HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-03-18, Page 7- -.- warned me It was alae t0 Cee about it. u I4o C('iP. ,
was destroyed by tine to winter quar-
ters at Quebec.
Nova Scotia Legislature fixing a mini -
.... ...
Britain will not sell the West in-
mum wage for women, along with a
' g Winter Term
f�R a the ax i no Ilk t+t •n + r 1St
e Rlttt UWax lntFttt
IFltxllwi 1p.
r: :.
Lloyd George stated in the British
women as notaries public.
The Old Boys' Association Up
8teelA. )<re�ll[Rllt Pf k
., , , i„'
of -
40A4 of rite 1]o+R►ie,}al8' #1W .
<�+ lflltAi9�l}Lte klau•antLttal addrCifa
i �
Tko , �
t: . ,plz'uhtllRtiRct cPatTtlutlalal, 'r�Aieb
a in
PDesed '1<o�,tP Tuesdaly
• ,
A WlKq party of arr4od find xWRitk-
, r Ir+� 4
ad 140 on Monday night attacx :
by the -steamer Kyle.
pillage police barracks, at HIKS111i,
the attack In the Hotel Adlon in Ber-
A large seizure of liquor was made
towA 'ne}r Waterford, Ireland, k(iled
i ta
a ■ 71ti IM *7a'.!la1llit' ' .
polleeguta *;+d seised rlAea tiwpd at11e
1 tjlpeziselltld cllttinlf +car Isdtwfae,
A it
of the Government's action in refue-
The Six Nations Indians h$ve pro-
Sterling mbange rose an high flag
Sleeping CT9i on, t ttaiue full pates
vn l}rila pat day tatilla>p.
a1► a P*1i h
t,i�rA on Wedne$day.
r cava
' -�•-►
N1f1i RsriMg C 4wwlom
There is [stare U9, In all tate Gr t,
14kos 'than at the "me tittle laxt
' 1' ++`illi ivforttlaRldr► .:trotpl ; say Qran,+i
Truax %'lottat ,Agent: or C. R. Horning,
with $1,716,492.
All elieax interned In Canada And
;pistrfct Passewr Agent. Torglat9.
Miss Mary Frou.�e, It, No, 1,
not a�11'uady' repatriated have been
Ll; l!' „Xtl4 yt 190iM8
red Ont, flat., nvi^itea-"I hid tits
Inftuelnsa in Novtinher •last and it lest
ll'{ittbt, lIAC at<041Agt•11 sailed frpin
7'17ii1(n Pllaglts>Aet' ani Tieka; Agents
r 'one$
the with a terrible cough,' I did not
attend M is itgot
St. NRd.. Wednesday for We
northern A°kil
inquiry at Hamilton into charges al-
until so severe people
d nit
l h
0t t _ e Superior
I went to the •doctor and got some Court at Quebec died atter prolonged
tna•+tb ,tie. Be wo
.told me it was a bug illA, at, the a" of 65.
}fan % .attack of 1it4ttciutis. I could nRt sleephbPehoF 1:infl, JoiaeplU. I�e1CaR Pf
1 itm Q • ftitd; Would ba*6 tb sit up misily alt ait:o,dnt'faa dtttd .ln blit serentii tax
h night, it was so difficult for me to �{ct Tsar, alter a `lengthy illness.
' ��A°f'RAL my breath. The doctor's medicino dial The Cabinet of Premier Branttpg
Il not seem SV*
be helping me the least bit. has apumed office at Stockholm, SV-
• . fine of'our neighbors came is one day, deft, i.The new Mtnistry is Socialistic,
1 and told me about Dr. Brood's Norway Neil Walker of 'Alvinston, while
' running p engine in a flax will want
1'fuc Syru . I tried it and k two j'DO Caught in 'the machinery and fatally
bottles. No person could believe how injured.
Western Ontarlols largest and best it halppecd me. I have recommended it
+ _ __ e for I be]ievo I Two steamers arrived at Dublin
�3mmerehtl'Sahool. We Rive to different people sin
+'Ppgh coarses and have experienced have reasons for doing so, on Tuesday dight last with consider-
JUstructoos in Commercial, ,Short- Dr. Wood's NorwayPine Syrup able forces of cavalry, infantry, and
Yr P has mach+ a guns,
+hand and Telegraphy departments. been on the market for the past 30 G. J Wardle,' Parliamentary See.
e assist graduates to poi3itigns. ye and stands out by +tach' s, a remedy 'retar of the British Labor Ministry
for our free catalogue. It for all coughs and colds. has resigned his seat for Stockport
tuay interest you. Be sure and get the real "Dr. Wood's" on grounds of ill -health.
D. A, McLACHLAN, when you ask for it. Put up in a yellow Members of the Canadian Mining
Principal. wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; Institute passed a resolution advising
price 25c. quid 50c. the Government to substitute a nickel
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn coinage for the present silver cur -
1 Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. rency as early as possible.
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Duiin- the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care -
hilly Compiled and Put - Into
Iland,y and Attractive Shape tot,
the Readers of Our Paper -a
Solid Hour's Lnjoyment_
Waterloo curlers were br-;+ten at
Galt by the Guelph Union.
The P,P.C.L.I. will furnish it guard
of honor for the opening of tl,e Lepis-
Government Gas Commissioner E.
S. Estlin opened a three-day hearing
at Ohatham.
A shipment of $3,000,000 in gold
was received yesterday in New 1 o1 k
from Canada. b
A movement is on in London to
increase freight rates on ocean ship-
ping from Britain at least 50 per
Thl�p Toronto Housing Commission
deciiPbed to undertake the erection of
any further houses in the city this
year, as it regards the present cost
of builrli• y a't ppohibttive.
At it-; ,,n_i' .l meeting the' Toronto
and Torr. _'uzi:oris a,:xo:latioa i1n,
nounced itti,,ci-1110ll.cioll IJ iiushvild
the fnad E„ that e,ola' :a' ciao„ndrnts
m.:y in .t':l :r: e t ,: well :n ovided tcr.
1. - 111 LIl n:ll;!11:.e:t is dei)t la -
don of Ontario prohibitionists that
he would do all in his power to make
thv Ontario Temperance Act an e>$-
Oent instrument Tor the enforcement
of total prohibition in the province.
Ma)or J. 11. White of Pastview has
hren uns4'ated by Judge Gunn of
Carleton County.
Two deaths in two days to Essex,
Ont„ and vicinity are attributed to
sleeping sickness.
The reorganization of Military Dis-
tricts No. 3, 10, and 11, perpetuat-
ing thcc overseas battalions raised
there, is announced.
A Government Hydro -electric de-
velopment scheme is announced in
the speech from the throne, in the
New Brunswick Legislature.
Effie Bond, 17 years old, while on
her way from Halifax to Hamilton,
The steam barge Marfan W., in the Ont., was struck by a runaway horse
-coal trade from the lakes to Quebec, at St. John, and died of her injuries.
A bill has been introduced in the
was destroyed by tine to winter quar-
ters at Quebec.
Nova Scotia Legislature fixing a mini -
the college.
Britain will not sell the West in-
mum wage for women, along with a
' g Winter Term
dies to the United States, Premier
to legalise the a ppofntment
Lloyd George stated in the British
women as notaries public.
The Old Boys' Association Up
From January 6th open each of
Commons Monday. a
of -
?Shaw's Schools, Toront*. (Business,
The crew • of the Cape Breton,
per Canada College held a dinner td
{-Shorthand, Telegraphy and Wire-
Write for booklet.
ashore at Scatterie Island, escaped to
organize its campaign for an endow-
meat and extension Lund of ;1,500,-
the island, and were taken to Sydney
11114v'- • *1. H. SHAW Yosga and Gernrd
by the -steamer Kyle.
000 in connection with the work of
In New York, reaching $3.6414.
The Horncastle by-election in Eng-
land resulted in a victory for Capt.
S. V. Hotchkis, the coalitionist can-
The Montreal Chinese Hospital,
claimed to be the first of the kind
In Canada, was formally opened In
Bert Piper of London and his bro-
tber, Jack of Exeter, died a few hours
after drinking wood alcohol at the
former's home.
The allied Supreme Council has
notified the Bucharest Go*ernment
that it will recognize the union of
Bessarabia and Roumania.
The Montreal Administrative Com-
mission decided to, reject the appli-
cation for a sixteen -story hotel build -
Ing to cost several million dollars.
The opening of Ontario's Bfteenth
Legislature was marked by the cus-
tomary formalities, and followed by
a state dinner at Government Room
King George will prepare his cele-
brated cutter, Britannia, for the races
2 I again this season, provided there are I arrange an outbreak In the rear of the I
enough contestants in the handicap polish army.
class Hoa G Howard Ferguson and
burg was drowned at Prescott in a
passage In the ice made by the ear
Three persons, whose bodies were
found in a flat in Toronto, had appar-
ently died from gas poisoning on
March 3.
Two-party lines for residence tele-
phones will be the general rule here-
after in portions of Ottawa and other
parts of Canada.
Five girl students have been ad-
mitted to Pekin University, marking
a remarkable educational advance in
the history of China.
The American Legion has received
'from the Y.M-C.A. $400,000, repre-
senting surplus from operations of
the canteens In France.
Marshal Hoch has denied through
the French Embassy at Washington
reports published in the United States
that he to opposed to the League of
It is reported in Berlin that Bol-
shevists have smuggled many rifips
Into Poland, and are endeavoring to
The Holstein Breeders' Association
the college.
1 i / �r� ��� ..mow i,�eer•' R
headquarters will hereafter be In
Reports received by the Committee
the 111 :' 10
for i
: 1 ,
Brantford, the old post office being
of Forty, representing the five com-
,Purchased for =28,000.
The British Ambassador t- the
munions which participated in the
Inter-Cbureh Forward Movement, in -
United States will receive a salary
dieaYe that the total receipts from
To ropreseM the
of £2,600 and will also be allowed
the drive will be upwards of
817,600 for, entertaining.
Prince Joachim Albrecht, who led
the attack In the Hotel Adlon in Ber-
A large seizure of liquor was made
The greatest demand for Nursery 5toc6
lin on a French officer, has been de-
by Toronto detectives.
Ontario may see a plebiscite on the
1a leers.
barred from dining in the hotel.
Hon. Dr. Cody expressed approval
liquor risme by ne=t June.
and European Markets again
for Canadian Fruit
of the Government's action in refue-
The Six Nations Indians h$ve pro-
Ing the survey of Ontario schools of-
tested to Ottawa against compulsory
Largest list of Nlrtrtt t Ornamental.
fered by the , Massey Foundation.
D. H. McDougal, president of the
enfranchisem ent.
Nova Scotia Steel A Coal Co. net
-Stock, Geed Potatoes, eta, grown
Canadian Mining Institute, emphasis-
profits were $1,029,876 as compared
In Canada
ed in his annual address the need
with $1,716,492.
for conservation of Canada's natural
Jimmy Wilde defeated Frank
Mason on points In twelve rounds at
The Board of Commerce opened an
Toledo Friday night.
inquiry at Hamilton into charges al-
Association Dastment
leging the existence of a combine
(Established 1087
among retail and wholesale grocers
houses on co-operative basis.
7Ok0m. ONT.
and certain manufacturers.
The NewVunswick Federation of
Labor will hold a convention to or-
Sterling made further
ganize an Independent Labor Party.
a advance
A youth named Dillon of Ogdeus-
In New York, reaching $3.6414.
The Horncastle by-election in Eng-
land resulted in a victory for Capt.
S. V. Hotchkis, the coalitionist can-
The Montreal Chinese Hospital,
claimed to be the first of the kind
In Canada, was formally opened In
Bert Piper of London and his bro-
tber, Jack of Exeter, died a few hours
after drinking wood alcohol at the
former's home.
The allied Supreme Council has
notified the Bucharest Go*ernment
that it will recognize the union of
Bessarabia and Roumania.
The Montreal Administrative Com-
mission decided to, reject the appli-
cation for a sixteen -story hotel build -
Ing to cost several million dollars.
The opening of Ontario's Bfteenth
Legislature was marked by the cus-
tomary formalities, and followed by
a state dinner at Government Room
King George will prepare his cele-
brated cutter, Britannia, for the races
2 I again this season, provided there are I arrange an outbreak In the rear of the I
enough contestants in the handicap polish army.
class Hoa G Howard Ferguson and
burg was drowned at Prescott in a
passage In the ice made by the ear
Three persons, whose bodies were
found in a flat in Toronto, had appar-
ently died from gas poisoning on
March 3.
Two-party lines for residence tele-
phones will be the general rule here-
after in portions of Ottawa and other
parts of Canada.
Five girl students have been ad-
mitted to Pekin University, marking
a remarkable educational advance in
the history of China.
The American Legion has received
'from the Y.M-C.A. $400,000, repre-
senting surplus from operations of
the canteens In France.
Marshal Hoch has denied through
the French Embassy at Washington
reports published in the United States
that he to opposed to the League of
It is reported in Berlin that Bol-
shevists have smuggled many rifips
Into Poland, and are endeavoring to
Two representatives of the (Rocke-
feller Foundation were presented
with a survey of the needs of the
Faculty of Medicine at the University
of Toronto.
Dr. D. B. Dowling, Government
geologist, discussed the hope of find-
ta= oil-beartar trek formatlone
For Sick Htradacha, ficin Stomach,
til TTaakkee LiverDry tonight,
P'arrea Tongue, Bad Tag* Isdigee•
tion, Sallow firkin and Miserable Head.
aches come frem a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, wkioh cause your stom.
ach to booms Ailed with undigested
food, which sour'e and feramts like gar.
bags in a *will barrel. That's the Arai
step to untold misery--indtgast3aq foul
gases, had breath, yellow *b4.1vnW
fears, everythins that 1s borrlbte wW
tlatlseathW. A Oiicaret. `tonight~ will
wise your eoxstlpated bowels a thorough
eleaasim fill tet you oat IrJ
morni�ly They work while yott'hlsep �-
a 1fleett ab�t���,�from y�olar drums will
beer ym faint" goo hr iNfm4a
Mr. Hartley Dowart criticised the
Provincial Government for the num-
ber of liquor export certificates is-
sued since It had been In office.
The Toronto Board of Control has
decided to Institute a friendly legal
action against the Toronto Board of
Education, in order that the scope of
Its control over school expenditures
stay be determined.
Marshal Foch has sent more troops
across the Rhine.
Sterling exchange was quoted at
$3.68 in New York.
St_ Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church at Buckingham, Qqe., was
destroyed by tire.
Sir Oliver Lodge addressed a large
audience at Massey Hall, Toronto, on
'-Me Evidence for Surwtval."
T. C. Robinette, K.C., the noted
criminal lawyer of Toronto. died on
Sunday as the result of a stroke.
John Whyte, president of thA
Whyte Packing Co. and the Stratford
Brahs Cor, died at his home In Strat-
Sir Adam Beek itttlrned to London
after three months' absence In Eng-
land and was tendered it warm pub+
Ile welcome.
OetiUet and Magin won the 29th
trxtornational six-day bicycle rae*,
whlc'k f ntahed it Naw York ate gat-
urday evening. ,
In the final game of the National
hockey League season, St. Patrick's'
beat Carlodleas In Toronto on Saturn
day nfgkt by 11 to 4.
Cornell University will confer the
degree of war alumnus on evem grad-
uate who left tate unlveralty in good
standing to serve in the war.
Harry S. Scott, who had his skull
fractured in a runaway accident at
Otillia on Saturday a week ago, has
died without regaining consciousness.
The Afmcnian leader at HadVii,
northwest of Marash, has peat urgent
appeals for aid. He says the Armen-
ians are in danger of utter extermin-
A jury pronounced theshooting
tragedy which resulted in the death
of 11 -year-old Elsie Dunn in Tod-
morden„ on Friday, to have been
Will. J. Tiernan, stepping between
two Moving cars in the M.C.R. freight
yards at Windsor, tripped and fell
across the rails and was almost in-
stantly Itilled.
Cecil Gray, 15 years old, of Ogdens-
burg, refried entrance to Canada to
visit rel:hives by immigration offi-
cials, tried to cross on the ice near
Prescott and wits drowned.
At it sinks taeoting, the combined
executit err of the G. A. C. and U. V. L.
selected \liJor G. W. Stoddard as
their candidate for the coming by-
tvtcuon in Northeast Toronto.
The Syrian Christians are Jbining
in the try for Independence, fearing
the great influx of Jcws front Russia.
They are in alarm for their farms,
which they think they may lose.
Dye That Skirt,
Coat or Blouse
"Diamond Dyes" Make Old, Shabby,
Faded Apparel Just Like New.
Don't worry about 1. _: feet results.
Use "Diamond Me;" guaranteed to give
a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric,
whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods, -dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts,
children's costs, draperies, --everything!
A Direction Bopk3itiilt
To match any mate 1, have dealer
show you "Diavtontl- hyo I Color Card.
Commercial Relations With Germany
Are Being Resarued.
LONDON, March 1. -The C.P.R.
have resumed business relations
with Germany. Offices have been
opened in Hamburg under charge of
their former agent, Carl F. A. Flugge,
and freight Will be accepted where it
offers. Some time ago u plan was
broached to arrange Canadian Pacific
steamship sailings from Hamburg,
but it was decided against. It will
probably be done later. Although
there has been very little trade so'
far, Canada is slowly beginning to
resume commercial relations with
Germany. Efforts to resume the ex-
port of Cobalt oxide to Germany for
use in her potteries have already
been mentioned. The overseas branch
of the Trade and Commerce Depart-
ment here to now Investigating the
Teutonic markets for mica, of which
oefore the war Germany was the larg-
at user in her electrical industries.
Ur George MCL -ren Brown, Euro-
,ean genual manager, and H. C,
ring, 1: irup, l,.,sseng�r agent for
C r , _, pool Sunday o:
A lot of men go broke Just before
the day breaks.
ToJadies !
This to a result of the Is& of
the ordinary red corpsoaLes in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
of this complaint, especially to the
case of growing girls and young
wontie 4 is fraught with the great-
est dangler.
Poorness of the Blood
must lead to weakAess of the body,
General Debility and such a run
down condition that the sufferer
falls a prey to almost any epidemic
disease - especially Influenza.
Coins and La Grippe.
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
fuaetlons, headxche> hysterK pale
AW willow, eomplestow, pallor of
The tongas .ad lips, Pumneas un-
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
Hackings Heart and
Nerve Remedy
to the most reliable medicine to
um It will bring back the rmy
cheeps sad restore Vitality and
VIW. Do not be discouraged and
do not worry for you will only get
worse. Place yoar confidence in
Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy
for It is a taepleto totafic that will
brag back the happiae t of gold
health Haat you so much desire.
Baty a tow boxes today. Price
6ec a box. i for $2.60. Sold by
all dealers or by mail, postpaid.
Hackings Limited, Listowel.
Wh . Heli 'the W41 Stmet Money orates ?
H'bere you. ct better seeds Par less money,
Witttptl fife Seeds are grov& e
t" ! • F�. ea
Dominialal Seeds
Tested end T'rtntsd"
are just what you need to insure a perfect c•arden this fear.
Here'sa list of Sltcciala--ALL NEW AND TESTED SEEiJSr
Ileet.Ntwelt nttltt-Gt,rly�kutrRtvi totltett. 1'kt..Ilk:qu.lKk•��.Itr.°Uth a "'
151"ns. !^od 81ac4 Wps-71,e l cat llv tali 144cp Duttrr'De lt. ipel 14-+
4 14b. ZAOr.
slJasyltwwtam, Holy -Thr ecxcctest sad I:crt tail. cern. I Q4 10r; }/-1G. !'.iCl
a ldb. 50c.
Cavrvrt Thr cf All---L'ntform Gt tha•.c uad vete trader. I'.6 10c ra..@a; }4�lb. Gea,t
- t -t6. fp.cxl
OaWraga, Jumbo (private otock)-it 6 cxmceat, sec tx3aitivar, in o:t cwalpxnc. rtt. = y
ACttcurnj a r - , ,
b1 . 1 X. L» 1 t Gtovrd long etecn, for :tit :ne or I.i. C:c s. Vit. toe; ua. 45c; r
so" 40c,
Lattuoa.)1n% reved 11"3en-bum ixadtns vaaaty, trt+p and tc"vr. Pkt 10., ca. w"xt x
er Onton.tl to -date Yellow Cllo6e Vanvcrs-ttnc,,Wticd 6y ally utlut vart ty PktAOL 1
gr.4(�c�j2ass,7fk; %-ih. 91.60.
Palnrtip Hollow Craven-L"t for arnena rtiltivatlon. PLt. I0.; oz. 2-Oc; 2 ora. 5eci
tra. title.
., . Red�.Tt. l2qsy Cam -Round `n;,rtnt, wh.tc t,p, rkr Ilk• w.:Q . ore. stet l4 -:b, cth.
Toraotay (.halka Eerie Jraa.l-Itright ird ruriv. !'kt. IiDr;os. etk;;uta. at LJ -
No. 471 Casatoa-1?tariv 17utoeriu4 G:aut,llrrr.l. PLt. lite,
N_4" Amar -Giant 4btrirG S'iumr. Alixrd. Pit, 10..
R. R 460 Dwarf Na*%wtiyrn--1,danta of l'uhtorua. Mind. Pbt 1er; 1exs 2a,,1 t=s {et
No, 1WClitrfbin>i N,eatartlunr-J'.9ru:naur•t, \hard. Pkt. ilk; 'a,'
No. rias Swhtluas-t:ul,t n!eri:.t. n,,xr,i. Pkt.10r,03 LUc;aut u-
�. Na. 147 1°etun[w--(aa nts ri l'.•.iflamin, A11xrd. PLI. UOc.
- No. 190 3olv1a-Sphud,d f"r:at. 11Lt, IN.
a Your choice of is of above packets, flowers and vegotabl�s,
' sent to you postpaid, $1.
Have You Received Your Catp_legue?
Send for it At Once. :ti's Fre
ee �
- Vi
119 Dundas Street - - - LOPIDON,CANADA K ^< Al
e 111
Penniless and Without Food
Jews Are Dying by Hun-
dreds in Bessarabia.
The little town of Ungheni, in
Bessarabia, through which hundreds
of Jewish and Gentile refugees pass
weekly on their way back to the
homes from which war drove them,
is to -day a centre of starvation and
misery, according toeports received
by the Canadian Jewish War Relief
Committee from relief commissioners
Bernard Zuckerman, of New York,
a relief worker sent to Eastern Eu-
rope by the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee of American bunds for Jewish
Sufferers from the War, reports that
the towq in on the cross-roads from
Beltz to Jassy and from Jassy to
Kishineff and Bender, so that a con-
stant stream of travel goes through
It. Most of these wayfarers journey
by foot, entirely penniless and with-
out food, and members of the family
who. die on_the way are left unburied
Thls it fast the "won
STIndinf pate aROst
Ing of )olnt e pia of
you. rwht it with
Tem ploton's
Tampleton's Ithefanatie
CCa Ke. haapd �maxons rri
m led b q an Aqua=
avar7t►haeby =,3A4 i bo=.
or writs �p m tennis,
Ota 142 gin[ BL• . •e =�
Mailtadl an Ola 10. ,
Ask at II. C. Dunlop's Drug Store,
by the roatlstoe. A great number of receYM--y,•• WT. nut-sotman roporrs:
them are returning to devastated 'Of these rofuge, 1,802 were Jewitt
homes. esrind 184 Christians; the local Jewish
In spite of the fact that the 300 I organization treated them all alike IN
Jewlsh families and itiv 100 Gentile 1 thi, matter of food. Some nelghbor'-
faulllies who live In Unghenl aro Ing towns come to their "+stance Ju
themselves at the point of starvation, ,the matter of clothing tot the redo -
they have not been able to see the tees. Yet all are themselves cold alma
misery of these refugees without hungry." J
making some effort to relieve it, QgldWpRZA,.
"Tbey have provided Ir) 608 steals InPnFaOt1w30Yean.
Por (he J.vws and 2.379 nleills for the I nearethe
"trtian4 1vLo hoveeiltneture A*C
passed ttJ ro urh
Irw�i iee�,�euir �� ■.�,e ��„ei�,iw rrr��,lrr.r.,��a
Pacific Coast Tours
SPEND your winter at the Pacific Codbt--where the
climate is mild and luxurious and where zero
weather is unknown. Vancouver has golf the whole
year round, splendid roads for motoring, and a number
of beautiful spots within easy reach, such as Victoria.
And it has perfect accommodation at the magnificent
Hotel Vancouver, the finest botel on tho North
Pacific --one of the Canadian Pacific hotols.
For rates, etc., apply to
W. B. 110W.1RD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Th�e-Way-fo +fie Wesly
Lve. TORONTO (Unibn Station)
9.1 S P.M.
Boot wA Shoe Repar lion. Mon. Wed. Fri.-Cansdlan National all the way.
Twes. Titers. Sat -Via O.T., T. A N.O., Cochrane tisane O. N. eys.
depot Tickets and lull Information from wearest Canedlsn National
• Naflways' Agent, JOHN (:HAIGIK Goderteb.
corner of Hamilton and or Nongral Passenger Department. Toronto.
NewgaW 6treetH
Footwear Repairs tedustrlatsepartnent rorr.,teand Winnipeg will tarnish full part{oularw I
retarding load Iw Waste," Canada avalloblA for farniog or other purposes.
G"J Went ash Rau"We Prices
q S.
Ward & SonENE
~+ `
1 i / �r� ��� ..mow i,�eer•' R
Two representatives of the (Rocke-
feller Foundation were presented
with a survey of the needs of the
Faculty of Medicine at the University
of Toronto.
Dr. D. B. Dowling, Government
geologist, discussed the hope of find-
ta= oil-beartar trek formatlone
For Sick Htradacha, ficin Stomach,
til TTaakkee LiverDry tonight,
P'arrea Tongue, Bad Tag* Isdigee•
tion, Sallow firkin and Miserable Head.
aches come frem a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, wkioh cause your stom.
ach to booms Ailed with undigested
food, which sour'e and feramts like gar.
bags in a *will barrel. That's the Arai
step to untold misery--indtgast3aq foul
gases, had breath, yellow *b4.1vnW
fears, everythins that 1s borrlbte wW
tlatlseathW. A Oiicaret. `tonight~ will
wise your eoxstlpated bowels a thorough
eleaasim fill tet you oat IrJ
morni�ly They work while yott'hlsep �-
a 1fleett ab�t���,�from y�olar drums will
beer ym faint" goo hr iNfm4a
Mr. Hartley Dowart criticised the
Provincial Government for the num-
ber of liquor export certificates is-
sued since It had been In office.
The Toronto Board of Control has
decided to Institute a friendly legal
action against the Toronto Board of
Education, in order that the scope of
Its control over school expenditures
stay be determined.
Marshal Foch has sent more troops
across the Rhine.
Sterling exchange was quoted at
$3.68 in New York.
St_ Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church at Buckingham, Qqe., was
destroyed by tire.
Sir Oliver Lodge addressed a large
audience at Massey Hall, Toronto, on
'-Me Evidence for Surwtval."
T. C. Robinette, K.C., the noted
criminal lawyer of Toronto. died on
Sunday as the result of a stroke.
John Whyte, president of thA
Whyte Packing Co. and the Stratford
Brahs Cor, died at his home In Strat-
Sir Adam Beek itttlrned to London
after three months' absence In Eng-
land and was tendered it warm pub+
Ile welcome.
OetiUet and Magin won the 29th
trxtornational six-day bicycle rae*,
whlc'k f ntahed it Naw York ate gat-
urday evening. ,
In the final game of the National
hockey League season, St. Patrick's'
beat Carlodleas In Toronto on Saturn
day nfgkt by 11 to 4.
Cornell University will confer the
degree of war alumnus on evem grad-
uate who left tate unlveralty in good
standing to serve in the war.
Harry S. Scott, who had his skull
fractured in a runaway accident at
Otillia on Saturday a week ago, has
died without regaining consciousness.
The Afmcnian leader at HadVii,
northwest of Marash, has peat urgent
appeals for aid. He says the Armen-
ians are in danger of utter extermin-
A jury pronounced theshooting
tragedy which resulted in the death
of 11 -year-old Elsie Dunn in Tod-
morden„ on Friday, to have been
Will. J. Tiernan, stepping between
two Moving cars in the M.C.R. freight
yards at Windsor, tripped and fell
across the rails and was almost in-
stantly Itilled.
Cecil Gray, 15 years old, of Ogdens-
burg, refried entrance to Canada to
visit rel:hives by immigration offi-
cials, tried to cross on the ice near
Prescott and wits drowned.
At it sinks taeoting, the combined
executit err of the G. A. C. and U. V. L.
selected \liJor G. W. Stoddard as
their candidate for the coming by-
tvtcuon in Northeast Toronto.
The Syrian Christians are Jbining
in the try for Independence, fearing
the great influx of Jcws front Russia.
They are in alarm for their farms,
which they think they may lose.
Dye That Skirt,
Coat or Blouse
"Diamond Dyes" Make Old, Shabby,
Faded Apparel Just Like New.
Don't worry about 1. _: feet results.
Use "Diamond Me;" guaranteed to give
a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric,
whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods, -dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts,
children's costs, draperies, --everything!
A Direction Bopk3itiilt
To match any mate 1, have dealer
show you "Diavtontl- hyo I Color Card.
Commercial Relations With Germany
Are Being Resarued.
LONDON, March 1. -The C.P.R.
have resumed business relations
with Germany. Offices have been
opened in Hamburg under charge of
their former agent, Carl F. A. Flugge,
and freight Will be accepted where it
offers. Some time ago u plan was
broached to arrange Canadian Pacific
steamship sailings from Hamburg,
but it was decided against. It will
probably be done later. Although
there has been very little trade so'
far, Canada is slowly beginning to
resume commercial relations with
Germany. Efforts to resume the ex-
port of Cobalt oxide to Germany for
use in her potteries have already
been mentioned. The overseas branch
of the Trade and Commerce Depart-
ment here to now Investigating the
Teutonic markets for mica, of which
oefore the war Germany was the larg-
at user in her electrical industries.
Ur George MCL -ren Brown, Euro-
,ean genual manager, and H. C,
ring, 1: irup, l,.,sseng�r agent for
C r , _, pool Sunday o:
A lot of men go broke Just before
the day breaks.
ToJadies !
This to a result of the Is& of
the ordinary red corpsoaLes in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
of this complaint, especially to the
case of growing girls and young
wontie 4 is fraught with the great-
est dangler.
Poorness of the Blood
must lead to weakAess of the body,
General Debility and such a run
down condition that the sufferer
falls a prey to almost any epidemic
disease - especially Influenza.
Coins and La Grippe.
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
fuaetlons, headxche> hysterK pale
AW willow, eomplestow, pallor of
The tongas .ad lips, Pumneas un-
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
Hackings Heart and
Nerve Remedy
to the most reliable medicine to
um It will bring back the rmy
cheeps sad restore Vitality and
VIW. Do not be discouraged and
do not worry for you will only get
worse. Place yoar confidence in
Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy
for It is a taepleto totafic that will
brag back the happiae t of gold
health Haat you so much desire.
Baty a tow boxes today. Price
6ec a box. i for $2.60. Sold by
all dealers or by mail, postpaid.
Hackings Limited, Listowel.
Wh . Heli 'the W41 Stmet Money orates ?
H'bere you. ct better seeds Par less money,
Witttptl fife Seeds are grov& e
t" ! • F�. ea
Dominialal Seeds
Tested end T'rtntsd"
are just what you need to insure a perfect c•arden this fear.
Here'sa list of Sltcciala--ALL NEW AND TESTED SEEiJSr
Ileet.Ntwelt nttltt-Gt,rly�kutrRtvi totltett. 1'kt..Ilk:qu.lKk•��.Itr.°Uth a "'
151"ns. !^od 81ac4 Wps-71,e l cat llv tali 144cp Duttrr'De lt. ipel 14-+
4 14b. ZAOr.
slJasyltwwtam, Holy -Thr ecxcctest sad I:crt tail. cern. I Q4 10r; }/-1G. !'.iCl
a ldb. 50c.
Cavrvrt Thr cf All---L'ntform Gt tha•.c uad vete trader. I'.6 10c ra..@a; }4�lb. Gea,t
- t -t6. fp.cxl
OaWraga, Jumbo (private otock)-it 6 cxmceat, sec tx3aitivar, in o:t cwalpxnc. rtt. = y
ACttcurnj a r - , ,
b1 . 1 X. L» 1 t Gtovrd long etecn, for :tit :ne or I.i. C:c s. Vit. toe; ua. 45c; r
so" 40c,
Lattuoa.)1n% reved 11"3en-bum ixadtns vaaaty, trt+p and tc"vr. Pkt 10., ca. w"xt x
er Onton.tl to -date Yellow Cllo6e Vanvcrs-ttnc,,Wticd 6y ally utlut vart ty PktAOL 1
gr.4(�c�j2ass,7fk; %-ih. 91.60.
Palnrtip Hollow Craven-L"t for arnena rtiltivatlon. PLt. I0.; oz. 2-Oc; 2 ora. 5eci
tra. title.
., . Red�.Tt. l2qsy Cam -Round `n;,rtnt, wh.tc t,p, rkr Ilk• w.:Q . ore. stet l4 -:b, cth.
Toraotay (.halka Eerie Jraa.l-Itright ird ruriv. !'kt. IiDr;os. etk;;uta. at LJ -
No. 471 Casatoa-1?tariv 17utoeriu4 G:aut,llrrr.l. PLt. lite,
N_4" Amar -Giant 4btrirG S'iumr. Alixrd. Pit, 10..
R. R 460 Dwarf Na*%wtiyrn--1,danta of l'uhtorua. Mind. Pbt 1er; 1exs 2a,,1 t=s {et
No, 1WClitrfbin>i N,eatartlunr-J'.9ru:naur•t, \hard. Pkt. ilk; 'a,'
No. rias Swhtluas-t:ul,t n!eri:.t. n,,xr,i. Pkt.10r,03 LUc;aut u-
�. Na. 147 1°etun[w--(aa nts ri l'.•.iflamin, A11xrd. PLI. UOc.
- No. 190 3olv1a-Sphud,d f"r:at. 11Lt, IN.
a Your choice of is of above packets, flowers and vegotabl�s,
' sent to you postpaid, $1.
Have You Received Your Catp_legue?
Send for it At Once. :ti's Fre
ee �
- Vi
119 Dundas Street - - - LOPIDON,CANADA K ^< Al
e 111
Penniless and Without Food
Jews Are Dying by Hun-
dreds in Bessarabia.
The little town of Ungheni, in
Bessarabia, through which hundreds
of Jewish and Gentile refugees pass
weekly on their way back to the
homes from which war drove them,
is to -day a centre of starvation and
misery, according toeports received
by the Canadian Jewish War Relief
Committee from relief commissioners
Bernard Zuckerman, of New York,
a relief worker sent to Eastern Eu-
rope by the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee of American bunds for Jewish
Sufferers from the War, reports that
the towq in on the cross-roads from
Beltz to Jassy and from Jassy to
Kishineff and Bender, so that a con-
stant stream of travel goes through
It. Most of these wayfarers journey
by foot, entirely penniless and with-
out food, and members of the family
who. die on_the way are left unburied
Thls it fast the "won
STIndinf pate aROst
Ing of )olnt e pia of
you. rwht it with
Tem ploton's
Tampleton's Ithefanatie
CCa Ke. haapd �maxons rri
m led b q an Aqua=
avar7t►haeby =,3A4 i bo=.
or writs �p m tennis,
Ota 142 gin[ BL• . •e =�
Mailtadl an Ola 10. ,
Ask at II. C. Dunlop's Drug Store,
by the roatlstoe. A great number of receYM--y,•• WT. nut-sotman roporrs:
them are returning to devastated 'Of these rofuge, 1,802 were Jewitt
homes. esrind 184 Christians; the local Jewish
In spite of the fact that the 300 I organization treated them all alike IN
Jewlsh families and itiv 100 Gentile 1 thi, matter of food. Some nelghbor'-
faulllies who live In Unghenl aro Ing towns come to their "+stance Ju
themselves at the point of starvation, ,the matter of clothing tot the redo -
they have not been able to see the tees. Yet all are themselves cold alma
misery of these refugees without hungry." J
making some effort to relieve it, QgldWpRZA,.
"Tbey have provided Ir) 608 steals InPnFaOt1w30Yean.
Por (he J.vws and 2.379 nleills for the I nearethe
"trtian4 1vLo hoveeiltneture A*C
passed ttJ ro urh
Irw�i iee�,�euir �� ■.�,e ��„ei�,iw rrr��,lrr.r.,��a
Pacific Coast Tours
SPEND your winter at the Pacific Codbt--where the
climate is mild and luxurious and where zero
weather is unknown. Vancouver has golf the whole
year round, splendid roads for motoring, and a number
of beautiful spots within easy reach, such as Victoria.
And it has perfect accommodation at the magnificent
Hotel Vancouver, the finest botel on tho North
Pacific --one of the Canadian Pacific hotols.
For rates, etc., apply to
W. B. 110W.1RD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Th�e-Way-fo +fie Wesly
Lve. TORONTO (Unibn Station)
9.1 S P.M.
Boot wA Shoe Repar lion. Mon. Wed. Fri.-Cansdlan National all the way.
Twes. Titers. Sat -Via O.T., T. A N.O., Cochrane tisane O. N. eys.
depot Tickets and lull Information from wearest Canedlsn National
• Naflways' Agent, JOHN (:HAIGIK Goderteb.
corner of Hamilton and or Nongral Passenger Department. Toronto.
NewgaW 6treetH
Footwear Repairs tedustrlatsepartnent rorr.,teand Winnipeg will tarnish full part{oularw I
retarding load Iw Waste," Canada avalloblA for farniog or other purposes.
G"J Went ash Rau"We Prices
q S.
Ward & SonENE
~+ `
1 i / �r� ��� ..mow i,�eer•' R
SO themost
the 111 :' 10
for i
: 1 ,
• EM i 1� 7- =17