HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-19, Page 10. . . . ..... . .........
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Maud Castle, as Aunt Melia- 000
but Mill In the matrimatital[
IR pzarl et; d&Ct0f*"`1UI8# 1111CIR King
dads Adft
Mr. Charles Asquith, of Me village,
welcomod the addition of another son. F
rito the family circle last Monday. �:e b,bronolas0
Mr. James Howatt arrivedi ho
from an extenled visit to rolativies'le,
Al the Northwest.
Owing to the, severe storm our stall, Our Special Offerings are taken from every 4epartmat this week and the
anORecoris carriers were tinalile to 11011.
We have CIO" oat out old stook their trips the former parnhiom Jrai
qt Wutnbtx Recorda 44d bilivill Week, r4actions Eire .,11118 in every insWrm
now an eatimiy NEW 0914EC. Last Thursday the Parmerm' CUO I have rom44 ray (0*140y
TION from your favorite 01441010 hold their monthly awlifog in the Vo -
1 -11 tfwy�zcraze.
we Y -1, lage. About twenty w members
work, • stock to the store in in price wiu have a tick
I iry article that s ireaucea at on it to make buying
We am always pleased to dolnon- joinedL
Mrsto both records and IuILA:llium• Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, who have MeLealn's Block, next co, dS
allay not have it Columbia Gral- been residing in Toronto lately, re -A
0 in p, a watch-blawag easy. They will be played on the coukers duriii ' the entire week.
O"cla in your own home thill'WtU* turned to their home hero last Satur-•
day evening. Stow, and will be pleased
Mr. John Pfeffer, of Pic village, Who
Is visiting 49 Kitchener at present had to meet old customers and
Papers the misfortune to get coo of his ribs Flannelette Blankets, $3498 Towels
broken in an accident there. now once in the now atom
Orating. No ad
Go. Mrs. Dingwall, of East Wawanosh,
Busincs% holurs, 8:3005:30; OP- who has been visiting her parents, These Blankets am IBEX,. the best Blanket, madd,iWd* come Special. Values in Hand Towels
en Saturlay evening until 9 0'- Mr. and Mrs. William Doble, of the in 12 ft. by 4 ft. size, which is the largest made.
I These Towels originally sold from 45o to $ 25, and every
clock. village, returned home last Monday af- These
regular price is $4.60, and they come in white or grey one is reduced in price. A small lot of each size &N -price.
Last week Mr. chariiis,13traughaWir With bither Pink or blUe burders,"at-1019-A-Vair.- Special--offerinaa.-inrAored Kith-Uats.
beaming countenance indicated tits 54- Regular $3,75, in two-tone affect, at $2.98.
prefric happiness, when the partner of
fits joys and sorrows presented him MISS SUSIE KOO Smaller size, regular $2.50 for $1.93.
-%Vtth a young sort.
Although all the returns -are not in U111UHIU10OUG
of the various churches here on the UUU
Fordward Movement, at present ev-
orything indicates that the objective Johnston and Richardson moved that Every pair of Chamni8ette Gloves, in stock will be on sale
%%Ill be obtained by all the churches. N. J. Trjoicaven be appointed collector. at 69c. They come in black, white, natural and mastic. Nearly W� have been offering wonderful values in Flannelette, but
Jamieson and Richardson moved that
Mr. Wm. Patterson, of the village, overt' size is represe for the coming week they will be reduced in price.
the Mir -
W. B. Hawkins be re -appointed mem- nted, and they will be cleared at F913.
'Mr. Peter Young, of the Ilayflold and Mr, William Paterson, of to ber of the local Board of Health,
teenth concession of Mullett, went Colored Flannelette, 34 in. wide, regular 36c, for SOO per yd.
road. 18 on the sick list. Brantford this week to attend the By -taw No. 4 to appoint all offic-enT. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, regular No, for 49c.
I Messrs. Hall hAvv taken a contract-funerat of thei� late c6ousln, Mr. Alcx,� fix their duties and salariee (except White Flannelette, 97 in. wide, regular 40c, for 35o per yd.
Cho a9wssor and the auditors previous -
of cutting wood for Mr. ueo. E. -son, of that town.
'r Greenslade. ander Paterson, Croy Flannelette, for shirts, at 60o a yard. W,)oi one way.
ly appointed), was duly read and pas -
Mr. Wm. Roberton, who sold his sod.
Mrs. Win. Eagleson, who has been farm to Mt. John Wagner, of the The auditors presented their report Hosiery at 98c
sick, Is Improving. Although quite ad- lj1js(, Line, llullett, has bought from showing a cash balance Dec. 31, 1919,
vanoM in years she has had fairly Mr. A. Roilluson, of the village, the of 0=-59, and additional assets which
Silence Cloth
good health until lately.
r•Fproperty he laWy purohased from Mr. will appear in detail In the printed ro- Heavy, winter, all-vrool
Mr. Thos. W. Cameron has received Lloyd Ferguson. Mr. Robertson In- One piece of - white Silence CT, h, 50 in. wide, at $2.50 %
port. Richardson and Jamieson mov-
Stockings, in a heamy rib,
the sad news that his son, Neil Cam- tends becoming a resident of the vil-
ed the adoption of the auditors" report, yard. This Cloth is heavy weight and nie& from very clean cotton,
eron, of Toronto, had died. At time of logo. at 98c.
and that the auditors be paid their f at $2.50 a yard.
writing no partioulars were obtain -
Rather an amusing incident occurred of $12, Thoycorno in all sizes and
able• in connection with the Forward Move- Sullivan and r Richardson moved th:ctd
W1 give goo service. 980.
Court Rose of Sharon, No. 65, GO.P.. nient. A contributor, who had sub- each auditor be allowed $2 extra for Blouses
,1A hold a social evening in their lodge scribed, was afterwards informed that tills report. Another lot of Stockings
large portion was assiK to the Johnston and Jamieson me, in ribbed and plain, in either
room on Wednesday evening of last a nod �t that
week. A very enjoyable time was Aged and Infirm and and or- By-laws Nos. 2 and & passed, t
heavy cotton or light wool. A
spent by the members and a number phans' Funds. He Insi.it4-d on a re- meeting be amended so as to name the
of. invited friends, In playing carpet bate and was refused. N%'hat? I have salaries as $100 for the assessor and ervaring lot of odd sizes, at 5&
ball, cards and other games. A fine to provide for my old Ago ur go to the $U for each 4uditor.
Ladies' all -wool cashmere plain Hose, English make, raga
lunch was prepared by the ladies be- County House of Refuge, and the Moved by Mobardson and Johnston
longing to the members of the Court. church W provide $50o a your for that the two Goderich papers and lar $2.00, for $1.69 a pair.
A short program was rendered, when then). Lucknow Sentinel be invited to teener
short address were given by Rev. A. for the 1920 printing and that the reeve
(Intended for last week) ..
Macfarlane, Rev. E. Anderson, Mr. F. be authorized to award Me contract.
A,. Edwards, Mr. John Pollock and Mr. The sawmill is recel) Ing a large Moved by Johnston and Rlohardson Underwear
Gen. E. Greenslade. Mr. A. Erwin stock of logs this winter. that the clerk be Instructed to have
i, sang a couple of songs. The chair- Miss Josephine McAllititer is visiting the minutes published in the Goderich
man, Mr. Thos., Cameron, also gave a in the village at present. papers and Uuoknow Sentinel as soon Every garment in winter weight will be on sale. Each and
short address. The meeting closed by
as possible after each meeting.
singing God Save the King. - The Farmers' Club received a car- Moved by Richardson and 8ullivaii every line will be reduced in price to make attractive buying.
load of Dour, bran and shorts this
The play entitled a "Pair of Country that the now clerk take over the coo
%vock books, etc., on or before the end of
Kids," given, under the auspices of ,g�ock for fall, 1920, has been bought and every line is
Trinity church Sunday school was a The flu is in our neighborhood. February, at Which time his salary natich higher in price than this season. , It' will pay to buy winter 0M.
iv 3
success. It would hardly be fair to Quite a large amount of sickness Is re- will commence.
mention any one performer in partf- ported- c Papers re the fixing of W fee. al- Underwear now.
oular as all did their parts exocieding- The various churches in the village lowed to Thos. Stothers as .trustee by Regular $1.20 for 1.00 regular $1.50 for $1.35 regular
IV well. The Ay, which took about are busily engaged in the forward the Railway Board, and the Gommis-
two hours to perform, was greatly en- movement this week. sion allowed the Trusts Company, $1.75 for $1.50. Also many other prices.
Joyed by a fair Ozed audience, the Mr. William 3. Dobie, who went to were flied. Z.
procceds On motion of Rithardson and Jamie -
Those taking part were the following* his farm in East Wawanosh to Mr, amounting to h 3bOPt 445. Rainy River district this lall, has sold son adjournment was made to March
00orge Castle, as Ezra Simpson. the Frank Sturdy. Note.—The following appointments Blooms we haviron sale,
country squire; Harry Baker, as Mr. ore �floods and S�I�c Remnants It is impossibih) to list the many
Mr. William J. Robertson, of the In addition to those mentioned, were but there are do?ena to,choose from, and they come in all wanted
Illarkis, one of the, country kids; ft. Base Line, Mullett, has sold his farm
Thompson, as Jack Sharpe, the young to Mr. John Wagner. of the same made under By-law No. 6: materials,, You can mAke a good saving on your spring Blouses if
De Simpson, M. 0. H. and SanitaryOa stock, stock, of silks and Dress Goods ban been gone through
detective; Wm. Metcalf, as Richard township. He gets possession on the 11s ' they are bought now.
Gordon 0111's first of April. peciter.
and ever 'i piece 'that is not over two yards long has been put on
;Z7 rdannering, the villain, y
and Wm. Parker. as Tug and Chub, Shapp, ValuatorsDAvid M. JohU'-
4 two . of Mailnering"lo tools; Miss Shit- Our mail carriers report the sleigh- stun, Richard Johnston, Robert Web- sale. Each piece will be ticketed and marked to sell by the end.
f Ing very poor at present. OWI4 to the ster, Aobert Dranmn a4d Thos. Gar -
41 ley King, as Trikle, the other one 0 1 They Will be greatly reduced.
the kids., Miss Elizabeth Fair. as All., large amount of, drifting this winter. Vey'
Flov Coverings
flimpson, the squiro's adopted da,
ught. The roads are very high, and no four- Pen" Viewers—K• J. McKenzie, W, Yonwill find a number of pieces that will make skirts and
dation for the sleighing. J. 'Blaek, H. Cluff, Jas. Lane, Thos., Just S fete Cdogolatim Rags left at the old'prioe oG $13.75,
The annual meeting of the Presby- Dickson, Robt. Fitzgerald,Jno. Finlay- blouses. 3 x 3 1-2,.
terian congregation was held in the son, Wm; Orawford, Jae. McDonald They'will all be together on the Dnm Goods Counter all Floor Oilcloth,. itrall wid he, at 60c a yard,
church here last Monday evening. and Jae. Keane.
— J. R. Savage, N. ready for your inspection. There in a bargain, in every piece.
Itiansh fito JLLI Week
Owing to the stormy evening the at- Pound Keepers-hfuny patterns to,choose from and every one Rood at We a yd.
AU19 UU tenuance was small. e various re -Pearson, I R.
ports showed the cougrtgation had a Then. Irwin and J. N. Klokley.
prosperous year. THOS, G. ALLEN, The neighborhood Wqs shocked last Clerk of Ashfield..
Monday morning to hear of the death
of Miss Agnes Symington. She had GODFRICH MARKETS.ewevartment
A N' D
Outside Market Reports on page ar,
been troubled with asthma for a con -
Lettuce siderable time. The middle of last
week she took the "flu" which ter- Whet.................. I go to 2 00 For two weeks we have been remodeling the second floor;. This worLvAea completed will
Flour, standard ... 7 50 to 7 50 represent one of
minated fatally last Monday morning. Flour, per owl., family -....6 150 W 0 60
She was born In Scotland. She reRid- the most up-to-date Ready -to -Wear Departments in this part of, the coullitry. We have spared no pains in maks it
"Y ed with her father. One sister, Mrs.
Dried Peaches Bran, per too .................. 46 00to47 00
I - ley,- resides In. Toronto. Miss. Shorts, . per - - too . ................. 54 00 to 55 tio attractive.
RU —1 ; v - - - - . - -_ -_ -_ Mall Symington was of a quiet arld -retirl Barley ........ ......... a ........... 1 60 to 1 60
disposition. She will be sadly missed Eveq garment will he under glass, which will keep it from' s4il-or-dustAks assuring you °€ est merchandise
Buckwheat 1 80 to 1 40
by her aged father, she being the sole
Purity Oats and 7 ....... . ................ 20,06 to 20 00 at all times.
ty companion of his declining years. Butter per lb—Dairy ..... ... 0 66 to 0 do
Eggs, per dozen ...............0 60 to 0 65 A fitting room has been added. where the garments may he tried a& without the necessity of taking the
Quaker Oats ASHIFIELD COUNCUI, Hoge ..............................17 25 to 17 25 in
in packages Council met Feb. 10th as per adjourn- Cattle. butchers choice... 10 00 to I 1 00 home. This -room has a1ull length mirror and the whole figure can be sm at once.
ment, the reeve in the chair. The Cattle. bupchers ordinary 8 00 to 9 00
• minutes of January being read were Bologna. Bull -4, per Ib..... . ... 6 to 7
The whole department has been redecorated in attractive tints. A ww lighting system has been installed.
Rolled Wheat, fresh approi0ed. on motion by Richardson Lambe, per lb .... ... .......... . 016 to 017
4 and Johnston. W. P. Reed, treasurer, Ham, per lb .....................0 40 to 0 40 Everything is bright and cheerful qA all times.
being Ill, Jamieson and Richardson Bacon long clear ........ ...... 0 82 to 0 32
moved that C. E. McDonagh act for Potato" Per bag ................ 2 60 to 2 50 Best of all you will he abbe to buy reidyto-wear inti every wanteh line, in the most up-to4e sai
Sugar him at this Meeting. • Collector Mo- MdON .............. ...........2S 00 w 27 00 aute
Donagh reported all taxes -of 1919 paid 811601111 .......... .................. 0 09 to 0 00 styles and at moderate prim.
by 100 lb. except 174.32, Including the 5 per cent
extra, all of which he considered u collectable at present. Moved. by rdoh-j Ton I Watch for further announcement and the opening date.,
ardson and Jamieson hint the oollec-
tors' roll be now aompt6d and the eol-
MY Itiotor relieved of them amounts,
W. A. H Eyes A
�Dw Bros. old stand which must now be collected as pro- so ..toff
vided by the statutes. Moved by John- TO& W W am NW'[
In"111 110 ston and Sullivan that the following pair($alt tae
names be added to the list of soldiers r awkililli MIA
R Colborne
I` L . I.. I I : - W
for whom medals-§isoto be supplied,
viz: A. E. Rivett, Lyle MoDairm RIPJ
4 i, Gilbert Thomas—unanimous.
lie account of J. A. Mallough left
from last meeting, moved by Richard -
A son and Johnston that Oils clabb be
not paid. Rfohardton and Jamieson
moved a grant of .410 to the Huron
Children's Aid Society, and Johnston
and Richardson moved a grant of 110
to the
Sick Chilldren's Hospital, Totem
A splendid opportun- Richardson and Sullivan moved the
payment of W.25, bilIKU06 of printing
lit"ount, 1919, Goderich Star. John-
ston to get a new Hat toV,
and Jamieson moved the armoln
4 meot, of Richard Johnston as U11601
finish the winter season, atterkdanze oftleer for the township, as
required by the new School Attendance
at a fraction of its rtgu- Act.
Account of Municipal World, $013,
lar price. for &Aai�49orsl supplits %" Ordered
A paid on motion of BIchardigon and SUI.
libout -Huron township hounds" account,
)0 H ats from 190. $41,80. vlias ordered paid on mo-
tion of Jamieson And Sullivan.
whi,;h to choose— At Mr, P. 1A, I McKay intkrviewed the
council re sheep kIIM Or worried, the
matter being left over for the requir6d
NO #0 cI&Impapers.r,. E. McDonagh
The rimignatio-a of i
as cOltector Was "Ived, and on
tionof Jamieson and Ittehardmn toss
I The 11,6110w1bg lipoltations for 00,
ware rwelved, vlz! N. J. Ttelfaveb,
t6r el#tk or tM%Ui*r or 061k*W,' 0,
MO)ough, for 00ft at 00006'
'D. A. A» drat and W� P. A64 1110
stlriw 60 Jas, Gmk to 601116*
T6, Store of Service
Farmer: Well, m4 lad, looking for I ADVIMUSE IN
Tramp: Govriort rve, sunk pretty 00112111 � 10130
low, but I ain't come to that Yet. I
0 U30100A00 oBuyRtghi
Insurance $30,000 Is the aim of every caref at shopper, and a,
perfectly justifiahle aima in thew days of high
li Do not allow the experi.
eince of Westminster Pres- With our inside knowledge concerning the
o now many people can byticiiian Church. 'Toronto, oonditions of the Wholesale market in our
you think of light; 13*Vr to be repeated in pour
who vftnldl 11ka, to ba" case. own particular business, with nothing in sight
your Ootogmph. sadhow but greatly increased prices, we would say to
long plans that last one Revise your Fire Inaurame the wise and prudent buyer,
WGA marls t now in itcoordance with
'Matte an swint-me" to- increased values
Right Now
"Plie" 316
t R, Nil' ou
*.,m ISO~*
-------- Now"
it ir.