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The Goderich Star, 1920-02-19, Page 3
• _--.. I ll Is 11 4IR (40OKK AM, MOM i4 , j► �I41 .:110,000 11010014it Y Noi FOR� �. 7 1,0*cre of twimt 0- I , oat - �Rw�14'TO� P`4►b. �!�.. •--�'t'hn #,aR4� , . Y1 vtti�h q tattoo 94 ib varat �,y,�}�.,, ua na a +►r4i" Hst'kt►t .. i i S5 A W"w � it#1 .•. ,. s+tar��ioe r lit►. „a to to ;t1 Mh " � ET Hats No. ?. Pet" toff..• Tf iia Ate ` Aix{Nota 1Vbl�lAct2! � � 9{��\ A �Fw. rye. Dor toil!,•,. !i t0 !e 6t+ t11C +yy► a �� u Mtmw. ulaos. 'per tori, • U go y +'�% l {tel VON may, '. , ` „ Y favi�� • U to 30 � ail - 64 to It toil ' I<arrtt fAX,i. ;0 b. id---itob4>� ' �'iTAan �t attars at ..,,... a 63 a Til 1{ IAMIlln� R0At $404 ;elatttr Yamtra' \ "'�.,.a• • " C0 $*disjr chickens 14 . 040 • 4it " ;Mate on rr)"'y stilt, spring' daoka. ib. . t 40 t 411 ,. r, La Albite left em" Mti 41110! 111 I t a t i 411' S •a H w lb 0_Ai 11140,1 ��. Boiling lb 1. • 0 :� 1 , 9yA! , !C� :ice I'1 N{ flee+°,. Wr il+ ,r.t t) Aa �fictt "m.+h. a tlY9R � tllits ` 1`72. tt. 1N110{Nalp Cr'1t 1�11T1t dl;tdplVjWi 11114K tow �� Sutter. creasa0ry. Lreah- )atoattfG ltt'014# > ` oT stn+ ��•,• • =94e. lb. 4aa+6t'na...... 40 67 to 40 T Jn4etli►Cb' qf' the Cabttiot. : ` i •• do. too, alit oda , 1 tit e 0 pia +-• MSl•Itrf Or gµ0 iic9 ill ., 0 M 0 alto, IiI : R10 o Lttlltttiiva 101, i �1 � � p . 0 23 0 tilt under date Of February It F I' nail -laid. des.' a Tfi t1 the Prost dent, was accepted by r� C r r, t10 1, dos a t4 a latter Friday, and effiRGt�! c V y. +• �� °�.> yY G June, ]b ........ 834 t tl�•c ft b ,. .... 010 i At' OII kt1 nee ty of stall° 'fiX naw. L 170terim h iitlaoY. tlomb, dos........;es Frankos, r j mpn} tial':•' , 26 0 of Pot �: sad MOW LID l III K DLJ ss% bark a bit! D1wtl a little Rj.uroaroex�a �st+t. Det ;0 31 ,.. ° be named�art'�te�Lai#sltt 't► sut� � weemo ra on an apbti Well, instant 'Yost ilea. '�r' • The on r4 co gf,4a1 4 - _ l�ai: oprtt atop' tlrGisd, then ,you lift 90 -Ib. prints h tl Ire4i c betR O 3E ., 11. Found Print$ o 33 . ;. the Preatdent and Mr.'Lasslag i)15'IR CT, GLEANINGS 1 M 1!�a a k Drake 7e4�r >tuh6 lsum �horitsnlny- { made public. at the State Departlnot t. �'; ...� A bO ie 041 000.00 bat a- Ttei a+, lb. ............ $0 8T The lettere. iJecause of 'Lite gravity ! 2inX;drM stoke. ba# iia Gills- 90-1q, Prim . ,........ 0 Elio •e the charge brought against lir. Lttl�- Mr. and hire, Rredertok 1V. Watto. holy. alttlu h, year old - v�r; Fria7A 71afs1ail, gVtrettt:at� ido&tr-aonstitutn-i;ltntnn�xl l l _ ...,z, dopes, t>er.,+Itoea bekw4at► tole b, nail the Iosltttaa0, �1liiost s0e'eaeae or irritation. gest. htndauarcen, cwt.;2s o0 to 3E0 0 of rho, oat ttmaaln8 chsptera in tole daughter, Marjorie, jl., ecol7n�ly goet. choice afdea, owt.. 21 00 24 hist ry t4A� adlf#iIIistraiion 0 the m6nths. �- I2eeaose b the sensational disc Beet. toreauartcrs, cwt.. 1a 00 !' 00. Q of Clinton, was re- Clscinut1 zydu& It is wonder! gest medium. cwt...... 1800 30 M republic Mr. James Strait, �N�r GOOD Sli06S o ff, , w-, - yg_b6 In h* letter, tencjerlog,blik iii appointed a director of the Canadian .,.,.. E,amb, Der lb...,,,...... 028 0 R$ tion Bit: Lansing said that he could Sheep, Breeders' A oclatlon at the an - p T�QdAt'1TI Mutt»n, cwt. ............ ^13 06 1900 no Dermic t0 Dass unchallenged tote nu I meeting in 'Wronto• are spoiled by being t►adly cobbled. You vttAi, X W, 1, cwt..-....:..te ou 27 40 rs, Chas. Cooper, of !olds Park, �yR•, GRet1G74' {4RiLt1ltATiN: Oatecplithe. Hoar: l3ato;5o tbs.. cwt. E4 00 25 00" imputation that. in calling into Intal` aced not b0 afraid to have yours copatlr L' apectallst 1n wOmen'a sad chfldreWS Haw heAVY. cwt........ 19 00 2106 M4.1 conference the heads of the e=e- Out., sister of Mrs. (Rev.) E. G. Powell, hero diseases AC ft. chronic and nervous dta- Poyltry Prices Being Paid to Produt"IN .eutive departmellts, I sought to usurp of Luean, formerly of Clinton, died re- I Them Ie se much ditforonoe to orders, proal deattiefta, eye. ear, nose Live -weight Prices- our PresidenUsl authority:' He ex- $tlKic R6PAIRINQ Wrapped to insure its perfect and throat. Adenoids 6aved without Chickens, spring tb....SO 30 to;..,. y oently from sleeping sickness. the tette. Conauttation tore°. owell and Ducklinlse. ►b• ....... . 0 s0 . plained that he belleved the �abinot The death occurred at Windsor on residence, Nelso11 and St. Andrew's Streets a Ducks old lb.. .. .... 016 �.. conferences were for the beak fIItet- as to aboes Be convince4t: try our • boea of TetlrDec$ince eau, North Street gens, under 4 lbs., lh., 0 25 eats of a administration and of the Friday, Feb, 6th of Erma Jordan, �� ropairin department, /� wo n Attlee he 0 tq 4l e. m, t to a D• m Hene, 4 to 5 lbs lb.... 0 21 daughter of Mrs. John Brown, of Cllr condition int all ctimate� $e# Mondays, TharsdWs and Ssturesys republic. He also declared that his m l ee mechanics. niapr good stock, wank , tsvenfnas by apppintmenL Hens, over 5 lbs., ib.. ° S3 •••• -belie "leas shared by others RhtJla ton, and wife of Air. Jas. E. Young, completed when promised and reason, �jp/'� ttcoater■. lb. ........... 0 1u .... ( f .. from pneumonia. able charges. - kept Geese, lb. .............. 0 1s I consulted. eep c QQ d LKGAL CARDS - Turkeys, Ib. ........... ° 36 Mr. Lansing's declaration that he Miss Annie C. Diamond, second jj 11ea47onW Seated tight- t Guinea hens, pair...... 1 26 •-• consulted with others ---meaning oth. daughter` of Mr. and Mcd. H, Diainood, l S. SMITH �iG�t� ��e pe�e� gum in tug CHARLICS OARRow. Barrister, Solicitor, Dressed- er members of the Cabinet--befote of Hluevake, was married to Mr. H. C. f 60DBRICII w lJ Etc. Corner Norte street and Square, Chickens, lb. ...$0 32 to 1.... Goderich, Ont. Chickens, milk -fed, lb.. 0 36 summoning them into conference Scott, of Kingsville, at the Presbyter, EAST STREET�Y•�! Q Ducklints, lb o s6 gave rise to the thought that all fan manse, Bluevale, on Wednesday, �, pea ■ect pac�9w,0 Hens, under 4 lbs., Ib.. 0 28 .. (-tHAB. SEA6ER •• membere,ot the Cabillet, who Dartid- Feb. 4th. Hens. 4 to 6 tbs....... 0 30 sted in the meetings, might feel it Mr. Wm. O'Brien, 3rd ooncession of p Barrister Soucttor, Notary Public Bens, over 5 The ....... 00 32 ncumbent upon them to tender their Hay township, passed away on Satur- N i T W T O Otli� court ncer Rod% Godertcb. Geese lb' b' , ... ,. 0 45 .... resignations to Mr. Wilson. Efforts to day, Feb. 7th, at the ago of 66 years Turkeys, lb: The flavour teats 'Phone 88. Roosters,. Ib. ........... 0 26 rmine whether or not any of the and 5 months, after having been a suf- After every meat RC. HAYS Guinea hens, pair,..... 1 60 other members of the President's ferer from many- years from rheu- Barriatgr, Soiletior Notary PubUc Etc. CHICAGO (]RAIN Cabineti took this view were unavatb• matism. MCALL UP T • Ofnco Hamilton ;it., eterung Bank Block J B. Bickell & C standard nit ing to -day as all those approached A sad death,occurred in Exeter on 11 0 Goderich building, report• to following prlc OR on -the subject, with the exception Of e Real Estate, Loans, Insurance the Chleago board of trade: Monday Ot la week, when hit. .labii O ► i e M DG i Prat Secretary of Labor Wilson, who has E g A. Sim ,who had been visiting CONVEV'ANCING AND NOTARY Open. 1 Low, Cloy . Close. been 1n attendasi a at all the "out- for a ort tome with his uncle, hit. Phone p dbS Corn- law- sessions, preserved sHence. A11 Frank St died from the effects of GEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Baylehd, Con- May 132% 133% 132y, I33% 132 j{ that Secretary Wilson would say, and influenza. veyageing and Notary Public - July •July ... 129Y. 130 129% 130% 130 Sept- - 127',1 127% 12G% 127% 127 he could talk t "he a third Wilson McSherry, for many years a $2 OT 193 pROUDFGDT, KiLLORAN ac COOI(l ` Oats-- party'; was that "he knew nothing 11 Barristers, softeners, Notaries Pub Ma 79U 80 79% 8o0gy�� 70% whatever of anything pertaining to citizen of Clinton, where he was em- O lie Etc. July ... 72 72k 71% 723.' 71% the entire situation." ployed with Couch & Go. before and lied the square, 2nd door from Perk- o - Hfllnllton street. Godericu- Qwest rotes 11?aY • • • 35. 35.05 34.90 95.00 34.90 Against the View jhat the Pre81- after his service overdq- s, died recent- {I c t ed a sheaf of ly in military hospital®In Toronto as O Have OUT 110t1S@ �1TCd O Private funds to 1041 a July , , , • • • • • • • b34.65 34.63 dent might be tender Ha y .. ...���� • th result of influenza. W. PROUDFOOT, +C. C., J. 1.. KILLOR,\N, tl. J. ft. CnOKE.y aged Lard- WA .• 21.37 21.47 21.26 21.42 21.40 resignationa,• however, was Lae fact that only a few weeks ago the h'it's!+ e Darilel Mdavin, an old and highly re- NOW and enjoy the a - ° • 21.97 22.00 21.82 21.90 21.90 dent appointed Secretary of Agricul•' speeted resident of Hullott, died at the vantages of electric light AUCTiONtiERING Rlbs- May 18.47 18.50 19.35 18.43 18.41 ture Houston, who was likewise in home of his nioce, Mrs. Thos. Dougan, - during the coming fall >'[IHOI�AS GUNDRY! July • • • 19.47 19.00 18.87 18.95 19.00 attendance at the "Outlaw" meetings. Secretary of the Treasury, to succeed 14th concession OF Hallett, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Thos. Dougan, O and winter. 1 Love stoFk and Genorat Auctioneer, Q� E gE Carter H. Glass. This action by Mr. he be- t4th concession of Hullett. I Guaranteed _ Humiltou street, Goderlch. and all efforts Wilson makes it apparent that Mr. Richard Roe. Brussels, answered Satisfaction a Sales made. everywhere to givo-you satisfaction. _ EAST BUFFALO Lt VE STIKIS. lieves Mr, Lansing to 41e the one the final call on Monday, Feb. 2nd' in IO in ever articular. Y p made Farmers' 'sale notes discounted. Vast Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 14. -•-Cattle-- guilty party and the one on whomhis all t11P responsibility recta. ker 89th year. He was born in ru- kenny county, Ireland, on Jan. F,1CCtT1Cal Fixtures and iNSURANCE Receipts, 300• aloes. Calves -Receipts; Soo; steady; $6 to Thrid President in his letter to isnot, '9th, 1832, being the second of eight Eliza Supplies of all kinds On �-^ $24.50, Secretary Lansing expressed sons in the family of John and MUTUAi, FIRE INSURANGt Hogs -Receipts, 4500) slow, heavy. 250 higher, ante that, Qlbinet meetings; had be0a Roe. O hand. McKiLLOP CO. Farm sad Isolated Town Property Insured to Januar ll. lower. Mixed. 16c to 25c Heavy. , $15.50 to 1116; miFad. $16.50 w d0. held during the four months of big illness. $e said he had been told On Thursday evening, Feb. 5th, Mrs. M Repairing a, p g Specialty Value or property Insured up Iain, $3 ojnit.im. 517; Yorkers, 510 to $IT.10; light ant ;1560 to 1114) ate' so and wanted Bir. Lansint to fL- (Rove) StaftoM roeitied a wire saying her father, was serious- O - OFFiiEERS-James eonoltyice ice -President Jas_ Evans. V g8 ri. 114:6+>o�ha, form him whether or not the repot' Ageti�l6'yeara, ly ill, and at 8 P. m- the same evening „� Gode14ch : Beechwood ; T. E. Rays, sea-Treas., Sea- 100th. F. McGregor, Searorth Jamba, 26cahigher lambs--Receipts. 412 to SWT61 yearlings, iii to iEo; weWen, ;16 which had reached him was true. • It was recalled that all durt4u cbe. the PTeslde t'Q s t1aOh. the dreaded telegram , came with the sad news that he had passed away TAIT DiRECTORS-D. 1. G. Grieve, Winthrop : wni, Wrin, Con p. $16; ewes. 116 to $14.50; mixed sheep, period of 1 tntelalid eslr6 COtI• that afternoon. ROBT, 4tance : George McCartney, rthckersnuth John Ferris. Ilarlock : John Bonnewise x14.60 to $L't, CHICAGO LIVE STOOL there was an gress to ascertain whether or not After a couple of days' Illness E1 •n- 0 1lagan ; Malcolm a)cEwan. Brucelletd AgBNTSn ; \V, 1'n .:odertch ; sandy itch S-J.Clinton Wm. Cnesney, Searor'th Chicago, Feb t4,' - Hogs. receit+ts 20 OS►0 inght hogs steady, ethers strong helomas competent to perform till duties of his office. Before the Sea- beth Amaada Snell, wife of Mr. Col'- nellus Hoare, Clinton, (lit -I a, Electrician West St. 000©O>Q Piles can be cured MED$OL $appwitories gqalc)tly Siva relief to those wlo stiffer from Piles or Hemorrhoids. They are prescribed by leadiag Plysicisns all ever the world. Bot containing one dozen, $1.75 U your Druggist cannot sappiy you, write direct to-- ALLEW AUG CO. Port (lope, Ontario. Le E. 11/nchley, Searorth. to ISO higher; bulk, $14.40 to ri6:�5; tov, ate had acted upon the Fail Resole- Wednesday eve0ing of last wee r p Poli c.V !$alders ileo pay their asaessmenV $15.40: heavy ;;14.25 to ;1CIS1 medium, tion, rtsquestfng the President to forty-nine years. Mrs. Hoare ib bur- -'-`- R. H. Cutt's Store. -Goderich, A. J. Mor - rlph's Cl,)thing Store, Clinton, oi. J. H hoax p $1�'`�g fight ;1!.t to ;40 to Rete's. Beyneid. heavy packing sow. smooth. 113.40 to withdraw recognition of l[arlco, talq vlved by her husband and three sons, _ $15.85: packing sown. rough, $12.76 to „Senate Foreign Relations' Committee of whom Austin is at home. _ $13,40: plea. $13.50 t�o��$14•75• sent two of its members. Senator* W. F. Vanstone was elected presk NOTARY PUBLIC. FTC. Cattle. 'recolpts 1,0 Compared Compared `°tin . the White yreek ago: -Beef ate mostly steady to Fall and Hitchcock, Ifo dent of the Wingham Board of Trade (x)M.BAILIE,. strong: obotce heavy 2540 to 500 lower .House to confer with the -President at the annual meeting. W. J, Greer, !Y she stock steady to weak; canners anti and report thick to the eommit,04, honorary president; L. S. Beninger, ist NOTARY PUBLIC bulls. big quarter lower; oslved, 60c to ostensibly his vies on the Mexican vice; J A. Mills, 2ad vice; W. A. Cur - General Conveyancing none 75c lower: feeders. 250 to 600 lower. Good Companice Represented Sheep, receipts 4.000; °tow, oompatvd situation, but in reality what war rie, 3rd vice; C. P. Smith, secretary, Goderich !feral Phone 24 r 14'. with a week ago: medium to beet fat ,wanted was a report on the Prem- hnd A. G. Smith, treasurer. Route No. 3, Auburn lambs, 25c to 50c higher, other's etea.dy: dent's mental and physical condo' choice handy yearlinze, 25c hlgher3 Mrs. Morgan Agnew, whose maiden others and sheep mostly steady Lion.name was Mary M. Osborne, being the The President, a hos -correspondt only daughter of Mrs. A. Osborne, and 1 Four Vacancies In Cotnmotls °nee with Secretary Lansing, not heing born and brought up in Clinton, BMS only admits that he did not knoVK �ropn��OTTAWA, Feb. 116. -The death o! what the Cabinet was dolag, bLLC died on Friday, Feb. 6th. She Is sur- ,0',, • ;�r,�� Mr. David Marshall, M.P. for East charges W. Cabinet w with having rived by her young husband, who Is Elgin, leaves four constituencies In usurped some .of the prerogatives of one of the veterans 'of the war, and a GODERICH which ba -elections have to be &,,led three weeks' old daughter. - _ - _ - - the President. a, ails year. - it was- reported thea-Ofth,_ti-IIoCths 9t. Paul's Anglican c-tturlttl., 1'tling--- The Leading Kamouraska became vacant when most impelling reason, for the action ham• was the scene of a pretty wed- - - FUneral DirehtOr•5 Mr. Ernest Lapointe resigned to con- of the President was the selection of ding at 12 o'clock on Wednesday, Feb. test Sir Wilfrid Laurter's old seat El[hu Root, presumedly after the lth, when Miss Eva Marjorie, daughter and Embalmers Temiskameng is vacant because of ,tate Department had hoes sounded of the late John McMahon, formerly of the death of the late Hon. Frank out, as the distinguished man from Listowel, was united in the bonds of Cochrane. America to aid in the formation of a`- holy wedlock to Mr, Robert Meredith Orders carMuHy attended to St. James (Montreal) has just to constitution for the course of inter- Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H'uo- at n,ll hours -night or dayis member through death, Mr. L. A. national Justice is accordance with ter, of Kincardine. • Lapointe, the plans of the member states of One of Exeter's esteemed residents Two of these contests may occur the League of Nations. passed away quote suddenly on Sun - before the present session of Parlla- Mr. Root's selection, while made day, Feb. 8th, in the person of Mrs. `��`���� ����� trent comes to an end. as Dir. S. W. some time ago, WAS not formally an- ,heroes Cann, aged 57 years, 7 months Fj (�1/ B Jacobs' bill to have by-elections nounced until the recent meetlns Of and 18 days. She was bet•n In UsGO G' - cal ed within six months of the veer the Connell of the League in Wndoil. borne, her maiden name being Mary W�Tt�Tib Q��j ancy occurring passed iast session. The gossip in diplomatic circles to the And Coultis• and was a resident of that ( Open For' Nle 11 j j'� STAR effect that the President was not ask- township until about seven years ago, Marl Reading Is U. S. Ambassador. ed whether he thought the appoint- when the family moved to Exeter. The Stye and Toronto Daily Globs.." ...... ..$5 25 LONDON, Feb. 16. -The Sunday meat of Mr. Root was suitable, chief- St Pauls Anglican church, Wing- A Wonderful Song! A Sensational Hit Y " " Daily Mail °tad Em�ire .,-..... 5 25 Times says 1t understands that the ly because the Council, under the ham, was the scene of a pretty wed- s Uesr it played by the King o! the (�wa►tan Gutter Y " " Montreal Family weld and Earl of Reading will accept the post treaty, is free to ilea° whoever it fling aL t2 o'clock on Wednesday, Feb. W"Wy Star .................. 2 90 of British Ambassador to the United thinks best. United States dipidmate ith when Was Eva Marjorie, daught- Ben Hoken assisted by At Nani Y Y it W"My Sea (Tormte).......... 2 90 Stales, overseas, though, knew long In ad- er of the late John McMahon, former- -His Mseter'a Voice' Record 214071 " '• Toronto Daily Star •.•••• •r••• 4 30 London advices recently have told vance o1 the official announcement of ly of Listowel, was united in the bonds • " Tewele Daily World.........., 5 25 of the growing belief in diplomatic -Mr. Root'a appointment that he bald of holy wedlock to Mr. Robert 'Mere- You'd Be Surprised « " •' Toronto Star and Snsday clrclea that ViscBuat Grey would not been ;Selected for the DBattion, and doth 1{unter, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- -and-T-bat's Worth While Waitint; For World .. •••••"••••••• 3 75 return to Washington as British Am- they naturally communicated the ill- loam Hunter, of Kincardine, the Rev. '• Rural Canada ................. 2 00 bassador, although thgre was no 0>8- formation to the State Department. Billy Murray's two bog song lofts Y « •' Farmer's Advocate .............. 3 00 lA W._ Snell, rector of Sl. Paul's, off- ••Nta yt.ater's voice" Railer.! Uwl7 ilial Intimation of th Whole In some circles the belief « Y The Country Geotleaua......... 3 25 - that Viscount Grey's letter was the elating. �adee Daily Advertiser-...... 5 25 JDatdanella-and-Patches-Fox Trots « " •' Londa, Daily Fres Press....... 5 25 Sir Adam Beck Coining Home- spark that started We 'White House (:oleman's Orchestra bonfire was current, there was never. " Montreal Weekly Witness...... 2 90 LONDON, Ont., Feb. London theless an Indication to place tris. • Weirs tad � �,�# Blggedl Nance lilt in Years « " World Wide Renew,! ........325 Chairman Pocock- of the London A donee in the report that Mr. RooL'. Kidneys Atter Tl1r Ifi. M1$.+ter. Voice" Rernn1 216e71 Preahyterianaad Westminster. 3 30 port Stanley Railway announces that appointment was an actuating motive 11 Gatholtc Register,..... ....... 2 90 Sir Adam Beck is to sail from EDg- far as We' President's action is tat up to Tom+so In �. AL1, fe [NCH Dl7tJ11LE-a1DEn 90 C1 tvTs Saturday Night (Toronto)...... 4 25 land for Canada this week, and that concerned. Plat awful epidemic, the Spanish • " McLean s Magazine ............. 3 25 he will be back in London before the Had Mr. Lana4ng been permitted to influtriss, that swept Canada from one Y Nome Journal (Torona)........ 2 25 and of February. It is understood retire from the Oabinet voluntarily, end to the other a abort time ago, lett in Hear them today at any « " till Woman's Home Companion that Lady Beck, who is much 1m- the effect would have been more dis- its wake a great many bad after e8ecte.fill (New York) ......... ....... 3 25 proved In health, will accompany Sir astrous on the White House than on In some cases it was a weakened heart dealers • « 1. T6 Saturday Eve ing Post.... 3 25 Adam. the State Department. The President, in other° shattered nerves, but in a Brew "His Masqer's Voice" 1, " The Ladies' Halve Journal .•.• 3 50I therefore, forestalled Mr. Lansing's man cases weak kltineys levo been Left nolnding poatnue to Canadian rimb• cribem,) Shifting of the sand ander the contemplated action, and summarily a legacy. « The Canadian Conat►ymaa t wesk 2 50 steamer Princess Anne of the old Do- (Weekly) stenion Line, aground on Rockaway removed him from the Cabinet. Where the kidatye have hem ^�'r Manufactured by " The Youth's Comp..... ....... 3 75 Y an after effect of the "Flu, E3ulincr Gram -o -phone Co., Limited, 1017 Shoal since Friday, "broke the back" Brantford has increased the sial- Kidney Pills will prove to be lust the Montredl Y " Scottish American ............... 4 00 tore to rtten them of the ship yesterday- morning. I arses of its Grenlem a _ �o Y " '• Scipntific Aseruan ............. 6 00 - . _ - remedy h= n- Wile, a Pk�aaat, e1 Y '• " coswepolitae Magaiine ...... 3 00 mMartha Mains, daughter or the late N.S writes:_wlAst winter I was tsk t Y " " McClure a MaQsaine ........... 3 25 Jarnea and Mrs. Maine, of Hullett, died "1111,^ and when I did (Eek His S. K E M P sick"with the tont � sod �► To aubeetltbers in the United Status at the residence of Air. .lobo Gowan, �� Ifound jtiwart°v 60 cents addition to all above, to pay EXPERT WATCHMAKER izr.. !'last tiNavvannsh, Feb. 9th. She bed, sod at ni t I had to sit up to trite ye, ons born on the old homestead lot 30, WO,pad ffi I4tsed Doan! Kidney me a Any combination of the above puh11- con 114, Hullett, in the year tWA, and and found tbat they dhdI e01"s ntay be had with The Star, for spent her entide lite In this nefghbot- wonderful amout)t m IM example: tys<tChef, GWI, btL, ClUjA 1W flood. She Moved to Myth silt years tees* m d theta to 107 t6 Sear sea Day Mail lid F�e•,••SS 2S It r d W�11• ago with hey, tilvin sister, Who depal taxi ba emeniiialled in to orb them.. b �ywe>aW a The raa+'1'j rldd($2.90 sew 31.50) 1.40 "G"' this lits onto! AUgtia� She le�ifrte to fbtamsrmd ley t>�, ice they 36 tin's ii aNlaat'i Mrt +e mourtk list' 1088 43104 UtOtlltr, GeOtOl. Of boobeted with r" 110" l�a�srs............. .....166 as ,lowish er $Mask flit! good Oa wN wft IAM Hullett: Mrs. John Cowan, Of Montana: Ole was" > 146W' Ea. ., Mrs. Roland Cool' and Miss Jane Dwt+'s I'iiL mb a4°- a bo:.11 &84 ft JAR F. T140IMSON Mai11t1; of B1yW • or mp�ltilbira G•. 4l o ltltrlt. Addteee ..�-. - ..i .,.;v.. ` ° t�NATTIM d ,rtA "r�)�, Maty" litdNts'tr1A tint► ipw" A ed11eg0 youth's idea of eotiQeecetY� i�i�eoa�l�y, flat v ;� �Qdel*�oh yp t{)iHf. tJi1L slon is to come home and allow hitt; Be tSlaO oar tirade Ino&. a �Iapir V tCti'A:S Qe>1��aM0 IhlbHsiseta 7'lte ch.n=. "It to be ft'enied a8 etfle of the family. t:rr,'' aplears to do ba.11 T h � ilei• ,,- r .E t ._.. . , .... -.:•, ter ''; �^ .,.Jw„rllir a'� r+•^ �:'.l � .t��*".� .>_,uu.e.r�Atf"`