HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-26, Page 5„V mow”- ... :_......._ . _ ,..�... ....
41101 ` "" "'�•et�•'' ►ar��' _._., �...._ ._ _._. ` w lar
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W- Nllm
Frttttna,", sta,
y lea@4V,Lttt3 ta�\nttls;'a4p '(•izdltlt�lt Itd':t ttx ... ,
a4lk l,
a abell t,)l cvvv 'lie�aae � live th s 01111 . tl
lila ttalty F7
la t.,.>[[ttetillg h -a" •«Mit �1#
oe- "ns f NEtyt
ft n
j 1114ip "t t 1l )kltall Rf #ri.het. and /tmlkl
Ira e#r
n _ . - eF
,, .. ... .... _.. .. . _ .
,.. pn. Olovea
V40 auditors piesctett this rt.porlf.
" \y1110 was adopted on alut(on u# 1••11411• M, _ 1W
`> q '01jctk, i
j Moved., seponded avid isarried that 145', Store 'Hoors : 8 #R, e. to 6i p.m.. Sxt10.ClUys 9 p.m. Pl"Se Shona Early if Pmim*
V 01n aktcl'sA zlrzd skc?�and the tied; t o i1A+trueted,
�T, t ; � :; •-j t4 s,ccurd perces anik dde-115113 fele a ilnatt-
,• -�'�•~^-�°=*�°-'• _- °"' t, :old if secured In time to call tt,
'?, g Oc� of Toilet . Soh special meeting vY the council,
t 11-.kal;.ttlg \ e tlta tYi4! ay ,top large St 17► the aleck \vr)tc,ti�o Municipal Robertson
„ Moved by Meticil •>IId� tiattert '
x w Wg chime 4e OK,
. ' . , t \V and d �
to ayccrtliin It the lncomo utl viekory
' da a4d vac loans tastzeti Ptd vlotld
t h.
" A'' Al "S. -A" URDA ONLY baa ti
h Mw.++„ in �..�nA•.w+.,a.^mss—+�}.^.yN'—,M.p...—.+tm,s.. 0�,,P-t
th£ this �t+e lc, to liter#lice our pt'l�i t. All of tbis was bouglht previous to the last
i "adv euablip as t gU ome 0
ive yott, these extraai din•ary values in the following _
•� pt>palar Snaps.
' When you buy imported o get g g
�iab�s Own, �'nh�tnts' Ileli�ht, Mess Dainty, Seward S, �er�eD s „ - Y Y • Fo goods, we t the odds and the foreign country
;Yktt (ki "ole°lit2ve trot• xaotn'ta mcntitr: gets the money, when buying "Made in Canada" products, w, get the goods and
,ao of 'the money, it is double investment. 1
�resex x � Ili10-4, a .box: Rtgttlat' '*c a cake, present raltte, 3�c a boa, s Canadian products in nearly every case, a -re not only equal but superior to w,
Jur value,' 3oe a boa. ,Special, T a'c .1 a Our value, 25c a box.
4: et- ens Miss _ e - Seward's Baby's
--t-he-importeda>3- ._ ---- -
! - v - -� g. Bergen's De Lorm y -
f •- Among the hnauy leading Canadian produ, is carried in onr store are,
I Dainty Regular 2 for 25c. Regular, ioc a• cake.
'Special, ; for �5c Our price, 3 for 2.4c. Now is the time Penman's Knitted Hosiery, Underwear and Sweater Coats, Turnbull's Underwear, Walson'o
Regular ioc a cake. a
Our price, 3 for 25c. that you are `oin ' Underwear, Peerless Underwear, Nemo Corses and Brassiers, P. C. Corsets, Montreal Coats, a
lergen s Glycerine Seward s Soap y g
- . I . Dresses, Skirts and Waists, Cott0a8, 'r
al.: Prints, V. 1. 5t is ugs, Flannelettes, and
reward s Special _ -
' Re -striae lac straiglht, RegthTar, ; for'i,5c,
6 tithes for 25c. Special, • 3 for 25C. Our Seita, 4 For '25c,5c, - away, .for the sea- other wash goods. Lineal, Carpets, Liaoleums, Oilcloths, Curtain Material, etc., etc.
° son. I wish -yoiNew� i,�atlon FRESH H ARRIVALS DA I LV
),Good Health, Good OF
f •
Camp Drub Store Luck and Safe Re-
Phto a 90. The P,enslar Store The Square turn. New ,- rin Goods -
Next to Millar's Scotch Store A lovely assortment of Ginghams, Voiles, Mulls, Gabardines and Costume
iU]=loan1200 001ME19113 If ywueed any- Drills, Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats, the very newest in styles, Velpurs. TriGotines and
— Serges.
OBITUARY toenth month, and his mother f,inn,•r- ,•n' -.•u, ,I,r�t,. M'r•ury .:nal J hn \Te- thing in our line
ly Miss Edith Wilson, di,•,I .E littl, :fY-11r,'(ti-
.101I'\rT+rN.- A sudd,:n cutting ,.111' of over a year sago. :. 'Tie• i iru•ral wit, !s, l,l ran t'riday,
,t fitile life was the loath this 'Thur,, SCOTT; -\it-. and \11x. �;. \\'. 1:11:,p- _1 , h. Iatl,. 1,. rulLoruc r. ;u t• r>. 111' kindly Call and see
day morning of Helen N'k-Lriria iaged 3 rnan were at. Hcn-sall atb•udin:: Ile• hm- "- I- ini; r,rnrlucted h. list li. •1. M I LLA R%.' SCOTCH STORE ,
naonttts and 10 days), the IitUe daught- � cral of Mrs. Chapman'.., 1`.1tlu r, the � It.•.••. :+n,t th•' I,Ai-bearer•: rr•'!na \1,•s_ � PhOOe 56 'PbOnO 56
rriof Mr. and Mrs. \ti'rn. Johnston, ;t.Ilate (;corse Scott, which took plae, pr's. ,lure.•, r;(rn, i;corr, ti,rxn. us• we have every `
Habid`Street. Ion the 9th inst., hint d,'ath having iv- Yvuntz, :Man Wilson, Win. Walt-r;,nd
McMILi,AN.-Much xyinpathy is felt curmd the Thursday previuus. ii, - I. Jervis .,(in Londesboro'.
"'des his w[dow, Mr. Scutt ,is survncd It wits nr ff-13 when tier ,i,•ve i-d'x-.--
9or Mr John McMill of Goderrch I h
t. t i
also ST-APLETON.—Phe death took place Wartman, of U. E. L ancestry'. The ` i• 1 `
A HAROLD LLOYD COMFY on -Saturday last of Mrs. Con. Stapleton family removed to Goderieh township -
at her residence on Picton street, and in 1885, where they resided until about • lD'1711111TiSE IN THE STAR
the funeral was - held on Tuesdam a year ago, when they removed . to
Iuwnship, in the death last week of by two sons and 1hr daughters, i,.
Lorne, at Toronto; •George•, at \inner
Pa. u s ran', out ruin ir, .,nI, soul
the, �r;irs later in ti+,F, hex f.11h, r
t in ram oo s
r r p,, fr•,+rr, nnulio, ,al trn.r-
u 19 1 x m
t f9 I
Peter's church and the interment was lover of his country, a farmerall his
Wednesdayand Thursday ` made in the R. C. cemetery. Wide- days. In politics he was a i;ons,•rva-
township, in the death on Thursday of i
cnonia. The little, lad was in his Pour- i Vernon, W'ash.; Mrs. Chapman, of
and four daughters, at
di• d \.•r) suddenly a hurt time before
ter• \t:e.• born. in 1852 his mother•and
Ca You
fh, felt„w mu ,+reount+ ,•re p.ud
-to Can
A. 1{. Shrpper,l• srr�u, as andilur. 9i:
TOM MUORE children in their bereavement. Rev. He-iw survived by three sons, Goo. P.,
Father McRae conducted the services ref town; NN'm. W., of Portage, La
������"•�'-' home.
xG) the late Jaynes Melrunagtl,
and the pall -bearers were Messrs. Wm. Prairie, and Henry W., of Clinton, and
Youni +, cele,•, a4 auditor. +?i:
McNEIL,---The funeral took plec un
I Sunday, February 22nd, of Mr. Arthur
mov-A t„ Smith's 11111, an,.i this had
b+r+•n leis Senn• e•v,•r sine,•. l{e ur.u•rn'rl
in tx; 1. fls was a man of most
Save money by buy -
r;ederieh filar. .utN. nununall„n n,Crt-
Ing, tti.82: \lunlrlpal Word, a.xe. or'w
1:1 loads
Wm. Farr, and Dan McLeod, sr., Kingston, and Elizabeth, at horn,:.
(Eugene McNeil, of Colborne
"Lord and Lady Algy and ,)r. Mrs. Stapleton was born (ln.� daughter, Mrs. B. It. Ward, of
is by York, riot- father
supplies.' 8ihtt4+: r;,•o, jl„rn,•,
whose death occurred on Friday even-
tral>;ht f,rward character, e,risvicn-
gra",•1 at 1', rte, sls.lb: J.,,. .I„Cell,
The picture you have been waiting for three sisters 'Mrsi. John, Palmer and one year. The funeral on Feb. 19th
\ Miss Isabel McLeod,' Kincardine, and was conducted by Rev. A. L. (,. Clarke,
ins previous ut pneumonia. The dc-
tious in his undertakings atr,i true
in all his dealings and thoxe wren know
ing here.
srUt.in� tir,•� „n ur;ul,•r. si.iJ; \lit-
ceased was a member of Knox church,
in packages
ch -Al, t i lua,ls of royal ern clivi uui
and her father Mr. Malcolm McLeod: beside thuso .,f hfs late wife, who pre-
( (Neat Week) �roderieh, and the 'funeral service wax
Bina hest esteemed him higlu5.
inf Rainey River. j&re>isrd Rim about four years. The
' re John Sturdy. Wm.
lin,, s11: ,l. 11. Johnst li. (runt curl „il
Purr Oats
a conducted by Rev. R. C. \lellermid.
';(it'LD.-Foliowing an )llm's� of
y anJ
fur t„wnslill, 11.111, '-liege: \\'. T. Ittd-
I stAck ,old
spected resident of the township of l Robt. Andrtwy and John S. Holrn,•x.
Monday and Tuesday Thr; pall -bearers were A. J. Goldthorpe,
fhr,•e weoks, death earn•• on Tneyday
BRYANT Colborne was the late James McBride, UEANS.- Thr fo'ir,wing frr,m The
h II, w;,it p,ip.'r, ate., r, -r I, wus111P
I ,lames McManus, it Ferguson and
to \IP. Wm. Gould, '+f Work„t Slreot.
in pack. qes
hall, ?trill+: 'I' �11i,'lrl�, 11ulldin4 pl+t-
LN - J He was born near Toronto seventy- the death of a n.•phew -f \ir,. J. \V.
l ASE L. LASKY, Presents Henry shields. Mr. McNeil was burn
The late �1r. Gould enjoyed ar�,:,dhealtrl
!tour years ago and was brought at \ dn.ater, of (; ,derirh
"Poor Boob very early ai*e to Colborne, by his T;,c \Vingharn and district
turn in t�rwrishlp hall. >F•.': '1'Ir,' Sirin.rl
Rolled Wheat, fresh
] m tho farm he resided upodt""d \\a”
,1n in last November, when hr cnn-
Printing (:n., annual repnrl, N'ti; E. \b•-
also McDonagh. fie is survived by his the death of Mr. Peter 11. Deans. Mr.
r. VIVIAIi MARTIN married to Viss Ethel Glen, w -ho pre-
live lastin,'°er
tract,,d a-(ieavy cold. Fr(,ern this ha•
wife, formerly Rachel Girvin, daught- Deans had been r:l with a ?,were cold
ilwain. Uactor rur h:11r-etay ,rn divisr,rn
Tabb, breaking r,+ads. >J;
deceased him some years ago
fully recovered, and tic passed.
line, Kj; .1.
- he pass,•d r.way Sunday m' -,ming after
October. lie leaves to survive Sin,
I p,•ar,•fully away Feb. lith at .the '6d.
Ashfleld treasurer, amount dw, lheur
j s pvo'boy,% Dodglas, nide years old, andlvanc,•d
ace' of 89 y, -ars. The late Me.
for work ore Ashtlrld and Colb„rne
OPERA HOUSE aq to.,� fefti i, a,f ,h7h lean anal spentalt hi•; I,fc ip Wi.;;rtEira and .c:,s mostjGRIFFIN hic'rly ,': tr,•me l by a 13r4,• rin•le of
«' ,. +r Cli#f0 d •t3Gveni stars old, besides one'rr„rl,l
��as Rarn in W'iltshlre Ell t old,
bridge. 889:)8; 1 J, (toldthorpe, hal-
�ane Goes A-WOOII g ,I brother Gh#le , of Colborne township,
and,' lIrsjt. J` McBride, of Barrie, who
I and eanu• to Canada with firs •parerits'
atuv; of salary its Cnllrctor ?1t), peltas!
p %a
tak,n ,n ar.t:Ne ;riLrrrwt fn th,• various
Story and Scenario by t.• was ':idt Erle to 'attended the funeral,
when an infant. Most of.kzit3 $4L1.tIgoC
days w, -re spent in the. township' ot`
°, ,
Open in the Evenings
and exchange
r;riuneil adjourned to m,•et nn,\,ar,,h
]EDITH i F-NNF.DY being quarantIn4d for measles.
(Kingston, where 4e married Mary
9th at 1;fo P. ni.
tti,'T'\ i leek
also ST-APLETON.—Phe death took place Wartman, of U. E. L ancestry'. The ` i• 1 `
A HAROLD LLOYD COMFY on -Saturday last of Mrs. Con. Stapleton family removed to Goderieh township -
at her residence on Picton street, and in 1885, where they resided until about • lD'1711111TiSE IN THE STAR
the funeral was - held on Tuesdam a year ago, when they removed . to
morning, services being held ' at St: Goderich. The late Mr. Gould vvas a
Peter's church and the interment was lover of his country, a farmerall his
Wednesdayand Thursday ` made in the R. C. cemetery. Wide- days. In politics he was a i;ons,•rva-
fresh for this Week
spreal sympathy is felt with Mr. Stap- tive.. and for many years he was an ar-
GOLDWYN. Presents leton and his young family of three tive member of the ,Anglican church.
TOM MUORE children in their bereavement. Rev. He-iw survived by three sons, Goo. P.,
Father McRae conducted the services ref town; NN'm. W., of Portage, La
En n
and the pall -bearers were Messrs. Wm. Prairie, and Henry W., of Clinton, and
IN Blackford, Thos. Babb, Simon McKay two daughters, \frs;. W. G. Anglin,'of
Wm. Farr, and Dan McLeod, sr., Kingston, and Elizabeth, at horn,:.
"Lord and Lady Algy and ,)r. Mrs. Stapleton was born (ln.� daughter, Mrs. B. It. Ward, of
is by York, riot- father
at Ripley. and survived New pr-4decPased
The picture you have been waiting for three sisters 'Mrsi. John, Palmer and one year. The funeral on Feb. 19th
\ Miss Isabel McLeod,' Kincardine, and was conducted by Rev. A. L. (,. Clarke,
Dried Peaches
DD Rainey River), one St. Georae's to Maitland
Mrs. Thos. Paxton, of r!:urch,
PARAMOUNT FLAGG COMEDY (brother (Donald McLeod, of Erie, Pa.) Icemetery, wh• r� the remains were, laid
in packages
and her father Mr. Malcolm McLeod: beside thuso .,f hfs late wife, who pre-
inf Rainey River. j&re>isrd Rim about four years. The
' re John Sturdy. Wm.
Purr Oats
Friday and Saturday \tcBRIDE.-A first-class farmer and pall -bearers .ti,
man and an and highly rt-- (W'•,keflrld, .T. K. \Vh;tcly, John Salk,•ld,
y anJ
I stAck ,old
spected resident of the township of l Robt. Andrtwy and John S. Holrn,•x.
Quaker Oats
BRYANT Colborne was the late James McBride, UEANS.- Thr fo'ir,wing frr,m The
whose death occurred on Feb. 10th. Win.,;ham Tirm1 , , f last we, k r, fer- to
in pack. qes
LN - J He was born near Toronto seventy- the death of a n.•phew -f \ir,. J. \V.
!tour years ago and was brought at \ dn.ater, of (; ,derirh
"Poor Boob very early ai*e to Colborne, by his T;,c \Vingharn and district
Rolled Wheat, fresh
people est
smother and step rather, the late Jameslhcarrt with drip regret on Sunday of
also McDonagh. fie is survived by his the death of Mr. Peter 11. Deans. Mr.
wife, formerly Rachel Girvin, daught- Deans had been r:l with a ?,were cold
A CHRISTIE COMEDY et- of the late Gharles Girvin, and by which developed it,to fins imonia and
- he pass,•d r.way Sunday m' -,ming after
lay 10018;
- Irss than a wit oz's illness. The deceas
.ed �;a the only son ,I Mr. an,l Mrs,
OPERA HOUSE aq to.,� fefti i, a,f ,h7h lean anal spentalt hi•; I,fc ip Wi.;;rtEira and .c:,s mostjGRIFFIN hic'rly ,': tr,•me l by a 13r4,• rin•le of
W.A. HpEy
fripri(N ,n i had t e' n a ds, tel citizen
1 .v 1l Rr :r ,io mein^d toad
Dean Bros. old stand
p %a
tak,n ,n ar.t:Ne ;riLrrrwt fn th,• various
brineh,•,, rf ':fc of the t'a+mimnrit;. In
chure!i it-.;Lors. he had for a mzmber
c�17O9(fc;Jrc r�"11f1 �r3r�1)]r�nMnnR. ►r,� PajFff l(%
f �j1
Friday and (rr Y's n church
draw's Pmsbytenachrch .and was
Inter#stcd m the work (if Vo, bible ,
rC 5th Blass, was secretary -treasurer of the
Sabbath school, abd was only elected and inducted as elder. Inr�,� Guaranteed Pure 1
i soctet work he was active in Maitland
BERT OHNSTON S Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfef- High ClassFootwear licst for all fine laundcring. W,i.; il,. (A]
lows and for some time he hai& been
('Delmas !Master. Ile was also a p.mbr^
BiG of the.. fire brigade and hadi'taken a Silks, 1,aces art(] all fine fabrics.
prominent part in the work of the Worthy of Your Inspection rffl
GICAHS FUN SNOW Iota' temperance ed Mi s Ha a taw %� Oi\i'T Sl iu IVK 44'O<>Ll . �it�soars ago he married Mias Hattie Gan- ,tip Anett, daughter of Mr. and Mril. Wm. Comhinir,g an a.ttr•aetive appearance anti ,1ur%bility, �1 i
Gannett, of town, who survives, as
FEATURING well as one sou, Carl, and one daught- Ana giving exroptional comfort anri wear. It is out Table Syrup �e l
cr, Dorothy. His death Is most deep- fit 1
IT regretted and the bereaved will have aim to soli only good Footwear. ( „a rho cap [� 1'J
the sincere sympathy of the common- [(] L'(>tlt in bulk and z and })u:u1,1 tits
ity. The funeral took place on Tues- portumty In wApply your nerd•+. �u
• aw day afternoon and the members of
• W Maitland Lodge. 1. 0. O. P., attended
Vaudeville and Concert Artis in a bndy. The services were CAndurt_ We have at preannt a very large stack of Lily White Corn Syrup �>?�
o ed by Rev [7t-. Perrle.
SPECIAL FEATURES Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags, etc._)��
• *. DeVau s French Pills Lam;► (h
A F SMITH Wizard of the Violin A reliable Re"IstUng Pill for Women.' I L� All kinds of Pork and Beans
;s s bus. Bold at all Drug Stores, of 7r.e o.rr goods before buying -
• F. t . . p +nailed to any addreee on receipt o: , ; M�
and Imitations rice. � rileatfren > c••. SL Cath-
ath-" All Repair Wk Done to Your Satisfaction
COMPANY'S OWN ORCHESTRA Restores Vim and Vitality; for Naive ! J e His LEAC
and i3rsln Increases "gray matter;' a .
PRICES: SiOc, Svc an 2vc Tonto --..v bond rem up• t8 a bow r>r j,L"f� BOOT HOP a�
Ivo for Sir, at d a stores. or mrtl i E Phone 980 Cor. Montreal fat. and LiSuare `
ectalttt ot�cG 'elle tlestlrell Druz i
!'LAN At kWkiLOt S gttU6 9t01tE ., tit. [d.t1li . litiztfiYtil. - i d ,
AJCit/1t� tier TUX S1`Att t I I, Ile
all I",�Sa��ti
14..14., ,u..u.a,..v.,w..,:. d. t,:....;.�'-�°i-iv.�.r i}.•.