HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-26, Page 4u
ddd� AI.1.9G0 Tib■A■ - JJL' ' yip (* iV�j C�i Mit TNQQ �1 � p MRS
. O'd6ck
i SON i
ACri t r pelx 73 b�otlniQg px .: rt itt tlrtnking this. ices- ,
ins Ian ng mad. t +1t asttthat is the The eFaw began, The n 6ftrs and
i,i 3lantreal9 9ttXdPii(] pgplxipttlgn rine eras: �
ti I cry that fa ,comiolS from *n army of fathers claim,' by small. fillies In trioandthe • n }
�nivth(!rs a>ad fatties vEh(t view the boil]es atthe ebildren Them tt ,greyer +' ��1'^'"�i��$��' � Brussels,"'ePidemlo'" with 4i3>w'Pt; so great is to at]ch an extent that the yo.ungq,em—
, ►heir fear of file cps] ectuences that, #erit of 'the, fmilles demanded pubil(tInsto-onVOli.
t .
t R �, ha> in(t faller°.In 411 �lr04W wayu to dalte4si and,119W as tt result they are
Ira heavy ale British Brussels quell the dlettlt�: tttoy have up- tblcoiaslutf the dan.ee hails of the city ' Build
Ex y p. ' 'tlto t qg8 p led_ tit. trig m1ltlatecs., of o'thetr tpgmrA tk$iCgr vivo No and fpo ing them 3.L 'tld �JUCS4�f Lip with
t tai
Rugg, newest patterns and tt] very best churcltes tq dc4 llfi]iixf bang to lead tho iia places
r o room o e.
2xz 1* 3 y+X'�+ !" younger ms�dt41 aG the'r famtll s that'the may have n entertain
01orings. '.very sire at Sale prices. jack to Tnnra normal ecadit ons. all their friends, �
a .3 yar4�8a ; The sectlon' fr0,m ivbieta the greatettt i, There was little objection to the re- � ������
.aa complaint comes. is �Yestfnaunt, where , creation. when it was conducted in •Lite
��; x 3 Yards, $30'00 ], 3sf y trdS, :w it is claimed the' 1aci uitid lassies rang- Homes of trig parents where overything •
3 x 3 yards, 35 00 ing in. ttgo as lolw`,ae, thirteell and four- was under Ar Deer supervision and the '
7{ ra yard3 40 a s t Y$rdS, icon ycNtps of Ager ate 1pdul'ging in all ]chs un were sent home at early j
* 3 3. + the tat# st .�tapccs until frit*° wee sma +hours. But now that It has grown
's 3 x yards, 45 00
hours '01, iiii0 morniYlg, thre4 and fqur away from the homes and the cocktail ��
Men's Fur Coats
[lights C�,CI> �vicek to tato' Otter digre- and the cigarette has entered Into alio ,
t f`} isard or fife 'wishes of'tbe parents_ sport which is continued until three �iO�� t afte "
Nor tsathat all they eomjijaln about. and four o'clock in tho_morning there (v i�Qi' better #�'°
a�4 Curtainsrs
. _ - ____ _._------._.____--- • brow]]. :' taska Beaver select skins � It is -alleged, atao- #� trio xathers ane t�.�.�ceat outcry- Iilut.:tha younifsters
- a#tsorp—that—Diss _
qo pairs an sale for this 111011th 0111 ----_-.- tl ,Tulle ul'It3 ]ne , cuffs ]lit
Y perfec y 9 growInK amatingi]t a�ttons the girls and ors and mothers that parental contrgl
i' large size, full length, best
Scotch sTeeveT etc. Replacement value is that it as- Ito 0400 11 thing now to is resented now and the dames go An
Riadras Curtains in .t pat- //��((�� c �6� and X65 each. Selling trio snore ugaof hrvendingtherlway about
uTeachorsdin- the satiools nee comNL
value a F it 05&0 i -- . ------___ —__-- a -&once al, bre er or our o cock pTaT�ng that-ifie boys nn� g%Ts Tiavo -
"I" _ 1 a��al l in the morning, arm in arm and smok- nothing in their heads this winter but . p O
Ladies' and Misses' Dresses ing cigarettes like ala timers.usatio dances and that they are coming' e cc
� They add another accusation to the their dally studies so exhausted by the The Rt'x�al'� ,.7to�'L'
' Sheetings '
list and it is Pully as serious. They revelries of the night before that it is
All Wool Serges, Sllic Poplins, Gabar- say that it la no uncommon thing Top impossible for them to study. So par-
2 li]Ch l]eaV ills Bleached the girls and boys to reach home at eats, teachers and preachers are unit,
dipes, Sill and Georgettes, all latest y p that hour In a semi state of intoxica- ing in a campaign to crush the dano- —
��C tion, for at same of the Parties they at- ing craze among the juveniles and leaei �u�� ��^�•
- e S--aud aH at introductary Sheeting ;:It• _ o their D sand
to-od a liberal supply of coektaiLy are them back t books early
_..� . T _ pr eS, no 2 gowns alike n]- col -Yr or - scrr'r.(t and the' uv°eniie dancers aro hours ar ain.
bo inch widtb, extra heavy plain anti _--- - -
style, Priced free from dressing. Regular AMONG THE CHURCHES Iseas in connection with lfre war. will
+_ 4 p y ��� —_-- learn with interest of her new wa a
dig, X20, X26 and $2l7 $ I .00 at per and `
hiving up the Ch[ldren" qnd Con- I In Toronto where she has opene
vincing ;t Discouraged Chil Tian" will 'be tea-room at 169 College Street Just who want the distinction of •good style
weHt of the Conversatory of Music.
A the themes at the Baptist church nest ilisd Colborne has associated with her will find in Martin's tailored Clothes
+ Lord's Day. These have each a bear- ,Rs$ Whittam, of inches tl'rovince,
err lift; an present day c•ondittiuns.
Bible frit expression of good 'taste that im-
? ;r School nt. 3 and B. 1', P. U. at 8 o'clock. who also served in overseas hospital
i t ' de -
Next �unday will be obsCrr'ud as Life to
Miss Colborne %vIII be pleased mediately markt cloth;g of earefcr? de-
i y A(;
�� to welcome Goderich trtends at her
HESON ti,•rvice Sunday in Knox church. tea-room at any time.sign.
wO Morning ,ubjoet,
"The Family in the •
Now F;ra." Evening subject, "Chows- Remember the recdal, "A Tale of 1Vlart�si f��. �OtjO>f•
tut; a Lit, Work" Hey. Mr. �taUrrmid Two Cities." bj Captain (He-.) W, tl.
g will .peak r�pccl¢lly to the young pno- Martin, to be given on March lith in 'Phone 318
h �, ninti. the . u street church.
t�► !� ,��` r tccul,rr advantage in having anyone tourist trade to Goderich. It is ,,of Pie int c rth 't et Mot odist sures
1 �c be oouridD Z`al,e
Evangelical church, t;ulborne, Tp.
D but our sten town auditor-, !o do the I the drawabcks of this town as a picgic ltt,`,_ W. H. Campbell, 11, A., li• D., pas -
5 Tn1eD>7ra4 +%vl 9r. work. In fart vvo hove had experiencelresort that then is little In the way of fur. �orviees for Sunday, Feb. 29th.Fighting
1920. At (:olburrn', prrarhing sereicr �^ ■
t t(i• TIJUTASUAY, FEBRUARY 'Lb, 020. of auditing b) a chartered aocountantlspecial attractions for the entert+�in-
• ' ;, •. _ — I which Palled t„ discover the omission i ment of visitore when they get here, 10 a m.: 13unday school at i t a. m. .�� "
or charges which an ordinary boob hand in any summer resort %No know of 4%Gul South, preaehin> setvice ul
Y y d EDITORIAL COMMENT y p.rtc.; �abbaut rchuu► at :1 p, m. - I " " � At Your r�er8/fL�°e
` �?•� keeper with a little common sense lo- the darn •' hall is ,'prominent cemong i During L, nt epee lak erre ices are
1F vyT At rho last moment col.+ Pritchard Bated, if any further information on thu amusement features. WI at pos- being field at A. oteorgo's on ��'+'die+'s- w
F C clay ovenings at 9 o'cluck and Friday the Flu Wherever You ��V` .
` �:. decided .not to enter the contest against the town accounts is wanted we don't s1b1+: evil, it mi ht be �krd, was con -!day
attorney -general '
is [itr, Haney, the doubt ,the Prc�tont auditors are, quite netted with tri j dandnt; on tris Square
,tftorucums at 5. Tjte Wednesday even- -
, ;" ill the i�. !'. U. C.overmment, and as the capable of preparing it, at a saving of to (]oderic•ti which was a reature of ing s`'c'vices consist cis series' umns.
It trio rnembrrs of the new Goa'' ,.ut,;idcrabio mune to the, town. the Pram flay celebration Here, and Iu,Uatcd addresses on 'various hymns. ° lvl'RSES—Nurser-whore can vve The woman in town, or country, 11 as file same
+ ': result y c,odcrich ,allow Hayfield, 1h,v Friday services are. the usual Lit- lel advantage as her Sister In the city in expert
"t' + ernmant t+Ave all secured ,cats, and It why should any �orric, •. :1 aFrics of addresses cyn Het nurses"
s * " While we are speaking of encourag- Grand Bend, , te., to attract. c;ueh a the varivan cli'urch servioes Is being SerV1C°e from the best known firm in ..,
_ s ngtiv -up -ta item to share the co�►n-
Ing automobile tourist traIItc, the. lvt°ci on Sunday eveleings.
p;: try the .something batter in admini large sham, of the auto tourist tragic? +^ W
{ - thought is raised, how soon will it be• Of course Goderich did pretty well! Having exceeded their obJertiv'c in WHERE can one get any kind of + o
t {. strotton than the old. patties gave the Forward \love lent tlnancial drive
�r before aeroplane tourist trade is some- P help during this epiderm of
+, resins Luce U. F. ct. mode the basis oP last summer i'ur file revellers with the by about $3000, IIIc; congregation of Cleanin andDye��
tt. its appeal' for sup{tort, together with ,tiling to be reckoned with. We read , sickness?
l frequent dances at Aienesehcng Park, tiorth street yiethodlst church [s going
In a neve item that a chain of �air-
n - I tttq_ titlpou for a fairer farmer repro- but no doubt a good and roomy danr- on to wipe out its indebtedness of $2.- ]
sotit9ttton in, tcglsluth'o halls. The de- dr'omes extending across Canada is Ing floor at the harbor park would be 500• In St. Georgc'•'s church a similar Tl
answer is difficult, but forty Clothing or Household Fa�►r e .
a co ectad, and :we recall that some can5palgn was launched shell] of the 1
freedom 'Ute U. F. 0. Tn&itttai,nt l? j a much frequented spot an summer Movement drive and a very young lassies frofn a Train -
Forward a ti,' ttrt►it► tpo' +tits into �vlilch other Pati 'time ago the Goderich town council evenings=, and the music and aninia- substantial Proportion' of the indebted- ing Homo tic entire Cadet class !
me Yed a tette from the Aero `Club attract ma to the Ark sea vvas subscribed. do doubt this For Fours, flee name 'Parker's" iuH eigni-
s t,7 W(%stl-have bevin dt'aryn, and Yrgm ani,- e�, tion would. JPY P s in fact—volunteered their services
who might not take part in dancing/ eampaign will be .tak`'n PP again and � tied perfection in this warlt o4'making• old
�17 til% that i 1. 111*p class legislation .o:f Canada• asking. Goderich .to consider icr the past week to assist in ours- things took like new, whether personal gar -
1 i�JJM nq ►1 h, `iituro of tl,a ` t F. ksttib'lishing a landing, ileld and air- themselves. Aparit from trio legal c'u+nPletPd ere long. ing sickness from the "Flu."
drom0, and"more recctntly we have no- The pastor's morning theme in North
monts or even the most fragilo material or
n as a itulllieal party eiuestion raised, whether amunicipal- � 1 household curtains, draperies, rugs, etc.
ticed.other towns fjti;V6 had similar re- ly-owned building on a , public park St. 1[ethodist church next Sunday will
-}-.--� be,: "Is Pe tecost Repeated?" In the
a 171�' `' Reading the spraying number of the quests, Qqr recollection is that the I can be ]cased vto a private concern, evening Ahe subject will be: "The In- L,\,1�IPLE is a great teacher: . Parcels from the country sent by mail or
' t;anatilap IlortJculturist, 0110 comes to request was limed or laid aside for the there is the question whether them tolerance of the Gospel." The classes L Christ mitilstered to the sut- express receive the same careful attention
p, v the '06netuston that the only way to time. Might it not be worth while wouid;be AuMcient parking' accommo- and :f1en's'Club velli meet at 10 r. •n. tering. It', was a privgegc for Mcg work delivered personally.
+ ,r, .; f tae pgru of a crop of clean apples is to keeping !t alive and keeping Goderloh dation nearby for the cars of those who The thein for disell Sion in the Club
f'. tsprgy the trees, but Lha cost of a would be attraa d to •the harbor park will be, -What is the Church's Remedy these yo ng Salvationists to fol- Write to us�6rfurthcrparli�uo or send
in lino as a landing point on some of o yoT�r parcels direc6 ry .
f}y a"dapeing pavfltun "wi~thout inter -, for the Present World pnrest?' It low His example. e
spraying dtltllt for a town garden the air routes which will no doubt � will be introduced by Mr. W. S. 130w- PARKER'S .DYE 'WORKS, `•'�'d
would pttt it out of the question fering With the fullest and freest use 'den. A hearty welcome awaits you al
sooner or later be regularly establish- 308 Service Posts in this
5I `
possibly tiro Horticultural Society or ud!• It should be n good advertise- of the streets for. traHlo and observa- arty or all of these services. ,
the cemetery and parks committee of ment for the town to b0 known as tion. As a matter of fact a. privately �-- • Territory, use them i CLEANERS AND DYER6
F +,�• ; a E possessing a good landing place for 'owned property with room 'for devel- , PEOPLE KNOW „ '791 Yopge St. TORONjO
t,•he toren council might procure a pro- opment as an amusbment park and
a 3' IIR.t`„�rtlrtiyor for use at a charge of so aero travel. Whether or not a shed with plenty parking accommodation Mlse E. Heck. of Toronto, spent tt�e 0=0 =010
ju ch a true and give the town gar- in which an aeroplane could be housed past week -end at.,her home, Victolia M ,.�...�.��..�.....��.�
h dv to es over tri proposal for
q r + f 'lie
tT4"IIAers the adyantagcs of spraying, or
would •be feasible in connection with
a§ a g e
retaking over the Harbor park pavillon St.
Nairn left on Tuesday
at]11%tiCr .still ,perhaps, some priyate en-
the rebuilding of otbor' sheds- at the
',grounds last No -
a dance hall.
Miss Adelaide
for Toronto on a visit to her sister,
trlSc could be enlisted to maks an
fairdemolished In
The matter of amusements Is a con-
yin. Athol MaQuarric.
De�i�rang p
i .i.
litty'6l11fCrt:. �Ve feel sure a good vemher's storM we are not prepared to
have no -one and wen-
Mr. Harry of the Bank of
try town' people with a fere fruit say. It has even been sugges
be the chance to there might be a revenue from such
tion of starting out to settle it in this Commerce, has been moved to the West
i and left on '►iondaY for Winnipeg to
v {}�
re's, *vould glad of .
i>atii'rc) thein properly sprayed at a res- a place. a fee being ti]Iowed Sot the
article, but moderation in all things
would remove, we take it, most of the I
left Tueeduy
�„ y
use or the hangar.
objections of the objectors to some
I)r. ilovvnrd Jones on
for. Toronto, en route to New York,
x 1?'rdbxbly Councillor Humber's sug-
The proposal to convert file pavilion
torg►s of amusement. It has been said
vct,cro he ititCndstfaking up post gra-�
q)q to cti(tage n chartered scions-
at the harbor park into a ; summer
that "vlws alb btrt virtues in excess,”
duate work.
In addition to our lines of Nail'• p
ttftxttti•;i t audit the town accounts is going dancing hall revives .the Menial Don-
and if there is an element of truth In
St. Vincent par -
Mrs. Geo. ay on
left'on Monday on a visit to her par-
Paper, Paints, etc., we handle
P c
a; l
x(1 'rib dropped The regular town filet behveein those who frown down
l bad
the saying it must be this,, that it is
is the
encs and relatives 4 Victoria and Van-�
all kinds of
ttiiltQ]�4 aro duty appointed for the upon dancing as having a 11foral
those can see no harm
the excess that rev ,not ncoes-
the amusement Itself, the lack
couver, British Col mbia.
Frank. of
We feel that for fife regular effect and who
liirs. Shopinnd d son,
Vohj log over of the accounts there in an innocent amusement. On the
of sense of pf'eportion and relative vel-
Rochester, Alta_, an i Mrs. t it Miller,
felting their broth-
,� d ; •
rp i%1 be no advantage in going to tl►c one hand tseVorb morallats point to such
ues which makes a dance every cv-
of St.. Helens, arc
er, qtr. J. W. Salk d, Bayfield Road.
Window Glass, Plate (plass M
+ {t
X ( •-
+eft its() ot. gngaging a chartered at- csondltlptta as azr0 jtevealeti, in-
ping, continued until unreasonable
qtr. W. T. Dock ill, travelling pas-
Bevelled Glass, Mirrors, etc. O
bio onE. eco suppose. ]mag- stance, In a Haws Item taken from The
hours, almost n necessity to some pec-Isentrcr
agent of t C. P. R., was in
tllero it; anything crooked to bo Montreal Std of Feb. 7th (published
pie, or which makes the pursuit of
town today, his vi.:t "to town being in
.^ R1gi5lfwerrd {► n trio books. It might bo -elsewhere in this, Issue) and would, no
amusement the main object of their
the interests of th gervice to see that
If you aro thinking of doing
vtlllieiCpE matter to have an expert doubt. recommend avoiding the evils
existence. The dance "craze" by
it was satisfaet,Wry,
• t.
a wh::.inttn(dllpal accounting make a _re- therein disclosed by abolishing all
form dandiag, and on the other it is urged
children who rob Limo from the hours
that should be spent in improving
bl and Mrs. sham Salkeld n and
little daughter. Jc3 ,have returned top
+eon)nwadatlon.• as t0 th0 best of
their home in R sine, Sask., rafter
tp'L••pep an4 best meit►ods of co- that a summer open-air dano hNl
themselves by study so that they may
spending two and half months visit-
this call oo us and let us
the work of the different would be an innocent and delightful
take their proper 010.00 In life or from
in their parents.
yzit]Itletpiri dMees. but for the regular place of amusement and the greatest
the hours that should be spent in rest,
u• V. ll: Peardo was back in toren
give you an ostimate.
,*tali ji ,6 k of the.audit we rice no par- drawing card for summer automoabile
is an evil that seems all excess.' and
for a few days tri past week. He is
� ds but w[!i be pM
now located at NIm
t ,.
- - the ar tiole from The Montreal Star is
a good deal of thought.
��fii11111101� �Ul�'� �
in tioderich from►e to time in con -worth
ti las his occ here. O
y ���i�tmnmIntl �. sea an w J . Cuthberason p s
BRIEF' TOWN TOPICS !►tarry friends j �Godertoh of ted � •
owve doline Colbo e, who returned
4 • t' Tho regular meeting of the litomen'A last summer from hospital duty over-
• s Auxiliary of the o, W. V. A. will be
held In the club rooms at . o'clock
Wednesday, March .rd. All members
t , }
are requested to be present to discussti1
The Ulevator 'Man is not the only one cry- . important business.
" cc +� The date of the presentation of the FO OTWEAR
ing Going Up, cantata. "Ruth." which is in codrse of
preparation by the choir of Knox
chufth, augmented by singers from
' complaining
other churches, has been tlked for s'as-
. ° every+ liousewife is com lainin about the
tcr Monday. When ym buy Footwear at MSCVianr's 84ore you are
i . t dvsncit] prices. But the rice of
George Johnaion is handling the new
' p Ovetisnd oar this year and has three amured of s atigfai Boit, reliability and gnaliity for yourself and
e od !ho mw models at his stand on f,wmiiy.
• Kingston street. Watch for his adver-
i iti�S t it Overcoats t,scrtirent In next week's Star.
!the consits oLt snanees of our shoos is worth noting. It
7 provkUng the ft" at Itaalui lift
the flan the 1'1ab111��r' c0110"Dc of We is btesttm of their pope
prices, popular tatgke abd exoeliet]t
k at� lalack'a the Moo's Pttym ]stands steady. Golibrleh brunch `ofthe Woitttat'n lis- worktounehip that they plow the most critiml enstormet's. See
atitute will be held lit than .flooe of
} ly'rtl, J. W. J"Jor. It1(SYrf ytite., on ttlse Etats good vralu�e vire have to offer.
Call stud be convinced. �`Iitirsolly. arch 4th, it a p. lin.
Tke e ° c r .. _ ti,` !I►ihGtlRt1(►iii� Clt>tj�riletr a d bit t;f tinily will Hittite
`wY this distrIC4 00 of dito reoi(ta Por
may.. �y, yam, y+l��yae►rd��r�{l,,e�rw re��i��y,,♦ +t�� i2 Sl �'A. � �t I �V' iii'
4 4r z,J; ' q-., - lL�yt,y�y layM.,..,� fluffs I(tbl'e••t 1a1 to
MiPR.iQ tl Vu. itoaitt, it ti MSR
f lflrlrye X91
Ai, CK t
p by
r ,s"c• . . �� '�t 1ltl11drit�,tiY 'ilW� lift`« XlOyli�s
-• 'M .t�iiilkr +iYi"'�iri(lllw �i��
' "h+10
-1arc 1 6.0 02'x''
•, t
- :..� ...,.
M i
M i