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The Goderich Star, 1920-03-11, Page 5
n x, A0 *41114 A MObtir,$_is W4006 and 111 Piv—,0tdclxt or too Eam,. � � ��� ar t0,at ht,alt�islc'► tttla ticirtkC Qrl tet+�ltolt tm atttl tr. `f'aylo?r As.. ,�, �� a►�$� �� � spec ala, ,u111nit,IMI Llr1 . or too 'Goilerlch liaaltl . r the - . a 1111 11111• cal�lc�d 1<� ��� . �,. For tuhho xao 1a thea to � �� a plim" i•y .; i�ettl ct 111111 ervtnlno ,�lt4t 'R illtlCtfi . $two &; 8 14.t>e.. M � P.>ett.. �t r� � pkA� 411 �• $thtlif r"400 y ultht tbeso ,p1404 a>atl to h;kvo litto pre, j� _t- 1� t mak'DjttR wolf '' bultin tilt i rc a plait. or• t u I`ki►t Ing a � arta flla3;u altar halo 4r r11 uaosnof b uch chtiiYgl"it. Tito l oOd ice - MAN$«!T� �al1'r rvtStt gea4'11 or Z35. cattn rontt thG T j`'Pr�X��l�c�' aylaitotGl`e0°tir ;praphe� 'xorrn, .� %.TCH STO • `1'flis, 1$ the best pre. Patx'10 Wbo� �t • a t�ott'I for rcadlt iiU taa�ua, 111110 ilAaAcinnraq ;`� thoroxighly up4tR-data hospital chyle Paration. I ever got for a My 5QWt , you bl,' 'r�rltiell a tzrraneed. There is all. the hospital �� 4 •^ E'. equipment ate 11110 present hospital, cough. Cod Lh7er had been hanging on for which would] he a valuable asset, • he p en din mi e s a Igng tta>te, and �t cu �' t building might b old wi h#A �e Oil" fs �* .�I Lidles.- tanotherZlx1rCx� tor\ say, a hoarding' house, being well hitu. I .want a bottle for located for such, a purpose, and the tae ta,l aye Ott hand W.eap roundatfons tinct wall of the "lilaples iuyself. Itsbould do tae could no doubt be .utilized In what. l7F�;, needetd .again. ,�ewer chapges recce, decided on theca ,W Tasteless sante for me.- W.Wn approved plans and estimates of Our Spring stock of these goons is now complete, and it certainly repre- cost aria received thg Board will then be in a position to present a concrete cents a first-class assortment of ' It will help YOU also proposition to the county council, 1MM PRfisting _2f -1 111AWY hb the QW11 We- can Moly recommend this preparatrou for a stubborn cough. It of ,Goderlch staking a grant of $t5,000 builds Up the body, as well as acts on the,pulmouarfor the purpose of the construotidn of Silk and - Serge Dresses,spring Coat%yorgans, It tones up the the new hospital, provisional on the system, giving you renewed strength to throw off that cough. Penslar Palatable county making a similar grant. would, Cod Liver Oil Extract has the fall art Left out and is combined with malt , wild no doubt, also Help to nut the matter ealt Sepapate skirts and Rai ncoats y pr � in the pusitiun where It could be dealt cherry, and hypophosphites,,, making it a tasteless anal pleasant preparation for with at once by the county council. anyone, young or old, to take. So much as Lo the ertabltshment Of • a now and up-to-date hospital, rv4 n We invite you to collie and see the.m'in all their `newness and richness of •����������� room for Isolation of Infectious dis- eases, such as the flu, which the Board Spring's latest styles and colorings, ■/� c p on the advice of the medical Cam ►bet's Drug More the men, has had to refuse to admit to preheat hospital, sit isaccountffor Have You Decided on Your Spring Coat Yet ? 7 lack uP room where patients suffering • Phone 90 The Penslar Store The Square from this disease t ould be. isolated. The uperatiou of hospitals, with pre- if not, come and see the new Spring novelties, made of Velours, Tricotines and Next to Miillar's Scotch Store sent costs where they ire, Is proving a difficult financial pCoblem, even ❑tore Serges latest styles, in colors of light fawn, Belgian blue, dove grey, Sand and �f1!(�pffil,iR°yFRe71!�CRt 9i'ib;� M=U �lFjll�!IR� l!aoh in int, case o large hospitals like chicory. Prices from m=9.50 to � }S.00. U�IihalUf�4JiWtl:WGfw1tl K8i9W11JiG1FJ llii!!Yilf!� �JJ6iUflydU Hi.)r�i�1k519�fi,'IiDGIlad6 llii6 �JrJt IlieilWl 1 Ih,t 'furonlu G••m>rab ams ata mcr•ting at Che 'Toronto t ienerul uu .Ian. Ytith, ltitals i Ih reprrieee. tcr4 (if h,,,- How About a New Dress for Easter? �t�®ftBtBf,�EnEF1®EK+�Ix�C�fyz��:�e��9e��Ithe „pedal rommitl,,c, on rnettpn ,f was dee.id,�d on at Lh,n rumunllte.• meet- )Italy in lir Ih•u\ince, tit,- rn•r,l of in- s] Giuneillurs Mitchell and ,w;tur. Ing. lie was this rtutver of filo+ motion orvasert mutaielpal ani L,, rt? IaU\r As - H A voquest troth the• 33M 11,, iment:tJtu acquaint In,M v essrs. HurHanan with 3,stance, \\a, emphasiz-�,f, and a dopu- IMPORTANT Rand :\stioriatun for a rant of 9JG0, thesulicftc•r's opinion, but the Intro- talion \\'ill \chit aft the Vrnciuelal tin\ - is We have a splendid range to choose from in Serges Gabardiflesr Silk Fop]iu, •] tit,, same as last year. wt,t r,, f,rr•ed to'tion was that there should bo no r,,- ernnn•nt in thly conuertion. At pro- Duchess Satin. Serges are of At quality and entirely fast dyes, in black anti ® r] titer rinancc commute,._ port to the cuuncil until this r„unuit• ;rot tits auonuht ch:,rceahle for indi- 14 tx A financial statement from thq.huul tee had hard frutr, them. y, fit Ili,, att, is f U5 o bli, oral the navy only, beautifully trimmed with silk braid. Prices $25,00 and $30.00. The mu\cr and the s,,eun&r of the rrqur:t \%ill be made to tlhr Ixgisl,r �, try Association -of reeeipts and ,•\,pen- p Silk Poplins and Duchess Satin, in colors navy, nigger, Belgian blue, ie atv are ,you going to spend the DFJ motion to adopt this report thought tic,, to ,Ioobi-t this aeount., tudkin, ® ditures was sent un to tin• tluance 1 the report \va, right, but th,t uth,r 1.15 a day chargoable to the muniri- w time next t�4, committee. p taupe, cadet, myrtle and black. An exquisitely stylish lot. Almost all si;:es. FB 11117 Air. Wes. Anderson t „lied f„r thv thee nt•:u,ber, of tit,. e,i nmiUcr un- panty from whtrh the patient comes ' i t Jcrstuod .that the matter \vat to re- and makin,; the Govrrnnrout ,crani 75 Prices fIolll $11.75 to 20.00. ® ffa po Ilion of oaretalcer of th,• town Imam iu the hands ul' the enmmitle, �t. n day • ® SUNDAY, MARCH 14th P ( parks at a salary of ti,)0 a munth., c � pec patient unable to pay. ,Separate Skirts kd w'ttnout any report to the council in, If Juts it taken tilt by the (;mernment sg This was referred to iter rent G ry and Lh,s tneartime, and, It thus develupitth and appru\ed, it \%Doti of rr,nrsc, Pn- IP possible. meet me inside the ee earls committee. that the report was a minority report, cillLate the financing of tit Goderich to A communication from the town p J p e A fine assortment of Ser e Silk Po stn and D:Ickcis Satin Skirts In black Baptist Church 1Chairmnn Mitchell withdrew it. hospital, as %yell as ulhcrs. g' , p , , too � council of Lindsay enclosed copy of I The fire committee reported nxom- W resolution adopted there with refer- mending the purchase o Burne tine `}nothor feature in the finam•ing (if navy, taupe, nigger, sand and rich plaids, all size-. ill stock. Prices from $4.g5 0 f9 once to lines imposed by police magi- the Goderich Hospital \\'wild fir the 5 Montreal Street clothing asked for by the firemen, and t0 $12-50- 0 � ,g strates, w'ttich that town wants paid popttlarizing of the inxlitutiun. [ ran - 0 10 to the municipality. Instead of to the Chairman Story moved the adoption of Orally all of the expenses of the hos- 0 at 11 aro. shard province. This was referred to the the report, seconded by Councillor pital (with the exception of the food Get Ready for April Showers Wallis. ,s io special committee. for patients) is the same for nue pa - M where au address i9 being given is A request from Sergeant Murphy of Councihor Humber took exception tient as for a full hospital. The build - O to this report also, apparently not � on tltd subject, � the police force, for inr•'rease of re- in,g has to be heated, an adequate staff Raincoats tri the treed effect, a. first rate Chat that IS never OUL Of place considering that the matter .had. been ® M muneraUon; was referred to the spe- has to be maintalnec! whether the hos- property considered. through file Spring season, either for walling, motoring, Or 1i)r the rain. .5lltllart 10 „ sial committee. Chairman Story, pita, is ministering to many patients ® Changing the Coinage" yi A request from Mr. L. B. Tape for rY, howover, explainers or to few, so that, limited only by the belted styles and well rllbberied, m to lease of 5 -acre field behind the Vic that h0 had got his committee toe0th- capacity of the hospital, the greater i er before the council meeting. He A Lorin public school, on the same terms the number or patientw the less the �OminlOri RaynSter, a COat Ur sit purposes and weather. rice roIn himself had been absent from the last ° s qi as last year, 920, was refected to cum- proportionate cost. .'1 proposal o[ Pf you are unable to get there in mittee which met after tho council cot1n6l meeting and this other had fir. Connon's. the .new treasurer, $15'00 np' « t! 111 been hanging fire and needed to be 6e morning. I ahall'lovk out for [e meeting and granted, the. request. Mr. I disposed oft as the clothing was Hoed- should tend to popnlarize the institn- • M 'Pape 'and J\Ir Halliday had the fie{c{ tion. and create ;t wider interest in It., J ed. The old articles had to be turned Orders by Phone and Mail receive best and prompt attention yon' at the Evening Serviefa, 7 last dear'. Nfrk Halliday is at present in before the new ones were issued. as well as helping oonsidetably in the Ill in,•hospital,=:but Mr. Tape agreed to finances. That is, selling memberships O'clock, subject, 119 divfde'the Heid with him if he wants 'Councillor Humber wanted to refer in the, hospital.' with the privilege to g+ ® the report back to the committee., and t �y Iy to use part of it. called for the yeas and nays on the he member' of tree Hospital treatment . Tho ideal Man, Bringing a w A pricu of 5 cents a tag in lots of for Dna week during the year to any _ motion to adopt the report. Ills own ■ � 100 was quoted in response to the act- member of his family, admission, of 1f 1� STORE m Nome Back to Normal" was the only negative vote. 'Phone 56 MILLAR J SCOTCH ✓ ORE 'Phone 56 ! to ing clock's request for prices on dog course. being on the recommendation There being no further business Lite • ri tags, and the council decided to order adjourned. of a physician and conditional on the All seats are tree, and yon gill Ile to 100 tags. councilhospital having the accommodation. m f The public works committee report- Three hpndred memberships, for ex - a made most welcome. Come ! ifl ed recommending• that Mr. Weatherilt HOSPITAL MATTERS ample, at 95 each, would produce a re- , m W be given the use of the pasture lot at venue of 91,500 and any increased use 4 Yon will noi; regret it. You will fo the gravel pit next the cemetery on Ile Proposed New Hospital Discussed of the hospital in consequence would Internal parasites in the shape of, J1111111111111111111H111111111111111111111tII11111fi11111111111111111111111Nllllllllllllitli • m M the same terms as last year, namely and Chanties in Flnancinp Hain- not increase the cost materially. worms In the stomach and bowels of enjoy the service, at ,p $3 rental. tenanee litany. no doubt, wo&IR take a mem- children sap their vitality and retard >:33 The special committee recommended bership who, in case of needing hos- Physical development. They keep the that a copy of the resolution asked piivi attention, .would not ask for the child to a constant state of unreal and, The Board of Health Discussion as to the proposal for the if not attended to, endanger the lite. to be passed by the Western Ontario p privilege attached to it. establishment. of n new hospital in TOWN COUNCIL Boards of Trade, with reference to the The report of the tlnanc� committee The child can be spared much autter- Goderich, by the conversion of the scarcity of labor, be forwarded to the was referred to the trustees for non- Ing and the mother much anxiety by "Maples" to that Purpose, and as to Government. sideration. the best worm remedy that can be got. the findncof the maintenance of a wlah to rmphasizr the fart that tit-, Proclamation of Feb. tOth is 'Prophospital here, occupied a large amount osal for Dance Hall of Harbor A committee dealing with the rate In the meantime, Judge Dickson, did r►tiltler's Worm Powders,, 'which ace of remuneration .for the two town not proceed ire accordance with a no- sure death to worms in arty shape. still in effect. Park Would Need to Go to People It is Hoped that •onditlons will be Improved to of time of the monthly meeting of the men, D. Phalen and Jno. McDonald in- Lice of motion given at last meeting, - or to Municipal Board creased to 27% cents an hour, ;ladling Alexandra Hospital Board on 'Monday to raise the rates. It is felt thO there Teacher: "In what battle did Gen. mach that no fucther restrictions will be necessary. The co -op - the fallowing lfonday, afternoon. is, A limit above which it would not be Wolfe. when hearing of victory, cry ..•ration of all citizens is asked, as should conditions not improve When a deputation has waited on The regular meeting of the town These reports were all adopted. advisable to raise the rate, otherwise 'I die happy'?" the county council in the to ask council was held on Friday evening A ,retort from the cemetery and e pasthe patient would engage a private Johnny: "I think 'L was tele last a rigid yuarantin!`wtil bo enacted. last: *with Deputy Reeve Dr. Clark asb for a grant of dib,000 towards a new parks mmlttee was presented, re- Hospital for Goderich, the call has al- nurse and be taken care of at home. battle." ___� the Only member of the board not orting that the solicitor's opinion &ad \with a decreased use of the hos- To avoid Influenza anut,l contact with other people ani far us ways been for something more dc - present. ad been obtained on the proposal to I w t last year as compared with There is time enough if we aro syr The tax collector's report of cofleo- convent the pavilion at the Harbor finite in the way of plans of proceed- it would even sepre- em that with the pre- tematic. possible. especially in cro,%cb . Avoid persons rntlferfng from Ing with the project. This the Hospi- y - - "colds", soro throat and t•uughs. Avoid chilling of body. Sleep' tions during the month of February Park Into a dancing hall, and recom- Lal Board proposes to e r l � sent rates there are man who con - to the finance committee, tie mending that the Messrs. Buchanan s cu e. n e sider hospital treatment something o a request from the Children's Ald a grant, AZTJoeleety.for ThsdJrs' report for last year was presented and a motion made and adopted for the payment of the audi- tors' sees. The report was sent to the Ana` ele committee to have printed. • A communication from the Aero; (flub, of Canada with reference to the eirta�}lahmFnt pf municipal aero-. dromelf and air harbors was sent to be advised of the import of the solid- tor's letter and that no further actionabsolute be taken until they are heard from. We understand it would be necessaryMODEL to get the sanction of the Municipal Board, or to submit the Ooposition to the vote of the ratepayers, before the proposal could be gone on with.makes I Oouncillor }lumber raised the objet- tion that the report as presented did not give a edrrect version of what id they cannot afford, except In case of necessity. One view Is that certain wards might be advanced In price to such a figure as would pay for the service rendered, and the rest of the, hospital put at one price. if the Government the increased grant to be asked for, the $2.50 a (lay allowed would n►ean $17.5(1 x week. The Government grant to the Goderich Hospital last year was only RVO, but under the new proposed allowance w hold be much THEATRE' WillRe0 n MONDAY MARCH Ik on 15th, With The Following ,Pro- gram For The Week NoAday and Tuesday - If ,ll, go to bed to ., \\ell-t,Pnt,lated room. Remember to rr- main In be@, 4w or three, Jays after all fever has disappeared. ~~ GRIFFIN OPERA HOUSE A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Another Ineornrnirnrr th^, hospital expertencrs is the habit of come mer - Cross and Kindred .1woeiations. Volunteers should apply to the CHARLES RAY of rendering ties monthlyocounts re- ly at long intervals. As monthly re - ly at GODERICHparts have to be sent to to the Gov- __ oodench, 1•, b. 'Lith, OV) —. " IN • f ► necessary tto such it `fps a s tw cor"r was t to i s ODO O�Ot�'T OD i1111111111111111111111111Ullllitt11111111IIf 1RIIiIIIliI1H11111titllllitlHlla1111MR111MIN ed to take such Freda sad Greased Lightening account, monthly. a The New - yMarchandThe fallowing ci}for, the from the The reports for, the yeara 1917 en- ° u • womalma=13cm IMU OO A HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY g and 1919, as to the Alexandra Gen- 0 �a�ue Saturday a and Marine hospital are of special O! interest by way of rr,mparison. For Decorating Wednesda tittle Thursday also year thorn r 1 a deficit here of $2tw.47 i High Class Foo#wear lBERT JOHNSTON'S y y also for the year 1917 there yea a de -Store fielt, of $125.73. For the year i9fA O A PARAMOUNT •PICTURE there was a surplus of $180.34. BIC gummary Government, ReportA for ° West Street AlROTHY GISH Gaderiett hospital : A p Worthy of Your Inspection MAGIC AND FUN SNOW " 1N . 1017 f9fA 1159 In addition to Our linos O( Wall O Number ,Mated lot 170 152 „ Collective days 2;233 2,252 2.0413 Paper, Paints, etc., we handle f'un,bin.n; an aotrictive .lppoara�tco and tl .r,h �00 Births 36 30 f9 all kinds of FEATURING ' Rrcript® ° .inn giving ia%veptional comfort and wear. It .s our AL90 1917 19iR tato JOHNSTONo THE GREAT INAGICIAN A PARAMOUNT FLACC COMEDY aients Municipal R3.05b.4w MUS 1331X,.60 E3,8'881.1 O M.07 caaim cell ons Y t,oal Foot\vo�r (live t.s 050 S&O • „ other 5ourePs 1.061.06 1,75239 1,.58 ' One Eve l�j(%ute I Window Blass, Plate alt,as, pl p"rt•;n, - t y to st,pply }our •audevllle and Concert Artists Total at— 1!6,387.9911_59311.72 Bevelled Glass, Diittors, etc. 1 1W'o have at ro9ent a ver•. 'a 'e '0 1 l Fridayaed Satur�aa Dietaries E$ttX2. tn81 5G ,% 81,297'.461 — p • Y O If you are tltinking of ening Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags, etc, t SPECIAL FEATIJRI:�'i .- Salarfea, fuel, �j. c . V A GOLDWYN PICTUM Light, etc. 3,896 670 411179.93 � any t - M A*Fs.SMITH; 1T Izard of the Viol' �! ' ratio See only goons Wore l,nyinh. • WILL 140G s Total E r.9SQ..fa 86,207 66 86,177.19 ir p and ImltatlonS Profit 6 fAA 33 ° No man Is lazy when fie nndU a Job 1 on us and int ns ' All Repair Work Done to Your Satisfaction � ,• . _ Loss g 125'3 3 215 47 1111tH year. Ctrl ' COMPANY'5 OWN ORCHESTRA vivo yon eta e+ltimato. r i .���IilrfO�. @ that fits him. r:+�, 1wta than -mawt A ,"sea'. HERN's Boor HOP , • - � ,�, � Children C�r�r � 4 `o fi rd ' PLAN Af DONLOP'S Oil" STORE ICOR FLE1CHt:R'S tll�• Xnth6rtson p t } k A CHRISTIE COM Y C p► S T ©RIA o�ee►�►�ctei�i � � ' r IL M _. .. -. . - x .. ...111... l and work in pur,-, rre-h ,ur. Keep hands clean, and keep them out of your mouth A%md r\pecturating In public plaees. Avoid id visiting the sicl ,. y OR If ,ll, go to bed to ., \\ell-t,Pnt,lated room. Remember to rr- main In be@, 4w or three, Jays after all fever has disappeared. The necessity of volunteer Nurses Is again urged on all li.d Cross and Kindred .1woeiations. Volunteers should apply to the r;lerk. A. D. 1fcLE1\, 4. C. HUNTER. 01,11rman 1t O. It tO GODERICHparts have to be sent to to the Gov- __ oodench, 1•, b. 'Lith, OV) —. " IN • f ► necessary tto such it `fps a s tw cor"r was t to i s ODO O�Ot�'T OD i1111111111111111111111111Ullllitt11111111IIf 1RIIiIIIliI1H11111titllllitlHlla1111MR111MIN ed to take such Freda sad Greased Lightening account, monthly. a The New - yMarchandThe fallowing ci}for, the from the The reports for, the yeara 1917 en- ° u • womalma=13cm IMU OO A HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY g and 1919, as to the Alexandra Gen- 0 �a�ue Saturday a and Marine hospital are of special O! interest by way of rr,mparison. For Decorating Wednesda tittle Thursday also year thorn r 1 a deficit here of $2tw.47 i High Class Foo#wear lBERT JOHNSTON'S y y also for the year 1917 there yea a de -Store fielt, of $125.73. For the year i9fA O A PARAMOUNT •PICTURE there was a surplus of $180.34. BIC gummary Government, ReportA for ° West Street AlROTHY GISH Gaderiett hospital : A p Worthy of Your Inspection MAGIC AND FUN SNOW " 1N . 1017 f9fA 1159 In addition to Our linos O( Wall O Number ,Mated lot 170 152 „ Collective days 2;233 2,252 2.0413 Paper, Paints, etc., we handle f'un,bin.n; an aotrictive .lppoara�tco and tl .r,h �00 Births 36 30 f9 all kinds of FEATURING ' Rrcript® ° .inn giving ia%veptional comfort and wear. It .s our AL90 1917 19iR tato JOHNSTONo THE GREAT INAGICIAN A PARAMOUNT FLACC COMEDY aients Municipal R3.05b.4w MUS 1331X,.60 E3,8'881.1 O M.07 caaim cell ons Y t,oal Foot\vo�r (live t.s 050 S&O • „ other 5ourePs 1.061.06 1,75239 1,.58 ' One Eve l�j(%ute I Window Blass, Plate alt,as, pl p"rt•;n, - t y to st,pply }our •audevllle and Concert Artists Total at— 1!6,387.9911_59311.72 Bevelled Glass, Diittors, etc. 1 1W'o have at ro9ent a ver•. 'a 'e '0 1 l Fridayaed Satur�aa Dietaries E$ttX2. tn81 5G ,% 81,297'.461 — p • Y O If you are tltinking of ening Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags, etc, t SPECIAL FEATIJRI:�'i .- Salarfea, fuel, �j. c . V A GOLDWYN PICTUM Light, etc. 3,896 670 411179.93 � any t - M A*Fs.SMITH; 1T Izard of the Viol' �! ' ratio See only goons Wore l,nyinh. • WILL 140G s Total E r.9SQ..fa 86,207 66 86,177.19 ir p and ImltatlonS Profit 6 fAA 33 ° No man Is lazy when fie nndU a Job 1 on us and int ns ' All Repair Work Done to Your Satisfaction � ,• . _ Loss g 125'3 3 215 47 1111tH year. Ctrl ' COMPANY'5 OWN ORCHESTRA vivo yon eta e+ltimato. r i .���IilrfO�. @ that fits him. r:+�, 1wta than -mawt A ,"sea'. HERN's Boor HOP , • - � ,�, � Children C�r�r � 4 `o fi rd ' PLAN Af DONLOP'S Oil" STORE ICOR FLE1CHt:R'S tll�• Xnth6rtson p t } k A CHRISTIE COM Y C p► S T ©RIA o�ee►�►�ctei�i � � ' r IL M _. .. -. . - x .. ...111... l