HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-03-04, Page 2, ,
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F;rttatipta .t±tal" tGaticrleh ��'� Ulu i 0 "
veeasaea �'' .ift �
Government Hou T
\4 a hxvo read a 6Te
.AdIkkiiii.9 11
Gax(ernment House le' ,t deo ' about! lit
al and v
` 1�iitht#'3M► 'M
,:. It tt4ib been wri•" - Y, tgsd of i� . '��� �� +,
s.w.,,..w.wn., - hearts are VY ,•ffR by MeP. �vitoses i
a ( same kln4 .fists with bitF ertledx 4(►i 't.«►.er .,
of $ e' . or another. VLWe have read MM11�� 0 ., ''�,1[.�.
lteatr . o ra whose uttcrW. , 6l RA l vis A, >�,: ��,, °war . e
1. T ode c e can �l� tom an ltd. . 4f 4 like t9thpCr. .es a evta
j� Company, 'll !'-�I :,.) �.� f=cam
I P a¢ert�i wilat It Id, .r all about. 00v- �. � , , • , � � •, t ., � �� $ ,f ,am i
ern IiAdIIRt, wttigl t to file hvttu: of 1,>fpuiC� udRilQrt>f1t9F
j .......,,.�+.. tire JAeWtenunt Govg , .. •
coos of Q.ntitrFo. it "
i .t 'Cserronto. and '1M.1Li +M(i=bl1 M 3i .. +cidigi.:. _- jf� R:
This is One ut the n. v (ot.0 tonics in Gods rich, whdctt took possibly this bas an wiGlt talo n1agIbtrote,and , l l t~il.
{ aoraettting to dot .
with Lite {;rnuab some eetOtei�ieAitlt( Q ` ''. 11
Ji over llie factory formerly Lnovm as the \\heel Ribs some months people have IF . IDA It, If It were I I ` , ° ` •
anywhere e1a+r '
,i uSo. - for Instance, to Gode- p. ilii ttlmie attnti oft lige,' • �, R ;yz:
11 I rich, thcY if right feel more composed. �> �q( lin►ti 'i I% :.4n this • . ` � .
The Company has been but,% wetting the plant but for 'i`r conte to have it --that is the WA00 4,row ,�., 00 Into tabu + ., p
j;. ° worldng order, and has already vi,tablished a • .d flret•etasis last the 5trkv It Is generally noticed that totlm""t J*14L.1 114. to0kmanoy
f§ lite manufacture of Reed Furniture, Ilah! tninent place In .Otlemen With disturbed hearts ittlI S I
rRq utptflft4t t. tip to win n }' .
file wholesale [rade. aytsy,•v, rtt' , amau5-t ileo write or read about (IovernmanL [a la prGyilGibtafili.. - it �•��//
se !lave slightly diacrelaC polltleal
1@' attint,ti to those who were in power t ga�'`(Kltr-a}te¢tbti and jail. �a
�T �s�+ Cage So
The demand for Its r•- R 1 Je ►7 eV
,, ••- ,obese the home.of Ontario's Lieuton- �.
r. 11 most encouraging. ants Governor was built.` In face they - • •
. ,,.oduels is utilintited, and the oP.ogpe le iniquities o Qltlget lie's gorty--tittG tool l � �y,`
'point to tt b Nolte this comprsany 1 ! uung, Its p:•oap(°ctr have act]ulred quite a slant in ttreR
of bas sizeil him up: ! „t, o i-actoy at LONDON, Casadz-
- _o,lts one of lhn most ,.ttt•eessfltl iii-16,trie•s in to"u. it which theirahn d iworkedrminds have Believes be has the aLnfY to make I� �iNE:EN
�" cionan - Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, I3arnilton Kifgston, r `
rtYre t`nmpany !s putting un the. ,narkpt 100 rltct.ro.cot i?cct� cause rotherwiset theyeare at very decent ; tenceQway only bA,rfta him ` .• UKP $ I Winnipeg, Calgary, Pc -,t P.rtau:, St. John, N.)�.
,tla sort of chaps, and we are sorry to no- asci start bitu,tovvaldeeontiniFed• pn,;+ Ar11ttCRiS
0 4 t5 ` Cam St�de an "hick It gttaranle(m K per p rent. dividend •crirt inallt .
• ntTwrins as n special lndurem<•nt'•'tu local in%e .ton F101) t+harcd A,c lice the unn@cessary worry they give Y• �` tfFNGES'-"e S. - -
a themselves upon this matter of Gov- HLr 011lger in uniform was the S�No roQ ^�oNE�y
l , -- - - — in'J
Ili t rrrmcnt Ifnusc, _ S
+" , .�. As a matter , of tact Government 8atvatton �etgly Fa'6Tiatf3fiier: '
3,Ir, with any of th'• diree- S By manly counsel, supervision I
'r - - - 5latrrrtipthnts ft�r ttocat tnaY be ril = liouse is all right It is bituated in ,_
. ,% _ --- 3urs the hu;ird r0nsisting ,ef tYtn following N 'tillenu n: ;t . Prlt- wrounds suitably laid out, and it is n and ptsyer Ile pnnublest. thgilad tit - - - nee
regain control of bimsseelR and get ` --! - r"ta .
\\'. 1ti:d1>t r. A. F. S)urdy and AI. l:. (.ams son.
well planned and well byait structure, --
another start. tree from the stigma, .-:-.- -- --- --^ and Medical Mission , .. , . 2:r 00 Ex. three e 1 `,res dad is i fw
i`' X11 r - Halt rr. -'way- --- - — _ -- .-. - . -•,-.-.------• - - --- - -
_ -- _ and ts_itr-every -tvertl►-y- fs-t>a the - -,o & pc si-on sen%nce. — --- _ rs.
= home of Ontario's Tt'Presw°ntative of race, ture.. s . tau
_ - ' --- qua lecture .... .......... G7 08 Bslaneegtn �� t37
�IIi11111NIillilt llltmmtli llll�lIiIIINIINItiiIIIifNINiNtI�IiNiIIIINIIiiir the Kin>;. We must not tu.Set that. IF someone you know makes a �I" ���p~—aft m H. Milton, treas. G. W. V. A..v !0 00 °
We are subjects of a lilgg-a good false stop don't judge them •�O v'y ,Djq''�
• -- - King, and ub believe In the KInB's Job p j g A. F. Sturdy, treasurer Soldiers' If o ` be troubled wltti "arts u d
harshly. • r0morial...... .... ...... 25 00 corns, It will find in Holloway's torn
a • �• o as a necessity as well ap an embellish- 6AN Gtr STRONG A►it,dlt WELL
mt'•ut lu LhN ruhcrence of the British ssTHERE is so tnueb good D. Millar & Son, for Miss Skim- lure n aj -"at 1 t1..t ��11i e[[lirciy
V, j i
I ■A Situation at ttawa i•:n pire. If w,t arc loyal subJects w'e vat know. WITH WEAK KIDNEYS. " 11 v . 5�Political. logs.. 7 80 rP a tfer tg-----..
.,hall wish to honor the King with our National treasurer a year book 5 Op l
V Ine
_ . _ re an III .( aU J .overt K n
1. 11money a, well as with our lips: If 308 Service Posts in this -- D. A. Fund
on lemon. se in la ' o".
. the; chief grouch against Government Fund ..... - - - 25 00 base i:[ to c.'•.
I,ab 11ion;stn Liberals lluuse is that It costs too muoh, vve Territory. Use 'thein ! �Vstmcn try to hear but
daily hnrelenR _ _._- -_- -
h !d bat the cont ruin
11Vttli Farmers, orttes, ti - r If e
rnlgltt pntnt �uti that the rµ ares many of Lift' •bounc, o ,
other things that cost too fund[, and ---------- -- - - goo itn�, bending, nrver ertdint{ strain
CUII3eCVatives and Nationalists, It carry no evidence nP tine money spettt llurun county IutpPrs pr[ form at the goo o back, sooner or sates, crap enc! :n
N • on fhfDin to the nt+xt year, to say noth- present time entirely gratuitously, some lora of kidnry iroub'.c. Have Your
Defies Clear Analysis Ing of succe,•dim; generations. Novy I while in a number of counties (among When the back. aches or hcecrnrs v Cil r�
txe ' rnueh does Ontario spend un peanuts them've believe the (;aunty of Lanark weak -it is a waren.•, that the 6idnr}}•s � ,
vvav and on t}ie . l
anri chewing (urn? Nuvv much does site twherr more than duubto llurun conn- are affected in some Cleaning Done
4 ]FUTURE OF UNIONISM DEPENDS ON SIR ROBERT BORDEN'S HEALTH spend on liquor-tiiduy-not before the ty pikes are paid for printing the brat sign of any weaknrst 1)oan'y ngtucy I ', �
county minutes in book form) an al- _a ~
i referendum -but now? ituw much tills should be taken, s,- a, co -(1 ngthcn
luvv'ance ly made to the papers for fife ISrdnt ys -e foto[^ �j p y�� / 1
The fotowlni[ urtirlo from t.e cina- Minh fur n.a�tery, and all pr•if ang does she sprnd un theatres ane! moa+- publlshing the minutes in their news ii � lJ1>► el b5
than efo llowi n arts of 'o m tion an -1, 111olirting creeds and war•,•:•i,•s, the ing pietures? Don't talk to nre. about trout C. ttr yt I i;'
t olumns, Mrs. Joseph Jarvis 152 Niagarl tlr. rp p ,+
New York Herald it, ouch a concise i:anatUan public, tsehoob(t shun Con- r;overn�nent !louse b, ing a monstro-I
summing uP (if ill,.porich of noise federation u i two-party system. be- slip of expense, when thero are su All of which goes to shove that the Hamilton writes:--" I vvas so trouble( ' e
newspapers of llurun county are gh•-' With my �ldneye I could hardly sleep; I � ,l,
than politics at the Pre°scnt 'into' that comes perplexed bad confused, doubt- many poor people, beside
elf house Ing a service to the public for, whteh could not do m;r work, and was a burden �y++yy 3 ' �`
we are plcasrd hl be shit to I rrsent cul as to ovhich group cit should turn stands
ufsoa.�ring ploasurr°stleintnrlo to m self. I used Doan's Kidney ,Pills Cictiliti}�, ll&il ,Chold dfT�eTteS llrie;i I s'
It to our readers this wPek. to for tight and guidane . j y D a vrry inadeelnatC recngnitdn is [e- y 0 and deilcAi'e iATJ�% can be cleaned , , '
apm, and they sure he[lh.d me, and I wuul 1, i ,,
Ottawa, Feb.FobtG.-An outward n[ani- !t is while the public is in this state is Vasty have n entfon(dnny onC `tived. ..-.-_ - i -- - Dot be without them in the house. 1 I' Gild 1Y3aC�e fd ��ialt as fresh and brij�;ht' . �1'
testation of the discontent and unrest of political uncertainty anti doubt that tial* V.at CElli. BROUGH I. 0, -�, E. sleep better now t -an t halve fdt
which for surer Ilmr pAyt have been parilainent is assembling next week. month titan bwQWd beep Un UcilcFn I own r P �;
,- thtleateninK the l'niunist. Government The Clovernnleat, without a Prime Min- inrnt douse for a year. I yeare•r as \vYlvCn �1lS�C butlallt. i
With disintrgrotiun was cvidencedthis inter (Sir Robert Eoihi is ;j,i1A ab•�si.•n•t If W4 yhis;f hro"ll is tJtat t;0"'n-1 Annual Reports Shovv a \'cry Success 1yJithid� tielHy Piiik Lrl put ul, ip an d, ll+
G a week when ;cooler 3, 6. Ai�LCnri86 In • �t ,4 Vf hcglw ,pts to ,,.Ol et' moot ilous0 tends to elevate one, etas? ful Vwr �lildhg y hos; our trade :,tack a MoplP e"
t launched n new political organlzatiga tic Ackworl: meanwhile securing time of people above anotiter, I :un with Ft Leeaf -; once ceip at f 1 dealers, or mailed Cleaningand eln
a ih ed it tlir JNatiogal party. to repair its badly shattered breast- every time. We want ciev�ation, we �'�' direct on receipt of rice by Tho 'T, y
� •hili fib tCA 'i'hu ahllUNl metttlGJ! of the General oronto, Ont.
'Senator .McLennan. wild represents a %v,erks and to rq:group its forces, but it want something to look to as vve wegcl Brough Chapter, I. O, i), E., was held, Milburn Co., Limited; � i0 ill
a, group of Tory-Gonservatives which has wilt require the most expert leader- our vvLy, through rho coldf*gs paths on •Alrnday afternoon, Feb. 9th. Is Properly Done at Parker's i
;{ soueen grooving progressively resllrss ship to save It from defeat. It will be of democracy, in the shadows, the `rhe secretary's report was as fol- Proceeds of Chautauqua ImtUre 67 08
imder the yoke of the coalition, Is im- under heavy frontal fire from the 'o P- different part of the Empire. may have lows: 11roCeeds of euchre enol !lance, It snakes n0 difference where you live; parcels can
portant chiefly for what he represents. position, whose chief strength is in its a eollistan of Interests, but when they Goderich, Jpnuary. 19'20. March i7 ...... ...... .... 6S GO
. For while personally far from being a capacity to hold a solid Quebec and to i take: tj4ne to consider their= ext move, Madam Regent, fellow -officers and proceeds of eu'chM and dance. be sent in by }nail or express. The sante care and wt -
transcending political force, he speaks mobilize tie stray forces of unrest in they' always find themseive� doing so members,-[ respectfully present to. July 17...•..... , . • • • • 58 `
for oommrrrlal nn+! financial Interetits the other Drevinces; it will be raked In the presence of the symbols of the you the following report of our year's tention is given the work as though you lived in town
I`I-manufacturers, raihvay+, hanky and from the cross benches by thv levo tar- King -tile (leo. V., R. I•, which .oxer- y B p t, PrejceOct of euchre and •dance,
k( financial tnagnab°s-whose power and Iff fire of Air. Grerar and his embattled wise, increasingly. ,tendencies toward
work: Ootoj�er 31 G7 1Vt wr[! be pleased to ndviscyora on any question
During the y dor we held nine regular Fees, , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , • • • • • • 6 '' 3 refi¢rding C(tarairrg or Dyeing. WRITE CLS.
f' Influence in the national life have al- farmers-, and it will be in constant ,justice: ,fellowship and union. it Is meetings and four special ones for the
. Ways been and are stili tremendously danger from intrigue and schism from the higher piano tht1L the Royal Family transaction of business. We have sue- 8313 93
potent and oonsequently his attack within. stands for, the strong connecting link ceedod in raising funds for our` treas- Expenditures PARKER S DYE. ORKS, Limited
upon the Governnunt onnnot b(, lightly Look to Sir Robert Borden between the subjects of too King. no try fro which to respond to- roost Alexandra Alarine and General CLEANERS and DYERS"
dltnrtiased. matter what their or color. hospital, Goderich.. .....8 IQ 10
A gpcat deal will depend upon the calls that a eared to us worthy, b6tlr
11]tr;ady Iho AfonLreai uazclto, the Those who decry G vernment house 791 Yonge Street - . Toronto
future of Sir Robert Borden. If Sir local and morn ant. Ou rfiohey- Mrs. Bruce, re Sirs. Gooder-
t chief . journalistic . mquthplecu of the f�obsrt regains big health and is able on the Fcorc of economyor social pe,- snaking activities wore the line ham's gift..., , ... • . • , • • • • 103
mtinCtary Interests, has practically sition do not do so wisely. There, is Abs. Von i{oughnet, for soldiers'
trailed his colors to its s practically
and to return to the leadership. then the of social entertainments entirely.
still room' in the laritish Empire for Not only have our members worked
Government may be able to leave the comforts...... !0 OI3
there are signs of support from other great bulk of Its forces and to go to loyal subjtcts who shout with earnest- cheerfully to make our own affairs suc- Miss - Gibson, treasurer Golden ��� ( �i
" po%Verful quarters. it is not that Sen- the country upon ,a moderate economic ness God'Save the King. cessful financially and otherwise. but ........ 5 00 „IfJrs any new econo_ DEl1MOT AlcF;\'OY, Mato Midway.... It1�a9lLalf-'ll'✓
F ator 11toLemum o pulley as opposed to the ertreme pro- they have also taken their part in sev- National treasurer, for enve-
anio panaceas with ills new National teetionism of 'Dory -Nationals en the f oral civic undertakings, notably the lopes:... • • • • • 96
" 1farEy. ills platform, stripped at its HERE AND THERE "Midway" held In August. and the sale
,. ,. plaits platitudes calls men ly for 'the one hand and of tt►e low, -tariff. radical Miss 'Fol;ter, re Lenana ' Bible `SS
� �FU c
doctrines of the% Liberals and Farmers of Chautauqua tickets, the proceeds of�
,, t ,i>;alotenancn of high protection and which were applied to the Solldiers' i
torr other doctrines that have Como to on the other. But If Sir Robert, un- A Contras t In rho Prices Different
$1. able to regain his health, is compelled Cougtles Pay for Their Printing War Memorial Scheme of Canada.. SONDIAGE '� • 1!10 rzgart}ed by most Canadians as re -to definitely retire, a naw leader, no - 4- Our membership has altered little /� K'
1 ;, flatioriitry. it Is simply that the mon- matter .what his qualifloations, is ai- Glancing through the Lanark county from last year. We deeply regret the • • Guaranteed Pnre °
t,ly�d interests. "Big Bgetness," are in Hoyt rr*rtaln to [Wean n Unionist Dreak- Papers the other day we noted in the removal by death, however, this nmv * u •
- dbadly, fear of the growth of file agrar- up, something which, .in turn. would report of the property and printing year of Mrs. Reid, who for her genian - A6 .p■
n v .into movement, with .its radical tcnden- mean air cost general eleoWon result- rommlttee of the county council the dtspositlon and willing service will bow` °'� Best for all fine laulidering. Washing..
L' �o -
' dies, and believing that the coalition � ,
.. Ing in a Parliament of groups. with no following paragraph: touch missed. •-� Laces and all fine fabrics. '•
outs Monger offers safe shield against its single g'r'oup sufficiently powerful to "Tenders were received for printing In closing we take this opportunity ��� �t1� 8111 i[l]l' It D3t,;�6>OR Silks,
t, s,;,f 9 0moss bavo become convinced drat rule independently of the others; thvis 100 copies of minutes -for each session of thanking the citizens for their, pat- p `
,•t ne time has arrived for the launching bringing unstable government and con- 1920, and we recommend that the offer ronage during the pgst months. to K6�OhOf% WON'T SHRINK WOOLENS
of a now political orientation to safe* tlnucd political and economic uncer- of the Perth Courier at $1.70 per page CONSTA'NCE, LeTOUZEL, CMD
gililyd somli of the things for which big tainty and unrest, be accepted, it being the lowest." Secy, of the General Brough Chapter. nl1
.:IIluslness stands.. Afeanwhike it Is encouraging to note The report was adoptod. Anna 1 financial report of General �I
i' a woalions Unionist Party ttutt dtwpitC political uncertainty the Tht interesting feature of this para- pa Grandmother kept her hair 6ermtifhlly Table Syrup
Brougtf Chapter:
ti'tio dbvv pnMy as might bC expected notional revenues continue to show graph for the printers of the county of Receipts darkened. glob viand attractive with a
. i � been received by the other parties slpendid gains. An official statement i[uron•and for the Huron county noun- Bank balance ...... ............8 30 SS brew of 6d,qir took and Bt dud, when- Both in bulk and 2 and 5 pound tins.
w •i With anything but acclaim. The Un- shows that for the ten months of the Oil is the way this price compares Total receipts from tea room.. 60 27 over her hsir took e, that dull, faded or
>•' fsiliidt3i who regard its adherents ae fiscal year r+,venues from all soumes with the prices paid here for the same Miss Noble, window shades.... 950 ai;teake8 aPPearr+nce, this simple miztui<e
v Miss Noble, wool...... ...... 3 65 PP Tel +"�"'�
• , t obels. declare that it is a last de -per- of taxation advanced to a substantial work. For instance trio last time 'the was a tQ� f drug store for
., ,Ripe a4tempt of the forces of reaction to extent, and it is es 'mated that tho Star did t►e county prtnt►ng (in f9i7) Bank interest,... .......... • 3 03 g g Su
+t • (� QQ
1t11Vs the citadels of privilege. The end of the year will tee a total reven- we supplied 500 copies (not 300 as in Bat a lar a bottle of thiCompound,'!
old time recipe, LilyWhite Corm Syrup
�tttWrtils. Although wolcoming any, u•' of t?3i0,000,000-the largest in the Lanark county), for the magnificent 8c B
t � improved by the addition of other fngred-
4 - "a1'1oa that tends toward destruction of nation's history. Trade, too. continues price of 69 cents a 1%ge; and this year lents, all ready to use, for about 150 cent&
f _ t7pignlsm,,ara suspi.oious atict scepttenl, exeelicnt, although the adv.crs. ex- the successful tenderer offered to print T�irl�p)/.+.'TDixi 5 This 81mPle mixture can be ended .
} *ad:°the Farmers. the sworn enemy of change rate iQ bound to have an ill the minutes for 70 cent; a page, 400 A�Li CAPSULES upon to restore natural color bad beauty All kinds of fork and Beans i
,�ice . . prlDWton and of the financial., inter-. effect upon purchases from the: t'nited copies, just an even dollar a page leas to the hair.
JC Itj1, cult if any good can conic out Of Stat.ev, it was announced this week than the Lanark county price, and 100 RGp A yell -known downto#n druggist 1! � .
Mogitreal• that the Tnrdo .Mission in London. copies more to be supplied here an ever$body uges Wyeth'a Sage and 8u1-
,�y�vfirtJlClrss the National party, al- which has been (n uperxt.fon since he- in Lanark. l.UMBAGO,NEURALGIA.GOUTE?C phur Comppl;and now becanso itdarkene
t1lli?lll ]t possessing not one choose: Ina fore the armistice•, has ceased to exist. The Lanark county Price is not a AWRE REEIEF FOR THEWORS'lrBEitDA a so naturallyand evenly tt1mf nobody can
11 th,O qd, of ever achieving a position in future its operations will be carried high price for the work by anY means. TENPEETON;;L 1 HtlfHtXGSTwSoilOMe 401 its hit beds applied --it's eo .0 to LEACU
ii' rQ nt'eat parliamentary power, further on by w9iat is to bo known as t
he Ov- What then can be said of the iiuron vee top, ioti gim 1 s>tl,mpea A eomb on . • Hie*
kirk the Unionist Party. from erQray Branch of th. Departm(nt of county price? Huron county printers $n,nnntty has lacked a prneNcat rhenn,ntia soft brush aad draw t throu$b pool boli,
t.,, Al` renwii rn y Lakin one atraad ata dime. By morning Phone 180 Con. Montreal 8t. and Square
Whose ranks It will recruit most of ice Trade and Comm=.•roc. The chairman would be a more self respeeting class sorty othoisp=iit��ewClcctsFdix,lir, d u' j,i� 8 .
litrCngttr; and to (l►at extent tt is lm- of the neve body iF W. R. Nox•'n f if they charged a price for their w'ori ,:s fo ohtnin rc+lief, )Det bettrr re -was erre the Bray hair disappears; after another���r,{t
A' 'lftatlt, Also it will [end to further Toronto, a m[sin of wid cummerctal whteb would allow them to snake, a aach;e,edAfflitatttnunent'v'y using
,C's "tht application or two, it is reetgretj folia [Ls �JLJIJILJl
,�,'.a ewilder a political saltuat.ion that dr- exprMence, and a Stron(� expansion of living wage out of the work. snot re�ultq ,vitt! any othertrcahnqnt nod natural color and looks �losay, soft and
!l,' `, t( tt clear analysis; for with Farmers Canadian trides not alone with the The name thing is true of the print- you w;1I h- cpnvince& AAL" your drutrgiat beautiful• This preparation ie a delight -MH hi
or write ua fnrour new booklet, it is interest- ful toilet requisite. It is not intended Por .�
aigtl..i�aborites, Unionists and Liberals, [tnttvJ Kingdom but with all Euro- Ing of voters' lista for the town °� K ir,nv �o:o�io)�atwcg iimemnt haen� req I �llllltllilillllllnlllllllNIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIlNN1NNNIINIIiINIiIIIIIIII111NiII9=1
I r.iriltlgcrv&tt5ta and :Nationals all strug- p^an countries is expected to result tludPrich and other similar work. 8� g fife ewe, mitigation or prevention of din
't.:. rrom ills activities. a page id the price last year's reeve itxaipt of sl.M ease. C ,..
D ' _ with C brt tr•tde gn.Dd, and Irlibis- was Informed. en making enquiries in • •"' I _M
____ 1
i` (� /� I"icst rtinnitip; at fulf spce-Y.-I i; conn- ole "vvnk tl[� >31`1cO eharRe� GiIO�6112 0 01�0�'i�0� =
� : •CNERE [S ON try, despite much nubile protest for such' work, but Goderfoh's Reeve & ,- _ 11 C
ar.�'}Inst the high c•:,st of living, is oft 1919 was the one to mdve that the I(aU CAN ALWAYS GET
EN111NE ASPIRIN ardaztngiy pitosperous. Uni+mploY- contract for printing the fiorterich
nv.nt. which, It was ;eared vi,ould be voters' list be given to an ouiee willing =
• .. gr•vat during the winter months, N I.ass to do the work for about half that , Choice
a a• than normal. wages were never high- price. an of11oP, by the way, which /1 =
I ,+, „ rr and strikes h ve never been fe%Vcr. fell down in the matter of delivery. to I�llljl Ttlblti5 t\'It11 !yet Cfos3 . Evr+r winru the disastrou9 collapse ,°f The suggosttoa is maslo by CoulltY O� Grocepies C JI I ....
I aTEv �5p3iitt•�-t�0 others! 11w Wlnnip.!g Ntrikn last'• summer. In Cl•�rk Holman that a l3Cod move would =-'
f. q, the I►ominion has been happily bo to dispense with printing the coup- I
It ty ::' N. fD�°(f front flldust i3tt i`(i31tI1Dt. ty toriptes in book form and pay the - =_ -
'rhea is reason for believing that papers of the county fair stem for AT THIS tORE r `—
i. th•1 t,eps wbioh have followed upon printing the minutes F� their papers,
].nntt Clrv�y'B letteL to tho Vondon Tbia, by the way, is a service which O a - O C • • ( uhu�ft++� -
> . Tinter! looking to the entry of iiia i)n- -Tho Star d several others of the I r $ ji ; • , p, g..."Is... gust'' ROUF t t Vn _ wI"`.'"� of 1 Mates into the 1, ,gue ttad�!fi rets,m,.rrn..rYriirrr.,.ri+l+rr.i,�rri•(r,�r� C,ampbO� g and Hein+, ups �% �,,,., p.. ;:..,�.t
�l , , tahn conditions have resulted cab the r,, . C' ( . � ;' , .. • .
t ;,nadlan Uovernment cabling n protest SOURS ACID STOMACH% >u • `
% . '' to) thq imperial. authorities. Tho" basis dIA5E5 DIS INDIaESTiON
r :. q of tlals protest, it is tlnder>ltaai, i� t)lclt • All brands of Ca>ryn�d G ,..*
don`t"^sal► the 'Bit r C`roea
y .. It flu t; nada entered thit'li a uradilW swell
", Ierr
` alto t 1gts, trefugla • themz• they are a , e•PaiWA 01spopslnw naUtralisysa **cost- :
, .: ,sem 0 defined understaAdingl Ard whit. Corn- ' "
0 1 lltvrl Ukr tat allbrnodN raliatv'ittn 1d ,
j;iMbt Jlaprtlnf►E#Ill. ' ,ifyie�rittri, hBaKrtbtrrar find , Ocrira CAtyxCt' Bulk Tea -
,r t�t x117 ,` lit iYe nof�elii§l etlt tt ve d > ertss d�l�ss dlntt+csai Mt once. I au W S - f ne diviy 1<x�'aiiiant to, get ou will suddenly
j 'Sta+ftr atrtft' p r
. ltttt t+s lyrii`. Ta�et±l f lit altered of het IiUtals ptss>libly CCLeit r .: r. r..u.. ` C ou ��•
, tJ 'tr 'how a.made $ t:1c end . alsan, a rl:n. GXv, ead ,now b Navin our
. ►gds od +otryred by to Canadian by arty 9'hltae0etlt C11iLT�ta fill'':t�L'>f�t�d '�illte itf ift flute minutes ail tstam- ,, �Q� ,• Y Y R' y 4
i t q
i 14 1.
�� to which shtl 11' riot `hilly eoni4.ttCd.. ([pit• duuft% due to 'aiddlt$. Vill'go. ` r ,p +CgY''; ilIrou "111y. oV,eXWtruled,'. 'bind save irritating r":
fl1 t1di,,t1 Crflt`Aotrtttf �lcrnlan N�i �iititwr, ltaabtlruEtt, eoutrneeb or k b °
', i'., ' "' ' "!a' it1 'licit Nes - 1t ! toMtrs` bei b itif'.gatt ver cxnetatione of nodi- Prt>IIIx > ratltt:1%1Waty in s� .,.. dtlrlti ys'anfT expen xv(� reptirf s ° IatAr: at1s 'actit tl ,t
1 , ,' ..14 I# tipiirlli.;i1 1>fe li ,fir
ii t i✓t`tNiltrto till has ileetl -tri:> thty iha rkat ie>l do+E; rid diff lnesF, bloating, foul
� ' `',oltat�Jt1, ` ixx '► w� i
Xl ' tttl! ..,' id .l lttxtlotts Metre upwAtrds of thirty 'vt'at% find la that bruit or 'list akho. 1'rI t:d
fM! liiYtrt aid , . , rd,�y�. °, ,14 1
: F` t se rttt+l ttbli'ioo 'iitt{6 ly bait til'b4rtji 1 bi'bltslfilf tt?`ttllltt#- iia t*. 04 i noted for its y t[`. t jtjtTs
a sin i t3 [ of - � eU OUR N :.. �' . DifL y .. I .
DSI 5, • tik, lrC a>rt(ls. it iA hfgl1 in favor thro txhout K In )t4� uthis llpseE etor iuhs., • , t� • t t A �d .
,[rte` ittri, .�ttElf ijanliia andylts` exEeileltice hag.;l►ltirltl tit free! 4 '
- A ti Imp staltnslxs ' X1 .• �%kweti stotar+tEh sw6t. �� 6Ja r' s
watii� pp
" . i ' �x ••vi silo tl ifitt l t(s 0 ti' (lel a. It 'a i rid rlteir Irl iXte waj r►`nrxd'l ctid besides' it „
ria ftv� Lt�ohle,. its y 0 . 0,0 t I' t.l
t� , . .
,y r v :....., ,
. ,y of i(ftitlse r. roe pial ir!' tIf „who list ofi liy�t�j�}mrYtttr� lfi 1[t►tpilgairt. , ,tfi :sit en+l to gxotitaeltty` jli
C {,.�, '��• tri 1]aQilil C R",'^• ., RR' N
, .
►"� snit . tVr n 'I : t rt it (11d bis ltlttwli'ltt''olft b till; a tier„o itfty.
I Ric tt , �tlitutslatle. t. T« I# it t d rib a ti ob ii t
* i
, I� 1 oak 'i 0`7* N r rr'{ a'y
t, ► ve, •r;ll v Ito t til” 61 Ua A iris :rptitn Ruin dt(1i
a I t 1 S .. e
,Jrrltl t A* , � 00 0 lib i ., i . �*L
#;0itlttr':ibsPrltiltt 0 va t: + pa
.: rx ►. :; +tom tk'ali £lite Liss rAlhutiCg „ 'ti::. *a ,r -S . �, 1 1 • �Mc .,4. �. t,
f .I" 41L� t,, d,1 otlMtit, ?t c v c . . : y tt« W *w ,'l eh'i (,at+'� k(X -t ;) . e , t,
ttrt fipftlK p , . ,, -... , , .
y.., tr"�
- . -, .-, ..--.:... :.>StvF'Jiltl ' ,. fiF tattle iRdi* r.tC 4 , itlat ti t ,
�+t iy�y�,�� yy.} y,y,,,y,, �y y� �a �y,,� 7 d,4, �:::
,,.: +grf.,.x... ,,.-7M Ii'�.p 4R K`."'� �i++ ,, b h#*1rw+�ta 1� , ?+..7,# l .f , v I .r. -'.Y k:�`+� - y, '$u' -v- �, i
,.. ,. -
iet, )" lives togethni7 rv]I]lout..tt#Rtl»3r#,, Intl giiil tttr title s�tistrlaclt Liu• �:..T .. -' " �- r, w�,(+
LfirMt't #nittl: irk > .,> > Ni1tl�
y yr ttrrift lrtriZ3 oY mm. lt':►8•(tiasl. Nei yor 110n err, friot or dor ittiom f1 1'f.yM-ettt(itrdyi ,thio' t6 dtOltw
i -' oia, `
. w ixlCits%,.,f.- of Z"2!) .S" , I . 1,111 ip ly, OJCi'C*itti ItCidt iIt ftfitt"itClY. �WlI� 1t1I,1 +f ��I :lltw►� �
,,d � . .. ; . ., i r.
la i
t. .
I .1S ,I 1. p d U
6 m, ° V , t
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.,L, L. i 11 I . I I I- i , ,1.�A%t&.-i ......... - - I . I I I I I I � 1. I I I "A
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