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The Goderich Star, 1920-02-26, Page 8
t'4 f Q n ~.. II�f.R/.n±�l'M!''.",A.kF^�R•/„-w,w++„-"R�o+-,..-...,..-. _._-. .. .. .. Y •� _ _.. r u .: ,` •%.a-w+o*-a-,•.:w''M�:S.-•v �en;.F�p"e-xs. j s .�, BE S%� 1 +F . a P - A T..Z - v 9 0 c, all— al e, m ov '' t ocM t� ori e - A Special 51 of the tiotlerloh Boaraof Tirade stilt'"Ile *0 t a er in,the oflice rt eengy occaplotd by tbo hake IIuroti steel carilg4tiotl, «.! at tilt) Jrtaaonte Temple Bulldiatl, oft o One f Gross C1900r' : , : ave rewoveil my fttticy . Emiq.� i, I 1 z Asa a .; p , a'ctocat ®harp. r . 1 +,tor t,oiek a flan Ist:ote z Saa4r,�. Ari' a �`l,�` , Note tease are CHI?L This uttaltltlg 14 called f�tY 4ha I� +� ` tl¢IIIF %� + t itt1v11(lihllltS� tl! aecuttag the above tlameid ioatnir for ttfer bile °of 'th(r" mou ' 's IM00, 'Outs W (pot pore plaill or 4elf) memberat, and as head gaartera for the Board 904 all its reg111401 0atll A160 2 Sp Bial Line of In tespeet W Utticua and biCOItA,^. kpouts ;Fwd 'to take such Batton too best �tolro; 0104 lilt -be plesseO thereon as may be deemed expedieett, and deslguell to be In , Largesir a Cu s atnd Saticlerl� �' � interest of the Board, and all it4 tueiritners, 4144 0110 to deal With finny "^ t0 fTR@Rt old, FttBl;otxl0l's ttncl w for 11CU SCiC other' brlainese that may be legally placed below it. new otos in'tb4 ae\v X4•"9, , o f Every Member is requc*W to att0}1Qt 0114 that Ing Aa XPU a ` l 5 ow Widow For Abq By order of the 804, �t 0 - ' It. J. 51EGAw. k. SVOOLGCQpt�J �•osa et) s:at) ' t.'✓<eYIticRlt.• I,`}COrOtftt'y. z a y I trslytQr� �M'akt�Si until t'i p greatly missed in her home and among t,F•EAt(3 N -- fri,r•i . nrighborr: 1 �iumy Caution fe urnf o CueIlst � �VY 1\ IJ4 ' c ` '' ; I I 't -: •' I 15'F�iTi�'II:.Ln � Monday teat. -; - — - -- -- - - -Robert-i�olcyr of C:odurtch. $pent r -- -------- intended for hast week' day last with his mother here, ilii' tifOil i id> 9Q 4"t \Its. itobert Buchanan is spending a Miss Bessie Smith is visiting her i e r few weeks in Winghaun, friend, Mssi Anna Stewart. } \Ir..1. E. Tom, 1. P. S., made his ofll- :Hiss Whiteman is at her home in 1t• ei,rl r isit to this school on Thursday. Teeswater, the school being closed for �m1 b 9d store } Mt t AUIti7i� \ number of famtlies are confined two weeks on agcount of the flu. Ll a bL11KIslh-Then pa,tsrd t'e her rest tel tlr•ir homes beenrtse of the • "flu." - Miss Ruth Shaw lett, on Saturday an February 21,1, f11Y0,-alt si p. m., �inr- .\v a pree:futlpnary nivasw'r, the school for iluelph to open her school again flowers 1' *' tan 'Phomson, belo�cd ��if, of John board devidcfi lu clu,r the >irt>un1 tw which has been closed for sickness. au# fuI l lower47 .1�aw•ttark•l,• TIp• late a time, Laura and Lillie Lautenslayer and i } t -" wL Jstker tis liorn in Ifay luwnship AIr. 9'bos. Kerniek held n very sire -brother, lamer Diamond. the visltirl - - Arf� dal t w „ pear Kipper some :,e years nFu. r,+fiat •al of farm slack and i7nple at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie TtiVanEy-reran }carr ago she ryas tart- tn.'nis oil Thursday, Feb. f2, thu pro- porton. { 1; • 7l ,, !+led to per uon bereaved husband, t.,.,.,1, :unuunth» to 1+2,100. Mr. Ker- Several from around hertz attended But 1t) iyipt rat YOU CRAB canto to aro o z conrcpslor, of Hardly Tell Them From nit -1, ha, b'nsed his farm for a term of the funeral of tate late Charlie Dalton, . l c .�x�" +s• fl9t \1'mvanush, %here shy rewlded Near. to Mr. Perry VI"Cell r The in Ash Heid on Wednesday. Air. Ddl- ' the. Real until . her death, She was :a faithful 11,.lrri,borw reKret the rrnmval of Mr. ton died In (:obait on Sancta, of pneu- Juno Ruses. colors, Red, Yellow { j Ta tiber of the Presbyterian church-, anti Mrs. Iternick, bill are pleased to munla. :. fltaburu. do Besides her husband shy lu,,,vv That the propose, taking up their Sir. Roy Linklater alas p rebased and Pink 5n loaves to mourn her loss Iwo daught. ;,bode in Blyth. Carnations, Pink, White and ( from Mr. Alex. Horton the 100 -acro 1 rarer Urate and Ilunnah, both of wham farm known as the old McManus farm, Red 5c i ltS are at homy, also Ira aged n,ulher r, - B,\1'P'1EL11 Igetting possession the fat of April, Artistically t;hnded large Roses, tF aiding at Ilensall; nm• silt"", Vrs. lz. \1f. (•'rank Cameron. e+f l,rtruit, 1s also Mr, ins. Chisholm has 'bought Air. {; WoVkutan, of Iiensall: four hrollwrsv r i-iling :rl his hone• hir". 1 all colors lUo eaoh. (:ern. Stewart's farm. This rvl l r,>jtke Ar. dodo, of !+nraruse, ticbraska; Rob- 111's hello Parker, v,1u, Inns he,•rl a line farm for Mr. Chisholm, as it stemAmes, ab ndantV Roses liage 30 in. ti &rt and \Villfam, of ]toy tmvta1l,lp;and sr stems, abundant, fohaf;e. ,r f, te•orhinz sche,nl at +pnleltu�r, esk., has Joins hh urvn land. 4f .t+l+rnley tuwY,shlp, 7•lt'' rclnrned home.. Carnation Sprays li3 in. stem, funeral, whlel, look place from her KIPPEN i i F c home on Atonda., F'eb. 23rd, at i p,n,. Alr. Frm"st Callow, e,P iletroll. Lok and White. ! ° �tfa $all's cemetery was tori r 1} attend- Pent n few days last week at the There were laid away' In salmi's (; brysanthemnma 20 in. stem, t(1 by friends and aequall,t;ours and hone• of ylr. Win. J. I•:Iltotl. cemetery Tuesday afternoon, 1'eb. ttbuadatt foliage, White and I # 01 if Was conducted b; Hey. lit J. Itnss. of Air. , lobo NleGltire, of the BayH,;ld 17th, the tomtits of one of static; Yellow, Sweet Peas and Daisies. i2i dt l Auburn. The p,tll•+i,rarers were Jos- rv,ael, ztoderieh township, was called township's most distinguished sons, Splendid for table decorations z 1 i'i• epp 1lashington, .lobo Mills, Samuel to-'roronlo last week owing to the Ill- the late Mr. Jas. McDiarmid, who 1 vlt;.z„1 r aohnit�a►n, Daniel Yohn .lobo Medd arse of her daughter, Alex. Lamb. about two weeks ago contracted n bad or personal \Year. and Jeremiah Taylor, all of whom Mr. lte•u young, of the Bayileld road, cold, which developed Into acute bron- chitis, Come in Aqd See Them fay. 1xaro neighbors. The decry},fed will be iy Laid up with an attack of grippe. Pneumonia, and a complication it _. Ah . Peter young, who was sick 'last of other diseases. of which he died �f xw Ptl�pptipOalSOOOQOf>fO+aO week, is nble to be around again. rather suddenly on Sunday morning, 11 rhe itev, It, C. Pitts, of 'Cochrane, the 15th lost., at G o'clock. Hls fang- sinith n* Store Lau hren appointed by the Bishop of er, the laic Donald AleDlarmid, came rRrl Huron as rector of the parisho„ of, into the woods in the forties and his Baytleld, Varna and Goshen. Air. Pitts son, James, the subject of thlsl sketch, ' East at, "Phone 1913 was born here in April, 1857. Thirty - i ( } will he in charge by the, first Sunday ;� fn Jlarch- seven years ago he married tits bot- _ __ ri , The collectors from the ditfereht roved partner, Atiss Campbell, of Ac in Btui'etle d Pr sby't'ertam church, he it i ,, ton, and settled on the farm on rvhigh was untiring to Ealy efforts to servc'.thc i 6 :+ ' ehurrhos have been busy during the Ile died, lot 4, con. 4, Stanley. An on - i a Bony •many people can ,,t week collecting for the Forward congregation. His pastor could-; al - flow ly daughter, Miss Kate, at homy, \nays depend upon his support. -His' s ¢ you think of right now Mov&mcnt and have met with great mourns the' lofts of a loving father ` P'' •tlllrea •�. '1•he objeet4vc of Tlinity r31 ,31 i Who would like' to have l Tho lata lir, AieDiiarmid was the kdnfi- 1Q church eras 9000, which has almost est of neighbors and most unselfish your photograph, and Itow' been reached. We understand tate in dealing With any who needed help.l * _1*00M two. ?` lank since that lot one Mrthortists avid Presbyterians are al- For many yearn he was a member of wlaa itnade P so nearing their objective, the township eounoil, - being reeve for-~ tit 1 The funeral of the late Neil Cameo Ihn latter part of his term. As such M&ke ,w'appolutment to. on, w•ho died suddenly at his home In, tie was most devoted to the Interest of Toronto on Sunday, Feb. !15th, from the •ratepayers. As a member or the }; t day. leakage of the heart, took place on managers! and in late years an elder ” viii' u�. `er. x71 31,, Wednesday of last week from the home of lit. father, Mr. T. W. Cameron, to the ff rr j•. q' a Bayfletd comotcy. The services were 'I��i' r!w1�11111���111 ��1I��1����11���11�'� lI11'I �� 01 11 oondalcted by the Rev, Wm. Hind. re- tfrud rector of Trinity church, and also s q at the graveside by the members ^f x 2' i Court Ro 0 of Sharon, TVo, G5, C. 0. F. ! n': • To !ELL The paliTearers were John and Oor;' nn,, 0U.1. n,t + tion Cameron, D. C, .Galbraith, 'rhos, z',� 9OeO00 F.. Harriton, Henry Talbot and beii. F. ;, Greenslade. Among the .floral Offer- �.....,�� mil's was a beautiful andhor of• roses fr9m the boys 07 f. wee ti r j. t from Court Rost) of Sharon.. The /� k g {+; j�M }� {(� ;r .j•� ceased r\as both kE^ hayfield 42 years Thediricii�rltl�teYit,p_K��! Ll�', - � � 00.000 ago, As a young man he sailed on the ;r i , !treat lakes for n number of yenta as k n Ott engineer. Some years ago he mar, , �O oOa ri,d and settled in -Toronto. Al the This is fills ol" the new Cbro.0 010- in •Goderieh•, which "took �. tau aur tl�t►u„ions fir,tuz. ilei yv�>� ,ln fo1°ge Enrage lie is survived by his oyer the fa@tory forrrteCly klaQyvii as the yVltee1.R91ts some months , hitt 1 .. \vlftl and three smart, children, till} por+' .ado. �, 7, rhli+ r. and S f rs . q`.hod N1; „° CstclOriin; lit) not uilo\iu ilia, oxpef t of Ba apeld: One aist ' Ailsa flrace, at ThV Company- hag bLeti boy getting 'the 'plant. in ,first-class _ r a G tfremeo of Westminster Pres home, and four brothers, John, of Rayf, working order, and has already estaD7ls -a prominent plane in t„ .; a field: Norman,. dames a(Md, 3won, the mapufaf turr of Reed Furniture, 13r°aby Carriages, etc., .amongst ti ny , '1W0lian Church, Toronto, Torontd 'to''rkllonl Is extended the t0 t>4 repeat©d in your sympathy,pf the community Lq their', that rvlf. IcsQc trade. wast! U d very sudden bereavement. - The demand for its products is unlimited, atttl the outlOak is JI $eviseyrourI'iro Insurance BEINMiLLER 'mast ,ncouraging. While this company is yoittfg,:.lts prosperfs �I...-.,..-..sy.,... - point to it being one of the most successfgl IdduAries in town,, tiois in accordance crit!, Little Ross Pfrimmer, who has been IiT for several"weeks;"is slowly recov- The Cornpnny is putting on the marlceE 100 sh8lres of Prefer - I { °incaoft5ed ervines cring. enc, Stock.,on which it guarantees 8 per -cent, dlwldend'and is lieu. 11, F. Kennedy intends giving a offering as a special inducement to local investors $1110 shares for Serle„ of entertainments to the near 'pb g](„ O future. Illustrated tying mgglo lantern Rp' ` Z views. Farther particulars will be ''�,,� cn Subscriptions for stock may be made with any of the direc- ?" Vw/� uunounced lat(r ' {�/n The Epworth League of Benmiller tors, the board consisting of the following gotttiettnon: T. Pril� ,land tate Young Peoples Club of Bethel chard, W. T. Millar: W. Walker, A. F. Sturdy and !. (3. Cameron. -�• psllhrkh, Ont. will be withdrawn until the fiu" epi- a i demic has cleared away in the respect- iAttt1111t111iIlN I11N11l11�! rr, - peTg or ouds:- Many other families in Ibis cam- ` # yyi,i,q''� f rte r p ,1,y p1��1 .r flliCt00 munity are. Ill with the flu. the pub- J I��fA1H11{Hti��������Ilft���lilii1�1�11�N Ri���11f111� lie school has been closed and every precaution Is being taken to prevent the further spread of the disease.' We deeply regret to record tho death of Aber. Albert Good: which occurred 961th + early on Wednesday morning atter a Board of 1 bort Illness of pneumonia. She is - ivied by her husband and a largo wish to emphasize the foot that the Prrrclamation bf Feb. font, is, an`iily, all of whom are ill with the oldwin, ant home. and Edna, in .S , y,,, �• stili in effect. It is hoped that conditions will ht� improved so stye bolls contracted pneu- • (�j Quito seriously ill. Tho much ihat„lio further restrictions will be nef�Fsagy. The co-ops ' d\ a wia(ttt� neighborhood oration of all oiligens is asked, as should oondition1f not improve, sty gnu w lrioken tuntly. ° 4 z p.l a AletltodLat Na- a rigid quarantine will be enacted. S i q„ alt' .� mplctrd as fat aA-r- ,tl a hyla, has rfu avoirf'Inlltienic avrSid'contprt witty otter p(ititlliy tc'� toot) g� eat tlmG. possible. espeefally in crowds. Avoid personq uttering tions .. ��' � wltteil• _ p e ••,�y 'ati:: f"'llit wq' �' ► "Rtlid4” sore throat' and coughs. AVoltl ottilllltg tit Duly. SZCep , i7� prttl ly bt y oti .l� E a a and work In pure, fresh air, Keep hands clean. &W keep them JW fro til ` til out of your mouth. Avoid expeetorsting in publitr places. Avoid Awat h visiting the sick. ,' ttllili: t f" Zlatt a Ides �t1f tl re- a _ « r t +,r4du��o 1t 111, ;60 to bed to a weU volltilatcd room Rlifncarbe Wo tlr threat thy, af1At• *n fdv'et' hlle . �e tai ' tee 'atid', a�at * stat or : for tl�ik7� Q +itltaio u+t�+dtt 6x1 aL•. f volunteer rlitti i3 e tbx til 1tnliltel3 ti ,. �lailaa's. vuliyYltr ra sham-a�'ply to the ' �. r n alter ltlfit ^ ftt11 tttf a K. nr ,r; C11W .S brings Bacli diiiy� ner� ��rillg . as s �o lite• s"hire. Glagha , Saone and '�Whitl� 0i,ClQs, are cowing Yv 191i WAkt l it pl asitble tl do early slan>ng �imilleD ,Dress Q004s, � VIAph )10, ve>a l a w iu delivery are. AQIW qt)%mg forward and arty being 's>�0,Wti'xta mapty>< ffol 4 a, iii L%e f<nlest w o es. G�� hays A iavgo stoats, of Aodersou's Ginplaamg lex. the newest patterns and Colaringe. Colors {1st and tuade Qit.1111t' o dgth, ,,• Tills 011ria aarn-as 37 in. wide alai comes -at.63c a yard, _ Canaditxn Gan Lams ipJ fatltsy P tttpr s u tai >a??�R ixom tt fine cloth coinos at 50c tw yard. in .04- 27 in, cloth. V011w of tternsi _ _ - tiaxti $oiler are -Favorites. ' �`�a4'�lme $f-i+�. ode art--�t• catnpleta neerThey are Dame Fashion's newest creations and the combination's of colors are niost'iattractive. It ins&I,le:ts a:artga of- Yoiles at this >;eh1n. The -best _ will be cho'yan first and it will be advisable to choose your dress early. t ''They rano in price front si.2to 51.50 a yard If it ivnret we have it. White Goods . «bite Bepps and Fancy Cloths for Ski',•ts are being shown in 36 in. materials. Pretty weaves fur Summer and Spring wear. A large range to eltoose- front.-- They conte from 50c W $11-50 a yard. I Plain VC les Plain Voilos and Mulls in fill wanted shades, range from 85c to $1.00 a yard. These cloths are well suiteti IOV plain dresses which can be pi ettily trimmed with coutraat- -ing materials- whilte• Cottons II011ROC1iSliS Cgttous are the best. They come in veryfine biadapolans, 1'dmrnsoolts and Cambric.. Also it, heavy weaves rvl)ich will give exceptionate l wear. They are' absolutely fret) from dr•esPing and when washed willlaunder just as you buy them. Canadian Cottons come in the cheaper tirades and values are good: They range in price front 35c to 65e a yard. The no -stocks will be higher and it i" good policy to huv cottons for spring sewing novo n•hile the stocks are cot$Plete. to Wear, Clobead� k_ y Our READY TO WEAR Depat;tlment which is o nearing completion will h&Ve its opening dan"Sat,utrdday,, IVtairct 6tlt. Goodin are arriving each day and by March 6th we expect to slave our stocks complete. A qunatity of Coats and Dresses have , arrived and it will Ito to your advantage to inspect tile -,ea linev on the opening day. u A .large' . range of BLOUSES, . MIDDIES, .PORCII b ISSES, :tad (7 S), your will be on (display for yourinspe Lir,u,. • 1 l�'e want eeae•y nue to rostrelt our -READY .TO 1� E — from this (late on and we feel confident that at will be to aJ J Your ad6l'ntigi, to see our lines of u �,, m�rohzi'ndi�O.• �' v�'111 1 I h ' Further Announcement Will Be Made 1 t • � e � , , Lader, Watch For, It. r Out,' i,olicy will be the uewest merehandi•,-b in the Fejt designs and the e garment of w:ich ctyle'aafl crilor. Blankets Must a few 121'1 Blankets to sell, at ;13.38. A fear 1114 Flannelette bl:rnk,its to sell nt $3.50, Cashmere Nosier Four Specials at Bargain Prices 1 fen 1leary 1lintel Stockings at 11f3c A few lines of broken si7-es at 50c. , +' Floor oilcloths ,Several pieces still to QOII in good patterns at 60o a square yard. Two Congoleum Rugs, one 3 x 3t at $13.75, one 2 x 3 at $0.75. ,' a ' 1✓ • X J I s P J. H. Col -born, e & Co, , - The Snnx of Service motto appeartu av uv .,,,....n - tar, "I am among you ilei one }stat doih ser"." Iiia t'ugW hOwIlty of purpose ahol devotl0h t0 duty earned for hire th'd esteem and admilatl0b of all. In I polities he was an firddnt Liberal, who honored Deorl,'e Brown as the '"great - t.6 of th#m a%" There Is 001 ifipgf ft '041dve In mlller(s wol'fn1llso*deh6 Od MY,arb tut pies,' ' 114ht to take AS10 !fait 166 thil(trela . retu#li 11i?tilittt. In 01004e aw .. w.4"A rriitilltlfl! : th`IYban , tihik III k ". It tt ' em®ar„s�fr�9,rylABlq'i�l♦IwQIiR " Special Prices `Oa V%mrAcas 1z ti 11 �llr+l�te1>r�llliil�►'• t tt.,et' ' its yi1`t51rr't•