HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-02-19, Page 7I
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I rV974% Peopk who-Awit 1 4000w- $4 1 1 1 .. . 1,
�' stnAiig Commlitteas for" the ur APO 11 I " . Ne , ao yet , , � _ - , - &*-
oevqlopo ' R%ids More Than Interot ts.ct'as 's, ponspic"404a sxlvowol b"-*.Xl*��iw-o W .- � —'. .-
. mw� ME W%WWWW 6 .
I Exec tije� Cou MAI" . I I * --
� , acil Completed - . _d 4 011ie#36 that call 04 re I I CIO �Vequ" *&y,IA lirblob ths, w9rk 09"AU40, wW,k 4110k."low I . 11 ,
� � At - " ' � . .1
! I . .0 . . I 90"Illat And ,tit" by At 9041c e.1 Wholo War Mblk of the Cau*di%% rau,faya 'VAX per- , ., tul IUVO SO "00ft $0 41—ow .11 �.11.1 � 4 1 . �
. . jaggi.nyt hik-uh- the: aireat t t Uble W411 O&A"aft- or th 11 431114 ..
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114 ft4ijag relloft InUUmpo hek f0=14A - HMO" tooia Ur the
_ .1. , =*Umo so a , 111114 - , to the *
on, all A,J)DREs � elliss. been COA .
, $ AT WINNIPEG --siucil the war. tter �
PRESMINT'S ANNOAL REPORT sl"Pi"Wiss% nervaua, lAftestt . . Itutcd the Rail*" AASOCISUOU at W"s to turilher, his W .
C -t � I
. . thtse discomforts maX4.i:t life, nakrable � pribes =amxuad Its bastaw Vill, '111% is 4ou"'494C 04 �
I but 41.0 - codumil rather than run a Railway Situation in Napo 1116. Canada. whose executive cow be Unit loss 14mu*W6 tun = thm 04"04 00111140M I I I. .
' -11 rall , ''I
of the 4 by
. , octqeg �Ili Nvitho4t 4 . : Pasno 060",W wuh, 6104"
, , 'Ope of regilyory out Parallel Any Pixel to the the presidents at the PrIACIP -0
At a nke,etlug of the expoutive'COU111- t# our Jdeox.ot MOY mettlbet# � ways In Canada. and In the or9W taken by the CA11110411111111 -0-0
ade lield on Fri- county cotiMil. who, Will, I BM Con, V,VM sqqh Rti.ffe.rer Bhould Unow the I ItAO Canadian NQ#kWI4 46 ora" jjw�- � - q9 1110 cift"
ell of the Board of Tri, . I � Ivorld. lie says. zauou of whIch is contained various .. ., � 9 - .
day evealn r4, 0. L. moon '41 I 131"At to 40wer of such a condition tok the ;ter- committees from � nX or anir other, opliteat, *" Ila otoo,' "A Sam is $0 904600#
, S laqt.blew, . ildent, at na Ittaut date ,IN the operatirti, Tru
- I
the Mayor and W. H. Robertson, po uqum�%t of liberal 44aultJ04 Vqus -�.ys%e NervOus, 4ebIlItY and I I - OW 04 00 0-1444", yoffloW *it
, r " I I ,,Mt finaticial and tratile officers at the now C<MWIRW44 Or to be C000* �
. I I
appointed as the three, were the ap even, p4r4lYsis May result If tile tone Winnipeg.- Addressing the tX-1111- 4%UW*7Jk 404101111i*94 I
additional mem- towards' tII6 maintenance Of companies. who am� constituted 10 dated 'Ito the N*fl*" X ~ a
bers Of the council, who, by cQustl- equipped httoplWs at Godericlis, . Ing" of the nerves to u9t. restorco by build- , dt4u Club at a luncheon At the Royal 1, � re I* alwin at 40M - 4g I Zwol 10 - .
I act jolattv. when Joi2t action would 900% RW " — .
tution, are left to the council to ap- ham, Clinton and other 11111M lug up the blood. As ill tonic for the Alcumam on the subject, "The New rm" ii$lioi$tiolwk , ow to
E. W. Beatty, lit) in furthe-mlito of the tradlic u- � N"s MOM" 10 - I
point. Through tho efforts at this 0 Alittee blood and nerves Dr.' William$ Pink Railway SituatiOn." Itles of the peoplet or Of the rall- the builiftwist et, railroading 04 —U- 41011111110y W I" " I
we secured and entertal . at, IllachkOlk pills have, been used with the greatest � K.C., president at the Canadian ccas It *It tioal Mwousa beft used AW4 w9saft" 11101011� ,
The foliov.,log standing committees ways. Mr. Hanna and ulyze - � 11 �� in I
were appointed-. the Ron. X)r, "y, then Itillaster of success. They have a direct action on Pacific Railway Company, gave B, 0 executive Committee. and I business mttbOdill Ull 00 - mommovil
I On
Industrial (joramittee-Messrig. C. Education, whose address to the Board,' the blood and therefore enable it to Plain intimation of a coming in. on th the destred r"OK I W � Ifa aw iiiiiiii0lis I
, am very ll-.peful that with the Ox- T617 glad 02%ore I& ~
Wurtele, R. 3, Nlegaw, 0. Lil Parsons, and sulloquently to the Public, Was carry to the nerves tile elements uley crease In rates. perience he there gailif, Ito will be to road Mr. HAR'na's gilro" pisst be SOON X400" 6 111iJoissfy in 00
,-- ,
C. L. Moore and Chas. C. Lee. Inspirational and moat. lustructIve. need to fuoy restore their normal tune- Mr. Beatty sa:d-q-Jnco I had the confirmed lit his original dect-lon to Independent adm4alslrBitima, WaIgh abov 04 oweam qC sm vow
Hydro Committe . P. Hume, E. R. Other civic matters In which this COM' lion --and at tile same time IMP"0`0 pleasure of vl,%Ittn�; Western Canada not a 11011, I
,I- means business adgitimartsuak potat"ll. *10*w 04
. e -J . be a railway man and " -�: 'A�— T *In "10
W[gle, W. J. Taylor, W. Line and C. mittee and the Board took a most the general health. The benefits that in May last. a Very t1nportant change clan. cause I woulld d1sWo to a" "a OW Awov - *0 woa
A. Nalrq, active i ,,I have known Mr. 11aulta for a to 41dall" 201111, �
pait were, the seclaring of 4he follow tile use of tills medicine, Is In the transportation situation has ticts. dooks. awt Dobus, "d I 1;WA
C.ivIo Committee -Dr. A. H. Macklin, Methodist Conference for 0oderILh last shown by tho,.statement of Mrs. Jenny taken place through the sudden con- great mary yei*.ra. and my approcla- lflaUtutlorta at Ali ocift AwAs - senow 0
1 'ell dent UPM whether th =- .
W. -H- Robertson, Rev. Canon Hill T, June, the fitting and successful Peace marr, Ft. R. No. 3, Port Rowan a N% summation of a plan for the acQuIsl- tiou at his pex3onal qualittes and at- I* ---- MO~ &"so I 4iom-a-to-4 -
0. Connon, I Day celebration. and tile privilege of . t tion of the Grand Truak and Grand desiring tlem 92" WOW 1W im r1% I- I - - . . . . . - -
n. i. Wallis, J. XV.. Vanat- - -known, isiebooi teacher, who- says flef-al ability an dliclused till, the - --- I --
lunpheon . lioarifil 14 1, became.-greatLy rill". - Tmink � Pacific -Rail-wa-3L com. es- -Rall -kw 115INFUN W w -
-Stricll:14116. , X ome- year& ago- ulitineriom eLL-.LJl= an-a-witicialt post- -Nallaw wam- -tt Vial:
- (t, utertainin" L
ter, A. Sami 5 and A. ve �, tion for! with a view to their Incorporation r an 0"a !V!�"
Menibership-G. Wil- from Dr. BrIttain 4 ry i4tNuctive do,vVii, and was in this condl tions helhua becti called upon to fill ID*lt*d we InUbt 4XV0 I* 46iisibilab %la"W"
Finance and R. Sharman address on municipal maua nent and nearly a year. A doctor whom I called I into the system of the National Rail- Ili %cry great. The fact that he was librarian, hospitals, t1hostres and , a otheir lw--..
liams, T. It. Mitchell, W. minittee In said I was suffering from,complete ways. In due course. when the to taset MU new and Tbdr aftAm We XWO 111111611111114
and F. Woolcombe. financing. viie a 0 - traincd lit his earlier ,years In the parka in order
- - Ha-yu& -D5-ff1i1JEb6(- -W elffluM InMy6--fPf`%1blIity--of--a` nervous prostrattion. It would- Hard- * legad-and other formatitfes bare been - -r�j - -- — -- -vaclac " peculiar pall.- --- blose am smoirst- - . .
- � , G. L. Parstilaii,- s,-, ca or the Canadian . haMoo
R. J. Megaw, W. Wallace, W. J. Tay- market; an historical committee to ly be possible to tell all the symptoms I fulfilled, this consolidation will take has aINVUYs, bo*i personally and oM- . --- 17%WM we 40 = Nk I �
lor and J. W, Cralgle. I gather together and compile Informs- of my case, but anyone who has pas- place and the test of the Possibility cially, retaftled a very sincere affec- 'no foundiatieft 4kc = *or as bm"
Transportation tion concerning the earlier history of sed through a nervous breakdown will of successful administration of a abould be the &am*. ;Ift'R�,"' we .
09mmittee-G. L. tion for "I former company bas not 6- amd Odr
Parsons, T. H. Mitchell, T. 0. Connon, Goderich; and receritky a debating com- know what I suffered. As 1 did Awl. vast system of railway tAndor the detracted from my appreclaUttla of control of pwn=snt- Ast on" 1064 00 1111111iftwNWO 44 GVM#
3. W. Cralgie, J. A. Lawrence and 0. mittee to arrange discussions concern- seem to improve under the doctov's aegis of the Government will be him. control of the Dotaftift km been re4vibed to
ing various topics of current interest. treatment, I decided to try Dr. Wit- inade. It is probiLbly the most am- "Mr. Hanna and I have a great commixotok shosm be *0 som Few. asit sad virwifts
K. Saunders. - Another committee which rendered Ilams Pink Pills, and the decision was bitious and comprehensive task many problems irk common and respect ot an rallwayst = mit the VOW W the WAN-,
Retail Merchants Committee -W. R. der tb federal jurladieftia. %us � can ghts be ow of aw 40M
Sharman, W. Walker, J. A. Camp- I untiring and invaluable qervice was a fortunate one for me, as I soon ii�hlch any Government or say lveo- others u1l,cl. axe Individual because 110t = *MO as yet, " Govorame" prim?
bell, W. C. Pridham, Geo. Mae- nd adverttalug. A found some relief through the use, -of pie has taken upon theniselves, ex- pocullar to the different system of 11
Vicar, W. T. Millar, -H. T. Ed- concisely, descriptive and handsomely ,the pills, and ltfter taking- eight boxes pt lempon"Ity-and In e-mor!.-Teut, Ito- raliwu� op4rauou, JU which we *XW rustvod by. stat0w - N91111110M
j -Blustra"- booklet, - displaying the I was fully restored to health. To- cessity. It may be a tent over a respectively involved. Occasiouall- r116110 to the 14&Uozw. ptallwals am k SAME 071201111111111 -
wards, M. Robins, G. E. Colborne, J. �. beauties and benefits of Goderich as a day I Ann strong and hearty, without I epetioa of years and the results mAY it Inay Ito necessary In publit uttfflr-- enjoyed by prive" o0wasadve said -no mom at tstroaNG � ,
_ "=J"Iin
MacEwan, D. O'Brien, A. D. McLean, C. .- yy b" .-
summer resort find manufacturing an ache or pain, and fo-r my present : tw expensIve. but under hollost ulan- zinc- for us to rotor to each other, withhold it I& corwa pudware I ~ *0 "Alva COW
M. Robertson and Mayor Wigle. ar,oinent with in,lf,,i�,re.ont and non- or the tativrests which we represent in= the larlodliallont ot the Spard 166*9 ii�-�- �- Vft
ceutre, was compiled and systematic- physical condition L feet I am indebted, at"
Agricultural Committeo,-T. R. Wal- at ftilvay OUNKM$Uasm WA I an or ,*dmu ot Cowlies. The od"
lis, W. T. Murney, Gordon Bissett, H. ally distributed to the principal cities to Dr. \N11111ams Pink Pills, slid call I political adminixtiatlon, and above but I reeGS11120 that these reter- pm"dia A"
I accurate information sup- 1A U
K. Revell, j. E. NWtely and W. H. of Canada and the United States, and heartily recommend them to anyone all wtLb ences will be few and far between, kere1w that in usag, two MW bal it
Wh,d to the public as io the re-ult because I can imarine notulat of ftsoodled. The assamIttlag mothods =i=b"Id 0111114
Robertson. while unfortunately this did not come suffering from nervous troubles." ' I rl those opt�rations, th-, veop'o of sad ftsalow return of all coft- 84MAOM 40 1111111* " we boa
The publicity, entertainment and le- from the_press early )enough to be of You can procure Dr. NIvIlliams Pink much less public Interest or public abould lkowlse be aboolu *I @4106 of the VW
gal cornmattees were abolished, and a the desirW service last year it will Pills through any deller in medicine i1dQ voontry will lie ah!o to det-ir- ImportAnce than my opinion of the Pan'" 1 it y I t 49 "
have done much to encourage recog- or they will be sent to you by mail at i i've for themselves wbethor that National Railways and Mr. Hanna. Identical. Given those em"Isil prt. '11411411111 as .V== ussec
standing harbor committee was ap- ration of our advantages for I"2 . The F,,slem Iq tile 1)"t and if not %That unless it is Mr. Hanna's opinion of Suisse and the National Rallftys the try bee been *or oeamem"
pointed in place of appointing a spe- efficiency of this advertising cannot 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.1 1M,rov,n(,rt Mintild be made ill It. the Canadian Pacific and myself. independent adsialitillistratloa vildch logis"am at L WWII:
cial committee from time to time to by writing direct to The Dr. '%y1lilarns make no comment on the wisdom their ottlem desire and you wIN an fty ilispla, upOI
deal �vith questions relating to the better be exemplified than in stating Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. .Mr. Hanna rather departed from the rhia Wma nons
that requests for copies have come from . or ot.bervrtse of Lhis rurilier e\ten- rule a few weeks ago in Toronto, and "Aways cO=Psti%9 In this 40"Stry &B4 *0 rawards I lot to 4311.
--- r!nn (if ,overnment own under condItious which win stimin- 2L 'we have file Uwe I
harbor. I P"'31,1P Of with lit, characteristic Scotch PawkY late their offorin sad redoinad to %a Vogt to reeettre 111111A WRAP@ Mt
It is understood these committees numerous American cities, as far south - --
as California. ,Tourist traffic to Gode- rounding our community for tills and In-wil'.Q in r�nqda . The r utt ter, huntor,ewills,tever that means. said ediTnatale *if all tboas ,Who do bUsil. jamesmos,itima was V6 oft 01"
are subject to enlargement. rich last season was easily 0-00 per msulng years. First let us contract'" ]is,; hefi ,,-(,'tl!,d bi, Vie ropresenta- t.h.t t rouble with me was that ..
A list of prospective members was cent. greater than in many years - San with them Whether Ithe" ous. sideamto rov2m I% ser"Cei. - O" .
d Ith the children, who eventually will Vves fit III,, ))PoT,,(,. I an sorry. d'I d t be leve In public ownership, 41tioula ,will prevail, I caunalt say be- hWo a right to 619041 "
discussed by the members and hande v however that a livir, more. time and no 1
take our places and sustain or irApro If at I ",!.. d hope for its success.
to 'the Finance and Membership Com- previous, with every available cottage ve . b that Itisluss the Alm" irreawbist Q6;� a" essit keep whal does
and hotel accommodation taxed, and ed for them. We inrorin-Von were not �,,]Nen hntli to�aud ,hat notwIthist.nd W&W
�he facilities crest th., 'he Cii�, lug the bet Um of t1ii wbo, supWy the =MW #A gL fte JI40111110"
mittee for attention. ties and A. J. Nic- from enquiries already in hand we will nust appreciate that one of our great the nenne Ifierrisetvpq ,nd theIr Par- ii.dian Pacific had emu- to to desmad a yoke In Us trom mime MA at *6
I Messrs. G. J. S. Loy . -espons liamentaly represclitativ,,q. licefull e 1, �,.,,.d ",.,,,,,,r.y unique and strong posi- the be
ti t is IL it,
have a still gl�cater patronage this year, lbilitles is to provide the means .w turo and In the sast it saisnot
Kay were appointed auditors. Perhaps the hardest -worked com I or moulding their young minds and WO'lld h1lVe hPl'o be L111 kt&ZI-;'!rII t')at � thr Empire. I umber tnsutuuom for the - of 40110 UOMWG "Lie"
A committee was appointed to look mittees we're the industrial and 11 ro the (ICCNIOT1 thell rf,l"(" ("lied !bellututhal time it would be R which they 6"M Uo" this 4sio
of securing the ��! ,erfecting their education, so that Vj o two innte'ad of I Will
. Into the question 30wer flat -rate, assisted by our in: heir places of re- I e- nild deqirt� r I'le 11,4t 11i'liority number one. and that U011,111 REMEME NZ011= at the w Is ty.
downstairs room (formerly occupied �Iustrial secretary. Their duties were ponsibility fit tile world they may,have It., tllkl, J)c0oI0 Of t1lis Colult r%. 1-7�7ie- I w he shoo was pinching. abors be am to
X:s1whe!.e,�r the Ire
by the Lake Huron Steel Corporation) cialh, of the husineqq communiVes. ... . --� which have
1� , practically Synonymous, in striving to earned to trust their fellowmen alld . H&nn& intend" this 'I do not -Virst,siml to speak for the I
. for the purposes of the Board, as sug- more advantageous commercial wbo Itave a p.4rticular -1;take Ili Ills to be a humorous remark. but Beoteb NSUOU&I 1t&Ilw&M but so dioaK as -- *0 ------, 1-
, > g of the secure vork Industriously and harmoniously. �- -
gested Rt the annual triectin in- conditions and Induce prospectivc ,'otbing will do more to overcome the raTIN-aY situation and a Tni-ticu'ar humor to sometimes hard to under- in the own ot the C.PJL. lam raw blisi 49 the Isall fte years. heiia
Board, and the transportation co manufacturers to locate in our town 1�no,Aledwr, of what constiti,'tes cl7ft- stand, &lid his audience. a moot In- olmostoran requIreallo omimpl*% 'a * I
$ �resont greed, extravagance and (Its- I Ammoisil jIgU40" age it and ad-
mlttee.was appointed to look into the Their schemes were most exhaustivt rust which overwhelms this find other ci,-nt railway Fervice. Thp decl- telItgent Toronto audience. miscia- work thU has been berstaftirs In- at elli kinds. ft&M- I
improved Postal Service. of grati Mort ba -s he'en taheil. -r. him and applauded his Vbo Q,=ZI tt aud to memo al -
question of and in many ways productive ountries that to inculate in our youth howevL and derstood possible, to undertake and to extood dumb - - �
The address of the retiring president fying results. When the Board wa, ie spirit of equality and co-operation. ill�p corv;nlidated system will be, ad- prophecy of the adveat of another facMidge, to Ingot the roomy togreall� test we viewns it. 00"raments.,
of the Board, Mr. O. L. Parsons, given reorganized nearly two years ago w� Ve have in our town one of tile best YnInIstered by a board selected by the railway system, bigger gad befter lug &soft ot the country. Nddwr of jimilgro WoYWW %Ad MWMdP&l
n soliciting new indu�! esigned and equipped schools in North Gcverrinwrit. with experienced rail- than the Canadian Pacific. I --- .
-at the annual meeting, which lack of realized that I us am stand Bull; *0 must VK%*45 Gould, OWN. "a It, Bud vV6011109 it- Or
space prevented our publishing last tries we must by some means overcom( Llaerica -, - the others while not so way operators and executives In im-' -I imagine that Mr. Han and U we ars W recame, our fmr 4140 bud tk"o will suiceed ow pr*-
. �Itc power obstacle: True, we con iodern In design are fairly comfort- i mediate charg(, of the property, ivith myself Zould sit dowu today And ot the countiry's prosperity. In or- "at am of V290PItrity. It bast 41-
I week was as follows: tended that we possessed many advan ')to, but of course i ust be replaced i Parliarnent,,aq is inevit,ib,le. In full discust with the utmost candor the der to do this we must have WWW. VVj% osomed to as that but UUMS '
Presidenit's Annual WPOrt. -ages, among them two lines of rall- % � control of the fluaticial support to be general railway situation. I
-ith adequate struct res as revenue xwtdeu- and ItIoney can be obtained only In do missegod say OM Of great spend -
To the Members of the Godorich Board way and a modern harbor, but un ill permit. If the Public schools in given. and the Goverimr,nt of the tally to that we could, I think, apm two Ways. by stock or bond Issues. I" or extravegX1100% 61111111d It Is IL ""
of Trade : fortunately we are on the end of thost .ir community are to serve the public ;day with full responsibility for the without much discussion as to WWOh or by revenue. Operating Increased laus comissiantarY Ou the �COWMBOQ
Gentlemen, -It is customary In mer- lines and have no steamship servic( i the development of a sympathetic -zilenditure,i of the rriorlpq voted was number one and which was, omnat be taken care of by Iiho torw same uW sasAtY 01 P"I's that it 1
1 cantile establishments, industrdal �and 'for the manufacturer to receive or still nd intelligent citizenship It will be for surb purpo,ses. Thc� rp�;ii!t of number two. I bay thin without "y or. The extraordinary recent cuts is vocamilary for the roold"U01i of-',
linancial Institutions to make a survey, by, but greater than these is tlit�. pro acause those who arenow responsible IhN rnvan3 that the railwav sininTion hositadon or reservation. because I ot maintenance and operation can be the&* asumUmmmw to be OVJ"04
;!, Canada Is now oomplotely chang- know what a wine and experienced met only In on@ way and that Is by by expW11,0111106 1111186"d Ot by & Car*-
at least annually, of the business trans- hibitive cost of electrical energy. W. re willing to pity the cost. No 91'ell.tcr . ed and tho country mll,ql. depend for man Mr. Hanna Is. I Can Bay Vlth of the , tr4ad at �
acted throughout the: year, to ascertain �ouccived that It was imperative t( tlamity can come Upon the Dominion , tuor,sased revenue to the companies, fti opqrsdaden
whether progress, if not profit, has been reduce the cost of"power; which undei hall that we Should fall to providv "IMP HMO nt lea -qt fOl' ;1,dd!tj0TlaI rRII- equal confidence, I think, that AV* and is this we need tAo symvathotic events 4" by modifloation arwi pris-1
attained; so with our Board of Trade the present �method of charging wa: le kind'of teachers wbo will transmit N -ay fricillti(,s, wbe,e iipedpc "Pon years from now Mr. Hanna and I support of the people who demand a dome avddtp@Ao " Prevent the
Ing it is my duty, C natural conaeq enn" extra I. I
:lit this annual meet to cast back over impossible, and started out on a eam ) Canadian boys sad girls the Ideals 1hp Nntional Railways or di,, ana- could discuss the Question with equal high utan"rd of rallway operation u Of a wl I
as well as privilege, paign to educate the vitriol", man' f it democrittic people, Our local dirin Parific, because wiLh prepond- frankness and agree between our' " railway service which can be Same jind Imerudence. I in an 09-'
the preceding twelve months slid to cipalltics to unite for a flat rate. Mos Lhools tire well inanned with efflelent '01ratlng.inileag�'und,r The roritral of fielven as to which was then number secured Only. In view of the provall- ti=W: I do Uot 600 how anyone
I the Government, it is not likely that be anything else so tar as
. give an account to all tile members, gratifying recogniti011 Of Oil'- claim: astructors, Nvilo .should be paid ade- . one and,whicb wan number two. Of ins bigb prices. by paying a trans- conA
its stockholders of tile Institution, of has been secured throughout Westeri uato salaries consistent with their Pitic-h capital would be attra.cied to course, It would be the same rLil- po"Atlou Charge at least equal to C40ads to comoorned. with its llkftt-�
the stewardship entrusted to various Ontario, and the scheme is now being ervice and our tax revenue. Would new rallivay enterorlm- for the re_ way, but aa I have said, Mr. 3ouns, the increased cost of 090MUng. You toral wealth Sull the virility Of 'to
ward,; which such hivestmentl; might is a very -iiie man. Five Years hence all aware.that in 2910 railway posoW. but with great OP0131111m Can
officials and active committe'es, In advocated in Eastern Ontario, at n( ' 'bring he may even be wiser than he is wages were Increased, in Can&" by
, not bo advisable that In perfecting are
making our appraisal of civic and In- less points than Brockville, Bellevillt tudies we should also afford health- i .. Therefore. I thInIc it may go equally great dise"don. and the.
dustrlsd. accomplishments it is oppor- And Kingsfon, and "ven now at'Guelph iving playgrounds at the school and lbe fairly s�tated that such additional now. but that would not be neces- an ammmut a"regaung $77AW.00, fteit that a == or a nation. if full
tune that we should endeavor by some one of those municipalities whiel a public parks, properly equipped and construction ap takes place v.-IthIn sary to enable him to reach a correct an amount greater than the interest ot boo Bad covadence doei Dot
I means of deduction to ascertain backed the Hydro Commission In It: * aintained for Summer and NvInter ;the next few years will depend upon concluslom. 0 he wbola of the war debt of Can- now thmil he aboulld disregard the
progress and original undertaking and presew a '? LIS tile Ise In the willing-ness of tit(, National Rail- of the times. or with his
wherein we have made ecreation ,I'e anything P I ; the rates wer,d at the @am* UnS, warnings
When w4 'WaIN and the Canadian Pacific to pted g - future fall to Ob -
similarly to determine where and why, method of unfair charge. 1iich the community oau IllVVst that "Mr. Hanna ban recently &do creased and they brought in $41. eyes an his own
in other efforts we -pose., and 1 v ill pity larger dividends than educa- ,appreciate these needs and tbeir fill- the role of prophet for the National 000,000 additional revenue to the oom- eery* the 00=01133c8l Pitfalls Im-
have fallen down. have accomplished our pur I I them.
-rent distan . ltricial ability to ineet them. In other -or", the Isere"* lnq4tmIsiy, In from of
If we have fallen down, and it is aP believe that will I�e at Do 9 loll and health? * MEANS NLEN COMPETITION. Railways. He to it cheerful pro- a . failed to equal the Increase Tu this progre" towards full proq-
parent from many criticiloas that "()Me time, we Will be ill it position to jlistl� Following tilis is community leader- phet, and he pWnts a glowing Pic -1 n.=
men In out- community are "Of salts' substantiate car claims for Godertel hip, The town's future can be only I "This Is a situation which is with- lure of the future of the properties in wages by the wwrmsus gum Of Verity. Mr. Beatty said he saw the
fled with the Board's progress, it be- as the Manufacturer's Paradise. viiat we make it, and the successful i out parallel any place In the world under his chairga. This is as it should $34,000,000. There can be only one wootem provinces playing a EmIt
hooves its to ascertain if we have Many critics say, "Well, your re esult can only be attained by mould- kWhere a government-owlv�d and be. and he Is wise in making it as and to that oonditim unless the rev- part. I
� s accom ng and unifying public Opinion. The oPorated railway and a priva.tely- attractIve as possible. He has re- th "In conclusion I would deriouslir
erred, o�- having done so, why, and organized Board of Trade bas . anues, are readjusted to meet so* *
vrbat is the remedy. in judging such pHsht�,d little Ili the past two years,' loard of Trade is a facility for bring- owrind and operated railway 'lot cently taken his pencil in hand and increasing costs. W%"* mt*s w"l urge upon you all the Paramount,
- -, . I - e r tictsm* It is- %�W to cousidex whetht r --or-"How many industries had_ tht Of-qAcyommtAnIty__ _ added- togetha AII&AD L"s otl have to be again increased. they 4-slity of quiet sane considers. --- -- -,
PjS�. ng-tO--ZIW 41-U-QUUQn- . I- Fr"A-0Y Alfftrellt -U1 -the.matter-af- - - r--tb --
in the ny suggested improvement which will naileage, both with. of course, ade- the Canadian Northern. Intercolonlal.
they are justified and from what source president brought to town in the paw ttannot be increased Ind*11tutely and tion of Cswo&,s economic problems
I they emanated. , 1, year ? " or, "NVbat Is the use of payinj vork for the common good of all, and ,quate credit, have in their hands the Transom tinelaW. Grand Trunk aul our great struggle from now on will an they develop. it is. I think now,
. The greatest facility afforded by a a large salary to an Industrial secre f we are sincere and energetic In the almost exclusive right to remedy Grand Trunk Pacific rallways Ili be to reduce costs In order that In conceded that Most Of the errorit
properly constituted and aggressive tary who falls to land industries ?' )rosecution of tile work entrusted to Itransportation insufficient at most Canada and tboo United States; he time rates themselves may be lower- made In past Years have be^m d -le
, Board of Trade is for the promotion Let me say for the benefit of thos( is it must command recognition from 8, tthroughout Canada. It Is has likewise' added the number of ad. There are only two ways of ro- to a too ro&dy acquiescence In 11) I ,
of better civic conditions, and to this who have thus expressed themselves -esponsible persons. Unfortunately in � tP11 N. � 1-1 b,nk . that this will provoke engtnee and can of all descriptions, ducing railway rates. and One to by c,onsidet-60 Policies and A seriklus "A
end I think you -ill agree with me and others who think in the ,sami )ur town, as possibly It, many Others, a highly competitive condition. How tons of freight carried on all sys- large Incresso In the volume Of tTAf- differencA by the POOPIO LIR & whole
that we, especiall.r through our civic narrow groove, that the industria I here are two factions existent, which effective this competition will be to=& and 11" concluded the National fie and the other Is by decreased wit to the correctness or otherwl". or,
committee, have been most energetic secretary, tbe Industrial committee an( ,annot and will not promote. harmony -111 'depend upon Its honesty and its Railways am or will be, the e-matest in the carrying of traffic. No ordta-, � the cQuilluslons reach*& I Aw. I
and succeq, re all becT If political methods I d,% &ry Increase in business will be so(- ,
.sfill. Without individual- the executive council Ila' - nd progress -they are the jealous all;l ' fairness. are raAlway system Is the world. think, quite within the mark In vsy-
Ig put vjitil (tile recognition of the most energetic in follOW1119 lip any sug lip suspicious. They are not only Ili to be Introduced Into the comDeti- not dispute his figures as to mileage. ficient to take care of the, extraordtil - Ing ttlat out principal rallwaly and
Izil 8 � 1, of that gestion or information concerning pros lJon, and facilities provided In ac- and I do not imagine it in of much ary increases in the cast of labor comic mistakes have been due to
per steat�p of the chairman ,vidence lit Board (if Trade eadefivorK, ectl
. cklin, we have car. pective industrial development wlilel )ut In every pha, of keen OpPreClAtICHI ILL
committee, Dr. Na se Of eivIc life, but f cordance with political exTediency puMe InIportauce whether the gross and material which the railway --om- the lack
ried-on throughout tile county a cam- we could aceommodate In Goderich. .1 tely we have lit our town, I or if political rewards follow thO earnings of the icomNned systems pan(es have experienced In recent Peral'Ced
4nined whal ortuna extent of the support or otherwise , . those whose concurrence
paign for improving our hospital Ate- (The presid6tit here exr )elieve, sufficipia broad-minded people are greater or less thsx�liba Canadian Ye�lrsjww that you, gvnilemen, are! the adoption of these policies. Thero
commodation and the provision of was being done by the Board in the o overcome the projnifice created by I which is granted by shippers to the Pacific. Up to the present, they are I hilitory of tbi%
therefor. vlf�se efforts are at- endeavor to interest manufacturers in � d on the igubJect� Of "a no timll in the .
funds , )1a,l;ed critics, and in our Board of or�l National I't-allways, then I should say less, although tto mileage to greater. very well Informe country when the vl"*$ Of e'f'rew-
Goderleb.) hundred and fifty members a prodomi- ,the competition would be unfair and but I do say that the test of the beat I rsilro %v.1 know tbat many Of You Igtoi 11hould prevail am little As no - , i�, .
ready bearing fruit, in the conversion are. c�dh been, perstatont useria of which courmut
- -- - - ---= The greatest effort was put forth by nanee of progressive rqen 'who will of doubtful commercial or natJouiLl or worst railway In not necessarily �Tbc difficulties
- -- - industrial committee, principally 4 fn the alue I determined by nilleage, and "best" the railroads. that you har" Compe- � are not luvurraountable If f�)e %Oil' -
tile All-molint tiny obsWeles placed that you have 00TOP tion of them Are Oven tho food -1 -
t1tyough its chairman, to secure for path of good citizenship and progress. rring ine corurse of the year, the am ,IbtggewV* are not neces"H17 tout critics and
. � Irna! Goderich a steel manufacturing In- �v .1 Di' in contact with their operationa �n
Jud a Uwe In addition to progeenting our Indus- �ailway companies of Canatla had to ,ynonymus to,=. Companies must ate and sane conaidpr1ition witl(l, '
dustry, which if original plans had trial efforts there are Several features Imect a great many problems, due stand or fall on the character of the a more intimatc way thall 1100St 1"tl- I Indispensablo to a corrvet eonclu
worked out would now be tinder con. w hich Should be imPrOved Or Installed to the emergencies which prevailed service they render, and If one rail- zons of tbLi,3 collatrY. Y 011 W I 1: I sio-1. A,ppealm to prejud! 0-11 *ra
struction, as t.he Initial unit In a vastly for tit(, :1 (�(Lofamoda t loll of 1whb;b were unusual and of great way's serrice is coneistent.1y better think be the �Ilet to approolate ill(,, ditional b0still,ty aro fruitless of
%vs As * Raiiftlating ot ol- Newome extended ItIduRtrial development for facturers. vitizeng and visitors. I1rIvfl3- Importance amd which required new than anotherog, It Its officers are accuracy of my MlItemonto when I 11 rmane-t if")' (I've -1 flip u;x)
BReakdWO our tolyp. That Industry was quoted these are : I mAthods t,) secure their bellux dealt more eflicient. its service more ci 1 unic In !h hl�oorl, P` . I -r -,,y.. ,.r -
r, t r 1 r 0 'h,) ,it
i - ,
- 1 $20 per borsepower for Niagara energy. Better train ger%lc(, to and from with competently. For that purpose peditious and its buMness transac- of this roun'�5 ha, ,:.Q!r., I— i ,:,I, 9 o, ite .. r,c . r-310- w)"Cll ill, ,,,, , JA,
,' "r
other Industrial assisbince Wits rea- Burrillo, Detroit and ,other American tile Canadian Railway War Board tjoile with the public inore Gatlsfsc-� need frir an orD� ec'.au,n . il,e p., b ir,:, I I a Country the ,IZP ( 1-1.
. a1c. .) .,( I C-
HOW often do we the ratification was constituted and through It the tory, it is the railway wlilith will be lems of '(118 ta'11"79 c'ad n:13, and a iterigliq and siazle dp-
hear Veople 12Y "Clik, dered Ili furtlipring Mercan- po I 11 1,4 efforts of all rallways were Oo- rightly regard" " the best. who-. for SUVI,Qrt L' I.) 11"a -A 1hAn � r, -t onA dlopo "t 11.6�m 11
of the bylaws of the Goderich 1,:ike freight and pasgenger service. I t1f. rJT,.,V ,lp a
theWe UOtb1Z9 the tile Co. and the Dominion Road ordinated to moot the extraordinary ther Its mileage be 901newhat more, now, t�� ':,*e1,,4T, CI I
. . asaiti&Ms )8" & 110114 Machluery CO., also by sending a --- demands th:ough the movement Of or PtornewbAt less than Its rlv*1'0, I A Cr'1`1,7��-; ():' (-f`)t-NT;1: I � r. -I : r.ruld litive P-1, r0*1
I . .* readoWnt 01111111195 All*" strong deptitatioll to Ottawa in urging n war traMe and soldiers. Tho we , .,The Nalloval Railways Bud our. , a I It'o if I -V -f` .: � tl -1 f 'J'- 111fit - -1- ' " ' I—
*-" tile (;Overnment to provide more ade- ;Wav 'well and efficiently done: w "Thera I , .... . .-1 ., " , .no--- - " � " n-
onivas arn confronted with conditinno - ' ' . r . , . . ,f , 1'. -- �--. In.
. This MAY b41 the 0 MIUMA IEVER LET so well done. in fact, that not one of oporsting which are almo&t with- I 0111-tiz-* a'" ":'"A IT I, Ill, I 11 I - , p-rt,'"l,
beginning Of Z Nw- qnate Recommodation at our harbor. I ,tirapa"!,� fl, it' t I .. - �
voile Breakdown amd We also strongly advocatod tile grow- hour's demurrage was CAU164d to out precedent. and which, with tile � way I jar. V.,i" .1 . .. r ---'I Cl, d ,:, ,I?
- V- 'I
I jp - .. The ( ,�')111! an. I;" f,- r I'--- , -1 Ir' -:11 F'ril`, ,
,&9Lfla,- s_d in tills digtvict, which At.lantle sbIVVIng by delays on Can largest mossure of support we Pan lic .
may soon be followed by BeffidUbe, - wing remult, in that tile ,,xdl&n rgflwoyq, I have recently r6- both r"vo. full render theso rtnor- I I z e n n f Co 1, oA,'Q . - -- - -----
. w is silo HER HAIR 09 GRAI � ---,--,- --- -- --.--- - - --- - . ,----
lillitziness. pahm Its the reliflou slit the I Shipbuilding Company, who ---------- I
. and Mjvly ,Nations )4 cock is reported to have
spia4% weak Ingesdan have secured world rights for infinu- . -110-41 Ex. liav(, dpv,,lOpptl eomlaodlollw linklA, au'l %it-opreski,W 1111-i :1 1,14.111her of it � Rich radlurn Ont.
1:111111'"."i flod 1101T4 ' utivi. ."oll, 11 ga%.- von"tan( ,litten hpiq, thsco%ered near Kearney.
other troubles. I facturing an egst,ntiftl machine for the she Kept Bar Looks Dark and 1,) meet if %Ae ary to imstain our rePUIPHOO "N'" ""'
. Hlekingtm Heart and Xft'Te Remedy pulling of flax, havo sevured for diFl- t4�o.l.ol ,.( ri,vr 1-1-111,%N 1"r must follow. Surely for the onjoy- if(,,, t.. ili.. afTairs tif tiv, 11,,,urd-ittid --- - - � !-- . -
Ofossy, with Sap Tea mitel. ),I. 11,�N-111 Iaygl,4)ul1(I Intent wq� eItI7A,Ilg woulti ruocury th�- ivllvv�,,l ow of mail.% (111114.9.�.irll4l 0)
ts almost prevent NerYOUS n farmers it quantity of seed and Sulphur. 11'athilwholls"llildl. : ..... ..... ", I
am to tribution t 'fit �r 1) I ext.-nd my � S') no I IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS,
collapie. ; Is Just the right thing to be lisetl In production of fibre for fwaqori through, flnd as a tat'liliq Of fill I'( "ll"111
for Nervous li-rd,ubses tK any kind. linen lIIlInILfdCt11f1'e. Niis fim,i "a ftt�t, at)", 1�vaA l,i,,olj. a(,pommodation Ig-l-fecting our tourist factliheil, 'Ae th"Tihs 'I., mt. it oJig ht-Vil lid okluol'l FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED
tit pari,in.,, tind qbould strive to provide a quiratilp ao,I 11o1il1li(.,,i plen%uie to have wirved
Nften "u "don't feel right," and tl in hand the Installation of a local Pill When you darken your. hair with Sage for innlorkt� :11,11 VX- "T81011141' tl,4� it(,ar.i a� 04 prv-iident for th'e Past I
4A#Uy you should not delay in taking for treatment of the flax fibre when Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, be p.,,1141. Ill-lill,ing Nvater. by extending course on the opening of qpring ind lit rettring frota offlee t ,�
dy, as it will bring grown. aus rally, so evenly. lit closing I wish to P'ky tribute to 1�111 P'at', I
this wonder ram4e intalo, � I ,,rievro� urge thut Yoll %%ill give my Look, Motheel it tongue Is toatsd.
,back thO V190V Bad Viiisdity of QoW the executive council lifts fully ma In, Mparing this mixture, the h - at home , (,"n,,uoy, it v 1.1a vg round,;, properly tit(, meinben,; of the evecutirt, collaril. -'it rid hiA utfiverg every valued clownao little bowels with "Call-
. tallwd the high standing of your Board, Is mussy and troublesome. nPor 50 cents e( d tilldn'tainoil ;Ntriladowdel, our Industrial Ke(rJ,u,-1), welfare of fornis Syrup of Fli;&'*
Ate" that you so much desire Boarlim of . plippe'l all I to tj��j�t:jll,* to further tile
usuess ill ,relationship with other you can buy at any drug store the ready- Gql rml,N ,1,�eloptnent nnd exten- tar ' to lie keverill fommIlt1q -otainnalty it) which
It drives away Fear, N6rTO Trade and Chamberg of Commeree. by to -use preparation, Improved by the addi- .rk, -1 so faithfully throughout the lt,)ttrd rioll ,I,#, ( i� anxious to
it ad most
y and smakos your -litioni; of A-4sociRt(41 sit'll. It I -' '� ir -114MIng thf, (1110- ill It j. j)14�41rj,l
"a Dmilitiondeve iending to till convt tion of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's 1),�ljal , filpi ,,ilier hilranin days t, 0�,�,",'e n dla(
Zman Isore pLeftral Mo stuattisf-, It Boardm of Trade at Toronto nail Lon- Sage and Sulphur Compound." You i(IlinlIelit upon their several offle(. alld wr%e )6lothers can rest 41114y &ftdr giving
t I Itelief for the I)Ppr"sed Ph)qical
Tonic and Strengthener to the rige . or soft brush wltvalt Indlice vmlllfr� trade "NilforuLs. Symp Of Ftp," because in
IST don Strong delegations who took nol do. Did)111,119�, hilying in IX ,� I
t's ,,NIT, ,i nil I particularly to %It Mezail, "lit) 11, -up waiii
h a
&I — , -
, the Iftilin and small part In discussions of topics pro- , Tv"a tbrough your hair, taking I a few hours all the cloilled
HfttL im Nerves this nd m f:ir n,I poRsilile. In 0 vn- I 4,10 ill. nt;jI ,j, pr. -#.t,,n tl�ua 1) liavf'
V4dy. ' sented and In advanclag several rego- one small strand at a time. By morning (.lit", a . sour bile and ferwalug food Vietly
(U-nk-.ir to rcme-11, P'tellatl9P rate' ir -twin in a (n�nrdervd state A
lutions originated by our Dollrd. all gray hair disappears, and, site'r an (,,,o,Id,.ra1i(ol of^m(ittern olunielpal I Dr. DeVan's French Pills i;: " �tl. ,,, ,14,lk jott ii%(,r, aq %%hen Ill- moves out of the bowels, and you have
I Matt Worry &ad dovil't 91" UP b6- TbIA eovers substantially the efforts other application or two, your hair be- 41, playful child Spin.
, tilcines h1T6 failed to !, D 901-er"MeW. 1,1 InVeRtigatinti t It(' I ,% rollit,le neguiatinr vol for Women. .,ru in� ,r,� d,-r,twrr-d in their action th-1 It wf
#cause others W04 It Back- put forth by your officers and the ex- contes lkantifully darkened, glos y a d Inethod lit vl.t� 'at 4;oviph and oth-V I *S.-, it t,(,%. Sold at fill Drug gtorvs. at ,, I ... 1. �,�i,-fo i4 aff.-rti'd Try Pard Sick,,2ildren needn't be coaxed to
%elp y6g; buy & few boxes 0 ecutive counct] and committees, other JAMrignt. cillvq. and that propo-od for I..nidon. I nifill-I to any a(ltir,F, on receipt of ' .I %.'egt,t,jbI,, I,illq They . r-% 1% P take Itar"U" "frult bazativV-11
Ills's Heart and Nerve Itemedy fro* than ordiftery routine which in taken Gray, fad04 hatir, though no disgrace, prt), I.Ina of it gojf vourre I ,r,);,i,c,v.6Tk* Seebell Drag Co-, St. C491115- I"' " � -��,Ails, art beneficial- Millions of 00there kf*p it balll� 1110-
I t. ,
lit I
. juid
-"or d"lit to-glay and as Improve %re of at each meeting of the exml- is B, sign of old age sad its we all d6 Ifit 111111. , onto"#. -- Ilit, 411a,"tive i)[,(,c asuast %a A* 001111116-
liditq(III will quickLi tivi?, and I leave to $,our judgment sire a youth(ul any attractive appear- In tilit, latter I inay v."Y it I it the neri,,�4 and restore tho �pir- cauw,414*7 k"W Its
110out in your co , _ SPHONOL FOR MEN " "' Will They a I re
'140116*.� : � flip wilidom of approving or condemn- once. get busy at once -with Wyeth's Sap drols of vIAitor,i to our town last PHO -r �ii� a% n., other 011%r - ach, liver sad bowels Is prolb" 44 ",M
I and Slilithur C400112d sad took years reason commentril oil the lack Of I �awtores Vim sna vitfility; for Vo Vo I elleap, �omple and -,ill v, and the ef ,Ask your draggUt t4w a of
- _
100 *we libst �you get Hokbit"G, If Ing our somewtLat exhaustive laborg. This ready-to-als Orelid, facilltlpg for thin enviable recreation. I and grain, Increal6a 90'sy m&tte-'- .. a' fect'i are lasting. odftri" ftm 4t to 10 ;X
, W6 will Let us now turn to what oun w. - Tatl6n TonlewIII build You up. $3 & h . I 6
16tir dw4r doest not keep tit citizens' "' , 16 a 11110tful last rmitailtvand not a while others we lueet express regret I two for $6. at dr'uc storelar biatILF, i I talls, ah,04 - = 41 F -M 44
tU41Y "" it Illy aalL Pr144 666 6 repre4leatistive body of Alictuld LIl st" itte"ed.for ilits sos, th1t thtly cannot come here VIII It N *I% rocalpt of prim Tun 1101i OVEATISE IN IM STAN all at" 414 for 110"414,
It , �&&�A and can do t6r the betteTwut of ctirk! widifAiiiiii. IV ,
,*6x stdt 0.0. Hadaws arA Ind4strial 01141tions in god out- =100ft ft twol" OtAleft". afforded. All of the prominent rcrorta I Co.. mt. C&tb*tt***. ostarte r
AA40*61, (PAL . . . .
or �
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