathy goes out to the sorrowing monk tileof uan a large range of colorings. •. sisters and brothers. their "parents have Ing died only a few years ago, mak- } Sieving and Screening sold by square ft. if desiNd Ing this wound more keenly felt. The deceased was a member for many years Water .and Light Commission OW old fanning mill frames re -Wired. of the Anglican church, Port Albert. Corsets of the Town of Goderich. Complete Sieves and Screens male toorder. AustrRiv The new Corsets are here, and of course they are all D. & A. and God - Mr. Roy Munro paid a short visit to Bess makes, for this is the leading Corset. i Mad orders carefully, attended to the village last week. Air. John Houston is rejoicing this -fie• and Mr. Erratt fol owed on bion It is necessary to have the new style Corsets for your new gown, and the week upon the arrival oP snot dr day to attend the sale. Tie Otderich Mercantile C�� limited latest models are being shown. daughter. Sap pails and others requisite' of the .« A f Mr. Charles, who lost one of his pyrup , harvest are 1 egInning-Ato{" be Back -laced Corsets, with no. top or low bust, made with elastic inserts and gOntblo I, Any horses last week, has purohasad one brought forth.. Some have even start - from Air. John Doer. but the .sap has not run much so elastic tops. They range in price up to $6.00. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Straughn, of Tar. Owing 40AI00WOU and facilfties'for manufacturing. I have the village, are visiting friends in Hui- Last Tuesday ,a number of the vii- GODDBSS front -laced Corsets some in a large range of models. The-fe tMaderma my Panning Mill supply Business to the lett down near Clinton. lagers repaired ;4 triple bridge across is a style for ever figure. of the reside last the river, with therexliectattop of wit- Y Y b' abOnb Qfi gpiany�- ,i.'iltr; M$TRONGF.) Saturday, our mall Owing to the state cof thetrs failed to nessiO the break up of the fee on the make their daily rounds; but a000m- tied,. when a (or" were res- Cottone plished the trip on Monday. lazed, when the force of the ice ebl- heotipg above the island sogn swept The Farmers, Club In Colborne ship- all over the dam., It is expected the � ped a -mixed l d on Rionday. Mr. J. mill will begin operation next week. The cotton market has advanced again but oto stock was all boug4it niontils W. Kernighan : took charge and went--+•,•.----- teToronto with them. ago and this means a saving to you. Both Canadian and English Cottons are Air. Willt4m' Doei-has taken up his SPRiNC WgllTHfiR being shown in sheetings, pillow cottons, nainsooks eambrics and longcloths. residence iq the village, occupying the .HARD oN` RAW Also grey cottons in a large -range of qualities. ' house whish he purchased from the executors of the •late Henry Lawlor. The Canadian spring weather -one Air. 0. E. Erratt went to Toronto day mild and bright; the next rare and ....�� e hast Monday, . Moines ` . day The Farmers' Club 'binstery is extre`me'ly -hard on the shipped on Sliturday a carload of cat- baby, Cgnditions are such. that the mother cannot felts the little -.one out s _ % Ho Co-Iborne fr Co �•&A• ��ecs •�~`for the fresh air so mush to be de- Resfdence 230 ♦ sired. He is eoTsfined to the, house 0- ` f which Is often over -heated and badly AT YO -UR SERP}VIC �' ventilated. He oatohes cold; his little �m�hr tae ` stomach ' and bowels become disorder- ed and the mother soon has a sink baby to look afor. To prevent this �...�.��,.....�.�., { 'J " Own 4A/1 ondA v, Marcy Z Zed r : T ets occasional dobe given. Baby's � T. Edwards. Mr. Edwards will move ! _ I�,,,1 1 j � 2'abia should b@: given. The r with friends in Toronto. � �y to the Harris house on Elgin avenue. ' Children Cry tate the stomach 'and boycvels, thus Clifford JoKaston is spendingthe preventing or relieving colds, simple In our reference last week to th week -end with his aunt Mrs. W. T. FOR LETCHER'S tinct' following days fevers, collo or any other of the many 'death of Mr. Willis Ben it was stated Pridham and other relatives in ENG�SJH minor ills of childhood. The Tablets it was seven years since he gave no Toro to. C A S T O R I A are sold by medicine dealers or by farming at Dungannon. This should Aiisg Irene Gould, trained nurse. of -- =� A presentation of New Mil, mall at 25 cents a, box from The Dr, have read eleven years. Portage Is Prairie, is here on a visit to COl)ERlCB UARUT3. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Mr. MoFadyen,, who has rented tthe her uncle and aunt, Mr. George Gould Outside MarFet Reports on page E. CHWA , Ont. corner store lately vacated by Air. Jag. and Miss Gould, Market street. finery merles for the Spring whom...............................2 0o to 9 a A. Campbell. eor. Nbrth St. and Mrs. Melvur and her daughter, Hel- Flour. Gov'ment standard"..7 00 to 7 96 'Food Drafts per Ower•, tamily »....6 00 to 6 60 f Square, expects to open his grooeterla next week. Farm produce of all kinds en. of Toronto, returned with Miss Flour. and Summer of l 920 owing the scarcity of the food sup- . Iina Leckie from the Queen City and Bim. Per ton • .................46 00 to 47 00 v i • pia in Central 1W, Europe, and is wanted, and the business will be have taken up their residence [n Gode- f3horts, Per ton ...............b4 00 to 56 01 new shipment of the inadequacy of the governmental run on the cash-and-carry bagis. rich. Oats.................................0 95 to 100 ` These Hats show the 'season's most correct \ rations. a plan has been evolved by Hies. Colborne and Elisa Florence Col. Barley ........... ...................1 65 to 1 76 s L China Herbert 96oveft *hereby relatives on PEOPLE WE KNOW borneMr have Colborne returned home atter a visit Buckwheat •""' ' -" •' • • • • 1 40 to 1 60 i in style and. �hadeS, they reveal the plat of En lisp Chin$ ust this COtltinlE>Ylt oft ftitn111es in Europe may — of sever months Ep Washington. y' ............................20 0o to 9a f!j * r lend tfhelt frfen s lief. The plan con- Miss Laurel Bates spent the week• gtoa. Huss Batter per lb -Dairy .........o 55 to 0 iii a Nellie me accompanied them and figs, per dozen 0 50 to 0 W a 1 gluts in the e9fs>J>m+bnt warehouses end in Toronto. E today as an eXpresslon Of the wearer's � will visit here for s time before return. ............... W carry •atookii of Rtaple food stuffs to Mr. John Nicholson left on Monday Ing to Washington, x•"""'•"-'-••••••••••••••••18 50 to 16 to European cities" atld W sell orders ohne of'this week for Winnipeg. Cattle, butchers choice... 10 00 to 11 00, personality. thew, urope n citi i3 aitn the' l or of Fpoct peg. The Star is very pleased to learn Cattle,butcheraordinary 8 oo to 9 0o. " !H. K. Revell visited his parents at that Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Revell, oP . Drafts vvhiob eat be tianswItted to Bologna. Buns, per lb.......... a to T friends or re att*es in Europe. The Windsor over the weekend. Windsor, parents of Mr. H. K. Revell, Lambe, per lb .................... Ole w 01T ` Come in and see it buyer of a doatVI.Will be ebargea the Mr. Chester Johnston returned to of Rfdgerest Farm. Intend moving to 13ams, rib., $Saaccoo pe ....0 10 to 0 a 1 tory cost },lib food plus a reason. Windsor on Tuesday of this week. Goderieh and making this their futurct nof ng Clear ...............0 82 to 0 82 - Miss " iss M. R. MaCVicar able marAEn tocotror cost of transpbrtat• Mr. L. L. Knox, town clerk, has re- b,ome. Air. Reevil will assist his son Potatoea per bag ................ 3 00 b 3 oo and on' his farm. We will weloome Mr. Bides ..... ........ 25 e0t0�27 00 ............ x , will Insurance. turned i tft to the tita, it European and is again ofrom n duty. and in Toronto and Mrs. Revell, sr., as ottitens. Sheep ............................. 0 08 to O 09 Kingston St., will Chlidreu"a Fund." The American belief Air. and Errs. X. Laiaaont have return Smith'sSlor�, Aamiatttratian viclll carry alecks of ed to their bomb after a month's visit ��}staple foods i& $amburlg, Warsaw A cordio invitation is extended ;)I ` V'letuaa, i"eragua dna 8itfiaNe4t. seri a to all.._l--,dies of that at.' operatio" 11 a 11wlted to stoner, 4o1�o�toldo z >P'hots� y4� "oent'bous, c!atAW beefs lard or vege- table oils and 0004(infl6d or b'i'apor&Wd Q W-101 Need Godertch and;.. tr •fnalut. wblhe tine-�+'aoa, nr,►ix t�an�_ oVidoryBonds } tY• # AAdd n� art to b� tcltm]bCr can T vicinl �` �' m mf►lion. rr >�o0rbr aoLai ,,,a�y'Ya,t (;haadr wibhingto, to worry about the Spring floods if you get W 3. bite isftifant*e i6f 1141% 1A"of relief A' I traotU�hia iortatl>Mcrt1�. Tetlrintaal A a pair of our v � Last issue, long . . � Alli beyli. So =a a"tc.of t o a woo > Ic tfa frEaO bb used toe` ✓ D Braw A Off r . It . 97 sind Rubbers f .. . � �, ,,, � , irlgh sow+ � `i�•`ElrCS pilgriiril„RubberBoot for men teir�I l : ho w Ofy,' • . t � � �► Out " Rub ,net fg. �sD is dtr t+�e t 'ti baa�at r gK t' while is uubtAtfiblei, and we hnvt them for Y, dila, 4 p y� k f o�itit a e ►� +ur "t'1► wr Boys, Girls a11d Children, at correspoWiftgly a wn ' a a Ittltlili il►�' floitlia#fb. it last" IOW prices. t tit4 mk a�tlOtlattllleitt Ro ftfabMawt� :.. � lir � t�a��'�s�to � - for t , r Ge yours now rind .be reedy 11e slush � U" Tt t+�� a "r'~ which is bound to c"onlo"poo>tl. P ., �ta 3sy�ai tS S i a" - 0 1► a � filjW � � � �' 6 4 tales, tri l +illiWon , S6e, is . To ,t. , 'iw1& 44:� ''h.KY,4"'YUki. .r.:. 4..; !�►1�� t�iel�'' �� s ► ���J�r �: ,