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The Goderich Star, 1920-03-04, Page 1
0 •6 - tr _ . Y - _ ..-..... r, 10, „ % . ^ �'•I` - _ _. . - _.. r ��,r ;i. _ - i - .. - a�a���N v J', ' ". r ' , !1 .. .. ^,' ',� .. - ►li .ASM # ` �� o, . , , : . • , i .. - : K . , vaelCe fel r 1 ; =...r 14 tah441 enecy«Mixri« dlLtitt' tt Yet AttFtMlaR� 011ll)i1C ¢ �, � , �1'! $l Am � . T "OV *W4 1 0. ']w" alt o . u - R�• , .,» �. R .1' # chair" "g HH ta.�a fah w Mh % i# II WhOW ' .. ,. ., -� . ...., a lit .. .. .. ., _.. r,,AY . , tt}tl o at tate ,&fPlce ,:laeclptlon price to ti., flu alt least, I11. iht^ e111t1{t has, laiteiy been appoint'!(I to tWte �,nTibunr.+?ttlent is { , t I pt tAl� aeons t >Eltttr t ondon. Oat,, 1Wtelli'�tatcs tho Price Oaf many 4ti.calc-` ttte place at tiQv. (i. Cr. atltisH auislilft., t _ t ut fiat) nlapUlnti�l�talt a.c.lh+a• J, ll. FUtia- lies els ttk�lt tend �A(x eels alau?n rweek�' .acJ Ili \nest Cltllla. 3#r, c�lyta> 4villlxa' ;. " It kriush%ra. r1•-�' or of G144 ehurch, Ilea CA Caftkja have also adapted tilts 11111 m prlr> putative of the yotlttlt para i a;T t►�cr ��, as ttstR+Rat, st#ct,atilRs tR�n rata, t ertaiall it is that tlniteT pee- plc of tt1Q (iatl4rlch dtntrtrt at ttte ', + : C t tit ea.5(d:Y vpit:zti caltdit ons 3t roll! !tat Da 1?oa� ►icthodidt chgrch in \Vest' SaltIna, ti1� I1a,+tatltlr�i lir 1#osPllal ,,Iblo' to survtvo Eting at tR1a l pll cafe. Sunday schools and Ep+Yorltl l++'dllltl�t3 '� :, �., iii ,�; .-,'t' r#* �virttft of The 3pa11>611W donatlow to tho ki ist- Ntt>•cs tit tae Eitt+ctl t ayltlg i salary ani esi►enftes . , . „ t Il•Ir R ca Ibution. . "'6 � '-'1l11'at X MIiI LhRt pltal ,tlurblil't 9110 tnolnths of J.anu;iy t Thq foll�9wing diaputch irate- Stt>R'nia, Ta ancouver on Apra ' r ituit rcbrtlplry thankfully acntT+'- +vitlF feY�*ranee to fha atPel calt]*oratllFreEk. Wt�Y �" ""' � e ... 1�re 8tit.o This Nvill S1e,the last opportuat:- lr•dl;vd: .Ntri, !+rapt,: Lmvswl. hvu and the \Litiy tea automoDlio piault .',,,•a-ls 'Rw••• + „, ^' 3a'ra• *r»#.:'"M C,:.r r+,•. ,x.. tk` _ , . a..-.'t,M�7�...�•r,.", '' t1I;S. +wlwR!+!esift.,j1i��'PJQ�XMI Ity is (neat Aim Or t.0 hear t1.im. t r. kk •y .,, : Jars pPc?lles and oUa of lttarmaiad!t; which are locating th0:re and In whlc w>ppii+oartrioa •. Mrn ole, one Jar .of pickles Uodrrlch ha„w a speclail Interest. is daft- tutflrfd •1, htrthadtst church hat BilS�iARAIE;R& trliililt+w:tdd4uiiiio>X►mcunta° �u hay a Drostlelrotlta year. !n eatlnecttarlr - . "o �otlltta►eei]rl�rilaatl�rllltl{ndladd and nit of fruit, .tires H. Wiles ti ort ed Feb..8th i' A 49torling $ante brtlo0h Dangtiers are specially trails, It tt,A >f?Olulr Ntt,Vil2st� .ali�(t(lluptt. ° Albert) Jar fruit and two of Jell) :: Sirs, ArPparalicln +votb Pnr new .Audustries +vltl1 thv Zrationol t autlwtgn every de- a a e t tic. poen noes on ,tond-ay on''the :carnia parlment'Is aimin ; to t -itch its alrJee- %•: • - 'I " 04 t(] ap,sist their fa riner clients ih 601ving money mi fttel•s � 1 ,Donald. Jar fruit nae f 11 3tf R, YCtF.il tilcaG MR p Atilt of EntPrprl.+e `!ndian pltstimo when all buildifJ un vi+ afld �tt euccet'< hlg. Thn tualagreglt� + Affe0ting-thele. tf an) quell'lnatter3 are troubling y0tl, 4 I the property purchased last fall by the tion are vlthln one of tbetr obleotivll d .11 .011 the � 10oal tn:tuager of'the Sterling Bank'. 1 �, A eommeudabic piece of enterpj ih•' \.ills L++ty Attto Ivor oration far tbctr in nlotnbcrship. in the financial dtivb^ 1 ai t ou nud Dart ive von valtlable info 1 " M� *' at the Colborne afore la the estabi n ,, will glad y a8. @ } Fi bent of a ready-to-w'car depasimeat $s,OW.0.t0 t:anucllan P twl +rill be min_ thele ahJecttvv lean NIL!00, Lila alinotwt mi)tictlit Veppoialty if you tire'cousi&ring more a NteusiYe • an the tipper lluor. with hardwood po or tarn dawn m Deitch that ll1P rod- the Oibeti to dale 7 s ave ur E ed aver i � { ( poraLlon may cummcnre active build- the oDJeoth•c+• rtt have signed thtx farpaing. "e4ch'Branch F. oolco n&, anner fluor, duct -proof glass wdrdrobea• Ing operatlaaka with the gd+«nt of mild Christian Stewardship cards. The W. : _- spi''utlid 11�lii.tll+,x. boll! arti3teitl ay +s ca «r. Et M statetc4 rho \1 Nis l.ca �L haft tllr i t1b{cetlye ;fit• the }ear 4 --1 -- x '.. - - - ; +well as natural, wall tinted In pleas- I plant v.lt„n cob 1 ted will be tho larg- 10 VQr cent new• members and 2b pir - s . _ _. � .,,,,,,,,,,>„-,,, ing colors, large tuirrur•s• and chole , ,est to c'anada and plans urn naw befog rent mare ma oy, Ylotoria St. has al F : - -- --^ --�^ �� la!Eaa�la®iBYBePIiIAiDeI9RalaBa91RB¢tM9Ma 9 1 _ - -. f� rug all. 4lie ^i1Qu�.-Alnither_sonvrn- formed for a numtle�r of nubKhiiary ready more than "tort+ itnie iia ob- *"'�" - �---� -- --- - M 1►,u% TB■� iPnc�fhr ilttinK room, fur tr)inK un• r.umpanlea to tocalP firer the •auto Joctivo In new memDaf++. and wUI N - Ttr<- gwtpttrrk-iyr +s �turc#sy;- �tat'ztt -Pinot: ►n oi✓TInT of Vill LFi+�nT ch 1 F CRA�=CIE'i� Tire 1+Iuvteal tent of tl►o 9easau filh' art exportA!d In lite city from \fares- lout rttgulut IIoard mecliAg fila pas- 1y , -- - _ --�- - -- - e Iw_ snlwaus'In+itutloa for another . s ra��i� 0 U-Nafla a ® Assurance & Real L ate � I ltauutifully Knil Sockv �vlltn, 11ich., wfttr« they arc nux� rob- torn ous i F, tion for received o un- �': aft'. I lril 5to E:other Monday ov0titng, i a A - April 5th, ttl Kafir the great uraturlo l \Uy, \\', 1. Hurtun has,rrdtlaed tYuut pletlnK lhi+fr giant t n that ofd Pf ►t and accepted, subject to the cenf�er• '. + _.__ ._ Ce-_ the matron ref 1,he iue,n Alexandra cr 5t. Glair, In cunn«ctldn \with the � _ __ _ ._-__ _ - gt 81. Ruth in Knox elturch, A miscellan- rnee stationin aommittrr. The Doald - ___ - - ` ;s of eous 'Program of instrumental num- Sanatorium. London. an acknowieciK new fnduxtries luratinK nn the !adipo + ted PUm un Uacrcaso of solar '�� d A remarkable Recoa•d stent of Bunte sucks w ill b� the Nude- reserve•, It Is stated otticlalw of the pro- o } tot 1 tR a8 bars will also tto given tar tho !Keit th*, year of $150. r't For Sal \ IS art of tale proh'ram. 'Phis +will be the+ "tel+ tied c:rohh �ocirty. T v xvYrr pusctd ,feel corporation wUl p tiilrnla 1^t ,,�' ' 61 p+ i knit h) \ir, 14 )'nel(is, sr ,and the l«t- a vi,!t the forepart rf p«xt weok and 1•' < 4 !?wring Lilo year 1919 the Sun Lite of ('anada estaDliohe,l new records, inusiral ,,peat of the seusoti, pE©pLE WE Icltiovtr - t, tli Gaderleh 7. Clinton 5 I ter speaks xrr+ much to pratsr of the that tin ofllclai statement will lx lei '`�.; ► •' as'the:followiag'$gilres show. g, beautiful work. Thr matron writer, hu«d rt,ncerninK !bele (afore+ pians h,r � t s an !lad tor ............. 100,3311 UQU. One story frame CoUago, The Goderlch-J.uniors beat lho Clin- •'Thr sock• ur.• so b,:uitffullx knitted locating herr. Proporty re t'nlly Pur- Mr. 3. T. Fell Is In Toronto for a fe\v «sw New' AmuraDae P .....•... fou Jwtlora 5t hock,,) ]net Etiday night + - Life 1Asanrat>rtrPain,wroe Dec• Hist, 1919..........w..... 4111,3$8,1100 food z}hingle roof and in ® that w•e leai," ih>n out as +ere spetuil, chased t,y the Detroit Chh ilio Land ,fay+ pirkinK up'the latest ideas in his o i °.. AB.tl+rEer ns at llee ilei, 1919 ................................ lU;.�1L") ga run CEkttolt bee 1111 +t racer,, of 7 to :t rmd to the i,afMets x+Fio wlU tlletr- ±cytult.a-tu ul k'rwuttlleld, It ++u� nL1Led µrun, sicltt. - i1 r tat ,\1 condition. About 20 1'ho tiocletkh- IInY a +vas a, follow,,: J;+rontp paid to policy holders to 1919 ..................... ..(Wfa,OOo P e,ut;hly appl`POIaL, Ntrm. tu-nlxht, will be Inspoct«rl by h'nited Mrti. il. hf. Falloff rrturnerJ this week ' to west by 2J fact, on posts. 1s Goal, \V. wnctersou; defence, T•xl ('.npluin ,larlin Cumlug 40u1n (Sfifes capit.khAs thi, week, nud ultl- from the West. having vlalled Calgary, a W IEI Johnston and Clareneo Taylor: eeutro. , t tats of the syndicate haat, anuuuncod TO be moved oCf Iro ilei} tg Those who -heard Captain Nlartm t -I' I Ranll', lkramere and \'anroua«r. H. Ii. LONG, District A en 1 p \\'. ,luuntnin; IcPt wing, F. 1 ridhtcw: , a number of xites ;.rr rclrrncF)' under 1; t !s ri ht wing, W, \McDonald: hub.. tiro star) of Jeun V:dJ, al, at ih, 0 +• „ ti'dt h American 11rntx w,hu ntuy Messrs. pent t twee and \Vniterr ' 1 W I+� ?111ri1 1st. Clood snot, B8 6 1. vntortaiument in 11"oentbo. will t,F P ) J••hnsteu spool the aveek-+ncl with bio, - tR �g Leighton Walker. ,,hurl!) up+vr C In,u'I ,n br,thrh plant, r ' 1 it11611 AY"ft1i11E'FABlLE C.AftD,UF TIIAlYKS Fc+t quick sale. ia) glad to know Illat h, i. t,• rota• th, and \Irs. .krnlstronK In Cilulon. Appnlulmrnl, t0 Former I:odmielr Rne• i" I i EN „� st„r)' of Dickens' fans,•u, n„a, I, ' ,, f \ir. And Mrs. W. Len, ]minkeld and r a, B. R+. +ARD OF THANK•?.-:•ir. John A1c31111yn for Talc of 'i'avu la hes," next Thursd.+>• Ire BRIEF •TOWN TOPICS iilli lint,• sou, nt utchaw'a, ecu •+'f.+dtinK at i -. et, ;; / ,�, The :►laic and Empire of Tunsdn). � a ,,r� (#pgprilsh-F#I�b1►9 6.00a.m: 1.40 p•m, 1, wi+hes to than:c all kind netgttbors p{ Atareh 2u+P, ruulaintd Ihr f !flowing err- th,• `urih Wit. llothodi;t rhnrr h. t: t{ - -- the bout,, ut' blr. and btrs. :1. hunkrW, T' m 8s14afiton-bttrivelt.3ba.m. esUp.m. ant friends who extended sympathy and ftl M t !,lin \Iarlln was rugaged in tilt, dri- l.anfbrla Road. a ,. TOtOl1tI0-- . ,; L0.85 n.m, O.:A prof. help durinR the illness and deatD of his ay ltclo of inlerY t;t to Gn,h t fell perp!+ ttu ilc+t; F:nKlnoerin, l:utupan>, � Ilttlt son. Donald. _ moue reoiltug sawn, the sohh •rs it - , _ • ?ibronto-Letve 7.46 a.m. b.]0p.m. _-- Ew FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT AND M - - -�- Itrilniu and 1•'t me., And hi: r•ce Loin Lt,r. h,s uprued up A machin•• shop ut Tail: RITTE:3,9FUL IUEIiCIIA.N' : "'- $f►aalttan-- 7.40 a.ni. 4.00 p.m. ' ' 8t _ Al'f.'P101 9.\LES V tl., tr, IKht sl.,,I .t the dpi It ,unl is tb an article treaded "Ten Command- ,,,1; a LOST OR FOUND A' Ly ne a of roll rnnkh w'a, [n,•,t r„r,h�, " ;-1 ttoQorleh--Arrive 12.26 p.m� 9.55 p.m. _ - AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE X �A cc:Plot !SAI. OF' 4'Attrl STOCK .•+xn 11• u• o,is un reeutntnrndnlivn t , th +,• t'u,; + r: rr,r,tra t• r r th,• b, at in h:u- rth tits ut Uusiness" in ttte ettrrent' is - r A`lltrainaarriveandleaveLntonStation1 Lt%s'1'•--t•argr tbtarl: male tnuund. W `1 IAIPI-E�JEv s.-- who have board him; "th+•s•• wh-, dl„ t"'r sue of ''Ptte Teller," appeut'y the Loi- �a,. 1 Reward. An} arson found harbnring J. W. CRAIOI$ r,,,,c,'-'f,1 O'T'R' o, 1thlg dog +'111 be prose(t,te(i. llOfi1'. H. \t R. \\'1LLlAM tYwTER Jnnt hear hlni in Drcentbor should n,,t ':io r:IA1,ir„n's .kid Society Imite all lowing paragraph, emphasized in Ila- y 1 { ,r,'; ,0ioderich-Leave 6.05 a.w. 2.20 P"'I"! sO>11iRS, Blyth, Ont. fd Bap,la98�t8+�B®®®®®®il9llB��ri9®®tiEBBSd a'1ll sell by public auction at his prenit,r,, . f;+il lu hr pre-r•nt noxt Ttiursdar tinct I la,,�ereatCd in obildren to attend their Ur•+: } °';i .. 7.45 a.to.' t--.-_'----- �. .. .-_ . - -.-' -- Lot 4. Con. 1, Ashneld township rl-: mne +, r - -- --- - -- -• - • - - --- - - _ ; , m••^rtinrt t'�t ti t:aridaY, \13roh 0th, t ToranLo- Arrive 11.10 a.m. 7.^•i p.m. \VA�iTED \UTIf.>l; east of Sheppgrdton , ou enJ11y ibis utlstrrplrr,". \ Tal•' !� "The r+uceessful merrbnnt odvertlses v , AIOADAY, 14ALICH 8th, IU2a h'Pw'u Cities." ,.1f, p.n• in the pottep MAKI. 'tit's Ol�l- In y91rit+ form ar olbth. Ne haw 8o1p0 k,:L s t " r' tlsrtoilt0u-Arrive i I, f.2 a.m. (1.63 p,m. r:+vTEir;-,;ootl strop boc or man to commencln et ane o'clurk t10 fuiloayLi-: c' .it t!:a (, art lcuu,+r dPt101tC tatty Qf pCt5l5lP11ti7 at4d tQi►• u' l Coronto-Leave 6.;1U a.ui. 13 O6 p.1n. `� g NUTICF.. s Vew (:odrriclt Rrvidrnl, 5` °+ 1 drive aa(ron. Apply J, W SyllTii, !fors«s.- farm marc, l lsin� 9 yoAra, .1n 0.60 p.m. c , g 1 -ho Oiulon New•,-11r•eurd 1.c+t av, 1.; twirl. A. ,1. Goeser: (�r. CAApluln, sistently pt�Mnp bcrore lho puDile btv a` ; , East t - ° __ Pt,l'alitlNU AND HARDWARE S CO3tE9 Pual; t Keown draft ,,!slag, r sing 6 youca; t s public's patronage. it � 'fie $amiltan-Loupe 7.Ib a.m. 7.16 .n1. ADOPT THE CASH SYBTEt! 1 light t111y, rising t year; I driving horse, 41., l,a.+, ,r, C E. F'.1 s,i)'- them is a elalrO for the h,ul Ute folluavin not• with r.•r- rrl,cr taut,;; p �x' ANTED,-umiirt buy t,'' sell Lcket,. Alter April 1st the plurtrbinB sad hard- 1: years old; t heavy Bran colt, ribing K r•al tr.,+: tel stir, nor all whe hrttt he should fall In this he Mould lost+ �,' r.r€ • `4}oderlcb-Arrive 11,35 a.m. 7.10 p.M. ., rY Must be tis year, of u r or Door. ears, to a prehentatlun t.) \limos II-Issie Bur- g care stores will adopt the cash system. Y years old, l:,i•t,ll: M.trttii. Hear him n,•x4 Thurs_ the opportunity of the (tour, no matte,, t{ T,,,1 11.46 p,m. Apply to A[O EL THEA"fRE• ail goods and Jobbing work done during Cattle. -t i'olb-d Angus cue 7 phy, who with her parents. Mr, :old h P fi 0 1a; r, _ - - ' - --- - f "--..__-----�-- ANTED. -Rouge to rent, avith convm,- the month will be payable on the 1st Of calf at root; 1 Pulled Angus cuw, A years \lrs. Thus. Nlurphy, and family, hu, (t,y in No. -t church ) +Phut. uor thlnkfn In• nil ht fool ^` gP C1ALI6T j�% ehe month tollowln a ectal t«ems mai' old, duo April 30th; 1 Pot d Angus cow, I , himself." , g, p }e 1'r.. Women'+ War Veterans * - ?',Nl ;t !,,arra, suitable for small family' pe granted, for large accounts on oppvov- 0 yeers:S[rl due April 10th; 1 Durham cow, DCCOm,' a resident of i lade riot : A ,, be erste All neeotutts oa the said Q�� y young frl,•nd, of Nfis, t',,") vxhl! F,,L! r ,A.. of home-made �ti't' i It. F'. J.ltrAORST'lCft near LnHttnz Factors.:STA OFFICE. 1g 3 years o1H, calf at foot; t cow , 4 ears itumber oC the wA1T1!1iG ^i'l 14i I __ `_ - neons aro now due and mdst De pqq►iq, fn old, due at time ur sale; 1 helfor, 1 years I ges>L• tlurptt)' urpri,rd hoc nt her I h,Y.�auK en tiatunS.ry :eft, rnoon, ,lurch i t iP vourse you have been .+walling fur �'i �f,� r.Y .. EAR. VoSTC. TIlitOAT. I ANTE(,, -Board for an elderly lady ur alarch. After tat of April they w11I bg old, due May _0th; i purebrej Sbgruiorn humr-esterda evenin • and r� s„nD•d 13LA, c,nim-,nrinnK at o'clock p. m. i s - room with privilege of getting owm ,•ollected by the legal process. cow, 7 years old, supposed to be to calf, ) !+ P aur spCing sump!«S to make a ton dal - I.. V La:oHou,osurgeon Netto York rlphthalmio S AH O. - FRED Na'N1 In %I' J. t;ut1'h, rtB„n's store•. \Vest St, . . 6:;, m meals, Apply to Box ='u, IH6 i. I t Regi9tered Shorthorn bull, rising 3 years her with a tl4tndsomr p+ ori ring, Just lar• bill. They are all fn now: lake u y -F, and Aurnl Ho. punt, nw,l+rant at MooraOohl'n F'tCE. _ - GtL4S. C. LEE old; 2 steers, rlsing J years; 3 steers, els- !,Is a little Luken of ntTrrtiun rior t'+ aciLq t,> lh,: roau!JUony of the Intal :14ye HoKpftal std Bolden Square"Thre" Hos. .� -- CHAS. J. HARPER. Ing 2 years; 5 betters, rising 2 years: 6 , P look at tticut. YCldtiam, Ihr tuilOr, a%) uttaLLandaus�tl.n - 4tNTED.-A1g rgoney 1'oq live agent to ih++ rrrn„val ul the family iro[u t,+wn. F,srl rP H• rlt,'i Lha oht:rt„n xhaw to Furth F.G s rl, • a3tvatatri I f+t� 3t.1loM-'lelepho- • yearling steers; : calves, woeks old; G �. fro , a,. �•' kanviV-6ing the city for trees. shrub,, storo plgs: ra Barrea Rork pullets. 11 r. and sloe, \lurph+ and f,,mity ihlt'e h,' b1� n tr. tt a f+rt31/i (+pent House un ' . AS Bedford Hotel,` 4o11eiiCb, front \V d roso. bUsAOQ: etc. fart time or steadily. O ' I Alachinery -1 peering mower, 5 -ft. cut, next w,•rl, for G,alerirh and their going AI iroi, rot: .end Gth hay barn postponed \\ HY Bl'1' A tiEW f \R. A Dti.uxe ?' n.'? Rosday, irPCU 21st, at 7.50, 17: ITu' W 'rtlura c v�) e.NpeMi'e. :vrr experience nor ed. used 3 seasons; 1 Masseg_Iiarris need drill, _ n, ",k day, APr11 22nd, at i p. tit.. - I'llOs, 114: HO\V. h SO'v CO., Rk ge- A LCTION SA E OF• FARM STOCK. iF. bunt regretted. lir, R.a Rugereiun. t.; a li! data . Watch f"rr ann0uner- sU'rnlnlinr hood xvPll pinrr your t onl +�t` 1 with grass seeder, t boo; f Deering disc. vllle, Ont_ i set harrows; 1 teary plow No. gf; f of Gou_tance, purcha+ed the ,Murphy m,n.. car ill t1le thousand dollar ('lass, Only ,k' ( y E2RA M. DL'HST root pulper:-1 Giro ' running mill, r1V1Th residence some time agu and will nig,„ rho r'°ciCt .r :n-tinw of flip W.C.T.U. Seventeen Dollars till prier Advances, ' -., 1<"V5111 UA1�R71R ! TENut1RAPHERS '\VANTEU--Erpertene- will sell by public auction, at Lot 27, :Halt- bagger; 1 Frost.•dc Wood hey rake; t pan M Irch tsth. nt the I'Its all Furd Cara r °�� Jfr+'I' WAWANtito MUTUA �-M ed preferred. Gouts wagea. and all. Iaud Concession, Colborne, on track; t. Hain wagon; t cushion Lire top !n almost immediately. will be G":d \t,n,i.y, D avlous !o ttilnete,en is ,;' `Y 7NSURANCi1CV. iwaneemont to those rapahle, Cungenial TUESDAY, MARCH 9 (buggy. Stnthers' make, nearly now; t Port- Invited hack to Windsor hurr.r cf Mrs, hf Happel:, St. Vincent 1'+eventeen. Write fpr circular. THE: s,trraundfngs,' Fir. Apply Sales Manager„ commencing at t o'clock p, m. land cutter: t set wagon springs, 4000 lbs St., at u p.r•. We invito ull the ladles BURROWS MFG, CO., Toronto. Ont. � °' F rm e d tower DropertYY inanred. 'Flzed CIIEVROL&T AfU'fUR CO., Oshawa, Ont. ilorsea,-T'ao-year old Clyde stallion, capacity; 1 set bobsleighs; 1 wagon Thr many Goderich Yriend� of Rev. r t ail th,; 1.:n' ^, :,i t1, ,+ meollnR+.' "' P perftoll, Ad shown by Gov_ Cotntnodore Again" (2f70fA) shed by y stock rack; i gravel Dox; t. ahoelb - :Ufred Arown n. D„ a fOrnitr (instar GUNDRY'B d E tiF4418Tt R ratm of , bol et '•Commodore;" Clydo olding. rising 4 Pr s, Sup: t ' ` orumenb balletic. Ihia Courpnnyisoneofthe ^. nK**■■ `W/ 'ry* row; 1 grindstone; f set bi8eksthitl'sto at North street 1lethodist churett, +sill SATURDAY, MARCH 6.-tSWe of house- �.itro„gest'in the .Province, inamtatninit art V�;\ara� ev1AI\.TED years old; Clyde, filly, r sing S years old; 1 pair sills for hay rack; 3 acts w I ,, ' , �--� adequat0 .T!trplo, luverted u Vlatory.11onds a Clyde gelding, rising years old: gas- trees; t set scales capacity 44D IDs; f ft. br interested In the AnnouDerm,nt t..at Hold furnitlrre of �Irs. John PeRec, AuD- 1 } oral purpose horse, rising 7 years old; AMONG THE CHURCHES urn at i' o'clock'sbarp. and f3atYk,eccutirte.. Ad agirnegts' pttl fitly ladder; f set double harness; t set glc ' prominont mr[nbrr9 Of Central 5latho 9lTt'RDAI'. MARGN d.-9Nr of roe C t and sa Htattortili atG asap to PrelltldmI, yIGyE'g'p ' �G'RS , pAlp Renerai purpose Doose, rlaing 4 years old. harness; 1 hay press, In good worktn ur I dial church, \\'fndsor, tlawt launchr 1 .. - - tt�� q I P P rtY F, beeaid W rrlroutaoA'to!!foal IIanka, dL$X' Cattle, -t Durhgtn cow, L years old, due dor a quantity of 3•in. and 4 -in. tile; t , \fr xl'•i+. -.mi,f vi,.e r rtmn,' un Suh- end efforts betonging to U,¢ estate of Mrs• NICIiOty3t)N; Pr¢sident. T, O.ALUN.606, , tic to' \pr11 10th; t,'Dtit.ham helter, S e4rs• old, strtag Dells: f sugar kerne; 1 No. 1' Daisy movement In induce him to return to Lawler at Auburn to commence at 4.w. Agent+ for cultarne and ltoderioh1iowo• �l , qac AIq'rch 1111; 1 Durham sown VISIng 6 churn; f washing machine and wringer: Windsor at the expir'itlnn uP hi+ pec- ,I,; rc ,rnir•g th,• -r. •rt serlr , n "Some NIOND`4Y, MARCh 8. -+tin. Faiter, con- • ehio cAPT. 1. Hh-rHiLR1NOT'ON R,R. Na yours lid; bred Jan. Lit• 't 010108 holstein t cream se orator, standard make, used I + i , I'urrt %-.• r t tis tt •• N' w F ra ' sub- cesslon 1, Ashaeld. Farm stock and Im + 1, Sheppardton, and U L, ai.1 4% MEL GODERICH KNITTING CO., Ltd. e,,,; rising 6 pears old; dd`e Mti9 loth; 1 D Itorate a, T iclon iu th( Bae of �uir.Le p)tmu•nta. one season; 3 water barrels; 1 robe, near• ,h ••t aormur,„+, it a rn , "Thr• Bible bt 1 Yo, ft, t1«lorlch Qurbam Ar.,3.years,old..cgjve to Dec.; Conference. It w'aQ drllin(r ,ir. IIruwn's TVESDAY, MARCH 9. Kgra Durst, Malt- t,, Eittt .1!•tr¢Et. ly new; t wood heater; t wood cook stove; +! 7 ?;,,• Thought, laud ruuce,slon, CulDurne. Farm stuck, t, 1' it oiri iter,, a gear al Dyllking, t bedstead; a quantity or grain and hay; tenure At Windsor that the" plan, h•' N -w Ert." t . . `- --- - r - -T-" i -- an.j' I4 h, -it KbTstel D'e e�t, rlat I „t +,,-'t ti.bh Ytt , . - . .110 blblo err. t• (i1 small quantity of lumber, neckyokea, and tlnancial arranKentrnt, tar the er- Rah Furs Wanted c Og tYiliking I1 ed 'tit limber: chains, forks, and numerous other articles. I r .tt t r!'+'hic. t xthL�liS[t11', M1L4RCii xir FT,rri'+ter Dnp kn tis *Qtere rising ears old.I TE101i,-Grain, hay and pullets,. cash. tr•livn of Ilio handsome Central �Irthn- lhirnn road, Guderlrh township. _- bred In ]an. and Feb,; 9 steers, 2 years A11 sums of ^10.00 and under, casb: over diad church on 1luellrtr itv,nur w,,,' ;',. ;! ,•! k',•'•: 11. -,hng anI THI'R+DA\'. MARCH tl,--nab, or farm 0 F CAREY u:d; 6 ltetfers, t Year -o d. that amount 10 months' credit will be glv_ deviwvl, and later carrwd out, 1lefur, kill :•+ h••r,." ,r••t ' LL klan +tuck, In,pl7. ro etc, pero. %%% M A. of "' tli hest Cash ^Prices Paid Hos 2 Aows, due AElarch f3th; 1 sow, t' w'I,r, let roricosalun e, \4'. D., Col . is g ll •` on on approved Joint mote+ and a discount due April late 3 Regiater¢d Yorkshire Of 4 Per cent, allowed Por cash on credit the new church was 1lnisted A4C. \l..LiY.•+t:T,,, til. .k,.e:.,,Rt}," will h•' Dorno. 1'hr proprleWr hes sold hl+ (near ?t. sows, 4 months old; 1 ReglAtered York- amounts. (Brown was called to the tu•+tern can- lh•'-+.i,o•t, „t tt.. !:tptl•,1 rhtlrct, r:r�',t ind t,t remnvinr to town. Real Estate and insurance A Cornfield sh+re boar, 4 months old. FRIDAY, MARCH Iii. --Andrea• Sloan, Mor )t,., 1 E%Pn'thing adtertlsed will be sold as ferenee, \,herr hr has :.Ince Leen sts- 1.�^ '. i y H ,t them , Laa." ,b il- riy township, north n M Algo at the same time and place Mr. Wil- f Yth. '•I Box 292 Et in Ave. GOd4!TtCtl the . FOS En has sold big term. !tuned. 1L Is understood hfs resent I. dr ,t.un t', th, n•ed. „f ow rb„ $ . - flab Bol tory will sett Dy public auction, the \Yat. FOSTEn, fH0 i. Gl'NDRI', P (l 71 F;dDAY, MARCH 1A. --E. !N nkr+, Cnn- 4. Story and a ghta.rter doehle Louse_on _ following: --- --- char ' + + I ArIn,n B, Lot N, ts, ec. T„an+nrp. ° Proprietor. Auctioneer. Ke :It F felon veil! nut terminate be- d.t), i, bi,• .,•t' , Ii i. did H. 1, F . C F'OR SALE OR TO LET 1 Durham cow, due Ala 1st; 2 Durham I _ _ _ . - I non •rack, implement ate. -the Crescent for sale on easy ! fare next year, but un etfuct axil! be ut N v'clo, k 1I't:,u t MARCH I6, -sale er (arra t,,,, terms. Modern. 1lcnithly rent � OR SALE•'. -On East Street, a red brick heifers, 3 yeors ejd; t eif stein sh, A, due I VCNON y.1L£ OF FARM STOCK. (made to secure thn pastor's promiyr 0 April fst; t Holstein hotter, fresh• f Blue � 5crvlrr•8 ,t \.,'t� ^:. -+ \f••rhodl•1 ••fork and •implementx fur Juhn Hnavattl, `S', 1130. Price $:+-•\U. Y rhurrh, +'rnd.t}, NIA^rh 7: 1't:.• Hoc inn. 3, k. +vewmrnsh. i` 4 r , bouse with cottage roof, consisting heifer, due Ma fat• f holstein heifer due to cum,• back to his old conaregation i'i?`, of ten mums with pantry. bathroom and In June; 1 Holstein Geirer, in calf,/ t *gIte GUS VAN3TONE 1 N'ED�F:SDA Y, MARCtI t' -+:u+ x'an- , },,., summer kitchen. nicety laid out; sort and Durham helter, due to Apprt1; 1 Durham will sell by public auction at Lot 0, Con. 1. (prowtdcd prrulssfun can D, r•b }lug!, Tay!',r. ,ppntal•d n',I- 1„n,,r) tot ,t„ne, eoncosslon 3, Lullu,,,. Farm 6.;, hard wain• in. the house: barn aV good steer, 3 years old: 1 Uurtiem heifer, due R'. D., rolborne 7p._ on talned °iron) th,; eonrcrenee Pur hl; West 4 i,ir i, wtil J,r,,.,; 1, at morning ,Iortc, .«tr•. garden. F'ur further .particulars apply to to June; t roan steer; t Durham heifer, I XEDNESDAY, MARCH Vill transf••r. „•rate•,• 1,i;r:d„) ,rr, u! ',' :t r m. Th•, Ilit'Wit)%Y, bf.\RCH la. \Ir. I nl.+ay ,. � : _- J.LME`` Il- :IOHNSTON, Drayton, Ont. year old: 1 Holstein heifer, t year old. -ommenrinR at one o'clock ria+e Line, north of Clinton, tarn, Stuck, rl , years old, freshened to Feb Huron and Perth Black Prrreptors p•+stor, it,•,,. +1 r. k, f, r.if„ %%III r,•nciw't bnplemenlx, etc. '[C - MUylt., ` TERppro Std months' credit on furnish- ruarea t roan rue, 4 years old (milking); rver.lruc , •-ry h, `+nh!••• t, ' A h••rin„fi FRIDAY, :dARCrI 19. Sat,• of farm stock TOn 1 E. -Seed gram for sale. Mar- tag approved )clot notes, 4 Der cent. The Huron and berth Black Preco s,li; LF. 1. SCV'IT, Rssnneyrten 1 ,hlt< <pr!ng wheat, la. ,? oats, No, 3 straight o1T for real. t Mark rr,a, r, y',•nrs oltl, duo ]uly f8; 1 I p } , tli. )'.,ur., ♦'- ,.pi• It i+ \\ ,, \ Ir•- and implements, etc., fur Nr. HraYlry, st 1 k,+' onto, Clean Rraln. A. 1f. ctxrTON, R. R. E%RA At. DURST lied WM. BOLTON, Ired con'. need, due April Lath; i roan , Jury held Its annual meeting at Luean. � , ua)nrW. •vie 'I'raclter of Rand lnt+trntuent+ and Pi,wo. rune, S y-',•nrs old. freshened In FAbruary. .' n \er r; \+' •• t E.-1DAY, AIARCII 30.- (Nearing wdo of ,t No. :1. ,wderl(•h. 'Phone fill, Benmiller, Proprietors. lint„ on Fnday, F'eb, G, All Prrcep- vicloria St. next to Koox Uhurch. ,,,;,, THOS. GUNDRI, Auctioneer: It red row, years old, due May t8lh: f farrnnlurk for \lox. Hurtun. L. R \\'., G,t ,' -- - OUSE TOR SALE. --k beautirul home .g red con.•, a yea+, old. freshened in Feh- tortes of ilio eeunties weer well repre- N,•xt , f U,) t' \1••t ,,,. , "oar• burn--. ' aa.> ,„; D. H, WE9TOlY, L. L. C. ll. H rorr sale on Nelsoon St., modern, and lICT10"7 SALE OF FAIL\I STOCK• 1M- ruar•: t spotter! row, aged, due Junto 11 srntrYd and lire meeting Pr„vrd to tin c�ti,,t.y , f L'.• (-'+r •• U t. ,t• Ili• ,•{, I iu,rNDAY, MARCH 2.1--]nhn {+arum, con ; A 1 Rrr r„w, 9 years old, due Ma ,I,ry enthuslaslir It w'as unanlmuus- 1"'r 11tt ,,,,neat,, London Ctlllogo of Music, Eng- extra lot 7+ixlru. Large glee rooms, oxtra PLE\TENTS, ETC. y' y 4th; 1 tut..ty t I ,rlt.t F' a II N Ta, r+,u,n 6, G,Iburnr. Farre s4,rk sad las 'i `'t'" f.1 Director of lar a veranda, brautll'ul grounds and ar- jred roe•, 9 year+ old rutlkinR good, -.I spot-, - I,•r. wh„ I, under , int�:••ut to it.,•' ; lenwlits, 11 ;,,.i„ Find. Onganfst rmd Choir g 8 Ited hrlr,r, yrarg'old, due en time; 1 1) decided to r•bbCate nacre nay, 1U. \kr,t fh+r. r I„",r t,`•Irt !. •.ahirh h, I ll'F.+U4\ M\I1Ct1 _J. Thoma• Ander t+s � North SL Methodist .church. den: a lot or fruit- trees, also Derrles. A, W. WiSE black rer, :' y'aw's old, In caln 4 steer , i r,.l Largo barn, I box, single stalls; drive will o0'er for sale at Lot 7, -Concession t eerie, ohl. 4 heifers rlstee Rust 12th, with th.q, ixniRllt,, ,il I •on, (•neres4lon 1, nederwli township. TEACI ER OF MUSic ri,InR :+ t- • xp,,'I.•.I 1., i.•,a• , rr!:v to 4 II H• ,ltaynew ro,rd,. All farm stork, 1:11 le- •,a,:l,, house, large oat box and eleetric light in \Y. D., Colborne rownxhtp, ou Hrantfurd, flat. ;•;,;P; Pupils proppared for examinations fn con- loft. R'. J. POWELL. "THURSDAY, MARCH 9f !year old; :+ ,tear: rl,ing i Yeer utd: I, L, I' s,i+ rtr(I t•• ter' Ie.,KUI'. nn•1 nwnt+ and furniture. -/4,;Y Rection wlatt 1110fRyta' Unif/Of ity Toronto _ - Horses. -.A nice span of bay mares, heavy 5 helter+, ii-in;r 1 year old; t fall ( The new Ofll('•`r`: c'Irrle.i for 1A'd0 ry IL•t,� - h•'• i, , r Il,,dl rldll di+tart. +\'�D\r;tlDA\', MAACIt 2t. r:. ,trwart _ - -_� 'i`? dpnservatory, etc, tv¢ry'�upti •entArt•G¢d OR? SALE. -A car of H. C,. shingles for draft, obe 4 years old, the other 9 years cnlf, t yunnrr rat,•rc; 8 young pigs, rr xwerr• a folinaww: VI'. E. N., Ed++AM w,rr++fun tn, Cotburne. Farm .cork noel for musical exams has passed, mannyy vrlth . sale at Megaw Slatinn. Direct from old; 3 heavy•draft reldldl(o, ++year old; t week, ofd :,t tim,• of sale; 10 young pips \lel•,, : ,•aforih: Dpp. P.. .1, it. Arnhlt- it, a", k r, V., tori., rt rh,lrrl', in,{ I..bent.. 't'" honors. For terms apply at resldends, mill to aver. C. A. RrinERTSON. 'Phone strong lady's driver, a good third horse r,tl 6 Herb. old 'e.' --a ip.di. W Barred Rork tr, t,'•• 'I --ir. d N rth , ,n IL• ;i'" West St. �nrst dour west or skating rink), yoars old; i heavy•drart mare, ac, , ].n. ran, r haplafn, L. Ir, l.,ud, ,f_. Uungunnun f r i, or caU JOCn Treble. a farm, t.i h••ns; 1 burl r,v Inrubatnr (nearly new tR OIEO f . bOderich. - _ ___--- 4 ears old. I burl, eye bt,',u,1,•r .(nearly nee•,. S!rrtiford: r,•gl,itrir, Will. Graliull: ' I:nF( pFx1iID,,F: -In rioo r:,h on *afar yr; - +- --- -tLion SALE. -Two-story, frame house in CntUe.-1 bl#lc roan cow, freshened Int 'r[•:R3tc. Ifen+ incubator Grid brooder, Stratford. tr4suror, 1. N. Dodd.,, ;r, it' N r' xi,Ih ,:I ,t,ur.If ,tat. F,'b. sth, tuna. Danlet ,• IIr,•,'lu•n :4' ; HARLES BI.CKLEY -W fairly good shape, large yard, orch_ January, 8 years old; 2 black roan cows, ra`h; all quill,' or Ata and under, cas , ids, C \1'inahnni: leetur,•r, ft. \Ir\lurrry, r' V •,,,,I'. t' II: u,' I.,., ,;',y' and and taa'n. Hrnrk street, Qutek sale, due April 9th, 7 years old; 1 black cow, alloacdltt ran „+fi rul,hlnKlrartruvPdµlllr, f r:IthLun; dictrirt 1••eturer. i r:, !fill, -,I, .,r.'1 \; - ,.1 ; • w,:i n„• t .t lu ! Gaul• in ndrrleh, on Sntnnfa>, frD. 1'^ Organist St. Ceor e'S Anglican Church freshened in lvovember, arta dile again pP J ° '' Pipe Organ sad Yordl Inatructi0n. 31,1100. Apply Stat'• November 8th; 1 roan heifer, 2 nota+. .+ dt„• nnu• et t per rent ,•r nn- 11••1,1) Ir, it,• rlul, Mlh, tat, F,dna rand daughter of Mr. 1 t ."' years old, p I s--ith, rtrttford: «t:,ndanl i,• neer, -1 'i tr• rr1•,• wrlbnm A. (,orJ nnrt ur tn, fat,' +LuiJ `)1 a�1,r FSve-piece Orchestra ATER AIOTOR FOR SALE. -Will de- due May 14th; 1 better 3 years old; 4 num allowed ru I- ra,h on credit arnountq i llodginc, Luran: I district standard ,,,'i :, - i, t' I.l,u-, h 1',y It, t•.lita onor1. In h,•r 161h year p y' For to m9 apply TO Studio, St. -Mick �% steers• rising 3 years old; 2 steers, rising Everythtnir mast Dr disposed of, ax pru• n ruex N,:, lelop up• to there oars,, -power. In 2 rletor Iq IouelnR the farm. b,arvr, (i. N'illun, SlraUord: rensur,l:\.,y'' ✓,,,, 1.•• •,tr•odiji-d h) \ir.I ,,uxx-F:Ani', to ftoderirn Tp St. �. ___-_ Good running order. APPiy at THE STAR YoarA ofd; 7 calves (G steers and 2 hell_ p dy. xla,rh Jed, 1a2o, Anrr N •••, beloved ( t.t s VAv,TusF TIIOS GUNDn1- r' D+ n -lair, ',t P•tul's• depot•' c,•n- I xc 11.• , -,1 I, hhtor'^ w"l 1. t k , � o+ ", ,v� - :: \Y ,, ; _ Zip � . i ( ,,,ri. (1F1'1C$, _ v ,• r ars). Pigs, -7 bogs, • months old; 1 brood now, .' Proprletor Aurtione,•r a__ .. t + ^'•r, it. postman, Granton: pursunant,�,nc er t, ur Nr. x+111lau ro,arrb . a,••d 3" ,,,. t; + . ?',.• T„i, ,are ,•f ,ear+. V' A IDEAL Ito\t F: Yt1R (,LICK SALE. littered 9 pigs Fob. 7th. Sheep. -10 young thoroughbred ._O,x1ard - - A u(rf14,oi `•\11: r7F riTOT 4,4Tock and •f tttFTtip77,1(T, �tratfrird; rlt zutp Tmr=it I.Ilran, . ort l ` 1 I v It... I -T. -t II "i tyl,r, as '�' 1, Iry G„rt••ru•Ir I tfa)iL1 •'•I NNEII, in Gudrr'rr.i ,,,n iri,w. Almogt naw red-prPcsod Rrlck House. consisting or sevpnr rooms -3 bedrooms, Dawn pWe0 3 poavl.-40 purebred Rock elillefs; 8 purr- f.1 lytl'LF-)lENFS. _ ,ni%ant, F. H tn, i )' - Thr rrt[Nna county precrptur, F. , dl,tnrt r„{,r••.rr.t .tn • un Ili. \\ o,t t rn 7th, to at r. and ALrs • . ti ,wodrrv, a daughter ,Orrsldme Wh,nnon citnhes closets, bath room and hall up' bred Rock cockerels; 27, o her pullets; 30 ll up young hens. >1n. L A„\KE:t IT'.dufns, of Lucnn, wale then prrs,nt•d rJur.. :r:.,,.' t. 11e,d w�,l pr.:u•h stairs; hall, parlor, dialog room antl lmplamenls.-f six-foot Deering binder: en, built-in kitchen cabinet, and a first- vYRl sell b) rnwll,. aucUnn, at Lot M Cell 8, l:odrnc�h lown,hlp, n❑ v,lih a past enunt r ce to ' )' p e P r x Jew, t I Th • h.,•c lin '. 1' . a l„r. ,+ h„ w i. I c h i l d r e n Q r y t six -root Deering mowrer. remodoaled last class basement, with cement floor, dividing season; 1 tan -toot Deering Day rako;' 1 water, 'ornate, lfglts MONDAY. N&ACH 15th, 1920 I I After Ili,• rlrrtiun of utllcrry th.' teKtion of the next place of rneotinK i r ,r„ ,t A„ G,:,a +l Ni, Ihodl-I c•bureh r.••xt ' und.y n,urnma nn,l FOR FLETCHER S wens, lot and role eleven -hoe Deering drill; 1 Massey-HarrlA ,and bath. The house 1s beautlfuliy decor- cultivator; 1 land roller; t Premier rldinir ,•orwri,•m•1nR at one O'clock llorsev.-t Rrldlna, 8 yeary old; 1 geld- ,I wcs taken u Il was decided In favor V ,,t • S Nurt,l t M, tr•,:..+t church In th• ev �•�• T R A C ated and everything in A•t shape, This house was built by the owner for himself plow; 2 walking plows; 1 two -furrow plow: t scu>�er• t set Iron harrows• t Ing, s yen7, ,r,d. I aw-A rttsr,', I a11y- colt rising " Year- „r Imran. The I,ucan Prereptory ,I,• •t Ili f, the hue ,Itallt V - '" _r and nothing but pest -class material wag ••-•ra, % 11,11( t rr r t I , �,,., '; Comalting Engineetrs used to Its construction. Do not blas this cutting -box; 1 fanwtg mill; 1'root pulper; Cautr,_t runt, '. %,•wc past, duo to t w on; 1 stock and buy rack combined; .lu,eon the Pr,eeptora. �++•�•�'•""'-'�'�'� if you want an Ideal home. P. ], RYAN, rre,ihen .sprit ith i r,�w, 1 yeors nl4r dor THE l �ia eat state and Insurance. Phone t0. 1 lig t wagon; 1 set bobalefghs; t top June :a, mikinn. i honer. s years old I Thr Sit Weekl In Bruce County ° "`i: A. jaMES CQ., 4iRa1'ED x - - _- - buggy: 1 Portland cutter; robe rug, wool Y , '' � ' i - �+ . - _ DOrae blankbt. ala(;le narneaa. }M8vY dolt suPpo%.'d to h,• to ratr, due June Rf91� $:il.,tf>1lOCiiOR a It.'ac,'Naaa ar �ift3hf( 111 G 1 row, B year- rid, milking 1 steer, kl ltrr nflnllai meptina of the flour, �1;t�ORNiitb tiT. Tt>!ilONiO, QAII. bio hal Chao, Lara cDop. aster. troual , forks, chalk.. 1 Meltrttd am separator year+ old. ° A4•er+, 1 cpnr old; 1 hotter, t 1 rinh'rs' and Publishers' Aru,erlatlun "1 ' x®Q1lM�fl81�DiI�iBlM�(C9�®®®®!BAI® In neat -class running Died r, Dat6y C7iurn. wear md, ' Dn,n,1 sows. bred, 2 more plfs hell in Walkerton on Thursday lust it Dridgea, Pavements. Waterworks, 6 3 cream cans, 5 good pith, 1 MUM scrap] X01 s,t Ibq.; t C�llle dog, 2 years o rt wal• definite► doeldod to rah, the silt,- • SeweriggeSystems.InotneracotaPab- 0 • ' g Spade " scoop 1 W -toot gout ,+l Ptrtt.•w and ) dot Spar's lens ) i DONT MISS TRIS er, t dltlad . � orchaNi ladder, a atlaatltY of 1<4 -inch ce-`1 puro br,vl at -hit. xvynndottr corkvrel; ^ srrlpti,+n gofer of all K'rPkly paper. in ,�: 1 ; 114 $al HOUttio a Frtctoriea, Arbf- H durkc, a drako; acme Relgtum hares and the rnunty l0 92 a year in advance, th• S bent tile, 4 Darrela; some haai�rr,, . 'vheet- rattons, Litigation. d --- barrow, t aquaNr ettck of tliaber 40 feet some eommrm robDlt+ new rift t0 romte Into for" sobs time, X411'&e$.-_ %tua11 ldou1e ar lona 1 square Stick of timber 14 feet long, (linplemeotr..-1 6 f -A rut McCormick i'< yw J M • a reiv bushel, of Seed potatoes (trtah Cob- bindor; 1 r_root 6 in. cut Massey Harrls newt ,umber. Cn the meantime soh- '' +�, t+her►r ryruesaveourdieatts A Dramatic Reclital bier) mower, nr•nrly new 1 9. 004 hay' rake: t crriptions w111 be received at the r -M I w Q M Household Geoia,--1 tftrae size Quebec S -horse cultivator, i tI ring disc harrow• price nt 9t,50 per year. OwifIg to Ihr `A Tala of two pities' M beater, 1 bedlam idea pew Meter 1 S -root livor 1 apt 3 ; A Vorl 1 Soeyl,d `"' coal ecunle> 1 nearly new ttredateadr 1 drill, onvPr ridinfi p1oa; 1 verity Want• iner0tiv cost of everything in tho pub- swilltid Nows� H ch11d's co't, f hill ban R t+ w: t horsy arutner end Dean rior 11shlnJr husineae tyle 1'1,,0 woPkly I, nn tamps, 1 net o fistlrofts, 8 gt16d aebtt9snI vesu,r: stag! srumrr. t pea turveater lnnrtrr a paying Dropnsitlon. atlrl the 0 � will tie ten by H,�"as welftbfna a0 IDS. tri t4Mr arts 1!40 1 wagon and F.uroes mock tack: 1 light � rain In atlbBcNptlun will hardly ro'. Q,M M bs, on patforth, and ofher articlea too wagon; f set Dab g1el�hs; t open bugrry: I e ' .Pearson w ; CArT. ceEY°) a w a MINnN numerous to Mention, t cutter: ranning it ; 1 net heavy horn. ,fie Dant df the advanCP In whlt.l pti !R • M Etrerytbina rl UM be Sold. Ila the pro. PSS; 1 Re plow ha t strtRte harness: poo, rte . whtrh ttrP publlahpr++ err M !1 A %WwrAr a Ni prietor halt sold baa farm t AtnRle otttnrrat h t ttrf,(tg ween_ .. Is M T"MS.-AU fi=W of $10 sad tinder, i horse entlar°, t alta,, w; f e oDhRrd ttr:lelfint. In rnanr glare,, in ,AveUdoet • M cash; over that ataoaat: Owattu• ere- tees bench; I double bt and pDulley f',anada t}�tl In most of the !'rule.! : •TNUR$DA' M�RCN 11 Rt alt Will Fie Riven art k approved with fW tort or 1 -Inch rope; balls binder Stntev tate >," ISl3bvrtlptinn rate hw• '$ 111 tt0 awilotlaco, t t" while R I khat notes A ti6ff for at S per t ellt Irma, bnee atop t eatttD purr to been in forre for some thou,. This a, ,, Sealant auoWed air for ,,tab on credit Rood running orctler: 1 D sy ►humr. t s , • birld�tjlt Waikerr'ille. tha0 IN tai amount9• crown ran: 1 Grind P1oro; 1 small cook tion of the Brum publlsherw is in lin•• t� ui ALBERT WISE, q- T. OUNDAY, stove, t hers+ N era, 1 water barrel, 4 with what 7%e Renfrew Mercury sob•• t� 1 ebalns, 1 antern, forks, aboveis, +weeks aigo pointed out would be in ' vffll Ee•kepl><a w a+ . M a r utttionser. oRn!+6 TEtIM ,A11 Sum+ under tar! dollars evltaDlo tiiTder etfletlnlr oondlttott* x',; � �� T- Proprietor. � pie and borer thlaga. The MerrUb sold: 'Another U011t , f 8 ,g,, . f.+ caeh; over that amount 7 month,'' credit Uaree1� t Stuq It ariproved ieurt nets'" will by fha those n«wapapets that de- i 11! 1►iM M/wrlA ((f�,A� 'rhos. Ot'MDt1Y, Fr+trYcmetor Auatloneer. airy to live Will have to else IhCU aub- a 1,, f, t c 4.'F 1r d j 4� r R w+4' n.'I j p ' e , / 19 �, , mom.,.;:,,, m..,...a„as+.wx�mrrA.,sa� ,,:''#vb �* R`"""�-..:v •s,..,r»:,:,»w,. ,F-,.,r�,.�.,,.• r h f ., ., •,.• .. , I.. , r. r . t : , ,, 7 Bi - > 1 z. ' sy� x ..,,j :,. ,,�, _ �n-.+A:..,41y,,:«-, ,�,., '. ,'� tt,', "` �t'ft..•-..,.N:', '-, %�,......_'� • 1„m. �. A...r ,:...,irE•..' " 'r f'■i P + '. 4 t' x ✓ ..I' w -1 » -fir _, _ `` +r•r+r r.•I - .. ,'f° - - Imo...,. .-. ..- 4L.Y_ .:�, ."i, -..&..,